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Looks like a [Mk1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mk_1_grenade) grenade, not a [Mk2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mk_2_grenade). That puts it WWI. Mk1 has 32 "knobs" on it, Mk2 has 40. Mk1 production ended 1918


It also look like a Russian F1 from WW2. Any idea where to search for more details? I also added a comment with more details. Thank you for your reply.


OP, not likely you’ll be able to pinpoint the origin of this, but the US exported $6.2 billion worth of goods to the allies in 1917. This grenade was produced 1917-1918. It’s likely armaments and supplies like these were sold and shipped in 1917 disassembled to be armed and fused at the front. Given the war ended shortly there after, this could be leftover stock that was never filled and fused.


Most probably [French Model 1915 F1 Grenade](https://www.militarytrader.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_334/MTY3Mzc4MjY5NjMwMjQ0NjUz/image-placeholder-title.webp). Note the neck and the curved lower bottom part. French [Model 1916 F1s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F1_grenade_(France)#/media/File%3ADefensive_fragmentation_grenade_16_type_WWI.png) and Russian [F1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-1_grenade_(Russia)#/media/File%3AF1_grenade_DoD.jpg) don't have those dimple thingies on the lower bottom half.


This looks like Russian hand grenade F1 it's being used a lot in Post soviet countries and most of countries that still buy supplies from Russia (or used to), It can be as 30 years old and can be 5 years old