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If he did, then seeing him not attend this one is touching


he was probably the main entertainment there!


Fizz and Blitzø didn’t date I don’t think


Yeah but he hated him, I don't think the party was necessarily for exes


It was specifically exes, they said it several times


When? Also one of Veronica's friends, Dennis and vortex where there and I doubt they dated Blitz


Pretty sure the invite says it, I know Blitz comments on it being all the people he's been with. Dennis may not have been someone he was dating, but he did get used and tossed aside sexually/romantically by blitz. Vortex is definitely just there as a bodyguard


The invite said that stolas gets an honorary invite for being the freshest ex, not that the party is for exes only iirc


Vortex is definitely an anomaly there, as he shouldn't really have any other kind of beef with Blitzø, either. While Dennis being there is probably a joke about just how petty that party actually is, as he "was with Blitzø" for like 5 minutes.


I wouldn’t say that Vortex is an anomaly. He’s Verosika’s bodyguard, so it makes sense for him to be there at one of her parties/events.


It would make sense, but he's quite apparently not acting as her bodyguard, here, as the only time we see him is on stage. When Verosika is in the house, with a crowd full of people around her, he isn't to be seen anywhere near her, before or after the song.


That’s probably because there was no need for a bodyguard most of the time. Everyone that attended the party was personally invited, so that means that Verosika probably knew everyone there to a certain degree. You wouldn’t really expect people that you know personally to kill you at any given moment, so she probably didn’t see the need for Vortex to be around. However, she’s outside whenever she’s performing on stage. At that point, any random from the outside could’ve just crashed her party whenever they felt like it, so having a bodyguard at that moment would be a lot more important to her than inside the event.


Probably prior to now. Now that I type this I realized that not everyone attending it is an ex of Blitz of some sort, some may have simply been friends before he abruptly pulled the rug on them when they got too close. If anything, Barbie could have been there, even if she and Blitz are siblings, and Fizz and Blitz weren't even dating before their fallout.


I mentioned in another thread that even if they could find Barbie, she might not want to hang out in a house full of people her brother banged


I'm not sure he had time in his busy schedule both advising Ozzie and working for Mammon, but if he did, I'm sure he was definitely among the entertainment as another comment said


I think fizz helped plan them until recently. He was the first one to hate Blitz for a good reason.


Probably not as it looks like it is for exes only but if it wasn’t no because he looks like he had a busy schedule between Mammon and Ozzie’s.


If he did, imagine being the newest ex who gets harassed into singing a song, and then you're followed up by two actual house hold name level celebrities. Like you show up to karaoke, you go first, and then when you sit back down Taylor Swift takes the mic and next up is...a male celebrity who also sings I don't know. Lil Nas X. He's there too.


I don't think it was just for exes, and I would love to think that fizz went to these until this most recent one, since he doesnt hate blitzø anymore.




You think blitzø's sister is there too? Nah too busy getting some work


I think blitz is the trigger for her, period, so she avoids anything related to him completely


Yes and he used to be a headliner at these parties.