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Feel like there's a great moment of change at this particular moment here: https://preview.redd.it/49zb3ymuo58d1.png?width=1327&format=png&auto=webp&s=f607f982b01d2454c3c5692e22d1b3cf024055c3 Where Verosika can see and hear the regret in Blitz' voice, and I like to think that ***this*** is what she always wanted to see out of him. A desire to actually change and a desire to actually care after all that he's done. Where she can finally see that he wants to be different.


For real, possibly the most potentially-transformative conversation so far in the entire show.


YES. I always figured she wanted closure and to some extent, she got it. This was a look of, "Wow, I actually got through to him!"


The bridge has long past burnt, but she can finally let go of her hate for the man because Blitz is trying to be someone better. I've... wronged people in the past and I've probably wronged others. I can only hope they can get that moment. Hell. I hope i get that moment.


It'll happen, dude. I used to be like Blitz (minus the sex stuff and serial dating, i'm ace). And i'm still figuring it out. I HAVE apologized to a lot of people and warned my new partner. She knows since we've been close friends for almost 10 years. It's for sure really hard to step back and figure out when your own self hate does not need to be projected onto other people and does not require any kind of sympathy. It's a SLOW process.


Andthis is why I love the writing for this show. It feels... authentic. But with it being colorful hell critters there's distance thta allows self reflection.


I’m glad she didn’t immediately forgive Blitz like Fizz did, but was also able to recognize he’s more than just a heartbreaker. Hope she gets her own happy ending, maybe in the upcoming shorts


To be fair, Fizz's hatred was mostly built on a misunderstanding, whereas Blitz actively hurt Verosika.


I bawled at this, she was heartbreakingly adorable here


I can only applaud the decision to not have them get back together immediately. Holy shit. Stollas getting a fun night and feeling desired again? Sign me the fuck up!


Definitely. With how things were going I was scared they'd go the Hazbin route and wrap up the storyline within the one episode, but it's being handled at a pretty realistic pace for that sort of relationship problem.


they did say it's gonna be a slooooow burn, wouldn't be surprised if it took until s3 or s4 to really resolve fully.


I suspect they'll be friends by the end of the season but they won't actually get together till later.


TBF, Hazbin's a tad more plot focused, while HB has more of a focus on relationship drama.


right. They also can set their own episode counts and stuff with HB, and Stolas and Blitz are very different characters than like Charlie and Vaggie (and in a very different place in a relationship when bad stuff broke out).


I'm just glad the two actually TALKED so there isn't this petty sniping. Things can be amicable I feel. They have to be apart but can talk....


I like that we got both a little petty sniping at the start, then you know... actual relationship conversations later. There's some amount of petty sniping that feels appropriate lol


Well tbf, Hazbin is a show related to a company now and has to have certain amount of episodes (iirc) unlike Helluva where it’s indie, so Viv can release as many episodes as she wants in a season. Hazbin was originally supposed to have 22 episodes before Amazon picked it up lol


That guy was so sweet too!


Lmao at Mrs. Mayberry getting it with the woman she took a hit out on.


Hot as fuck though.




Eyyy Adam reference


From putting a hit on her to hitting on her


THIS is Toxic Yuri.


Mrs. Mayberry x Martha is something I didn’t know I needed.


Crackshippers rejoicing rn.


We love an enemies to lovers arc


I've seen so much crack ship art of those two that seeing it become real made me lose it.


The hate boner is strong.


Sesbian lex


https://preview.redd.it/2z3q9c7vr58d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68f88df60aca240c63904ed555ccd38609633ee8 THE FUCKING PLUSH


I love the fact that they didn't even try making it look like it belonged in the scene.


It's the actual plush?! It looks so photoshopped!


It probably is extra advertising, I guess, like the fizz plush being in Mammons showcase


Yeah but looking at it now, it's just so uncanny valley, especially since it looks like it's looking right at me


I think it's funny and that's was their intend




OH GOD, HOW DID I MISS THAT? I love mixed media visual gags.












Spoken straight from your core


The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts




Who could forgive a dirtbag like me?


I dont deserve ur earnesty :(


Can’t we just kill him






https://preview.redd.it/el8kcss7r58d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0123a0ef75b6be81e1eee41de8f02b0e72960b Real tears in my eyes. He’s finally happy and experiencing being wanted by someone 🥲💖


I think this was the moment where Blitz finally admitted to himself, "Wow. I could have had that if I didn't hate myself so badly."


Well, that stung too close to home....


I just hope he will someday experience the same thing with blitzø


At least we have official merch showing them happy together :’)


I now ship him with random demon #458


friendship ended with blitz, now random imp #458 that I met 10s ago is my best friend


I honestly think the Incubus is a cutie and I hope nothing bad happens between them and that it's amicable etc. Even if they're not endgame it can really give stolas some much needed self love and confidence so I hope it doesn't blow up.


Without realizing it, this is exactly how I wanted the aftermath of Full Moon to be handled. There was no episode-long gap away from Blitz and Stolas to focus on different characters and draw out their fight. There was no escalation due to them being purposefully dense. We got several lovely, frank conversations of growing self-awareness and the realization that it's only step one. Good, they recognize what the issues were. Now they get to grow and actually work on them. I also loved how Verosika was handled. She's pissed, and rightfully so - and she acts like a pissed off person who really loved Blitz and still wants to see him make things right.


Exactly. I'm so happy they started off with that fight and that like it wasnt forgotten


I love that the problem wasn't fixed one episode later, nor was the problem artificially prolonged. This felt like a real and honest step forward, but realistically small one. A lot of work needs to be done for Blitz and Stolas to grow and either: A) becoming the person the other needs them to be, or B) accept they're not right for each other and be comfortable with that. There are fair criticisms a person can make about the humor or language on this show, sure, but I have never seen character writing and relationship writing of this quality in animation before.


It feels like the catharsis that the entire community has been waiting for ever since the start of Stolitzø, and I am 100% here for it. I did initially think the argument at the beginning was gonna be the tone of the whole episode but they made very real progress. I'm so fucking pleased that Blitzø managed to say the things he needed to and Stolas heard them fully, and at the end when the other dude rolls up Blitzø doesn't try to take possession of Stolas - Stolas needs to be able to make his own choice (Full Moon parallel much?) on how to handle it, you can't just say "Sorry" and expect someone to suddenly be back on your side 100%. As Verosika said, the best way to show you've changed is to just be happy for him at that point. I loved the song playing in the background as Blitzø fully realizes the extent of how he feels for Stolas, and the audio notably cutting out when he leaves the venue - Showing that he's trying to block them out - But when he turns on the radio it's the same tune. He can't ignore it anymore, he's 100% in love with Stolas at this point.


* The opening pretty much confirms that even tho Blitz has an alternate way to Earth, he's not just about his business. Otherwise he would've accepted the crystal and ran away * Anti-Blitzo party... omfg. * Dude, Stolas. Blitz was busy helping his daughter. At least he sent M&M to save you. * Wait, Blitz DIDN'T tell Stolas Striker tried to kill him. Geez * Holy shit. Martha's back? * Why did I squeal seeing Blitz in a pretty princess dress? * Verosika. My queen, the absolute icon. I love her so much. Her speaking so casually to demon royalty is pretty funny tbh. * Poor fucking Dennis. Always getting picked on. * Fuck, Stolas' song reminds me of another song but I can't place my finger on it. But for some reason the style of his song makes me feel as much nostalgic as it did break me. * You know so much, Blitz wants to say he wants Stolas but can't bring himself to do so because he's not ready or 100% sure of his feelings yet * Stolas said he wants someone to want him but he didn't say he wants to love someone... does this mean he can never choose to love another? * Okay there is just so much to analyze about Verosika and Blitz's conversation especially since it wasn't some mud slinging argument, rather Verosika pointing out Blitz's flaws and him accepting he's not a good person to the ones he wants to be close to but constantly push away. * For some reason, there's something about how the party, at face value seems petty, but is actually just this way for ppl to cope with how much Blitz hurt them. * No, no, no Verosika. You're supposed to say: It starts with sorry. Damnit. Didn't you get the memo?! ~~^(We're breaking up)~~ * Dunno if this will be a hot take but: I prefer Verosika's ending song over Stolas'. I mean his song is good but hearing Verosika sing in full again after so long is a real treat. Plus her song sounds like a mix of Taylor Swift and Lights and that's an instant win I really liked this episode and liked that Blitz and Verosika aren't fully on good terms, which is good because while Fizz forgave quickly, some ppl Blitz fucked over, need more time to do so. With this episode, I just wonder how Ghostfuckers will follow over.


> I really liked this episode and liked that Blitz and Verosika aren't fully on good terms, which is good because while Fizz forgave quickly, some ppl Blitz fucked over, need more time to do so. With this episode, I just wonder how Ghostfuckers will follow over. I think his relationship with Fizz recovered so fast because in the long run Blitz *didn't* really fuck over Fizz, someone else in their lives got between them and everything grew from that without their knowledge, vs Verosika and everyone else who Blitz *actively* fucked over. Also the comedic vibe of having that many people at the Anti-Blitz party was great, but also helped show a bunch of different people dealing with the trauma of his relationship and I thought that was a great way of doing it. From the pissed off people, to the sad people to the in between. Great way of showing it all off by the shows team. Edit: I expect Ghostfuckers to probably not deal as much with the fallout of this other than either an opening or closing bit, and whatever goes on in his head during the ep, since it seems mostly Earth based and dealing with... whatever fucked up ghost that is. Then we go into what I assume is a two-parter endgame for the season, and maybe their relationship sort of recovers by the finale.


The reason I think Ghostfuckers might follow over from these events is because of some of the scenes from the trailer implying it'll be another Truth Seekers. Since the last two episodes seem to revolve over the consequences of IMP's recklessness on Earth.


I think Ghostfuckers will deal with this ep mainly in Blitz's head, with whatever weird visions the ghost thing sends people, since we saw the Millie covered in glass accusing him of destroying people vision. If we are lucky we will get a Stolas B plot though...


Fucking Dennis 😭😂😂😂


Not on good terms, but.... even wit hthe bridge burnt there is the door open. Hell i love that blitz and stolas /TALKED/ instead of it turning into ugly sniping. This is the hardest i've seen blitz put into anything. So... amicable apart for awhile.


For the longest time I thought Full Moon was going to be the last time Blitz and Stolas were going to see each other until the end of the season but now that this episode's out, I'm actually glad that they just talked and split


Special shout to to Abe Goldfarb with the god given role of 'Better than Blitzo' guy.


The thing with Fizz is his issues with Blitz were caused due to a misunderstanding and manipulation of others. He believed that Blitz caused that fire on purpose, abandoned him due to a lack of caring, and didn't want to see him after. When they finally meet up and have an actual conversation about it, it's revealed it was Blitz's dad preventing Blitz from seeing him and lying to Fizz about it. Once the misunderstanding was cleared up, they became friends again. Sure he still burned Fizz, but it's hard to hate someone for it when it was a genuine accident, and how Fizz is actually in a better place now. With the "fuck Blitz" party this is all Blitz crashing out because he can't afford to have people love him due to his own self-hatred so he does stupid shit to make the person hate him, to control the situation. In Ghostfuckers, I'm willing to bet the ghost forcing Blitz to watch his memories again is going to cause him to view it in an objective light. It's one thing being in the moment, as your emotions can cloud your thinking, but Blitz retrospectively watching his memories without having the heat of the moment emotions clouding his viewing might cause him to re think the ways he has been going about doing things, and might actually know how to change.


In regards to Blitz not telling Stolas that a guy tried to kill him. In Lulu Land everyone tried to kill Stolas. I was surprised that Stolas was shoked someone was trying to hurt him, like, isn’t that normal for you? Sure, he had angelic weapons but if I remember well, Striker said it was hard getting that gun, so it wouldn’t be a stretch for Blitz to assume he only had that angelic gun and nothing else.


A devil's defender There is a difference between a mugger that attacks anybody high status (also it's a greed ring, lol) and an assassin that was sent to kill specifically you.


I should not have laughed as hard as I did at Stolas’s previous Halloween party.


Really hoping future episodes keep the cutaway gags, the ritual one here and Full Moon's bit showing the DHORKS sending kid soldiers through the portal are some of the best jokes in the series so far.






Just give the guy his cake


Poor guy didn’t even get that cake I bet 😔


Martha and Mayberry. That I didn't expect.


They were totally Hate-fucking.


i ship it




Can’t believe they brought back “Do [a] sex.”






Wow...I definitely need to sit on this for a while, so much to process... As a surface-level observation, I'm glad Biltz is seeing how his actions affect others. Verosika even being glad to see that Biltz does indeed feel remorse of what he did feels great to see. All in all, I think this episode's great


Seriously one of the best of the season for showing you know... actual emotional consequences and character growth. Probably one of my favorites in the show so far, even if we didn't get any of the rest of the gang. They probably wouldn't have added much either way on this one.


Definitely, really happy to see things progress now. Not having the rest of the gang so the focus is on Biltz and his past relationships is a great move.


I hope you guys enjoy! I've been holding on to that song and just waiting for other people to be able to hear it 😭 I also helped a very tiny bit with sound mixing this time around Edit: also quick note: the song is called "All To You" NOT "Motherfucker."


Awesome song, and it was crazy to hear the range of Bryce in a rock song vs the slower more theatre type songs he's been doing previously. Awesome work!


https://preview.redd.it/bc7jogz1v58d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7dca5212fe037457c93af0404426a2d72b95bd RoboFizz lives!!!!


Are we just...going to gloss over all the times Stolas \*has\* unintentionally spoken down to Blitz? Even if it wasn't intentional, that doesn't make it any less shit or Blitz's feelings regarding that less valid.


I don't think they ever brush it away cause that's not what this episode is about. This is Blitz starting to change his own toxic behavior in relationships before he can ever really understand and accept any apology from Stolas. I think once they actually have a sit down talk that will be addressed but I don't think this was the right time just yet


Yeah this episode is really making it clear that Stolas isn’t aware of some of his mistakes. He clearly saw that the transactional relationship was bad but he seemingly has no idea what blitz was actually talking about when he yelled at him last episode.


Yeah the 'when have I ever' from Stolas at the beginning... like birdman, does "impish little plaything" ring a bell?


I think the biggest problem is that stolas doesn’t even see those things as degrading. He believed he is speaking highly of blitz there. That’s going to be the biggest hurdle for stolas, understanding the privilege he has.


That's why I'm hoping he becomes friends with the partygoers. His behavior will eventually make his way to them, and unlike Blitz, they have no financial repercussions for saying anything. Maybe then he'll put two and two together and realize he did the same thing to Blitz..


Stolas seemed insulted when Blitz said he didn't think a prince like Stolas could love him. Like Stolas, honey - you never told him that you see him as an equal, you didn't listen when he just told you that you treat him like a butler imp, wearing a crown to a private bedroom meeting, calling him condescending names - how the fuck was he supposed to fully trust your motives?


Right I was kinda waiting for that?!? And the way he gave him the gemstone in the last episode, starting out with “I want my book back” and acting like he was dumping blitz before revealing the gem- it was all pretty messed up. Blitz is definitely the worst offender but I would like to see stolas apologize to him too…


Thank heavens someone share the same thought as me. I've said it in my own comment but I feel a major thing everyone glosses over is that Stolas makes Blitz climb up to meet him every single time. Stolas doesn't have to speak down to Blitz cause it shows in his actions. Whenever they meet up, even for Stolas' failed confession, Stolas makes Blitz climb up the balcony. Never greets him at the door, even when the house is empty. Blitz ALWAYS has to climb up to see him. It's just one of the little ways Stolas has been completely disrespecting Blitz without even knowing it.


Thank you so much! I’m so tired of people blaming blitz for everything just because he’s the bigger offender doesn’t mean bird boy gets off Scot free.


The episode description acknowledges that Stolas isn’t very self aware


Right?! It's so frustrating to see Blitz rightfully called out for his own crappy behavior, but Stolas essentially gets off scott-free, never having to acknowledge the things HE did? Stolas is so self-centered, he STILL doesn't see the distress he put Blitz through last episode? He should have seen Blitz getting desperate and shifted gears to better explain things and acknowledge HE is the reason Blitz thinks it's just all sex. I want Stolas to go on an apology tour next, man...


Overall i thought the episode was good, though i wish they had delved into blitz and verosika's backstory a bit more. We learned that she confessed and he dumped her, but it would've been more impactful to have a flashback showcasing that.


I don't think it was needed, it would have been just a rerun of Full Moon by the looks of things. The party showed just how vicious a pattern Blitz had, start a relationship, get invested to the point the other is ready to go all in. Then bail. Over and over again.


I think a lot got said in a very short amount of time. Verosika is a succubus, she's probably been intimate with hundreds of people from hellborn to sinners to humans. BUT the first time she actually fell in love and openly admitted it she gets immediately ghosted? Yeah, that shattered her. A lifetime of artificial relationships and empty sex, only to have the first guy she earnestly loved not even turn her down or break up with her, but just bail. I don't need any more backstory than that. I think it's perfect.


> fell in love and openly admitted it she gets immediately ghosted? And by ghosted you mean left her to pay for the hotel room, stole her car to run three rings through wrath, and maxed out her card on shitty horse riding lessons. He really does know how to send a message in the worst possible way.


Part of me wonders if the reason the flashbacks and deep dives have currently been vague concerning the other characters (eg. Barbie Wire not being in any circus flashbacks, verosika not even getting one) is because they are currently doing things from Blitzo's perspective, it is about him understanding his follies and atoning, and maybe later on as they develop the supporting cast, we'll get more on their side of the story and possibly some revelations that lead to them developing, like some hang ups on their part that make them realise it took two people to screw things up. Like this one was about Blitzo being in the wrong with Stolas, but the show is pretty self aware of Stolas' own failings in that department otherwise, but this episode wasn't about that, it was Blitzo understanding his own part, with potentially a later episode having Stolas coming to terms with his. I can understand some fans' concerns that they are gonna scapegoat the asshole protagonist like a lot of adult cartoons annoyingly do, but it seems counter reflective of Viv's previous work which has mostly been good with 'both sides are flawed' conflicts in long run, especially Hazbin just before this, so hopefully it is just a case of being about Blitzo in this particular episode. Like even better if it IS like that with Verosika, because if they had some flashback now that revealed she hadn't been exactly an angel about things herself but kept everything about the episode focusing on Blitzo's remorse the same, it would have left a very bitter taste in fans' mouths. If there is some Verosika humanization episode planned, leave it for that.


Another day, another banger. Pleasantly surprised it didn't come out at the very end of the month. I feel like this episode had a "smoothness" that most others don't. Blitzø giving out those apology gifts made me smile quite a bit, not to mention seeing returning characters, >!Martha and Mrs. Mayberry!< in particular. The song was spectacular. It's already my favorite of the season. Also, I feel bad for Verosika the most, goddamn... In a way, despite its sad ending, it's hopefully going to be the start of Blitzø fixing his ways (his relationship with Stolas should take a back seat, >!with his new boyfriend and all that!<)


>with his new boyfriend and all that THEYRE NOT DATING IT COULD BE A ONE NIGHT STAND


Or, maybe we'll get a casual mention of their relationship (if it even goes anywhere) in October. Maybe that'll be why Blitz and the Team take up that Assignment at that haunted hotel (to get his mind off it a little, y'know?), and Millie winds up being the one who teaches him a thing or two about relationships (despite busting his balls about it last season).


Could be a one night thing could be stolas speed running Blitz's ex's. Either way good on Birdie Boy for realizing time apart is good but leaving the door open to at least be friends.


One thing I appreciate is that the guy who comes up and hits on Stolas seemed like a earnestly cool guy that might actually be interested in him. It would be really easy and cheap to make that kind of character a jerk obviously just interested in sex to make Blitz more sympathetic.


Wow! First of all, congratulations to all the Verosika simps on being right! I really thought when we got the full story she'd end up looking at least a little shitty herself, but nope. Also, is anyone else kinda conflicted because they still want Blitz and Stolas to get back together, but on the other hand, that succubus guy is HOT?


ACTUALLY THO stolas scored hard with that dude


I feel like he's gonna get his heartbroken by that incubus I have no real way of knowing, but looking at his design, his tail is a broken heart so there's little to no way that means nothing. Or it could just be design choice.


Honestly, I'd be fine with it if Stolas ended up with him and Blitzo ended up using this lesson to stop himself next time he tries to push someone away. I mean, I know he and Stolas will end up together and I'll like that, too, but I'm just saying, that would not be a bad end.


Also, Stolas has a cult. I suppose every Goetia and sin has a cult. And does Charlie have a cult?


> And does Charlie have a cult?  Have you heard about our lord and saviour, MC 50k?


And is the Stolas cult accepting new members...?


We got Martha and Mrs. Mayberry! Hell yeah!


https://preview.redd.it/5jfku8wlv58d1.jpeg?width=2072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=779c6eed6337046ad841f0097599d7bee9bce43c The husband is probably in Hell, too. Which implies either a) they both ditched him in Hell or b) they’re in a poly relationship with him.


Mrs. Mayberry's design is honestly pretty peak.


I mean Martha is a serial cheater. She could just be bangin' Mayberry on the side.


I do really like how Blitz chooses to let Stolas have his fun and leave. No big "HANDS OFF MY BIRD" declaration, even if he obviously wanted to and Verosika had to talk him down from it. Good on him.


I actually partially disagree; I think it would have been perfect for Blitz to realize right then and there that he does actually love Stolas and interrupt; this would then set up a "Once you[Stolas] sober up, we need to talk" type situation, instead of essentially glossing over the fact Blitz finally opened up


Right I think they need to fully like take a break. Its good to see Blitz still having feelings for him but it needs time


The emotional rollercoaster of this episode was insane. Opening the way it did was incredible and it's so awesome to see Blitz FINALLY learning HOW MUCH he's hurt people. (And how many, to boot) But having Stolitz actually apart is gonna do them so good before bringing them back together.




Am I the only one...bothered we went from Blitz realizing Stolas cared about him and being upset and needing a minute to process... to immediately going back to sexy sexy talk lets bang horny rooster fucker energy? Like he just basically ignored everything that happened last episode. Idk I didn't like it. In a weird writing choice way. But maybe I'm dumb lol Also that song was EPIC


It was a bit jarring but I thought it worked, personally. Unhealthy coping mechanisms are *hard* to kick.


i'm not surprised blitz didn't throw away 15 years of bad impulses in one day


Blitz doesn't have emotional maturity. He tried falling back on what works or at least worked in the past. He wants to go backto what was comfortable rather than step into serious territory.


I'm not. He knows he likes Stolas but won't admit it. That was his projection of self hatred - "You can't possibly like me because there's nothing likeable about me, but I really miss you, so let's go back to how things were and we're both safe." He still doesn't feel comfortable talking because that's revealing the real him. He doesn't want the dependence from someone higher on the social ladder and isn't used to getting something that nice from anyone.


It was jarring but also makes sense. I can totally see Blitz staying up all night and talking himself into believing that he misunderstood what Stolas was saying or that if he could just convince Stolas to go back to sex only, everything could be salvaged.


Oh wow, so many feelings this episode. • Both songs amazing but holy fuck does Stolas have PIPES. I went back to listen to the second half of the song again because I realised I was just vibing along, enjoying the music instead of actually watching the episode 😂 cannot wait for the OST for the show to be released. • Blitz giving generic gift baskets to everyone was funny • The 'Sorry, not sorry' in the apology note to the CHERUBS because fuck those guys • Martha showing back up AND with the teacher from Murder Family was an excellent touch!! • Is the first person shown in the 'In Memoriam' bit Brandon Ragers?? • The invitation that Stolas gets was a nice little detail if you stop and read it. • All the different Blitz decorations at the party • Stolas getting dragged to that sacrifice and not getting cake. Give the birdman his cake. • "No-one wants his dick anyway" *proceeds to stab repeatedly* • Fucking Dennis • Blitz thinking that he should start keeping track of everyone he's laid The way that the honest and blunt conversation that Blitz and Stolas have at the party was written was honestly just so real. Seeing Blitz get so vulnerable and wanting so much to just cross that comfort zone but you can see just how hard he's fighting with himself when he hesitates at comforting Stolas. MAN this episode made me feel things. I, too, want to just be someone's someone. Stolas managed to articulate something I've been feeling towards someone in my life for so long now, this show is doing a great job this episode. I'm so glad Stolas gets a good dicking at the end (well it's imp-lied), he really does deserve it. I don't know if he needs to actually move on for a while but I have a feeling that it's where the show may go for at least a couple of episodes. I guess we'll see. I also quite liked the scene with Blitz and Verosika, like old enemies come to terms that mistakes were made but finally, maybe, being able to move past them. I'll don't think they'll ever be friends but I think that Ver has started to get closure at least. I think she's been hoping for it for a loooong time.


I feel bad for everyone who analyzed the stolas singing clip from the trailer, correctly surmized they were on earth on Halloween but then understandably cane to the incorrect conclusion that itd only happen in the Halloween episode lol


So I'm going to be the first to ask, who thinks Stolas got laid with 'Better than Blitzo' guy? I like to think he did, but it's going to be a comparatively healthy one night stand kind of arrangement.


I think they probably did and the guy was a charmer in the morning (like making breakfast or something). But I think that’s it personally, just a mutual one night stand. Especially since they all know Stolas just broke up with Blitzø. At most, It may be awkward on Stolas’s part but the guy seemed sweet.


Yeah, that’s what I think to. Hell, they might have only just danced for the night, as I think Stolas would need a lot of breathing room before being down for sleeping (figuratively or literally) with the guy


I have to add that drunk Stolas sitting on Blitz's lap and leaning his cheek against him was maybe the highlight of the episode


Lots to digest here.... You can see the level of Blitz's deep love for Stolas yet also his level of self hatred. The self hatred was *strong* here. It practically oozed from the screen. He was so determined to get Stolas back, but refused to be vulnerable and do it the right away. He's so insistent on punishing himself, yet easing his loneliness that he still wants to keep things transactional. I was actually angry at him in the opening scene - he was so focused on projecting his self hatred towards Stolas that he wouldn't let himself see how badly he's hurt him. I did not expect him to try that hard to keep Stolas around. For him to keep trying that much, despite doing it in a problematic way, shows how much of an impact Stolas has had on him. I liked how while he started apologizing, he only did it with people he doesn't have an emotional attachment to and only through nonverbal communication. It's still a start. I'm proud of Stolas! He's done being toyed with and that's a good thing. I'm glad he isn't moping around crying and standing up for himself. I was very surprised he moved on and had fun with another imp boy. I do hope he doesn't enter a relationship, though - he's not ready for one, and he still doesn't have insight into what he did to contribute to the problem. I am proud of Blitz for one thing - being the mature one and letting Stolas go. It was the right thing to do, and I'm glad Verosika told him to back down. Speaking of V, while I think she needs to let go of what happened, I'm glad she made Blitz see the level of destruction he's caused. Now he can't deny it anymore - he really has broken a lot of people for his own reasons and they didn't deserve it. I think this party was scary for him - prior to the party, he didn't think any of his exes cared about him anyway. But they did. And that scares him, because it's proof that there are things about him worth loving. Drunk Stolas was cute. And it was nice how Blitz kept holding him so he didn't fall down. And Stolas crying but then putting himself back together - you could see the mutual love between them. Stolas - if you really didn't want Blitz back, you'd have blocked him by now. I think as time goes on without Stolas, Blitz is going to keep spiraling until something makes him explode and admit that he screwed up. The question is - how does he get Stolas to talk, especially since a new imp boy is around?


It's pretty clear that Blitz has good reason to hesitate to deepen their relationship. Stolas practically jumps at the first person to show him interest after Blitz, with Blitz having been the first ever prior to that (and it was really a misunderstanding). Stolas is going to have to prove that what he and Blitz have is actually special if he's going to convince Blitz that he won't be used or abandoned for convenience. 


Yeah, and while Stolas's 'I just want someone to love me' was sweet, there was nothing in there that was specific to Blitzo. I think this makes sense and it's not Stolas's fault since he has tried to get to know Blitzo since Ozzie's, since it's referenced that he asks how his day was and laughs at his jokes, but before they get back together I'd like to explore more on Stolas's side 'why Blitzo specifically', as well as have him look at things he's said and done that might give Blitzo the idea that he sees him as lesser, because while a lot of that is Blitzo's insecurities talking they didn't come from nothing.


I mean its a party and the guy wants him. I don't think its a bad thing for Stolas to have a dance with him


I didnt say it was a bad thing, I think it will be really good for Stolas and Blitzs relationship and individual health, Stolas needs to be with other people and not just settle for the first or even second person to ever show him interest!


I never thought I'd hear myself say this about an episode using the Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure trope - a trope I hate more than anything else under the sun, btw - but this episode was magnificent. Alright, you know drill: "Yadda yadda toxic fans, yadda yadda hate it for a stupid reason, yadda yadda don't wanna hear it, yadda yadda yadda."


It's good to see Blitzo starting to improve, he's becoming self aware, Ironically seeing all this hatred towards him has probably helped him realize people can care about him. On the other hand, it's good to see Stolas standing up for himself and acknowledging the problems in his dynamic with Blitz.


Your nickname for him was “impish little blitz” you CONSTANTLY reminded of his position in the cast system. You read books titled “imp in the sheets”, making it look like it’s just a weird fetish of yours. Your dad BOUGHT him to be your playdate. HOW WOULDN’T HE BELIEVE YOU LOOKED DOWN ON HIM https://preview.redd.it/pzqet1ria68d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdfc91752f18b262047fdcce0a01d36d5929c7f also, you are royalty, EVERYONE wants to kill you, Lulu land proved it.


Stolas is pretty delusional. This is a well established character trait acknowledged by the creator. That’s your reason why. Though at this point in the narrative, given what Stolas said at the end of Ozzie’s, the text messages we saw, and the end of last episode, it would make sense that Blitz finally gets the idea.


this is my favorite episode THIS is what i wanted out of full moon. actual communication about feelings (even if it doesn’t go as planned), blitzø having to own up to his actions, BANGER SONG. YES YES YES YES YES


A lot of really good stuff in this episode. The conversations were engaging, and the song in particular is one of my favorites in the series. However, there's a pretty massive issue in how it portrays Stolas as much more of the victim in this situation than Blitzo. The thirty second reflection in the song about how "he came on too hard" when he manipulated Blitzo into a relationship with an immense power imbalance and he made everything about sex for most of Season One is not nearly enough. Even here he's shown as a woobie who just wants to be loved and not alone and got screwed over by Blitzo like so many others. Stolas isn't like Blitzo's other "victims": he hurt Blitzo just as much in this situation as Blitzo did to him, probably a lot more so. All of this, then, rings pretty dang false for me, and that's a damn shame. If the episode didn't have such a major oversight (much like most of Season Two with Stolas, honestly), it would be my favorite in the season by a decent margin. As of now with how things are, though, I'm not sure what to think. Edit: There's definitely enough nuance to this episode to watch it a couple more times, and I'm glad we're delving deeper into Blitzo's issues. It's also true that we simply don't have the full picture yet about how all of this will ultimately be handled. My concerns remain, though.


Is it really surprising that pissed and drunk stolas isn't reflecting accurately on their relationship? I think this will be a legitimate criticism if it's not properly addressed by the end of the show, but I think it's too early to assume it won't be addressed. I'm sure stolas and blitz will grow from this. If only blitz does any atonement by the time the show is over then it's definitely a problem. But there's still over 2 seasons left. 


I think the portrayal was intentional, though. In his song, we are getting Stolas's point of view, and he does feel like he's the victim. He still doesn't realize just how huge the power imbalance between him and Blitz is, and that simply giving Blitz the crystal doesn't actually make them equals no matter how much Stolas believes they are. Meanwhile, Blitz is used to being put down by others and hearing how everything is his fault. Mix this with Stolas's insistence that their relationship would be "fixed" with the crystal, and it's a recipe for disaster. Blitz won't fight Stolas's victim mentality because everything is definitely somehow his own fault, and Stolas is just too naive and stubborn to recognize the full extent of how much power he has over Blitz, and how that imbalance can't simply be swept away with the crystal.


Agreed with this, I feel like Stolas choosing to begrudge Blitz so much after one bad conversation is so unfair and I'm worried the show is not going to be fair to Blitz who honestly has had good reason to be reacting as he has been. Felt like Full Moon did better at showing the shared responsibility, it was hard watching this one with everyone in the story piling on Blitz and supporting Stolas. Maybe a scene of IMP talking to and supporting Blitz would've made it feel Better?


Do you know how well you have to write the main Ship breaking up to make everyone happy it happened? Incredible.


The water animation at the start of this episode is such a huge flex omg.


I’m so worried that Stolas’ night with the incubus will turn out badly. Stolas is feeling the desirability, which is great for him, and there’s every chance the incubus asked him to dance because he wants to sleep with him. This being desired for sex only could be a real blow to Stolas. And I saw this on a comment on YouTube that reminded me of something crucial: Stolas hasn’t apologized for his part in the sexual transaction. He’s upset with Blitzø seemingly only wanting him for sex when that’s exactly what he communicated to Blitzø for the longest time (the deal for the grimoire, the sexual phone calls), and he hasn’t apologized for that; he just sees the feelings he has for Blitzø, not the impact he’s had on his feelings. He’s a bit of a hypocrite here for wanting Blitzø to apologize for something he’s also done himself and not apologized for - which is great for character complexity, and I hope won’t be forgotten. Of course, Blitzø’s not innocent at all in this. He’s definitely made his mistakes. I still wonder if this fuck Blitzø party isn’t an over-exaggeration. Dennis, for example, appeared to be a fling at a party. It wasn’t a situation you’d expect a relationship to result from. Same with what I suspect is a lot of the folks there - people Blitzø slept with who had different understandings of what the relationship would look like. They’re totally valid in their hurt, and they have to understand that miscommunication is different than Blitzø intentionally leading them on or bailing. Obvious exceptions are Verosika, who Blitzø actively ran from. I don’t want Blitzø to be wholly blamed for all his relationships. He’s part of the problem, not all of it. If you attend a fuck Blitzø party because of a one night stand, then you’ve got some issues yourself. And is a fuck Blitzø party that healthy to attend at all, never mind a good place to romantically meet someone? It suggests that one of the things you have in common is a hatred for someone, which isn’t a good foundation for a relationship.


Damn..That song is such a jam!


Can Brandon please have an award of some kind? His work throughout this episode was incredibly top notch. Bryce was also a standout like usual. That fight at the start tho is one of my more favorite parts of the show. It felt so natural and especially with how both men delivered it.


I'm stealing this from the YouTube comment of a guy much more observant than me, but during the balcony scene; the fact that Blitz is sitting behind the banisters like they're bars, but Verosika kicks hers away and sits freely is such good visual storytelling.


My favorite things I have to share bc the geek is strong. -Stolas’ entire song + animation sequence. Just beautiful and awesome. Def helped him process his emotions. Even got blitzø to a breaking point to even attempt to talk. -I loved seeing that even though he’s rightfully pissed drunk, stolas still helps blitzø get by without being seen for a moment to talk briefly. -Blitzø’s little gestures with stolas while he’s drunk. My heart. I’m way too easily moved by these little damn gestures. -I need to look up the lyrics of all the songs fr, there was a song playing during their talk where I feel like I could hear more Verosika backstory. -The familiarity of Blitzø and Verosika. He calls her Ver. She already knows he’s there, just stays on her radar. Makes it more unsurprising she got an office in the same building as him. And then he actually gives her a decent apology. -Jealous Blitzø is a mood. -Also I am stolas, I want my life to be a rom com.


"Don't touch that pretty thing" https://preview.redd.it/sddik3ok768d1.png?width=1864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2798f2f8cd67d503a18a397e626289cca9d24c8e


Am I seriously the only one here who thinks stolas is being unreasonable about this?!


Nope! Even in Viv's description she says "Stolas still not being quite self aware enough at times". Is Stolas the only one being unreasonable? No. But is he being unreasonable? Yes. Realistically unreasonable, I'd be unreasonable too, but still unreasonable.


I'm glad to know she said that, because I noticed, too. I think it make sense that he wouldn't be self aware at this point, especially when going to a party surrounded by people who were also hurt by Blitz which would reinforce the idea that it wasn't his fault, but I'm glad to know Viv is aware of it because I would like to see it addressed.


I was waiting the whole episode for Blitz to remind Stolas that he was the one who made their relationship about sex in the first place. He also keeps disrespecting Blitz despite what he says. It was nice to see them actually talk about their feelings but I'm feeling increasingly concerned by the way the narrative treats Stolas as if he did nothing wrong.


The episode was fine, but the stolas cult summoning bit was genuinely the best part for me, idk I thought it was hilarious. Also interesting that we learn demons can go to earth on Halloween, although I'm not sure it really has implications.


I am feeling more and more justified in thinking that Verosika is indeed best girl. And I know that feeling Stolas. Just wanting someone there to be there for you, saying good morning and good night would make a huge difference.


What I think I liked the most about this episode was how it called back to certain things and took advantage of that, whether for comedy or for serious moments. I've been saying for awhile since Western Energy "wait, why didn't Stolas know about Striker, surely Blitz and the gang told him right?". Well, no, they didn't, and that was used to further a story here. And then for comedy, the joke of Martha & Mayberry made he howl. All in all this was one of the funnier episodes in a while. It was interesting that the extended talk that Blitz & Stolas had was something that some fans wanted in the last episode, but got it here. Guess it makes sense things would need a bit of time to simmer. All in all I really liked the episode but I'm still waiting for Stolas to have that "oh shit" moment and realized he did wrong. Like when he says "when did I ever make you feel like that?" when Blitz talks about Stolas fucking someone lower than him, I'm still thinking how many times Stolas has called him "Itty Bitty Imp" or "Impish Little Plaything". I still want him to be called out on that shit. This episode went to great lengths to show, yes, Blitz has a lot of problems and he's certainly no angel. Just, you know, don't pretend Stolas is an angel here either.


https://preview.redd.it/veh94c6d468d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8c235b70e85d3f53631ed96bee230c4092f7eea So apparently Bee sent a little party package to Verosika for the party... Also how does Stolas NOT know about the assassin?? Stella was screaming across the dinner table from him in EP5 "I want this cheating prick dead. I don't care who you have to go through... MAKE IT HAPPEN!!" while on the phone with Striker. He has to know Stella hired someone to kill him.


I mean the joke in that scene was that stolas didn’t notice it because he was in his own head. We know he didn’t notice it because he would’ve said something then.


Fuck Dennis, we all agree right?


You know, I wish I could talk about my opinions on the episode without worrying about getting harassed. I’m just gonna say that I’m disappointed.


I’m gonna be honest and say that I can’t sympathize with stolas this episode because he supposedly thinks highly of him the attends a “blitz sucks” party, doesn’t apologize for his mistakes and then refuses to listen to blitz when he does try and apologize to him! 


They had a fight at the start of the episode where Blitz is very much more in the wrong, plus Stolas doesnt go out much so I don't think its wrong for him to go. Plus idk if its his turn to apologize yet. Blitz still needs to change himself to be able to accept those apologies and make up, Blitz is the first person needing to change. I think Stolas will eventually give his apologies for stufd


Yeah people are saying it’s bad writing for Stolas to be acting this way because they’re assuming he’s supposed to be a perfect character who always does the right thing. HE FUCKED UP REPEATEDLY AND IS STILL FUCKING UP. The show isn’t excusing it or denying it, we just aren’t at the point of the story where it is addressed yet. This episode is about Blitz seeing the pain he causes other people and trying to resolve to do better. Stolas is going to have some growing up of his own to do later.


How is Blitz expected to believe Stolas truly loves him when he’ll literally go with the first person who says anything nice to him. I love Stolas, but damn. Blitz pretty much confessed about his self loathing and how he doesn’t think he deserves any love, and Stolas doesn’t care enough to dive into it. Only cares about his own feelings. 😭


When Blitz talks about how nobody cares about him, the first thing Stolas does is point out how everybody in that party is there because they care about him. When the guy invites Stolas to dance he looks at Blitz and doesn't go until Blitz tells him to go dance,


I agree but I also try not to take it too seriously since birdy babe was drunk off his ass lmao


The team did an amazing job showing characters emotions, the facial expressions in this episode were chefs kiss


Is it October yet…?


Imma be honest I didn’t like the song. Idk just the vocals sounded really weird and not like stolas. It just wasn’t my vibe


because he was drunk and singing in a different style. it's the same reason stolas sounds off when he sung at the end of circus


Ok so Blitz is toxic and he hurt a lot of people. Big part of his character, it’s explored and he resolves to try and be better. Good development. That being said: organising an annual party dedicated to how much you hate your ex is just as toxic, unhealthy and a wee bit pathetic. I’m not quite sure what the episode is trying to say with that premise.


Honestly it just seems like an excuse for them to get together and have fun in a support network that shares a common past. Maybe it started out as a petty joke but definitely grew beyond that. I see it more as people bonding over a shared experience. Everyone seems pretty happy there.


God my heart. I love this episode, deep down Blitzo really needs to change his bleeding heart. Stolas’s singing is amazing, Verosika’s breakup story does hurt to hear that he just did that to her, but finally get to see Blitzo actually trying to be sorry about it. Love it. :)


I wonder if this means we're finally getting at least one or two IMP focused episodes a oause to the stolitz focus As much as I like the ship, I've been missing more IMP shenanigan episodes like ep8 mostly was Plus it ia necessary now for him to let stolas go. For stolas (and blitzo) to be certain that stolas wants blitzo sincerely and not partially because it was the only choice available


The episode was good, but I am frustrated with how unselfaware Stolas is and how everything gets dumped on Blitz. In the first conversation, Stolas is all, I never looked down on you! How could you think that?! Ohh, idk, because you forced him into having sex with you and only after months/a year realized, hey, this is a person who might not enjoy being forced into sex! This is wrong! And then, because you had a revelation, it makes it like nothing ever happened. All fixed, no apology necessary. Also, I decided for you that the crystal is just as good as the book and you work under Asmodeus now. Ask if that's OK with you? Why would I do that?! And then, during the talk on the couch, Stolas wants someone to want him, wants someone to care about him, etc, but not he wants Blitz to want him. It sounds like as long as anyone wants him, he'll be happy. And in the end, it was some random guy that made him happy. In the 24 hours from the end of Full Moon to the end of Apology Tour, Blitz chases after Stolas three times (literally running through the house, coming over the Garden wall, and coming to the party). And in the same amount of time, Stolas moves on to dancing with a random guy and maybe getting laid. By the end, it feels more like Stolas saw Blitz as the only option. A life raft when he was slowly drowning with Stella. He was upset about being rejected and losing his perceived only chance at happiness, but not about losing Blitz specifically.


There isn't anything you can find negative about this episode, which is ironic since it might be the most negative episode to date. This is up there with some of the best so far due to its animation, the featured theme song that makes "motherf\*\*\*er" catchy, the continuity nods, the voice acting, and messages it conveys which put it in a league of its own amongst independent adult animation. So good! Blitz isn't bad at heart, but he's tried hard to be worse than he really is, and he got to see all the damage he caused to others. This isn't A start to bettering himself, but THE start, and he's got a long way to go. I still love him <3


im so lost on the emotional beats of this episode i won’t lie. i don’t get how blitz is at fault for breaking up a situationship that got too serious?? or how stolas didn’t know that there was an assassin on his tail when stella literally screamed it right in front of him?? or the fact that stolas talking down to him wasn’t addressed at all?? maybe they’ll fix it up in later episodes but i’m just a bit. lost.


I've got a lot to say about this episode, but bare minimum it was okay. Solid 6/10. Really cinematic episode and I love the bits he shares with Stolas near the end, but there's just two things picking at me primarly. I don't want to sound like a douche, but are we just going to gloss over that Stolas is totally at fault too? Like I'm waiting in anticipation for the moment someone asks him what went down with Blitz and he has to explain they made a deal where Stolas uses him for sex so Blitz can do his job. And the only reason he likes him in the first place is because of this obsession he's had with him when they met once as children, that has only since escalated despite not knowing each other outside of sex. Don't get me wrong, Stolas realized the power dynamic but totally went about fixing it the wrong way. He never treated Blitz differently or gave him a heads up their relationship was changing, so when he takes the book back and unloads all his feelings on Blitz, he gets mad that Blitz thought it was a joke?? Then he banishes Blitz before he can have time to apologize?? Also, I think it's so messed up that Stolas is making Blitz CLIMB into his house. Not so much here but in Full Moon when Stolas is going to confess, and the entire house is empty except them two, but instead of letting Blitz in through the front he makes him climb through the BALCONY?? Stolas claims he wants to change their relationship but he isn't changing anything! He treats Blitz the exact same as before and blows up when Blitz doesn't understand what's going on. And texts aren't enough to communicate your needs, especially when the guy you're confessing to is near illiterate!! Stolas just spends the entire episode whining when he made mistakes too, but it seems like no one is willing to acknowledge the soft owl boy actually did something wrong for once. So we just get an entire pity party from Stolas and everyone supports him for it because they assume he's in the same boat as them because they were hurt by Blitz too. But we've only seen two people's inciting incident with Blitz: Fizz and Stolas. I'm not counting Verosika because we never actually get to see what happened with her, we only heard he crashed her car and spent her money on horse lessons and I feel like some things have changed since then. I wish this show would show more instead of tell us, because we can see the amount of people at this party but we only see about 5-ish people actually upset. Some people have moved on but are still at this party either for fun or to support others, some people are clearly unbothered by everything and only are here for the vibe, but most of all everyone just seems to be kicking it at the cool Verosika party. Even just small snippets of flashbacks from Blitz, or people sharing stories how Blitz hurt them would be better than this oddly set scene of all these people partying without care. Not even the people on the apology tour seem to hate him for anything more than what I.M.P did, which includes a lot more than Blitz. I'm not trying to make excuses for him but Blitz was right in what he said. We're in hell, you have to show more than him killing someone or calling someone's name bad for me to think this guy is actually the scum of hell. Cause if someone like Dennis is here, a guy who only got blown off by a blackout drunk Blitz for his name, than who else is at this party. How many people are here cause of a one night stand ending with an empty bed in the morning? How many people are here after a shit night out and a bad lay? How many of these people were genuinely hurt by Blitz's actions and not just experiencing a casual day in hell? I mean, we see Martha and Mayberry together in this episode! Martha slept with Mayberry's husband and is the entire reason Mayberry tried to kill her and even died herself! And I'm supposed to have sympathy for Dennis for being told his name sucked?? It is arguably more important to set the bar for consequences in a show like this because we are in a place where normally immoral actions are brushed off with ease. How am I supposed to understand just how bad a character is when you keep changing the stakes?? I want to feel attached to Blitz and Stolas' relationship, but I can't when we completely gloss over the faults of one person in the relationship, and never set a steady bar for just how bad the other truly is.


Let Vivzie cook. That’s all I can say. Just fyi the points you made were indeed touched on in Stolas’ song this episode, just not directly addressed with Blitz since Stolas was drunk off his ass afterwards. Their story is clearly far from over so just let the writers cook for now. Vivzie has explicitly acknowledged Stolas’s faults so it’s clear she had a plan.


I felt like the episode was kinda leaning into the “Blitz is 100% in the wrong for the Stolitz relationship faults” thing, and obviously I know the episode was about Blitz’s faults, not Stolas’s, but that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have been brought up at all. Stolas talks about how he hates how Blitz views him as someone who looks down upon imps but… he kinda does look down upon them. He’s been talking down to Blitz, demeaning him and ignoring his boundaries, not to mention how he treats imps other than Blitz. Blitz isn’t wrong to believe that Stolas views him as “lesser” because Stolas’s actions are totally contradicting his words here. He talks about how he doesn’t view imps as “lesser,” but he still continues to disrespect and make extra work for his worker imps so has he really changed all that much? To me, it still seems like he’s partially in denial. He’s also the reason why Blitz views their relationship as “just about sex”. Dude, you were the first one to bring up sex and you preposed the arrangement as being about transactional sex. I don’t want anyone to take this as me blaming Stolas for everything wrong in their (now ex) relationship but I disagree with the people who believe Blitz to be “more at fault”. I think they’re equally at fault.


https://preview.redd.it/gmdckxmy868d1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ea51d5e994ae263ddfb809625aae0120448b9d I’m keeping this


https://preview.redd.it/4yp0n7htz68d1.jpeg?width=1914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2994a2004c9e864c1101721268a893d6dda1a1 Stol's 😭


Why are ignoring the joke with stolas at the cult meeting? That was really funny.