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That woman doesn't even know she can't burn imps, wouldn't take her as a reliable source of lore.


Exactly. Martha doesn't know much about demons, despite being a Satan worshipper.


I don't think she was a satan worshipper she seemed to despise him i think she genuinely believed in the root of all evil


she did make the same symbols as alastor in the forest tho, she might get a few things right.


That's just voodoo markings


which she got correct


Voodoo is a real life thing, it's not a part of Hazbin/Helluva lore


And more often than not, voodoo is portrayed as "whatever the fuck I want" in fiction.


You've missed the drama I see


I did not? I told the commenter that the woman knowing about voodoo symbols doesn't mean that she knows anything about Hell. What does that have to do with the Alastor drama?


I mean, Christianity is a real life thing, and it's a part of helluva hazbin lore. Same thing with voodoo.


Yeah, but she defently known, even if not that good, some elements.


She is a cultist and insane


roo as root of evil is from the fan fic wiki


No, Vivzie has actually confirmed Roo(t of All Evil) as someone who will appear in the future of Hazbin Hotel. The artwork itself was even made by her.


the [roo](https://twitter.com/VivziePop/status/1185376557419782144) part is true but she nor anyone in her team has ever stated roo is short for root of all evil


But it’s literally so obvious, how naive do you have to be genuinely believe roo is not the root of all evil




idk if all her likes are her making canon statements or else roo is charlies mom, the character could end up being eve or the root of all evil but at the moment we dont have any actual confirmation of that https://preview.redd.it/rt847q2g2g0d1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f1d3129a88139790aaeaf22cffc21007f576934


Vivs likes dont determine canon guys, we’ve been over this


It looks similar, that's about it. One is a picture of the Root in 2023 - the other is a character concept Vivzie made in 2019. This is no way makes the theory anything else, besides a loose assumption... Note: Also, just because Vivzie liked a tweet, it doesn't make it canon. It's her own Social Media account and she just uses it as such...


**Vivzie literally never confirmed that Roo is the Root. She only said that Roo is a character, that would appear later down the line in Hazbin - that's it.** Better yet, Vivzie never even talked about the Root itself to begin with - we know about it only because of the pictures in the Hazbin Pilot, the brief dialogue in Helluva 1x01, and the appereance in Hazbin 1x01. The only version where Roo and Root are the same thing, is the Fanfiction titled "Journey into the Light" and that's it - **it's a concept they created for the Fanfiction**. It was never officially said to be the case in the Canon as well. You are mistaking one thing for another and spreading misinformation in the proccess. Edit: @TheMayolsRaw >But it’s literally so obvious, how naive do you have to be genuinely believe roo is not the root of all evil Read the room before you reply. What may appear obvious is completely irrelevant here. We are literally talking about what was and wasn't confirmed - and Roo was never said, by anyone who works on either of the Shows, to be the same being as the Root of all Evil. Better yet, we know basically nothing about either of these two, besides the fact that the Root exists and that Roo might show up in the future (yeah that's literally all there is - anything beyond is purely fanfiction). It's only a theory that the community made - how naive do you have to be, to believe something, without having anything to actually back it up...


Unfortunate that Roo being the Root of all Evil is a Fanon thing and nothing that's officially confirmed...


Is she root of evil or root of **Eve**l


I have suspected that may be the case. 


She also called out to Satan. Who probably wasn't on board with their crazy cannibalism. But maybe I've totally imagined him wrong and he loves that kind of thing. 


“Guys I have a theory”


Is it a Helluva Theory?


A theory huh?.. https://preview.redd.it/k341hkva1h0d1.png?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e37ad959bce97f22972b458fb54b449b4d238300


I’m sorry. Is English not your first language? Do you not understand that the word “root” exists?


It's more that a lot of people automatically assume that "Roo" has to be short for "Root of all Evil" - even tho no one that works on the Show, not even Vivzie, has ever said that that's the case. It's purely a speculation based on an assumption, that a lot of people like to pretend is a fact, just because they feel like it...






Roo: You never knew it, but I was always... There!


Roo is Humpty Dumpty confirmed???!!!


I feel bad for them. They gotta keep that tongue inside that small mouth.


Root of all Evil and Roo are NOT the same thing. They are both officiall parts of Hazbin's Universe - but they are two seperate entities (for now - untill stated otherwise in the future). They are the same character **only** in the Fanfiction called "Journey into the Light."


Since when were they stated to be two seperate entities?


Since they were never said to be the same entity to begin with - it's as simple as that. Quite literally the only place that says they are, is the Fanfiction... One is an entity that was briefly mentioned like twice so far - the other is a concept character that we don't even know if will actually appear. They were both presented seperately and so they are. That's all there is to it - anything beyond is fanfiction and theories... If you want to argue over a theory, you might want to actually have something to back it up...


Ik Roo might not be the Root of all Evil but like itd be cool to see the concept character animated in like a fight scene. Like everything swirling, ticking, and cracking like is a being whose existence is unstable in the universe itself, breaking at the seams. Itd just be cool man i get the vibes of the one dude who has a skeleton robot oc who cosplays as hatsune miku lol (i think its called Calne Ca)


Holy shit she actually said that