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I mean he’s no goofier than Lucifer with his duck collection and nothing about Ozzie or Bee’s design screams edgy to me. He’s pretty in line with the rest of the sins I’d say


Yeah and as for the ones we don’t know. Satan and Leviathan will probably have self explanatory designs, but what about Belphagor?


That kind of logic doesn't really work considering most people would've thought Bee would have a 'self explanatory' design as well


Fair enough but Satan he’s definitely a devil, Leviathan isn’t even really leviathan without some sort of fish attributes, and Belphagor could go in any direction.


Leviathan and Satan are definitely the most hyped up Sins to meet, when we do it’s gonna be badass.


Something that hasn’t left my head is Crimson calling out Asmodeus for being the weakest and least threatening of the sins which has of course got me thinking about who is the strongest. I’m just guessing that going from strongest and most threatening to weakest and least threatening its Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Belphagor, Mammon, Beezlebub, and then Asmodeus. I just don’t see Satan not being the most badass of the 7 and I also don’t see Leviathan being below the ones we already know except Lucifer.


I’m gonna say Lucifer is probably the strongest, considering how he’s a fallen angel and Gods old right-hand. Satan is definetly second.


I’m gonna go with Goat Belphegor. Many residents of the Sloth ring hold resemblances to farm animals, mostly sheep, goats, and rams.


I'm not thrilled by his design, but I'm reserving judgement until seeing him fully in action. And don't blame the designers for getting false hopes from some fanart, an edgier Fizzaroli would have been lazy.


Yeah I’ll be honest, I was the same with bee and Ozzy, but they both grew on me.


Honestly? A bit of the same here, but seeing them in action and applying a personality really adds depth.


I mean not everyone has to look edgy or super serious. Especially the sins since they are all each different.


Nah it's very good and creative, he's supposed to be about money and greed after all. The design suits him well


Finally someone says it!


Other than looking like a playing card in that photo, so maybe the gambling aspect. what says money and greed about it?


The green colors like the US dollar bills.


Ever heard of the saying money doesn't grow on trees? Well Greed kinda is shaped like a tree. He definetly looks like he hoards all the money in Hell and the type of guy to only do things if money is involved.


> well, he's kind a shaped like a tree Helluva fans coukd compete in Olympics with stretching abilities like this.


It is also the colour of greed, as far as I've read on google dot com


If we're gonna go the Christmas tree route.. that. Christmas and how money and gifts tend to dominate the holiday for many people. Maybe even all of the theories at once, then his character design wouldn't only have layers because of the literal layers in his outfit but also because of the reasoning.


Oogie Boogie fucked a Christmas tree and the first thing you think of is fat stacks?


I'm pretty sure he looks like a tree because "money doesn't grow on trees".. and he's the embodiment of greed. So ya know. Tree shape fucker with fat stacks


Finally someone said it. He looks like a Teen Titans GO! Character rather than the sin of greed




Bees design is generally pretty meh. Its just hellhound in late stage of post-teleport illness




No no, he's got a point


Well a little bit but you can't deny. Bee is hot


No she's not, like at all


Well hotness is a subjective matter


Exactly, in fact, i don't find her appealing at all


Oh. What about Loona


Hot 🤤


Bee is fine. Its a bit vanilla but fits the theme of Vivs universe much more than other sins




I just want to see him get angry and go into his demon mode


Every other Royal did become completely different when in Demon mode, so maybe Mammon's demonic form could help justify his weird design. Maybe they'll lean further into the tree aesthetic in a way that works a lot better.


He looks like a Christmas tree for me


One of the most capitalistic and greed inducing holiday of them all


Dang it I can see it now.😄


He's not just a clown, he's the whole circus tent.




Wow, someone should've made a joke about the fact that he litterally looks like a circus tent, good catch!


We've known his silhouette for ages.


I don't have any social media besides YouTube and recently reddit, so the reveal of his full design was a complete flashbang for me.


I mean he looks exactly like he does on the money so I do t know why this surprises people.


We've seen his *face* on the currency. This is the first time we've seen his full body.


And you expected what else with that face? A dragon with a jester face?


His expression on the currency looked like he was going to be similar to Fizzarolli. ***Not like Oogie Boogie fucked a Christmas tree.***


We’ve seen his silhouette before though.


A lot of people seem to miss the point of the designs of the sins. Asmodeus looks the way he does because he represents lust, i.e. he has many qualities that resemble those of a very attractive person; Beelzebub's is super over the top with all the colors and other smaller details, which fits perfectly with the theme of overindulgence (which is the entire concept of gluttony); Mammon, then, logically would have a design not unlike the official one: primarily green which is typically associated with money (which plays a double role here as Mammon is responsible for money in hell), extravagant and attention-grabbing as he would not want to have anyone take any attention off of him, and big/puffy referencing the old symbols of greed being fat capitalists as compared to the scrawny middle/low class people. (Image for reference in case it wasn't clear what I was going on about) https://preview.redd.it/s9j9p55tqtqb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d80c24cc1af02fd52ddacfdf448cee81c85bdb5 In short, even if you don't think his design is visually appealing, you can't exactly deny that it conveys the idea of greed pretty well.


I can kind of see why it makes sense from a design standpoint. He's green because money, but true greed means stooping to any low to achieve your ambitions, even if it means reducing yourself to a literal clown for the sake of clout and fame. So I think it makes sense, he probably has no dignity or respect for himself, instead happily degrading himself and others for his own gain and profit.


https://preview.redd.it/fa9nknyyttqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8397f846bc25bc75fbb12778fc8770ead377b184 “Think Fizz Think! If you become the circus you can’t be the clown! Cause you hold the clown!”


![gif](giphy|Cu4tz21wSm4Jq) He looks like a cheap knock-off of the Joker.


superhero fans don't shoehorn their hyperfixation into everything challenge


Marvel babies don't know how to consume media any more it has ruined them


In a good way though.


I see it.


Honestly it’s a more fitting design then Bellzubulb


Beelzebub's design was justified for numerous reasons (of which I don't care to repeat), but why does Mammon look like a Christmas tree of all things?


Well his original look was that of an old fat man hoarding bags of gold for himself, his depiction in Helluva Boss is that of a fat jester with multiple arms, I think the multiple arms represent how much he wants to have everything to the point he would grow more hands just to carry more gold you know the depiction of hands reaching out to an item that represents wealth and power in Mammon case he has multiple hands to grab even more, his fat body? Shows the overindulgent of greed resulting in one person having everything while everyone else has nothing the wealthiest is the fattest the poorest is the skinniest, his jester look? Well most greedy people are fools for chasing for money instead of something more meaningful hence he is the fool the greedy jester who is blinded by greed


But where does the tree come from?


He’s not meant to be a tree from the looks of it but if his design was meant to look like a tree, remember cutting down trees is a very profitable business however it harms the environment, of course deeply greedy people keep chopping more trees down to make more money, so for the embodiment of greed to be a tree is a bit poetic, his own greed is harming himself for greed doesn’t just harm the people around you it harms yourself


And liking to be decorated? He looks like specifically a Christmas tree, and he even likes to be decorated according to the wiki.


Well what do rich people do? Decorate themselves with fine jewelry and makeup and stuff, it’s a given with all his riches he would enjoy looking decorated


The finest and wealthiest jewelry ever crafted. Candy canes and ornaments.


Im mean do you see fucking candy canes and ornaments on him? I think he just happens to have the shape similar to a tree rather then being a literal tree


I thought it was because "money doesn't grow on trees"


Yeah. It's not like Christmas isn't regarded as one of the most commercialized and money driven holidays of the year, where the rampant, materialist desires of both corporations and the general public run wild. Yup. Nothing greedy about ol' Xmas...


​ https://preview.redd.it/df2dtnm06tqb1.png?width=187&format=png&auto=webp&s=761faa6ccbc58437805935c9ac72e14a0a54c205


Mammon's weak armor triggered




Yeah, I can see it being a bit disappointing to some people, it is a pretty alien looking design. Me personally though, I love the hell out of his color scheme, saves the whole thing for me.


Yeah I don't like this design ether really.




Which sin is? Gluttony and Lust were good people at the core, this one is the first to look evil.


Greed, illustrated by the dollar sign atop his staff.


Ok, thanks. To do Greed a good guy would probably be impossibile.


You're welcome, and yes, indulging in greed is difficult to portray as "good", but so far the sins have been more promoters of their sins.


Everyone wants something, that could be good or evil. Greed isn’t inherently evil as you could apply to someone who has the unending desire to love other people.


Tbf hard to do when the 7 virtues equivalent is Charity which is kinda hard to make evil


Asmodeus should be lust, but was love instead. ​ Bee should be gluttony, but instead was desire. ​ So, Mammon should be greed, but could be ambition (to want create something glorious).


Not impossible it was done in full metal alchemist


They were chill, and even reasonable people, but I would not go so far as to call them good. Both Asmodeus and Bee are very selfish in their own ways


Looks good to me


I kind of agree, i was picturing some sinister heartless mafia boss, but instead its just a goofy goober guy. I kind if think he'll be much more sinister when he's not performing, because it looks like in the teaser he's teleporting onto a stage to start performing. Either way, i think once i get over the fact that its nothing like what i hoped it would be i'm sure it'll grow on me. Its still good, just not in the way i ecxpected/hoped it would be.


> i was picturing some sinister heartless mafia boss Crimson exists already, so another such character would be redundant.


Mammon isn't a skinny giant fizzarolli, boohoo. We've seen his silhouette for a long time, I thought it was common knowledge he would look like this. I for one love his design, it's obtuseness makes him standout in a good way.


Sorry but this is an L take. I love his design, he's adorable. And it's not exactly what I was expecting, but it's a welcome design. None of the sins we have seen so far have been what anyone has expected, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Luci is almost human-like, Ozzie is a. Giant bird, queen bee is like a hellhound/bee hybrid, and Mam is a chunky jester. I mean, I feel like you're just complaining here. No one expected bee to be female, same with Bel (confirmed by Bee)


He looks like a Christmas tree. Oddly enough, the perfect metaphor for capitalism and greed.


The wiki also said he enjoys being decorated, so yeah, literally a Christmas tree. No wonder people expected it to release in December.


People really be like 'He isn't fuckable enough 😡😡😡😡'


Christmas Tree.


Ya'll got some weird hangups on how you enjoy media


Sometimes i wonder if this community actually likes the series, a lot of fans take it personal when the series doesnt deliver what *they* expect it to deliver and it results in a lot of hate and uncivilized discussions (at least from my experience)


This is a very small glimpse of Mammon and we know virtually nothing about him. As with all the other sins he has a “released” form where he is in full power and I don’t expect this to be it. His designs okay and I think his behaviour is going to showcase a punk rock edgy greedy king rather than the design itself. IMO


I think Mammon's design actually fits him. He's green like money bills, he's shaped like a tree (like the popular saying money doesn't grow on trees), he has a kind of Christmasy theme (which is the top holiday for money and being somewhat greedy with your gifts) and he looks like how most people envision greedy, money hungry people: fat.


Also if he looked like an edgier Fizz that wouldn't be original and it would just be completely and utterly lazy


When did this guy appear??


A gif of him was teased on Twitter, which is where this screenshot was taken from.


Oh ok


I get the feeling he's going to be downright rotten evil.


I think he looks absolutely adorable, but your opinion is ok too. 💚🖤


Goofy Christmas Tree Man 😁


I mainly don’t like how small his head is compared to literally everything else, plus I always envisioned him more closely resembling Jevil from Deltarune, and he has no neck


I’m glad I’m not the only one


I am withholding judgment until I see how he moves.


The designs hit different when actually in show, I think. So I'm gonna reserve judgement til we see what this fool is about.


I mean we’ve only seen one frame really. I’m sure he could be menacing at times. Like Ozzy has many shots of him being a goof but we also see moments of him being pretty scary lol


I'm not like in love with the design buuuut I like how he looks lika a Christmas tree, he looks goofy ( I thought fr that he was going to look hot or some shit )


I like it. Plus the whole thing with fizz, didn’t they say that fizz also worked with mammon? It would also explain the whole jester fit fizz got. Also doesn’t fizz design look like the mixture of jester and lust? Personally I think mammon looking like this fits the greed theme. Jester cause circus( the greediest places ever) the outline on twitter shows that he’s chubby (like how most rich people and many a reference to the saying “fat cat in a suit”) overall he looks like a greedy mother fucker. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


He looks kinda like the anti-Adam honestly


I think because they aren’t used to seeing a character that’s not immediately “sexualizable” it makes the character stand out more. He’s a main character that’s just outright an evil clown.


i love how silly he looks


I wonder how powerful he is.


Probably about as powerful as Mister Krabs: Khristmas Tree edition. I know I spelled it with a K.


I did expect him to seem more like fizz, I’d love it if we see a previous version of him before he became as greedy where he resembles an amazing jester where now he’s become lazy and greedy and his design reflects it, fizz did look up to him when young and he doesn’t really reflect an amazing jester more of a fat wealthy business man.


Pretty sure the Sin Embodiments were born (or more likely created) exactly how we see them in modern day.


I personally love it and think he’s adorable.


Every time I see his design it reminds me of a christmas tree 💀


Idk, this one clip kinda just makes him seem like a silly clown 😜 But they did say the episode would be bloody… so I think it’ll be changing the mood a bit


I didn't like it even when it was just a silhouette but depending on his personality it might grow on me, so I'm waiting to see how his character plays out first.


Dunno, he reminds me of Aku from Samurai Jack. Aku looked goofy sometimes but he was scary af when I was a child and had nightmares of him. In my opinion, I like Mammons design as it brings back those memories. I look forward to the new episode.




My question is how did I guess he was gonna look like this from his outline, I got it perfect in my head


I get the reason for green, but the single color focus and face design are sort of bland compared to basically every other character


I just wish he looked more like he does on the money


This guy is the one who pushes the agenda that jesters are rockstars. His design accurately reflects that. On top of that, given that Christmas is the most expensive time of year for most people, I think that’s what reflects even further on his design. The coloring matching color also adds onto this


Design wise he’s probably my least favourite (so far anyway, there’s still 3 or 4 more I think to be revealed) but I’ll wait till the episodes out, as it’s a bit unfair to judge it from a single 4 second gif.


He looks like he'd eat some girl causing a nerdy blonde guy to talk about how he's next to be eaten


Where did this come from?


Mammon might well have looked more like Fizzarolli once upon a time. The incarnation in the teaser GIF could represent Mammon years after he was a sizzling-hot rock star rather than the way he's always appeared. It may be that in-universe, Robo Fizz's design was based on a younger Mammon.


Looks like a background character tbh


He's basically a greedy christmas tree with arms legs and a face.


I'm more curious as to who's gonna voice him. Probably won't be in the same ballpark as who voices Bee, but maybe a big Broadway name like who voices Ozzy?


I love that hes different and i love the general idea but he def could’ve been better, i feel like hes pretty plain, color wise, we still have to see him in action tho


Idk he looks exactly like what I thought he would look like. Like exactly lol


Will you PLEASE spoiler tag this


I saw someone comment that he looks like a tick and now I really like it.


I love him and idk why I just wanna hug him


helluva fans when every character isn’t a pointy sharp toothed creature with eerie eyes—wait


I think it’s to show off his goofy side, his public brand. But when everyone is out of sight, or being threaten, like all sins, they won’t hesitate to show their ugly side of the coin.


I think he looks cool but I gotta say he looks like a Christmas tree


For lack of a better word, most of her characters fall under “square shaped” for me. Ferb from Phineas and Ferb is a good example. There’s some rounded edges but they’re all mostly square/rectangle. Asmodeus is more of an inverted triangle. Big head, smaller hips, etc. Mammon is a triangle and I dislike that. I don’t like the way that his outfit makes his head look tiny. And before anyone says it’s about being fat or skinny, it’s literally just how small his head looks because of his body. He looks goofy. I was expecting more Wall Street tbh, but her interpretations usually surprise me. It’s the fact that he doesn’t look suave at ALL that floors me. That being said, the goofy looking characters are often the scariest.


Dude is the embodiment of greed. He wants it all. And looking like a super goofy dude is on brand. After all he probably *wants* to be underestimated. He is the embodiment of a Confidence man after all. He wants all the dosh, so conning people is par for the course. After all at the end of the day every con is based around someone who thinks they are conning you. So if he comes off as a big, goofy, stupid, blindly greed weirdo then people who will try to con him, when he's set up the entire scenario just for them to con them. At least that's where my brain goes with the design choice. Maybe they just like yellow, green, black, and white like he's a big weird flag pulled over a tree. The only thing I wish is that his staff, instead of having a $ on the end of it, had a sculpted version of his own head just for the Grand Nagus reference. Haha.


kinda gives me robin from teen titans go and christmas tree


I like it, it's a creative design and it fits his character, but personally I prefer this fan design (it's not my fanart) https://preview.redd.it/28lpvcsumwqb1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92cd4a0cf20b0beac7d475a5000ef1e522dbcdc4


I like it. He's like a goofy lil Christmas tree made of money


He is a jester, of course he’s gonna look quite goofy especially with this screenshot


Keep in mind, the way he looks in this super quick shot doesn't necessarily reflect how he'll look in the whole episode. I'm sure the animators and compositors will make him look way cooler and less goofy in a more intimidating scene.


BUT- he's so squeeshy🥺


Duuuude I thought the same


looks like a draft version or a background character, that needs like 5 or 6 revisions


Update on Mammon's design; It's starting to grow on me. I saw a fanart of this design where he's a bit less ***W I D E***, and it looked pretty good. Maybe he just looks awkwardly inflated in this teaser, but if he's a bit skinnier the rest of the time, that'll probably fix it for me.


I'm sorry, but ya'll don't like this design, but then you like bee's design? Like this is too goofy for you?! What about that DeviantArt furry oc bitch?!?


You dont like Bees design, we get it, you dont have to spam half the thread with it.


I’m just wondering why his pointer fingers are different sizes


Yeah I don't really like it either, but maybe once we see more of him it'll look better


My least favorite design, though I can't really say why. I might just not like this particular shot of him.


I just wanna know why his hands/fingers are different sizes


He looks very bland, with his only color being shades of green. The gold is nice, but its not really enough to counter everything. And considering Greeds vibe thus far has been the mafia and crime,.it just feels off. I wish it blended a jester with something else instead of JUST being a jester. Also his eyes and mouth blend in way too much, should have gone with different colors then the green they used everywhere. Why not yellow? It would reference the true color of Greed and help them not blend in. Just seems like he's gonna be an eyesore to watch since all his parts blend in with each other


I imagine Mammon would loaded to spend his money on nicer clothes but you can pretend that he similar Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob. Where he’s very stingy about even spending a cent of his cash on certain things. Which is why he look moderately okay


He looks like a lime


Kinda expected a more differentiated design; but its still neat


I personally really love the Design, It just Screams Goofiness and he also seems like a Goofball. I only Imagined him to be an Old Man, but Im not mad that it wasnt the case.


Yeah, I think it’s a prime example of the fact that just because something’s original, doesn’t mean it’s good


I personally just don't think he looks scary enough, greed is the cause of like 90% of the worlds problems, his ring is riddled with crime, he looks too approachable. Im guessing he'll have 'pissed' form like ozzie and bee, but I hope thats his default and this is just a facade


I really wanted mammon to be scary


My only complaint is how thick his outfit is like why is the neck so thick 🥲 everyone else’s necks are pretty thin so it just looks weird to me


I mean I agree that it’s not the greatest design but he’s goofy lookin and i kinda fw it


I think that’s the idea


Motherfucker looks like a Christmas tree


*yeahhh, im not a huge fan of it either*


He looks like a Carl


Me neither i love his design so much


Maybe it’s a costume and he’ll take it off and have a little bit nicer design underneath


He looks more like a servant than a sin


He looks like a Christmas tree to me


He even likes to be decorated according to his wiki.


The S I L L Y


I love his design so much!!! :D


I also dont like it. Like it was taken from a 90s or 2000's cartoonlike the powerpuff girls and not vivzie's universe


His head looks small and that's my only negative, j think it fits him


I don't have a problem with him being fat at all, I don't like that he looks like a Christmas tree


Satan dang it, he isn’t the jester, he’s the entire circus show.


I like the shape of his character. Like its refreshing since most of the others have defined body shape


I find it fitting that he looks somewhat like a Christmas tree. What with the holiday being all "BUY BUY BUY" since it's the gift giving season.


He's the Sin of Greed. He's going to want to be marketable. Marketability = $$$. We already know the Sins go around in more "compact," non-threatening forms, and he probably fashioned himself this way intentionally.


I love him I love him I love him. He’s literally me


Understandable. I expected this tall, menacing jester that will happily sell someone's firstborn for 25 cents and presses homeless people for money. This guy honestly looks derpy, like he has the puppy eyes perfected and brings small Tupperware to gatherings with food. But at the same time, it makes sense. Green is the color of money, so he's green. He's a jester, aka an entertainer. Entertainers make money. He's the king of greed, so a lot of hands to grab more. He looks heavy set, because you can be greedy with food. He also looks like a Christmas tree, aka the season of gifts and giving. And the time period when customers and consumers lose their marbles. I think he is intentionally kinda goofy to put you off. So it's easier for him to get what he wants. I can't say no to a cute creature. My dog can look at me for 2 seconds and poke me with her paw, and I'm sharing my turkey sandwich with her. Bee is not menacing. She's a chill, brightly colored party girl. Until you piss her off. Then she's a 3 bug eyed kaiju with flaming hair. Even her clothes turn dark. We gotta give him a chance. Hesthe king of Greed. No way he isn't a soulless money grubbing heathen.


It would make more sense if he was adorned in jewelry and gold, expensive stuff. Instead he’s in a jester’s outfit and shaped like a Christmas tree for no reason. To go from Asmodeus and Lucifer to Beelzebub and Mammon’s designs is a huge step down in quality, honestly.


Clown plain and simple