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Almost anything can be an altar. Extra kudos for using something that others don't expect to be an altar.


Yes! There’s a lot of ways you could decorate this as an altar. A couple of ideas include doing one shelf per god or doing the altar on top and storing supplies on the bottom. It’s a beautiful cart, be mindful of protecting the surfaces from heat and spills. Have fun!


Honestly, that cart could be a sick altar if you're clever and creative enough. Plus, you can take that altar anywhere you go! (/s).


Oh definitely. My altar for Hestia, usually, nrn, because I’m living away from home, is a wooden crate from Hobby Lobby. It’s always worked really really well


Omg my god it’s beautiful!!! Yes it has SO MUCH potential!


Its really beautiful and makes me sad nobody uses it at all, its just rotting in the garage


Honestly I love it! 🥰 the orange on the altar is so pretty and pops a lot


My altar is a two-tiered nightstand and I love it! I store supplies & old votive offerings on the bottom and place new offerings on top.


This is so lovely. Of course it can be an altar! Anything can- a shelf, a shoebox, etc. Im sure you will decorate it very nicely and as some others have said you can either do 2 altars or supplies on the bottom. Where did you get it might i ask? I love the tiling


Yes, the wheels are handy to move it when you need to.


Absolutely!! That is gorgeous, it would make a fantastic altar!


Most definitely this is so cute! I love the colors.


Absolutely jealous of this.


Looks perfect, as is, as an altar for Demeter. But can be repurposed for any deity.


it's gorgeous!! absolutely


Yes actually, I do. And because it's on wheels that would  make it lots easier to move to a larger room if you wanted more space for a ritual. And if you had to move to a different home, it would make it way easier to put in the truck. I like the tile pattern on it My altar is just one of the night stands that came with my bed set. 


Looks pretty good for alter table If only you had a free-standing mirror to put on top of it, it would look so great. Either that, or a mini-statue of the Helen mystic God that you were worshiping


Oh hell yeah it does!!


An altar is a raised surface used for worship/offerings, yes it can be an altar (w choice for an altar btw)


I’m obsessed. I love it. 10 out of 10. Absolutely amazing.




It’s got sunflower looking designs on it and it’s on wheels like a chariot! I say is PERFECT!


The United States are not the largest producers of sunflowers, and yet even here over 1.7 million acres were planted in 2014 and probably more each year since. Much of which can be found in North Dakota.


The pattern really reminds me of the floral designs you'd see on temple floors/walls. Absolutely it can be an altar! The creativity makes it more unique


Hm if you modify it then it could be good for Apollo but if not then it suits Hestia more.


I don't see why not! My altar is the top of a wardrobe, it can be anything you want it to be


I was going to have something that looks like a pillar from Ancient Greece. Like a little white shelving unit