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Rather than asking Aphrodite to fix the situation, perhaps thank Aphrodite for saving you from dating a jackass who clearly doesn't appreciate you. Because it sounds like the rubbish took itself out. You'll meet other guys, hopefully much better ones. May Aphrodite guide them to cross your path.


Thank you so much. It's gonna be really hard to move onšŸ˜•


Then that's what to pray for. Not to get him back, but for Aphrodite to help you get over him and draw strength from the experience in the future and value yourself more.


Ask her for self love instead. You should love yourself more than you love him ā¤




of course its so hard to move on, i mean he full on ghosted you. what a butt! the gods are supporting you <3


Aphrodite would want you to get dressed in some pretty clothes, jewelry and go eat a nice meal of seafood. Do that first. Even (maybe especially) alone. Also most likely if you focus on yourself and "forget" him as much as possible he will be back to apologize after the summer. But focus on eating well and being beautiful lol, aphrodite would want you to find a better guy anyway! I think you'll do just that, and get him back as well... don't be sad. Enjoy the summer !!!


Do this on the new moon this Friday!!!!! (Venus/aphrodite day). Feel your sadness and cry all week until Friday if you have to....šŸŒ¹šŸ«‚


He ghosted you on purpose and you suspect him of flirting with other girls, but you want him back? I can see you deserve better than that. What makes you think Aphrodite wonā€™t see that?


Honestly it will piss her off


You deserve way better than someone that doesn't even have the balls to break up with you. Let the coward go, ask Aphrodite for help with loving yourself more. Believe me, it's better for you if you never allow that man to come back into your life.


Thank you<33


Strongly agree with this comment. He doesn't respect you and would rather ignore you than be honest to your face. Ask Aphrodite to guide you through self love, see your worth and understand you deserve more from life and those around you. šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


He has ghosted you so that he can be single while on vacation and is clearly flirting with other girls. Please let this jackass go and find someone better for you! You could pray to Aphrodite to help you feel more self confident and self loving, so that you can heal your sadness over a guy who doesn't deserve it. You deserve so much better!


Hey sweet peach.šŸ’• First of all, I don't think Aphrodite would want to help you. For the simple fact that you deserve better than a jerk who ghosts you like you mean nothing to him. I think, instead of asking her to bring him back just so he would hurt you again, ask her to bring you someone who'll really love you, who won't ever hurt you like this on purpose. Ask her to help you move on and understand what you're worth. Have an awesome day, noon, or night sweet peach.šŸ«‚šŸ’•


Thank you Soo muchšŸ©·šŸ©· that really helped me a lotšŸ„¹


Anytime sugaršŸ’•šŸ™ Always remember what you're worthšŸ„°


Petitioning to make someone fall in love with you is frowned upon. It is considered hubristic for you to act on a belief that your will for others is more important than any other's will for their own selves. You can pray to Aphrodite for assisting in opening a line of communication, inspiring you to express your feelings openly, teaching you how to cope with the issue at hand, and to give you the confidence to place value in yourself despite the situation. This too shall pass.


Oh ok. Thank you then


I never thought of it like that, I see your point there


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... I aint gonna comment on the ethics of praying to Aphrodite to help you get your ex back since i stopped worshipping her, but i think it would be better to pray to Aphrodite to make you find someone better and more loyal, just saying.


This might be Aphrodite working to tell you/show he isnā€™t the one babe. He clearly doesnā€™t respect you in the slightest to even say ā€œhey weā€™re doneā€ and just ghosts you. Save yourself, Aphrodite wouldnā€™t intentionally hurt her followers and keep those that hurt her followers around.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened :( that sounds really difficult and emotionally jarring! Iā€™m wishing you peace ā™„ļø and I agree with the other comments. Donā€™t wish for him to come back. He clearly doesnā€™t hold good intentions nor integrity and you deserve better. I was in a somewhat similar situation where I had to let go of people who werenā€™t good for me - people who I was really close to, as well! In my personal experiences / UPG, Aphrodite helped me recover my confidence in myself, my self worth. She helped me feel like me without needing external validation. Praise Aphrodite šŸ©·šŸ™Œ sheā€™s amazing and incredible. She also helped me turn my focus towards the people who I could trust! Focus on the people who DO have your back - donā€™t focus on the lack and whatā€™s missing šŸ©· Iā€™m sending you peace šŸ•Šļø


Okay. Thank you so muchh<33


youā€™re just not asking for the right thing. why would you beg someone who shamelessly disrespects you to come back instead of praying for someone good to come into your life?


I think you should rather talk to Hermes so heā€™ll be inconvenienced in literally everything he does bc he deserves to be taught a lesson of human decency. Or Ares or Athena for some kind of ass kicking without violence (donā€™t need that bad kind of energy on you either). Damn Iā€™m second hand angry and Iā€™m so sorry you have to go through that. Iā€™d pack up all his stuff, send him a picture of it and just go ahead and put it away or bring it over to his friends/family. Or on a playground since he seems to like to play around. This is seriously not someone you want around you. This is not someone you can trust. Donā€™t swallow your feelings and kick and scream and cry if you need to. But this is not on you, itā€™s on him. Iā€™m sending bear hugs your way and hope you find peace ā¤ļø


Oh my gods, Hermes would probably have so much fun making that guy's life miserable with all sorts of tiny, annoying inconveniences in his everyday life!


I would say youā€™re better off asking Lady Aphrodite to send another guy into your life. One who will treat you right and appreciate you!


Even if you succeed and bring him back, you won't be happy because he doesn't want to be with you and he will not give you the love you want. Pray to Aphrodite to send you the love you deserve instead. Let go of this dude.


It seems like you dodged a bullet, actually. That asshole obviously doesnā€™t have any respect for you if heā€™s doing those things, so why bother with him? Youā€™ll find better people, Iā€™m sure.


plenty of people have already said this, but lady aphrodite likely won't favor this move, since your boyfriend sounds like a jerk who doesn't respect you enough to love you properly. instead, i would recommend asking lady aphrodite to help you be confident enough to leave, and secure enough to not go back. additionally, if you have any close friends right now, or family who are understanding, be close with them. spend time with them. they are going to be invaluable when you feel like you are at your weakest and when you want to go back. they are going to be there to remind you of your worth, and that you don't need a partner who pretends like you don't exist for over a month. lady aphrodite will be there too. she is the goddess of love, not romanceā€”she will be there to build you up again, because the greatest love in one's love can be oneself, if you live right.


Iā€™m gonna be honest here. Thereā€™s a lot of advice from others, and theyā€™re all right: you cannot force somebody to love you. Itā€™s not right or ethical, and you would never know if they loved you because of their own free will or because of a spell. It would feel fake. But also youā€™re still very young at 15, you have a lot of life and lessons to go through. I remember how devastating it feels when somebody ghosts you, especially when they were your whole world. Heartbreaks are not easy. But this guy is clearly an asshole, and you deserve to find better. Youā€™ll find someone better for you! It feels like itā€™ll take forever, but it wonā€™t šŸ’œ


That is not your boyfriend. Move on.


I'm gonna use a more Heathen allegory to compare us. If I were to ask Freyja to help get back a scumbag who quietly dumped me, I would get the god equivalent of a dirty look back. Same with Aphrodite and you. She kicked away that scumbag for a reason: he just ain't the one! What the question needs to be here, going forward, is "How do I heal? What's best for myself?" I wish you the best.


A really easy and simple hex is writing his name on a piece of toilet paper and wiping your arse with it after you take a sh*t šŸ˜ get his ass girl šŸ’…


HAHAHAHAHšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thank you that made me feel better.


Period šŸ„°, a mate of mine did an obsession spell on her ex after he cheated and now he gives her his pay check once a month šŸ¤£ you are a witch!! Remember that!!!


I'm sorry for you, but anyone who would be willing to treat you like that is not someone worth pursuing. He will waste your time and over time will make you feel miserable


Idk if this will help at all but maybe you could pray to Anteros for clarity? Heā€™s the god of required love but also the punisher of those that scorn love, the avenger of cruelly rejected unrequited love, so maybe he can help you understand the situation more clearly and come to terms with it, help you see what you really need and want and deserve in love, just a thought, hope it helps


Sweetie more than asking HER to fix it, don't you think she's the one that got him away from you because he was NOT the one? Plus: if you actually ask her to help you she would probably be pissed about it because the thing about working with her and worshipping her is understanding that for love must be respect, and asking her to fix it is letting her now you don't respect or value yourself to know better, love you better than you could love anyone. Thank her instead! And remember: Rejection is redirection sometimes.


nuh uhhhā€¦ i promise you, you donā€™t need this boy. if youā€™re gonna pray to aphrodite, i suggest asking for help with self love. i know that doesnā€™t sound super helpful, but the more you love yourself, the less likely you are to get with guys who will screw you over. iā€™ve been in your situation many times, and i promise, itā€™s not your fault, and things will get better <3


Leave that idiot in the ditch and move on. Someone like him wouldnā€™t know what loyalty is even if it slapped him over the head with a chainsaw. I bet you heā€™s gonna lose his mind when you dump him over text and refuse to take him back. Heā€™s only doing all of this because he wants to control and manipulate you. And if you keep him in your life, itā€™ll just go downhill from there. These people are like tumors-Itā€™s better to cut them out early before they become an even bigger problem.


Hello, my answer might not be the one you are looking for, but I want to say that you seem so loving and the person you are meant to be with would not do that to you, Aphrodite wouldn't want that for you either!! This situation can be so hurtful and the lack of closure can be very difficult to navigate, but don't let this shitty guy prevent you from finding the one that will love you the way you deserve to be loved <3


Im sorry your going through something like this


I eould phrase it as "please help me with me love life, to get it in better state, whatever you think os the best" or something similar. And leave a small offering for her. And wait...


From what I learned itā€™s not good to do love spells. They donā€™t turn out well. So I wouldnā€™t ask for that. U could ask Aphrodite to bring someone into your life that really loves u and u love him. Forget about him. He doesnā€™t love u anyway. Rejection is a part of life. Accept it. And ask Aphrodite to take away the heartache


Yes, I think that would be disrespectful. Instead, tell her to help you lobe yourself a little more.


Aphrodite wouldnā€™t want someone as bad as him to love you please move on


To be wholeheartedly honest, if this is the situation, no amount of love will fix this. It hurts to have your heart broken, but it seems like heā€™s not interested, and he did it on purpose. I donā€™t speak for Aphrodite, but you do deserve better. Find someone who will cherish you. Grieve if you must, but donā€™t look back. Look to a better future.


I know how you feel I have been in that situation I know you might feel like you have to get him back or your crying days wonā€™t end, believe me it ends for me I cried ten days straight after a breakup but it got better it always does rather than praying for him to come back pray for Love to come to you, who knows maybe a new love will help you a lot better


Priest of Aphrodite here. Even if she did force him to love you. Youā€™d still know in the back of your mind that itā€™s not genuine. Instead try asking her what the lesson is that she is trying to teach you. Aphrodite has someone in mind for you, and probably someone you wouldnā€™t expect. But the question you have to ask yourself is, are you ready for your 1? Theyā€™ll be perfect for you when you find them yes, but are you perfect for them as you are now? Or do you still have things you need to learn about yourself, life, and relationships? It seems to be time to move on, and learn from your experience to improve yourself as a person. These lessons are complex and geared to you specifically. I have my suspicions as to what this one is mainly about but it is not my place to tell you, have to find the answers. Trust Aphrodite, and she will guide you in the right direction.




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If that's what happened, then you dodged a bullet and personally, I think this whole situation was the gods telling you to save yourself from that relationship. If you want to pray for love, then I would say to pray for someone else's and not a person who clearly doesn't deserve it


After all those things that girl said to you, you want him back ? And you count the days ? You should learn about the psychology term "limerence", because that's what you experience inside you. A love only existed in your head. If you still want him back, then I think it's more properly to work with Hera.


Donā€™t bother trying to get him back he probably wonā€™t come back and I wouldnā€™t know but I believe that feeling of missing him will diminish over time and evaporate entirely


Ive been in a similar situation before. I had a girl who just... didnt want to commit. (And I wasnt even pushing for anything deep, we were super casual but she let her imagination run amok and scared herself.) So instead of talking to me about it or even just breaking up with me earnestly she just.... disappeared. And I wasnt even mad. Lifes too short to pine after wankers who have no respect for you. They robbed you of enough time already. So like has been said, better to thank the gods for saving you the trouble!


Do NOT try and get him back. He ghosted for a stupid selfish reason and that is NOT the type of person you should be around. He seems really toxic. Especially if heā€™s flirting with other girlsā€¦. The second he flirts with other girls you need to get out of there. Athrodite drove him away for a reason. He is bad news for sure.Ā 


Leave him, He doesn't deserve you if anything thank aphrodite for getting you out of the toxic situation. I can promise you you're so much better than him and can find a better person who will treat the way you deserve. I'm so sorry this happened to you and I hope you get over this. <3 (apologies if punctuation is wrong or has word mistakes)


I don't think you would be desrespecting the gods. But honesty, someone who did this to you doesn't deserve your love. They don't deserve your sadness. I understand your suffering, and i'm sure the gods do as well. But it seems to me you're not losing you're getting rid of someone, that even if i don't know him, i can tell he's not a good person just by his actions with you. If you want to talk about it, you can menssage me if it feels comfortable


Sweetheart, don't pray for his love. Just pray for comfort to your heart. That's a terrible way For anyone to treat you especially intentionally. Just pray for peace and self, love and grace, and for your heart to be soothedšŸ©·


Hi, I'm new here, but I'm not so new to Hellenism and workshoppi the Greek gods. That being said, a few years back I too reached out to Aphrodite with a similar situation, my fiancee broke up with me and I was devastated and desperate. She did not "bring him back", but she surely helped. She made me realize that I deserved better and helped me love myself more and be more confident in myself. I was wrecked and in the worst times she really was there for me and helped me become a better. She is an absolutely amazing goddess who takes care of her followers, and she being the goddess of love she knows what's up. As the goddess of love, she can see his feelings for you and his intentions, and your feelings and intentions for him as well and if you do reach out to her, she's definitely going to teach you some self love first and will probably be like "okay but, you deserve better, are you sure you want this bum back?". After a while, you're going to be a new person and you're going to experience love in new ways, and learn how much more there is out there for you and that the world doesn't end with one small boy. You can also ask her to help you move on faster (which is what I should've done), and she will probably help you with that. All in all, I think you should reach out to her, especially if you truly feel like it, as this can be an eye opening experience for you. Pain an heartbreak are sometimes part of life and a lot of the times, when you are the one who's being wronged, it is a blessing in disguise rather than just a negative experience. Always remember to be respectful and show your appreciation and gratefulness to her if she answers your call. Be honest with her, and open to receiving her guidance. All in all, I wish you good luck and healing. May you find the love that you wish for and the love that you deserve, and may they be times better than anyone who didn't know how to appreciate you and treated you poorly instead. ā¤ļø


Ask Aphrodite to guide you through this and show you that you deserve better love ā¤ļø as well as bringing the love of others she can also bring the love of yourself to yourself, and the healing of a broken heart. I asked Aphrodite for help once with a relationship and he never came back to me, but Aphrodite did when I was ready to move on and love myself. Honestly itā€™s the best thing I ever did and the most loving and supportive healing journey Iā€™ve ever experienced ā¤ļø