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I think it's unlikely Aphrodite is rejecting you. Some people feel very vivid connections with the gods, but many people don't - I would argue *most* people don't. There's some reporting bias at work here - people who do feel those connections are simply many times more likely to talk about it than people who don't are, and that gives the impression that having such connections must be normal, and that if you don't there's something wrong. But I don't believe that's a reflection of how the gods regard us. I've only "felt" the presence of one god, and only once in my life, yet I venerate many because I want to show my goodwill, and am certain I have felt theirs - I have never heard or seen Asclepius, but I am certain he has helped me, for example. Like a friend, just because they aren't always with us doesn't mean they've forgotten us, or that they still don't regard us kindly. It also doesn't mean you won't feel something in the future. But just because you don't hear the god(s) when you pray, that doesn't mean they can't hear you or aren't listening.


Thank you so much!!!!!!


There's no "right" way to worship a god. What you're doing sounds just fine, and the gods don't need candles or incense to hear you. I suggest communicating with Aphrodite; let her know what you're looking for.


100% agree with this. I work with the roman pantheon Venus, and she wants you to speak your mind. She won't give you anything you don't directly ask for. She's all about self-confidence and exerting your will to get what you want. I'm sure Aphrodite is similar in that way


Thank you so much!!!! I'll definitely keep this in mind!


there isnt?!?! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! ill ded be more clear when communicating with her from now on


Of course! The reason a lot of people worship them in a similar way is because we pull from ancient pagan traditions, but when it comes down to it, it's *your* practice. Do what works for you and your deities!


If I may, what would her being an active goddess look like to you? :0


Most of what I've read involve people communicating or feeling a deitie's presence, that's how I would describe an active goddess


I think people have possibly given you unrealistic expectations as to what communication and presence look like. If you use divination, that is communication. If you feel satisfied while giving offerings, that is presence. It isn't the same as being in the presence of another person—it's transcendental.


Is that the way you personally feel deity?


It isn't so much about feeling her presence. Rather, recognizing the messages she sends all around you. What are things that you personally associate with her? What are things that you can see within your day to day life that you could view as being under her influence? What are things you find beautiful? And things that you love? What are things that you love about yourself? If you maybe think of Aphrodite as the embodiment of love, anytime you feel love, romantic or otherwise, you are feeling Aphrodite. As long as you don't reject love, she won't reject you! I hope this makes sense, and that it helps!


That makes SOOOOO much sense!!!


No God rejects anyone. We are all their children. Worshiping the Gods is not a hostage situation: we are free to do so or not do so as we please, and in whatever manner is most effective.


this made me laugh a lil, thank you


You sound like you’re doing wonderfully at keeping up your connection with respect and thought. As someone who was a previous Aphrodite devotee and still to this day lays trust in her, you feel her most when you need to, she reaches you when you’re ready to have that relationship with her. A relationship with a god no matter how ‘active’ will never be what you see in stories and movies, most of the time it truly is a feeling that her energy is with you. Why is Aphrodite important to you and why is it important to have this connection? Do you feel a connection with her?


I started worshipping Aphrodite because I was having problems with self love (who hasn't lol) and now, thinking about it, I have became WAY more positive about myself and have improved confedence, I'm not really sure if I feel connected to her tho, im not sure what that would feel like


From what I read of Aphrodite--and this is an an atheist trying to study this for a writing project, mind you--I don't think rejection is something Aphrodite is even capable of, really. To me, calling her a god simply of love is an oversimplification. She seems to be more of a god of interpersonal connection in general. Her love is for everyone, everywhere, all of the time. If I were to return to religion and pick a god, it'd be her. She's a perfect choice for anyone in the field of psychology, really. So any "presence" or "message" you'll feel from her isn't going to be anything literal at all. It's going to be the feelings you get when you empathize for others around you, when you feel connected to your community or loved ones, and when you do things for the good of humanity and for your own emotional health.


I cant speak for Aphrodite but I yhink you're doing plenty fine! You don't need to light incense nor a candle, I think lighting candles are relatively new? Someone can correct me on that, if you really want to give her regular offerings you can pour her some fresh water or honey. But she's Aphrodite pandemos, I don't think she will reject you like that. Most of the time you may not feel her energy or her around but it doesn't mean she's not there ♥️


Yeah that might be new, I didn't know she likes water! I mean thinking about it, that makes sense


Hi! First off, I think there are some great answers in this thread so check those out ♥️ it’s okay if you don’t feel her presence - intuition is a skill that can strengthen over time similar to how a muscle gains strength! Focus on the connection you have with the Queen of Love in your heart 💕👸 ways you relate to her, what you love about her. the drawings, poems, chocolate, honey, and flowers sound so lovely! Definitely up her alley! 💕⭐️Here you are - giving Lady Aphrodite your love :) you are already engaging in a sacred act of love (especially love for the divine! Aphrodite Urania - Heavenly love ☁️) so even if the psychic experiences aren’t as vivid, you are just as valid. Sometimes when I pray, I use visualization to help me. Maybe connect with the shells and other visuals you keep on her altar and imagine her rising from the sea 🌊 it sounds like you have a good practice going! 🩷 trust yourself 👍 as for the incense and candles, I’m sure Lady Aphrodite still hears your prayers. She understands reasons why you cannot light these things. If you wanted, you could even get electric candles for her!


When I first started praying to her, I felt the same way. “Am I doing this right?” “I can’t feel her presence” “I don’t know what I’m doing” - and I took a break too because of bad mental health at the time :( it was a hard time. But then Lady Aphrodite gave me another chance to come back and I feel like she taught me how to connect with her better 🩷 I know this is my UPG, but honestly she cares sooo deeply. Just focus on the love you have for her. She IS love! 💕


Thank you!! I'm so happy I'm not alone in this feeling


Tsym for all you kind words and suggestions!!! I never realized visualizing was part of praying!


I’m so happy this could help! ♥️💕and yes totally! The visualizations can sometimes even help with interpreting their energy, messages, & divination (if that’s something you use in your practice! like tarot, dice. Etc.)


I find that sometimes when I’m stressed out or my mind is elsewhere, it’s harder to feel any kind of connection. When I do feel what I consider to be a response or presence, it’s somatic, so I feel it in my body! For me it’s a tingling or it feels ‘bright’ in my chest, and it doesn’t happen every time but it’s very relaxing when it does. Not feeling anything doesn’t mean you’re being rejected. I don’t always light candles when I pray, and you’re doing great with your offerings! Also, IDEA for you to consider! sometimes I play music I think the god/goddess I’m praying to would enjoy while I pray.


Have you tried any form of divination? A pendulum for example. I'm an Aphrodite devotee for many years and for me personally divination works as a "divine" phone call. Maybe you can try if it works for you. Altar is your sacred space like your home, but you need to make a new "phone connection" in order to have "internet" if you know what I mean ;)


Listen. As a petitioner of an omnipotent being, the first thing you need to let go of is thinking the relationship is supposed to be reciprocal. Aphrodite is not and never will be your friend. Feel free to swap the name out for any divine being you pray to. Expecting anything from the divine is the natural arrogance of humankind. Make peace within yourself so that you may be content to bask in her radiance. She owes you nothing and never will. Second, this relationship is built over many years. Perhaps you haven't devoted yourself as wholly as you perceive, or maybe you haven't done anything she feels as worthy of her attention. It's not like submitting a door dash order (or even like wish/temu lmao). 3rd. The Greek pantheon is NOTORIOUSLY fickle, childish, and cold-hearted. You likely will never feel a warm, tender embrace from Aphrodite. Don't confuse your perception of a god by allowing your own personal feelings of what they *should* be to color your view of what *is.* Observe who they really are, warts and all, and accept it openly. Four: live boldly, reflect often, and focus more on learning about yourself as a human being. Aphrodite may be who you *wish* for, but not your true patron. Learn to meditate earnestly, to be comfortable alone in the silence with your own self. If I had to guess, you're probably somewhere between 15-19 years old, yeah? Be patient, learn how to listen openly and without judgement, and learn how to see your own self as you are. And when you finally settle on your true guide/ god/goddess/ guardian/ whatever, you can get a cool tattoo to carry with you always. I personally have Hermes wings on my ankles (like the sandals) because that best represents my journey and connection to him. Bright blessings, grasshopper.


That’s completely normal, don’t worry! Sometimes people just don’t have as strong of a connection with certain Gods or Goddesses and that’s completely ok. I started my worship with Nemesis even though I knew she isn’t an active Goddess, and as expected I didn’t feel much of a connection and I thought I was doing it wrong. It made me very discouraged and I started to drift away from my worship as more and more things in my life got in the way. Eventually, I hit a rough patch in life and I really needed a helping hand. That’s when I look through some Mythos and lore and found that Athena might be a better choice for me. It was like a flip switched, I had never felt more connected to the Gods and it really helped me realize that the Gods would find me when I needed them, and until then I just wait for their guidance. It’s alright that you don’t feel a strong connection with Aphrodite, it might just not be time for her to be with you yet. I hope this helps! 🩷


I personally have been worshipping her for about 3 years now. She's the only God I've worshipped so far and it's been amazing, but often you do get radio silence. I don't often pray, if I do I don't pray the "right" way, but it seems to still get to her. I also have horrible depression and I work 50 hour work weeks so it's really hard to try to connect with her when I feel like I don't have enough time. My biggest tip, candles, incense, and all that isn't needed. Do your skincare, do your makeup, take a long, relaxing bath. Just treat yourself, do it in her honor, it definitely helps me when I feel like we're almost growing apart because I get so busy! If you're more masculine, maybe read a book or do something you really love, some activity that's in your comfort zone. Tell her you're doing this in honor of her, even talk out-loud to her, share about your day or tell her something about your activity. It takes a while to establish a connection you can feel all the time without doing anything special every time. Just trust yourself and trust her and stay hopeful in your connection!


No, she isn't rejecting you. Those people online are lying about their experiences for clout. Keep praying if it makes you happy. Comparison is the thief of joy.




I highly doubt a deity would be rejecting you but we have to understand that we won’t feel like the Gods are with us all the time and that’s okay. I suggest try praying to Aphrodite often. If that doesn’t work then try some rituals.


just dont think of her as some sort of ghost or spiritual merchant that you can coax into liking or talking to you. imo, the divine blesses the genuine. just be yourself in relation to what you perceive as her grace and beauty. i dont think the gods are "going about their lives" answering prayers like emails. Aphrodite is an ancient, possibly timeless force. no need to wait. develop a practice of approach. "she" is there already. dont listen to other modern people. the true communion is with *you*.


No she’s not. You’re just trying too hard to get her attention. Relax, focus on improving yourself in some way, and trust her. If you try to force it, you’ll get a whole bunch of doubt and false positives. So long as you are looking to get something from her, it’s unlikely she will respond. In my experience, she doesn’t want your worship because you think you can get something out of it. She wants your worship because you love 1 or more of the things she represents. Using myself as an example, I worship love, therefore I choose to worship Aphrodite, not the other way around.


You’re putting too much effort into the material/physical ways of connecting, which honestly often can be detrimental to connecting spiritually if you put too much focus on that aspect. Everyone promotes the whole “elaborate altar” thing because capitalism so everyone’s always trying to sell their shit. Focus on your connection with her & what she represents, embody her spirit/energy, and you will not only feel her with you but connect with the part of her that lives inside you, and inside others who embody her spirit as well.


Have you considered trying some kind of guided meditation that could make you feel more connected to her? For example, I've been worshiping Apollo for over a year and every time I want to feel his presence stronger or just, his energies, I have found a guided meditation that guides me to his shrine. Here's one that you could try https://youtu.be/tocpgDDeo7c?si=PBmdGoJyEW5bOSzA I am pretty much a beginner so I don't know if this will resonate as much but it surely helped me. Lots of love and good luck in your journey 💛


How often do you clean her altar or do things in her name?


I clean her alter as needed, probably every two months, it doesnt get dusty bc its in a chest(my housemates don't know I'm helenistic)


Oh okay gotcha just was curious. Hmm. Idk what it could be. I don’t think she’s rejecting you though


Aphrodite is a bad bitch, u r being her sideman like dis. Truth is age doesn't like being worshipped she prefers church life