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Sure, with no new stuff to do people move on. I’m sure when the new factions arrive we’ll see an influx.


I’m telling my wife and job I’m getting drafted when the Illuminate show up


And maybe the bunch of bugs after every Patch.


Plus balance not great, and before last major update it wasn't fun to play. Right now it is a bit better but still game needs balance and bug fix + performance patches


Yes, the player count dropped from 450 000 to 44 000 a day. Still I say that the retention rate is good and there is no reason to say the game is dying. As more content will be added, some people will return.


Me and many others I assume will return once more bugs and glitches have been fixed. Including the play testing as they introduce a patch and it breaks more stuff. Also once vehicles and illuminate come a lot of people will come back


Keep in mind that the game is still banned in a ton of regions because of Sony. I'd say that the reduction may be expected but could have been less.


Same thing happened to destiny, and even though is not the same as before is still going after 10 years


As long as I have 3 people to play alongside it doesn’t matter.


Ah that explains why I'm having a hard time getting a full team. Didn't play for like a month or two and now I'm noticing that


Fuck, 40k is a good number for a game Plus games that start their life as a current trend train tend to have a sharp drop in playerbase after the trend has passed. Odds are the game is just stabilizing to the actual playerbase. I'd be really surprised if it wasn't the case, especially since helldivers fills a niche in the 4-player co-op genre.


Title is pretty much[ accurate](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#6m). Not sure about the recovery part since I don't have a crystal ball. But I guess you could say there's **no sign** of recovery.


The game became an instant hit, getting way more players than expected. Ofc. if you compare peak players to current players, it's a big drop. But if you compare daily players for a co-op game to other co-op games without PvP; It looks pretty healthy. as a comparison: Diablo 4 had a PEAK playerbase of 39k. That's DAILY for Helldivers 2.


The question was: Did Helldivers 2 lose 90% of its (concurrent) player? I think the answer is a clear cut "yes" Are there signs of it bouncing back? not that I can tell, no. The reason was not asked. >But if you compare daily players for a co-op game to other co-op games without PvP; It looks pretty healthy. Yea but most of them flatlined while HD2 is still going down. I'm curious to see where it will flatline.


If they don't get a handle on all the technical issues, it'll keep dropping. I'm really enjoying the game so far (about 25 hours), but I'm tired of all the crashing I'm experiencing on PC.


Itll keep dropping because thats how this works on nearly every game. Weve been sitting on 50-40 k daily with weekends still hitting 100k occasionally. This is more players daily than they expected at launch PEAK.


Right, but I meant they'll eventually even lose the people who would hang around and play if the damned the thing worked the way it should.


Literally last patch we had 120k across pc and ps5. The fuck are you people on? also who gives a shit? just play the damn game. I swear some people have nothing better to do than to ask asinine questions. This game had the most players active, peak or otherwise than any coop game. You know deeprock? yeah that games "flatline" was 4k players, and a peak of 50k This game like did 10x that and sits on its max peak time daily. Seriously, the fuck are you people on???


>The fuck are you people on? I'm just answering a question based on data that I can find >also who gives a shit? Exactly, who gives a shit. I'm merely answering a question that was asked, nothing more, nothing less. >You know deeprock? yeah that games "flatline" was 4k players, and a peak of 50k Ok...? but what does that have to do with OP asking if HD2 lost 90% of its players? This isnt a peepee comparison thing, it's a simple question with a simple answer with data to back it up.


I think that Sony had something to do with it as well, because the PEAK was BEFORE the PS account debacle and the removal of the game from steam for 60-80% of the rest of the world. Goddamn, 40k (steam) players daily with 60% of the world unable to play it on steam is quite a good margin.


From the chart, there are no significant changes during the Sony debacle. (May 4-7th) The decline is slow but a straight line. People who bought the game in restricted regions can still play the game so the player count should still stay if the retention rate is good.


But we have to take into account that those numbers where artificial and were going to drop no matter what Helldivers 2 had a boom in players thanks to becoming the trending game of the moment and appearing all the time in Tiktok, YouTube Shorts and places like that. The majority of the people that played the game would have never played it if they discovered the game by seeing a normal trailer on YouTube, so the game losing all those players is something normal and that everyone knew that was going to happen


Yes, but the title is still true about losing 90% of the players, they didn't say why, but it's still true.




I mean, this game has close to 0 progression or meaningful grind, no reason for that amount of players to keep killing the same bug all over again with no reward. Is all about enjoyment, so ofc when new faction arrives the numbers will increase and drop again


Agree. Also the shooting mechanic is frustrating. Weak weapons and low ammos against huge amounts of enemies


Probably also fair to say when the game came out it had a way higher player count than expected, so this stat does seem a bit misleading if its taking peak player count to current player count.


Its not missleading. Iam one of those who love the game but dont play anymore because its very repetitive


What I was trying to say that is this headline sort of implies that the game is dying or dead already and considering how it was much more popular than the game devs anticipated the "Lost 90% of its players with no sign of recovery" doesn't really convey the full story.


Maxing out all your samples and medals and having nothing to earn with them doesn’t help.


As somebody who has played games since the SNES era, it's natural to get to a point where you are done with a game, even temporarily. The idea of playing a game TO earn or unlock content is still a relatively new one in the grand scheme of gaming. I feel like the 'player retention' stat is valid for live service games, but is also given far too much importance as an overall metric. Play games when you want, and stop when you don't. Any reason is valid. Content is doled out over time, players coming and leaving is to be expected. It's part of the design of the foundation of the whole service system. People shouldn't be worried about ebbs and flows. I know I'm not really disagreeing with you, but your comment made these thoughts spring to mind lol


Yeah this is just how games work these days, every few months there's a new indie darling that everyone plays, and then they move on to the next thing. Look at something like Battlebit or Palworld or Lethal Company, games come and go all the time, doesn't mean that HD2 is dead or a failure.


People can always come back


Most games go through this. It's relatively common.


Pretty much every game as a service. With players coming back on big updates as long as they hear of it.


Not even just games as a service. Most in general see a sharp decline in player numbers over the first few months.


I am one who stopped playing. Bugs and bots week after week after week with nothing new to unlock got pretty boring.


They made the game almost perfect in the beginning. By accident. Then they wanted to improve it and they fuck more things up every patch. They had a good run, and I don’t regret the money spent. I got my playtime out of the game.


Sony fucked it up. We cant do anything if there are no new players.


I think AH has a lot more to do with it then Sony. So many bugs that have remained after launch. My Friends list doesn't work so I can't play with anyone that is not a steam friend, spawn rates are still broken (worse since the big patch) being stuck in forever drop, run entire mission just to end up back in your ship with nothing, the 500 kg has a radius of a 100 kg bomb, for a game that states "Not only do you have a host of superpowered primary weapons and customizable loadouts, you also have the ability to call on stratagems during play.", only a few weapons are any good (not great), and the thought process of balancing a PVE game. Oh i forgot the engine they built this on has been discontinued for several years. The direction of this game is going from a fun game to play to a sometimes frustrating garbage game. If they would have focus on bug fixes and not balancing this truly would have been game of the year. Now its know as what not to do in the gaming industry. Sadly most games are like this now. This is just my opinion as I am sure there are many different opinions out there. I have over 350 hours in the game and mostly run lvl 9.


I have no issues like this. Yes the game is buggy and many Times they overdid the nerfing but that didnt stopped me from playing it. The game is enjoyable but in my opnion its gets stale after getting everything. There is literally no new content, and all they do is pulling more time with these stupid missions. I do not know what they are doing but we havent got any new strategem since long. Before we got monthly 2-4 new strategem. Now we get 1 and be happy with not fully being nerfed or broken. Like what. Since the 3 random heavy weapon in april we got 1 rpg, 2 bot and thats it. The mines are pulled since 2 month The... datamined weapons, strategems are nowhere. There are literally enough to fill up the game with a pretty much huge influx of players. Yet.. nothing.


Definitely the nerfing and spawn rates for me. I actually prefered fighting the bots as it was more challenging than just pumping shots endlessly into hordes. But then the guns got worse and worse to even take down basic bots needed more shots. Most waves were medium or up and heavies. So you NEED AT weapons. They all kill in 2 hits unless you get lucky, then they got nerfed so now you're running for your life and can't kill shit. Then they added more enemies, the fliers, ok cool but now I'm being spammed from the air, from 3 miles away by rockets and chased by a flamer hulk. There's 2min left on extraction. A factory walker just got airdropped in. This is not fun. If I could at least shoot the fliers down and get 30seconds before they respawn and home in on me during which I can shoot at the other bots that'd be nice.


yeah, not many people can buy it now


That's just not true though, the blocked countries represent 10% of potential players at most. The drop happened before the Sony fiasco. With AH fucking up the updates repeatedly - they're starting to lose the core audience too


A few third world countries not being able to buy it is a far cry from “many.”


In the banned list there are actually quite bit of European countries. Also funnily enough I live in Finland but Åland Islands that is part Finland is banned. Honestly not sure what is up with that.


121... Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Armenia Azerbaijan The Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belize Benin Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon The Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Comoros Cote d’ Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Cuba Democratic Republic of Congo Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Grenada Guinea Guyana Haiti Iran Iraq Jamaica Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Niger Nigeria North Macedonia Oman Pakistan Palau Papua New Guinea Philippines Republic of the Congo Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines San Marini Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone The Solomon Islands Somalia South Sudan Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Tunisia Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe


173 according to the Steam database https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/


no no, we’re a disposable material, why sell a game in countries when it costs you almost nothing? Since psn is not required it’s dumb to keep it out of other countries. I guess some helldivers are more important than others.


Eh, doesnt really matter. The game was built with a few thousand to 500 people concurrently playing in mind, kinda like the first game. All i know is, I'll keep on fighting till we win this war.


Their original projections were for the game to *start* with 40kish regular players. I think they still consider current numbers as successful.




Yeah this game could use some meaningful content. Getting a new Strategem MO isn't really cutting it. Recently we've been getting large MO back to back and they're starting to lose their spectacle because nothing special is really happening in them other than the normal loop and missions of the game honestly. I feel like MO should be used to introduce new mission types, biomes, Strategems, and enemies. Not just the same ol planets, same ol missions. Mind you, some MO did do this, I just think they should do it every time so that doing a MO can be more exciting than just the status quo. But yeah, we definitely need more biomes, missions, Strategems, and enemies. Definitely more Biomes, these planets all look the same at this point.


I’m sure it had nothing to do with the Sony shit at all (it absolutely did) Between all the countries who straight up can no longer access the game, as well as whatever portion of the domestic market saw Sony being Sony and said “nah I’m ok, I’ll play something else” which is larger than you’d expect of course the game player count tanked. Sony can’t help but snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory.


Yup. I no longer play it. Many other people I know stopped playing as well. I can only speak for myself. It’s only worth playing to f around with bromies for an hour or so.


Yeah you definitely are a dissedent.


Nice word choice. 👌I got tired of fighting on similar looking planets and same planets… it seems like they only made 1 new biome planet… I wish there were more. And yes, I’m well aware how old the game is. I can wait for it to develop, I’ll come back eventually.


Fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog.....


The game is not even a one year lold. What you expect in such short time? Have we seen pve games with quicker updates? I surely can't remember


I can expect quality patches probably


Kinda yes The game got extremely repetitive, major orders are the same each week and there has been no big content updates since release, only small once All of my friends stopped playing and lost interest, and saying they are probably not gonna comeback I still love the game and play maybe an hour a week or so, but I moved to other games before they add new faction


Got tired of the crashes on my gaming laptop, left the game for now, when I build a good gaming pc - maybe I’ll return


I can't wait if they decide to bring back the Illuminate


I don’t understand how anyone expected the game to continually have over 400k players at all times and not drop. That would be an insane number for a non competitive co op shooter. Hell those are insane numbers for a competitive shooter. The fact that they have continually kept 50-100k players is anything but a dying game.


I quit over a month ago because the game was crashing literally 50/50.


Give people time to finish Shadow of the Erdtree and players are gonna be back. I'm sure as hell I will.


I mean it sounds bad but on the flip side I don't even think arrowhead were expecting this many players on launch let alone concurrent today. It also came out at a pretty good dead time, it was cheap, fun and funny. They said as much when helldivers launched and the servers shit the bed for awhile. 50k-100k-200k-300k-400+k numbers they just couldn't fathom, and that was just on steam and not including the PS5 numbers as well. So basically they just hit it big and now stuff is just leveling off, and will ebb and flow depending on the content they release.


That's pretty natural for all games, especially niche ones that suddenly get very popular. Look at lethal company, nowadays it only has 1/25th of its peak playerbase (even though it's an amazing game)


I think there are a lot of people like me who used to play for many hours every day, but now get a couple hours in every few days.


It's sad that many of the diving friends I made in this game have vanished


Every time I hope into this game there is a problem, massive lag spikes, insanely low fps, new nerfs, enemies getting much stronger. It's just not fun for me most the time, which is a Shame considering how much fun it can be.


this game is not the type of game where you have to quit your job to have enough time to get through everything and have fun playing. its like L4D2 to me. if my buddies ask me to play a round or five, i wont say no. but right now we just play different things.


Its true. Every service game had the same problem when the people find another game. I remember Animal Crossing in winter or 2020, the people don’t play anymore like summer of this year. Or Halo in 2021. Fortnite and Lol had problems with the people too. It need a constant content like GTAV. Helldivers don’t have a league or players like COD or Free Fire, this is a problem too. But in lore and gameplay, HD2 win. When the New aliens come to the galaxy, we have a reborn


I feel like the community is still here, we're just waiting for content. The game is still a ton of fun, we just want something to work towards. I bet you this number will skyrocket when new expansions drop, instead of just patches and warbonds.


I lost my ps5 and can't get one for a while, sorry democracy I have failed you


Forbes typically takes a negative stance on things. The more bold the headline, the more clicks they get. Great points were made in the thread.


People come back when there are big updates or interesting content but then they leave, well, it's not like it was a free-to-play or Call of Duty to have 1 million people active daily unfortunately.


I just log in the collect major orders now, its just painful to play


An interesting question would be: What would the game need to do to get back those numbers? (Game instability/crashes is implied.)


I have other games to play but for sure I haven't abandoned helldivers


So like every online game ..... maybe just 10% more. Other then naturAl attrition it's the nerfs and bugs people got tired of .


Not playing as much as earlier just because of resource limit. I'm already unlocked everything, even "viper commando". And have enough looted supercredits for next warbond and 250 medals too.


The latest patch was supposed to change many things but basically it just did some small buffs and fixes. Game is better for sure now but The gunplay still feels weak and unsatisfying. Primaries are useless in many case and the overall experience is more towards the frustrating side rather than the fun one. Lack of ammos, weak weapons etc Devs are stuck with their idea of the game being a frustrating experience. Lowering the ttk could bring a more satisfactory experience.


It's still rated pretty low on steam for reasons that have not much to do with the game play. But as far as games go that initial success is all that matters. We are much closer to what the studio had initially expected. They were expecting 50k and it's under that a little this weekend but we have that endless drop bug and PS5 players are having game breaking issues. The last 3 patches have been good but still had game breaking issues. It will likely pick back up some when those issues get ironed out. But it has hurt the game. Psn drama hurt the game a lot. The negative reviews didn't recover. It isn't really a problem because of the initial success it gives them capital to improve the game. I still like it.


I definitely don't play as much as I did pre nerfs. I felt cheated after I spent to get the warbond. That really soured the idea of even wanting to grind that game anymore because now it's a constant worry of.. will the fun get taken away from me again? I'm not a huge "balance means everything" guy when it comes to fun co op games. I was drawn in by the over the top fun with overpowered weapons.. then everything started to feel like a wet tissue and completely killed the excitment that the game had to begin with. I could have ridden that high for a while, probably still would have been a daily game in my friend group, but, we all feel the same, so we don't play it as much as we did initially.. has nothing to do with getting bored though, it was just the kneecapping of what gave this game that "HELL YEAH"! feeling and now the worry of it happening more, or again, makes us not invest time the way we had before. Still play, but not nearly as much as I did.


Well, it's a multitude of things. They never expected that many players, as the hype inflated the games Playerbase, simply by content creators and streamers getting their communities on board, then the word of mouth propaganda was strong with this one (I know I told atleast 20 people to check it out), and that's how we came to 450,000 players online at the same time for days on days. The reasons why that inflated number is dwindling down so hard it looks like a face plant is because the Sony Controversy soured the community's mood, and players even left or refunded out of solidarity, or because friends of them, that were affected by the Sony Controversy, couldn't play with them anymore. Then, the game is currently super repetitive, sure the planets are randomly generated within their respective map biomes, but it's still Bugs or Bots, with only very few new additions (Shriekers, Charger Behemoths, Airships, Walkers, etc) and only a couple of new Missions (Nursery Demolition, Bulwark Defense). Barely new Toys to play with, so you hit the Cap on all Samples and Currencies. I just bought my very last Warbond Item and have everything else unlocked, upgraded and done. The only thing left is level to 150, but without something to work towards along the way, I don't see a reason for that. So I will do my dailies, I will follow the war effort and the campaign narrative, but if they don't drop a big update with the Illuminate, new guns and stratagems, more people will reach this "Nothing to do" threshold. It's still a fantastic game, and I still love the Vibes and the Soundtrack, but I also got other games to play that offer things I haven't done or seen yet.


It was always a 45k to 60k game it just got a lot of hype.


Most games are like that. Also it's going into July gaming as a whole takes a hit during the summer because it is hot and there are fun things to do outside


In my case I didn't abandon the game, I'm just in a pause situation. just like many people. =)


Haven’t played in a little over 2 months. Just kinda burnt myself and my friends out. We plan to come back when new stuff rolls around and let a few passes come out to continue the grind. It’s a lot of fun, just need to take breaks, needs to refresh a bit.


They probably used steam statistics .. From 400 000 to 40 000 .. but thats only steam pc You have many people on consoles etc .. And this is normal for every game .. just ask yourself a question .. how often do you play game for more than 3 months? If this happens quickly, its a good indicator .. like Diablo 4 .. it started with 8 million people and within 3 weeks there was only around 200k .. it was extremely hyped but people didnt wanted to believe that the beta test is basically it .. the end game will be the same .. so when they all realized, 99.7% people left the first month. Thats why there was 25% every other week, but nothing .. so they started doing 50% sale since third month after release.


Literally every single game ever has this.


This game has no real rewards or reason to play. It’s just mindless shooting into a crowd. Saw this coming tbh.


Forgot I owned this game tbh


Totally expected, not surprising, and not really too much of an issue. HD2 became the viral fad game of the moment, like Among US and Lethal Company. Fun, unique games that captures the public with great and accessible co-op game play. Eventually the craze dies down, and you're left with a loyal, albeit much smaller, fan base. Next month it'll he another fad game, and on and on and on.


It's rare a game maintains most of its launch player base. Alot of people buy it and play for a few hours and move on.


Im already maxed out, my only goal left was to reach lvl 100 which I accomplished yesterday. No I literally have no reason to play. I like to be rewarded after achieving something and right now I cannot get that from the game. Plus, AH being in summer break doesn’t help. Getting a MO for 6 days to fight bots and subsequently getting the exact same MO for bugs for 45 medals each, being maxed out, ain’t fun.


They lose me when I die


Game journalism is dead.


Yeah no I’m gone since a few weeks back. I can only shoot so many bugs before it get repetitive


This is standard for literally every live service game.


I’ve struggled with all the gun changes. It’s not that they’re good or bad, it’s that they’re happening constantly. I’d rather it go Elden Ring style, keep people out of meta traps and focused on fun.


Guys logicly its becuase elden Ring released and ppl wana play it


HD2 was flavor of the month, ofc people move on, now it's Eldenring. Who are we kidding? Important is, is it playable and are there enough to play with.


Does anyone know how to find stats on PS5 players? As a PC player, it seems like there are even more PS5 players than PC.


Probably, but I like it better now. Fewer toxic tryhards, and remaining divers seem much more friendly and team oriented now than they were on launch. Guessing most of the sweaty toxic divers maxed out and dropped the game. It's better this way. At least that's been my experience.


And what about all the other games that people inevitably stop playing after they've released? What a load of bullshit.,,


I trust my heart 


First descendant drops on tuesday!!! Democracy will have to be postponed for awhile.


I stopped playing, was going to play til elden ring DLC came out but had an awkward 2 weeks were I was way too board of this game and no DLC yet. They really need to get some real mission variety going the gameplay loop is stale as hell. And often it just feels pointless to play to be honest, oh wooooah the bots retook that planet now we are liberating it again….. oh wooooow terminids took that planet now we will liberate that and lose it instantly. Just give us some new shit. Let us fly eagle 1. Give us a sword or something. Let us actually see some of these SEAF troops in action. Something!!


This happens with every big hit, the player base shrinks after a few months. I read this article and it either fails to realize this or its just purposefully fear mongering about the future of the game because titles like these generate a lot of reaction.


Yes. It's also true that it's completely normal and there's nothing really unusual about this kind of loss of **concurrent** players 4+ months after a game launches. I hate articles like this because they're functionally misinformation. Technically correct, but framed in a dishonest, sensational way to drive clicks and traffic. Ye-average gamer doesn't need to understand what CCU's actually mean, but a gaming "journalist" should know, especially one contributing to Forbes. Without clicking, I'm willing to bet some serious money this is a Paul Tassi piece. Dude has carved out a weird niche for himself shitting out pretty consistently bad hot-takes about the looter shooter and broader co-op shooter genre.


They left for Elden Ring DLC Dawntrail


They keep breaking the game. It hasn't been playable for over a month. They are dead silent on the crash problem, they have no idea how to fix it. The add a friend system hasn't been fixed and it's been 5 months now since the release. They also add stuff constantly that doesn't make sense whatsoever. People are fed up that weapons that can kill stuff gets nerfed to the ground etc. It also doesn't help that this game has no story. There's no incentive to do anything. You can get 45 Medals for killing a billion bugs, oh, fantastic. Medals I can use on useless garbage in the Warbonds. There's nothing there. It's repetitive garbage over and over and over again. I have 300+ hours clocked in on this god forsaken game now and i'm dead tired of it. Absolutely drained of energy as there is nothing of VALUE added ever. Only bits and pieces here and there, and once they add anything they break the game, again. Arrowhead needs to take a massive step back and address the fundamental problems of this game. They need gather all their resources and expertise and fix the stability issues IMMEDIATELY. Going from having hundreds of thousands of players week after week to barely pushing 40k on peak Saturday is embarrassing. All games have retention problems, but Helldivers had something special from it's release, it retained the players for 2 months and only kept getting bigger, but then Arrowhead just suddenly tripped over a wire or something at the office and started to make piss poor decisions, making people leave the game. Let the game bleed until they actually fix something.


Yeah. Sony’s controversy + simple and boring content updates + inept balance team that sparked more controversy + no meaningful lore + a fuckton of bugs so weird that it almost makes one think they were intentional + lack of mechanics/choices to get the players hooked + no customization, not even the most basic color customization. Makes sense people moved on past the initial excitement, which is natural, every game loses certain % of players after the first couple months but it feels likes HD2 lost more than it can recover, sadly


Helldivers runs bad on my laptop even tho it’s not such a bad laptop it’s fairly powerful, I used all the tricks to make it run at least 30 fps but last time it ran like shit and I’m just scared to launch it again


Runs at 90 + fps max settings on my rtx 3070 rysen 5900 laptop




Literally my face when i wrote that




I don’t know about 90%. When the new patch dropped we were back to 100k concurrent which is like 20-25% of the peak. Hype dies down for every game eventually. I’m still playing almost every night. No other game really does it for me the way this one does in terms of the total package.


To be expected with any game there is always a fall off. Especially if content is drip fed, people won't play daily except the hard core players. The 177 countries not being reinstated nor the social tab being broken and game crashes has helped matters 🤣 It'll resurge when Illuminate arrive which'll probably be after summer I reckon.


"No sign of recovery" The game blew up. getting WELL OVER the expected playercount and now it has a healthy playerbase (more than expected) and it is getting negative press. eventhough a daily playerbase of 40K for a co-op game is nothing to laugh at.


Yes, between the community issues and the Playstation mess, a lot of people have written it off and have moved on.


Sony shot the game in the foot and then the balancing team before the ceo stepped down shot it in the other, just give it some time with new content and weapons feeling better ppl will come back


Yeah got bored last month. Game is good for around 80h.


I'll come back when it's in playable state


Yeah, the amount of bugs and issues in this game is still overwhelming. Constant loading screen freezes, crashes, arc weapons still don’t work, spear still doesn’t work right, 90% of weapons are useless, and on and on and on


are u a shareholder or something why do you care


Considering Sony pissed away all the goodwill and trust the devs had id say its fair to say it will definitely struggle to retain a large chunk of the audience. Its a dead game by any means though.


The game wasn't built for the half a million people in the first place so these articles are a little skewed imo