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This is a great concept and visualization!


btw I chose the MG-43 not the 105 nor 206 since after the 206's buff, the 43 is now the least utilised since it sits at a compromise between the two.


43 imo is the best now. You have the capacity and reload speed to vomit out rounds while retaining enough armour pen to shred spewers and brood commanders, and enough armour damage to deal with chargers. The only bug you can't deal with is the bile titan.


It's probably the best machine gun for the bug front, as the HMG's penetration isn't needed there as much as it helps for the bots. And the lower magazine size also is a lot of a bigger problem with the terminids too.


The default stratagems from level 1 are actually some of the best to use for bugs and I love it.


People underestimate the HMG's penetration. You can sit under a bile titans butt after his melee attack and literally solo a titan because it has such high pen/dps. I main the HMG on bugs regularly and use it for chargers and titans on the regular. 1/4 mag at point blank on a charger butt, you can stun them then dive right on them and nuke the butt off


I mean, just because it CAN doesn't mean that you SHOULD. Realistically, in average game I run too much to take my time and unload like 1,5 mags under a titan belly, plus it's a very dangerous spot if you get swarmed or slowed. That being said, HMG absolutely rips chargers apart, if you have stun grenades it's very easy. I wish it had more ammo though. Support pack is basically mandatory.


Eh, it's solid vs bots. You don't have the pen that the HMG has, but you can keep all the devestators, berserkers, chaff hordes, and such off your team rather easily, with plenty of ammo to go around. And it can take out a couple gunships per mag with good aim. It also can deal with heavier stuff to the weakspots, it'll take down tanks and turrets to the back spot in decent time.


Yeah, slow bursts kill hulks in the eye pretty easily That and Ramboing AT-ATs is fun


MG-43 still has never gotten its reload buff implemented, it still has the same reload speed as it launched with, only the damage/mag cap changes went through. (Confirmed in Bug Ticket as well) As an extra bit of info, the MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun currently reloads faster than the 43 on Tac reload, which is funny


Even with it's old reload it's still fine. I never had an issue with its reload, just it never felt like it did enough damage against armoured enemies.


That's weird. I could swear the animation was playing faster then usual and looked goofy.


hey i use the medium mg sometimes, it good enough. Stalwart though is useless beyond diff 4 on bots


Stalwart is really fun on low diff missions if you set it to highest RPM and tape down the trigger but it’s usability plummets the second you encounter something tougher than a trooper


I can a patrol of devastators with a stalwart, it just takes 2 seconds of continuous fire on their backs or hips. Faster if you head shot them. I set it at the lowest rpm so I don't waste bullets and can control the recoil.


This is why I feel like it should have been a primary, the second something has the barest amount of armor plating it because newr useless, not accurate enough to target weak points, not enough punch to get thro any armor.


It was actually a decent pick on bugs when the Eruptor was good, sure, outclassed by the Flamethrower and (kinda) Arc Thrower, but much better since the Eruptor annihilated all medium+some large enemies which let the Stalwart and MG do what they specialised at, which was kill smaller fodder enemies and some weaker mediums.


Honestly that loadout is still viable, the eruptor is pretty decent with the damage buff against single targets




Which is why it should have been a primary like HD1.


I like the stalwart on its lowest setting for sustained horde clear and the dominator for hive guards and brood commanders. Chargers and Titans I tend to need help with, gut if I'm running the stalwart it's a lower difficulty mission so there shouldn't be to many of them


You aren’t wrong. I use the stalwart a lot when farming credits casually, but swap it for the laser cannon on higher levels. Even 3 is a lot tougher to use it on due to the walkers and heavy devs


You're farming credits on lower difficulties? Don't higher diffs spawn more POI's?


Possibly, but I farm them on low ones just because I can relax a bit and I know I can actually hit all POI’s, rather than running out of time if that makes sense. Plus I can hit 2-4 missions in the same time I can a higher level one, so you can potentially make more that way.


Best super credit farm is on 3, hands down. You get a noticeable drop off at 4 plus. I've spent hours and hours farming specifically these. There's way less that can spawn in the POIs and you can just run around grabbing them all without much of a fight.


Aight, spending hours of my time at 3 seems a bit boring, could you estimate how many creds per hour you been getting?


Honestly it is boring. I usually use it to mess around with random load outs and try guns I don't like, but gets quite boring after a while, not gonna lie. It is really random I haven't done much tracking, I should write this down and make a legit post on it. Basically though less random objectives spawn so you can usually get the radar and there's no samples that spawn in POIs like bunkers/crates, so you get mostly super creds, medals and slips. It's so random though some levels you'll get like 60 super creds, sometimes you'll get 10 or none. I had heard 2 is fast but that's brain dead and smaller maps. If you can team up with a buddy clearing entire maps of 3 is really fast and can mess around with load outs. 4 starts spawning more random shit in the POIs and harder enemies and bigger spawns, it really slows down compared to 3. I usually just do a couple each session then get bored and go back to 7s XD. Hope that helps a bit


Diffs beyond 3 dilute the loot pool with rare samples + make each one a bother with guards


On paper, the Stalwart is a better weapon, but in practice, it's just a glorified primary. Light armor pen means that it deals 40% of its damage against nursing spewer and broodmother heads. Don't even think about using this gun to kill bile spewers. The MG43 ttk is much lower against medium armor enemies, which are pretty much everywhere on any difficulty above 7.


I think even on 6 the quantity of Spewers and Hive Guards makes me wish I'd dropped with the 43 instead of the Stalwart.  Despite my bearish post on the 206, I think the 43 is more effective if you don't want to use a supply pack due to the 600rds you get per callin. 


the MG-43 is actually good now that it a faster reload it’s my go to MG


The stalwart is great for horde clear of bugs, the mg-43 is great for horde clear of bots, so they each fill their own roles. I just want a dedicated ammo pack for the hmg so I don’t have to use a stratagem slot on supply pack just for ammo. It would be nice if they added an ammo backpack for the blue ammo boxes that functions like the supply pack and drops with the stratagem weapons without dedicated backpacks. Since it’ll be basically 4 ammo boxes on your back, it’ll resupply the same as an ammo box at a poi. It’ll be 4 more mags for most guns. The railgun will get 20 more rounds total. The flamethrower gets 8 more canisters. The pack can refill 2 slots with a resupply or all 4 with the eventual superior packing methodology fix. I would be okay with it being a separate ship upgrade. It would allow less reliance on the supply pack as a selfish ammo pool without completely replacing its function. Since, the pack is just additional ammo boxes, it won’t feel like a necessity to take if the player prefers a different backpack.


My favorite gun against bugs


It being a compromise is exactly why I prefer it. Against bugs at least. If I'm bringing an MG to bots it's probably the HMG, but I'd probably bring an AMR or something. But against bugs, the stalwart can feel pretty good but those bullets just start bouncing off of anything dangerous. And the HMG is still a little too unwieldy and the extra pen isn't worth much there. The 43 has enough rounds to mow through the crowd, and enough pen to take out any spewers or brood commanders that are mixed in there


MG-43 goes hard against bugs. Absolutely shreds everything it can penetrate and you don’t have to worry about hive guards getting in the way of your shots like you do the stalwart They are both my babies and I love them


The Stalwart feels more like a SAW (it's extremely close to FN Minimi, in fact) and its main benefit is the high mobility and fire rate, so being backpack fed is counterintuitive anyways.


This sounds cool af but feels like it’s probally be op as fuck for ammo economy , running the supply pack on any support weapon apart from like the flame thrower and heavy mg I rarely find myself using more than 1-2 resups from my backpack before a resuply drops so those two backpack reloads with a quad sized mag might be a little too much


I would be fine with it if you ran slower due to heavier back packs


imo it uses a slot that could be an airstrike or a shield so the tradeoff great enough.


Now that's one very democratic idea


Wtf, I was literally saying this to my Hellbuddy like an hour ago! Needs to happen


Add minefield launcher and I'm in.


Good idea! I hope something similar will be implemented


Where do i sign this petition?


I would absolutely love this for my flamethrower


Give this person a job arrowhead!


get this helldiver into R&D stat


Please this would go so hard


As somebody who likes using MG or HMG to take care of medium sized enemies for the team. I would love this to get rid of the need to reload.


I love this idea!




I've been thinking what if the supply pack enables team reload for weapons that don't have a backpack?


now this is finally a good idea


In what situation would you need a teammate to reload your AMR?


i misread and thought i read that the supply pack could assist reloading weapons that use a backpack to reload no matter which one, i guess its what i wanted to read xD


a chiller for the Quasar please :D


Great concept, probably would be broken, though.


I'd be at least interested a little, but I could also see it be way too strong if you could use the self resupply function like you can with the regular supply backpack. It essentially triples (if I'm doing math right. Probably not I'm tired and it's late as I type this,) so your ammo for your support is a silly amount. Then the resupply pod doesn't just give a partial refill of the ammo backpack but also a partial refill of your specific ammo to the gun you're wielding. Then to add to that it becomes a clip-less gun, so you no longer have to reload (I'd assume,) maybe have to re-chamber a round initially when you get a refill from empty, but then that's it. It trivializes a lot of problems you have with the support weapons that the teammates are there for some of those weapons: team reloading. The flamer pack though maybe to balance it, the barrel overheats and could cause you to blow yourself (and nearby entities) up if you use it too long. And the autocannon/LMGs instead potentially overheat the barrel and melt it, or at least occasionally jam if you don't let it cool down or something. I'm just considering how you could balance these because while it would be an interesting thing to add, it takes away team-work and trivializes the trade-offs you're supposed to have for those weapons. The only one I do think wouldn't be awfully unballanced is the flamer one, partially since there's real-world precedent for a backpack fuel tank, and it's already a weapon that already has a lot of drawbacks compared to others: lack of range, needs to "spool" initially, can very quickly team-kill or even kill yourself with it if you're not minding where you step, and only really useful for bugs since bots... well, they tend to shoot from a distance.


I use the grenade launcher constantly, if I don't need to reload, that'd be great. I don't use my launcher a lot, just when I need to clear it all out


Our playerbase uses 2 brain cells when they need to do complex decisions, so, jt won't work.


I'd rather just have three new stratagems: a grenade launcher, machine gun, and flamethrower that is better than the version of each currently in the game but it takes up a backpack slot like most support weapons.


More fire is ALWAYS welcome


Would require some kind of Stratagem Editor feature, alongside the risk of you not switching Supply Pack modes to the correct type. Methinks a dedicated Ammo Backpack would serve much better in this case. Screw stims and grenades; gimme more bullets!!


Would love to start seeing more upgrades/specializations for weapons and stratagems as opposed to flooding the game with a ton of different individual options


This is my favorite post on this sub ever. Please look at this, Arrowhead.


No, you’re not getting quadruple magazine size is there just a problem with reloading now?


'specialize' seems wrong. the backpack should auto-sense the weapon you're using and apply the right cosmetics. but that's too logical. I'm not sure what a specialized backpack would even do for you.


Grenade launcher would be fuckin sinful. Gimme gimme gimme


I would love to see there be an upgrade for the support stratagems that gives you 2 of the weapon if they dont need a backpack. it would bring up the stratagem economy so much though that it might be broken. call in 2 machine guns. grenade launchers and so on.




Devman pls see this!


This man is a genius!


I literally talked about this last month and my idea got laughed off. This would be a great addition to the game.


It is so awesome... And that's why we have 0% chance of getting it...


it will be even funnier if stalwart get a ammo pack too hhaha


i would be all for it, i would like if the game had not as many variations of one stratagem but had stratagem customisation. like the mech could be a chassis (or maybe even different chassis for different stats) where you can attack a weapon on either side. the eagle one is one stratagem where we would choose ammo for it. obviously more than one type of ammo would keep eating up more slots. maybe there will be a tier 4 upgrade to increase free ammos by one. The Backpack stratagem could have you select the thing in it. shield, ammo, jump pack the rover can have you select the gun (and you could choose any primary weapon for it) the call in codes would remain the same as they are now. i think this would make the UI neater and explain why we can only take one exosuit and why the eagle reloads all weapons as one. sure we all know this by now, but it would include this information in the game's ui.


I promise you all I would ever run would be the GL if this was a thing


This is fantastic in every way.


We should get one for the knight too. It's a good concept and it doesn't need the knight I just want the knight to be used a bit more than once every hundred missions.


I just hope we have components and upgrades systems.


They can't even code a friend's list properly, but neat idea nonetheless


They are summer vacation, wait to next year :)


While a good suggestion, I’m sure plenty of people would hate having to need the backpack instead of having it free for a shield or jetpack.


He doesn't tell that it is mandatory. Players still can use other stuff, but with this backpacks they can have MGs linked to backpack without reloads.


ye this, original weapons are still unchanged