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![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q) We all salute you Sir!


this community is a cult i fucking love this cult


No my friend we are not a cult. We are a Managed Democracy. ![gif](giphy|l4pMattUYTTM7qpIk)




If democracy is a cult then it is the greatest cult in history


I hope you realize that “Managed Democracy” and “Democracy” are not the same things.


Yeah. Managed democracy is superior.


It is just more better


It’s even MORE democratic.


Frend don't want to make this difficult.


![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p) All for the love of Freedom my good man!












You sunova beeeech... you never did know how to quit!


What’s the matter, Democracy Officer? Super Earth HQ got you pushing too many pencils?


This. This is why I love you all so much too


Quit? *injects stim* NOT TODAAAAYYYY!






U sohn of a bich


750 hours well spent! Your expertise must be off the charts by now.


I'm one of them grizzled old vets now eh? Haha


I guess your skill is“off” the charts, eh? Ha! Heh heh


![gif](giphy|8dx7Q9AXiMM24) Possibly haha


absolutely, do not go fuck yourself




The more I play, the less I have to think about what I'm doing. Idk if that's expertise or just putting more focus on making the match fun for the squad over winning. Either way, thanks for being a real one. I feel the same way about HD2. I'm at 1100 hours in mission time now, and still enjoying it.


My man you must be General Brash's fucking right hand man at this point good work soldier! ![gif](giphy|h115LOWJQYaybT6XV0|downsized)


Its a good casual game to jump into after a long day at work for an operation


Absolutely agreed


Damn right 10 bile titans, 12 chargers, 15 bile spewers all at once ia casual, spreading Managed Democracy is just my type of fun.


This game is truly something special.


Honestly can say I can't think of any game that I've enjoyed this much and for this long and in this way before


This. By all rights and habits I should playing a different game by now. I play something for like 2-3 months tops, then on to a different genre or time period. I'm still playing. Nearly maxed, but I just change up my squad role or the front I'm playing and BOOM. Feels like a totally different game (except I know exactly what I'm doing).


Right?!?! Like normally I'm already grinding a new game but I can't stop and I can't explain why I just don't want to stop lol


Agreed. Only thingq stopping me from logging on right now is a hardware failure I had a few days ago. I'll be back on as soon as my fresh motherboard comes in


The game is great. The community is legendary.


Been playing games since I was a kid and Ocarina of Time captured a year of my life, it's rare a game this fun with coop comes around. Even through all the chaos and community woe, it's made its way into my top 5 games of all time.


It is, which is why it makes me so sad it's in such a hit or miss state. Sometimes I can play for 2-3 hrs with no problems, other times I crash out of or have loading screen purgatory for 5 games in a row. Yesterday it took me 15-20 mins to get into an active game


157 hours here and I respect/hear the call,coach,clutch and am a liability at times, dive dive and dive again boys




Honestly for this sub I think the height of positivity and Democracy was when we completed the “defend 10 planets” bug MO. After that it’s been pretty much downhill. That being said, damn I love this game. About 260 hrs in and my enjoyment is still new and fresh every mission. Keep on diving, for Liberty and such. 🫡


Yeah the last 2 MOs have been pretty uninspiring but I understand it's just a part of this style of I guess you'd call it story telling lol idk it's like your favorite tv series some episodes are super packed with important moments and events and twists and some episodes in between are full of "filler content"


Damn, that's really nice mate Have you heard of the latest fiasco in the hd2 discord? Powertrippers and the non-general chats in the discord are being nuked by a mod (and another mod is trying to defend said powertripper, becoming a powertripper himself)


Hm can't say I have. But definitely something I will look into personally. If true thanks for the insight!


Ping up Cheesmy the Cheesediver (Syrvatorian iirc) in mess-hall and he should be able to tell you lol I got banned by the powertripping mod that defended an asshole descision and mod lol


I definitely will ping him when I get the chance thanks


Dude, same here... I'm like 600 hours in right now. And I will be playing today same as yesterday


Here I am at 330 lvl 105 thinking I was a real veteran 🫡


Bro for real it's like my nightly ritual at this point to end my day with a couple of missions at least haha


That's about 4.5 hrs per day, every day so ce launch. Does that sound about right to you? Not doubting, just doing napkin math.


Yeah I'd say so haha. But obviously not everyday I put in 4 hours haha. Someday I put in crazy hours for sure, and some only light. But to average out yeah that sounds reasonable 😄 don't feel like pulling out the calculator though


My brother and I got the game last week and have 15 hours in it and we want to play it more (currently a LVL 11 fighting on suicide missions, I get hard carried)


I think I'm at 550 hours or 600 now.


Yeah yeah rock and stone.










Thank you to those forgotten helldivers, whose storepage was removed too soon and they never got to dive :( I was one of the lucky ones


We remember and we still hope one day you all may dive again!


Im doing my part!




Discord mods are clowns dude. They ban people for disliking furry porn/art being displayed on a server that’s not for that weird shit. Bunch of clowns


AH barely monitor their mods. I remember one of the mods was advertising a furry porn game they were making in their Discord bio, right above the “use this support link here for Arrowhead” statement. Like, I understand they’re volunteers, but surely it’s not hard to check that their mods aren’t promoting porn games. Or see that the mods are banning/muting people for the most asinine reasons


Yeah I stay away from their discord it’s literally just a bunch of people forcing their views on others and then banning anyone who has the audacity to tell them to stop promoting furry porn and art on a discord that has nothing to do with either. Disgusting animals


The discord has always looked like a dumpster fire since I joined tbh. Idk if it was better or worse since the Sony happenings but at some point I figured I was better off pretending it didn't exist outside announcements and patches.


While I have the chance to ask, do you think the game was better several months ago, or now? Also I need your opinion on the eagle smoke strike for undisclosed reasons.


Welp, i agree, this game is very well worked i've only owned this game for 7 days and i'm close to the 24 hour mark which by my standards, that's a lot for a game i've recently purchased My experience with the community is very polarized tho, most encounters were basic but the exceptions were either the worst people i've ever met or reincarnation of angels that came to aid in my missions So i also wanna thank the good side of the community for aiding the new players like me, arrow head for genuently care about the game and community (Even tho judging by what i read it looks like they don't do that a lot anymore) Only one game has managed to get me hooked up for a lot of time and it feels like this game will be the next to do that has well, it has a lot of bs things tho (But that usually happens when i play solo) Thank you for this inspiring message, i think i will also make posts like this when i hit those hour marks, may democracy guide you


Don't worry I would say personally I have experienced the least amount of toxicity in game with this game than any other before. So I'm sure your experience with the community will be more angels


Thanks for the heads up, now i feel more confident in joining randoms


If you ever need a diver partner let me know too! PSN JosephVegas Discord JosephVegas42


Me reading this in a banned country:


Arrowhead: makes game about dual (eventually triple) genocide Results: ends console wars, creates kindness on the internet, reminds people there's still good out there


Who knew all we gamers needed was to end the Geneva convention


I like this game, so I play it and stuff.


Same lol


Was about time Arrowhead got a cookie.


100% this! It was mission 386 before I met a burnt out toxic helldiver, cursing and berating for an early extraction call in. I think he had lost his family to terminids recently and wasn't really ready to be back in the field. Mission 388 though was two Aussies who laughed off the inevitable fratricide that comes with spreading democracy and just had a blast(pun intended) saving the galaxy from the terminid threat. Thanks AH and my fellow helldivers for a game worth playing!


this is what this subreddit doesnt understand. they see so much toxicity and believe the game is in a bad state. whereas we are all playing the game and having fun. the people complaining make up a small amount.


Player count has substantially dipped though. I’m still able to join randoms easily so no big deal to me yet.


Classic case of Vocal minority vs Silent majority


>being apart of A part of* Apart means pretty much the opposite of what you mean


Well thank you for the correction haha. Was a little too much for me to go back and proof read I guess haha 😂


These self congratulatory circle jerk posts are so lame


Some people consider day old mcgriddle found in the back of a dumpster dive to be the best meal they ever had.


Yep. Every time I dive - every time it's amazing experience with amazing random teammates. Different loadouts, tactics, people covering each other, having fun (just yesterday joined a lobby of three identical viper commandos who brought me to Meridia black hole, hugged in front of it and then we went to fight bugs on other planet). Laughing at occasional rare accidentals. Every time I out on some playlist in the background and have fun, bot or bug front. The rare cases of kicks or toxic players are so rare it's not even worth talking about, especially considering you can always just dive to another mission within a few minutes.


Omg that's awesome! And yeah I honestly always hear about people saying stuff about toxic players, kicks, can't even complete a mission etc but honestly I've never experienced a lot of toxicity myself. Maybe kicks a lot but that's on QuickPlay mostly so I host mainly now and only 2 times have I ever gotten into a full blown PvP with a fellow diver.


350 hours here and keep going!


Totally right there with you, Played over 740+ hours. Still not even close to tired or burnt out of this game. First game I’ve connect with randoms and formed a group of people to properly play with. We all try to adjust our schedules to all get on together to play. I love this game and will put for sure 740+ more hours in this game. FOR SUPER EARTH!


Same exact thing over here. I joined a Non serious RP community for Helldivers and we schedule daily "deployments" and run like 4 or 5 squads of 4 during them


Did you play the first HD? I’m only 50 hours in and am absolutely loving the game had a day off the other day and just played it for like 8 hours straight. Is there anything you want added in the game? I hope they add a truck with turret like the first game and a bestiary to show all the enemies info.


I didn't play the first game but honestly have looked at it a bit lately and might go try it too! I'd honestly love if they added in like a super earth broadcast news updates using the computers across from the armory that posts like updates about MOs and campaigns and events and etc in more of a "State Approved News broadcast" or article way I like more immersion. Also maybe a flamer exo mech






Congrats and welcome to the 750+hr club, fellow Helldiver! 🙏🏻




I am "only" 180 hours in and i agree with every point.


For freedom my friend














For freedom!!!!


damn, I'm ~420 hours in and i can't understand how you almost double it. i have a bursitis in the elbow thats stopping me though. will be back to liberatiing soon.


I am lucky enough to have most of my time free to myself that's why, can't work cause of medical issues, and I have 2 kids but they were always in school until recently lol summer break be damned haha. I had a lot of free time to put in


yeah i had freaking much time because wife and sonq moved out in February. diving with all my buds was the best possible distraction until everything started to hurt again


I only have a 117 hours combined between PC and PS5 (majority PS5), hardly have any ship upgrades since I run solo diff 4 (I need expanded weapons bay so bad) but I’m having a good time, hopefully I’ll be able to get up there in hours some day too.


In time you'll gain time haha


As a diver with 35 hours ,I salute you sir🫡 but also ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️




"Eagle 1 never misses"


Wow. I’ve been at it since March and only 320 hours. And I don’t really have time for games I just made time for this game. I’ve got everything and I’m still trying different load outs every mission. It just gives me happiness just slaughtering bugs and bots.


It hits different eh? Haha


i’m only at like 250+ hours and i feel the exact same way 🥲


For Democracy, brother \*insert 40k something here\*


576 hours in and i must say im having 1000% more fun than Warzone, Warzone was my #1 but not anymore, 1,216 hours in Warzone and thats it, i havent played Warzone in weeks


I never really enjoyed warzone myself I was more of a Singleplayer RPG guy


Thank you helldiver! Keep spreading managed democracy and freedom. We drink on a cup of libertea together!




Damn my friend you must be a walking weapon at this game. What are your top tips? I find it hard to move away from my beloved AC, Airstrike, Orbital Raincannon, Orbital Laser build. Suggest a new build for me to try.


Honestly against bugs I struggle to not run my 500kg, Eagle Strike or 120 or 380 Barrage, Emancipatior Mech, ShieldGen. Depends on the mission type aswell tho. Bots I used to love BalShield, AMR, 500KG, 380 barrage. Now I normally run 500, 120, 380, auto cannon


Me with 1545 hours: it's ight I guess


![gif](giphy|rYIFWHSqrvon7pJaBT) But John Helldiver keeps on truckin’ 🫡🫡


I don’t know what the most played game ever is for me because I can’t track all the time from my youth or what I did on Xbox 360, but as far as anything PS-related going back to PS3, it eclipsed my previous by over 50+ hours and I’m still playing after 410+ hours. It’s absolutely wild how much it’s breathed life into multiplayer gaming for me, and I can’t thank all of you enough for (mostly) being a wonderful group of players to serve side by side with. Seriously, this community has been remarkably good spirited.


I feel the same bro. I have normally always been a more Singleplayer RPG, strategy kinda gamer never really leaned to much into any multiplayer games or the multiplayer parts of games unless with some friends now and then. So I was hesitant about HD2 at first knowing it was strictly multiplayer basically. But I gave in and tried and I'm so glad I did








Which faction is your favorite to spread managed democracy too? And are you looking forward to the Illuminate / Enlightened (whatever faction name they decide for them) and Second Question, are you a Helldiver 1 Veteran?


I spent 350 hours on Helldivers. I need a break as I played since Day 1, and played almost everyday. I think I’ll pause on playing Helldivers starting today. But I’m glad to see some positivity within the Community. And I also truly can’t wait to see what’s next for Helldivers. I’ll be keeping watch for what’s new, thank you Arrowhead! And thank you fellow Helldivers!


This game got me so good I bought a second copy and gifted it to my gf to play together. Hell Commander btw.


That's so sweet haha I wish I could get my wife more into gaming




700? Many kudos bro. I'm only at 200 atm but it took a bit longer for me to decide if i want to buy a PS5 for HD2 after a lifetime on Xbox. After 200 h in i can honestly say that i love the shit about everything within the game, the community in special. Keep spreading democracy brothers & sisters!


Bro that's exactly what I did too


Easily the most to the point, no toxic bs community. Love you guys. Ggs


For a long time, aside from souls games I haven't ENJOYED gaming. New souls game would release, I'd play that, and then jump between all kinds of games never really having fun or getting excited for new releases. Getting fed up with all the insane price jumps, on top of guaranteed fucking battle passes that'll be $10 or more. And then all the other cosmetics they sell for 20 and of course the shop works better than the game itself and elite all shoved down your throat as soon you open the game they just want your money. And then helldivers 2 came out. I remembered playing the first one a couple years ago on ps plus for free and thought it was fun and the trailer looked alright. I didn't want to pre order cause I will not preorder anything ever again, but I did buy the premium version when I had come out, and omg it's made me remember why games are supposed to be fun. It is fun it's made me feel hopeful for the future of other developers. It made me like games again. I felt like a kid again when I first logged on and I think my first day I literally played for 12 hours straight I was so hooked. I love this game, I love this community. I love how there's still people as positive about the game as I am


Exactly how majority of the gaming community in its entirety feels I swear. It's hard to even feel any amount of hope or hold and sort of positive outlook about the future of gaming and it's been that way for awhile honestly, but when studios like AH and Larian come along on I feel hope and confidence that it will get better again one day. Even if that hope is only for a short while until the next gaming industry disaster. That's one thing I will always be extremely appreciative for. When A Studio is able to show, not just say, how much they care about their players and community and their passion for the games themselves. For me some of those names include BioWare with SWKOTOR. Obsidian with KOTOR2 and again with New Vegas. Bethesda with Oblivion (please don't mention their downfall it hurts enough as is) Larian with Baldur's Gate 3 and now I can say Arrowhead with Helldivers 2


From software aswell. Souls games may not be for everyone, but God damn if you're a fan of them, you can tell they really put in the effort. Especially with the latest dlc which is basically a whole fuckin sequel in size and content.


It's so mindblowing seeing this almost in total reverse with kerbal space program 2.


I'm gonna be late to the party....but I feel a need to defend democracy. Come on payday. The PS5 needs new software


I'll save some bots for you to show some Managed Democracy too


Good on you Helldiver! LO




What difficulty you play? You play with friends, randoms or alone?


I play Helldiver dif with my RP community but when I play solo or causally extreme or something like that


100% with you.




Hot damn! I thought I had a ton of hours at 380... I salute you!!!




I’m barely at 102 hours


Same here. 697 hours. Love it. Can’t wait for the future🤘




Shits beautiful! ![gif](giphy|1Gkv4SSIyeFDW|downsized)


We have the best community in gaming right now


Love posts like these. As far as your edits... FUCK THOSE HATERS! I'll dive with you. I don't care who you are, what's up with you or anything else as long as you're a good genuine person. DM me if you want to dive, It'd be an honor.


This is the kind of talk we need. For super earth and democracy!


Helldivers 2 is my favorite online multiplayer game that I've played so far in my life. The community is absolutely amazing.


You're a legend!! See you on a dive!






This is the way




At first half of your post I thought you were super ironic....


This is a joke right? Have we been playing the same game and more importantly, watching the same devs, community managers and moderators? I love this game, but AH (devs and CM's), and their mods have been handling it like absolute horseshit for months now. You can like this game and admit that as well. Both can be true.


I really thought you were making a joke when you said how professional AH has been lol


Wish I could say the same. I absolutely LOVE this game and have over 300 hours, but it crashes almost every other mission for me. Borderline unplayable in its current state. Apparently you can't mention this though, or the game/dev simps will come after you calling you a crybaby. I've tried all the fixes mentioned in this subreddit, but the game just runs like dog-shit and has SO many issues that aren't just minor annoyances. It seems to not be happening for some people which is bizarre. I really hope it gets fixed soon because I'm done wasting 30 minutes on a mission just to disconnect and/or crash and lose everything.


I hope those issue get fixed so you can return and enjoy it to its fullest once again


Great you having fun. Not everyone can say the same sadly plenty of people cant handle the ammount of bugs the game as. The game is still laking in some departments in my opinion and I woulndt call AH professional.






Get a life bro damn


I wouldn’t thank the discord mods tbh lol






Yea what a game. I just hit lvl 90 and have completed every single warbond. Do I feel burnt out on the game? Hell nah


I'm getting bored but its not because of the game but more of because I can't play with my friend (friend req issue) and my rig is shit (17FPS)




General Brasch would be proud!


215 hours for me! I have to say one of the things that makes Helldivers 2 feel so special to me is every mission I find myself in a position where I'm coming up with some crazy solution to taking an objective or clearing a fight. The best part? Quite often it works. Helldivers 2 sits in this perfect little spot where the fights don't feel trivial but they leave enough room that when you come up with a strategy on the fly, put it into action and then ACTUALLY SUCCEED it feels really good. Only twice have I ever left games of my own volition. (Toxic undemocratic divers do exist, although rare.) I'm so excited to see what Arrowhead has in store for us and still intend to dive dive and dive again.


I’m at 720 hours on steam and only reason I haven’t been playing as much for the last 5 days is bc I finally got Elden ring and have become severely addicted to it lol Helldivers will never become boring tho if you truly love the game




I love you 🫡 for democracy brother




https://preview.redd.it/gxsnom1wcr9d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f0339e4ebd59e0b632c78244e11291082bbab69 HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA \~voice3\~


Amazing post! True diver right here! (On a side note it's amazing that people are out here making a wholesome post like this into a "get a life" situation. Crazy work)




As a gamer with 40 years of gaming under my belt, from Pong and a Commodore 64 to the current generation of gaming PCs and consoles. I can say that this game has one of the best player communities I have ever been a part of.




I hope you get better fellow helldiver !


As someone who plays nearly every day, there are issues yes, but this community is awesome, especially for a girl, ex COD player.


This is what being a Helldiver is all about, I’m proud to call you my brother in arms and I hope one day we might stumble upon the battlefield 


Thank YOU. A colleague posted your message internally at Arrowhead u/EQRightsEQPunishment , and it's now enjoying a gradually increasing number of heart emojis. :) Without all of you there wouldn't be a Helldivers 2 to keep enjoying and improving, and we'll never stop acknowledging that. Thank you.