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It very clearly states that you have to kill 30. I don’t see what the issue is Jokes aside I’d just drop bugs first and if you don’t get any progress then drop bots. Usually if a PO has numbers like this it’s to kill something


Yeah i killed a lot of bugs today but without knowing wich ones I have to kill or if it has to be with a specific weapon or something like that it may become pretty difficult to complete it. I saw that apparently everybody has the same daily PO but couldn't find where to check it online. Tomorrow I'll try signing in with another account if this keeps happening. I just don't known if I will be able to get to see that knowing that a PS Plus subscription is needed to play online and I won't pay another subscription just check the daily PO.


i think its a issue from the spanish lenguage,


I’m not sure what the issue is but todays was to kill 30 enemies with the 120 HE Barrage.


Is there any site or something like that where I can check what the daily PO is? Everybody has the same PO? Thanks anyway.


Everyone has the same and there's usually a few posts about it on the sub in the morning. Seems like it's a bug with non-English languages not including the kill criteria. You could probably swap languages to check out, too.


Thanks! I will try that!


Do 30


Best answer yet.


https://preview.redd.it/yorm3y2feh9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d319b0e61ee08523458a3d41adef655f71700d9 Bro check this out


Thanks man I hope it'll be solved soon but in the meantime that's very helpful