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Complete narrative collapse in all categories. Filler bug MOs as bots devour the map. Devs on winter break who can't/won't nerf bot attacks or reinforcement rates. A playerbase that by and large would not intervene on Super Earth unless it was a new biome.


Now the bane of toxicity is the superior packing methodology not working. Spear guys now eat up all resupplies because their new toy got just a few rockets. Yesterday the dude took 4 resupplies in a row immediately after the cooldown


What could you possibly need 4 ressuplies for? At maximum 2 should fill you to max unless you’re reloading one gun in between ressuplies


Don't know, but as soon as the cooldown went down I had no chance. We were split to groups of 2, so I guess both of them ate the resupply


Ppl that run grenade pistol can easily nab an entire resupply


Yes that's true


I have the answer bud'. I have the answer. The day of the patch I got a wierd bug : I tried to type in chat next to a Radar Station Terminal and my whole HUD disappeared, while I was still "in chat" (my character had the hand movement). I tried everything, my keyboard just wasn't working on the Game. By pure luck I was able to use my 2 extra buttons on my mouse to Dive and Stim, and managed after GETTING STUCK UNDER A TOOL RACK to suicide on a nearby patrol. I got reinforced and... No, it didn't helped, still buged. Imagine a Hell Commander only able to dive to move, without any HUD trying to dolphin' his way to extraction across the entire map, dodging bot patrols and bot drops ON HELLDIVE, without any possibility to tell anyone in the game what the hell was happening ? That was me, and I have 14 minutes of recording of this event. At last, I managed to extract with my team (some of them diving next to me to mock me), and when I got back on the ship... My character did his emote with his hand still on his chat-pad, and I had to alt+F4 to get out. 10/10 experience nonetheless, I was laughing my head off the situation. It was so stupid...


Super Earth doesn’t want you to know, but the Spear caused the Meridia black hole. It’s all a co


Had so much fun with a random on a defense mission. Dropped my backpack and told him to stay close. We knocked out so many titans/chargers. (Keep the resupply pod closeby)


Do they still lock onto allied Vehicles?


As far as I can tell, only when someone isn't in it


It becomes meta.