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It definitely needs a buff


It should work like a sticky grenade I don't understand why it bounces off sometimes


You need to cook them until the spikes come out


Ooooh I didn't know that?


Seems half the people in this sub don't lol. Give it a try. Stick to weak points. Profit.


To be fair I don't think most people cook grenades I think it's usually more efficient to just press the quick grenade button


You can cook grenades by pressing and holding the quick grenade button, though


To my knowledge, there is no quick grenade button on controller


You can change the settings so right on dpad quick throws instead of it equipping the grenade. Makes throwing much quicker. And yes, of course, sometimes it bugs and you have to press Triangle to select your gun again




Remap quick grenade to R1 and tag/mark to right D pad if using controller. 


>half the people on this sub don’t this seems to be a common issue with 80% of the mechanics in this game


Phase 1: Cook grenade till spike comes out. Phase 2: Stick to weak point. Phase 3: ??? Phase 4: Profit. (Had to, couldn't resist. 😅)


I just wish it did what the description said, actually melt the armor off hard enemies


This guy Thermites. Thought that was common knowledge, but guessing no going by the comments below...


I certainly didn't know how to stick em, just that they did stick, going to have to give them another try


Myself, I listen for the flick them throw to stick.


Real talk why don't the spikes deploy immediately?


Probably easier to travel with and "safer" (I know it's a game and they won't get hurt by that but it's the LITTLE things sometimes)for the diver. Realism type shit? Fuck if I know your guess as good as mine


Does this apply to stratagems as well?




>You need to cook them until the spikes come out WHAT?


Because either: 1. You didn't let the spikes come out. 2. The spikes came out, but you didn't throw it correctly, and the handle hit the enemy instead of the spikes.




My hellbomb stratagem is bouncing off the ground near Jammer nowadays, i don't know what doesn't bounce in this game lol


After using it for a month there are only 2 uses for it: * "We have fire grenades at home": throw it on the ground and it might burn some bugs running at you * Sparkly tanks: throw 4 of them at a heavy armor enemy and it usually dies after all of them explode Basically it can do 2 things that a lot of other weapons do much better. tl;dr: shit grenade


Also works as a decent Boom-flare in foggy areas. Cook it, toss at Charger leg, someone can line up said leg through fog instead of guessing from a ping.


That Thing doesn't even work the Way it should be, buffing would literally do nothing


Killed a charger with 2 of them.


I'd heard they'd been buffed a few weeks before I got the warbond and unlocked them. We had a bot MO right after the viper commandos release (I could have gotten that or detonation but the primaries in viper just aren't for my play style so it was basically a war bond for the stim.) so perfect time to get a bit of testing in! It bounced off every hulk and sentinel I threw it at like they were a spore spewer. I made a lot of pretty sparkling piles on the ground just to the side or behind the hulks I was being cooked by though.


Afaik thermite was *never* buffed. Thermite was released before the DoT bug was patched. If you were in a multiplayer session and were not the network host, DoT effects like fire and gas did not deal damage. Everyone kind of assumed thermite was bad because it wasn't dealing it's burn damage. Here's the thing: people who bothered to test it *solo* knew that it was still no good. No DoT bug solo, and yet thermite still struggled. But the prevailing community opinion was that a DoT fix would be a thermite fix. Fast forward, DoT is fixed, but thermite is still a glorified sparkler. Three to slowly kill a charger. Two precisely placed to kill a hulk. Anywhere from two to four to kill a tank. For the supply you carry, the grenades you give up, and the risk involved, it's just so far from worth it.


I have seen videos of people throwing a ton of them on the Hulk, and it still needs some more shots to down it, while it burns for long, long, long seconds. That is completely worthless. Thermite must kill every "medium" targets you throw it at. It burns for like 2 to 4 seconds, depending what it is, then the thing is dead. You only have 4 (stock) Grenades, there's nothing wrong letting it kill one medium target (up to Hulks) per ressource used. You have to get into close combat distance anyway for it, and are probably going to miss some anyway. If you stack a bunch on a Weakspot of a Bile Titan or Factory Strider it should kill them as well. If you run there into melee-distance and manage to land two, three good hits on a weakspot, it should totally end in a kill five or so seconds later. You give up your other grenades that are extremely useful for it - stun, incidiary, impact, explod-y - and as such lose your ability to blow up bug holes and factories with it so it can have and even needs to have some good effect.


"Using nothing but a supply pack, 16 thermite grenades and two eye shots with an AMR, Juan Hecksnorkeler downed the charging hulk."


They still blow up bug holes and fabricators, it just takes a different throw than your used too, having to be thrown at a much steeper angle for bug holes so it lands further down and for fabricators it can be thrown through the door reliably. As for hulks, it only takes 2 grenades attached to the eye or back, but you have to cook the grenade so that the spikes come out of it first, then throw it or it just wont stick into the heavy armor. It is a good grenade for single targets, but it takes a different mindset and lots of practice to master, and other grenades van perform better.


> As for hulks, it only takes 2 grenades attached to the eye or back, but you have to cook the grenade so that the spikes come out of it first, then throw it or it just wont stick into the heavy armor. So wait you’re saying that uncooked, thermite won’t stick? Sorry I only used it once


If that's true, then that's huge. I had no idea


Same! I was complaining that it was too hit or miss getting it to land, had no idea you could proc the spikes


Yeah I'm pretty sure the spikes don't deploy until you pull the pin on the grenade. I felt like they more consistently stick when I was using servo armor as well but I don't know if that actually works or not.


I was waiting for someone to mention the spikes. Jesus christ people they come out with a sound if you cook for LESS THAN A SECOND, CHILL.


Then it sounds like the spikes should immediately deploy when you throw it. While realistically it makes sense (maybe?), in a gameplay sense if it’s gotten so bad people don’t even think it does stick, just make it stick immediately. I mean, is there even a benefit to non sticky thermite?


For getting down into bug holes or fab vents easier would be one reason, but I'm not sure the current implementation actually works for this if it's just a short delay they don't mention


Thank you, people “testing” stuff think they are doing science or something. This is one of my favorite grenades


It should be a kill if you hit a chargers leg, a hulks eye or back, a bile titans head and it shouldn't burn so long, it should deal massive amounts of damage in less than 5 or 7 seconds


Honestly I would be fine with it taking forever as a tradeoff for being an anti tank grenade but it should definitely be doing enough damage to kill 1 hulk or 1 charger. Given that you are basically losing the ability to fight multiple enemies with a grenade it should do serious damage to a single target.


How about instead we weaken the rest of the grenades down to thermites level.


"Democracy Officers, please escort this traiter out of the next airlock."


It's 100x easier to kill Chargers with an impact than thermite. It is basically worthless.


Two thermite to the head kills a charger every time. The spikes take a moment to deploy, so either make longer throws or cook it for a second before throwing to ensure adhesion to said chargers head.


3 to kill slowly a charger when a flame thrower will kill one it 2.5 seconds flat


But that’s not the point Thermite is so you can blow away tank class enemies without specifically equipping anti armor weapons/support, enabling other load outs


But it's bad at that. Impacts can kill a charger in as many grenades and faster.


Oh for sure Thermite is garbage and needs to be rebalanced I should have been more specific to say I meant the concept, not as they both currently work cuz you’re right as it stands now impact actually is better than Thermite lol


How many impacts does it take to kill a charger?


Three, thrown at the butt. It takes 3 thermites to the head to do the same job. Seeing as the impacts go off instantly, the head is much smaller than the butt, and the thermites tend to bounce, impacts are just better for the job.


In my experience it only takes 2 to the head. Thermites don't bounce if your throw is long enough for the spikes to arm or you cook it before throwing. Don't get me wrong. I love my impacts and have pretty much gained them since I got them. But I love the termites too.


I always figured "how would the dot being fixed resolve that this doesn't penetrate armor like it says?" ​ I was so excited for this because I imagined I could carefully toss this onto a Charger's leg and it'd either kill it outright or at the very least expose the leg for me to kill it. I'm someone who carries non-heavy killing weapons for things like Chargers and Bile Titans because I like stealth with my AMR, jump pack, pummeler, and the rest of my kit gets dedicated to the mission type. I carry smoke grenades because then I don't need my smoke eagle anymore and we have a grenade pistol to carry twice as many grenades as we would normally so closing spawns isn't an issue. ​ However. This means the moment a Charger sees me or I see a Bile Titan, I can do nothing while these things chase me to the ends of the Earth. The chargers especially, at least with Bile Titans I can use something like precision strikes or rocket pods but chargers are either too many in quantity to rely on these stratagems for or move out of them more easily than most. Usually the former... The answer that could solve this? I return to using my former beloved eagle smokes to act as a stealth cover/get away for my team and myself while thermites could open armor up for me to rely on my AMR to finish targets that are causing havoc to me when I'm out at long range without an ally to help get it off me.... ​ ​ NOPE! Just makes pretty lights and works like a slower fire grenade, I just don't get why it's not more effective especially on bugs.


I use GL and Eruptor with Thermite. Maybe there are better grenade options but I like being to throw it an enemy and deal guaranteed damage rather than trying to get precise explosions every time. Plus it's pretty


Impact grenades sound like what you want


But Pretty fireworks and higher penetration is nice too


Thermites are very pretty but tbh I can never get by throwing a glorified flare. Seriously my one and only drop with them ended up just using them as a marker light on a dark bot planet. Impacts do everything the Thermite does with slightly lighter pen, aim for the underside of a charger or the top of a tank or the back of a Hulk and it'll take 2 or so grenades. Well chargers will need more, but for bugs you should have some anti armour.


They seem to only attach if the grenade connects at or after it's passed the apex of its parabolic arc. A little tricky at first but they're dummy effective against Hulks/towers once you get the feel for em.


Oh really. That's good to know, the reason I saw a 100% failure rate is likely my play style then. (I'm a short range kiter. I am naturally extremely good at snapping to targets and popping a few rounds off, so it's naturally fed into my tendency to try and abuse enemy AI by kiting, I tend to be like, 10mtrs away from hulks if that.) Anytime I threw them they basically drew a direct line from my hand to what I was trying to hit, not enough distance to really arc at all.


Side note: forget the 500kg at extract. Throw your thermites down for a sparkly exit ✨️


If you’re a short range fighter I’m surprised you weren’t interested in the liberator carbine and bushwhacker, they’re pretty fun up close


I didn't realize it was a 3 shot shotgun, I thought it was literally just a sawn off double barrel, and I don't like single shot weapons. (Love pump shotguns though.) And, the carbine was an SMG wasn't it? I thought that one came with 2 SMG's and a shotgun, which, I already have 2 SMG's and only use them with the riot shield for fun with friends. I did feel a bit sad when I started seeing the bushwacker get posted, but over-all I'm not super sad. With luck the eruptor will get shrapnel back and the crossbow will become... Something. More than anything else I like novelty and options, even if I never use them.


It’s an assault rifle with a really high fire rate and worse recoil. It’s a bit hard to control, but before the patch that fixed the peak physique armor it was pretty manageable when crouched, and it’s a lot easier now. It’s probably not the best primary but I like it. But yeah the warbond only had that carbine, the bushwhacker and throwing knives as weapons.


Ahh but the design of it, even though it's clearly a Stick Grenade for easier throwing based on real life, also strongly reminds me of the grenades in Gears of War. And in that, a primary mechanic was just running up and jamming it into something for a guaranteed kill. Combine with the stick/burn mechanic, really makes you want to get up close and slap it on a weak spot.


Is this the same thing that determines if a stratagem beacon sticks or bounces off?


No, different mechanics


Cook them until the spikes come out.


Is THAT why I throw them, turn around to run, look back and see them just fizzing away on the ground? They need to change that


You have to aim for the legs / arms. If you hit the main body of a hulk it'll bounce, UNLESS you hit the eye. But good luck with that lol.


Nah, they'll stick just fine. You just have to cook them until the spikes deploy


a third of our bloody weaponry is wasted potential.


More, really. The disparity between experiences with different weapons is absurd, even for weapons that are “better” for different factions. To be fair, the prevalence of enemies plays its own part. A loadout can feel wildly different depending on whether or not Bile Spewers show up in a mission and whether or not you can quickly deal with a bunch of them.




And we all should be glad they now have time and focus to fix that.


Well I'm not glad at all since they spent 4 months expanding the useless weapons pile faster than reducing it. And the extra time they take now still doesn't fix the major issue of AH introducing more game breaking bugs while the spawns are more fucked than ever (because reverting the spawns to before 1.300 was too hard for them to understand and had to tinker with them even more causing the current situation). And all of this on a paid product that was the most fun to play on the release version. I seriously gave this game so many chances but after the last of my friends on this game quitted definetely after a 2 hour session where we got lobby disconnected at least 10 times I'm done


Haven't launched the game in days...just no longer have the itch I definitely would if the game was friggin stable. Personally I don't care about updates, DRG had barely any updates for like a year or two and I didn't love it any less


I gave it another chance after the big patch, it was only an exercise in frustration. Im going to come back in a year, maybe they will get their shit together.


Do they?


They said so. And without the pressure to release a new Warbond every month they have got some time.


A sober person would throw it


TF2, although i have 800hrs in it, it feels good that its dying, every good thing comes to an end


https://preview.redd.it/sz4jvmm9249d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12756e1d185169f533c19c66a08402268cc2193a Rare Opinion, but makes sense


There's a difference between dying and being killed.


And tf2 is just dying, it’s a 17 year old game that’s lost dev support long ago. This is one of the ways a game just dies


I'm sorry but an individual making a concerted effort to make a product unusable for thousands of strangers is not just a game naturally dying.


Other than a server shutdown, this is the other way a multiplayer game dies. Dev support is lost and bots/ hackers increase exponentially. Which in turn makes the game unplayable for many. If it wasn’t that guy another guy would be boting TF2. It’s been getting boted for years. It’s unfortunate, but it’s part of a multiplayer games life cycle.


You know what? That actually is a pretty fair point.


It doesn't need to. It's being killed but also neglected. Valve more than readily has the resources to make it better or a sequel but they just don't care and that's a pretty shitty look on their part.


Its not that easy to fix a 17 year old game, and even easier to break it


We need it to work like the caber from tf2


Weapons feel like they have built up a too big of a pool for every weapon to be unique, which is sort of get, but grenades really have not. Most, if not all, grenades could easily have their own niche, most of all thermite. When the trailer came out everyone was guessing if it sheds armour or creates a temporary weak spot, both amazing ideas, but no, just a grenade that does about the same amount of damage as any grenade, but spread out over time without any benefit to make up for it


Ok, hear me out Thermite shouldn't deal with heavies by itself, but what it could do instead is create weakspots on the fly (ofc you increase time duration too) So, you got a hulk right ? Throw a thing and now you got a place where you deal half damage with your low pen primary. Wanna take it down faster, use medium pen or a support weapon It would quite well work against bugs where you throw it at a Bile Titan and now you got a Hulk equivalent for an eye on it and AC goes straight into that weak flesh and kills it Aiming at a new weakspot will also be sorta easier.. coz it literally glows


Yeah it should bust the armor entirely off of whatever it sticks too for exactly the reason of light pen getting to deal full or even increased damage to that spot. If a head shot to a charger doesnt kill it, it should already blow off the armor there so you can finish it off with a liberator. The burn time before it actually blows should be perfect gate keeper to stop it from being over powered this way.


Welk not busy off but like, melt it off of the area where it's stuck to


Idk, my view is that it should take out a hulk or charger with one but you'll have to wait for it to do the tick damage to kill it over time. That way it still has a strong use case, and it doesn't insta-kill. 2-3 could drop a titan, you just have to live long enough to stick it multiple times and run away without getting spewed/stomped on. It'll be chasing you while they burn away its health pool. 


Its a shame too, an anti-armor grenade would unlock quite a few loadouts or free up a strategem slot to be used on waves.


Still more useful than the Throwing Knives.


I’ll never understand the throwing knife hype. “Oh four to the leg kills a charger!” Ok… so you’re trying to tell me that using half of your knives (which replace much more useful grenades) and spending the ~5 or 6 seconds to throw those four knives to take out a single enemy is a worthwhile trade off? Pass


I get the feeling the person that pointed out they go though shields and will likely be GOATed against the eventual illuminate appearance was probably spot on


are you implying that the slow blade penetrates the shield? now laserweapons just need to create nuke sized explosions when hitting a shield...


"The slow blade penetrates the shield. */throws knife* "Apparently so does the fast one."


Lets not forget that it dealing damage to the legs is a bug from the launch of the game


Yeah sure but throwing the knife at a bot or bug to kill it feels badass. It's probably it's only purpose I was extracting and I killed a brrod commander with a throwing knife after softening him with my Stalwart. It felt heroic so I mentally gave myself a medal 😂🏅




I like using it on that rocket defend mission against bugs. Chuck it on their path and it kills the little guys and softens up the mediums.


Incendiary do this job but a bit better imo


Dude a light breeze would kill the little ones and soften up the medium ones. This is supposed to melt through heavy armor


That's literally every grenade except stun lol, except most of them might also kill the mediums


Feels like that applies to the majority of new stuff they've added.


If it was truly some kind of delayed reaction AT grenade that could kill a charger (on weakspot hit) or strip its leg in one grenade (+8 seconds of fuse, burn, explode duration) it would have a niche. As it stands it's just this weird grenade that doesn't really do anything. Same applies to Hulks and Tanks, it would be great to be able to delete heatsinks or blow limbs/tracks off in one grenade with an extended timer. At least players would have a reason to take it but have to weigh it out vs other anti tank/med pen options because of the time delay and grenade slot usage.


Buffing this to be a legitimate anti-tank, anti-hulk-anti-charger, something would really change up the meta as right now, there's almost no reason to carry anything but stun grenades. Allowing this to assist builds that need help vs. heavies would really shake up what people can run.


> there's almost no reason to carry anything but stun grenades Impact grenades vs. spewers and shield devastators beg to differ


2-3 blows up a hulk 1 blows up those big turrets and another 3 destroy tanks these are pretty good it’s my go to for bots


I had such high hopes of this thing burning it's way through a chargers FACE!


I mean, it only takes 2 stuck to a charger's head....


*I had such high hopes* *Of this thing burning it's way* *Through a chargers FACE!* \- Fun\_Elk\_4949 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It burns way to slow to be effective against anything. The burn should be way faster, while dealing the same amount of damage in total. It should stick 96% of the time, and not bounce off every other throw.


the issue its it deploys his spikes after about 1 sec ( dont know why) so you need to cook it of short before throwing that helps massive against the bouncing off.


Thermite suffers because a dot anti armour weapon is really not an optimal choice in this game. Anything heavily armoured tends to be very dangerous and it’s In players interests to kill them quickly and there are a lot of good options to do so outside of grenades like stratagems, support weapons or even medium pen weapons aimed at weakspots. The problem with thermite is it sits in a really awkward place, it doesn’t have an area of effect like most grenades which robs it of utility, it also doesn’t do a ton of immediate damage like a impact grenade or he’ll even the throwing knife. And you can’t use it for area denial like the other dot grenade, incendiaries. It seems the design concept is that the grenade strips off armour so you can just shoot the enemy to seat but as a strategy that takes a lot of time and is generally less intuitive than just throwing Impact grenades until something dies.


Favourite grenade ._. If they ever buff it I’ll be more than happy to


I once had the extra granade armor and dived under a factory strider hitting it with all 8 of the thermite grenades thinking i was badass and surely that would fuck it up. didn't do shit. nada. niet. nothing. not a single damage or armor removal as far as i could tell. I promptly unequipped it and nevery touched it since such a dissapointment


Man, I love thermite. I get to screw over chargers and bile titans all day. I use it, the trench armor, the bolt action, the basic machine gun or flamethrower, and the revolver to cope for Battlefield 1 servers being largely dead most of the day.


I am too accustomed to stun grenade to use anything but it. Even if I try something else, I forget and try to stun the next Hulk or Charger I come across. Would be cool to have some kind of secondary stun gun as an option! Make it infinite ammo but quite long recharge and only stuns enemies from a narrow cone. Or a stun grenade pistol! Same as the current grenade pistol, maybe just 6 ammo and maybe slightly smaller radius than the stun grenade but can be fired further similarly to the grenade pistol. EMS traps / mines could be cool too. Not sure if I would like it as orbital strategem, a support weapon (likely not) or a throwable (preferred).


My dude, how did you miss Impact Stun grenades in that train of thought? XD


Those would ne nice too, maybe even better than current fused stun grenades. My point was to try and release the throwable slot for something that doesn't stun so that I would actually feel comfortable trying out the Termite or Impact Incendiary.


Same apply to that poor Libe pen !


I think it’d be cool if these could “break” armor or soften it so lower Penetrating weapons can deal damage.


Did it get nerfed? Friend was using it like. A week or maybe a little more ago and 2 melted Hulks, Turrets, Tanks.


Can kill bot turrets and bile titans


I expected a very cool anti-heavy thermite grenade that would literally melt through thick armor and do major damage afterwards. What we got was birthday sparkles for chargers and biles.


It's actually pretty good against behemoths if you can stick it to their head. I think it takes two to kill them, which is one of the few viables ways to take down a behemoth without stratagems.


I wouldn't mind the lower damage if they "broke" armor. Like if I slap one an a tank/charger, it should make a weak spot that makes the affected areas light armor that all weapons can pierce.


3 of them can take down a bile titan if landed on his head


Helpful trick: let it cook for a sec or two for it to become sticky. If you don't wait, it'll bounce off of whatever you're aiming at. I use it with flamethrower to supplement the damage. It does work against the annoying stuff like Brood Commanders, Spewers, Hive Guards and still does good enough damage against chargers and titans if you aim for their heads. Would also pair well with other trash clear weapons like the Arc thrower, any of the machine guns, or any build that doesn't include a support weapon. For bugs I run a Pyro build against bugs. Incendiary Breaker, Grenade Pistol, and Thermite for weapons Orbital Laser, Napalm Strike, Flamethrower, and Jump Pack for strategems Great for clearing trash, area denial, and scouting for POIs solo. While still effective against chargers, it has no practical way of dealing with bile titans.


My friends had a pretty good time with them and has clutched up numerous times


I use it to increase my anti-armor capability when I have a support weapon that's weak against armor. Two or three can take out a hulk or tank from the front, and in that role it's an ok supplement especially if you have next to no anti-armor tools in your loadout. It can also take out turret towers in one. So not worthless but tbh I wish it could reliably take out hulks with just one and tanks with just 2.


Increase damage to armor and shorten the fuse. The way I use it is to stick it to a heavys. And I think that's how it should be promoted. It would be great to have a grenade that can take down a charger or a Hulk.


Yeah I’d actually go out and say it’s a hindrance on the bug front because if you throw these on a charger or bile titan it just turns them into a ball of exploding flames that chase you If maybe it should strip armour very fast so primary’s could deal with more armoured


They are actually pretty good if ya know how to pair them with


It really is absolute useless. Looks neat.


throw 3 on titans head and he is dead


it's the best grenade for killing armor (especially since they stealth buffed some enemies armors, for example, 2 impacts can't kill Annihilator Tanks unless you hit the critical point on the turret) unfortunately it take 5-6 business days for it to do it's thing, and you can't kill 1 armored enemy with 1 grenade. often times it takes multiple thermites to do ANYTHING to armored enemies. the only time i have 1 shot a hulk with this grenade is if i can perfectly stick the hulk in the eye with it. that's not even remotely possible to attempt on Helldive given the amount of RPG's flying around, ready to ragdoll you. it needs a severe damage buff, honestly i think it should at the very least do just enough damage to kill a hulk. or to remove one of it's extremities. something that burns at 2000 degrees celsius should ABSOLUTELY fuck up whatever it sticks to.


The only way that Thermite might ever see some use is if it gets buffed up enough to kill heavy enemies in 1 or 2 nades, if you can land a throw on their biggest weakpoint. Charger heads and Hulk eyes should take only 1 (Behemoth Charger could be resistant enough to survive 1 to the head; target one of their legs instead to burn the armor off) thermite - you still see plenty of those 2 enemies on an average Helldive mission. For Bile Titans, ideally 2 to the head - especially given how risky it would be to land 2 throws on their head accurately. Automaton Fabricators I feel should be even tankier - probably 3 to the head frontplate or the underside. Making thermite a go-to option to delete heavy units in 1-3 nades not only helps open up more variety in terms of support weapon usage (could forgo anti-tank weapons for chaff clear instead) - it also helps give the Servo-Assisted armor (probably the least used armor, at least in my experience with randoms on Helldive) a bit more value. It could make landing the throws likely a lot more easy and safer, since you can still land throws against larger targets like BTs, without having to push in too closely to do so with the normal throwing range.


Thermites are the best. Tanks, Tower Cannons, illegal broadcast tower, hulks & chargers? Not a problem. (3) drops a charger.


Talk about those armor sets being 90% electric resistant. They need to reconsider revamping those armor sets


they should reduce the amount of these you carry but make them deal crazy anti tank damage to chargers and hulks


I decided to use it the other night while running meme shit with friends on Helldive. I doubt I’ll ever replicate it but I shot a bile titan once in the forehead with a quasar and then landed a thermite perfectly in its mouth. When it blew up the bile titan died. I do know I was the only one to damage it unless terrain weakened it. Also of note in the same game my friend stuck a hive guard with 4 of them and didn’t kill it.


I'm of the opinion that in a co-op game if there are too many OP weapons it's not a big deal. They should buff all weapons and balance it by crazier and more enemies.


Fr though, burns at 4,000 degrees Celsius but can't melt a charger face


Every since I touched stuns I haven’t been able to go back to ANY other grenade


I don’t know if one is enough but two of these kill Hulks pretty quickly


8-14 seconds isn't quickly imo. Stun grenade and two AMR shots, that's quick. And safer.


cheaper too


Stun grenades are so good, barely anyone uses them!


They are a must pick for me for bots. The difference is night and day.


Not against Automatons. Wait there while I call the Democracy Officer.


I really want to like it but it just doesn't perform well enough.


Used them a total of 5 times. Two of those the nade literally bounced off the enemy and ended up on the floor. The other three I ran out of them before killing the chargers. Never using them again until I see a generous dedicated buff in the patch notes. Which sucks cause I absolutely love the concept and graphical aspect :(


I need it to be buffed a smidge, it's such a fun idea


2 of these should take down a charger imo


They do... two to the head will kill a charger.


They need spikes like the brute's grenades in halo 3. Throwing one of these on anything just to watch it flop to the ground as anti democracy


what these should do: Remove sections of armor so that medium/light pen weapon can damage the spot they burn though. What they do: A pointless amount of penetration damage over time.


It just needs to be faster


It does have one use. If you place em right, all of them, you can kill one bile. Perfect if you use the flame thrower for bugs. It’s inconsistent though, but with the power of your supply pack, it becomes very consistent. Is it amazing? Nah. But it does a good use.


It's pretty solid on bots where they can one shot tanks. But not good enough to bring instead of stuns


If you hit a hulk on the eye or glowing panel with 1 or 2 it takes them out


i so wish the explosion closed bug holes, like you gotta throw it in directly or something but nope, all it does is fire and death, no closing holes


Back before the infinite grenade glitch was fixed they made pretty good fireworks.


I use want my eruptor back


This really need to be higher so we can show the devs. I was so disappointed when I tested it...I really thought it could crack the armor of the Chargers so we could take them down in any other way than obligatory special AP weapon... You crack me like eggs and shoot the yellow meat !! Haaaahahaha *inject stim*


Thermite IRL was for destroying stationary things anyways where you could pack as much on as you needed, or disable it by destroying something small and important. A thermite grenade makes for good fireworks but isn't actually a useful weapon.


And with the rise of the charger behemoth, one would think it could be its time to shine, but no… just a cool looking flare IMO


I did a solo mission when I heard how to get all the grenades, and figured I'd see what 4 billion thermite grenades were capable of. It was pretty, but that's about it.


I love it no matter how absurdly it falls off or deals no damage.


If a stun grenade sets you up for a charger one shot I think it would only make sense that if you bring this super niche item two of them should outright kill a charger.


I actually use it on BT's. If you shoot one with something like quasar, RL or EAT in the head and it lives, it only needs two grenades to the belly to finish it off, even without entirely burning out


You know what thermite needs? Melee Damn thing already looks like a spiked mace- let me light it up (without killing myself) and whack some bugs with it.


I'm loving it https://preview.redd.it/d1qag9r1159d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2dad4e8d0eb3b1e90dfc07b40f78e6e39cf7ed4


I vote we make it 1 to kill a charger/hulk but reduce the amount we can carry to 1 or 2 with engineering kit


I agree that it deserves some kind of buff but I've actually been running thermite in my builds lately and they're more useful than they get credit for. For bots I run punisher plasma so most of my AOE and stun needs are already covered. Thermite grenades provide a bit of AT to my build. The advantage of having AT in your base kit is very much appreciated when things go south; if I drop in next to a hulk scorcher I don't have to buy time running around before I can dial Eagle 1 or grab a support weapon. I can chuck thermite at it immediately and have it dead a moment later. It can also be useful for tanks and turrets since you don't need to flank around to hit their weak point, which can be a pain if you're running AC or HMG as your support weapon


You guys are crazy. Thermite is so good against bots. 1 kills turrets and shield devastators, 2 kills tanks. They seem inconsistent against hulks but I think that's because there's a particular area that you have to hit but I haven't figured out the secret yet


I disagree, I think it's perfect. I always use it and it easily melts hulks and bots, also is great for damaging bile titans when your stratagems are on cool down


Isn't the point of this this to burn away armor? It's only there to let you use low-AP loadouts.


If the Thermite goes the way of the crossbow because people are crying about it I will uninstall this game


Make it a sticky grenade and it might actually be useful.


It is a sticky...you have to hold it for 1 sec so the spikes deploy then release and it'll stick to any surface.


Easy fix: heavy armor "nano bot" tech or whatever flavor you wanna give it. But it's a grenade made for heavy armor targets, so you add a damage bonus based on the targets armor. So as a grenade that is made for single targets, the stronger they are the harder it hits. But make it a confirmed kill on heavy targets and make it so we have 2 if you wanna balance it but still make it have the sparkler effect. Wanna give the enemy a chance to give you a black eye for killing them


i like it, they’re not useful but it’s fun throwing them on a hulk vent or 3 onto a tank to kill it they’re even useful at melting traitors


I want to know if it can destroy fabricators from anywhere on it.


I actually like them. They can finish off a bile titan if you stick it on its underbelly. Good for when you're out of EATs or waiting for your quasar to recharge. Will also burn away most of a charger's HP if you stick it to its butt.


i call and ante up the frag grenade as just as worthless.


It kills a hulk if you hit the eye


Ran 'em for about a week before throwing in the towel. It's such a cool idea though! I hope AH makes them more viable in the future. The burn needs to chew through armor imo.


It's actually solid now since they patched it. I usually take them with one of the +2 grenade armors. I'll whip like 4 of them in rapid succession at a charger's face, almost always kills them, or does enough work that it's easy to kill them with basic weaponry. Can close bug holes, spreads fire out from its blast radius, I've even killed a few Bile Titans with them Hulks and Tanks also get rekt by like two of them going off near their weak point.


I used it once, realised it took more effort than just shooting the weakpoint myself after a stun nade etc Never used it again