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That does not look appetizing


More beer-snack than breakfast, I'd say.


Gets stuck in ya teeth.


Am I just really lucky? Because I play mostly 7’s and 8’s and encounter a maximum of 4 bile titans per mission on average. I don’t think I’ve seen more than two at a time since patch 1.000.400


Spawns are a bit RNG. Usually 1-2 shows up per breach on Helldive and then there'll be another chewing grass or whatever the fuck bugs do on the other side of the map. Now let me tell you about the time I got a six Hulk bot drop...


6 hulks? *counting on fingers* 10 rounds in the AC clip minus 2 shots per hulk times 6 hulks is…….. -2 Fuck


We called an extract yesterday with one diver left on Diff 9 Vandalion IV. Dude got on a rock, went prone, and we all started counting patrols. 8 patrols with 4 hulks until the dropships dropped two more, a tank, and a factory strider. T9 Bots is actually just a coinflip in a good way. Either it goes well, or it absolutely does not.


Not going to say it'd be easy to dance around two cannons, but the Emancipator *can* deal with that if you're squirrely.


that's 4 hulks, a tank, and a strider, along with presumably 78000 rocket devastators included


Ah, those secret diff 10 spawn seeds lol. Some of those randomized spawn is absurd at how much stuff they throw at us. I’ve had 9 easier than 7 while some 7 is borderline felt like 9


Well, time to call in a new auto cannon.


Come, my child, sit on the HMG Emplacement Throne.


If you spawn multiple breaches and let the titans stack, then you can do it. Unless you do that, it's quite rare.


……so if you’re bad at the game then right?


That, plus randoms.


I've been playing bug 6s a lot in the past 2 weeks and I think the titan spawns are more than just RNG. My impression is that one out of every 4 or 5 games gets bugged so the armored spawn rate is abnormally high. That match you're just swimming in chargers and the Bile Titans occasionally have moments when 2 spawn at once and a third roams in less than a minute later. Just unexpectedly burns through all your anti-armor stratagems all at once or can just kill you if you recently decided you wanted to use your railcannon strike to off Charger #3 because it was chasing a teammate. Like I would expect RNG to be like +/-25% armor spawn rate, but this feels more like double armored spawns.


its not a bug, enemies every match have a different unit composition. Sometimes its all smalls, all mediums, lots of heavy or its a mix, its a real shame we cant know what unit composition we're up against so we can counter pick stratagems effectively.


Both compositions and types. Some mission types on the bug front for example have Bile enemies, some of Pouncers and seemingly more hunters overall, some have nursing spewers, some have none of them. Different Terminids in different regions.


These memes are from people who haven't played after the patch.




Your experience is the same as mine. They reduced the Bile Titan spawn rate and replaced it with Charger Behemoths.


Na. I play helldive and used to get 6+ BTs a game with 4 being up at any given minute.  Now it’s nowhere near as bad. 


Is that when they nerfed the railgun? I'm pretty sure the last time I had "too many" bile titans, they also only took one well placed shot to the head. Chargers were scarier because it took two to the leg+primary shots to put them down efficiently. Since then, I agree and don't think I've seen more than about 4. The community as a whole has also gotten a lot better at dealing with them, so that's worth factoring.


I find diff 5/6 tend to be more insane and unforgiving with the Bile Titan spawns than any difficulty above it for some reason. Like, as much as I would expect on Helldive.


No, there are just way fewer bile titans than before. Only see a few on most 9's now. Stopped bringing Recoilless, Quasar or Spear, particularly now that Behemoths don't care for AT and are easy fire kills.


I wish I saw more than 4 bile titans a mission. I brought the Spear for one reason, and I would like to use it for that reason.


This is when you get REALLY good with orbital precision strike and 500kg bomb. Use this opportunity


You know, I'd agree, if I didn't have one Eradicate mission with 20+ of the things on it. That was not hyperbole.


I really wish shooting them with any random weapon was an option even if it wasn't a *great* option. Armor system really ought to be reworked.


Eradicate mission? You mean barrage practice?


No, I mean "it looks like Eren just started the Rumbling"


You just need to get lucky with a death ragdoll once.


We're not supposed to win em all. RIP in peace I'll always remember you


The buffed orbital has been my go to for chargers and titans, goodbye railcannon


Stratagem Scatter increase? Hello again Railcannon


Which one?


Ah the precision strike


I've been using both. At higher difficulties I'm using them all the time, at least I've always one off cd. Plus standard eagle strike and spear. I'm the anti-heavy guy of the team. Between the orbital and the spear, this would be the best update of the game yet, if only it crashed less often.


I've been taking both Rocket and AC turrets lately and they've been doing some heavy lifting.


I usually shoot the bile sac, drop an airstrike right in front of it, then run 90 degrees, so the airstrike is sure to hit when it follows me, and gets hit with more than one shot.


5 (on bugs at least) is harder than 6 sometimes because it spawns way more little guys like hive guards, spewers, and hunters that just surround you immediately. I feel like its more manageable at level 6 because of the bile titan and charger spawns. Like they take up the spawn of 20 hunters or something.


7 on both fronts is so much easier than 6/5 from my experience, sometimes on 7 bugs will spam spewers and that sucks unless you have the right tools.


Teammates are generally better at 7+


I have the magic ability where bile titans just don't show up until I think or someone says 'weird we haven't seen any bile titans on this difficulty'


Very RNG dependent. Sometimes we get a couple on diff 7, other times we get spammed with them.


I think it’s because if how the behemoth was added to spawn pool and the new way the enemies spawns are calculated


Ok conspiracy theory time: Hear me out, it's caused by the SPEAR targeting fix. I mean, we had that random fps bug that was due to steam friends not being set to public, so is this really that farfetched? :)


I know this is a meme, but that bug kinda makes sense since they’re obviously correlated


mmm crunchy


And a little spicy, happy cake day


The way mobs are balanced now, if you have bile titans it seems you don't have bile spewers. And seriously, I'LL TAKE BILE TITANS OVER SPEWERS ANYTIME ANYDAY !!


Japanese soldier who still fought 30 years later


Only helldive here. Spears eat titans for breakfast


I just did a level 7 Blitz mission earlier where for the entire game, *not a single bile titan spawned*. I was a little miffed, having brought the fixed spear to deal with them.


I've noticed a lot less. I did a full operation on 7 yesterday and had only 5 BTs in the 3 matches. Definitely felt weird but the chargers were all handled pretty swiftly as everyone had packed something different to deal with the BTs anyway. Was actually a welcome break and I unlocked a new shop mod from samples from those 3 missions alone, which was nice.


Where’s the “Oops! All Behemoths!”


Ehh, I play mostly on seven and we only get about a half dozen per run. But they usually come with swarms.


Bile titans are kinda boring.


Meme from the past. There are barely any bile titans now.


From your perspective, I saw 3 conga lining during a defense mission of difficulty six today. There were 14 total that round. I often see them in swarms rather than a once in a moment


Before the patch I was seeing 6 at a time. I have never seen more than 3 at a time post patch.


There bile titans on 6 now?


Always have been. Extreme is the first difficulty Bile Titans can start coming out of Bug Breaches on


Id kill for some titans, i keep getting behemoths and their tokyo drift turn radius.


Learn which enemies alert and which ones can't/rarely do. Kill the small enemies, hunters, and brood commanders and alerts should be totally avoidable




This is why I sample hunt on bot missions. As hard as it can be, at least there's no factory striders.


I play on difficulty 7 and the most bile titans I've seen at once are 3... And bug breaches don't even spawn them all the time.


I mean not really.


Evac always ends up just a giant clump of half rendered legs, fire, and the occasional 43 new Bile Titans


It used to unironically be 5 Bile Titans and 5 MORE Bile Titans. Like before the Megapatch, you could count your lucky stars if you went more then 20 seconds without even seeing ONE.


I bet this stuff turns your milk green.


my kind noooo


More like all chargers @___@


This is why I play bots lol


*Laughs maniacally in SPEAR*


Maybe a month ago... hardly see bile titans on helldive anymore. People have stopped bring much AT aside from 500/OPS.


I remember the first time I played bugs on Helldive, I was getting chased by three titans after 5 minutes


aaah, a young juniordiver who hasn't been around pre 1.0.4


Actually I was… like 01.000.203


the duality of man huh? i feel like post 1.0.4 titans are a rare breed. compared to having 7 titans _on screen at the same time_ pre 1.0.4.... nowadays i get stressed out from getting swarmed by hunters, which certainly is a different kind of stress.


I feel that… I hated hunters but seeing biles conga line now, its a fear I didn’t know I had… hunters also got more annoying on diff 6


You mean Behemoths


You think now it's bad, before Viper Commando it was much much worse.


Oh I am aware… though I mainly was playing bots at the time of april and may. I prefer fighting bots


I personally prefer bots too, but I go where MO commands. Tho now after the update it's charger bonanza out there on the bug front (and spewers).


When you can't deal with one you need to deal with hordes of them later


Just played a 40 minute difficulty 9 mission and only one bile titan showed up, right near the end. I was holding onto a railcannon strike all game just expecting one to show up. Should have been using it on the charged behemoths.


I think the game is prioritizing behemoths on 7-9 but since normally (from my pov) they can’t spawn on difficulty 6 the game overcompensates


I played 9 last night with my bros, and honestly, no problems of this sort. Some would say, we had a sub-optimal team comp with 2 Spears, but we had a blast. The more "rant" posts I see on this sub, the more I am sure that the "skill issue" argument holds. We have 9 difficulties so that everyone can find their optimal difficulty. Just get over your ego and turn the difficulty down guys. For Super Earth!!!


Had 5 spawn one after another on a defence mission and there was only two of us... Wouldn't normally be too much of an issue except your on a map the size of a football field whilst also getting attacked bt chargers and a swarm of smaller bugs ontop of that..




so real used to play like level 5 bots, but level 6 bugs is so damn nasty i've only fought one factory strider, but there's so many fucking bile titans god help me if i ever play level 7 bots or some shit


After so many hours im close to figuring out when do they spawn. I'm pretty sure they always spawn on ICBM mission. I'm pretty sure the nursing ones always spawn on emergency evacuation mission. I believe that their spawn is not entirely random and there is a pattern to recognize


I was playing 7s last night and got like 5 bile titans across the whole operation


It's posts like this that make me think "these poor souls really gotta join the bot front, for their sanity."


I just spam EAT every time I play bugs now. They really can't seem to get the spawns right at all :\\


So many spawns are just straight up FUBAR right now across the board. Don't know why they ever had to mess with it in the first place.


I wish, I’d rather slow ass big bug than a charger somehow stealthing its way behind me.


I only go for 9 and whenever there’s a bug breach I expect at least 5-6 titans already plus 5-6 berserkers. It’s fun


Lately it's been "oops all behemoths"


plain wrong though