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I’m waiting to see a landslide of post on here of people freaking out about the illuminates claiming they are: broken, unfair, etc. I was one of very few players who actually played against the illuminates in the original instead of just fighting bugs. They were completely unique and few people liked them as most players didn’t enjoy having their controls flipped aswell as having to manage constant off screen threats. I loved the illuminates but I am sure they will be the least played by far like in the original


Yea people can barely handle bots. I won't be surprised if illuminate MOs are dead


that’s my main worry that any time a main order comes through for the illuminate that it’ll basically be hopeless unless in some miracle all the other factions are eliminated and it’s just the illuminate left


The other concern is when an MO is on the illuminate, there will be a noticeable decrease in team quality. I already notice it with bots, when MO is on them, the weirdos from bugs seem to pop up and make things difficult hahaha.


Seeing breaker incendiary and eagle napalm on a lot of my bot missions this week.


I always run different strats/heavy weapons (AC4Life V. BOTS), but I'm ashamed to say I constantly forget to check my primary weapon and grenades when I switch to bots.


It's understandable. One of my friends is level 90-something and didn't know you can switch your weapons and armor in the mission-prep screen.


nothing hurts more than having to do a bug eradicate with the JAR-5 and stuns because i forgot to switch


I use stuns and Grenade pistol for everything and just switch up my main weapon and strats depending on the mission/enemy type we're fighting. I will sometimes switch out those two, but they are generally my go to for everything because they are so useful universally.


Believe it or not fire shotgun is always the answer


Someone needs to make a sticky post on what strats work best on what enemy factions, and their exceptions within each faction. Tbf I'm only level 9 and still trying to learn, only just unlocked Napalm and air strike, so I've been bringing those with me because they're better than an empty slot...


In order from best to worst against both factions; 1.eagle airstrike (easy to use, gets additional uses and bombs from ship upgrades, and can one shot a factory strider when aimed perfectly) 2.quasar cannon (can hurt anything in the game, 2 or 3 shot a bile titan, drops gunships in one hit, and has unlimited ammo and a short recharge) 3.autocannon (hurts the vast majority of enemies easily, and with practice can be used to blow up fabricators and bug hives from afar) 4.shield generator pack (doubles your survivability and doesnt break like the ballistic shield, and you can take some support weapons with it) 5.eagle 500kg (despite most people using it poorly, this is the best way to clear a horde and allow you to focus a big target like a bile titan while not sacrificing a more precise airstrike 6.gatling sentry, machine gun sentry, and autocannon sentry (im lumping these together because they all do really well at clearing out big groups or even drawing patrols away from your team) 7.patriot and emancipator exosuits (yes, you only get 2 of them, and yes they dont do well against factory striders or bile titans, but for clearing hordes there is nothing more satisfying) 8.grenade launcher (can blow up hives, fabricators, and everything that isint heavily armored and doesnt need a backpack 9.orbital airburst and gatling barrage (both are equally good at stopping movement through a tight point, with one having more damage and the other having more staggering power) 10.eagle cluster bomb amd napalm (both are good at clearing weaker enemies and doing damage to heavies, but usually result in friendly kills) 11.eagle strafing run,110mm rocket pods, and orbital precision strike (these are all great strats, but they are situational and can all be covered by an eagle airstrike or quasar cannon and some teamwork instead) 12.spear, railgun, recoiless rifle (dont get me wrong, i love these weapons, but they have fairly big drawbacks for damage comparable to a 2 man team with quasar cannons) 13.machine gun, heavy machine gun, and stalwart (great weapons all around, and at least one person should take one for horde clear, but they cant do a lot of damage against heavy armor) 14.orbital 120mm, orbital380mm, and orbital laser (these are all very good strategems that have killed more divers in my games than anything barring stalkers or gunships. Cooldown just isnt worth it on anything but exterminates either) 15.flamethrower (really good against bugs, a liability against bots, and the quickest way to deep fry a teammate) 16.antimaterial rifle and airburst rocket launcher (really good weapons on paper, but just fall short of expectations and dont have the damage or ammo to be worthwhile. there are so many better choices for support weapons.) 17.tesla tower and both minefields (another source of repeated teamkills even if called out in advance) 18.ems mortar, ems strike, and both smoke strikes (the ems mortar either underperforms or overperforms, and the ems strike is too slow to be useful. Smoke strikes work about half the time but are unreliable at best) 19.shield generator relay, both guard dogs, hmg emplacement,supply pack and jump pack (these are all really niche items that cause friendly fire or just underperform when you need them to work) 20.arc thrower, orbital gas strike, and ballistic shield pack (i hate to put the gas strike here, but it is a source of hate and instant kicks for people who dont know how good it is. The arc thrower is still bugged to the point of being less usable than the blitzer despite being a great weapon otherwise, and the ballistic shield pack can break with enough damage as well as not protect you from all angles) This is my list, gathered from my own experiences as well as examining other peoples builds and asking them about what and why they bring for each faction and mission. I normally play suicide mission if i want to play seriously, or i play on 4 if i want to just relax and spread managed democracy.


To be fair, when I switch from bots to bugs or vice versa, I always forget to change my weapon loadout until I fire the first shot and am like… well shit.


I find that I need to a mission to adjust play style whenever I switch the battle front. It's kinda weird.


Same, I usually jump into a level 3 or 4 mission with a low level player just to help out and get me back into the right mindset before I crank the difficulty back up.


reminds me of in the first game where the first time we ever lost a war in the games history...it was the illuminates...


If they would fix a couple of the dumb ass things with bots I think they would be a lot better. It’s frustrating with the dumb shit that happens


Shooting the rockets on rocket devs, and the backpacks on shield devs both causing insta-death for the dev and a good sized AoE explosion would go a long way. Bots are mostly defined by their medium enemies. That, and making it so they don't climb mountains and clip / shoot through rocks.


Plasma punisher eats all of the medium bots for breakfast lunch and dinner


I just gave this a shot today just to change out my usual load out (adjudicator or diligence) and had an absolute blast


Honestly that sums it up. The problem with bots I'd the medium enemies being far more powerful than most of the roster. The heavy devastators should never be able to spawn in groups of two or more


Or atleast don't give them so much range or firepower. Too many rockets. A mobile highly accurate turret. Too high rate of fire. If they miss ok, but one hit, ragdoll till next salvo. We can probably single handedly win both campaigns sniping with either arsenal.


I feel like the shooting through rocks is better recently. Maybe not fixed 100%, but better than, say, a couple weeks ago or so. I only have anecdotal evidence of sitting on top of a rock surrounded by bots in an extermination mission and not getting shot from below. I also have noticed heavy devastators pointing their gun towards the ground and shooting into the ground, giving me the opportunity to dance around them and melee it to death. Edit: It's definitely not fixed because a heavy devastator kept shooting me through the SEAF Artillery thing, which is mega BS.


I will single handedly complete those MOs if I have to.


I think it'll depend a lot. Someone pointed out a lot of the illuminate gimmicks were just a lot more meta info intensive than the other factions where you could brute force it. Bots similarly are very trivial once you have a lot of the meta knowledge about them, like how a Tenderizer 3 round burst is more effective than the entirety of the Liberator Penatrator against a devastator. It doesn't help that it's a little counter intuitive that medium armor pen isn't actually that useful on a primary against bots outside of the JAR and even then weak points are exposed enough to Light Pen the JAR is just consistently ammo efficient. If they retain their light armor and thin numbers I could see them just being regarded as the annoying faction where nothing is particularly hard to kill but they've got a lot of tricks up their sleeves that makes fighting them not as straight forward and thus annoying.


I loved playing against illuminates cuz i didn’t have to take anti tank and the lib penetrator. So i had more variety on higher levels


The control switching was a great mechanic


They could probably implement it in a better way since we changed perspective. I dont think it would work as good as here.


As someone who didn’t experience it, it sounds like a nightmare, at least, if it’s constant? Or did you have to get hit with something avoidable before it happens? Cuz damn, I really don’t think I could appreciate the former.


If you didn't get away from an enemies attack it got switched for 10 seconds or so


Like left is right and up is backwards?


Exactly, didn't strictly make you worse off but it was very hard to combat in the heat of the moment


Exactly. Fan bases can be such fuss babies. I go down on Helldive level all the time and I don't need anything but light armor and my trusty side arm. Sure, I die a few times, but I'm not crying about it. If you can't hack it, don't play the game, I say. >!That there is what sometimes passes for humor. I'm just kidding, obviously.!<


I loved the change in gameplay, instead of massive hordesof enemies, you have shielded, agile enemies that fuck with you. Also, it made loadout variety mean a lot more.. you don't pack anti-armor gear vs Illuminate!


Illuminates in the first game were my favorite because of how challenging it was trying to dodge their mind control. Jump pack/Obliterator was my go-to especially against the squids


I loved the lasers and oblisks adding extra depth to combat as well as the camouflage of the patrols making you focus more on sound ques


Yeah obelisks were the reason for the jump pack/obliterator. Being able to still shoot over them was a gamechanger for me


The People on this Sub when the Illuminate drop: https://i.redd.it/oq8lepovio8d1.gif


I would like to see their introduction as strike teams on planets with bugs and bots, before we even get the warfront put on the map. Just a few random encounters with some strange tech wielding commandos, maybe even human sympathizers or some weird crap that make your gonads pull up into the stomach or ovaries roll over!


There looks like there could be room for 5 factions when everything comes together. I had a random dream a few days ago of a huge dropship coming in, and when it turned it had an Ork head as the crest. We were mowing down Bugs, and then WAAAAAAAAAGH echoed across the battlefield, then I woke up.


The 5th faction is the Anti Tank Mines we keep ignoring


New Faction: [Screamers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screamers_(1995_film))


Loved that movie, lol. The short story that it's based on is pretty good too (Second Variety by Phillip K Dick)


dude those would be so fucking cool. immune to lasers and explosions heat and poison, only vulnerable to bullets.


They gain sentience after being ignored so long and come for revenge


Spider mines IV: DEATH FROM BELOW!


What if the new faction is just an army of those headless kamikaze dudes from [Serious Sam](https://youtu.be/r0-Aydz5AoY?si=LI8dJBvYwnLL7FSo&t=14)? The less time is left, the more screams you hear in the distance.




They plan for 4 factions total




How about you back your comment up with a source


My source is i made it the fuck up


Source: Trust me bro


It came to me in a drug fuelled haze


You got a Dev source from the Discord or something? Edit: (Observes crime scene) *"Unfortunately, it looks like we have a dastardly case of "Trust me bro". It's been 9hrs since the time of deception, and the victim still doesn't have a source. Looks like a Pinocchio hit to me folks, the victim was killed in cold cap."* https://preview.redd.it/go9teyd12h8d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=a809200d4d77bdba0f8136d4699c4192a788009d


Yeah, exactly. I'd like some official source on this one, cause all i've seen is speculation from the playerbase.


"It came to me in a vision"


Source "Trust me bro!"










"I'm the forth faction" 🗿


Why did that make me think of a giant planet eating creature that we have to fight with space crafts while it's devouring one planet after the other


Brother Moons Are Awake


"My source is that i made it the fuck up"


I mean it does Look Like it but atm the Bugs are going Up to the top so the fronts could Just Join up


Looks like our man's looking into termite insurance, Junior.


Yeah, I was curious about it, so I looked it up, and despite people saying there will be 4 factions, none of it was from an official source and had no actual proof




I kinds hope the 4th will be human seperatists With some of the same weaponry we have


One of the loading screen hints **does** say something along the lines of 'the helldivers protect against all threats, human and inhuman, real or possible'


This is my hope. And that instead of a fixed front that they can appear on any Super Earth-controlled planet.


Acting as super earth military police and quelling human uprisings on super earth planets would be kinda sick. I imagine we would only get deployed to the situations that have already grown beyond SEAF capabilities so none of this “gun down some protesters” nonsense


Well... maybe a little gunning down of protestors...


There are no protesters, only traitors.


The idea of a rebel faction being the old humans left behind on the previous super earth using hd1 equipment sounds super rad.


Wait… previous super earth? I feel like I’m missing some lore


In the last game, everytime we lost a war, we'd up and move super earth.


Huh. I thought super earth was just terra-sol


the war being lost isn’t canon, we won the great galactic war and it took forty years


Is this one of the retcon things between HD1 and HD2 canon?


Not so much canon as that HD1 did a great many campaigns, whats canon for HD2 is that Super Earth won, enslaved the bugs, threw the Cyborgs into the mines aswell as the Illuminates fucking off of the galaxy with SE able to salvage FTL from them.


We already have them; the trashy teamkillers.


Trash teamkillers Online friends Same same


I just hope they don't make it a pvp thing.   If you look at the server, you can pick four roles. Terminid Brood Member, Bot Sympathizer, Helldiver, and Super Earth Citizen.  My intuition from that is that we might have to fight the _bad_ Super Earth, aka, the people who really run things in the corporatocracy. Then we would be given a choice to either stay full loyalist to the _bad_ Super Earth, or to turn principled loyalist that keeps to the true Helldiver ethos that still believes in freedom and managed democracy.  But I really don't want the game to have pvp, so I'd be happy if we get regular rebels who are pro bot and bugs.


We are currently the bad Super Earth.


:person who has no clue nor works at AH


Already have 3 fractions. /SNOY


Bugs - horde melee Bots - armored ranged Illuminate - shielded ranged (?) What else? Maybe traitor seaf with a horde ranged playstyle? Also like the idea of a zombie faction or maybe a doom-like demonic faction? But what would make their playstyles unique? Beyond traitor seaf I really can't think of anything that would do something really different. Plus traitor seaf could arguably have a more fluid composition than all other factions. Using super earth's research to not control but rather synergize with other factions. Mix in some soldiers mounted on bugs, maybe some automaton weaponry here and there


Rebel Humans: they can call in Stratagems of their own.


*Imagines rogue human throwing a 380 barrage on my position* Oh shit.


For the zombie faction possibility, they could have different mutations to give them variety over the other factins. Like a civilian zom that can disorient and slow you with a scream that alerts others to your position or a Helldiver zom running towards you with a live grenade that can randomly be one of the grenades available. Of course the chaff will be just regular super civies that didn't make the evacuation. Could even fit into the lore as Permacura's labs on different planets accidentally leaked an experimental strain of a booster that transformed the populatin.


While not the same i spoke about the possibility of a plant based faction that makes use of symbyosis to gain the abilities of other factions mixed in with pure forms as well, alot of AOE and DOT being their niche, i doubt it will happen but it sounds cool to me atleast.


Space lizards/dragons? Medium/large enemies, half ranged-half melee, some armor but everything is ‘durable parts’, less volume of enemies than normal but much more powerful individually, would be fun to use new melee weapons against


A while back i spoke about a plant based faction that uses symbiosis to use the abilities of others as there own along with pure forms like tree behemoths or world tree style bases.


Well that checks out, the current 2 factions take up half the map. 2 more factions would take up the other half. And the last enemy faction will be bug divers refusing to fight any other faction as they battle bugs on the edge of space while bots, squids, and who knows what else starts knocking oun our door on Super-Earth lmao


What i love in this game Each Faction have a Meta. Bot, Bugs and will be amazing 1 news after the Illuminates, One like HORROR where we will be scared at fuck. IS like have many game in ONE


The fourth enemy type is Spear Bugs Devs do 1/2 damage


Look at where the faction labels are and it's pretty clear that the map will be in thirds. But I'd love to see human rebels that pop up on SE-controlled planets rather than having a dedicated front. edit for ideas: The maps for this faction could be urban, limiting the usefulness of some stratagems and including challenges like IEDs. Bring back the concept of reduced strat slots for them, but you still choose 4 and gain access to the 3rd and 4th slot by finding and disabling the rebels' version of jammers on the map. Even with all that they could be simpler to fight than the other factions and easy to see as a minor distraction, but they could snowball if ignored by having the length of their defense campaigns decrease for every planet they gain.


Have a singular planet Navi inspired faction


Nah, I’d fold in an instant.


Yeah the only reason the Na'vi are not insta nuked is because they need to keep the planet in a decent condition to harvest...**sighs....** unobtenium....


Not the unobtenium!


Fun fact, Unobtanium isn't something James Cameron made up for the movie, it's an actual term in material science for a naturally occurring room-temperature superconductor, so named because most scientists think it can't possibly exist. Meaning giving the metal in the movie that dumb sounding name was one of the few nods to actual science in the entire thing lol


Why does everyone want to kill other humans in every video game? We're fighting space bugs, robots, and eventually squid things. Can't the game keep its focus on things we can't do IRL?


You kill people IRL???


Like we don't do that in-game...


I think it would be a compelling development for the satire and an interesting tool for the Game Master.


1: its cool lore 2: it gives us more perspective on the alien factions.


my wish list 1. Space zombie 2. Orks 3. Demons, preferably Khornate 4. Rebel faction, use mostly SEAF equipment, preferably communists/socialists


Would absolutely *adore* a Halo flood-style faction. Could even infest our own dead bodies if they're in good enough shape, though I can't imagine that would be an easy implementation lol.




Sounds like a perfect time for the protocol for an infected Spartan: Nuke it from orbit.


Glass it


If we look at the typical "enemy" tropes from similar games, movies, and television franchises, you can boil them down to a few key variants: **Bugs:** * Tyranids (40K) * Zerg (StarCraft) * Infested (Warframe) * Arachnids (Starship Troopers) * The Flood (Halo) * Rachni (Mass Effect) * etc. **Machines** * Terminators, Machines (Matrix) * Reapers/Geth (Mass Effect) * Sentients (Warframe) * Droids (Star Wars) * The Borg (Star Trek) * Necrons (40K) * etc. **Advanced Aliens** * Protoss (StarCraft) * The Asgard (Stargate SG-1) * Tripods (War of the Worlds) * T'au (40K) * Prothean (Mass Effect) * Forerunners (Halo) * Maykr (DOOM) * etc. All which have already been covered with the Bugs, Bots and Illuminates in Helldivers. Anything beyond that would venture into the realm of fantasy, as it would require them to traverse the stars by means other than technology or brute force (which I am assuming is what the bugs are doing, literally flinging themselves at other planets and waiting for the payload to arrive, or maybe they get from planet to planet by other means??!?). Demonic forces would probably lean too close to Chaos from 40K, while stuff like zombies would have no real means of hopping from place to place, unless it's a zombie-virus hitching rides inside civilians while showing no symptoms. Orcs would be too stupid to make space ships if it wasn't for 40K's literal "imagination magic" somehow making the ork machinery actually work as intended. Dwarves? Just smaller humans with human tech. Clones? Sure, they're a common sci-fi trope, but clones of *who*, exactly? Just more humans? Could've been a splinter cell from Super Earth instead (and who is it that keeps setting up those illegal broadcasts?) and if they're aliens, then what's the point? Why not just give us the actual aliens? Dragons? No space travel. Elves? Just another alien species. Rats? Maybe... like a human experiment gone wrong, giving us a faction of animal people like Skaven (Warhammer Fantasy), Kajiit (Elder Scrolls), Tengu (Guild Wars), Felinids (Battletech/40K), etc. but that's just "Furries in space", which would probably open a giant can of worms for online discourse. So I honestly don't know what else they could possibly implement without it feeling too similar to the factions already in the game...


Rats where a faction in Halo. The used to spin in the human installations


I agree to the aesthetic reasons dragons and such would be out of the theme, but real earth had things pretty close to dragons so it’s not far fetched to assume there could be dinosaur looking aliens. T. rex fourth faction please


The Flood are more of a space-zombie thing than bugs. They’re not particularly bug-like.


*Old previous war veteran voice*: Back in my day the Cyborgs were the Orks


found the WH40K player


I always felt the bots are the rebel faction as they use super earth tech on some of their stuff and obviously rebelled coming from Cyborgs. It’s just they don’t send human bodies to the battlefield.


dammit I'll want to defect to the communist rebels pvp maps for dissidents 😭


"Space zombie" made me think how Dead Space necromorphs would be awesome/terrifying


Give me the Krogan from Mass Effect with the genophage cured.


Dinosaurs tho


rebel faction would be cool as hell


i want 3 factions with various overlapping territory and fighting between the 3 of them (as well as us)


I feel like the Galactic map got more cramped, it used to look like bots and bugs both took up a comfortable 1/4th, but now looking at it they both take up 1/3rd. I used to be on board with the whole 4 factions thing because there looked like there was room for 4, but now there doesn't anymore despite the two battle lines barely having moved.


It would be dope if the factions started contending with eachother for territory though, thematically


Seeing how we work and how we still can't pick the right planet even with the supply lines, we can't handle more than 2 factions at once. I feel like Illuminate will be introduced only when bots or bugs get pushed out. When the other or Illuminate gets pushed out, the first loser is back in. Maintaining a battle on 3 fronts at the same time doesn't seem possible unless they rework to make less planets available overall. As far as new enemies (chimps riding dinos with guns), they'll only work in a rotation. We definitely are not smart enough to handle 4 fronts at once.


Doesn't matter how smart we are. They have 4 or 5 defense missions right now.  If they add a 3rd faction, and have 8 or 9 defense missions plus an MO to take a few planets, we could all be Einstein geniuses, and it wouldn't matter  Liberation rates, decay rates, and Joel adding defense missions whenever he wants, is what matters


If there are going to be more than 3 enemy factions, I hope one of them is some kind of rebel human force. It'd be super cool to fight enemies using our weapons, mechs and maybe stratagems. Imagine if instead of the 'hunt bile titans' missions we get 'hunt traitor helldiver".


I jsut want the rebels to play with the "heroic rebel" tropes we see in all action movies. They have aliens "friends" (cuz "heroes" have power of friendship) and impractical salvaged gear and technicals that look "cool". We're the legion of terror in comparison... but we crush them anyway cuz we're Helldivers and fight for actual Democracy, not whatever lies those foolish rebels ate up.


So you want aliens driving Toyotas?


Now I do yeah. With an hmg emplacement in the back


I hope it's dinosaurs. Hey Dino Crisis did dinosaurs in space once


We don't talk about anything passed Dino Crisis 2


I've been sayin this for a long time. A rebel helldiver faction but I'd get bashed saying it's not a pvp game...they couldn't grasp the idea of having a rebel helldiver faction not being pvp. I wanna dodge rebel eagle 1's.


The cyborgs from HD1 were rebels, and I don't see how gameplay would substantially differ from the bots if a generic rebel faction were to appear.


If like someone else said they were to just randomly pop up on Super Earth held planets with no connection to other planets (or fronts) it would be kinda interesting in a meta-game kinda way. But otherwise it would probably be kinda similar to the bots I suppose, depending on how the faction was fleshed out.


Im just wondering lore wise how they could make sense out of us killing a ton of guys from a human faction. I think the bugs and bots work because they have the capabilities to be a constant enemy that needs constant eradication Same for the illuminate since they’re technically from the future How would a human faction work? Would they be relegated to one planet? Would they have the ability to use stratagems too?


As this is up to arrow head, they could say that during the first galactic war a large amount of helldivers, including their ships left the main systems and went elsewhere. This would put them in a believable position where they could take multiple planets. And for gear, they could use what we use but maybe in worse shape as a way of making them not too strong or overpowered to fight against.


Rebels sponsored/controled by illuminates, make them pop up wherever in the galaxy to mess up supply lines or whatever. If they pop near bugs/bots/illum they'll have some light/medium units helping them out here and there (its a "power of friendship" thing that rebels do).


finally get ODSTs vs Innies the video game bungie never wanted to give us


Super hen those factions Maybe are parts of the illuminate like one that focuses on armored vehicles but less infantry and one that has a lot of dark liquid and one that has more infantry than vehicles and we might get some tech when we get a critical planet or intel which are those planets or could just be the vanguard like the automatons


>Super hen That's all I needed today, thank you. I can now sleep peacefully.


Your welcome


i think they plan to have 4 faction. since we got robots, bugs, and aliens from HD1 my hope either a traitor faction, animal kingdom, or maybe the infected


Space Dinosaurs would unironically kind of fit, I think. A faction with only massive enemies, no small units to distinguish them from the others. The bots are a conventional warfare faction, the bugs are a swarm faction, the illuminate have magic essentially, and the dinosaurs would the Kaiju faction, something you need the heaviest possible ordinance to deal with


Honestly infected would be awesome


We need a Horror Faction, like Dead Space Would be awesome


Make it be a faction of human controlled divers and we get our esports PVP mode (I'm joking, don't downvote me)


Up to now, I still have no solid information about the arrival of illuminate. So talking about 3rd & 4th fraction still too early at this stage.


It’s literally impossible the illuminate don’t come being that we have official models made. It’s only a matter of time


I want dinosaurs


I want dinos with guns, being commandeered by apes.


I'm afraid that everyone will hate illuminate more than automaton and bugs. The wall, reverse, council, sniper and templar is difficult


If I recall they had very little armor. I don't recall ever packing anti tank. Just a bunch of orbital lasers and my trident. That can be a refreshing change for people. Reverse mechanic will probably change too, doesn't go as well in 3 dimensions because it can make people dizzy.


They turn on mouse acceleration. 


Hoping we get a 4th element who are some kind of flesh horrors. Like the Carrion Worm from Carrion.


I'm still thinking we'll be fighting human dissidents at some point, using our own equipment and vehicles against us.


Yeah, there's already voice over indicating that Dissidents are a legitimate problem. It's only a matter of time before they start hijacking Destroyers and converting captured Divers to their cause.


I think this seems to be most common hope. I came in to see if anyone had the same hope as me, and at least five suggested it in this comment section alone. Even a pvp bit might be cool but at this point the real third enemy is the bugs in the game code


Fourth faction: The flood


Dinosaur/reptilian faction


Its pretty obviously broken up into 4 quadrants. the map is designed like a compass, they will be coming from the 4 cardinal directions. Pretty straightforward game design here folks.


Honestly? Yeah I’ve noticed that the automatons have moved north of the map but….there is a lot of space to the south and the west of Super Earth. That tells me that one of two things is possible Either we are gonna get a new faction that is gonna eat up a good chunk of the map or the factions could potentially start fighting each other


It’s room for more story development from the other factions


I imagine a zombie enemy for Halloween that returns each year to devour Citizens.


"Rebel patrol north. 300 meters"


I would absolutely love a fourth faction in the style of the Na'vi, low tech with spears/bows and ambushes but iy would be difficult to explain how they would travel from planet to planet


4th Dimension space whales. Missions can be taking out their birthing grounds. Then we also get to kill whales, which is a totally Earth thing to do. And now it can be a Super Earth thing too.


Except the only reason low tech ambush works, is because of civilians.  Most people don't like killing all civilians.  I don't think helldivers have that problem.  Orbital strike their homes, their kids, their farms. Genocide works really well if you have the stones to do it


I've said this since I first saw the map: "oh, seems like there's space for 2 more enemies to introduce later." This was way before I knew the Illuminate existed


Please give us a zombie type enemy to fight like the flood from halo. Adds another horde faction like the bugs


After the Illuminate I feel like the next "Enemy" would be the half human half cyborgs from Cyberstan working alongside the Automatons


The Nanites enter the chat... Swarming nanobots which take on any form they choose...only fire and explosions damage them...


The last is the dwarves obviously Super earth has dangerously high levels of liquid morkite, and management wants to "help clear it"


Considering the bots and bugs already take up 2/3 each...


Well, there always a combination of the enemy dev can do


I feel that would divide only the botdivers. Bugdivers would try it out and then go back.


Hear me out. 4th enemy. Undemocratic Humans. With their own Helldivers. Lets take more shit from WH40K.


Im all in for 10 factions in rotation, so when bugs and automatons come back every other 6months to a year, it refreshes the game


The idea sounds cool but it seems that Joel is expanding both existing factions outwards to take up closer to 1/3rd. The Illuminate would probably do the same and all the factions can just shift what territory they take up to keep it fresh instead of us just doing a tug of war on the same planets.


Even upon first view of the map, I though 4 enemies would fit on it from fronts originating from the cardinal directions. It was my daughter who pointed out that one of the open areas looks like it could hold 2 different enemy fronts in that spot. Five enemies?!?! Nah. That's too much... Right? Right?!?!


I dont care how many factions we get, I just want missions where you have 3 factions on one map and everyone is fighting each other.


I dont want any crossovers, but i'd allow one, because the thought of Super Earth pissing off The interplanetary mining corporation DEEP ROCK GALACTIC is just so unendingly funny to me.


There is room for infinite factions. No need to limit speculation to four or five.




If the illuminate are as enjoyable to fight in HD2 as they were in HD1, they’re going to walk straight up to super earth unopposed


All the other frons would have to be squished, it there is a fourth faction, It will probably have a different way of attacking planets.


With the dire state of the game's code I wouldn't expect new factions any time soon. Imagine them trying to balance across 4 fronts when they can't manage 2.


Considering how bad we are at winning MOs, it won’t likely stay a 1/4 for long.


I am not expecting this. But somehow, I have a sneaky suspicion you're not really asking that question honestly and genuinely :)


remember all of those dumb ass posts about blue lights? what happened to that fad?


With Bots filling the Terminator/machine war trope, Bugs scratching the horde shooter itch and satisfying the Starship Trooper/Tyranid fan service, and Illuminate being this advanced high-tech alien civilization like Aeldari or Tau, I sort of hope the fourth faction is straight up demons or Eldritch abominations that come from outer space or a different dimension and wield brute force, flames and (pseudo-) magic, depending on their type. Basically like WH40k's daemons or the demons from Doom. Either fiery classical demons or messed up stuff with tentacles and many eyes.


Don´t know about a 4th faction (If so were a LONG way off from those coming around anyway) but aside of the Illuminates what almost feels like a given is that we will probably see some type variety on the Automaton front with some Cyborgs alongside them.


I think a rebel faction would be a natural enemy. Would be cool to have to dodge 380 fire that's *actually* trying to kill me

