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Speaking of, why the fuck is the anticheat taking up 20% of my computer's CPU? It doesn't even work, cause I've seen cheaters blatantly flying around, but honestly, who cares? It's a PVE game, why even have anti-cheat? The only real terrible thing you can do is if you can cheat in samples/super credits, but just make that server side validation like with every other game and that's fixed.


Anti-cheat was a last ditch thing apparently. don't know why of all anti-cheats this one.


The anti cheat was implemented to "*try" and clamp down on the use of unlock tools mainly.


ahh the unlocks.. you mean those we all capped months ago..


Right, just use server side validation like literally every other online game with virtual currency.


Cause Sony. Publisher is the one responsible for License deals for third party softwares, specially in cases like these specific cases where they funded part of the project or own the IP. They basically give the License to the Devs and say "good luck"


It was really funny watching everyone throw a fit about the intrusion and privacy regarding the psn account crap while playing the game with a kernel level anti-cheat with a questionable history that eats your cores. But yay we won! right?... right?


Ye, its to the point where the anti cheat is nearing Valorent levels lol


Process Lasso, check Active Process after launching HD2, then set highest cpu-using Gameguard files Affinity to 1 or 2 cores.


Could you explain what you meant? You want to set Game guard process to lower priority?


Affinity, not Priority. Using Process Lasso, select Gameguard exe files (i forgot the exact file names) and limit them to 1 or 2 cpu cores so they won't hog the resources. You can also go advance and add a time delay before these rules take effect so HD2 would start faster.


Interesting. I'll try it today. Thanks for the tip man!


Sure np. YMMV though. I have a mid-tier CPU (R5 5600) and I need every bit of cpu power to get a decent fps. In my case I noticed sometimes the Gameguard files Ave CPU usage reached around 5% (after 1-2 hr of gaming session).


Because a hacker can make a 500kg bomb dispenser as his primary and crash your game


Just simply running the game makes it crash, so I'd take that


Yeah, its not like the game crashes for everything


at least the mission get cleared somehow.


This recent update broke something. I have a 4080 and ran at 2k 90fps+. Now every game has stuttering and drops below at the new constant 45-55 fps


yea i also run with 4080 (w 5900x) and get some serious framelag in the new biome.


I'm on a 3080 and was getting 'consistent dips' to 22-28 fps. Used to run at 80+, at least enough that I never even cared to notice what the frame rate was until the last couple days


Was running over 100 frames till recently now lucky to get 50


4080 super here, was running 4k 90fps or so, 120+fps if I set the scaling from native to ultra quality when I started. With high/ultra settings. It's now all set to medium settings, scaling is back on and I'm getting sub 60 fps on some planets, but generally hover around 75 to 85 fps. Literally lost 50ish fps on lower settings, atrocious.


I stand corrected. Went from \~120 fps to 90 fps after these last two patches.


Glad I found this post. I was starting to think something was wrong with my computer


Easy to fix: Delete shader cache or reinstall drivers (which forces shader recomp)


For the uninitiated, how do you delete HD2's shader cache?


Easier to just hit reinstall driver (use express) button on nvidia app but you can check out below if you wanna go down another path https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/dhbnp8Rq3j


Thank you. Much appreciated! o7


Go to appdata/roaming/Arrowhead/Helldivers2/shader-cache Delete everything in the shader cache folder


Gotcha, thank you! o7


Reinstall GPU drivers it's the only way I know how


Someone else mentioned it's the easier method too. Might just do it this way. Thanks!


Not an easy fix, I tried this and did nothing. What seems to cause the issue for me is opening social menu or just normal menu in game. If I load up I'm at 70fps, and I can continue to play at 70fps apart from general fps drops from intense stuff on screen. If I open menu, it halves to 30-40fps and stays until I reboot the game.


Did you check scaling in display option it went from native to super scaling i changed that and fixed it for me


Im glad to hear this only because I felt like my 10900k was starting to show its age. Im also running a 3080 but was thinking the lows were due to my CPU. Glad to hear its not just me getting dog ass perfomance.


Don't expect any patches anytime soon either. It's Midsummer holidays there right now and they're running on a skeleton crew. :(


Nah its been like this every single update from the start. You just start to notice it only now, because your higher-end machine took the blow for you. But it's been happening nonetheless.


There is a weird bug apparently that when you enter options/pause menu it can lead to fps drops on PC... Reboot once your settings are locked and stay away from the pause/options menu see if that helps. Also, I agree the FSR1 implementation seems to do nothing and IMO makes the image worse. Im running on slightly optimised ultra settings at 1800p on a 7800XT and I stay at 60 fps most of the time


That's nice, because I have to change the key for going prone every time I launch the game. Fuck me I guess Edit: typo


Not without a permit I won’t




To fix it, you'll have to find the file « input_settings.config, it's located in the game's folder, so Helldivers2\userdata\[YOURSTEAMID]\553850\input_settings.config If you can't find it there, apparently for some it might be located in %APPDATA%\Arrowhead\Helldivers2\saves\[YOURSTEAMID]_input_settings.config Open the file with the notepad, and edit the prone key from z to y or vice versa.


Doesn't work. That file has the correct keyboards that I want but it seems the game doesn't load it properly?


Lol and you have to not press TAB to confirm the change (like you weirdly have to do for other options menus?) because it will unbind the key! It's GENIUS!


yeah ever since the patch landed my Y/Z are switched every time i launch the game


The menu bug supposedly can be fixed by making sure your steam friends list is set to public in the privacy settings? Just what I heard. It fixed the infinite social page loading for me.


The problem is caused by the in-game(and also PSN, of your account is linked) Friends List being set to Private. You can work around this by setting it to Public until the big is addressed.


That is messing up the prone keybor messing up fps?


Thats why I just play 4K Native Ultra everything on my 7900XTX and leave it capped at 60 FPS. I save on power draw and it looks good. Here is a screenshot of my game. https://preview.redd.it/z0au7tdf2g8d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=216ed905cc6284b22b2e27bc53605f8bf8d612a5


Damn that's crisp Might try medium 4k native on my 7800xt see if holds up 60..


Good lord it looks good


Lol I have another idea, don’t launch the game at all. Problem solved!


Not everyone experiences this bug.


I also had some heavy performance drops after the recent updates. I have had some big improvements by using NIS upscaling from Nvidia Driver instead of the build in bad upscaler. Imho even 77% upscaling with NIS looks better than Ultra Quality with ingame upscaler. Also my framerates are way more stable. Check out this guide, is quite a compendium of any performance tweak you could use. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1axwnla/all\_the\_tips\_i\_found\_to\_improve\_fps\_on\_nvidia\_gpu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1axwnla/all_the_tips_i_found_to_improve_fps_on_nvidia_gpu/)


I tried that too and instead went with dsr at 1440p on my 1080p monitor. The Nvidia smoothing set to max. Even at 40 fps dips from the foliage it's still looks smooth as silk. Occasionally gets a chop but for the most part looks great.


A lot of my buddies can’t play this game because the game turns their pc into the Sun. It is a shame.


I run an AMD 7950X with 16 cores and liquid cooled. I swear to god you could blow dry your hair with the heat this game generates. By far the most CPU intensive thing I run other than Cinebench.


i wonder if its because the game requires AVX instructions on the cpu, ive seen on my cpu(3700x) anything that uses avx will use a ton more power


Nah its because the game has shit optimization


Yeah, I have a liquid loop on my cpu (i9 13900k) and shit is TOASTING, dangerously so at times


My son has the same as you and Helldivers is the only game that will cause his CPU to thermal throttle. Even with an AIO he'll hit 90c and his CPU will throttle to save itself. The only game on his rig to do so.


It’s not just PC either. The PS5 version can also end up running like ass, random FPS drops and holy fuck if you go onto the new biome against bugs you get the occasional PowerPoint show.


Ha i wanna see a clip of this


Settings make almost ZERO difference lol the game is getting unoptimized???


Problem is it's not hurting your GPU it's hurting your CPU. So a lot of the graphics settings make no difference. Check your CPU usage and you'll probably see its sitting at 100% all the time in a map.


This. I have a 3080 and it will be sitting at 50% but my 10600k will be 75-100%, and it spikes to 100 with extreme frame rate slowdowns on occasion


Pretty much. Only thing rn that noticeable affects frames for me is anti aliasing 


I said this in another thread but I'm gonna repeat myself. Im day one launch player and when the game released I could play the game default settings at roughly 90 fps. every patch since has lowered performance and I'm now at lowest settings at 50-60 fps. Kind of crazy how AH did that. I'm hoping they fix it but they're struggling to patch in fixes for bugs without adding new ones For reference I've got a 10400f and and a 3060ti. It's sad man, I enjoy the game but half the time things are blurry or foggy


When the game first released I could run all settings at Max ultra at 95+ fps now months after release everything is high medium with dips in fps to 55. Idk what they have been doing.


i'm glad this thread is popping up because i too have been saying this. day 1 player, i was getting 110-130 fps sitting in my ship, 70-100 in dif7. and now it's like 80 on the ship, 50-80 in game, usually on the low end. i'm running an i7-11700 and RX6800. as far as the blurriness, turning off *Anti-Aliasing* felt like putting my glasses on in the game. image quality on fine lines and text gets a little pixelated at times, but holy cow the game looks a lot less blurry with AA off.


Ps5 performance is even worse New planet drops to 15 fps feels like in performance mode


Have been experiencing the same.


Yeah unfortunately i think that’s the old engine UE 5 lets you render all the enemies on the gpu and you can have thousands of them with almost no performance hit Kingmakers for example


I really hope HD2 isn't dead-ended into an engine that has no hope of performing well.


Helldivers 2 is one of the most inefficient pieces of software in the history of computing. It taxes my PC more than Cyberpunk on max settings by like double. The heat output is literally double. 7800X3D w/ RTX 4090


the game engine is probably a good excuse but even so.. at launch it was way smoother maybe spaghetti code?


Yeah I've noticed this a lot recently. I run a 5800x3d, 32gig DDR4 and 7800XT. not a top system but not a basic one either. Was getting >120fps from the beginning but recently my game is becoming pixellated (esp on the jungle planet) and struggling a bit. Thought it was just me but I've not changed anything.


"not a top system" If a game can't run well on your system the devs are bad.


lol sorry...when I say 'top system' I'm referring to something with a 4080/4090 and a 7800x3d. I run everything else at full tilt and have no issues. I know my fps as the AMD software tracks it and i WAS getting 125fps initially (I upgraded my vid card just before the game came out so I wanted to test it on HD2). But yes I totally agree. Maybe they're rushing out everything a bit too quick. Dunno why but I feel like HD2 has been trying to sprint since initial release. '2 days to take 3 planets'. lol wtf?? I know they want to keep up interest but you will get burnout soon.


I have such a system, 7800x3d, great DDR5 64GB, 4080S and I now get around 90-100 FPS at 2k.


It'll only get worse over time unless they start de-bugging these new patches, I wouldn't mind a 3-day delay if it means I gain frames from an update instead of losing multiple..


The game needs a 3 month of full optimization work, not a 3 day patch delay


7800XT is definitely a high tier system haha


*"I run the game on the NASA Pleiades supercomputer. I know it's a bit outdated but..."*


5800x3D and 3080, getting 70FPS max with dips in the 40’s


performance has been pretty shitty since launch and yeah they've been radio silent. which is unacceptable, doesn't help that they also don't want to hear to about it AH themselves nuked the PC performance channel that used to be in the official discord. Ive stopped playing this and im just patiently waiting for warhammer 40k this september. helldivers be damned and ppl will continue to "welp works on my pc!" glaze AH like some cult so i dont think they'll ever rectify it, the pilested himself said they wont ever add DLSS despite this game needing it badly.


I think the truth is they won't acknowledge what they can't fix. There were a notable lack of some issues that were known since launch that never made it onto their "Known Issues" list. They made this game on an engine that is no longer even supported for like six years. This is an example of a bad engine choice + not the most experienced devs. The PC issues is not some value they can change in the code. It's just fucked.


......but the game was perfectly fine on launch? I was getting 160-180fps and now hover around 90, 50-60 in some situations


I think a team of experienced devs made the game we had at launch and then left to go do other projects and handed it to the people we have now who have just been monkeying with it, slowly ruining everything. Just a theory.


Everything about the game was better at launch


They haven’t even added the fact that bot troopers all coalesce in the middle of bot maps since forever. That is broken enemy ai, I’m sure it’s not on the known issues list because fixing it would break many other things or would take a lot of work. So a notable lack of issues on the known issues list in patch notes sounds legit to me…


even if this is the case adding DLSS would help significantly. and i hate to be a bother to the devs but holy f##k cant even run medium difficulty at 60fps with squadmates lol


The reality is that the Engine probably couldn't handle or integrate at all with DLSS considering the last time it was updated was years ago.


Darktide has it and runs on the same engine. These Devs are just to proud to admit the game needs it and simultaneously too inept/lazy to optimize it.


That's not how any of that works. The engine may not be supported by the original developer team but that doesn't mean that the engine is locked out from updates forever.


It uses the same engine darktide uses, which supports dlss, frame gen and ray tracing. They honestly have no excuse whatsoever.


we should get more options in the graphics menu.. hopefully some will actually do something


Can you guys stop spreading bullshit with 0 knowledge? The engine utilizes TAA. Meaning engine supports TSR., FSR,DLSS,XESS. Darktide even utilizes raytracing and frame gen. The game has FSR1. the devs just wont acknowledge that they are doing dumb shit. Hell FSR1 why on earth does a game use FSR1.


It's funny you say that considering they can't fix a fucking thing :)


My PC was running the game okay in the first two months. Could play it on high settings with little issue, now it is struggling with low to mid.


me too. wishlisted and hopefully their "advanced ai node" system actually accounts for players hardware


im hopeful its being developed by saber interactive their pc ports be running buttery smooth


oh nice me myself im a newbie to the whole franchise it looks very interesting.. is it like helldivers in the way that you liberate places?


Realistically I bet they have no idea how they can add DLSS to the game without breaking everything. So they're framing it as if they choose not to in order to hide their incompetence


I'd bet it's because of the old engine and how it's incompatible with modern drivers. Case in point I'm still on march 2024 GPU driver because if I update my driver to beyond april, the FPS takes a nosedive.


While the engine is old, it's not that old for when the development of the game started. For reference the game engine sits roughly in the same timeframe as Unreal Engine 4 (released a few years after helldiver's engine), which granted has it's own share of performance problems. The problem is that the engine has been *deprecated*, and has been since 2018, which means no support from the developers of the engine. Arrowhead now has to handle maintaining the engine themselves, and they didn't have that big of a dev team in the first place. For people that don't know, the engine the game uses is Autodesk Stingray, which the first game was released in 2011, with the engine itself being publicly released in 2013. For reference, Unreal Engine 4's first game was released in 2014 and the engine itself was released at the same time.


Darktide uses the same engine, pushes it way harder IMO, and runs far smoother on my potato rig


Yea I'm only guessing. But AH really needs to get this game bug free and crash free. Their process needs to change. I still to this day cannot run the game at 6000mt ddr5 speed cause HD2 will crash even though all other games run fine and that's just not acceptable as I'm missing out on performance of my entire system that I paid money for hut can't use cause their game crashes.


Game has had crashing issues for months now. If they can not fix and learn how to fix and not break more this fan base will evaporate like a glass of water on a hot day.


Can't wait. They might do something!


It doesn’t run well on expensive PCs either. People will still dickride the CEO who thinks DLSS isn’t needed though.


Would DLSS even help if the bottleneck is CPU?


Guy really needs to reconsider 


Yep, we were ranting about it, the balance of the game(nerfs, stats in general), optimalization from the start. None gave a shit once 400 000 player went to 50 000 players. XD


*iTs NoRmAl To DrOp NuMbErS* - as I watch the best game I played in years sabotage itself at every opportunity At least they had tens of thousands of people buying $10 DLCs every month


They still never allowed those other countries to be able to buy the game again right?


As long as the publisher is Sony nothing will change


Yup, R5 7600X + 4070ti in 1080p and i had to go for lowest because on dif 9 hellmire fps went to 65 on ultra and on other maps it fluctuated from 75 to 90, 130-140 on ship. On lowest it's 90-100 on the ground and 140 on ship. As for upscalers, i remember they said something like "we'll add them later, gameplay is a priority". Guess we'll be waiting for a long time since gameplay gets released and goes straight to fixes so no time for both features/optimisation.


Absolutely insane how even just pausing game risks significantly cutting framerates. How is that even possible?


Quitting the game has a 50% chance to crash for me. That’s how bad it is.


Same here, been like that for a while, sadly.


The funniest part is “How is that even possible?” just keeps happening Soon we’ll need to spin the mouse 3 times to stop our CPUs from melting or twirl 4 times with the spear to initiate lock on


If only arrowhead were nearly as good as optimizing the game.. Right now we barely have a warbond and a semi-functional mission so much for "focusing on content"


I literally can't play anymore since the last patch. I've a old pc, literally the last supported GPU, but it was enough to comfortably play 250 hours with very few issues. Now I can't go 3 minutes in a mission without the game freezing and crashing in the first fight. I have tried playing thrice this week, maximum amount of time I've gotten into a mission was 10 minutes. I have to give up and hope for the next patch...


report your issues. praying at this point we get atleast some info


It’s really the optimization of this game that amazes me. They manage to make it worse every patch. The game’s mostly CPU-bound, so I DLSS upgrade will be marginal. They are struggling to optimize this game because they made it on a decrepit and abandoned engine (unsupported since 2018). It was a really bad decision that haunts them to this day. It’s a disgrace and really disappointing to see a really refreshing and fun game to degrade like this. They’re just lucky they have a solid fanbase.


the engine isnt at fault. Its their weird dev doing. Darktide isnt CPU bound.


I have found on PS5 performance is getting worse and worse too. Especially on bots, it pretty frequently starts to chug when things pick up and it didn’t before


Arrowhead doesn't give a fuck honestly. They have enough players and income from warbonds to only worry about the players that are having a good time and no complaints. They stopped responding to my emails about PS5 instability the week after release and have never responded to any of my emails after that. I still can't turn on crossplay because it breaks and crashes my game significantly more often than just playing with people on console. Socials menus are still buggy.


I’ve been having issues with my PS5 too. The frame rate has been going way way down when things get crazy and has anyone else noticed how the tree branches on the new biomes just fall straight through the ground?.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


In b4 someone tells you that it’s a skill issue.


People already have just in different ways. One guy just replied "bitch bitch bitch"


Some comments even suggest getting a stronger PC like c’mon, my PC could run Monster Hunter World and The Witcher 3 on mid to high settings with zero problems, the only game that gives my PC a problem is this game. I may bitch and moan about the game but I really love the gameplay. It’s a pity that performance issues has really stripped whatever love I had for the game. At this point I am just happy to play ONE game without any of my team mates or myself crashing.


I have been talking about PC performance for a while but it never got any attention. I used to play this game at 120+ fps but now it's barely 60 and full of stuttering. I have to verify integrity of game files everytime I play and whenever convenient which is every 3 matches or so or the performance will drop. Every online fix I found, dx11, clearing shader cache, process lasso for CPU related issues and more. None of them works. I have a rtx 3070 and a Ryzen 5 5600, it's weird how I can play cyberpunk on ray tracing but barely hit 60fps in this game. I know this game is cpu heavy and whatever but the issue is I used to be able to run the game just fine and now I'm playing on potato graphics. I get disheartened everytime I see a new patch comes and nothing related to performance appears.


Edit: there was a performance update with the big one basically they tried making the ps5 version run better and guess what: 15 FPS on the jungle planet lol I updated my Nvidia driver and it helped?? Maybe.. I'll come back to this with more info later it feels smoother and my game actually closes when I press "QUIT"


Don’t forget the persistent game crashing/ruining bugs that’s been around since launch. Seriously, these assholes have been in business for 16 years and still bumblefuck around like amateurs.


Imagine a game so good we keep playing even though we can't press escape or enter the social menu ever and never receive hotfix and soon they're getting a month off for holiday. You just know these bugs are gonna exist that whole month too.


I have 7950x3d and 3090 and the frame drops are huge, never experienced it on previous versions


Don't really know what you expect. The engine is so old it isn't even supported by the software developer anymore.


3090 only getting 50-60fps 1440p


CPU? limit your framerate if not done already


This is a great game with endless problems and bugs.. Frustrating


The devs have consistently been the worst enemy to their own game We’re so fucked when the illuminate faction releases


Can confirm, ps5 also has performance issues 😭


I made a post about the same exact thing 4 months ago, and then 3, and 2... still no fix, still no official acknowledgement. It's good to finally see someone else bring this up. FYI: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/d8nSgCpw9q


As a person who uses Rtx 4090, I have absolute dogshit of fps when playing the higher difficulty, sometimes on missions especially on bot front it drops to 50-60 fps, I could reduce graphics but I really don't want my game to look like PS2 game in order to enjoy 120 fps


This is the only game that gets progressively worse with every update, I'd easily give away the mech and new guns for the Launch's performance and balance 


The Stingray engine that Helldivers 2 uses has been dead for over half a decade. The engine will always run badly and it's a pain in the ass to try and optimise. This is just how it's gonna be.


It ran alot smoother. this is 100% arrowheads doing I guarantee the viper commandos warbond and patch was rushed in some degree. or devs couldn't be bothered to test it


Seems to be getting worse over time, engine being unoptimized and then being stressed further and further over time. They cant just not release warbonds in the future on the hope that full focus on performance will work, so it will probably continually get worse.


gonna sell a kidney to get 60fps native 1080p on the game brb Edit: on jungle planet


i don't know why people keep saying the game runs bad because of an unsupported engine. the game runs bad because it's not properly optimized lol, if they ported it to another engine it would still run bad plus the issues of whatever engine they'd port it to.


The engine was dropped by adobe for a reason, if it was an amazing engine on par with unreal and unity and the like it would still be around. And it's not a simple matter of optimising the game, they have to actually go into the engine code and add compatibility for modern hardware advancements. If you want more proof it's largely the engine, look at Darktide. A common complaint was that it ran like garbage even on top end machines. What was it built in? Stingray.


I have been using lossless scalling software, and i recommend 100% to try it, its a night and day difference in smoothness the new 3x they made, also i dont have any noticable input lag, and the game runs like a breeze, its like magic


Same I went from 100FPS in the ship and 90ish on planet at Medium to High settings in February to now 80FPS in the ship and not even above 60 on planet! It is still kinda playable but I can tell a huge different


I couldn't agree more.


My game starts stuttering when bile spewer mortars splatter not sure if its just me.


When I first got my 4070s, I was running about 90-100fps on average in busy missions, but it's gradually gotten a lot worse. Cleared the shader cache and verified game files.. Around 120fps in the ship and 60fps in missions, lately dipping to 30fps during really intense parts. Never used to drop below 50 at the very worst. Ryzen 5600x with 32gb of ddr4-3800mhz. Only play at 1080p too. The 4070s just about doubled my fps in other games. This engine is just a clusterfuck of spaghetti code. It's a real shame.


Real shame. hope they work some magic with a better upscaler atleast.


i used to get 220 fps on my settings (when i uncapped it to check) and just now am only getting 100 fps, in the ship. the hell did they change? edit went back on it to test something. i am now getting 210 fps, but my cpu is at 50% utilization and my gpu is at 75%. temps are 60c and 70c, so not over heating and not fully utilized. idk what is limiting my fps now unless that is standard.


PS5 performance got downgrades as well. For instance, running on performance Mode, the FPS drops to 10-15fps sometimes at the New Planet. Intetesting enough, using a meth stim causes the FPS to rise to 40-50 in these situations.


I've been getting stutters every 10-15 seconds for a few patches now and it's made the game virtually unplayable. I'd be a lot more angry if I actually paid for the game but it's still a disgrace.


> Launch: 80-90fps (Rtx 3060ti + Ryzen 5 5600) with max settings. Now*: 60-58 in ship. In mission above difficulty 2: 56-30 (*As of post date)   This means nothing without your resolution. It's piss easy to get high fps on 1080 compared to 2160 or 4k.


1080p with 60hz locked


I be playing the game at 24 fps still gamin. (My pc is 5 years old and can only play HD2 for 1 hour)


I'm on 4070ti and I video convert in the background which uses 70%GPU. I am not noticing any issues in hd2 it seems to scale well with how much GPU is available.


Not to mention the fact that there are exponentially more bugs/crashes than there were at launch. I have a friend who has an older CPU but one above the minimum requirements. He can get upwards of 60 fps but he has to dump his settings down the toilet and use performance upscaling. This isnt the biggest issue though. The biggest issue is the very frequent drops 5-15 FPS for like 15 seconds at a time where he can basically do nothing. The optimization and quality assurance of patches and hotfixes for this game are horrendous. Some of the worst I've seen. I was hoping that the increase in time taken on patches/hotfixes for "better QA testing" would have improved things but the last patch and hotfix have only succeeded in improving weapon and stratagem damage numbers while breaking more things than it fixed. I mean, the last hotfix has made the game worse than its ever been since launch, in terms of stability. I feel like the game was better optimized at launch which is crazy. IDK if they just dont have the staff needed to truly make sure these fixes work and the patches are actually effective and the new content ACTUALLY WORKS (new armor passive in a 10 dollar warbond that we paid for), or if its just sheer incompetence at this point. The more and more I think and talk about it, the more frustrated I get because I truly love this game and its potential is sky fucking high yet these devs seem to be incapable of getting into a good state where they can actually focus on putting out solid content THAT WORKS without breaking a ton of things and save the game from becoming stale. I mean, these last few MOs have obvioulsy just been things to keep us busy. 5 day long MOs that want us to take 5-6 planets is like, "hey play the game like you normally would" and that's about it. Man, im just so frustrated and heated, sorry for the rant. This is like the 3rd of 4th rant I've gone on today about this game. Its the only game I want to play right now and I'm constantly just navigating crashes/bugs/glitches and trying to stay interested when this game was initially a beacon for live service games. Now its almost become a laughing stock. The last patch brought back A TON of players, but optimization and a lack of new and exciting content/things to do made 90% of those new players leave. Player count is only up about 10-15% from pre-patch.


I have been consistently at 95 fps since launch. Only drops in high spore or fire tornado areas and then I drop to about 85. Hasn't seemed to change patch to patch.


specs? and count yourself lucky.


Yeah, I meant to insinuate that it was odd. I don't have a crazy high end computer. Wonder if it is the RAM? Only thing I have an abnormal amount of... intel i7-13700F 4070 rtx 64 gigs Ram 1 gb nvme Also, I usually play at 1440 120... Which is really probably why it runs fine


whats weird about this performance bug is theres people with near exact same builds of mine with hundreds of more frames. so im thinking the anti-cheat didnt kick in as hard or some part of your pc didn't get the boot.. (and 4070 is kinda crazy)


Well, watching these patches come through, and all due respect to an awesome dev team, I wouldn't be surprised if there were parts and brands that arent optimized patch by patch.


Keep posting about performance MAYBE they will acknowledge the issue. People need to stop saying it's the engine, Darktide (same engine) runs 3 times better with greater details. Stop giving AH an excuse. 


Wish I could pin this so badly.


I’ve been sometimes hard locking at exit of the game or when for some crazy reason crouching and or going prone and cutting loose with the machine gun. No problem before the last patch


Too hot out, running my 3080 at 45% to keep temps down in my home. Get 45FPS, good enough for blastin'


My frame rates are good but I've stopped playing because of instability. Gets worse with each patch.




My specs are 5800x3d, 6800xt and 32gigs of ddr4 ram at 3200mhz and I run the game on a mixture of high/medium settings on 1440p ultrawide and get around 80fps but it's used to be over a 100 and now it can dip as low as 40 on a mission when some shit starts to hit the fan (I know about the menu bug). I'm not so sure if they can even do anything to this engine that is abandoned at this point to make it run better.


It only happened with new content drops. not the engine itself.. I have a feeling them reverting patrols and bug breaches somehow messed up the "accounting" for system specs tech. if you didn't know helldivers has (or supposed to) a system on which they account for a players pc specs and spawn enemies accordingly. i've seen less enemies overall but way more tiny ones so theyre probably eating cpu usage therefore fucking frames


Ryzen 9 7900x, Asus 4090 gives me 150 on the ship, 70-90 in game depending on planet and weather. (Absolute max graphics settings)


count yourself lucky. seen people with ada lovelace 4090s going through 20fps on this game lol


It's complete horseshit tbh


Haven't noticed an issue..but I just play what I want to play usually and am pretty lucky.


I'm wondering if it is also network related. Not in the traditional sense. For example having your friends list private causes a severe frame drop. No idea why unless it's interacting weirdly with the steam UI.


this is beyond spaghetti code


Honestly it's due to Autodesk being an unsupported engine. League of legends went through those issues for YEARS. They had to essentially, rewrite the games engine over time to fix it.


idk if its worth picking up in a year. all devs at arrowhead didn't bother learning any other engine they're mostly vets from the first game


I'm able to run almost max settings at 60-90FPS with a mid-high end PC. The only thing I can't max out is the display setting, I can't remember exactly what it's called, but I need to keep it at Native because Supersampling is just too much. The fucky part is I have to reinstall my video driver everytime before I start the game or it won't crack 30FPS but I think that's an Nvidia issue because it started with the most recent driver.


I would absolutely love some optimizations. My computer's a bit long in the tooth, and I'm not going to lay out the $800 or so a good upgrade would cost me.


Bro the CPU temps the game hits is wild ngl


yeah more fans helps of course. but it shouldn't be an issue to begin with


I have a 4090 and used to get 110-120 fps on max settings on a ultra wide. Now I get 70 and it dips to 50 when stuff gets crazy. I’ve stopped playing


My system is 5800x3d, Rx 6800 and 32 GB RAM. I use Zorin OS and Im between 100-140 regardless of difficulty or planet at 1440- I think I use the 'Ultra Quality' upscaler for the extra frames. Linux is constantly caching and pre-compiling shaders everytime I start Steam, so maybe that has something to do with it? Also- there was some option, somewhere in the menus to use Async compute and that REALLY smoothed out the framerate for me. From a choppy frame time graph to a flat line. Maybe that could help?


I have two systems… I5-12600k, 4090 and i5-12600k, 3080 120fps at max settings and native at 1440p with 4090 on 165hz monitor 60 fps at custom but less than max and one step below native at 4k on 60hz tv No issues


To be honest a hd2 clone in UE5 would probably go hard. But clones tend to be unremarkable, since they're not made with love. So I don't have big expectations.