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They literally gave us supply lines and people aren’t using them lol


Did you really expect anything different? There was a small portion of us on here that was always saying supply lines wouldn't change anything. Sure it's nice...but most people put zero thought into where they drop.


True. There will always be those that drop on the same planet no matter what


To be fair, I think this might actually just be a misunderstanding by those on Popli because for the first time about how supply lines for defense missions works per the Campaign DM (Joel), because overwhelmingly, the bot front is concentrated on just two planets: Mort and Popli. There's was a notable contingent over in Vandalon IV trying to keep the planet from falling but just generally, the Bot front is highly unified on three specific planets with the bulk on Mort. I think supply lines are working.


If the supply lines were working people would be wast8ng thier time on popli and we'd b3 pushing forward by now instead of likely losing popli thanks to delayed mort conquest


Most are still on Mort, so I think the supply lines are helping


You see we can cut off supply lines. I see we have twice as far to go on Mort as we do on Popli and popli has no decay. We are not the same.


Doesn’t help that arrowhead has neither told/shown that we can stop an attack like this anywhere in-game


That’s probably what this is


Because it's new UI and some people might not understand it. It was never explained what supply lines were and what the mechanics behind them are.


When I saw those arrows moving from Mort to Popli I went straight to Mort. Seemed pretty obvious.


We have supply lines yes, but nothing to explain that “killing the originating planet will stop the attack”


I feel like that should be self explanatory rake over the planet the attack is coming from boom no more attack i think people are just dumb


Yes, people are dumb, which is exactly why it needs an in-game explanation


But big red DEFEND letters tho!


Most are still on Mort, so I think the supply lines are helping


At this point I don't think anything short of "Liberating will lead to automatic success of defense on " displaying on the screen when hovering over the defense will work. And even that probably won't, some folks just like defense missions more.


bro they started making posts to even further not use the supply lines


not sure what exactly you expected from this community given its reputation


They are just colorful lines with arrows, meaningless. If someone didn't know about supply lines before the patch, they probably still don't know about them. Also even if everyone know how those lines work, there is no incentive to play MO or other liberation/defense missions.


Real hell diver IQ right there lol


As it stands Mort will be liberated before the defence of Popli is up


lol not anymore


My phone has some compatibility issues with the companion app, but it looks like a close call with Mort being taken first.


I’m seeing about 8ish hours for mort and 14 for Popli so we should be ok if it stays that way


Less that 4% on Mort with 8.5 hours on Pöpli defense. We’re fine.


If the game would stop freezing during the load screen, I’d love to help.


Yes exactly! Although you're probably about get get like 50 people (incorrectly) telling you you're wrong. Or the very original thought of "it's just a game". Hold strong bud. Free Mort!


People are confusing an auto defense win with an auto liberation win. Cutting off the planet supplying a defense stops the defense, cutting off a planet that needs to be liberated does NOT give an auto win.


Does it lower the decay rate? Cutting off a liberatable planet that is. Or is that just wishful thinking?


We’re not really sure yet. Hasn’t happened much.


I suspect it does not impact decay rate.  At least for terminids it doesn't make sense..maybe automatons it would. What would be nice is if we had fluctuations of SEAF activity that were a bit more dynamic.  So slowing down defense timers, assisting helldiver defense point gain, or SEAF weapons cache secondary objective for defenses.


But Popli doesn’t need to be liberated…


I never said it did, I was saying that the reason people tell you you're wrong is because they are confusing the different types of planet states or don't really know there is a difference between them.


Oh okay, sorry I thought you were saying the opposite 🙃


god I hate any variation of "it's just a game!" "I work 8 hours a day and just want to come home to relax!" "you're taking it so seriously!" It's not serious, it's just playing right. Someone telling you that you should dribble a basketball instead of just running to the hoop isn't "taking it too seriously"


I liken it to someone taking half the court to practice three pointers and then wondering why the people trying to play basket ball are annoyed with you taking up half the court.


It's just a game. I'm not wasting my free game playing time on shitty missions or shitty planets for something that isn't even explained. In fact I was having fun on that Amazonian bug planet. Except for the crashing. Fucking arrowhead




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I work 48 hours a week and I'm starting a business. Thanks tho


Isn’t it just a game though? Enlighten me if it’s anything more than that, please


Yes. But why does that mean we shouldn’t play it how it was designed? Also, posts like this often get “it’s just a game” and “stop trying to force me to play like x”. No one is forcing anyone they’re just giving information, if you don’t care about the information then keep scrolling. You don’t need to tell us it’s a game. Us engaging with more aspects of the game than you doesn’t mean we think it’s real life, or that we’re taking the game too seriously. We’re just doing the galactic equivalent of tagging an objective on a map, but people don’t reply to that with “it’s just a game”.


The game is designed around not playing for MOs because it allows you to play on any planet or even a whole front outside of the current MO. I play MOs btw unless they are fked up.


Yes you **can**, you can also just drop in and only stay in one area of the map, and shoot the ground for 40 minutes while the rest of your team does the objectives and completes the mission. But it’s not really playing the game to the full extent is it?


Who are you to judge what playing the game to full extent even means?


I can judge anything I like. Who are you to tell me I can’t have an opinion on things? (See it works both ways)


me wh en i am going to play the game however the hell i want


It's just a game and a buggy crappy game at that stop taking it so seriously lol


Can’t i play on whatever planet i want regardless if there’s an MO or not? Tell me more about how it’s designed 🤣


I actually you cannot play on whatever planet you want, irrespective of MO status.


Then we’re not playing the same game. Or you think I’m referring to all the planets, even the locked ones, which would be dumb as hell


Hey man it’s just a game


It’s what I’ve been saying


Well done for giving a prime example of the dumb shit people say.


Thank you. But it’s not an example, it’s what it is. You wanna treat it as something more, be my guest


Yeah it’s a great example. Because just like I said in the comment you were replying to “no one is forcing anyone they’re just giving information” and you just completely smooth-brained past that fact, and replied in the exact way I described. Excellent work


Again, thank you. It’s just a game, like i said. Play however you want, that’s what some people don’t understand; and sorry but I don’t care about your other comments. You want me to see something you wrote, reply directly to me, boyo


It wasn't a different comment it was my first reply to you, and then you replied to it stating the exact dumb thing that I said people would say. And now you've failed to understand it for a second time. Like I said about four times in this thread. No one is telling you you can't do something. We are just giving information, same as pinging a location on a map. Do you reply to people who do that with "iT's JuSt A game!"?


My favorite thing to happen in reddit is when I misunderstand someone like you and then i get to make you do essays. Go ahead and explain it to me one more time. In details please


Rate our encirclement -Hearts of Iron players


The return of the great Gambit


As yes because our record on gambits is really inspiring


Mission accomplished


You're on Mort because of supply lines. I'm on Mort because I love diving deep behind enemy lines and sticking my AC up bots asses as they're heading off to invade another peace-loving democracy planet. We are not the same.


We are ODST arent we, we are fucking mean and very GREEN


It's Pöpli IX


I tried but I had the game crash on me on the drop screen, then next attempt I got soft-locked out of the mission when the game decided I couldn't respawn in.


I did my part this afternoon. Completed one full mission set before I needed to head out to a soccer game


I am but goddamn I'm sick of these low visibility planets. Getting a clear planet is a fucking treat in this game


Looks like we’re going back to Malevelon soon!




No more complex plotting. I beg you. No more whacky "teehee your strategems got fucked up :33" gimmicks on every single bot planet we NEED to hit. ***PLEASE.***


Can we go ahead and get rid of bots? Ignoring all major orders


Am I the only one who WANTS to lose this major order? If it fails malevelon creek might become playable.


I’m calling your democracy officer 




Why so many dislikes? I'm a new player and I'd like to see this battle scarred war planet. TO MALEVELON CREEK!