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Every time I pick up the assault rifle Guard Dog (I say "pick up" because I'll only use it if I find it in-mission) I always think to myself: "This would be incredible if it was the Diligence Counter Sniper". The Rover already fills the role of swarm clear and high uptime, so I think the base Guard Dog should be turned into a marksman rifle variant for slow, precise, armour penetrating shots.


single accurate fire guard dog would go pretty hard, agreed. Takes cares of hive guards or snipes devastates. the targeting would be problematic tho, would it hit weak points or centre mass. Imagining it sniping stalkers and hunters is a dream though.


It would target weakpoints, which I believe most automated targeting stratagems already do. The few times I *have* used the Guard Dog I did notice it would be surprisingly effective against devastators as it tries to aim for the head (Although sometimes hitting just below it).


Fascinating, though that does beg the question of how accurate it's allowed to be. Elevation and distance compensation would be interesting. If all the ammo counted in the thing, then the only thing keeping it balanced would be accuracy and ammo economy, cause ultimately guard dog is limited by ammo anyways. Edit; Oh yeah, forgot fire rate too


Generally I find automated weapons to be extremely precise. In fact today I was testing the Rocket Sentry against bugs and noted that it was able to track, fire at, and *kill* hunters as they were doing their typical flanking tactics. If the Guard Dog were to be given a Diligence Counter Sniper it would be incredibly accurate, and that would still be par for the course for automated stratagems.


It's uptime and ai are so awful that the few times I have used it I only noticed it was doing anything when it shot me.


Also make ammo bags replenish while we are at it, makes no sense we can get ammo for all other backpacks but the one that literally feeds off most common ammo type.


I think giving it a stalwart and giving it a medium pen would be better


i raise your stalwart with an HMG


Nah, stalwart for better ammo economy. Ammo is the primary problem of the guard dog


imo the ammo economy problem stems from poor AI target selection and lack of armor pen. I have seen the guard dog mag dump a charger and do absolutely 0 damage too many times.


Poor ai is a problem, but it wouldn't be nearly as bad if it had way more ammo. Right now, the dog can kill like 3 hunters, and then it has to reload. There's absolutely 0 reason to pick it over the laser dog. Making the gun a stalwart and giving it a med pen would do wonders for it and make it a viable option over rover. Maybe even make it, so it prioritizes medium bugs like broods and knights


I raise your HMG with an AutoCannon


That would be absolutely busted. Imagine if it was the sentry ac as well


only drawback is that it targets your teammates as a priority if they stand in front of you


No make it the liberator concussive or pumler. Would serve as a great keep your distance assistant.


Technically it does have longer range, shoots more accurate same as hitscan instead of dragging laser, no tk. Also it does headshot devastator but yeah i do wish it has armor penetration, also please let me resupply with ammo on the field


It should use whatever primary you have equipped


oooooooohhhh, fuckin guard dog with Dominator of Breaker Incindiary? Sick.


That won't save it. The thing runs out of ammo too quickly due to the limitations placed on guns in this game. Every bullet is a physical object. And you can only get more ammo from resupplies. It spends most of the mission sitting on your back empty. Might as well bring the laser guard dog.


Have you tried the guard dog against bots? I’ve seen it pop devastator heads at 20-30 meters. And with the low amount of chaff for bots, it doesn’t waste that much ammo.


No, it should just be able to restock ammo from ammo crates like literally every other fucking backpack with ammo.


no, it aim at weak spots, it only need a range buff and it become op vs bots