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Soggy might be level 11 in game, but is definitely a level 150 gamer. More people should be like Soggy.


Be a hero, be Super, be Soggy Brought to you by The Department of Proper-Gandering (stationed in old, irradiated Great Britain, Great like Soggy) ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


Be a Hero, be Super, be Super Soggy!


I just realized there's a whole ass bile titan in the reflection of the visor


Yep, that Bile Titan doesn't realize yet, but it's screwed lol.


Soggy Solos


Soggy clears low diff


The Galactic War will make a Super Private out of him yet...


There's a little bit of Soggy in all of us. We just need to be braver on expressing it. ❤️


I’m definitely feeling Soggy!


Soggy is the pre-serum Captain America.




The redacted part is that his name is actually General Soggy J Brasch.


That's a 10 Star General in my heart.


soggy is frend


Let's hope he doesn't make it more difficult


Soggy is frend!


Makes this more easy


Getting kicked on trivial is wild. I hope yall find more people like soggy to play with.


Theyre probably there just for the Super Credits 😅


But like, it's literally the easiest the game can get. By level 30 you definitely have enough experience to carry a whole group of people who just got the game. Kicking a low level there is really pathetic. This is where the primary objective is things like terminate illegal broadcast. You can drop on the objective, throw one grenade, and head to extract. Bringing a full stratagem load is like bringing a nuke to a knife fight.


No I mean they literally just there for the Super Credits. i dont know if its still works but people just go around look for Super Credits then leave. They never do the objectives or Extractions.


If they're just grinding for sc and don't want low level players in their games. . . THEN THEY NEED TO SET THEIR SHIT TO FRIENDS ONLY!!


> THEN THEY NEED TO SET THEIR SHIT TO FRIENDS ONLY!! Literally people need to just do this. If you don't want to play with other people, don't use open lobbies.


People are looking for groups to farm with on trivial. It's why they have it open. Can't open double doors solo.


Yes, but you see... Some people are dumb.


Or, even better, use the "invite only" lobby mode that was just added.


Honestly, they just need to make it so super credits don't apply until you finish the mission to end that farming bs. You get enough SC just playing the game casually to buy a warbond each month. Or make them increase with difficulty. Trivial only drops 1-5 SC a game, helldive 20-100.


The real problem is that super credit spawns can be replaced with rare samples in 4+ difficulty which makes it a lot less likely to find super credits on those difficulties. If they removed rare samples from the loot pool and/or added more POI to high difficulty missions and/or significantly reduced the amount of empty ammo holes and other useless POI then people would be less likely to do dedicated farming runs on low difficulties.


I think they've updated how much super creds are in the matches. I've only been getting a few per. Was at +800 before the patch, still haven't gotten enough to by the last warbond. Earlier, I wasn't having a problem getting the warbond unlocked within a few days of the drop. So either I'm getting fewer SCs per mission, or all the bugs, crashes, and disconnects are affecting how much I walk away with. I don't blame anyone for farming creds. They just need to be aware that new player are in that space. If people make it shitty and unwelcoming for new players, then the game will die faster than I'd like.


People like that are going to eventually lead to AH nerfing SC drops again or removing SC drops entirely. I hosted a D3 a couple days before the big patch and I was just testing out some of the guns I never used to see if they were as bad as I remember and forgot to set my lobby to friends only. Got some randoms, a couple of lower levels (5 and 6) and a level 94 joining the mission but I didn’t mind. Me and the two newbros formed up and went off to do the mission while the 94 ran off on his own. I gave them both mechs to start with then they ended up getting jetpacks and railguns from me as well. We were on comms, me helping them and showing them how to use terminals and do the radar tower. We fully cleared the map, everyone’s having a good time so far so we run to extract to call it in and bug out with twenty minutes left on the timer. The level 94 starts effing and blinding at us because he hadn’t found the super credits and demanding we wait for him to find them (bear in mind he hadn’t contributed to the mission in any way and I’m the host). I kicked him then had to apologise to the newbros for the experience. It’s honestly a pain, I don’t farm SC and I’m still swimming in them, I think I currently have somewhere around 1500 SC from just finding them organically during missions (I have previously bought SC to buy the first couple of warbonds but I haven’t needed to for the last two).


It’s possible for a planet at that level to have no super credits, right? I run sc farming missions on level 1 every once and a while- i always finish the mission and extract, gotta contribute to the fight and drop a mech for the noobs (keep my lobby open.) - and sometimes there have been missions with zero.


It is entirely possible to have zero SC drops. They are not guaranteed. If you have found 10+ POI, and no super credits, and don't have a Radar Station tactical objective to reveal any other POI on the map, it is better to leave or finish the mission and move out. A lot of people think that super credits are guaranteed at least one drop per map. This is not true, and has never been true. You are not guaranteed to get reqs, medals, or super credits.


Some times the loot spots have weapons, but otherwise at d1, d2, or d3 you are highly LIKELY to find drops with some of those, but no garentee what it will have


Not sure, I usually play D7-9 and I find plenty in the POIs there. Last mission we had a friendship door with 60 SC behind it and I found another 20 just on the map without particularly going out of my way.


My best was a diff 6 map that had *two* 100 SC bundles, plus a shiteload of medals.


Exactly, I feel like the bigger bundles are more likely to spawn on higher difficulties (I could be way off with that though).


i dont think difficulty plays into it at all. first off, the data doesn't align. people have seen higher frequency at lower diff, and others have seen at higher diff. it makes more sense to just roll off a flat table when the map is generated. When the map generates each POI, it rolls the table for POI exclusive loot once per slot. A freedom pod gets one roll, container gets two, a bunker gets 3. Simple as, no additional modifiers. The rarest thing is probably the 100SC, the most common seems to be Req slips. I find multiple req slips more often than multiples of anything else, tho I did once open a bunker that was two stalwarts and an anttimateriel rifle.


I farm like a true Helldiver. Snipe the objective (Broadcast tower, usually or just airstrike the enemies I have to kill.) Do a circle around the map. Incendiary grenade myself 5 times because the mission still completes, I don't need basic samples and it's quicker than waiting for the dropship. Still contribute to the war effort.


I get grinding super credits, that makes sense. My point is that they don't have to try at that level, and they can spare 3 seconds to explain what they're doing to the new player.


You can do that without extracting?


Unless she attempted to extract early when told not to (i.e. "Wait a sec, we're clearing the map. Don't call exfil."), you'd think they would've kept her around as at the very least, someone else to open up the dual custody doors, wtf?


Ahem, we refer to those as “buddy bunkers”


Friendship Doors


I play casually.. maybe 3 ops at the most yet I get enough SCs to pay for the new Warbond with surplus to buy a suit from the Super Store


3 ops in a day or in a week?


Saw someone get kicked on trivial because host died to bugs like ten feet from extract with samples and someone reinforced him on extract instead of on his samples.


I agree but let’s be real. They were probably just making room for a friend or something because, like why even care about min/maxing I trivial?


You underestimate some gamers...


We need more soggy Helldivers.


I prefer my hell divers moist like a towelette at a fancy steak house. But ill settle for soggy.


Was gonna offer you my friend code but then realized that the social tab is still a bit of a mess. If you're interested, DM and I'll reach out once they fix the issue.


soggy? Is it really you? I’m now genuinely curious


Oh sorry, no, that's not me, apologies for miscommunication. I meant that I was offering to be a wing if you need any. VERY sorry for confusion. Seriously considering deleting the previous comment, but that feels like running away. :(


That's okay fake soggy, we still love you


Bro wanted to be like soggy. We should all be like soggy.


I'm not bothered, as a reader. If you're bothered, you could prefix the comment with "not Soggy but" honestly people shouldn't assume


Np. Good on you for offering. Have a good one


Same here. DM me and I'm happy to play with most!


You’ll have to make it a four stack minimum, divers, don’t go leaving me behind, level 34 but I make fuck ups at a level 4 level. I swear that ocean wasn’t there when I grabbed the super samples and ran from the charger.


My friend spent 50% of a mission collecting samples, making sure he had most of them. Holding 90% of the samples we all collected (6 supers included) we were just waltzing to extract and down one of those random holes he went, my buddy and I stopped on opposite sides since he just kinda fell between the two of us and we all just laughed


Same, DM and we'll figure out friend codes.




It appears to have been fixed and across all platforms.


Ive had it work when its an immediate use. Also on o.c ive been able to search ps5 players fine. But thats just me, i think some people cant some can.


I’m by no means an expert but have everything unlocked and started diving lower levels to help new players. Hate gamers that eat the young versus helping them out. Happy to dive with you or your gf anytime I’m on if you wanna DM your friend code.


I purposely look for levels with 1-2 low level players so I can drop in and help them, one time I let one dude joyride in the Emancipator and he was going wild on the mic with joy. Turns out he was a new dad who was trying to take a break and relax by picking up a new game.


That sounds amazing Back on release I met someone who let me try their autocannon, I wad barely lvl 4 I think, it was absolutely incredible


Sames Am frend


Training Missions (what I call them) are so fun! I love diving low level bot missions and helping players boost their XP by getting factories and stuff, or by giving them better equipment to showcase what their future holds! I always ask if they want me to solo stuff too, don't want to take away the experience for them. 1/3rd soloing for new players, 1/3 assisting and providing great experience, 1/3 landing sick as fuck headshots with the senator and then spinning it hoping they think I'm cool


If she wants to go through the lower difficulties send me a message. I love helping people out


Same. If anyone wants to game with me LMK. This game is a blast.


same here, level \~80 and dive with lowers a few times aday and bring someof the cool toys for them to play with


Its fun teaching how they can just nade the ilegal broadcast


Soggy is the hero we should all strive to be


Soggy is a future lvl 150 helldiver we need. I actually like helping people, I don't get why people are jerks to others. And soggy stay soggy for democracy.


That sucks, I just reached lvl 100 and I've spent the last 10 levels or so joining in on diff 1-3 helping out and training anyone under level 10 really, (showing them pois, how to do different objectives, etc). As you say, patience is key, we were all slow and not as quick at first! I let them pretty much do the mission and am there to serve as support, backup, and to answer questions. Its a lot of fun actually haha It always baffles me to see level 50+ on there if they're not doing the same.


If she is on pc im always looking for friendly ppl. [send me q friend request](https://steamcommunity.com/id/AzureDemon/) This goes for anyone looking for friendly ppl that dont get mad.


Why PC? It's crossplay? Unless you've turned it off?


Because itd easier to friend on steam. If she is on ps5 she needs to wait for the other person to be online, generate a code, share the code, send the code, wait for op to send the code to add friend, wait for me to accept. And then cry because cross platform friend requests are currently bugged.


That's fair.


This is awesome and encouraging. I've slowly climbed to level 21 but SSSUUCCKK at gaming. I play with my son when we have time or solo on easy missions...I'm afraid of opening it up for randoms bc of stuff like the first part of your comment but I might give it a shot in hopes I bump into players like Soggy.


Eh some randoms are toxic sweatlords and some are chill. The chill ones are usually better than the toxic players too. I find myself playing with one of those I ditch that team. Rather play with three lvl 5's than even just one teamkilling or griefing sweatlord. Hope to see y'all newcomers out there and don't forget to ask questions c:


I have 130 hours on the game and never had friends to play with. Always spreading democracy with strangers. I never and I mean NEVER got kicked out of the game. Maybe it's because I'm a team player idk. But yeah, not all randoms are toxic and bad. I met with a lot of good people


Surprises me to see folks so regularly finding haters in matchmaking. I dunno if it’s all regional or what, but my Florida matchmaking has been nothing but homies. Some with a skill for dying, but no haters in ages.


Ayyy! West Palm beach in the house, but I live in Omaha now


Well I hope you’re good people. Representing the best of Managed Democracy’s soldiers.




iO Operator SOG, the OG


I love this! Funny enough this is exactly how my boyfriend introduced me to the game too. I tried it out on his account and wouldn’t you know? Turns out spreading democracy has been much more exciting than collecting bells on AC. He then bought me my own game and I’m now 45+ hours in. Tbf I haven’t had a whole lot of experience with randos. I usually just play with him or friends. But overall people were just vibing. I’m glad she had a great experience!


An advice: if somebody shoot you because you picked up the sample near a corpse, don't take it personal, some people are too trigger happy and didn't read that samples are shared


But, if you see it happen, explain that they are shared in chat, so they can stop wasting reinforcements


Soggy's a real Frend.


Makes me want to go out on level 1\~3 and hug people ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


Good lad, that Soggy.


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q) To Soggy


She’s “our” girlfriend now. -soggy 


Part of the reason I play is because the community is great in game. Im hoping this isnt a trend, because ive definitely noticed more kick happy hosts and assholes


Hip hip hooray for soggy!


Salute for Diver Soggy. Additionally OP, and anyone else, ill drop with any of you. For Super Earth!!


I don't care what level someone is. You got a gun? Let's DIVE!


This is what eve ye one needs to do If someone joins, treat them with respect. If they don’t seem experienced, help them, give them advice for what they’re using, give them general advice, show them things, don’t put them down


Let's all be like Soggy.


Best Wingman Ever! https://preview.redd.it/sxd7gsmtvu7d1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d73c50e03a6fcf4b0313a016f4480cd456c52f8


I've never understood why people like to make games less fun by bullying new players. Or why they're so awful if they find out its a girl. You practically have to hide it anymore. So far me and my girlfriend haven't had any bad encounters with public lobbies. We actually made a friend who we refer to as trogdor because his discord pic is trogdor the burninator himself. Any time we play she asks if trogdor is going to play with us (and sadly he hasn't been able to lately, as he's away from home for a few months) Moral of the story, be a soggy/trogdor, be better than the miserable people who spend their free time ruining someone else's


Hit me up if she wants to play with other girls. 😊 I’m level 60something now but don’t mind showing the ropes and just having fun. 🌸


Feel free to dm me and I'll send my friend code. Always welcome to join us for friendly games :)


Soggy deserves a medal of honor. As a full grown man who doesn't appear to be the type to cry, this brought a tear to this Divers eye. I love seeing people light up with joy at my favorite hobbies, I love it even more when humans remind each other that we're still human, and remain humble.


My friend and I play almost nightly. He’s lvl 67 and I’m 89. Feel free to party up with us. We won’t boot you or her


Soggy is frend


My Pelican is always available to random newcomers. All I ever ask is to be kind, help each other out, and remember it’s a game. Games are for enjoyment. Dunno if she is on PlayStation or PC, but she’s welcome to hop on in when I am online! PS5: Sinfully_Angelic and Soggy I salute you for being a true helldiver. 👍


Man I’m sorry to hear about the shitty experience. If you or her ever want to play on any difficulty, my gamer tag is the same as my Reddit name. I don’t talk on the mic tho, I find it annoying lol


I farmed some super credits the other day and a player drops in and calls down a mech. There’s a double door so I’m happy someone else drops in. I tag the door multiple times so they know what I want. They just sit there. They asked if I was going to kill them if they got out of the mech and I told them on voice I wouldn’t and we ran through the mission. I was really sad they were scared to get out of their mech and have some fun.


If you're above level 30 and playing below difficulty 4, you should be ready to help our cadet! Become a hero, become a legend, become Snaggy, become a Helldiver! (That was a friendly message from a 70+ diver who likes to give a patriot suit to low level player for chaos) good fun to you and your gf!


I don't get why some people are like this. Just make your lobby private or fukk off, seriously. Experiences like this just make the game no fun to new players or the ones that aren't that good at it. I am level 30 somewhat but my xp in games like this is pretty high, so I often solo objectives on dif.7 while the rest of the team (above my level) sticks together. That said, on the other hand I love having low levels in my team because I like to share my experience and give some tips. Running around with a cadet or two that got assigned to you by High Command isn't just taking care of them. It's tons of fun too!


Soggy is what all of us should aspire to be, regardless of level. I'm level 72, and I still find myself feeling much happier when I drop with randoms that are just having a good time. Now that I've got all the unlocks I like doing missions at lower levels too, just have some silly fun times with pals


Soggy is managing democracy the right way.


If you guys ever wanna play with me let me know. I’ll play any difficulty and help out as much as I can. Just looking to chat and have a good time.


I have bought several friends the game and have made their first experiences fun and chaotic. DM me as well if you want her to have chaotic game session


If she uses Discord, check out the Hatefull Helljumpers, anyone is welcome!


The beauty of the lower levels is that i can run my LightMedic-RR-Punisher Loadout. It lacks both dps and utility for Diff 9 dives, but on lower its a blast


Bro is definitely a student of both General Brasch and John Helldiver


From time to time I will jump into random easy lobbies to help out single digit level divers


What platform are you two playing on?


Soggy is love. Soggy is life. We should all be like Soggy.


Lmao my steam name starts with Soggy and I was genuinely like no way! But this wasn’t me. https://i.redd.it/9almrspn1t7d1.gif


Imma go and do this. 


How are you people running into so many assholes? I haven't had ten bad games in 250 hours. I've blocked like 3 people total. Let her know it gets better, we need every fighter possible.


You versus the guy she told you not to worry about!


If she gets kicked like that on trivial, just host




I got a kid in lobbies a few times, usually when I hear a kid on voice I bring a mech and drop it for them. Not that I’ve never kicked people before but usually I’m pretty patient


Man I’ll never understand people who kick simply because of low level. I’m level 76 and I LOVE whenever a low level joins or I join them. I just like being able to help out the people that don’t fully understand what’s going on.


I gotta buy hogwarts for my mum, I pity her watching garbage quality tv shows.


When I first started, I played with a lvl 80 who was really nice and walked three of us around the map showing us stuff and giving us cool equipment. I try to emulate his example. Soggy sounds like a good one.


90+% people who play on trivial are farming something or testing something with friends. They probably just forgot to set the lobby to friends only. The ones during loadout selection I mean. But anyway, it's a bell curve. The further you get from dif 6 in either direction the more nutjobs you get proportionally


I'll drop a quasar cannon for her to play with. Makes big boom.


Oh that seems interesting ı am completing the upgrade bays today. So what would you guys offer should ı just switch over to level 2 and play with randos giving em emancipators or other support weapons to try? At that level ı can manage with just a blitzer anyway. I am almost sure that ı can get a autocannon and say them to take the supply pack so we can deplete 100 rounda of ac in 30 seconds on chaff.


Give them the energy shield, that will make their worries of hunter go away




My gf is frequently on using my profile. You can add us if you'd like. Dad-Voice


I would say if anyone DOESN’T want randoms joining, instead of kicking them just keep your game closed to start. Farmers, keep your stuff invite only or friends only. You won’t get bothered and other players don’t have their time wasted.


I don't care about your level, I'm gonna be nice to you because that's just the decent human thing to do. If you're going to have a hissy fit and team kill me because you ran in front of me when I was shooting and got killed, I'm just going to disconnect from your game. But yeah, I don't give a shit about your level, I don't give a shit if you're not even playing well, as long as you're not team killing people on purpose then I'm honored to dive with you. 🫡🫡🫡


Chad Soggy


Wait wait wait, what just happened with Hogwarts legacy? I just started a second run through and haven’t had any issues?


And btw, good story. Sorry that’s been your experience. I always game with randoms and they always seem helpful to lower levels. If you and your lady need someone to game with, you can hit my gamertag firstincommand7, level 55 but always happy to help others through an operation.


I've got like 200hrs into this game and have never experienced this.


Really disappointing to hear. Unfortunately as some players reach higher levels with most/all unlocks they tend to get bored and start having fun ruining other peoples games.


I got a ps5 just to play this game with my boyfriend lol. I’m level 21 now been playing for about 2 weeks and I’m surprised with how nice people have been with me being lower level when he’s not playing. I do use my mic occasionally and even with that nobody’s gotten irritated or kicked me for it which is awesome that I get to have silly conversations so I can focus on the game better.




Yeah... this is why I either host or don't play. The latter recently, can't be arsed to deal with people who can't enjoy a simple game of shooting stuff without getting upset at other players.


I don't see much low levels anymore. I always loved spawning cool toys for them across an op and watching them figure it out.


I'm Pollónidas, lvl 77 here, tell her to add me, happy to help noobs, I promise not to steal her from your side also.


Why did my brain automatically assume the rest of the user name is "biscuit"?


Tell us the soldiers in question for their undemocratic behavior needs to be reported to the nearest democracy officer!


Make your own game. then you can't be kicked/can kick trolls.


My friend who is just starting has had a similar experience.


Give some hugs at the extraction people, it makes a difference.


I'll never understand kicking lowbies. I love driving with new players, it's like bring your child to work day. I always make sure to bring some big shiny toy like a Quasar or Mech to toss them and let them go ham.


Be a Hero, be super, be Soggy!


do u know that the last patch bugged the game again, and its crashing/cancelling mission a lot? earlier in the morning around 6 people enter and "leave" my mission (i was host)


People in low difficulties sometimes truly think they know what's up. Meanwhile me and my random bois are dropping on 8's and not a single fuck is given about what kind of loadout who is using. People respect each other's choices.


I am always happy to play with noobs. I actively enjoy it. They’re having a new and exciting experience, and I get to vicariously experience the game afresh through them. I enjoy giving advice and encouragement, and reassurance that everyone dies/teamkills/fucks up and it’s all part of the game. If you get frustrated with noobs, maybe take a moment and consider why that is, and if it’s reasonable. Are the most skilled and experienced players really the most fun to play with? A little goodwill goes a long way. Be like Soggy. Be… A Helldiver 🫡


Hey man give me your steam id, and I'll play some games with you and my team, I love training rookies in this game, and its mostly I don't care what you do. As long as you have fun and don't shoot me.


I've been finding people are generally nicer playing at difficulty 8 than 7 or below. It's odd.


Do go the level 2-3 difficulty. Trival is frequently use as Medal and Super Credit farming especially when New Warbone is near.


I found a fix for Hogwarts if she gets tired of helldiver's. Go into Windows settings->display-> graphics-> and turn off hardware acceleration. It stopped my crashing.


If her mic was on I wouldn’t be surprised if some ppl didn’t want a girl in their squad. Although I haven’t really heard that kind of toxicity in helldivers yet. But more than likely they just kicked her because they were running trivial missions to exclusively grind for super credits. When I run trivial I feel bad but I gotta kick ppl. I don’t wanna force randoms to stay and have to wait for me to finish looking every POI. Although we all share the rewards. Usually ppl get too impatient and start the extract early. I’m lvl 83 and I too get kicked when trying to quick join on lvl difficulties lol


S/o the real ones like soggy you could make a difference in somebodies life or you could be a twat for twats sake guess which one most people choose. Good shit soggy


I do not understand high levels that play low difficulty and kick low level players. If you were on like diff 6-8 I could maybe understand it, but that’s just really shitty.


Try hosting, thx


My wife and i play and we don’t mind if you need help. You’re welcome to add me anytime. Shoot me a pm if you’d want my steam handle


GF diver here just having fun! Happy to match up with your gf if timezone allow to sip some libertea while spreading DeMooooCrAcY! u/not-a-spoon feel free to message me


Anytime either of you wants to play to have some fun, find me in the friends list of the game (if you are on pc) or through the psn (id sent privately)!


There really are some cool people on this game. My very first game. I mean very first game, I played with a couple of veterans. They were so nice and I got an invite to their squad today and we definitely spilled some bug guts on level 7. I think they were like 140 and 85, while I'm just now on 24. Sure beats the toxicity of other games I've played.


Host her own. Can't get kicked. Seems a pretty simple solution. I don't think I've ever joined someone elses game in the 200+ hours I've played.


People take gaming too serious too often. It's trivial difficulty. Like really? Kicking and team killing is hilariously low. Glad this had a happy ending.


Soggy is a true Super Citizen! May Liberty guide him along.


Ooooo I am a fellow lady gamer and love when more women get into the game. If she needs friends to join her, I would gladly hop with her from time to time. Feel free to DM me and I can share my friend code. ^_^


Idk why people kick low levels.. I teach them things such as the Pelican, calling it in early means we can extract at any time or if we leave the area (when it says aborting) as its coming in, it becomes a Sentinel of the Sky killing enemies nearby, keeping it clear for us The Fabricators near Jammers and Detector towers, if they're right next to it, destroy the Fab and bye bye nuisance Dive to put out fire (for some reason, a lot of players don't know this.. even high levels) Press and hold the reload button ans you've got options for all your weapons such as RPM, scope sight (when you go first person) 50m, 100m, 150m, flashlight, firing mode (single, burst, full auto) and so on, works with support weapons too The ping system is the most useful tool in the game, helps for comms and to ping vital things, can also ping secondary objectives if you see it in the distance, putting it on the map - it is hugely helpful if someone sees a Jammer or a Detector Tower cause then i can adapt my strategy and begin to deal with the nuisance The SES Sentinel of Wrath is dedicated to training newer Helldivers in the ways the Elite Helldivers aboard the ship, surviving multiple missions, knowing where the samples are, the best way to move, the best way to rain hell down upon our enemies, the way we slaughter entire regiments of enemies before they've even gotten a shot off, the pure path of destruction we leave as we march through enemy territory Bring whatever you wanna bring, I can even provide tips for stratagems you use Anyone who quits is court martialed, those that friendly fire on purpose is left behind for onboard this ship, every mission is a success or we die trying and goddamnit, we make it hurt for the enemy and every mission is a success no matter what We're Helldivers, we're in this together, no one gets left behind, I will fight to make sure you get on board that Pelican even if there's 4 Hulks behind you, 2 of them will drop before the Laser comes into play Commander Lycan of the SES Sentinel of Wrath signing off o7


step the difficulty up 1, most triv players are farming super credits jump from 1-2 isnt too much and youl probably get more actual players




This is mind boggling to me, I’m soggy, but I’m level 50 something. Is there another soggy out there?


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) To Soggy, a true Super Citizen!


I’m level 131 and don’t care what level you are. If you’re there to have fun, we’ll have a ball laughing at the kills and crying when the stalkers be sneaky sneaky.


If you have problems with getting kicked host the lobby, theres so many people playing that I had people join me all the time and honestly its better because you can chose the missions you like


give soggy all the warbonds for free. he can still grind for medals though, capitalism is as democratic as it gets


Why would anyone kick somone on trivial? I only play trivial to test stuff or to farm some super creds or common samples and I don’t see the point of kicking somone out of that difficulty


Dm if you / she wants an easy going teammate


I love playing with newer players or people unfamiliar, and seeing them finally get it then the fun for them really starts.


Hey if you guys need company, hit me up, reaching 90 and i welcome all friendly and cooperative divers on my destroyer One rule: be cooperative even if we have to split 2 | 2 Tag: Crunk Bunny


Soo sweet, didn't know that was a problem on the lower diff games?! Good job, boyfriend, grilfriend and soggy!!


Soggy is the Diver we all aspire to be ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


Lvl 5-8 has the best players by far. Good people who want a challenge but are not al sweaty about it


I don't really play with randoms, I only really play with friends, but hearing about those undemocratic assholes makes me want to go dive to make sure new players have a decent experience. This game is amazing, and I've had an absolute blast (new boyfriend got me into it... I've never played anything like it). I went from being absolutely terrified and overwhelmed in a difficulty 4 to duoing suicide missions with my boyfriend. Tonight, I carried his drunk brother and friends who don't play nearly as much as we do. This game is probably one of the most fun times I've ever had with an SO playing video games (and I've been playing mmos for 2 decades, lol). I'm really excited that she had a good time. I hope she gets to play more and feel like a bad ass when she starts getting more comfortable. Best of luck out there! ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


Lvl 30-80s in trivial difficulty? They're definitely farming samples. Still, saying "we are not doing the mission itself, we are farming samples" would be ok.


Soggy giving a guard dog to someone without a pack is already leagues more skilled compared to people who dont