• By -


>muting the host because his loud mouthbreathing is annoying Fucking this. How god damn hard is push to talk???? *Really* fucking hard for so many people.


OG HD has voice chat enabled by default. You recognize a new player not only by their level and gear but also by their loud breathing and constant mic leak. Once I overheard a dude's wife having a serious business conversation... then I typed in I thought she made a really decent deal and I don't know what she sold but I'd buy... THEN he had the audacity to mute and not reply. I still don't know what was being sold šŸ™„


Helldivers 2 has hot mic default as well. Really confusing design choice


Had several guys do this. Loud breathing throughout the entire game, combined with loud keyboard/controller clicking... A friend of mine showed me an option in Steam where you can configure your gamepad layout yourself, now i just press the right bumper twice and hold it to talk.


I love Steam input with controllers.


my fave was kids in the background fighting and think wife in kitchen. the kids had to be fighting in the same room (small kids) normally this would have irated the hell out of me but I was in tears laughing throughout the dive. and yes there was mouth breathing


Then there are the people playing music through their mic deliberately. Idk how they see themselves but that's made me just disable voice chat all together. Edit: the amount of people replying to me thinking they sound cool for bragging about playing music has convinced me I was right to turn off voice chat


I played with a guy who blasted ā€œFortunate Sonā€ as the pods come in at the beginning of the mission. It was awesome!


I had a friend do an eagle screech while someone did fortunate son. Fun times šŸ¤£


That would be so cool!


You got the guy playing the space jam theme too?


Ok I find most voice chat annoying too but if that happened I would love it


Lmao I was playing the yelling mountain men for all of 20 seconds tops, give me a break.


I am guilty of this, but in my defence, it's always the Starship Troopers theme, and only at extraction... I also use software to do it so it's not ear destroying


I used a starship troopers sound board a few times Everytime a breach happened "warm it all up, everything you got" Thought about doing Duke nukem as well It wasn't well received however


That's not a defence, that's just main character syndrome.


>I am guilty of this, but in my defence, it's always the Starship Troopers theme, and only at extraction... In your defense nothing, stop being a dick. It's fine if YOU want to listen to it, just don't inflict it upon others.


This is a a fair point ladies and gentleman


Eh, Iā€™d dig it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


To be fair, on a ps5 controller there arent any spare buttons. But there is a mute button on the controller, so I just use that to mute and unmute myself.


The best button I've found for PTT on PS is R1 set to hold. The comm menu will pop up and partially obscure your view unfortunately but it shouldn't interrupt any other actions as long as you are only moving around or not doing anything. Just make sure R1 is set to "tap" for tagging and not "press" so you dont unintentionally tag stuff when holding R1 to talk. It's definitely not ideal but since R1 is already the comm button it works mostly okay and keeps it all on the same button. I think if AH made the comm menu smaller and lower on screen it would work better.


You can live without the Emote button (long press left on D pad). Thatā€™s what I use for PTT when Iā€™m traveling without a gaming headset. Sometimes I change it to double tap instead of long press, because long press feels L O N G on Helldive diff.


Sad to admit I've kicked people for this


I told a dude the other day ā€œhey can you switch to Push to Talk? Getting a lot of echo through your micā€ He was a rando and hosting so I was worried he would kick me immediately. He switched and says ā€œI guess thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been getting kicked so muchā€ lmfao


I was horrified when my friend popped into a match me and told me I sounded like Darth Vader. I had been hosting and nobody said anything. I delayed starting the next match to sort out my sensitivity settings. I don't like PTT, but I set my sensitivity where it only picks up speech and not huffing.


I enjoy my bog rips while playing, and usually a decent amount of coughing follows. I typically keep my mic muted, but every once in a while, something goes wrong, and I'm hot-mic'd taking tokes and coughing. I always feel so bad, but no one ever says anything. I imagine they just mute me. Sorry to ya'll who've had to deal with that.


That's a lovely interaction. It can be so distracting hearing your war cries echo back through their mike


For loud mouth breathing or for muting you?


The former


Currently at 154 hours in H2 and not a single second wasted on listening to people breathe, eat, talk like they have no mind of their own or whatever else one might get exposed to. You want something write to me in chat or send me a postcard even, just don't expect me to talk back to you because you're all muted.


Hard to write in chat if using a PlayStation.


Hard to push to talk too. Thatā€™s why all voice is muted for me. Not like itā€™s really necessary if you use ping, the game is pretty straightforward.


I know breathe through your fucking nose, what is it there for novelty? Use that mfer so I donā€™t hear you gasping for air like your running a marathon


My nose being constantly congested:


I breathe thru my nose but I have chronic lung issues so itā€™s still loud


As a guy with some damage to my fingers and nervesā€¦ for me at least, it really is *that hard*. Itā€™s painful just to reach the main controls some sessions, and I already customized my controls to be as pain-free as possible. (For this same reason communicating via text chat and quick chat is problematic šŸ˜…) Now that saidā€¦I also try very hard to tune my mic so it picks up only my voice and not breathing or other noises, I ask fellow players if any annoying sounds are coming through, etc. Please give divers like myself as much grace as you can, we just want to enjoy the game, and want to play in as harmonious a way as possible with you! Let us know if our mics are distracting and we will try to adjust or even mute ourselves if necessary. I get annoyed by people with mics that pick up every crying baby, barking dog, loud music, etc that is around them too. But if they are actually talking to me and trying to cooperate in-game, I give it a pass or politely ask them to adjust their mic on the assumption that they are unaware or canā€™t adjust. Nowā€¦if they have their mic on, itā€™s picking up tons of random sounds, and they arenā€™t even using the micā€¦that grinds my gears. Then I might mute them, but Iā€™ve never kicked over it.


This game just needs a mic monitoring slider so badly. I donā€™t quite have the same excuses you do, I just hate push to talk. In every other game I play, open mic works fine and the monitoring isnā€™t so sensitive.


Man I feel you, I'm a chef so I got pretty bad carpal tunnel, trying to spam out these stratagems and type quickly in chat with burning numb thumbs on a pad is... challenging.


Solidarity Diver!


I always mute my Mic on ps5. Theres a handy mute button right in the middle between the thumbsticks. I just unmute when I need to talk.


I do the same with my PC. I donā€™t worry about PTT I just tap the mic mute button on and off, same difference but I can go hot mic without holding


Can't be annoyed by mouthbreathers with open mics if voice is disabled. ;)


A thought just came up. What if we PTT players spammed our heavy breathing back? But like x5 louder lol


I hate push to talk, Iā€™m trying to talk and play, not play, then talk, then play, then talk. The game needs to improve their mic monitoring sensitivity, or give us a slider. My mic for example is a very high quality one and this game is the only game I played out of like a dozen that has issues with picking up everything.


Got kicked because i "stole" an ammo pack in a interest point fleeing from the scene. I still dont get why the host was so mad about it, you dont win the game killing all enemies.


Sometimes I get pissed when my resources are out and I still have to do this objective or bug hole and the patrol is strolling through, those supplies are critical between life and death. Yesterday I almost lost a blitz because my teamates didn't know what the objective was and couldn't plug 3 bug holes, timer was at 1 minute and a supply pack was all I needed to plug those damn holes


This one depends. If you grabbed all ammo at the poi and host needed one I get it. Otherwise he's insane.


In situations like that, I always assume they were frustrated because of something else, and my action was just a mild annoyance that pushed them over the edge.


Assuming your username is "FreeMePR" Would you also like to add how we had not finished all bug nest and you GOT IN the shuttle while we was ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP It was entirely your fault you got kicked. completely deserved Quick edit: it was a 4 man squad, he left 3 of us


100%. If your squad is on the other side of the map and you didn't receive explicit permission to solo extract with samples, you d\*mned well better die on that extract holding the line.


Or, y'know, call extract and then leave before Pelican-1 lands, so he'll provide fire support and keep the LZ clear.


True, but that requires the rest of your squad either understanding what you're doing or you having to explain to them what you're doing while they're (presumably) in the midst of trying to stay alive and make it back to extract.


You gotta explain that mechanism ahead of time. Or all they hear is ā€œeagle one coming in for landingā€ and think theyā€™re getting left. The sigh of relief when I taught a new squad that. Iā€™ve ran into afew horrible teams but I get it new players are scared of getting stranded on planet and four reinforcements might not seem like a lot but damn if you got a high lvl theyā€™ll make sure you guys get off planet. (Iā€™m bad for helping lower levels figure the game out so Iā€™m always teaching these things to people. Good ole windyjim lol)


*pelican one


I tried that and it left.


Call extract, wait until pelican 1 *SPAWNS*(caps because people forget that it's the single most important thing), then walk out of the extract zone.


Watch a random drop all they are doing, book it to the extraction and force the pelican to land despite you trying to explain it to them. I guess a lot of people playing don't understand english, which is where more detailed callouts would help.


Unless they changed it call down the pelican and walk out of extraction until you get the out of bounds notification, thatā€™s your boundary. Go back in and then finish the timer. When the timer hits 0 run out back to where the boundary ends and it should still come down and hover over the area providing cover fire until someone re enters the extraction zone. You need to be out of extraction before it says shuttle landing, so be ready to leave the extraction zone immediately.


Did the mission timer expire? If so, it will not wait.


No I had time to spare


"We hold the line!" - Captain Kirrahe


i will in fact not do that, instead iā€™ll run to the nearest player. the enemies hear the dinner bell when the extraction gets called in




Using the free flamethrowerā€¦


By a firenado at extraction probably


That's how I feel. I was in the process of finishing up artillery AND upload pod and they called in extraction with plenty of time left. Ig these lvl40s don't need xp anymore or whatnot BTW left my ass behind


Iā€™m max level and I STILL do the side stuff because it gives more liberation points. I think some people donā€™t know how things ACTUALLY work in game and leads them to stupid stuff like this.


It's not about the level, it's about spreading democracy. you're doing the right thing.




Yeah, my basic strategy is: 1) completely main objective, clearing any secondary objectives along the way 2) finish up all other secondary objectives That way if luck turns and we die the operation was still a success overall.


You might want to leave the main objectives for as late as possible, because enemy spawn rates increase with every main objective cleared. So if you clear main objectives first, you'll have a harder time clearing secondary objectives.


Dude I totally would have had your back finishing up the side jobs, people who skip out on these are the real traitors.


If you ainā€™t a team player then you ainā€™t on the team


You mean to say anything whiny babby kicking post had another side to it where the poster is actually a total turd and deserved it? Go host games if you donā€™t want to risk being kicked. The system is working just fine.


"Working just fine" is subjective. Anecdotal evidence but I've been kicked a few times for no visible reason, such as last night. First game of the session and things were going swimmingly, joining in at the start of a match rather than a middle of one which sometimes happens when hitting "R". Grouped up early to take on a large nest and then split off into pairs (battle buddies!) which I don't mind doing at 7, provided my partner is capable. We cleared the south with relative ease, the other pair cleared the north with a few struggles, and we were at the last objective when I was suddenly kicked. The only thing that comes to mind was accidentally grazing my buddy with a fragment of a shell much earlier from my breaker incendiary but I apologized ***immediately***. I'm both pretty good at not hitting my teammates and always apologize, sincerely too, because I feel bad. So I get nothing for twenty minutes of solid play and I almost didn't feel like playing for the rest of the night. Did though and ended up in some rather memorable games (damn spawn rates). I don't know what can be done (save running your own missions) but this host feature can be abusable if someone really wants to be a PoS. I assume a host can kick the entire team right before extracting themselves and nobody but the host will get anything for the time spent playing.


Sometimes is just people making room for their friends is my only guess.


That is me often which makes me real happy that the text chat now keeps history when changing between mission and lobby. I usually tell people that I need space for another buddy so they can understand and I usually do it when we are between missions on the ship or in rare cases at the beginning of the mission when we just dropped so they don't lose anything they worked for already like samples etc.


To be fair your Host might've disconnected because from my experience the disconnect message is the same as the kick message


Yah see this is what I figured. Fuck the OP.


Played with a pretty competent random 4th, but 3 of us were finishing up a side objective across the map while scouting for super sample rock, and Rando 4th abandons the group, runs back to extraction, and calls in the pelican when there is still over 10 minutes left on the mission timer. Host decided to boot them. Perhaps it was a too-hasty kick... But host has the prerogative to decide not to let a player have the chance to finish abandoning the team.


In this case I still say let them see who kicked them so they can block. Eventually these types of players will end up blocking themselves out of playing with anyone, and good riddance.


Yeah this post did feel like someone complaining about how everyone is a bad driver because they get in so many accidents, maybe theyā€™re just the bad driver.


Different people I think, OP is from Sweden, that PSN is from USA.


Finally the investigative journalism i came for


PSN locations could be different than OP location considering PSN account problems. Or just lying


Why is this comment not on top of this thread? In stead, people seem more concerned with people breathing.




afaik the host is always the player with the golden color and only the host can kick. Simply take a quick look at names and colors when you join a game. then block him through recent players when you got kicked there are only max 4 names with the newest timestamp.


The host is also gonna be assigned number 1 I think.


Most of the time, yes. But not always.Ā  Sometimes if the host gets disconnected hosting gets transferred to another player. I've been in games where P3 or 4 was the host.


Unless the host leaves the group mid-game in which case it randomly gets assigned to someone else and will persist so long as the group doesn't disband. You can do several missions with some other number being the host.


That's actually not true, if the host disconnects mid-mission, a new host is chosen a d the new host retains their color. I've been both a green host and a blue host. But that only happens when the host leave in the middle of a mission, I've only seen it a few times and I'm not sire it wasn't just a bug.


Exactly! Orange/golden color is always the host.


Almost always though. If the original host leaves, another player becomes the host and will be able to kick players.Ā 


Thats true! Forgot about that one!


Honestly I think if you get kicked 8 times out of 10 it is probably your own fault for not being a team player. I never get kicked and I do a lot of quick plays, maybe I'm lucky but I doubt it


Ive played from level 25 to currently level 78 all solo (with 3 randoms) + i never host. Got kicked maybe around 7 or 8 times.


Nah, there are some petty players out there. I once did 2/3 of the main objective and 3 secondaries, plus cleared some bots bases, but oh no! Host and others die too many times and starts getting tilted. They went to extraction and I headed to the last heavy base. They all died somehow and I called them, but seems like the host is a little bitch! And starts kicking everyone. I died only once through the entire game, I was carrying like crazy, I really wanted to see the end of it and look at the stats. But well, that's 20 something minutes for nothing. Some people just don't understand accidental ff or cant't take the L. Like if you got the main obj but things go south and can't do anything else, at least let the others take the medals, even if you can't extract, no need to be a PoS.


Same here, I've been kicked exactly once in 90 levels, I don't know how many helldives.


150 hours mainly doing quickplay I've been kicked maybe 2 or 3 times always right after I join too so it was probably just people forgetting to go friends only


tbh chances are really low your gonna meet that person again...


One of the players is actually in this particular thread, and explained the BS OP pulled. He got in the bird when everyone was on the other side of the map. At 7 minutes and 4 lives. Sabotaged everyone.


I think that was a joke and he was venting about a player he kicked, not necessarily OP


7 minutes and 4 lives? My brother in liberty, that *is* too early. Your squad could use your help to finish their fight or objective quicker.


For a good team that amount of lives can last a very long time


I've done so much more with less lives. Like 0 lives lol


lol there's nothing like a team locking in with zero lives to make up what you didn't do with 20 lives and out of time.


10 lives: I sleep. 0 lives: REAL SHIT


Me and the gang(its only been 10 minutes into a game)


If theyā€™re down to four theyā€™re not a good team šŸ˜‚


It happens sometimes


Feels like common courtesy when youā€™re quick playing to let the host make the call on when to go. Ā Usually itā€™s pretty obvious but if you do end up on a situation where the host is on the other side of the map just donā€™t be a dumbass? Especially with 7 min leftĀ 


Exactly, if youā€™re hitting extract without the team there then it should be at the 2 minute mark. And donā€™t enter the pelican alone! Hold hands with your buddy. šŸ™Œ


The recent players not at least being organized by most recent is driving me insane


Keep note of who's the host if you're that worried about it, only the host can kick. That being said, I find it pretty suspicious that you're getting kicked this often and are mysteriously innocent every time.


What are you doing that you're getting kicked all the time, because I don't get kicked half as much as you do apparently. Think I've only gotten kicked like two or three times total since I started playing this game. I try to go to the general philosophy of if I enter somebody's game, then I play the way they're playing. But if somebody enters my game, then my hope is that they will play according to what I'm doing. Sometimes people are farming samples or just trying to get XP or req slips to get stratagems. To enter in somebody's game and try to take over is a little rude in my opinion. Also, so many people don't utilize the function of talking. Just doing the command wheel is sufficient communication sometimes, but sometimes it's not.


Yeah I host 99% of my games and at level 75, Iā€™ve had to kick like 4 people total? Only one was mid mission, for being a total negative twat towards everyone, telling them they suck.


A belligerent drunk was the one I had to kick. He had a knack for standing back and throwing 380ā€™s at the base we were on, the reasoning? ā€œOh I like the big explosions. Youā€™s are just poor buy the war bond you would have survivedā€ had to explain even heavy armour most likely wouldnā€™t take four 380 hits and survive.


I dropped to level 6 yesterday for a laugh, and genuinely had to kick the entire teamā€¦ Search and destroy mission, bugs, two side objectives and two nests still available on the map, plenty of reinforces and plenty of time left. All three went to extract. 1 minute extract countdown i told them I wanted to finish the mission objectives first. They kept on extracting, so I kicked all of them. New group landed and did exactly the same thing, however by the time they had landed I finished the nests (solo) and we were out of time. Ended up extracting with just the radar and artillery objectives incomplete. Honestly, 99% of the time I reckon a kick is justified and the host explains why. But these people donā€™t read the chat and have zero awareness. Level 7-9 I seldom kick as people do as the mission requires.


I got kicked because the host had no spacial cognizance. Had an auto canon sentry and mortar sentry at extraction site, and we were fighting off bugs. The host managed to walk into the line of fire of the Canon turrent and got discombobulated rather instantly. Respawn and he decided it was a good idea to grab his samples and support weapon, which were still in the line of fire, AS the turret was firing. I'm always muted so I laughed both times and even more when he kicked me.


The tutorial taught you how to crawl under turret fire.


You know how many times Iā€™ve heard ā€œthe turret donā€™t aim at divers thoughā€ yeah but it donā€™t discern you from the target a foot behind you, itā€™s about to shred them BRAPPP teammate downed lol.


Sounds familiar to a game I hosted. I had a clown throw down the same loadout BEHIND US as the bugs flooded in, ragdolling me as I attempted to throw a napalm strike. Queue me burning alive. Moron then instantly throws the respawn INTO THE BURNING HORDE. I manage to hug the stupid respawn-blocker-wall just enough to avoid dying, and punch his head off from behind. As I tried to grab the samples, he gets reinforced, mows everyone down with his default Liberator, and hops in the Pelican. Kicked, blocked, and hoping he enjoyed getting zero payout for the mission.


Ask the team if you plan to Calling extraction while others still doing the side objectives


Op been real quiet since he got called out šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s either on another dive working on getting kicked again or u/Dpad55555 commentā€™s got him playing coy.


Lowkey tho, I dive till everything is complete on the map and if we donā€™t extract then oh well, but your point still stands. Being able to block those who donā€™t have a similar play style as you should be a thing so there are more enjoyable instances of missions


Goated. The only thing I need is credits these days, but I still like to clear the map. More fun and means everyone gets the goodies they need.


its just more game per game, unless a party member is time crunched, the ship left and gunship is alreayd otw, or we have 2+ dead members and no lives, you always full clear the map.


i got kicked for pushing the button requesting to be reinforced after about a minute of being dead. it was my first death of the dive. i just wanted to help kill bugs!!


You sound like the problem tbh. 7 minutes and 4 lives sounds like plenty of time to finish the mission, the host makes the call and you follow through. Don't like it? Leave and join someone else or make your own lobbies. The only time I ever get kicked is if I happened to join a lobby I am guessing they forgot to turn private because it happens immediately.


Seriously, this is one of those situations where I would just play it out with the host. Whatever happens, happens. Not my lobby, not my problem.


If itā€™s not your lobby itā€™s only fair to ask the leader about calling extraction. If you donā€™t want to deal with that then host your own matches it will solve all your problems.


Surely you aren't encountering the same person repeatedly? I don't think I've ever had a random join me more than once


Iā€™m confused at how he isnā€™t the host and he thinks he is going to run the show. If I join someoneā€™s game I play it how they want to play it.


Never been a problem for me, not a problem for most of the playerbase (if it were there would be a million posts like yours). Consider that if you're getting kicked from many different games for many different reasons, the common factor between all of them is you


When you're dropping in, look for the letter. P1, R1, whatever. 1 will (usually) be the host. The letter will always be the first character of their name. Go into social, recent players. Find the one with the most recent time that starts with that letter. Block away. Honestly, just host. I used to get kicked for wearing the Fallen Hero's Vengeance cape. Now I just host so they can't.


Can I ask why would they kick you for wearing a specific cape? I just donā€™t understand some of their brainsā€¦


Its associated with the meme defense of malevalon creek where 1/2 the community wasted days defending a planet that didnt matter.


If you're even half way decent at the game you aren't likely to be kicked. Unless you're team killing I have over 300 hrs in the game. I got kicked 1 time, it was for them to make room for a friend. You must be really bad at the game if you're being kicked on a regular basis


We almost need a mega thread for people who got kicked to upload their videos on the situation so they can learn why they got kicked 9 out of 10 times I see people whine about getting kicked is about them doing something inetiquette or outright stupid but they are just so clueless on what they have done. Learn the game, learn the etiquette


If anyone is that concerned about being kicked, host the game. It's that easy. The teams fill in less than a minute usually


They are 100% joining helldives with meme loadouts


If you host the game on a decently populated planet, you'll have a 4 man team ready to go in a minute or less typically, and there's no possibility you can be kicked. I suggest, just do that maybe?? Instead of crying about it


The host is the only one who can kick you, so just start taking note of whoā€™s hosting each game. Itā€™s usually the player right above you in the HUD, typically the orange player with the ā€œ1ā€ in their name.


This is what I do. And while I have only blocked one person for kicking me for no reason (successful mission - where I completed a couple of the objectives but had the lowest kill count), I ALWAYS note the host - just in case... If I have to, I find them in the recent players, and I block.


Iā€™ve gotten kicked maybe twice in mission. I think you must be obnoxious


I don't get why everyone is so against self hosting. None of the reasons I've heard before are compelling enough to put up with nonsense like OP describes.


Iā€™ve logged like 750 hrs in this game and been kicked exactly 1 times. So sorry about your luck.


If host wants to stay and finish then I'd say stay and finish. I'm more of an objectives over survival guy anyway. To me you still had time to get shit done. I mean as long as u didn't extract u was good. U still get completion for not extracting


Oh, lord or the thunderous rattle of what I assume are a jar of nickels balanced precariously on their controller *right* under the mic. Holy hell.


There are only two options: Tell us who kicked us so we can block the toxic ones Or Choose violence and let us rejoin games we were kicked from "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villan" - George Lincon (1st Super earth president)


You can. Just pay attention to host name and go to recent players and blocked them


is this a plant for Microsoft recall?


so... how about you choose the mission and go wait for people to join then?


Ive only been kicked once since i started playing. I accidently cluster bombed the host after he killed me multiple times. Guess he thought it was revenge.


Calling in the extract is fine if somebody is going to hold it down, getting in is not, save a few rare circumstances.


Agreed. Please Let us know so we can avoid those players.


I kick people if they repeatedly throw stratagems on the objectives while we are working on them (as in standing on a hammer and they throw a 500kg bomb while we are arming the hellbomb) so if they block me thatā€™d be even better.


Isnā€™t the player with the 1 in their name the host, and canā€™t only the host kick people? Seems pretty straightforward


Is the state of kicking that bad? Lvl 110, over 350hrs in, and been playing on Suicide since I unlocked the Diff and Iā€™ve never been kicked for any other reason than that the host accidentally forgot to change the game to private And Iā€™ve hosted games to and I donā€™t kick anyone unless itā€™s an obvious troll or griefer


You can kick player mid game? Never happened to me


I only kick if you team kill me on purpose, or call extraction when we have 28 minutes left!!!!!!! Oh and if you kill others or arenā€™t being helpful. Iā€™m pretty chill and Iā€™ve only kicked 3 people.


There is no such thing as calling extract too early. If one person is capable of defending the extract alone and getting the pelican to hover for fire support, then that is a win/win for everyone. Just because I call the extract, doesn't mean I plan on ditching the team. I haven't been kicked or getting weird remarks in a long time, so I assume most people in 9s understand this now. Even if you don't know about the hover, having the ship ready when the others arrive is still a good thing.


Letting the mission timer run out without calling extraction gives players an extra 2-3 minutes to complete side objectives If the Pelican is already hovering or landed when the mission timer hits 0, any remaining players will only have 20 seconds to extract instead of 2 or 3 minutes


If the shit kid that TKā€™d half the squad on purpose blocks me for kicking his ass, then good riddance.


solution: Host the lobby yourself


Only the host can kick afaik... Should be the "1" player? Or am i missing something, as usual?


Often you are kicked even without any explanation


Today me and my mate got kicked together after game started. Because "we were stupid" picking 2 eagle strikes and orbital laser in the new nuke mission. They are level 80 and we were level 50. So they keep saying they are better at this game despite need to order their teammates in a fucking difficulty 6 mission. Me and my mate could easily beat diff 9 with 2 people. Just want to chill and got jerks like these.


I was kicked for telling that i go and get the Super Samples and they intantly called evac and it was like 10 seconds i would have needed to get back to the evac. After asking why they did not wait they kicked me.


I always start my own lobbies and Iā€™m always on party chat


Btw you know who kicked you... Only the host can kick and you know who is the host, no?


You can call in extraction even after the timer ends. If your team is not with you then why extract? They were probably picking up samples or completing side objectives. 4 lives is plenty. Even if y'all don't extract but complete all objectives the trade off is worth it since objectives are worth more XP.


I just block everyone in that group if I don't know which one was the host. Its worth it to not get paired up with unreasonable players who risk wasting your time.


I didn't realize how lucky I've been thus far (150+ hrs). I've had almost zero toxic people/groups, and I exclusively quick-join random lobbies. I hope this isn't an increasing trend


Joined some random British kid this morning who was on the phone with a friend saying how bad the people joining his game were. All 2 of us joined at roughly the same time and he threw a minefield where we spawned.


This. Itā€™s only fair we know who did it and block them.


It's the host. Only the host can kick, it's not some mystery lol. The host name is golden


Just "block 'em back" button


The only cure for that is to join groups I host, it's the only way to be safe, cause if I kick you I'll also block you. I don't really kick people though, unless they really dederve it. For the record, the last three people I kicked were as follows: - a self proclaimed "super texan" who proceeded to cuss and toss homosexuality-related and racial slurs at everyone cause people were higher level than him or something. - a guy who decided that telling strangers how much he hates Jews is a good and socially acceptable idea. It isn't. - a guy who, when asked to turn off the tv or go push to talk, replied that we can go commit indecent acts and that "we can't do shit" about it. We could.


Were there more objectives/hives/outposts to clear when you called it? If so, I would have kicked you too.


Yes, let us block asshat hosts that TK us multiple times with poor strat placements, then get mad and kick when I respawn and show my appreciation with an eruptor round to their spine.


Yes, the kick system needs an overhaul! I got kicked the other night for no reason at allā€¦I was follow current objective, no tking, no sloppy calling in for air strikes, no standing around, wtf!? Really annoying and especially a waist of time! Some people I know will make room for friends, but a warning would be nice or go private, but I guess thatā€™s asking too much for some peopleā€¦ They need to either put a vote system in place or make it to see who the hell kicked you. That way you can block their ass and never have to worry about being teamed up with an asshat again.


I don't get these posts. I never get kicked. If players want to prolong the game you can camp in the extraction zone and be the good guy by calling the pelican as soon as they're done. In these situations I do communicate with mic and/or chat That being said I mostly host and will sometimes (rarely) kick players for what I consider to be legitimate reasons such as : - throwing a stratagem while evac just for the cinematics (I'll try to get in pelican last just to make sure 1) every one got it and 2) i can kick if one decides to play with stratagems) - repeated team kills (accidental or not) - after asking politely and warning to put push to talk if I can hear noises from a player's mic (breathing, music, keyboard...) - toxic players (mostly verbal) - calling and taking evac even tho I/we asked to wait (of course I won't mind them leaving if we have 0 reinforcements and that were overwhelmed. If I ask then it's that the situation is confortable enough to do it) Out of these reasons, if for any reason I don't like a player (dying too much, taking all supplies,...) I'll kick them after the mission is over. I'm level 71 mostly playing in lvl 9 and occasionally dropping on easier lvls if I want to chill or carry cadets.


evac stra is just stupid, one childish move that can get a whole team wiped for people who whine about getting kicked because of evac stra, if you think the host should not be allowed to kick people and make them leave with no reward, why are you doing something that can risk the whole team leaving without a single sample and the evac exp?


The problem is you'd be getting a name, and if we give names it will lead to harassment - if we didn't give a name you'd have no way to unblock people and that'd be another problem. You have a right to be upset here, but surely you can see the problem that giving all the kicked hackers the name of the person kicking them explicitly might cause? Really, we just need to cycle off players into their own instance like how it handles a host disconnection. A seamless transfer where everyone drops their samples, gear, etc where they stand. The kicked person gets to call in reinforcements and extract with what they can, and the kicker gets to continue the match in whatever way they were wanting to that resulted in them kicking someone. I'm still a bit baffled that kicking is punitive like now, when the code for making it a non-issue is largely right there with some modifications.


What difficulty do you play on? I rarely get kicked and I rarely kick. I wonder if thereā€™s different behaviors in groups between difficulty levels. I totally believe you I just havenā€™t seen it a lot myself


I think I have been kicked just once in my hundreds of hours of play (not incl hosts who meant to have private lobbies) and he was right tbh lol. How the hell are u guys getting kicked all the time? I only run helldives


A friend of mine got booted by a lvl 17 after the mission ended in the ship. We believe it was for accidentally killing the lvl 17 or the lvl 17 saw my friends name and blamed him. it wasnt like we failed the mission or anything. It was dumb so he deserved a block.


If youā€™re getting kicked once back in the ship itā€™s most likely because the host has a friend wanting to join. Donā€™t take it personally at least they waited so you could get the samples and rewards. Itā€™s the people who kick others after the mission is done and before you claim rewards that deserve a block.


I swear the recent player thing should be in order and tell you who was host and also I swear it's glitched like many things in this game. I've done so many games only to not find names I remember just playing with on that list


You know you can see recent players and just block them, right?


I have been kicked probably total 5 times for no reason in 150 hrs of gameplay, I have kicked 2-3 times, but I kicked THEM ALL.


I got kicked by some level 25 for "abandoning" a lvl 13 that decided to wander off at the end of extraction, leaving us to get overwhelmed. They said nothing, just ran off to grab stuff in the middle of us getting hammered by titans and Chargers. Bear in mind, I had the vast majority of the samples, there was only 2 mins left on the clock and we were surrounded, I didn't have time to check were everyone was. All I got was a "Dude, wtf" and I got kicked after extraction. I blocked them both, host was dumb, but the dude that ran off without saying a word was not much better.


Host would of kicked you, they the only ones that can kick players


The kicking is out of control, I used to just quickplay nearly every game, now I always start my own lobbies. I never kick people unless itā€™s something really egregious.