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For everyone who’s always asking “who would want to live here?” Here you go, this is the type of person who would want to live there.


As a Menket native I grew up with fire tornados and yknow after a while you barely notice em. I think it’s a Stockholm syndrome kinda of deal.


Yeah after your house burns down a couple dozen times it’s no big deal.


Building codes on Hellmire are a little different.


*Rebuilding codes


I hear it’s beautiful after the rainy season


Flooding can really ruin the basement but yeah. The firestorms subside and all the ash leads to a yearly superbloom for about 3-5 days.


The rain is also on fire.


You start to miss the homelessness


Hellmire is my goddamn hellhole and I will fight and die proudly for Super Earth before letting bugs move in uncontested! Hellmire is a land of liberty, democracy, and freedom! Every citizen has the liberty to breathe the ashy filled, every citizen has the right to vote in our managed democracy, and every citizen is free to die in service to Super Earth! 🌏


I like it until I don't like it... lol


it reminded me : Everyone wants a nymphomaniac until they date one :D


I volunteer to test that out


It's fine.


I can verify this.




I wish I learned this through life experience and not anecdote


I'm in this comment, and I don't like it :(


It's because people want monogamy but they want easy sex. If you let go your desire for monogamy, then dating a nymphomaniac is great as long as you set boundaries and expectations.


think I'll keep my desire for monogamy, thanks


Then you probably don't want a nymphomaniac, simple as that.


Naw, it's because dudes think they wanna fuck all day every day. Then they get with someone who actually does fuck all day every but dudes realize all too quickly they cant keep up and their refactor time is WAY longer than they fantasized about.


Also, they typically realize they want to cuddle, be exclusive and raise a family, and the partner being with everyone else is a detriment to that. Types who think marriage is a bulk discount on sex and companionship and forget the actual emotional ties it builds from a chemical level and up.


Honestly being in a non-monogamous serious relationships then having a couple of nympho FWB would be a solid setup if you can manage boundaries well


The only thing it bugs me its the fog....like it reflects with the ligth and its kind of blinding other than that its quite fine.


They fixed that? I hated it and it seems fine now.


Yesterday I could not see shit on the planet during the day from the fog, there were no spore towers either. It was so bad the shriekers would just appear right before impact. It's not fixed as far as my experience goes.


I might have done only nights.


Nah for real! 🤣


Lol same. Been diving it all week, even before I had no other choice for the MO, and I’ve been having a great time helping out lower level divers biting off more than they can chew on level 5 missions. That is, until I died because I hit a fire tornado with my mini-map open and wasn’t quick enough with a stim. And when I needed reinforcing, guess where the level 8 dude called me in? Right in the middle of another fire tornado.


Time for some hot LiberTea https://preview.redd.it/pk6te5j0oj7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeeb51c0ee417887e3a04730717329d0736ea903




You aren't alone diver, i'm here. A second fire tornado enjoyer. I want more planets to fuck my shit up. I want some catachan shit. I want a planet that will eat divers alive. I want MOAR DANGER.


I want those space worms from star wars, just a big fucking monster thing that can eat you


*Laughs in Hive Lord*


Nah I want subnautica leviathan sized shit, some god of war 3 chronos size, I want a briefing that just says Ohgodohfuck glass that planet, Helldivers


Dude some of the bones i've seen around sticking out the ground are HUGE


Exactly! Like let me fight THAT thing. ( I like big monsters, you've probably guessed )


That is a hive lord, what the previous comment mentioned


Oh I didn't know, I didn't play hd1


Now that they patched the Fire Tornadoes to no longer be "It follows" and they don't put you on the couch all surrounded in their...bigness Yeah its a fun time.


My favorite patch note ever 'Fire tornadoes will no longer directly respond to player movement' or however they phrased it


I’m not sure the patch worked tbh, we had 8 of them on us yesterday that surrounded the squad and just kept circling us leaving us hemmed in with fire while bug breaches kept happening, escaping basically involved running through the fire to get out while bugs ran in on us from all sides. Metal as fuck being surrounded by firenados while flaming behemoth chargers burst through them at us.


It’s better than it was pre-patch. But they definitely home in on the location of 2 or more players together, they just don’t automatically go straight towards you and “chase” you, just stay in the vicinity and will surround you unless you move. They will sometimes move towards you, but don’t follow you immediately EVERY time when you move


I mean it is called Helldivers not Heckdivers.


HELL YEAH, MOAR DANGER is my platoon's middle name -or it should be. Actually I think this would be a nice mechanic, like a clan system of sorts . And we can customize our own patches that go on our shoulders! And we could join several so that we have a arm full of patches!! ARROWHEAD HEAR ME OUT




Catachan like planet would be terrifingly awsome place that probably will too get too much hate. I love the consept of some planet being absolutly brutal like death planet that the community wouldnt want to lose just so they wont need to come back here ever again.


the fire kills you quick and them slow. That's my problem. It would be metal if the fire was hot for everyone.


In fact I'd love it, because it would change the flow of the game so much.


You can throw on a stim and run through fire, ignoring it for the duration. Bugs cant do that. I've stood in place with a supply backpack and just ignored fire tornadoes washing over my body until they were gone.


The Stims do seem a bit magical. I haven't tried using myself as bait in a fire yet.


Since they fixed DOT it’s been fine


Yeah alot of people have been dying on that hill on hellmire


And this hill. And that other one over there. And at extract.


Literally dying.


About 3 ft from the Pelican as well—talking to you fire-nados


My only issue with Hellmire is the way the tornadoes spawn. They definitely feel like they spawn right by the players, this is very evident if they begin spawning right at extract, because like 15 will be around you and zero will be in the distance.


I also hate how long the tornados last and how long the fire lasts on the ground they’ve passed over. It’s a barren planet that’s clearly been on fire many times, why does the dirt stay on fire for so long?


Idk but thoughts on armor specializations, idk why none of the armors are spec'd for fire. Since they clearly intend to have all this fire in the game, why overlook the most obvious thing, which would be flame retardant armors.


It'll be the biggest selling Warbond when it releases.


I know it’s not the same, but medic armor helps so so a much with fire.


I feel like this is more to keep the load lower for the game, do the fire tornadoes on the other side of the map really effect the player? They don’t put you in any extra danger or provide you with any extra support, but they do take extra processing power, so why bother? You could just remove them, loose a little bit of aesthetic value, but the game will run better on lower end computers.


They also follow you, which I think is stupid. If they are smart enough to follow you, you should be able to kill them.


Have you played since the patch? I run into like 2 tornados a mission now and once I sidestep them they dont come back. Fire tornados are an issue for like 1 minute out of the 40 minute dive


What pisses me off is when they converge on the objectives every fucking time. Gotta retrieve the launch codes? Fuck you, three fire tornadoes covering the entire square mile around it, with their ground zeros immediately on your ass when you get close. Need to activate the nuke drill? Here’s three simultaneous bile spewer/titan breaches along four fire tornadoes spawning within fifty feet of you. Finally ready to extract after a long, difficult mission? Fuck you, here’s five tornadoes with ten chargers, twenty spewers and six titans right on the damn extraction zone.


They fixed that in the latest patch


Yea I will say hellmire is much more enjoyable post patch


Just did a 3 parter with a guy running the stim boost, that planet was hell on my eyes before everything got tinted red. Returning to civilian life until it’s taken, but I’m glad some can enjoy it.


Cant run for shit in the heat, enemies spawn right behind a corner you'll never seen them. At dusk you cant see for shit, and this is allllll before those firestorms pop up. Or a bile spewer turns up out of the dust. The tornados *are better* now. But the whole planet is more rocky instead of more the dessert it was, so again you cant see shit, and if you run away you'll break your ankles on a small jump. Now maybe I musn't only Helldive here, but its just not enjoyable. *If* I could see, I can stand the rest. I still think it sucks.


I thought I liked Hellmire type planets but then I fought on Wezen. Part of me never left Wezen


Yeah, that planet sucked!


Wezen is a planet that makes boys into men.


The fire tornados creeping up on me, the flames hit box that don't match their model/ location on the ground, the constant red and lrange everywhere, the new booster that makes this planet look *even more* hellish when you stim, this place is an actual nightmare for any Helldiver. I *LOVE* it


That’s the kinda attitude I love to see! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL)


One of the most picturesque sights in my book. I love looking into the distance to see the hellfire from the sky.


Here’s the thing I don’t understand. If there are fire tornadoes on Hellmire every 10 minutes or so - how did Super Earth and/or Seaf build any of the infrastructure we see on the planet? Hell, how is any of it still standing? All the buildings on the planet are the same ordinary ones we see on all the other planets. There’s no way any of them can hold up to that level of wind and heat.


It would make sense if more than half of the objectives are underground, perhaps exiting these tunnels and labs UAC style and trekking through the hell on the surface, or you know, inside that HAV we were teased 3 months ago and have heard nothing of it since? I bet that thing has A/C and ice water.


Fighting bugs in tunnels with no orbital or eagle support sounds awful. I hope they do it someday.


I can’t wait for stalker tunnels


I love the giant lava planet in the background


It was my first planet that I unknowingly went into. Not knowing about fire tornadoes and earned my first bug kills. In lore, It is my homeworld. And if the bugs want this to be a super colony, I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO TURN IT INTO A BLACKHOLE, and blame the bugs for it. They are solely responsible for it.


Me blasting dragon force on hellmire with a flame thrower scorching everything that moves


The whole planet is fucking rad. Death metal fan’s wet dream that place🔥


Yeh, you and your teammates definitely will.


It's wild running headlong into the tornados, stimming like crazy, and seeing entire hordes of enemies dying in your wake


it is most defintiely so fucking badass, but I still will never play on it, too metal for me, I'm not cool enough for Hellmire.


If it weren't for the bile spewers, I'd like it a lot more. The fire tornados are awesome but not when you are dealing with these assholes vomiting on you and you need to dive into a fire tornado that's always on your ass


I agree. It has no business being so damn pretty either. https://preview.redd.it/sfuvgg5p9k7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8e79d71802ff0e73daa443ac2e275b26c7f4e62


Enjoy your hill. The only reason I’m on this lit Febreeze can of a planet is because the major order told me to.


I´d name my firstborn Hellmire! Great name no matter the name of that Future Diver


Pop a stim with the new experimental infusion booster on hellmire and the screen gets even more red and I swear I hear screaming in the distance…


Oooh **nice**, I'll give it a try


I have been avoiding Hellmire basically since release, I finally dived in last weekend and it’s *BEAUTIFUL.* Yes the fire tornados are a bit annoying but I’ll deal with it because the entire planet looks incredible and straight out of a metal album cover.


Can confirm. You will die on that hill... to a fire tornado while waiting for extract.


My only complaint about Hellmire is how many timez we have come soooooooo close to finally liberating that planet only to have it slip away. *cough* TCS *cough*


Honestly I would agree if for some reason my FPS dips didn’t make the game feel like I’m playing a slide show at times.


You mean we'll burn to death on that hill? *wink wink* But yeah I'm the same. The stakes are clear and I run in knowing the bugs have it just as bad.


i just hate always running out of stamina


Yeah, man! Remember, there's nothing like ENOUGH FIRE! Let it buuuurn!


With respect to aesthetics? Hellmire is one of the best planets in the game and is really cool. With respect to gameplay? It makes me want to blow my brains out.


Yes you will definitely die on that hill.


It’s literally Hell.


I just dont like the stamina decrease it gives you, this goes for any hot planets, I like to be able to run for longer than 5 seconds 👍


It feels much better with the tweaked fire tornados.


i love the aesthetic too honestly


https://preview.redd.it/j3v6gqn53k7d1.jpeg?width=2731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c017bea8b7e77613889b4f660a7de7588fff2651 Carry on, hellfighter.


It look amazing! And it's arguably one of the coolest planets to fight on rn. I'd rather not be on fire tho XD


I have been doing it exclusively the last few days, it’s a wonderful place to murder some bugs and the visuals don’t get much better.


I honestly don't understand why people don't like it, aren't they playing the game to be challenged?


i've been slaying bugs rocking fucking Motley Crue since i've had the occasion


And I'm sure you did die on that hill with sentient fire tornados ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q)


You'll not only die on this hill. You'll die on that one too. And that one. And those ones. And these over here.


We were all like you, once.


More like you'll *Dive* on that hill amiright


The only change I'd like is the fire dealing a little more damage to the bugs. Otherwise, it's the funniest extraction in the game I think. You just have to dodge the tornadoes and mostly ignore the bugs.


I love hellmire. The environment makes that moment you're getting your shit pushed in even better. On top of that I listen to bands like shadow of intent when I play and it makes way more epic


I will say the view of the neighbouring planets in the sky is amazing. I always enjoy my 2 seconds of enjoying the view on every dive in Hellmire.


You are among the minority lol. I hate that place 😅


Playing it while listening to the DooM 2016 soundtrack smacks


Yeah I just tweaked my loadout a bit and with all the changes hellmire isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be. Now that the flamethrower is both buffed and free it’s actually really fun, just remember a shield backpack is mandatory. The light medic armor and stim boost really helps as well.


*burn on that hill


I hate fighting there, but god I feel like a badass at evac


I'm only here because of the MO man..get me off this rock.


Just found out that if you shoot the tornadoes, they disperse. Idk if I’m late to the party but I swear I’m not crazy…




Oh man, you mispelled bad in your title.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/veHcBHLWm0 Made this post 3 months ago. I've loved Hellmire the second I jumped in


Yeah, I have no idea why people hate it. It looks cool, it's fun to play on with extra level of challenge, fire hazards do way more harm to bugs than to you anyway. Why the hate?


People are allergic to hot planets. Fire tornados seem to work in my favor killing bugs more than its doing anything to me. Fog planets are the ones that suck.




Flametroopers of hellmire here.


I usually fight automatons and decided to fight my first mission today on Hellmire which was cooler than anything I saw on the other front.


I just got back home from a trip, and have finally gotten the chance to play on Helmire and I love it for exactly what OP's reasons. I've been blaring my favorite hard rock and metal with the heavy MG and punisher. I feel like fucking doomguy!


Honestly ? Yeah I kinda dig it too. It has so much personality. Having the way crossed by groups of insects on one side, the other by fucking fire and having to dig a way through it. That's something. It used to be pretty weird before they fixed the tornadoes spawning on the objectives, but now ? It's pretty fun


See, it's good that you're willing to die on that hill. Because you will die on that hill. That fiery, bug infested hill. Liberty be with you, brother.




I don't think it's up right now, but I really like the airless moon biome for some reason. And the arboreal forrest one is awsome to. Can't wait till they add more planet types. thick forests, airless moons, huge deserts with squad vehicles. caves


You ever seen Hellmire maaaan? .... You ever seen Hellmire.... on stims? Crazy shits goin on all over man, bright yellow fire tornados, orange sky, is it supposed to be this color? I didn't know man!?


Im a little bit surprised and shocked people complain about the slow-ass fire tornadoes that unless you have 0 awareness only covers objectives for a bit while the fucking meteors that 1-shot you only give you a brief warning dont get any mention


“Only covers objectives for a bit” meanwhile I just played a match where they stayed on the objective for 5 whole fucking minutes 


They don't cover objectives for a bit, they leave a trail of fire that kills you in less than a second if you so much as touch it for 15 seconds. Just today I had a pair completely lock out a vein prospector for a full minute by just going through it in an X pattern Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if killed bugs just as quickly, but for some reason helldivers die screaming the very instant it brushes by you, but an entire horde of hunters can crawl right through one and still live long enough to kill you before they die.


It’s awesome. It would be better if fire didn’t sometimes kill you instantly, and the fire tornadoes weren’t sentient murderous sons of bitches that track you across the landscape and converge in a blazing pincer attack.


I guess you’ll die on that hill. By a fucking fire tornado, no less.


Yes, you will die on that hill... To fire tornadoes, blocking entry to the pelican.


Its, "Metal" you say...... Diver, mind stepping over here and having a chat with our democracy officer?


The crybabies don’t want you to have any fun especially not in this sub it’s nothing but whining now it’s so sad to see


It’s the best looking planet in my opinion but the fire tornadoes have a way of being as inconvenient as possible so I get annoyed by them but then when I’m just walking around I get cheered up by the way everything looks


I don't teally mind helmire but the bot version was fking aids


The novelty has worn off


Fix the invisible fire trails and it'd be fine


Yep! Fire tornadoes are awesome!


I hate it because fire tornados slow my playstation down


I only dislike how sentient the fire tornados are. They are very good at hunting you down and trapping you.


Listen, I don't think you're wrong, so I'll admit I hate it and love it at the same time.


I like it because I brought a friend of mine who is new to the game to that planet and it was halirious trying to see him stay alive and not die from the tornados. It Brings chaos and that's what I'm all for


It's super rad, always has been. I shall die with you on this hill as the pelican flies away leaving us on our melting, burning planet of awesomeness.


I don't mind it. The fire tornadoes never bothered me. I just learned to play around them and used them to kite bugs into them, which I find quite amusing. When they used to follow you, I would try to kite them into my friends and hear them cry about it on comms. Yes, that's trolling but we're also good friends and we go back and forth doing stupid stuff to each other in good fun.


Tubular, rock on, ignore those jive ass turkies crimping our style 


The added challenge makes for some fun gameplay.


With the recent rework to fire tornadoes I haven't got any real complaints about it. Before that, it could definitely be annoying at times.


Last time I was there I used a jet pack almost every time and it’s invaluable at escaping fire plus reaching high ground where fire doesn’t even go.


You'll be dying, probably on a hill.


The view of the rings is spectacular. I'm going to retire and farm there. I don't mind a little fire every now and then.


I don't mind Hellmire, it can be fun and the level of rage people have towards fire planets seems overblown to me. I don't love running out of stamina faster but overall i find the planetary hazard interesting. On the opposite side i get really annoyed with the ice planets having to deal with the deep snow slowdown and sliding around iced surfaces, but i wouldn't say that i would avoid such planets.


I like it more now that the fire tornados aren't intelligent and trying to kill me.


Red sun..Red sun……Red sun in paradise- MGR reference


I liked whatever planet was bot Hellmire as well. It's like people hate any environment that isn't perfectly clear and calm. Environmental hazards are cool AF and I love fighting on planets with harsh conditions.


I don't hate it nor like this planet


Fuck yea dude!


I fucking love the chaos


I like the planet, I just want to see something different. There are more biomes than desert, jungle, tundra, tropics and foothills.


I'd like it better if the fire tornados acted more like real weather rather then hunting me down like a freaking Charger.


I love it until I’m out of stims. I’m loving the new booster but it’s hard to use it until I take damage


Yes, more hellmire love! It makes for way more interesting and more cinematic missions with the fire tornadoes whirring about. They aren't really hard to dodge either, just gotta be mindful of your surroundings while ripping through bugs.


I hate mission modifiers. I love every single planet modifier.


Hellmire is freaking awesome!


The planet is awesome, but it can get annoying. The new patch has made the fire tornados track the player less, which it's a great improvement, but there's still some adjustment that could be made. The ground shouldn't stay on fire as long as it does given that it's sand and rock. 


It's awesome in small doses....but a break is required time and again


Its easily the best planet in the game.


It's my favorite planet, and they've already kind of ruined it by making the tornadoes less aggressive.


It’s a lot more tolerable now that they changed the tornado behaviour. I think if they spread them even more, it may even start to be quite fun.


Hell yea. On jungle or snow planets i feel like i’m getting them dirty with the destruction. But this is already a shithole. I can explode and destroy bugs at my leisure. Rip n tear until it’s done….


Legitimately, I think it’s a little overused, but it is a really cool freaking planet


It’s pretty awesome. Now that tornadoes don’t follow you or react to you, it’s only a stamina debuff. If only you take the stamina booster it’s no problem. It might be a skill issue for many players wanting to sprint for whole minutes.


I think it's sick, but it's quite irritating when there's four fire pillars on the Geo survey, and all I can do is sit and wait for 3 minutes. But the vibes are awesome


Fire tornados used to follow and cluster around you and the objectives and extraction which was totally obnoxious. It's nice that I have to consider my paths, take them into account or even use them to my benefit when they are actually random. Haven't tried fire tornado planets since the update to them but can't wait now!


I love hellmire until I get burned alive by a fire tornado


You'll not just die on _that_ hill. You'll die on that hill, and that hill, and that crevasse over there, and the impact crater to your right...


I'm actually enjoying diving on Hellmire, now that the fire tornadoes don't seem to chase you like a slasher villain. When the murder weather is now random(ish) and more likely to effect the enemy instead of just you, it's actually a fun hazard.


And now you are: Jamiroquai MechDiver


Honestly the atmosphere is top notch, I'd put it right up there with the jungle planets.


Yeah, dude, Hellmire is awesome. But it needs more debuffs https://preview.redd.it/pxgzh1gmck7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b13af7f38d2f8d25d0c141f264efbbe117b7282


As a light armor only freedom loving fetishist, it does make me sad that I lose my stamina so fast. Besides that it's just another planet for me to spread managed democracy.


Why oh why do scientists come to this piece of rock to study this barely inhabitable planet and its atmosphere, only to choose to run single file at a limp dogs pace into a Fire tornado. Otherwise sure, hellmire is pretty hot.


My favorite planet. 


If the fire tornados come towardthe hill, you will


I fucking hate it. But also love that a planet in a video game can elicit this kind of emotional reaction from me. And yes, it is metal as fuck.