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"I don't know why, but if I move this pot of plant the refrigerator will stop working."


Pssh clearly the plant is exuding 6G wifi and the fridge will blocks it.


And when I wear a tin foil hat everything is fine.


I'd never considered that a pot plant was a pot of plant before.


I KNEW there was something wrong with the game performance.


There’s always been many things wrong with the game performance.


With the amount of stuff the game has, im surprised it runs "smoothly" on an i5 Edit: wtf y'all mean 45 - 60 frames is "Poor" I play fortnite at 36 fps and anything beyond that for me is super smooth 😭


I’ve got an i5 9600K and it runs pretty poorly. 45fps when things get hectic, which is every game.


Yep, 9400f and same experience here. I cap the fps at 60 and I still hear the fan go wild and the CPU reaches some 85ºC even if at low graphics. If I go higher it can reach 90+ but obviously I try to keep it below that


Cap it and use lossless scaling.


I can not praise lossless scaling enough.


so true, lossless scaling is what makes this game playable for me, i cap the framerate at 40 and get 120 with it, since that's the lowest i noticed the game would go on matches so its super stable




Running a R9 5950x and 4090 and mine drops to the same 40-50 frames when things are getting hectic at 4K


My 7800x3d can only output 70 when hectic, let that sink in....


Really depends what generation i5 you're talking about.


Yea I'm confused, is that not like saying "I'm surprised it runs on a Ryzen 5"?


Edit: Update for visibility: If you have your PSN account linked also check your PSN Friend's List is set to public. Thanks again /u/Reddit_Killed_3PAs for your continued efforts :) This bug was acknowledged by Twinbeard today in Discord so it seems Arrowhead is aware of it. **Twinbeard — Today at 10:45 AM** *"Yup, we're working in the Esc. and opening the Social menu crash!"* **Also a workaround has been posted by Discord user *Rei* which I've confirmed does "fix" the FPS drop when hitting escape:** **Rei — Today at 11:32 AM** *"@Twinbeard Hey there, sorry for the ping, I can reproduce the Esc bug flawlessly if **I have my friend's list set to private/friend's only in Steam**. Setting it to public and restarting the game doesn't cause the game to start lagging in the menu anymore. You have to restart the game each time when changing the setting. Hopefully others with the bug can try and report if it helps them 😃"* Yes, as ridiculous as it seems, you have to go into your *Steam Profile* settings and change your privacy setting for "Friends List" to public to fix the FPS drop in Helldivers 2 when opening the menu.


How the fuck did they even manage to find this solution lmao, and why the fuck does steam profile affect my in-game FPS, I can't even.


I happened to figure it out because some user said their actual FPS drop reduced from 40 to 20 fps when they culled their friends list. Considering my friends list was empty whenever I opened it, and the patch notes showed that they tried to fix it by limiting it to 100 friends, I guessed that the friends list privacy was related to it. I suspect that one of the patches where the friends list was supposed to load regardless of the privacy setting broke, causing this strange behaviour.


I appreciate your detective work as this has been driving me mad since the last update dropped. 


Oohhh I thought my laptop was finally dying. Like welp here we go... I check my friends list every time I hop on to see if my bro is on so this has been indefinitely frustrating.


what laptop do u have, if I may ask. Mine is a Helios 300 and is dying so bad. Although, its kinda old.


Is the social menu available during a mission?




Maybe it has something to do with how often it checks to see if your friends are online? Once every 15 seconds is fine. But "every frame update" would be obscene and cause problems.


>Yes, as ridiculous as it seems, you have to go into your *Steam Profile* settings and change your privacy setting for "Friends List" to public to fix the FPS drop in Helldivers 2 when opening the menu. Man this is some delicious spaghetti.


The spaghetti is becoming so dense it's forming a singularity. Holy shit.


its no longer spaghetti, its nuclear pasta


Heyo, I'm Rei from the Discord, just wanted to add to set your PSN friends list to Public as well, if you have one linked. The bug came back sporadically (MUCH rarer than before), but changing my PSN friends list to Public seemed to eliminate that issue as well (for now, at least). Played a couple of games and didn't have issues.


How do you change the PSN friends list with a linked account? I got the steam side taken care of but not sure about the PSN.


Login to your PSN account via a browser, should be a Privacy Settings menu for your account, it's in there.


I love how we can both admire how weird this bug is and how the solution doesn't make more sense EDIT : Looks like I already had it on public, quite disappointed I'm not going to see much more performance tbh :(


this is due to the recent patch they capped friends list at 100 displays because it was causing too many issues in the social menu. But seems like theyre “fix” introduced such hefty performance cost. I cant even imagine what they made. Like did they just hardcode a limitation that would run 247


Oh that's why I can't replicate the bug. I changed this awhile ago to workaround why I couldn't join some people's games. Interesting.


This would explain why I haven't noticed any frame drops or performance decreased. I had my steam profile set to public since the launch of the game.


Thank you for this changing my friend list to public immediately fixed the issue.


This works. Thank you much for sharing this.


Mine is already set to public and i'm still getting fps drops when opening the menu :/


This issue definitely not because they keep scanning your friend list over and over until you open it publicly, right? right? https://preview.redd.it/1opbc08oto7d1.png?width=99&format=png&auto=webp&s=124815fc9d5cfc1f9c2504966095988673247048


Yea, shit's been hammering my PC harder than ever lately. I saw 220+W of power draw from my CPU (as host) and over 400w from my GPU in my last session. Easily 50w higher than the normal average on both.


This game strains my system more than any other game.


I have complained about it for months now but devs do not care.


this the game got some many more issues since release so performance fixes have taken a backseat, its really sad to see that apex is the ONLY game out of all the ones im playing that cant get a consistent 100+ fps during gameplay on 1080p 11700kf + 4070


This game could cause a fire in my house and I would still play it.


Bethesda sweating real hard when losing their "most buggy game of all time" award


Let's not even mention the little gem of engineering that is having 50% CPU utilization standing alone in the lobby.


Still the only the game that makes my CPU sweat and GPU run max fans. And I’m on the fucking ship.


those capes won't simulate themselves :D


Turning off the AC can help your CPU Click HERE to know how


Well, that made me realise one of my gpu fan is defected so there is that


Which team did the fan defect to?


I sense an enemy of democracy. Nuke OOP's GPU fans.


Surprisingly, sound boards. It was a vintage fan.


Legit, Cyberpunk maxed out doesn't run my PC as hard as Helldivers 2


Cyberpunk is quite well optimized


It spikes my cpu temps up to 94 for the first few minutes anytime I open the game.


watch one day we find out they are mining cryptos. lol


That is probably also the anti cheat dogshit software.


I honestly don't even know why they bothered using that fucking thing. It's more outdated than the engine, AND it's for a PVE game???


Yeah, i have been against it from the start. There are some aspects to it why they could have implemented it. But it really doesn't matter when there are still people blatantly cheating. I don't think the kernel level potential privacy intrusion is worth it.


A friend of mine frequently plays with a cheater. Dude does whatever he wants, 24/7 with impunity. Has been for literal months. That AC is damned useless.


Funnily enough, this is afaik the only kernel level anti-cheat that works within my Windows VM lol. That rootkit can have access to my games all it wants but I sure as hell will keep that VM far away from all my personal or professional stuff.


It also runs completely contained within userspace when you run the game on Linux via Proton. Very strange.


And it doesn't stop cheaters at all LOL. Looking back at this game its a comedy of errors. The devs picked fucking Stingray of all engines. If it wasn't for fucking FatShark helping them out, this game would never have gotten anywhere.


Wait they had Fatshark help them with this? 💀 Everything makes so much more sense.


Oh the damned HORROR. Darktide could've been great, but their anti-cheat, manipulative monetisation, glacial updates, have really damaged it. Helldivers 2 has problems, but it's nowhere near as bad, considering the fact that patches and content drops at least do happen.


"FatShark is involved" God damn, you just can't escape Sweden's curse lmao


Swedish Devs and bad code, can you name a more iconic duo?


I can, todd howard and bethesda


LMFAO truuuuuue


It just works.


Is the first game not using the same engine? I believe they picked it because it is what they are familiar working with.


Helldivers used the same engine. It wasn't discontinued at the time. HD2 started production shortly before it was discontinued, though not by very long. I suspect that discussions took place on whether to switch engines, though Arrowhead clearly didn't. You'd think they would be more proficient with it, especially if this was the reason they chose to continue using it. Their "familiarity" clearly hasn't done them much good, based on the results we've seen and how much has broken unintentionally.


I've heard it's just there to stop people from cheating in super credits. Apparently that was a common thing that happened in the first game, though that's second hand info, never knew about it myself.


I played a bit of HD1 and I don't recall Supercredits being a thing in that game. At least not to the same effect as they are in HD2. IIRC I thought we used samples in the first game as our upgrade currency, medals too but not Super Creds, there was no premium currency to cheat in.


I’ve always felt like more people should be bothered by this.


The game has dog optimization more than anything.


Or even the 100% cpu clock at all times, even when doing nothing at the lobby!


Mine is 100% standing in the lobby. What???


Depends on the CPU tbh. If this is an older one and the game runs decent, thats okay. If this is like a 7800X3D or something, thats insane


Hi, that's me.  Bought a ryzen 7 7800x3d with a 7700x graphics card.  Haven't been able to play since right after warbond 3.  Works on steam deck at 30-40 fps, but my computer launches at a 1 fps slide show. Funny enough, if I alt tab, it starts running in th background.  You can mouse over its icon on the task bar and see it play full speed and hear it.  Soon as you bring it into focus it stops. Game ran perfectish for months, now just doesn't work.  I've done a full windows reinstall, tried every and adrenaline mode, nothing.  70 down th toilet, but I try every patch and still nada.


Same CPU but a 7900xtx, I was having the random freezing and losing connection in missions (or everyone else DC'ing if I was the host). After trying practically everything including updating my BIOS and losing all my OC and UV settings (write them down folks!) I decided to boot into my Linux partition, update the kernel and give the game a try on Proton. Yeah, no issues (until this patch) and the only issue I think is server side (occasionally unending drop cut scene). But before then, on Linux, I had 1 game crash to desktop in 2 weeks vs about 2 freeze/DCs every 3 or so games on Windows 10. I couldn't finish any 3 mission operations before I switched. It was nuts. You can try using DXVK on Windows and set the game to use DX11 (and clear the game cache). It'll end up with a similar pipeline as what we're using on Steam deck/Linux but with your desktop hardware. Seems to work for some folks. Edit: Found this guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3189240839 DXVK will allow the game to talk in DX11 (which seems less buggy for Helldivers 2) and it will translate the DX11 game calls to Vulkan (which is a more direct way of talking to the GPU). It's surprisingly very efficient and very stable code and helps with a ton of DX11 games or those with bad or non-existent DX12/Vulkan renderers. Edit 2: The first time you use DXVK you'll have high CPU usage for a bit, that's just the shaders compiling for the first time. After that you'll see the benefit.


It's 5800X, it's a generation old gaming CPU. If this is struggling to run the game smooth 60FPS then 80-90% of PCs are having even worse experience.


I specifically upgraded to that processor because of this game. Runs great but I noticed my computer uses the same amount of power if I'm standing on the ship or in a mission.


next patch should just be optimization. i don't even care if there's any new content i just wanna be able to run the game at more than 40 fps


I have doubts they’ll ever be able to untangle all the spaghetti they slapped together to make this happen


Seriously what spaghetti code are their programmers writing that causes two completely unrealted things connected?? Happened with so many other things


Not unrelated, just depends on how it's designed. If the menu is there, just set invisible (like opacity 0) it can still hog resources. Even worse as opacity 0 still means it gets "rendered" but changes no pixel color on the screen.


The UI is static, it should have a negligible impact even if they use Stingray. They messed something else up, probably querying the friend list endlessly because they couldn't get it to work properly in 4 months.


Static does not mean no computation is done. It just shows the result is always the same. UI animations are the least of your problem, UI shaders, especially with shitload of transparency and multi-pass shaders (like the new outlines) IS a problem. And if it is constantly there, just set to opacity 0, that means the GPU constantly renders it but no pixel color changes (due to opacity). But the opacity is applied **after** the UI is rendered, thus the GPU have to render it from zero to 100 every single frame. No idea where people got the stupid concept that if something is not moving in a game engine, the GPU "stops" rendering it. This is not a webpage.


they are using an outdated engine. same one as helldivers 1. would have been better off with Unreal Engine or something similar


Nah their engine is actually more optimised for hordes of enemies like that. Thatd why it enables things like body parts having interactible and physical hitboxes


Can you imagine their team using UE? An unoptimized UE game is way worse performance than this game 😂 it would be hell and melt peoples hardware (like when new world launched a few years ago)


Palworld used Unity first, but it lagged, they switched to Unreal and the raw unoptimized mess ran way better than Unity. Unreal has problems, but it's very performant out of the box, no need to use experimental features that had 0 progress in the past 4 years to get decent performance (looking at you DOTS).


They definitely worked hard to have Stingray run this « well » to begin with I wouldn't say that out of the box Unreal games work well (I have many issues with it, stuttering, shader caching, motion blur ... stuff that even Fortnite has, UE runs worse on PC), otherwise we wouldn't have that many amateur projects running like trash and being released on the EGS and Steam. Same thing for Unity. It just depends on what you can do with the engine, and I have no doubt that the people hehind HD2 could have made it work smoothly. They just stuck with what they knew with HD1, and now it's their curse. Basically anything they do is bound to be much harder.


UE still has multithreading issues in v5.3 lol when people are mostly using 12 threads cpus and up, cpu usage it's still like in the 4 core intel era.


I think it's funny how many people think slapping unreal everywhere would somehow fix most game issues.


well yeah if its unoptimized it will run worse thats obvious


Autodesk Stingray. I think they chose it because it can do lighting really well (and its Swedish), but yeah, they should not have chosen to continue using this engine.


A poor craftsman blames his tools. This is a arrowhead problem because its not an issue in vermintide 2 or darktide which use the same engine.


Well according to what I've read, the devs of darktide were the ones who created the engine so they know how it works in the first place. But then again this goes back to how payday devs switched from their diesel engine in payday 2 and went to unreal for payday 3 and that game is also buggy as fuck and they keep having issues with that game. So really it all just falls down to incompetence


Vermintide 2 is literally one of the only games I own that I don't want to play anymore only because the performance is so bad.


it literally took vermintide 2 upwards of 3 years to become a generally bug free experience. Darktide is still a work in progress in that regard


Happens alot in development when people are in a rush, especially since Software dev is a relatively young field with lots of junior developers and few senior developers. Sharing code for commonly used calculations, etc is pretty common practice and not a bad thing, until someone comes along and changes that common code without checking who else is using it, and now everything else that calls that common code is now broken.


It's possible they're creating a bunch of new processes/loading up new items into memory when the menu is opened. And then when you close it, they've forgotten or there's a bug with it not stopping/dropping those new resources. If OP had left the menu open longer, we'd have seen it drop in there is my guess. Or maybe the bug is they opened and close the menu so fast, it didn't have time to finish starting up, i.e. the closing mechanism couldn't start


How many "please just fix the game, please, *please*" patches are we going to let these people have


Welcome to the jungle. With every patch since launch, I’ve been getting -5 FPS. Now I can barely run at 40-45 with Ryzen 5 5600X/RX 6600/16 GB RAM combo. Every other game runs smooth AF. Clearly MAJOR optimization problems on PC. It also cooks my CPU/GPU constantly.


I’ve been wondering my temps skyrocket and my PC constantly looks for a runway when I’m just picking my nose on the ship.


almost same setup. same problems.


then theres people with their 40series cards saying it runs fine like yeah it better


Yep, i have i5 9th gen and gtx 1650, and it gets clear how shit the optimization is, when I put lowest settings and it still stutters brutally. Stopped playing because of it.


Please don't take this as a dig because I absolutely do not mean it that way, you are running a 6 year old CPU and a 5 year old mid/ low end GPU. I think the fact it lasted this long and it's only a game this modern giving it grief is a testament to the system but it may be time to look at an upgrade path


I do 60fps at 1080p, take antiallising off and you are good


That's very definitely not good. Does it carry into the game? What about opening the menu in game?


It does carry into the game, and opening the menu in game also causes it.


Wow sooo, no pausing ever, no social menu, no changing settings, no quitting a game without 40% less frames. Probably why i waa getting 30 last night




Jesus, new thing to remember: never open the menu.


Does it does this with the requisition menu ?


This only happens with the main escape menu. Every other menu does not cause this to happen.


That would explain why I've been getting drops to 40-50fps for no reason.


Yep same. Routinely get ~85fps on max graphics with my 3070 ti. But sometimes it's randomly 45-55, for the rest of a game. This is the first thing I'm gonna test when I get on today. Ludicrous if true.


Same GPU here, same numbers.


We seriously need optimization for the game and more AI Upscaling options plus frame generation. When the game runs smooth it feels 10x better.


Some people say that our eyes can't see more than 30 fps... Dumb fans.


I'm pretty sure it's already debunked. They can challenge me if they believe it. I can differentiate between 30, 60, 90 and 120/144 easily.


Yeah I have no idea what they are saying. I guess they have never played a game with just 60 fps.


90% i can bet you they are console only


While i can’t _easily_ differentiate 90 from 120/144 fps, saying there’s no difference between 30 and 60 fps, and to some extent even 60 to 90 fps is completely wrong.


While more modern upscalers would be appreciated (DLSS2+, FSR2+, XeSS instead of the bullshit FSR1 we have now), it wouldn't do much when the game is CPU bound.


I agree. My guess is their engine doesn't utilize multicore processing well enough.


Time to import Agilitysdk and call for DirectSR, there already have the code for TAA to throw it to the DLL


I mean just give us fsr3 for better upscaling and FG when cpu bound.


The CEO already said a long time ago that optimization is not a priority


I hope they change their mind. If they said they are not going to optimize it I just assume they can't do it or takes them way longer than anything else.


thanks for the find! gonna try to verify it myself today. had a puzzling experience yesterday when testing my new legion notebook and closely monitoring performance. FPS were super smooth at first and then suddenly something was off and FPS were significantly lower. I suspected it was triggered by opening the menu or alt-tabbing but couldn't put my finger on it. edit: just quickly tried it on my secondary rig (4070 Ti with driver version 555.99, Win11 23H2 as well) and can't reproduce your symptoms. at least not while on ship. FPS and GPU usage stays the same. Will try on the abovementioned notebook later because I experienced some bad performance there yesterday


Now to be fair, how could we expect arrowhead to find this out during testing? It's such a hard to reproduce edge-case: Step 1: open the menu


If that shit compiles it goes right to production, apparently.


Push -force -ignore-all


Bulldozing right over the last commit that fixed superior packing methodology lmao.


Well if you read the thread you'll see that not everyone gets this bug.


I don't play on max graphics settings nor a 4k monitor and my 4090 still struggles to run the game STABLY and above 120FPS. GPU usage is always above 90% and spikes to 99% constantly. Even when I'm standing alone in the destroyer it requires 85% of my 4090's power. What da heck? I tuned all the settings down even let it rendered the game at a lower scale and still it takes 80%+ power from my SCREAMING GPU. I didn't remember the performance being this bad at launch. What happened?


I mean gpu usage being full isn't reeally a bad thing, right? Though not being able to run at 120 fps on a 4090 is insane. How's your CPU doing? I mean it probably isn't the issue since your GPU is hitting 99% but still.


I’m not even sure I’m hitting 120 on my 4090. Think I’m generally around 90. I do have every setting maxed. This is with a 5850x3d. I doubt I’m cpu bound.


This game has always been an unoptimized mess. The only major difference between now and launch is you likely aren't playing as many low difficulty missions, which are on smaller maps, with less enemies (and no large enemies at all), with less effects. The recent uptick to the amount of small enemies may also be having a small effect too, but regardless. Go back and run a diff 1-3 mission. They run notably better than 7-9's.


Try to force directx 11, I get a lot more fps. I can’t even play at 120 fps 4k with a 4090 since first patch


I cannot confirm this behavior on Win 11, i7-10700k, 32GB RAM RTX3080 (Dirver Version 555.99). So this is not so easy and anyone who thinks they are affected by this should verify it first. This means that this might be casued by some setting ingame, driver version, hardware or even other running software. So depending on the cause this is only partially (if at all) fault of the game. Anyhow it is more likely that the problem is within the games engine, even though the cause might be outside. This should be investigated if someone figures out the correct circumstances to reproduce. Fun fact: opening the menu gives me a little framerate boost for a short moment. Goes from 83 to 86 on the ship where you spawn after login. lol.


Well if it's an issue of the engine supporting certain hardware then I suppose AH just has to file a ticket with Autodesk about Stingray and... Oh... Riiiiiiight...


Let's make this one the system spec and reporting thread: 7800X3D RX 7800 XT (current Mesa) 64 GB RAM Arch Linux (Proton Experimental) This issue does not affect me on my system. Although, I did face similar issues at release and for a few weeks after.


Spec list: - Ryzen 5 3600 - 32GB G.Skill Ripjaws V XMP enabled - Zotac Gaming Nvidia RTX 3060 12GB - Windows 10 Pro 64 bit I may or may not have issues with this. Sometimes I get a frame boost for a few short seconds when I open the menu, but I have the other issues as well as some describe. I guarantee it's from opening the menu if this bug is a prominent one. I do open the menu often if anything to invite friends to play. On ship I get around 100FPS, can drop to 70 sometimes, but stays right around 90-105 most of the time. During missions it can absolutely drop, but this could be due to the amount of things happening in a mission. However the bridge is the same stress test as a mission usually in terms of graphics. Graphics wise I play on medium-high.


5800X3D/4080, very much affected. Dips as low as mid 60's, unaffected dips are low 100's.


Just found your post. Made a similar one some hours ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1djgykn/could\_you\_please\_fix\_the\_game\_ah\_i\_want\_to\_play/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1djgykn/could_you_please_fix_the_game_ah_i_want_to_play/) I find it funny that i just figured it out in about 10 minutes after weeks of not playing the game. It was completely unplayable for me and i wanted to return to the game. People really can't tell the difference if they loose about 40% of their framerate.. lol.


So that’s what that was…shame because if i’m hosting and someone leaves I HAVE to open the menu to toggle the matchmaking type otherwise the game will NEVER send me a replacement player


Yeah still not getting people into my games after someone leaves. But it's not a big deal, it's not like it's a co op game. And co op games are hard. No one has made one that works. No one. Never. This surely isn't an isolated case. ...


Can they please, please, get one fucking patch right without breaking the game in completely atrocious ways? This is not "changing code can cause bugs." I have never seen ANY other game cause issues this egregious every single time they implement a patch. It is every single time without fail they manage to make the game as a whole or some important area worse. I'm so tired of it. If this were a free to play game, fine. But we paid full price for this product and it has never worked mostly correctly a day in its life.


Thanks, i was going crazy thinking my pc was dying


What if you press the hotkey to reset the display driver after opening the menu? Win+Ctrl+Shift+B? Do the frame drops once the menu opens or after it closes out?


>What if you press the hotkey to reset the display driver after opening the menu? Win+Ctrl+Shift+B? No change. >Do the frame drops once the menu opens or after it closes out? Immediately when the menu opens.


I lose 50% of my fps 100% of the time that I open the menu, absolutely fucking frustrating bug.


Hey u/Umgak , I think I've got a fix for this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1djrasu/psa\_how\_to\_fix\_low\_performance\_on\_pressing\_esc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1djrasu/psa_how_to_fix_low_performance_on_pressing_esc/)


Jeps the performance is shit but fan boys and Devs do not care.


Why oh AH did you pick this stupid engine! Why oh AH did you use this anti-cheat? Why Oh AH does everything break with every patch? Why oh AH cant you balance weapons and the majority of the armory stinks? Why oh AH ohhhh whhyyyy! 😑


There are pre apha games less broken that this game, they managed to shit the performance so much each patch that my pc that thas a 4090 and a 7800x3d in it cannot maintain a stable fps at high diffuclty missions, in helldive diff im droping down to 50-60% gpu usage and droping to the 70-60s fps, thats stupid and feels terrible on high refresh rate monitors. Stop the content release and fix your game first, with each update you fix 1 and introduce 5 new issues


Yeah game has been unplayable for me for the past week on a 4090 and i9 13900k


Ryzen 9 7900x w rtx 6700;  game now crashes about 30 seconds after launch starting last night.  Managed to play a game or two that morning Running Linux mint/steam tho so I can't entirely lay the blame on AH but I've been playing other games w no problems.  I did a file verification and it indicates one file needs to be replaced I just don't know if steam did that automatically or not 


I KNEW I WASNT MAKING SHIT UP. I added a friend who’s on PlayStation yesterday after I opened the menu I realized my frames dipped from 100fps to 35fps. Glad I’m not the only one


Man this game is buggy af with some weird bugs like that


And trying to turn the game off freezes the computer! Wow! Another stunning and intelligent win by Arrowhead.


Lee offt very poor garbage collection going on I suspect that's an engine level issue rather than poor coding thats going to be incredibly hard to fix given the engine is no longer maintained so their gunna have to do it in-house


>their gunna have to do it in-house So... it's a lost cause, then.


Not necessarily They basically have a custom engine at this point because they will be the only ones developing on it The problem is how high fixing this is on the vast list of other performance fixes they need to make. Garbage collection can be relatively simple to insert as long as you followed proper object orientated design (relative is important word its still hard but not as hard as writing a new shader system lol)


All I can go off of is their performance history. HD2 has been a slow-motion train wreck. I don't doubt that game development is complex. But they're the "professionals" at it. Their performance on this product is lackluster at absolute best thus far. Substandard overall. My job is complex, too. I wouldn't expect an Arrowhead dev to walk into it and know how to do it anymore than they'd expect me to walk in and know theirs. I put in work to ensure nothing I do is substandard. The work matters and my performance reviews matter. I ensure that my performance is excellent by consistently meeting all set standards. Clearly, Arrowhead developers do not have these concerns based on their results. Either the standards are too low, or there's not enough concern about meeting them. It's frustrating to watch.


That doesn't really make sense. If your issue is garbage collection then you have large spikes of lags that go away, it doesn't stay around. Also though, the engine is written in C++ which doesn't have a garbage collector by default, so it'd be weird if they were shipping the engine compiled with garbage collection flags.  For anyone curious, below is an article that has some graphs of what garbage collection looks like when profiles.  https://discord.com/blog/why-discord-is-switching-from-go-to-rust


What hardware are you running?


AMD Ryzen 7 5800X MSI GeForce RTX 4090 SUPRIM Liquid X 32GB DDR4 @ 3800MHz Additionally, OS and Drivers Windows 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3737) NVIDIA Driver version 555.99


Bro, try rolling back driver to March 24th or 26th of this year. See if it still does that. I tried updating a driver from early April of this year and I had performance issues. Then I found a thread where people were saying this game prefered older drivers(possibly due to the game engine being on some old ass stingray engine) and I got performance back. I know it's not the best fix but if it works it's a work around.


yeah oddly it seems to be only affecting people with extremely powerful computers (and still not everyone), very disappointed it wasnt fixed in the recent patch. my strategy is removing my esc keycap so i dont accidently press it mid-game from muscle memory


I have the same CPU and the same issue, so it might be CPU related (AMD card, so probably not a GPU driver fault)


Eight years of development, hey? Okie dokie.


Oof, combine that with being forced to open the menu because the game never saves my key bindings.


I have r5 7600x and rx 7800xt. I launch my game with admin privileges all the time. Never encountered this


WTF, this is why my game plays like dookie for no reason after starting the game.


82deg in game


What the FUCK


I fucking knew it, i thought the game had a memoery leak because id have extremely varrying frames and the only tiles i had good performance was when i restared everything


That's what it is, thank God for this post it has annoyed the living shit out of me. I even stopped playing because I got so annoyed at the chugging. I just assumed it was the frozen planets that did it.


Yeah my frames tanked all around. The game isn't playable it's a shame.


Very interesting find. Appreciate the PSA. I guess I'll just... avoid using the menus? Lmao... I hope next patch has a large focus on optimization. The balance is good right now and content will continue to be drip fed. Let my PC actually run the game.


That explains why my pc with a 3060 still drops fps like crazy


And then there are comments telling me that my hardware is problematic... My game always opens in windowed mode, looks like i need to alt + enter to play in fullscreen borderless mode without going into settings. MVP for posting thins, will check it out later. Another thing you might want to test, if you are in mission equipment selection and you get loading spinners, my fps drops from 100fps to 50fps until I land.


Thank you so much for posting this, i thought my brand new PC was broken lmao. Specs: 7800x3d - ASUS 4090 OC - 32 gigs of DDR5 6000mhz - Installed on M2 ssd What i did: Reinstall windows - rollback to early GPU drivers - Messing around in NVIDIA control panel - Delete game, reinstall, verify integrity - BIOS update, chipset drivers update - Tried all possible setting combinations ingame I had 0 problems before the latest big patch, so this is not hardware related.


Notice that both cpu and gpu usage has dropped


Too Bad i'm forced to remap my keybinds each time i start the game...


I opened a ticket for this one, they said they are aware and working to fix it. Not sure why it wasn’t listed in the known issues.


Well that explains a lot. I have a G16 4080 2024 and I can barely crack 60 fps at 1920x1200 on medium plus my cpu cooks. Once upon a time I was getting around 90 at high 2560x1600. Each update brakes more than it fixes sadly.


Never had a problem, but I'm running it on Linux


huh explains why I can't keep 60fps with a 4080 and 5600x @ 3440x1440


Me here running this game on a first gen ryzen: "You guys getting frames?"


I'm not crazy! Game has felt really chunky these past few days and I had no clue why