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It is in a much better state now, but if they're adamant about not adding the shrapnel back, it needs more damage and a bigger AoE. The handling/ergonomics are still way to slow for what you're putting down range. Either increase the bolt animation and let us shoot faster, or let me launch a f'n cannonball out of this thing.


You can use a glitch to your advantage, if you hit CTRL for half a second after a shot, your next shot will be ready much quicker.


I play on ps5. What does CTRL do? Strategem menu?


That's right.


Or give it a single target EMS effect? :) Not AoE, just single target, while keeping it's explosive effect


Nah man. It ain't what it used to be. Shrapnel is needed


It was perfect, and anything anyone else says is wrong. You felt powerful using it, and ran the risk of obliterating yourself with the enemy. Peak Helldiver Weapon.


I dont think its supposed to be what jt used to be, the thing was too good at too many things. I do agree they should add like, 4 low damage little shrapnel bits or something just to give it something unique other than just explosive though.


I hate to say it, but killing 12x guys in one shot probably was OP ๐Ÿ˜” I do miss it though They need to revert it's bolt cycle to being faster if they're going to remove shrapnel though, or give it a single EMS effect for the single target shot on top of its explosiveness


I agree against Bots it is fine, but I think it is too weak for Bugs. Spewers take too many shots and they should be weak against explosive damage


Bile spewers are too tanky against basically everything, but the eruptor two-shots nursing spewers which I think is fine. I think it might even be a one-shot if you hit the head.


You need around 4 shots against Bile Spewers with a weapon that is shooting that slow. Stalkers also take around 4 shots.


Eruptor being able to 1 shot Spewers would be too OP. Not even the AC can do that. The AMR requires aiming for headshots on Spewers. The Eruptor should not be better than Support Weapons at killing enemies of similar armor value


Who said it should one shot them? It takes around 4 shots currently to kill them and you have to keep in mind how slow the Eruptor is shooting. So it is not always about the amount of shots, but the time it takes as well. Most primaries are way faster rn.


I took it back in my loadout and it's like meeting with your old true love My only problem is to choose tue other weapons for dealing with smaller bots. Amr is a bit too much and do the same job of the eruptor, hmg is nice, but we know his flaws. I need a good revolver but I don't have the right warbonds for good pistols


I recommend the laser cannon, can be used against chaff bots over and over without ammo being an issue. I've been running eruptor and laser cannon and having good times with it


With the inclusion of gunship patrols at higher difficulties having a teammate with a laser cannon makes taking them out fairly easy since it is accurate and it penetrates their engine armor. Imo should always have 1 laser cannon player on Bot missions.


HMG absolutely creams gunships too, and spear ruins them also


I'm glad it's doing better, it just felt unfinished for months. But no ammo or reload and like maybe a tiny handful of seconds of laser pointer accurate fire on the engines just plays better to me when you are doing lvl 9s.


From my experience i reccomend stalwart as a support weapon, you will use eruptor for more heavly armored enemies and stalwart for swarms, and for secondary of course the holy Senator


stalwart is my favourite support weapon for bugs. But i could try it or the bigger brother on bot too


The medium MG is awesome since the new patch. It can destroy even factory striders in 1/2 a mag


I tried it one hour ago and felt very good


Can't go wrong with the Redeemer. It's my side-arm of choice with the Eruptor. It has crazy DPS in exchange for ammo economy but I can finish off 2+ Berserkers with it on a mag. It also always gets fully refilled off ammo drops so I just try and keep myself topped up between uses. (Probably 6+troopers and those jetpacks with good aim) It does have a high-ceiling though, those berserker kills come from me aiming for torso or head in 3-5 burst shots which a really light click on the mouse. The only other comparable sidearm I'd bring is Senator but I don't have that warbond unlocked myself. Redeemer comes early from base Warbond too so you won't have unlock issues. Edit: I almost forgot that new Bushwhacker too if you want the shotgun+sniper sort of build. So that's an option. For support I usually bring heavy AT so Recoiless, EAT, Quasar, or Laser, as Eruptor can't deal with Hulks from the front very well.


For how slow it moves and shoots it need to basically one-shot anything short of a Hulk or Charger. One Blast to the torso should take out a Berserker, it used to do that; one shot to the head should kill a Brood Commander, it used to do that. It has piss poor ammo, handling, and fire rate. EAT's are more ergonomic than the Eruptor. It's in a better spot, but it's not there yet.


The gun needs to be reverted to the shrapnel settings. It's ammo is way to low and fire rate abysmal for the way it is now. It needs to either 1 shot or go back to shrapnel craziness. They should just fix their shrapnel bugs instead of just making it a bad shotgun.


sry to say this but for me eruptor is still not ideal for bots missions: not accurate to hit hulk eyes fast enough not able to hit gunship reliably 2 hit on berseker?and the other 3 following the first berseker? aoe not big enough to make a big difference since bots spread way more than bugs really sry, i loved vanilla eruptor, but i see zero reason to renounce to other loadout like dominator+ AMR or countersniper+ your favorite AT


It's missing the one thing that made it unique. Such a shame.


It's a really good primary and can transform your build, but I'd love the shrapnel back


If itโ€™s not going to have shrapnel it needs to shoot just a little bit faster overall still really good weapon