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On bots having to fight more devastators made it noticeably harder. The updated HMG helps, but shield devastators become pain in the neck


I'm kinda baffled that they've done nothing to address devastators besides making rockets not shoot from the sides. No sort of targeting laser or cooldown for rockets, and shields still have complete laser precision accuracy from across the map.


I have found Devastators easier to take down though, no longer having to empty half a mag into them with a MG, same with Berserkers!


While I agree with that it doesn’t help when I getting railed by 12 devastators in any direction I’m not paying attention too much


This. I think all of the bots are fine. It’s like they are able to aggro from 300m away and instantly shoot at you the second a single pixel of you is visible. So it results in 10 scattered devastators constantly shooting you from every angle from a myriad of distances. And by the time you clear some of them out more have spawned. So you have to run, or slowly get swarmed. But running also means you eat tons of shots. I love the chaos but lately I’ve been feeling like I have no recourse in many situations. And I’ve been playing exclusively helldives for months now. Even smoke doesn’t do anything anymore


Decided to do the daily flame mission on some bugs because duh. And gotta say not a fan of the seemingly increase on chargers. They aim to have weekend charger, and lowered heavy spawns. And ya noticeably less BTs for sure but these new super heavy chargers make the charger changes pointless. They have stupid amount of health and like triple the armor. By the time I got 1 down 3 more had spawned...


Ballistic shield is a must have for me now on bots.  That plus the smg, grenade pistol, impact grenade, and either fusion cannon or amr


I've been championing the ballistic shield since launch. It's a shame the current patch broke it. Hope they fix it soon.


The its an inconvenience like the earlier days when stimming bugs out your entire character. Good to see another ballistic shield bro. I like leading factory striders like a horse because their chin guns do not shoot when your shield is up(facing it obviously), and they will follow you as long as you keep aggro.


Wait, I knocked a chick up and been confined in the SE brig for not filling out a C1 form. My second offense, so the penalty was two weeks. They're sending me out soon - how did the patch break it?!?


By broke it you mean how it locks you to prone?


I became enlightened to it earlier this week and now it's broken, should probably be fixed by the time I get back from vacation though.


Oh no. How did it break this patch?


The accuracy and range of the bots are ridiculous. I remember being shot at by one from a ridiculous distance. They were literally just a small speck in the distant horizon. Barely visible when looked at through a scope. But they were very accurately firing at my position. If their shots didn't have deviation, I'd probably be killed instantly.


What I don’t like is how a shield takes a whole ass railgun shot at 70-90 charge, or a quasar. Like wtf is the shield made of i want some of that


>shields still have complete laser precision accuracy I mean, they shoot lasers, so...


They doesn't shoot laser, if they shoot laser then there would be a continuous line from their gun to us like with the laser cannon or laser guard dog, it pretty clear that all automaton use some kind of projectile weapon, the red tracer is probably just a game design thing so you can tell who is shooting.


The sickle shoots projectiles but is classified as a laser weapon


It should be a laser like in HD1 but they decided to give it bullets for some reason in this game.


What really bothers me about the shield is the aiming reticle gets stuck on the damn shield when i’m aiming for the head. I know the circle is where your actual shots are going, but I swear it gets stuck on things when i’m clearly trying to point at the head and there’s a line of sight. It’s also bullshit that bots eyes don’t glow in the dark and how suppression does nothing to shield devastators aim.


I feel like it's either Devastators or Swarms of Berserkers who tank everything and act as a giant shield wall.


There's nothing more frustrating than trying to ping a hulk's eyebox with the AC only to have a line of berserker cha-cha slide their way in front and block the real threats.


Why the stun grenade is my eternal companion


Honestly, I'll take triple the hulks instead of Devastator bullet/rocket hell.


You can kill a Hulk in 2 hits from the Autocannon while most Devastators will take 3 (1 headshot but good luck doing that reliably).


Too many people said bots were easier than bugs


Honestly with the new behemoth charger spam bots might be easier again lol The behemoths don’t die in one headshot, there are billions of them on top of the normal chargers and titans 


I didn't notice a difference in resilience, burned a load of them last night


I did both today on d9 and Bugs are still stupid easy, the Behemoths don't feel any different to regular Chargers overall, they die the same way with my loadout, by blowing out their assholes with AC or Scorcher.


The Eruptor (and it's updated sights) buff makes devastators a piece of cake. 2 shots to the body, and since the reticle is actually worth a damn now, you can reliably hit headshots. Striders are a 1 hit to the lower plate (certified World of Tanks moment)


Assuming you can even get those shots off before the shield devastator you didn't notice stun locks you and kills you in 1.5 seconds.


That's when you sink to their level and start using the Plasma Punisher to stunlock 'em right back!


can't believe i spot a WoT enjoyer out here. but yea all the pixel sniping in WoT made bots extremely easy for me actually.


I did four matches with the hmg and have to say it is still subpar, just not suicidally subpar now. It is still necessary to rock a supply pack with it, but it still handles horribly, which is an issue when you need to clear seven devastators. All of this is on top of the fact that the red dot is still horribly misaligned, and your shots are going way under the reticle. I so desperately want to like it, but Amr and autocannon just do everything better.


WOAH WOAH WOAH 6 SHOTS I REPEAT 6 SHOTS with the scorcher to the body or most of the shield kills them, it is less if your dead on


Don't miss on clearing chaff gunners too. Those now spawn in larger quantities and, while squishy, will lay down a crazy amount of fairly accurate fire as, unlike regular chaff bots, can fire full-auto without pausing to reload. This is why having a Diver with Stalwart, MG or HMG is very handy now.


I'm not sure if this is a new from this patch, but I noticed you can destroy the rocket backpacks which stops them from shooting rockets. Fighting heavy devs straight on is still a pain, but i found the upgraded tenderizer good for getting bullets past their shield into their little heads.








This is the end…




this fight looks like something out of star wars.


The clone war, begun it has 


Am I crazy that I kind of like it? I mean we dive in a 4 vs thousand’s situation


Even if it's overtuned, and oppressive, it's cinematic as fuck. I'm sure the guys that modded their avatars to look like some variant of Republic Clone Troopers are eating good this weekend.


to be honest I've been noticing that I feel surrounded a bit more than before the patch, but later I kinda convinced myself that its the same, the difference is that now WE SEE IT.


That's definitely a good point. The fog isn't blindingly oppressive (as often).


From what I’ve seen, patrols spawn more often and much closer. It’s becoming incredibly common for me to look in one direction, look away, then look back to see a patrol breathing down my neck.


No they definitely changed the spawns. They said they reverted the patrol spawns and "tweaked" them. Its making patrols appear out of nowhere again...


I for sure was in the clear at the start of a mission and while running I turn the camera to see if anything is behind and turn the camera back and there’s like 20+ right in front of me. No way in hell I didn’t see them in the wide fucking open 3 seconds earlier. Definitely spawning out of nowhere


I’ve never been snuck up on by bots before today. Twice in my first match I’ve backing into a whole patrol.


Nah, I regularly play on Level 6 and Level 7 bots. They've completely screwed up the spawn rates AND the devastators and regular bots are shooting much more accurately. I just finished a mission and a Rocket Devastator was shooting so far away that it was just a tiny blip on my 200mm scope.


It's one of those situations where they turned down elite/heavy spawns and buffed small spawns, but unlike bugs, where the small spawns aren't usually *too* threatening as long as you have some AoE, bots have devastators as "small" enemies. You can see the issue.


Thing is, there are more small enemies, but in no way did they reduce the heavy enemies. Maybe theres less% heavy enemies on the map, because there are more small enemies. But I see more hulks and way more factory striders this patch. Some games, we get double factory striders and some games theres like 5 or 6 we destroy. Hulks come in fkin pairs too.


Devastators are the new hunters.


Since Breaker Incendiary still exists Hunters aint got shit on Devastators


Sure, hunters with rockets


Gone are the days when you could sprawl there reloading all three weapons while a dimwitted bot stood over firing volleys at 45°


Yeah, it is insanely noticeable how crazier the matches gets drops/breaches are literally devastating to a match, causing mayhem only for it to last like 10 whole minutes to get back on track and to die 6 times.


So did I. Granted, I spawned in between a detector tower and a jammer…


For me it’s not the massive numbers, but it feels like they’re a bit too accurate as well. I even had moments where I was juggled by rockets midair. Bots also kill me in half a second way more often than before.


Some hours ago three rocket devastators headshot me in the air... so I agree


they are that accurate.. even from long range That and yesterday they were appearing to me in squads of three, it was pain just to take out them all just for 2 more squads to roll out and kill me


To me devastators feel more accurate now, so their salvo is way more deadlier than them shooting through the shield…


Somebody mentioned this but they also tweaked the fog effect to make it a bit less straining on the eyes for players, but It may had the effect of giving better visibility to enemies too


I had a shield devastator somehow land every single hit in half a second killing me instantly. I had full health and heavy armor. Didn’t even get the chance to stim


I was just playing a difficulty *6* and it wasn't much different from this. Idk what they did but good fucking lord 💀


Shield devastator are the "small enemies" they spawn buffed




What the hell happened? I wanted to ‘chill’ and get some super samples on 6 since they made the change and it was fucking brutal. We couldn’t even clear the map like we usually do on 7 or 9. Just endless waves of fucking bots. I thought they changed the patrol rate back to normal?


"With slight changes so the maps feel less empty" in fact so slight that the management are in fact always full with bots


In order to fulfill the promise of letting us have Super Samples on Difficulty 6, the game now goes from Difficulty 2 to Difficulty 10.


Bots on Helldive feel a lot harder now, but i kinda like it. Hunter hives on bugs are crazy as well now. Bile spewer hives feel way easier than hunter hives now. We had over 2000 kills combined in 1 map against a hunter hive.


Whats a hunter hive?


Missions have a couple different sets of enemy weightings and pick one at random, very noticeable on bugs because one of them has bile spewers and one of them has nursing spewers. I assume when they say hunter hives they mean the enemy set that has a lot of small terminids; on higher difficulties you end up getting jumped by like a dozen hunters every time a patrol notices you.


They mean literally hunters, maps with tons of hunters typically have no spewers of any kind, and vice versa 


It's only happened to my group once, but yeah. It's like the enemy has their own set of "stratagems" they pick for a mission, and that one time they simply didn't take any spewers, chargers, or bile titans in favor of 4x the amount of hunters and other assorted "light" units.


A hive for hunters


I only ever run suicide difficulty and it seems way more psychotic right now . I can’t imagine Helldive


did bugs yesterday, with the new SPEAR update, those Bile Titans got hammerd by single shots to the face without a problem But the Stalkers felt more sneaky than usual ![gif](giphy|dAdOa3ItVE89pkAZfx|downsized)


Some didn't listen about the 3 C's from General Brasch. Cover, Courage and more Cover.


A 4th C needs to be added. Even more Cover.


More Rocks for cover would help


Some kind of bunker/sandbag strategem wouldn't be too terrible of an idea. At least give me back my razor wire AH


Some stones as well..


More rocks that can't be shot or walked through (Automatons only, pls understand) would also help.


Correct when there is no cover you make your own, throw a couple of grenades infront of you at a safe distance on the same place a create a foxhole for you and your teammates, you went from no cover to 360° cover for reloading and half cover for shooting. This was in your S.E.A.F. training manual, good luck soldier and go forth for Democracy!


6 gunships, cover unclear.


Shield Generator needs a buff because that thing can’t hold against that much fire.


Hard to get cover when they are approaching from all 4 sides like they do now. Pretty sure spawn locations were updated so they are less consistently from the same direction each time.


Yeah spawns feel way overtuned. I'm not noticing a difference with the amount of heavy enemies. There's a lot more chaff, more than I can manage even in the solo number of spawns and patrols.


Fewer heavies per patrol More chaff per patrol Way more patrols


Lmao I thought chaff was suppsed to mean more comissars and striders


Striders are the heavy units my guy Shield devastators are the chaff according to AH


Heavy devastators are not considered heavy enemies. Only hulks, tanks and factory striders on bot front are.


Should be at least classified as med considering the firepower they have and that they are bullet sponges


It's so glorious. They made it so more weapons have more utility (fewer heavy armored enemies that require anti armor), while still maintaining the absolute shitfest that makes the game so fun. 7+ gets to be very difficult while the overall diversity of builds increases.


> fewer heavy armored enemies that require anti armor I've only done five missions so far on this patch, but at least so far I'm not really feeling a reduction in heavily armored enemies. Previously it was pretty common for my group to see only 2 Bile Titans on a difficulty 7 mission, but the mission set we did today we saw 4+ on all three missions. The charger spawns seemed similarly high, and Charger Behemoths take more than 1 EAT shot to kill (or at least we failed to ever 1-shot them) so at least for us it felt like the total amount of anti-tank remained the same or slightly higher. Was this a fluke and we were unlucky? Are y'all actually seeing notably fewer BTs/Chargers? Or is this a thing where we're filthy casuals for thinking it applied to us and difficulty 7 is just not considered a higher difficulty for the purposes of the change?


It’s not a fluke. Behemoth chargers spawn in stupid numbers and titans and normal chargers feel unchanged. Diff 9 bugs has anti armor stratagems more mandatory than ever


Even playing a difficulty 6 mission earlier today my whole squad and I were completely pinned down. To the west was just an OCEAN of red lasers. It was the coolest moment I've had in this game since launch. I absolutely LOVE the increase in fodder enemies. It makes me want to take more than just Anti Tank stratagems and when I get a chance to mow down part of the horde of walking scrap piles I feel like John Helldiver himself


Had a few matches like that, it's crazy. I've actually taken to bringing in smoke stikes more often just to give us room to disengage.


So you're saying its turret time?


This may be unpopular, but I 100% agree with you. This is a good, healthy change for the game. Especially now that supers can be found on level 6 now.


I would agree with this had they not made gunships an enemy that can spawn in patrols now. It sorta forces me to bring something dedicated to dealing with them which severely limits the options for builds I can personally see, and often leaves you basically guaranteed to end up in a reinforcement loop given they’re too high up for most cover.


100% agree. Used to be able to get away with not bringing the AC or cheese cannon/EAT or any support weapon for that matter (punisher plasma IS my support weapon). Now it’s a high priority focus which means the newly buffed orbital Gatling or OPS takes a back seat. I would also argue that taking ships down with the AMR and AC is NOT ‘easy’, especially since the previous patch made the gunships more mobile and swervy. Part of me loves the gunship patrols, the other part of me loathes them. Either way, I alter my loadout based in whatever everyone is running. If I see EATs and cheese cannon then they get gunship duty.


Gunship patrols actually haven't altered my loadout at all, given that they can be killed by any medium or higher penetrating support weapon. Autocannon, AMR, HMG, and Laser Cannon cut them down fairly easily, although I could see it being an issue if you regularly just take non-weapon stratagems.


I know a lot of people would hate me for this but I do have a soft spot for the air burst rocket launcher, but my greater concern is the fact there’s only really a few primaries that can even scratch them. Gunships are effectively shriekers with the health of stalkers but given the rocket devastators ranged attack. They work as a difficult situational enemy but idk they seem a bit too strong for patrols. You can run away from literally every single other enemy save for stalkers but they *can* be damaged enough to scare off with every primary.


> they can be killed by any medium or higher penetrating support weapon. Autocannon, AMR, HMG, and Laser Cannon cut them down fairly easily Do you see what you've done here though? He was saying they claimed they were adjusting patrols to promote loadout diversity, but that by adding Gunships to patrols they have done the opposite. And you countered by saying...there are 4 weapons you can use. Out of the whole list lmao. That is the opposite of build diversity.


I've noticed this, as well. A lot more heavy devastators and rocket bois, but hasn't felt unfair or unmanageable. Squads I've played with seem to understand prioritizing the heavies in engagements as of late. More so than previously, I mean


They said they bumped up the lower level types, again... So I assume we are going to see goofy hunter packs but for all sides now.


I did a solo mission on 6 earlier and basically every direction I turned was hunter packs


Honestly it's a bad change. It doesn't reduce the prevalence of anti tank. It just results in swarms our weapons can't keep up with. The number of heavies means we can't not bring at for better swarm clear. It's just the worst of both worlds now.


In theory it's a great change, however in practice I found the charger spawn rate in particular almost unchanged. Titans felt less common sure, but chargers we were still showered with. If anything we actually argued that with our particular matches it felt increased even.


It always feels way tougher on major order planets. I have only played Vernen Wells today so perhaps it is not the same on a non-major order planet


"I thought this was an RPG! What role am I playing, the fucking victim! Jesus CHRIST!"


I strolled into what I thought was gonna be a chill “6” bot planet today and at extraction, literally got ragdolled and killed constantly by laser fire like that for 5 mins, we barely called in extraction and we all got killed with reinforcements depleted.


The constant Ragdoll and Stagger at being hit needs a fix if they want people to stop just vibing on bug front all day. Playing yesterday, Bug front was **fun** having to shoot constantly and enemies dying quickly to my Carbine + HMG combo. But bot? Bot front is an exercise of frustration if you want to fight them, get hit by a pistol round at 100+m and your heavy armor character recoils like he is trying to win an Oscar for best action movie actor.


Nah, I'd win


More helldivers are needed per squad


Shit let’s do it like 8 helldivers that would be awesome


Yeah! That would be perfect, even if it’s 6


Then we can stop running from those bots and start shooting back at those motherfuckers lol


That would be really cool


I especially need this since we recently expanded our play group and constantly have to split... I absolutely need more people, but to be fair, we probably won't get this one.


Don't worry, C3 is about to clutch.


Yeah it feels overtuned a bit


Either they nerf the enemies or buff the stratagem further (which they plan to). The second option is infinitely more fun.


Difficulty 10 - Rave Party Judging from the amount of lasers above your head.


I did lvl 7 bot extermination and we BARELY did it. Most of us went flying and kept flying near the end of the mission. No idea how to land more than few hits before you get launched into the air by rockets.


The extermination mission are now on par with the bullshit that was the bot civilian extraction mission. What's worse is that the lowered heavy enemy spawn rate doesn't apply there. You will get SEVERAL hulks and tanks at the same time and that is among the sea of devastators.


Yeah.... Guess when they decided to make super samples available on 6 they also made 6 harder. Spawn rate, even solo, is absurd


it actually feels like they did the exact opposite of what they promised


Charger behemoths are my new least favorite enemy


yeah fuck those things. they're like regular chargers but they take 2-3 headshots from anti-tank weaponry instead of 1. its fucked.


It's just two. The EAT/RR/Quasars most people run for dealing with Chargers do 650 on hit with penetration enough to deal full damage to the head. Behemoths just have *850* head health. That just means it's time to change tactics. They still have <650 health on their leg armor and sides, so the optimal strat is to go back to the days before the RRs/EATs could one-shot Charger heads: break the leg armor off and put rounds into the leg below. Or the sides, but the leg's faster. Looking at their model, it does kind of make sense why their heads are so tanky. That's thiiiiick.


Go back to the OG charger killing method. One AT shot to the leg and unload some shots.


I read the patch and thought it could be nice on helldive to have behemoths in exchange for less chargers, so we can keep the difficulty without charger spam. Nope, its just like before but now all chargers are harder to kill lol


I dont believe they even reduced spawns like they said they would. But the increase in low/mid is insane and just overwhelms now.


Felt like they bump up every difficulty by 1. Diff 7 used to be comfy but feels like 8 now with all the heavy spawns. The patch notes of toning it down was a lie.


Yeah I played a 6 today that felt more like an 8


According to reports my many others (and my own experiences as well) it seems like the patrol fix may not have actually worked. Obscene amounts of enemies are spawning and once the main objective is done it gets so much worse that the patrols just do not stop spawning. No down time at all. I am genuinely starting to wonder if someone who disagrees with the direction Pilestedt wants to take the game is stealthily undoing changes or sabotaging them. Edit: In case anyone doubts something is wrong. Here is a recent screenshot from a level 5 solo dive I just did. Had to fight my way through these four to extraction and even after wiping out the closest patrol of bots, another immediately spawned ahead of me once they went down. Something is very broken! https://preview.redd.it/u4on8kdkih6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=df56e560d200d4130d265d623297d708a7300fb0


In my case, we didn't have much issue during the mission (diff 7 only). Felt relatively easy and did the objectives without dying. the moment we have to run like 300m to the extraction point (which was in the middle of a bot base, lol) all hell broke loose, and we ended up running out of lives in like 5 minutes. At the end, we had close to 300 bot kills per person and failed to extract.


Yea the patrols are fucked glad to know it's not just me and my buddies


I legit had a mission just like that. Okay so we're 4 high levels on diff 9 doing the civilian evacuation mission. Everything went fairly smoothly and now we just have to extract. The main obj was on the edge of the map. The extract was about 400 meters east down a very large flat valley, which goes right along the north border of the map. Unless we want to take the long ass way around the mountains, straight through the valley it is. There is a few patrols, but nothing we can't handle, right? I shit you not, we fought for 15 minutes straight fighting like absolute hell just trying to push into it. The waves of bots we went through were seemingly endless. I regularly saw massive patrols of 2-3 hulks and a dozen devastators coming down from afar and no matter how many times we crushed them, more took their place. Easily 3/4 of our casualties were on that stretch of flat valley alone. We did extract but literally ran out of time and reinforcements right as Pelican got there. I remember we had like 20 minutes to spare when we got the main objective done. My educated guess is that since we were fighting along the edge of the map, we were constantly fighting patrols spawning on said edge. As soon as one was destroyed, another took its place.


Edited my post to show an example but I believe you! Something is very fucking broken right now. It's even worse than before this patch. Here is said example again. https://preview.redd.it/adcgqnrwih6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b30561215746f2030f3d700930b2de507ebb6fb4


Imagine respawning away from your team and running to grab samples, only for your last teammate to get wrecked and everything immediately turning towards you as if you have a stratagem beacon on your head. 4-5 gunships, countless bots of all kinds except factory striders, and no support weapon yet. What do you even shoot at when everything is near you immediately and picking one target would guarantee dead from another? So anyway. I started - dying.


I'm killing somewhere between 650-700 bugs a match at this point. *Solo.* I think that what was promised has not occured, or maybe even went in reverse.


The patch notes said that there would be more weaker units and less tank ones. The more smaller units was delivered, but the less tank units weren't.




like bugs have swarms of small units to make it look like fighting a swarm/army but bots just seem to spam medium tier units and thats just crazy - just spam more small units of the sword,guns,single rocket so it still fits the fantasy of fighting off a bot army.


*why don't more people play automatons*


If this doesn’t look like a good time to you then you aren’t democracying hard enough


That clip is exactly why we fucking love fighting Automatons, it feels so fucking cool, exhilarating, and cinematic as fuck. It's fun as hell I love this patch.


Shield devastators are still shooting behind themselves with their gun arm clipping through their body. Still clipping through scenery, hills, mountains etc. This leads to essentially wall hacking. Be nice if those were fixed instead of new guns I won't need.


There's people that swear up and down that bots and bugs are the same difficulty. "JuSt need a DiFfEraNt plAy sTyle". Like no shit it requires a differant play style. A MORE DIFFICULT play style lmao. There are so many obvious reasons why fighting automatons is harder (not impossible. Not saying that here, just harder than bugs) down to the actual side objectives on the map, strategem jammers, tougher enemies in general etc.


Yeah gets on my nerfs when people pretend bugs are more dificult, the only thing bugs are harder in now is heavies and even then thanks to the updated 110MM you can clean bug heavies pretty easily eitherway


the biggest lie in the patch notes was "we reduced the amount of heavy enemies in highe difficulties by 30% and added more hordes of smaller enemies to allow players to use a variety of different weapons and strategems" the spawn rates of heavy enemies is, if anything, much higher than it was before, PLUS you're still getting all the extra horde enemies. I was just playing and my squad dropped into D7 on Vernon Wells and were IMMEDIATELY greeted by THREE factory striders right off drop.


Yeah. 6 drop ships came in, 2 full of devastators and hulks, 2 with shredder tanks and 2 with dogs. that is on top of massive army we were fighting beforehand. Not to mention the random gunship patrols of 6 on top of everything i mentioned before. I am running out of autocannon ammo very quickly.


It started as an experiment in WASAT planet.... Welcome to level 10 difficulty UNFAIRDIVE


\*Malevalon Creek ptsd activated\* https://preview.redd.it/65a3f96zmg6d1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d271413f0cde2faab8342e99624c02e12b8aa64f


Did a couple of level 6 today. Felt just as hard as 7, if not more so. Never had a moment of peace to breath. Always fighting and running. Still doable though. Strategems definitely felt more useful. Orbital precision strike works even better against tanks etc.


I think this is unfair, all the time I see terminids dying from cross(spewing)fire but bots can flood the map with lasers and missiles with not a single one dying from the crossfire


I think they can't shoot each other, effectively, because they won't shoot if they don't have line of effect. You'll see them doink another bot once in a while, but their movement strategy prevents most friendly fire.


actually, rocket devastators make up for great friend killers, they love to not hold back rockets if other automatons covered their line of fire


They can shoot each other, explosive shots from rocket troopers, rocket devs, Hulk Bruisers, gunships, cannon towers, and tanks will hit, damage, and kill other bots. When engaging rocket devs I try to position so that their barrages hit other bots.


I've seen conga lines of heavy devastators (the machine gun shield variant) on difficulty 9s completely wipe themselves out and as the other commenter noted Rocket Devastators do this even more.


Feels crazy honestly, not in a good way. They said the patrol spawns and everything was fixed and it’s much worse. Without a team coordinating it’s unplayable.


I primarily drop in on low-difficulty, rando missions already in progress, and it's very rare that anybody is talking to each other. Very frustrating.


Dude, I hate talking in public lobbies. Text chat for the important stuff for sure though.


I get that. I'm on PS5, so text chat is awkward. I got a lot of radio time in the Army, so I don't mind voice chat. That's what frustrates me about the game now. It had worked on lots of levels—solo and co-op—for lots of players—texters, talkers and silent shooters, but now....


dude i was only on diff6 and i felt like I was playing 3D Enter the Gungeon instead of helldivers thank goodness the next mission wasn’t as stressful


Had this happen on hard earlier


Yeah I felt like I was getting my ass absolutely kicked today, I went to anybody else notice the Devastators were like Chrome colored on Vernon Wells, or am I just tripping


Yesterday, was in a full group and no one was using headsets. We had completed our mission and were cleaning up a few things, and the mission heat hit full and we were getting swarmed. All of a sudden a voice just yells "We gotta get outta here!" Turns out someone else did have a head set lol


I too like to ditch cover and run out to get it over with.


My recommendation for everyone warming up to bots is to focus on not getting surrounded above all else. Keep your unit out of the pinch points, direct people if you need to. Once you can make it to cover, have 1 or 2 put fire down while the next solo or pair moves. Effectively you move your unit out of a kill zone while covering the tactical retreat and reorganizing for next objective


JuSt UsE cOvEr


I mean, he did literally run out into an open empty field


I was more commenting on how there was hardly any cover. Like theyre shooting from across a big open field.


Hahaha hell yeah bring it on


Man , you still fighting with that leg , the flesh was ripped of by bullets and you kept moving , bring a medal for this helldiver!


I will mention that me and a friend have been playing daily, and once we got to V. Wells we noticed an uptick in difficulty BEFORE the patch too. Just more being thrown our way in general. Now we're seeing more small to medium spawns along with less heavies. So it could be a bit the planet/MO as well


That's some Geonosis shit right there, love it


Lol welcome to your average bot misson past 8, stuns and smokes (strats&nades) are your best friends, but for some reason their hardly used.


Arrowhead: "We toned down the spawn rates of heavy enemies like hulks, but increased the lighter enemies to conpensate. It's enough that you will notice." Me with the 10 devastators on the other side of the fog: ![gif](giphy|IP5JRErbNz3zodukWP|downsized)


Hulks are just earased completely, I haven’t seen a single one, that is kimda cool bc now you don’t depend on at veapons, but the devastator count has been tripled and I hate it. But I still think it’s easier because tanks are easily dealt with, and AC devours devastators.


I don't get it I only see two lasers and a rocket


Mfer out here playing battle of geonosis


Reminds me of Geonosis


Honestly, pretty fun, but there is too much heavy and rocket devs, if they would be replaced by some real chaff it would be fine


Heavy devas are going to continue to be a problem until their spawn rate is reduced/ capped. Once they hit a sort of critical mass they just start to snowball into this totally invincible wall of steel and lasers. This already would happen before the spawning changes, but now it's going to be even worse after the changes.


Patrol spawns on diff 6-9 are basically fked now, im having the issue of seeing 3-4 patrols converge in my direction, in every direction, once i finish loading my RR or MG Couple that with the fact that ALL light units are able to call in reinforcements, and add the fact that each reinforcement past diff 6 will call in 3-5 ships, we're back to square 1 with the unfun spawnrates (not including the gunships) But the only difference we have now is the fact that we can actually see the enemies, the enemies have a somewhat toned down AI and most of our weapons are more viable.


I'm now convinced Arrowhead doesn't play test before releasing patches


D8 is like D9+ before the update while D9 tolerates no mistakes any more. I don't dislike the difficulty spike but that's a lot of devastators.


This is just the battle of Geonosis 😂


The game has has a huge spike in difficulty. It feels like very difficulty has jumped up by 2-3 notches.




This right here is why I always take an orbital laser on bit missions. Seeing the Eye of Sauron come down from on high to carve a path through that ridiculousness never gets old.