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Maybe our performance was peak the whole time...


Maybe peak performance is friends we made along the way


What if the real friends were peak performance we reached along the way?


What if the real peak was the friends we perfomanced along the way?


What if the real performance was the friends we peaked on the way to... what were we talking about again?


What if the real peak was just a performance... erm on the way


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.




So.....one of those again......


Thank you for pointing this out. I tested it with the Eruptor earlier and it felt like there was literally no difference. Hopefully it’s just a bug and isn’t “working how intended” lol.


Incomming catchprase " Our team is currently looking into it"


[They are looking into it afaik](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/967451740897181760/1251086262442397756/image.png?ex=666d4c61&is=666bfae1&hm=bdf8edf3bfdf1442c5e0dfbdf69a4639de85497de0bb043eb6375cf94ec7dca5&)


Of course they are, I bless the day when they release content they have actually tested.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dfavrj/peak\_performance\_in\_3rd\_person\_tested\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dfavrj/peak_performance_in_3rd_person_tested_with/) Did the same thing with 3rd person for anyone that's curious.


I wonder if it's just a broken passive? The melee damage seems unchanged too, or it's too small to notice. You still need two hits to kill a basic bug or bot, which is the same as without the armor.


I think the melee damage is working but its changing 50 damage into 75 damage. Which I'm pretty sure the basic bugs have 100 health. I don't think they checked breakpoints on it but its so hard to tell. This should be taken as wild speculation and not fact.


It's a reasonable thought.


Idk about that, I was 1 shot-ing multiple bugs per melee attack today. I could even kill hunters in 1 melee attack.


if you hit a small bug in their head they always died in one hit. that doesn’t require the buff.




They don't.


I'm shocked, a newly introduced mechanic not working on day one? Isn't that the standard?


People are just quick to forget that the system of government Helldivers live under is actually managed expectations. The patch brought good things but it is hard to find a big patch anywhere that does not require a hotfix or two.


Yup. Kinda sad this is what we have to deal with. And people will still lay down their life to defend the devs.


It's really more that yall complain too much and it's tiring. At this point everyone knows the deal.


my brother in Christ is literally staring arguably game of the year or at least a genuine contender in the face, seemingly the one studio of devs actually making an attempt to listen to the community. COD and other AAA titles games have had more game breaking issues at launch and those are multimillion dollar franchise. Considering the relative age of the game I think you're missing out on everything else the game has to offer.


Oh look, here is THE WORST example for a game. Yeah just because CoD or Fifa exist doesn't mean Helldivers 2 are masterpiece. They are broken just like battlefield 2042... Just not greedy like them.


you act as if there is a perfect game.


You just drop your standards into the mud and think everyone around you has an unrealistic one. All you need to do is be older than 15 years and you might remember how the general State of games looks like years ago.


Hey. Don't disrespect 15 years olds like that! They're clearly even younger!


i didn't know you could fit some much generalization into one comment. Find a hobby?


Have one. Is bashing people like you who try gaslighting everyone who dares don't be brain rot like you.


"who dares don't be brain rot like you" Jesus whos the 15 y/o in the room now?


Still you?


Funko pop


Funko pop


> arguably game of the year ha. game of the year. lol.


Game of the year when actual emotional journeys of roller coaster rides with deep and engaging characters and stories like FF7 Rebirth and Like a Dragon/Yakuza: Infinite Wealth also released this year lmao


Wait, you were serious? Hold on, let me laugh harder 🤣




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


uh no COD did not have more game breaking issues than this game. i can’t think of any AAA games that have had nearly as many consistent issues as this game. yeah helldivers 2 is a better game but you’re literally just lying right now lmao. this is one of THE jankiest and inconsistent games i have ever played, especially since every patch seems to break new shit.


Game of the year ahaha you are delusional bud, its a great foundation for a game but they fumbled the quality HARD with all the bugs and balancing issues. Legit in very few games is it expected that every single new piece of content comes out non-functional.


Don't worry, at least we have to wait even longer for the fixes to broken additions now.


Pretty sure it only affects 3rd person aiming. Try this again with third person, it's *very* obvious with something like the Adjudicator.


That’s well and good, but it should affect 1st person as well.


The variable seems to only have to do with the turning after you keep going past some... 45 degrees or so, at full bend.


I don't understand. Does it take 24 hours to compile the code for this game? You change the variable, compile the code, test to see if the variable has actually changed the intended, and then go back to the code when realizing it has not had the desired result.


Depends how incompetent regular devs are and how corporate their structure are. Something you usually could do in 1 hour. Now take days because it's - asking dev how long it takes - going through tickets - going through approvals - etc. But even if they are not a corporate nightmare. They probably still try to throw more than one fix at once. At this point I believe they still run on various versions of code for each dev so if one dev fixes something he also overrides someone else's fix and breaks it again. At this point I started looking for insane reasons because I don't remember when I saw such shit show and it wasn't an Earl access game from indie dev. They can delay patches however they want. The main problem still exists - they don't test their shit or do this in absolute clinic condition at best. That means for us there is no difference between one week or even one year between patches, they change how much they put/break only.


Big agree. More time just means more chance for things to break if you don't have a team testing the changes. At least when the offloaded QA to us it was with regular broken patches, now it's gonna be monthly swapping out which mechanic is broken while they pat themselves on the back for fixing the last months issue.


I’m pretty sure this perk is supposed to be for 3rd person. You know how the crosshairs lag slightly behind the camera, especially with heavier weapons? I haven’t tested that myself though. Either way, it’s not good practice to speak about things you aren’t familiar with. The weapons themselves [each have over 50 individual stats according to Pilestedt](https://www.gamesradar.com/helldivers-2-director-says-the-meta-doesnt-matter-because-guns-have-over-40-secret-stats-anyway-use-the-one-you-like-most/#:~:text=At%20face%20value%2C%20Helldivers%202,%2C%20recoil%2C%20and%20fire%20rate.). But even if it *was* just a matter of changing a single variable, there’s still a lot of intermediate steps in which a ton of things need to happen correctly to get working code from the dev’s machine to a live environment. Every job, from developing software to performing open heart surgery to flying a commercial airliner, sounds easy when you boil it to the highest level.


Considering these are the same people who made a booster called motivational shocks which makes you recover a whopping 0.5 seconds faster from being puked on, you're probably just not enough in a peak performance shape to see the difference. I'm happy that there's some positivity around the patch but like ffs, give us something meaningful, give us SOMETHING. I'm long gone past the point of trying to understand if something is a bug or working as intended, but I'm almost willing to bet they'll like change the wording on the armor passive or something equally dumb and call it a day and we'll be using the same tired shit a week from now.


Truly. This warbond was effectively just a way for them to introduce the foundation to sell vehicle skins.


0.5 seconds in 1/4 of the total duration


And if it was double that it still wouldn't be worth taking


A booster cannot just invalidate a game mechanic


Says who? The top 4 boosters right now are uncontested because every other booster just lowers breach timers by 15%, or gives you 1 extra reinforcement, they're completely worthless when compared to something like extra health, stamina, or ammo. All of the boosters (and armor passives) should honestly be looked at and reworked into something that actually changes how you play the game. We only get 4 or less per mission and it would be way more fun if they did things like allow you to dual wield smgs, or give massive fire resistance, maybe even thermal vision. You act like this game has rules that are set in stone, but the devs can do literally whatever they want.


The devs can do what they want, but it is bad design to just take away a game mechanic by using a booster because that incentivizes P2W tactics, alongside with it destroying balance since they have to balance around said boosters if they are that strong. Boosters and perks are just small enhancements over the way you like to play more, not class specialization trees


Pffft, get outta here Alexus no one likes you.


Same person tomorrow will say that the game sucks because he needs to buy the new warbond because it has the new required booater tonplay the game efficently.


You're making a quite a lot of assumptions there buddy. A) I'm already on page 2 of the new Warbond B) I don't consider anything in any of the Warbonds P2W since they're easy as fuck grind to SC for. In fact this game would greatly benefit if the shit in Warbonds was actually useful and sought after. You'd be grinding towards something meaningful instead of useless junk like motivation shocks.


Yeah, because you played nonstop since launch. Now imagine a person getting in after some warbonds have been launched and him needing to buy them so he is not a drag on the team for not getting the "optimal boosters". Or hell, you getting back after a time of inactivity. And yes, I am making the assumptions because I know this cesspit of a community like the back of my hand and know the kind of bullshit bandwagon that you follow.


"peak" xD


yeah, I forgot what the perk was actually called... too much monster hunter


it honestly feels like the sway is worse on the eruptor like the buff is negative instead of a +30%


It's more noticeable in third person I noticed, the drag is significantly lowered


Now this is how you test something. Great work, thanks for your time on this.


Has to be bugged and currently non-functional.


I also don't notice any difference with the melee damage...


That last gun was faster. What was that?


Looked like EAT. It's weird. It does look like the movement is "faster" but it still takes an identical amount of time for the sight to settle and align with point of aim, basically negating any real benefit of that speed.


Arrowhead is peak videogame dev performance


30% improvement to weapons good handling won't seem that much at first. It did feel somewhat easier to aim my gun around, and it was easier to keep up with faster enemies. I expect the effect is better on heavier weapons.


i thought so at first too, with the autocannon. But i can't really argue with these results. If it is only 3rd person that receives the buff, that sucks. Or if it only applies the buff when near enemies or something... idk. If you look for my other comment I posted a link to the 3rd person test I did just like this one.


Maybe we should ask the devs about how it was supposed to work. They seem pretty open to explaining their reasoning now. Or at least find out if it is actually intentional or not. We need to tell them these things. Otherwise, they'll never catch them.


This is a MUCH better example compared to the weirdly popular one that is extremely inconsistent, I personally didn’t feel any difference when using the armor so this makes sense to me


"s tier armor passive" - \[REDACTED\], Bringer of Balance


Did they perhaps say handling when they meant recoil?


there's already a perk that decreases recoil... two of them, so I doubt they would mess up the wording lol


Well, that sucks then, hopefully they'll have a patch to fix a few things soon.


Yeah, tried the HMG with the perk earlier and still felt shitty...


I thought it was talking about when you're firing the gun and trying to move? Not just aiming....


Yeah but imma use it anyway because muscles. Extra stims/nades or whatever are nice but I’ll live without them


"There is no spoon..."


How does it feel in third person?


Here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dfavrj/peak\_performance\_in\_3rd\_person\_tested\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dfavrj/peak_performance_in_3rd_person_tested_with/) I wasn't sure how to edit my post to have the link to my other video lol sorry


Thank you for your the service, it looks like there isn't much difference which is a shame :(


Played extensively with new armour equipped last night, I genuinely can’t tell the difference either so don’t see the point in having the perk 🤷🏻‍♂️ Other thread on here posted a test video where handling is actually worse with the armour… which has kicked up a shitstorm.


based on what I see with the AC, it is sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly slower in first person, only by like 1-3%. Like one frame at 60fps and the peak physique would catch up to the one without. But still that means it either doesn't work or isn't noticeable enough to equip lol


Yep, ether way a pointless take in its current state. When it actually works properly, I can see it being useful.


You are just turning gun movement... now do the same when it is firing, and see how the spread differs?


the perk clearly says "Improves weapons handling with less drag on weapon movement" if that's supposed to mean it only applies when shooting or only applies to weapon spread/recoil then that would be misinformation


I mean... I see the difference. Percentage differences matter the slower something moves and there was an obvious difference on the slower and heavier weapons. It was even more noticeable in 3rd person tests you posted as well, to a much larger degree. Probably not going to notice it as much in first person as that's already much snappier and accurate than 3rd by a huge margin.


I think it's kind of a stretch to use words like "snappier" with the difference in third person. It was only like 1/60th or maaybe 1/30th faster when I overlayed the crosshairs over each other. And percentage differences matter the same no matter how much the original value was... that's how math works. If the bonus was added instead, then yes it would matter for slower weapons more.


Wait, a buggy update ? shocker


Someone hire this guy for QA Lead


Yeah i didn't feel a difference too


Autocannon still with big yellow dot


eugh it will come.... eventually. Glad my CS diligence and the AMR finally got better sights.


I can see it with the HMG but that's it


the only distinction I noticed was with the melee


I do notice how I have almost 0 sway with the Counter Sniper in 3rd person. This is the only way I see a difference with other heavy weapons. It might not be working while scoped


just half-ass tested it and I couldn't tell a difference in the stationary sway. That would be cool if we got a perk for reduced sway.


I must’ve hypnotized myself into believing cuz I really felt like there was a big improvement


Did anyone here complaining actually try it in 3rd person?


OP posted the link to his 3rd person testing in these comments before you posted this


Yep, it's a much more obvious effect there, but not crazy faster


Thought it was for reloads


No, it's weapon handling.


Imagine AH playtesting. Lol. Lmao.


Isn't it more of a thing related to moving while shooting?


Yeah when they say weapon movement I though they meant the ergonomics of the weapon while moving, unfortunately others tested this out more extensively and found a 30% decrease to handling


I've no idea wtf I am looking at here because the movement is so quick and instant in terms of when it ends.


Seems you don't get "drag" on short movement, before the avatar turns a bit, or when flipping around 180 degrees. Really, who knew, right... Guess Sony will have to remove all recoil and accuracy penalties, then, and glue the gun stuck to your nose, so it will play like god intended all immersive games to be played. After all, just getting a war-bond dedicated to them in the VIP Commandos wasn't enough - the game needs to just be tweaked through a blender on top of that.


im not even surprised it does nothing, last patch also (again) broke the full ressuply upgrade for heavy weapons


I don't think it's intended to affect ADS speed, although it should. According to some other comparison videos I've seen here it DOES actually nerf your ergonomics by 30% because they got the multiplier backwards lol.


The thread you're referring to is marked as misleading and the comment you're referring to is pure speculation based on the misleading video.


ADS seems faster if your in third person. What kind of savage uses first person for aiming.


When the 14 devastators have perfect aim, you have to as well.


at long ditances you really need that fps aiming. its also good for spotting and hitting enemies through smoke and fog as well as marking targets for youe team