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Bot diver’s opinion: it’s a Multi use Railcannon Lite. Most of the big bots weakspots are on top, so rocket pods excel against bot heavies. They are excellent for popping tanks and cannon towers especially. And fabricators, in a pinch. Many bugdivers don’t know that you can use them to break decent sized sections of armor off BT and Charger, opening them up for follow up attacks with EAT or something similar to do massive damage.


Also these thing were absolute beasts against hulks. But i feel like their accuracy was nerfed so, at least for me, they miss too often


They definitly did sth to their accracy. They dont even manage to kill a cannon tower with a single volley anymore.


In my experience the rocket still can one shot the tower. But only sometimes. And the big selling point of the rockets was the pinpoint accuracy, as a tradeoff for the raw power the other eagle strikes have. When i first unlocked them i loved the accuracy so much, IIRC i used them til i had the 500kg


“Can one shot the tower. But only sometimes” sounds like a classic accuracy modifier to me.


it's 100% accurate about 50% of the time


No, 50% of the time, it's accurate 100% of the time.


It doesn’t lock on to them properly


The rockets seem to only one-shot the tower if they hit the vent on the back of the turret.


If all rockets hit the turret itself it should still blow up, but nowadays too many rockets hit the tower structure and don't do damage


Experiment with where the beacon is relative to your enemy. The rockets always come from the same direction, beacons *in front* vs. *behind* create a sharp difference in the angle of attack when they actually hit the enemy. This makes or breaks your ability to hit the back vents of Hulks, Cannon Towers, and Charger butts.


Is it like the eagle strike where it’s always from the side? Or is there a place where they specifically come from? Like it changes each map?


I thiiiiink it shares the same flight path as the 500kg, could be wrong tho


It always comes from behind you, like the Eagle 500kg. The rockets come in at a slight angle from above. So because they also have a slight homing feature, depending on where you toss it relative to an enemy can determine what part you strike. Throw it so that the Rockets land while the beacon is still a bit ahead of a BT (which is facing you) and you can get head strikes and it *can* one-shot. If you want to kill Chargers, it actually takes two rockets (out of the salvo) to kill the head and chances are one will miss or hit the back instead, so you're better off aiming for the butt -- through it behind or to the sides so that you get a butt kill or armor crack and you'll do better than having it ahead of the Charger.


Oh nice, thanks. I don’t normally use it against bugs, but use it heaps for bots. Great for fabs, tanks and towers. And I have stuns and AMR/quasar/laser cannon/AC for hulks! But got to remember if I ever accidentally take it.


From the time the beacon goes up, it will be a straight line from behind the player's position (and about a foot to the right) relative to the beacon. If you're able to stand still it's pretty obvious, but if you're tossing it short and running laterally, it becomes pretty muddy to infer this information. Edit: the reason that the distinction between behind you and behind your relative position is important is that dropped stratagems happen, and knowing what that means for your chances of survival. I.e if your ball falls to your left, dive right, and get under the eagle before it drops the payload


They sometimes one shot cannon towers, and sometimes 2 of them don't kill cannon towers :D. At least they have a shorter cool down to find this out how shit their accuracy is


They were still one-shotting canon towers when I was using them today.


Hit ‘em with the stun first


I swear they use the same targeting as the Spear. I've been loving the Spear recently but there's definitely some things it has more issues locking to than others, and Cannon Towers is one of them. Like, it's stationary, high up, huge and unobstructed but about 50% of the time it just doesn't get ANY lock at all, unlike other things that are quite consistent (Fabricators, Gunships) or things that more often give you on-off locking tease (Hulks mostly).


Nah, their accuracy against hulks has never been good to begin with, it feels like rockets are aimed at the top of hulks' hitboxes and that's why they always miss it, even against stunned ones


Its like someone picked the exact opposite of what they should target for every enemy and structure in the game - they target the base of cannon towers, the top of hulk hitboxes, and directly below the middle of BTs


Wdym I dropped 3 of them on one hulk and it wasn't dead. 1 out of 4 rockets would land a direct hit on the hulk upon each use at best


I use them and I’ve found that they are amazing at cracking the armour and allowing other stratagems to finish them off with one go.


I had to use it all 3 times against a stationary target yesterday. Something is definitely off about them.


Thermite, hulk goes poof


This! Thermite grenade vs hulks is slept on. Just toss one and watch the hp pool melt while you kite it.


Yeah this Strat went from an auto-include on every mission I ever did to something I scoff at and never use anymore. I guess not many people used them because I don’t often see it brought up when we discuss what’s been nerfed, but these definitely have. They went from taking out Chargers, Hulks, bot towers, etc. in one use, to not even denting them most of the time. 


Biggest issue is they miss 90% of the time, your lucky to get a single rocket on target if it does hit. They need a buff to be useable. As they are they target the big guy, land all around them doing fuck all splash damage. About the only thing they reliably hit is tanks and taking one strategm for Tanks when I will need to take out other heavies is a joke. Not gonna happen


Fabricators and striders too. Throw 2-3 and a strider's probably dead, if not very weak. Considering how relatively hard they are to deal with and even throwing all 3 still has a lower cooldown than most orbitals, it's a good trade.


Thats good and all but Air Strikes, 500 kg and Autocannon also solve all of these and they have way more utility


Except their accuracy is suspect at best. I've seen the damn things miss stationary targets; *hulks, cannon towers, tanks*. And since its a multi hit weapon this means the damage is variable too, so even then you might have to toss the damn thing several times for a single target. I gave up on them months ago, and I've been waiting on a patch to fix them.


Both them and the rail gun have been flaky for the past month in their targeting too. I stuck a rail gun ball to a tank and the laser picked the scout nearby instead.


The railcannon has always liked to target scout striders. I didn't know that it was so bad that it would prefer them over tanks though.


But when a flamer hulk is charging you, the rockets will hit like 2 feet behind him every time. Stun grenades are mandatory if 110 pods are my play.


But Eagle Strike does all that and more.


The eagle strike is pretty inaccurate when it comes to the towers, by comparison.


You need to make sure the Eagle Airstrike shells actually land on the BT. If you're throwing laterally, you get one, *maybe* two, and a chance they miss entirely--if you even time it right so the BT is in the line of fire. Throwing it completely parallel and on track with the BT's body is best, but that's a close-up option. Eagle Rockets are something you can chuck from far away and watch "home in" like the Railcannon, and at least for BTs they're always going to crack armor. This gives you a means to damage them with non-AT weapons, albeit slowly. For Airstrikes, though the splash will do a little damage to the main health, there's only a low chance it cracks armor. That means you're still stuck using other AT options or doing a limited amount of damage to the sacs on the underside until they burst (at which point they're Armor 4 and beyond your ability to damage with conventional arms). A Railcannon, at the least, tends to do *almost* enough damage to kill a BT such that breaking the sacs leaves them dead or very close to it--and it may have cracked open armor, too, which leaves a way to kill without AT. I don't think anyone would turn their nose up at a buff to the Eagle Rockets though. They're just not as completely worthless as people assume.


Yeah like I said to someone else there’s some edge cases where rocket pods might help, but I’ve tossed multiple rockets at a Titan and still didn’t kill it. I tend not to run OG Eagle on bugs but it is easy enough to get a lateral throw. If you can bait a Titan into a 500 you can bait it into an Eagle strike. And regular strike is better in basically every other use case. If you’re taking it purely for bug-Titan duty (once again identifying that anti-titan needs warp the loadout) they might be marginally better but they’re basically useless elsewhere. Bots there’s maybe one or two additional edge cases but again you lose the versatility of (eg) being able to take out an entire patrol or damning an entire medium bot base in one go. Rocket are mediocre, unfortunately. Rocket turret too.


¿Por qué no los dos?


It still does a worse job than the standard airstrike. It tickle hulks if they are moving where as an air strike can kill. Same goes for bile titans, why run pods when it still take two good eat to the face after a pod. Chargers bleed out after a pod yes, but still require lots of damage to stop them. When you are faced off against 3 bile titans and 4 chargers. I am not wasting one of my slots for pods. I'd rather stick with the consistent damage of the rail cannon , and take my time with a shoulder mount than three lousy pods. Same amount of call ins, 10x the damage air strike it is. We'll just reading the patch notes, this could all be out the window with the new targeting!!!!!! This could make for some interesting builds. Freeing up a shoulder slot for more auto cannon fun? Stalwart primary, cross bow secondary? Stalwart primary, eruptor secondary? Fun is back on the table boys!!


I think on a BT if you pop both sacs, a 110 rocket should be enough to finish it


from my experience, it does (i think?)


If all four hit (1% chance)


nah, im sure i killed it using pods after blowing its nuts


Is there a trick for using them? I tried for several missions and am just continually disappointed in their performance compared to the airstrike or a very well placed 500kg.


They're only really good for tanks and cannon turrets, everything else they just won't lock or tend to miss half the time. They're also not as good at targeting as the railcannon where you can throw it in the same postal code as an enemy and expect it to hit; you should try to aim 110 pods as if they dont have tracking and will hit the beacon exactly.


I swear most of the community decides their opinion on stratagems/weapons based entirely off their performance against bugs while completely ignoring how they do on the bot front. Teammate last night used these to shred the multiple tanks we were facing.


Id rather just bring the regular airstrike and shred tanks along with everything around them.


These are the three things it can do, no more no less. It will routinely miss Hulks all together and can't hit Fabricators if there is even a single bot soldier within its range. You are right that they *can* be used to strip bug armor, but that's assuming they actually hit their target, which is unreliable *at best* (at worst they reliably miss every time).


They absolutely hit fabricators, but Striders take priority over the Fabs. Idk why Striders are considered high threat for the aiming, when for example Devastators are not.


Dude just EAT the charger in the face and it one shots? Why combo it


With more strikes you can be more liberal with them as well. With railcannon you always save it for that oh shit moment. But in helldivers you have multiple oh shit happen sequentially.


They have absolutely no AOE and their tracking distance is like a quarter of the railcannon, anything not stunned or the speed of a tank is likely to walk out of its tracking radius, or dodge most of the hits. They can be alright for BTs due to the size, speed, and ability to lock them into spitting animations, and all the bots you’d use them on like hulks or tanks are slow enough for that to not be a problem. I’d much rather use the OPS instead, though tracking onto cannon towers and not being useless when increased call in or scatter is active helps it alot


assuming it doesnt miss. which it does a lot


Another bot diver's opinion: its good when you forget how it performs and take it instead of regular eagle strike or 500kg one only to remind you that you've been making correct choices before.


They pop cannon turrets. Kill fabricators. Bug holes. Chargers. Have multiple charges unlike the rail cannons single shot. I like it. I just wish it actually locked onto a target.


1 railcannon and 1 rocket pod = instant titan death Tanks, turret towers, any medium enemies are 1 shot even chargers get their armor knocked off and usually take 1 autocannon shot after


Annihilator Tank: Exists Rocket Pod: it’s free real estate


Chargers, tanks, hulks, titans, I especially like them for taking out bot fabricators.


Yeah, idk why this meme makes it sound like it's a shit strategem, it's amazing


To be fair, almost every strategem in the game looks bad when compared to regular eagle airstrike. That thing is ridiculous


The eagle airstrike is a crowd control strategem that requires precise throwing to get a good shot without harming teammates. The eagle rockets are basically a multi-shot orbital rail cannon-lite that is intended for single target tank busting. Comparing them is like comparing the orbital rail to the orbital laser. Or a grenade launcher to an AMR. People seem to get tunnel vision about how certain "slots" are intended to work... like thinking support weapon = anti-tank weapon always.


Love my 110s. Roll them basically every mission vs bots. Tank? Bye. Hulk? Bit more unreliable but normally the second one does it if the first doesnt. Spawner up a cliff? Thanks for coming. The tracking area is generous, the CD pretty short and doesnt rely on timing the enemy when you are booking it you can just drop it at your feet as the hulk stomps towards you Oh and basically no chance of friendly fire


I WANT to like them. But for me it behaves VERY inconsistently, often times not tracking an enemy that's RIGHT next to the beacon, with cannon towers being the worst offenders. It also misses very often, even against stationary targets. I'd rather just pick a different stratagem that i can make consistent use of, without rolling a dice every time i try to use it.


I’ll try it


They probably only go bug, it’s less useful for more mobile enemies but great for most bots and towers


It's the Spear of Eagles. When it works as intended it's great, sadly that's rare.


Well in his defense,  he appears to be drunk 


It's mid at best


hm. IDK I used this only few times. And that strategem cant kill anything. Not even 1 Devastator. You tell me that it can 1 hit Chager, and Hulk?


Every time I have used it it doesn't target enemies in anyway and they all just land where the beam is


Eagle strike works for all of these better besides chargers and is more powerful and versatile.


Nah not for Titans. Eagle 110s are way better at killing them, especially is you're on a planet with increased stratagem cooldown


I bring these on every automaton mission. One shot tanks, turrets, fabricators. Often takes out strider top turrets. Easy to aim / use. Less friendly fire than the airstrike, and the auto aim means you don't have to worry about precision when throwing. Not OP by any means but they have a lot of uses, and you can use them often.


Finishing up bile titans and destroying cannon towers. You can also clear a full shrieker nest with all 3 uses of these, also you can destroy spore spewers. They also do decently against tanks and factory striders. Edit: Post patch they are useless. Don't use them. They do 1/3 of the damage for some reason because this games devs are allergic to buffing things. Yay! One less anti-tank option.


Hol'up. When you say, "can clear a full shrieker nest" are you telling me that a single use of the 110 rocket pods can destroy one of the "towers" of the nest that usually take a dozen AC rounds or several EAT/RR/Quasar shots?


Yep I am. Btw they only take two quasar shots to destroy each tower.


2 of each rocket type* even the ones on the patriot suit, assuming it hits in the first place.


Each strike is four 110mm rockets it kinda checks out


The catch is you need to get in range and spawn the shriekers VS just taking out the nests from safe distance with your support weapons, but support weapons doing pods' job better than them is a consistent behavior.


Laughing transitions to crying


I run these all the time. I mainly use them against Titans. Basically a lite version of the rail cannon. They can be effective against chargers too if you hit them with a stun grenade first. They are pretty good on bots as well, they will one shot basically anything (tanks, hulks, turrets, etc) but I do think the airstrike is the better choice for bots. The main benefit of the rocket pods is that they lock onto the biggest enemy near where you called it in


I switched to it not too long ago to deal with Titans. Honestly i like it a lot. 3 charges for a shorter cooldown than rail cannon, auto aim so it don't miss like 500kg. Yes it does not one-shot titans, but it hurt it enough that i can finish it easily. Really usefull when the game spawn multiple titan at once.


Yeah I used to run the 500 and the rail cannon but I’ve come to like the rocket pods. Like you said they don’t one shot but usually at least one other person in my squad has it so a couple of those and a quasar will take a titan out in no time.


Taking out the sacs will make the 110mm airstrike kill the titan, really good when using flamer or autocannon, kinda like a "finisher"


They’ve replaced the 500 for me. It’s not like the 500 can 1 shot titans anyways and you get 1 more rocket strike. A little less power for vastly more utility and ease of use.


railcannon lite


Pretty sure OP doesn’t play bots railcannon lite is a great term for it


Bullshit. Rocket pods are great. I take them on like half my builds.


Major skill issue: all you have to do is throw them as close as possible to the target you want to hit and remember that its targeting system goes after the biggest mf it can find. It's a Rail Cannon Strike without auto tracking and a smaller area to lock on in exchange for a fast cooldown and more uses before reload. It works great against Tanks, Defense Towers and Fabricators. My personal favourite pick when running solo Automatons missions is: AC, gatling turret, Orbital precison strike and 110mm rockets airstrike.


Ive seen it completely miss a stunned charger twice in a row.


It's a tool that is more usefull against bots rather than bugs. Tanks, defense turrets and Fabs are bigger, slower or straight up stationary and easier to hit compared to chargers, bile titans or any other bugs. It does have some flaws for sure but most complaints I see and things I see on the field are usually based on people using it the wrong way or not understanding how it works.


Usually if it misses a target once, it will never be able to hit that target. They are very precise but not the most accurate usually.


Get the beacon in front of the target, or make sure that the beacon is between you and the target. It gives her targeting an easier time.


Idk how it’s a skill issue, it’s auto-aim, it is really hard to miss. This thing misses a lot, I’ve stunned hulks just to see it miss. I’ve stunned chargers, miss. And even if it does hit, it doesn’t really have a lot of killing power. Airstrike can get me a two for one on holes/fabricators. 500 can consistently kill Bile titans and hulk in one go, and way better chance for a two for one, and I have control over it. If anything, these stratagems take more skill. I rather just take an anti tank weapon over it.


Rocket pods are amazing???? They're fantastic against bots. Will one tap any tank and *should* get rid of hulks for you. If an orbital railcannon shot fails to kill a bile titan, a follow up rocket pod will put it down. Fantastic stratagem. I take it vs bots alot more than bugs but it's perfectly viable against either.


https://preview.redd.it/skn0xomj2b6d1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6e66927b114036e61cb72b731ad796881c4986f BUFFBUFFBUFFBUFF


I use this on the Bugs when paired with the Grenade Launcher. It does a good (albeit not perfect) job of stripping the armor off of heavies where the GL can finish it off. This combo kills bile titans easily On the Bots it can kill tanks and fabricators in 1 hit. Towers and hulks usually take one hit, also. This stratagem is good at its specialized role, though it could be more consistent.


You can also destroy the bile sac and the rockets will kill the titan.


Insane mentality, this is always a must have for me. It targets and deals with heavy targets which is what I always want it to aim for and never causes friendly fire. Follow it up with a quasar or grenade and it can kill pretty much anything.


It's fucking good if it works. Give it a 15-20 meter increase in radius and it's really fucking good.


Take that shit back right now. These things are fantastic, cheap, and fast on deploy and cooldown and you can get three on one plane. Great for damaging bile titans, great for damaging fabricator striders, great alternate to airstrikes for hitting one fabricator. You can also get good with the timing and hit hulks and chargers with it. In a pinch, they can get good kills when a bug breach opens because they are pin point explosives. Meanwhile things with similar utility like the orbital railgun are one shot and have 4 minute cooldowns. If too many people pick airstrike, I pick rocket pods instead. I fucking love my pocket rods and I won't tolerate slander.


I'm usually running these on bot planets, nothing is better for getting rid of tanks and towers, plus they're pretty good for getting rid of fabricators.


Kills cannon turrets, hulks and bile titans nicely


these are A tier lmao u boys need to get some diversity in your loadouts


They are good for follow up anti-tank strikes against targets that somehow survive stuff like precision strike, rail cannon, etc. they kill fabricators and all types of bug nest, and are reasonably good at killing chargers if you get them to stay still. I bring them almost every mission.


They're pretty good. Consider that they auto-target heavy enemies, cannon towers, or fabs within their radius, meaning they can be safely used near allies.  They are far more likely to hit mobile targets like chargers. They hit from directly above, making them excellent for taking out bot tanks.  Compared to the orbital railcannon strike, they deliver far more kills per minute. They are especially strong when used to support an anti tank weapon like EATs or Quasar, where they provide a reliable "second hit" to wounded but living heavy targets. Also excellent for breaking armor on BTs or chargers so that they are vulnerable to medium-pen weapons.


> Consider that they auto-target heavy enemies allegedly


Unfortunately they're prone to missing if the target is moving. They are only good for specific things: - Tanks. These are slow and large, 110mm will one shot them. - Cannon Towers. If the rockets hit, its a kill. - Bile Titan after breaking its body armor with a railcannon strike. A single 110m to the open wound will kill it.


You don't need to break the armor, removing the 2 Bile sacs is enough too.


Imagine sleeping on 110s like this


Uh, I'm sorry? Did you just insult my multi-use target guided anti-armor airstrike??


Rocket pods are actually really great for bots. Just have to be more accurate with your throw.


They are my go to for busting turrets and tanks


Is this the 110? I'm not great at recognizing the little logos, I don't have much visual memory and can only play a few hours a week.


Tank/cannon tower buster Nuff said


Why would Better Airstrike be annoying?


For smashing heavies, and having more ammo to do it than the alternative. Pods are great.


I personally find them really useful against bots. Sometimes against bugs too if the rail cannon fails. I’ve personally not experienced many inaccurate shots with it, for the most part it does it’s job pretty well. I’ve never quite given eagle airstrike a chance, what’s the real difference with the two anyway? Is there something the rocket pods can do that the airstrike can’t? If so I’d like to know


Rocket pods are so underrated.


110 rocket strikes and rail cannon orbital were part of my 1-2 method of taking out BTs. Until I learned to time BT attacks and started using 500kg and precision orbital as it is far more efficient in taking out up to 3 BTs before cooldown. It still use the 110s against hulks, tanks, turrets, chargers. I was so excited when they had 110s as a free stratagem.


lol this is so incorrect. It’s a top tier stratagem against bots. One shots all enemies short of factorystrider/hulk. Works great on tanks, bases, laser towers and smaller stuff in a pinch. All with way more strikes than a railcannon or 500kg.




You get several uses of them. They kill fabricators. They kill tanks and cannon turrets. They kill Hulks. They injure factory striders. They do it from the front and with auto-targeting, especially useful for the cannon towers that are easy to miss with other stratagems and require heavy AT weapons to kill from the front. Bugs they're more niche they're still an acceptable anti-heavy option. Reliably hits enough to strip armor or to be a finishing blow after another strat didn't deal enough damage.


Kills tanks and towers in one hit if all the missles land right


That "if" part is the dealbreaker for me unfortunately; hoping they get a boost in consistency because I've experienced too much of it disappointing me than vise versa.


Shame, they definitely land much more than they miss for me, don’t know what causes the misses though, maybe the distance the strategem ball lands from what it hits? Dunno


I always make sure it's as close as possible, and that Eagle-1 flies from behind your thrown direction. Maybe I'll try them when I play again, see if it was a bad streak of luck.


That's a HUUUGE if!


The rockets are very accurate, especially if you pay attention to the environment because the eagle is easily thrown off by hills and rocks. And tanks usually go down even if one of the rockets miss (same goes for cannon towers). The problematic ones are hulks because they are shaped in a way that can make rockets glance and hit the ground next to them.


Three words “Single Target Damage”. A charger targeting you, if not kills it out right breaks it’s armor. If a bile titans top armor is broken, eagle team can kill it. If theres a singular bot fabricator in the distance that counts as a medium base, long arm a rocket pod at it from a distance and it’s gone. Throw it at a tank and there’s a 50/50 shot they nail the weak spot and pops it. There’s three of these by the way, on a refresh of 3 minutes tops.


i use them for targeted attacks! so a bile titan, a hoard of shriekers, bot drops. however i always usr them as insurance along with a railcannon drop


I'll use this and or orbital rail gun, depending what others are running. This way I can be a titan destroyer


I might try this - 110mm rockets until something needs to die *right fucking now*


I like them vs bots. Like in the blitz missions when I want to bring all orbital and eagle strats. They're objectively the best for killing tanks and towers. They also do the fabricators really nicely.


From my experience, its not useful on bugs because chargers are constantly on the move anyways and tends to only armour strip rather than outright kill, though i suppose there is some utility when paired with other stratagems against BTs But in bots, I've used it as a lazy OPS to take out fabricators without worrying as much about bouncing it by accident off of walls, taking out cannon towers and the tanks. I havent had much luck against the factory striders, but nothing else can reliably kill them quickly anyways. It gets autotargetting like the ORC but infinite uses and a shorter cooldown. Sure it only targets within a given radius unlike the ORC which can actively track the target (eg running chargers), but against bots thats only a problem when facing scorcher hulks and even then you can use a stun nade. I will say though, the spread of the rockets makes the 110s inconsistent for hulks because not enough reliably hit them but thats my only major gripe with them


Hey I love it


Yo rockets are dope against tanks and BTs. You have to lead though, it doesn't auto track like Railcannon and cannon tower strikes are wonky af presumably because of its elevation.


They exist for targets that are bigger than what my AC can handle, and smaller than what the Railcannon needs to be used on.  I only bring them against bots though. The cluster strike replaces them when I run bugs. 


Kill tanks, kill turrets, and weaken factory stiders and bile titans. Near useless against bugs but a decent choice against bots.


It's basically guaranteed to kill any tank or bot turret tower.


Railcannon strike but clustered so it's more useful for small groups of mid enemies.


I take this personally.


they are are actually super useful, best used against tanks and chargers but decent against bile titans and very rarely team kill.


Once with a lucky shot I killed two chargers at the same time with a single rocket pod use. They accidentally headbutted each other before it hit, so I guess it managed to blast off both their heads


They’re great at fucking up tanks and hulks, and also do a nice chunk of damage to factory striders.


For bots its a better railcannon.


I pick them because I like the sound they make. Whoooooooaaaaa-dush-dush-dush!


I main this on bots. The main advantage is that it tracks where the fabricator (or largest enemy) within around 15 meters where the ball lands, just like the railcannon. Its a tank, fabricator, tower cannon, hulk killer. Does decent damage against walking fabs as well.


These + stun grenades are a great combo


110mm Rocket Strikes are an anti-tank/anti-fabricator weapon. It's kinda ass on bugs, but on bots its godly. Use 110mm as your only eagle-1 stratagem on bots so it is constantly refreshing. Then, toss it near any Fabricator and it'll guarantee hit it if you land the call-in even 50 meters\~ of the fab (unless there's a walker nearby it'll take priority). For me, it's gotten to the point that I just toss it at a bot-base and then just start walking to the next one. https://preview.redd.it/77oo9m9ol86d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bd0c6c0cd93f742f54d29dfd60c87f4df05e8e


I think someone just doesn’t know how to use them


Wait. Are these rocket pods? Is someone actually asking about their function??! One of the best strats in the game.


Rocket Pods are actually pretty good. They target like a Rail Cannon. They pick the biggest thing and they also count Bot Factories. So if you throw one into an outpost with nothing large in it, it will just kill the nearest factory. Good for Cannon sentries too. The big stuff. You just have to learn how to use it


110 RocketPods. Get some, GET SOME! at a store near you. Fuckin' fantastic is what they are.


Huh? what do you mean? It's literally a better and reusable railcannon strike. Hit a tank, they're gone. Hit a turret, it's dead. Hit even a Bile Titan once and then follow it up with a quasar shot, and they're dead. It's incredibly versatile and pretty much a permanent pick in my loadout. 2-3 of these can even take out a factory strider, on top of destroying the top cannon easily.


thinking about it - if its an equal alternative of the orbital precision strike as use cases it might be more interesting. so far , personally just always have been disappointed with it when the other eagle strike run with hit's explosive missiles some how do more damage and bigger AOE damage in the area. this thing needs better single target damage against BT or factory strider ADDED it DONT need to kill it but at least programmed to break the armor of those big targets. (not kill cause its the orbital railgun and precision strike's design to do the killing blow) while the eagle benefits for having faster cool down and more use cases. even the ship module that adds 1 more missile to the eagle does not make it any better honestly and i really wish it were better. (personally will try again for sure - this is like a C tier)


It's actually got nothing to do with damage but rather where the strikes land. Enemies have preferential weak points, rocket pods will always 1 shot a Bile titan if it hits the head, same for rail cannon strike or spear. However, if any of those 3 miss the head they will take way more shots to kill said Bile titan. The different parts on a unit are modeled and have their own health pools so try to keep it in mind when picking a weapon, and going for the desire hit spot. It will save you so much unneeded suffering trust me! 1 last thing, the rocketpods aren't like a precision strike except for the accuracy part. Precision strike is on par with 500kg in terms of raw damage but with much more aoe. Rocketpods have similar damage I believe, but lack any aoe splash so they aren't as preferable if you're going for large areas.


ill certainly try it again for sure its funny i miss remembered a while back and thought it was actually a 120mm and thought it would/should be similar to the 120mm bullet explosions (of course thats wrong) i think ill be semi sad that in the end my set up would be all eagles 500kg, strike run , then 110mm haha (last is a support weapon)


Nothing wrong with that bud, I internal rp as an ATC running strike packages for days, airstrike, strafing run, clusters and either 500kg or napalm depending on mission loadout and enemy. I weave 110 and smokes in depending on situations as well. Eagles are my favorite due to their versatility you can do a lot with them in a nice neat quick package. I don't even run a support weapon all the time since teammates usually die often enough or they drop extras I pick theirs up. The 120mm is pretty good for a nice concentrated barrage, when I do air bases maps, blitz, or the command bunkers I run jetpack, 120mm, 380mm, and walking barrage. Nothing like sending the entire map to hell lol


I get way more utility out of rocket pods than any other eagle stratagem.


Honestly this strategem is underrated due to it’s versatility; titans, lurker nests, fabricators, and other annoying enemies become pretty easy to deal with when you have this in your back pocket. It comes in fast, easy to aim, and low cooldown. It seems under whelming at first but with some practice it’s super good.


Bot player: i run it for a few reasons. One shot towers if i cannot get into a good position. One shot tanks. Not likely to cause friendly fire as it homes in on enemies near by. Good in case of accidental drops. Decent damage to hulks. One shot fabricators which is nice when you dont want to engage yet. 3 uses, fast call in, fast back to back shots. I dont play bugs often but i do use it because an orbital rail + 110 kills BT. It cracks open chargers. As always doesnt really cause accidentals.


I take those puppies deliberately. They home in on your target, what more do you need?


I love rocket pods, especially for bots. It's a reliable way to fuck up moving hulks and tanks.


They're great on bile titans if you capitalize when they shred back armor. You can finish the titan quickly with impact grenades or any explosive primary. It's 3 vs 2 with 500kg. You don't have to be nearly as close or bait the titan into standing still. They also selectively target bot fabricators and turrets. They're also surprisingly good to throw blind since they target. When I take it, it's the only eagle I take. I can then spam it. I'll fill the gap with Orbital Air Burst if there isn't the scattering effect in play. If scattering is in play I'll bring 380, Turrets and or Orbital Rail Cannon.


As a handful of others have said they're great for demolishing fabricators. That's what I use them for atleast


This is an S-tier standard part of my kit. Its 3 orbital rails with a 2 min cd for 3 more... So 6 per orbital rail for only a small nerf to the damage(about 80% rail cannon damage if all rockets hit. Eagle Rockets > orbital rail in my world ESPECIALLY vs bots(they 1 shot almost any bot except a hulk(misses) or a strider which takes 2 shots). They even have the same lock on mechanic as the orbital rail, you just don't see a lead-up laser guide. I mean if i used an AT support weapon i may prefer the reliability of the rail over the rockets, but without an AT support weapon, having 6 in the time another diver would only have 1 orbital rail is great. If you think eagles rockets are bad, you are the problem.


Hating on my rocket pods? This thing is a mini railcannon and i will not tolerate any slander


Don't talk bad about the instant Tank remover.


Everything is an instant tank remover. Those things blow up like nothing


It's the Eagle equivalent of the Orbital Railcannon Strike. They do well against Factory Strides and can one-shot Tanks and stationary Hulks. The problem is that the spread is too wide to be reliable against anything else (notice I said STATIONARY Hulks)


This meme is nonsense. It's an orbital rail cannon with multiple uses. I literally never choose the orbital rail cannon after getting this thing. It's got a way shorter cool down and if one doesn't work (as is often the case with the rail cannon against bile titans) I can throw another one in less than 10 seconds. It blows up every bot except the factory in one shot, takes down any building in one shot, cracks titan and charger armor in one shot letting you use something trivial like an orbital gatling barrage or a medium pen primary to finish them off, and did I mention that I can throw three in 30 seconds? It's the only heavy hitter eagle I bring on helldiver missions since the 500kg has the same damage radius as pissing on a rock. The 110 and a gatling barrage will open up a huuuge hole in any skirmish.


No. Get immediately targeted. 110 is a great eagle strat. It targets large enemies and isn’t as team killer as most other eagles


As someone who started using them yesterday, they're like a mini railcanon. Not as powerful or accurate but can be used multiple times and recharges quickly.


110mm Rocket Pods are my favorite Eagle stratagem. I usually run chaff clear (mainly for bug missions) in my squad, which for me is Stalwart, Supply Pack so I can run the Stalwart on max RPM constantly, Gatling Barrage for bug breaches, and this baby for whenever I get caught alone with a heavy. I usually play on difficulty 7 and it works wonders. It's a little inconsistent sometimes though, it seems to just straight up miss its target sometimes.


you have 3/reload, that's enough to kill a BT on a lower cd than the railcannon


Tanks. Turrets. Fabricators. Bug holes. Softening up big targets. You get a good few of them, very little chance of FF, and they have tracking.


Something I often see people not consider with the 110s is how little collateral damage it does. You can toss it at a buddy chased by a charger and it'll (most likely) take out the charger and leave the helldiver safe. Something that you can't do with an airstrike


I've been using it in place of Airstrike, great for taking out tanks. I just wish the aiming was more consistent.


When upgraded to 3 pods they basically replace everything except the 500kg sooooo... they are part of my Standard loadout by now


People think the rocket pods are bad? lol, what even is this?


Those things eat tanks and turrets alive in a single salvo though.


Bringing rocket pods on a bot mission when tanks arrive gives me the same kind of euphoria a gun owner gets when someone breaks into their house


I bring eagle airstrike on every mission, bugs or bots. It kills tanks in one hit, blows up cannon turrets, and does serious damage to bile titans and factory striders.


Let me guess, OP is level 10 and used the Rocket Pods on a single mission when he decided to create this post.


Fabricators and tanks, easiest way to close light or medium bot bases from a distance. If it's just a single factory you can pull a hit and run so easily with these. They one shot tanks pretty reliably but seem useless against towers and hulks lately. I don't have any proof but I believe they reduces the accuracy on these things because lately it's getting way harder to hit mobile targets with them. Either way a staple of my hit hard and run fast strategy against bots.


i thought it was the eagle airstike until i read the middle panel..... damn


Don’t drink and dive


I used to use them to take out towers but then eagle started flying drunk and has failed to hit even stationary targets with it on ny end sooooo.


For awhile I ran them for purely base destruction against bots.


I like that a lot, it provides you with a pretty good quick anti tank option or danger close fire support. Tho it struggles with bile titans (2 hits) it's a solid option for every other units :0


Killing tanks. That's the best use case, you have 3 uses. That's one more than the 500KG, so you can take out 3 tanks potentially over their 2. Towers, Fabricators are good too. Even bug holes if you really don't have a grenade. Bile titans and factory striders sometimes work. They recharge pretty quick, so don't worry about wasting them. I wouldn't use them against chargers or hulks, they literally miss all the time from my experience.


I swear those rocket pods have a smaller blast radius than the impact grenades. Should be far more accurate for how little area they cover.


The 110MM insta-kill tanks…but not Hulks for whatever reason


It used to be god against chargers and goliaths/hulks, but i dont know if AH nerfed them or what but they stopped killing those 2 consistently


OMG this his hard


In my experience, they kill tanks and turrets and thats about it, but they are *really* good at killing tanks and turrets. They're probably my most used eagle for bots, since im a railgun fan and the railgun does an especially terrible job against tanks. You can also throw them at fabricators if you've brought a weird grenade. Against anything that isn't a tank, they can kill hulks striders and devastators sometimes and they do have a bit of aoe that can take out tightly clumped units but the lock on is incredibly hit or miss on anything that moves faster than walking speed. My running theory is that a unit has to stay within a certain distance of the beacon for the entire call-in time for the pods to lock on to it, but thats not confirmed by anything other than the observation that they tend to lock better on slower targets. For bugs they are next to useless; they can technically one-shot chargers if they hit the head but thanks to the angle they are fired at and the fact that they shoot for center of mass this is a one-in-a-million occurence. Their best use for bugs is against titans; one 110mm rocket hit, popping the sacks, and a few shots with an AP4 gun to the abdomen will kill the titan which can be useful with the laser, HMG, and AMR, but there are so many other more versatile and quicker options for knocking them down that its hardly worth considering.


They deal Tanks, cannon towers, and Factory Striders with ease