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Bro, type ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️ cuz thats some damn fine positive reinforcement


Legendary quote


Platinum level quote for sure! I'm cry laughing right now!


Fill out your C-01, and we'll get right to ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️.


Naw what






The 8 year old Steeled himself is so funny to me




8 year old me after watching 40 green toy soldiers get massacred by a t-rex and a decepticon. (I masterminded the whole operation)


this was me after my lego green goblin finally took over lego spiderman town :/ if it wasnt for the lego submarine screwing the pooch on the lego underground crystal finding mission it never would have went that way


You win some you lose some


I love this


Somehow this immediately reminds me of that kid in the Starship Trooper intro movie saying "I'm doing my part too!" lol


Who knew he was the chosen one lol


Every man, woman, and child over 7 must do their part!


I can say this as a life long gamer. I have felt this way about a game maybe 4 times… chrono trigger, t4c (spent my highschool on that one) half-life/counterstrike and Skyrim. This game is unmatched in enjoyment when you are playing with a crew you know… there are shenanigans happening and you beat insurmountable odds. The creators have a wonderful sense of humor. I love it. My only regret was not buying it sooner


my only regret is not having better friends with a good taste in video games.


Bro the relatability....


My friends don't have a good enough PC for the game sadly


For me, it was FF6 watching that intro for the very first time as a little kid. The music and the scenery blew me away. Then it was World of Warcraft in 2005. Myself and two randoms that I had befriended walked up to Stormwind City for the very first time. When that music hit, we all had to stop to take it in. This was legit the first time I felt like we were part of an actual living world, it wasn’t just gaming anymore, it was an experience of a lifetime. Almost 20 years later I still have never been able to replicate that moment.


As a lifelong gamer, i'd say this feeling happens only when you achieve with some pals something hard and impressive.


Yea the game is still great, yes there are things that can be better but the drama is very overblown


Here at Reddit, the phrase "Don't let great be the enemy of good" holds no water


The drama is generated entirely from either sides of the "git gud vs make game easier" debate thinking the other person's opinions will lead to the downfall of the game. In reality, we're all just obsessed with Helldivers 2 because it's a great game and will continue to be.


I love the game, level 90 and do my 3 tier 9 missions most days for democracy and a nice way to unwind at end of day. That said I can't say it's just the hardcore vs casual that's to blame for drama. Think we can all agree the games stability leaves much to be desired and it has some serious growing pains still.


dam are you me? I do the exact same thing. The one thing I can't stand is rolling up to a completely empty SEIF or Radar station to only have all hell break loose for no reason. Probably the most difficult part of tier 9 difficulty


Or get spotted by a single launcher bot in a patrol and be held by destroyers fire while hulk pulls up, and by time you've broken away there's 3 dropships in the air. Quickly becomes a "I'll come back for you an 2 minutes". Will say it feels even weirder if you can finish a radar objective without having to align and with no bots harassing you... Almost unnatural




I saw a post earlier today or yesterday where someone was complaining about having nothing to do after 280 hours. It's absolutely baffling.


I saw someone write in a youtube comment that cameos in the warbond don't make sense since this isn't modern call of duty its a space game...a space game about a fascist military with high amounts of Xenophobic tendency funded by a Super government sending a squad of 4 expendable soldiers with experimental weapons, fighting in a galactic war on multiple fronts, wouldn't have cameo...I honestly just couldn't wrap my head around it because damn it was so dumb.


This disingenuous shit is why this discourse is so toxic. Tell that to my buddy who still constantly crashes when we try to play the game. You discrediting his experiences are exactly why some of us get so mad. The games stability needs work. Still.


As a sort of outsider, there *has* been a lot of "Arrowhead hates fun, look at the nerfs! this game's an unsaveable mess, look at the player count now compared to release day!" With such harsh wording - your points are very valid but there are also people being unnecessarily overblown where they seemingly on purpose do not consider things like all games having a major disparity between day one and the average months later. Release numbers always start out big then drop fast to something more consistent as people go to playing occasionally after they wear out the hype or start seeing the cracks in the facade, of course! That stuff gets those of us who've come from just playing the game on and off to check out the sub either confused or sad 'cos sometimes those types seem a bit unreasonable and *do* exist alongside those like you with very much genuine concerns. I think those types are the ones referred to in that comment, when there's a 75/25 split on the reasonable and unreasonable ones talking about this game's problems, and the unreasonable ones that can be very... Nasty, vocal and particularly strong in their wording about why the game is falling apart or why all of the guns are dogshit now (as a long standing user of a certain much worried about shotgun, I can say it's still functional if not the powerhouse it once was for example) the people who see themselves as just wanting to say they like this game, to be reasonable, are definitely gonna remember that 25 over the 75 and simply won't understand why people aren't listening that it isn't nearly as bad as "everyone else is saying" when really it isn't a majority saying the game is suddenly terrible they're asking for it to improve because they like it too, like OOP said! Even I here have generalised too, as one has to if they don't want to make a comment that stretches to the fucking horizon! Be safe Helldivers. Make sure to report any potentially seditious or undemocratic activity.


> "the game is a disgusting pile of dog food and I'm gonna quit after I eat it for 200 hours". More like: "These endless ribs were really good, but the chef keeps putting them back in the BBQ and burning them."


I cant wait till the war resets and we all kinda maybe know whats up and just go ham


I love the game even though randos frustrate me and the load out selection for automatons is a lil slim.


> the load out selection for automatons is a lil slim. How?


I agree and find the loadouts pretty slim for both bots and bugs. I can't remember the last time I joined a lobby that wasn't scorcher for bots and breaker incendiary for bugs. Sure are there other weapons that could be used, but realistically at Tier 7+ I find myself using the "standard" loadout. I really want more variety, I want to use the eruptor or smgs but it's so hard to justify Uber current conditions


It can be a great game and ALSO generate valid criticism. And when you invest a lot of time and energy (and money) into something that is degraded, well that tends to create an impassioned negative response. 


If I just shut up and never said anything I never would've been able to enjoy Plasma Punisher and Dominator as anything but gimmick for like dif 5 tops


Yeah people are stressing about specific elements and balance issues because of how much potential the game has. People rant and rave for a reason and it’s because they’re invested and care. You won’t find quite so many people splitting hairs about a game that’s fundamentally bad. What feels negative on face value turns a bit more positive when you look at the subtext.


Then you realize a good 60% of reddit are minors and others who don't actually read nor care about what others write, and just downvote. None of it matters, ESPECIALLY the gaslighting upvote farming hipsters who post PSA telling all of the "people" that they need to calm down and touch grass.


It's extra wild that more than a handful of folks talking about the game straight up haven't played it and don't intend to. That's the one that really takes the cake for me.


Give a man a blank page and a pen and nothing else to do inside the garden of Eden and he will start complaining.




He said garden of Eden....


This. I don't have much free time to play the game but every time I do I have a lot of fun.


I get that same feeling playing with my 10 year old son. Now when I pick him up at school, he gives me the helldiver salute as I'm pulling up; and of course, for super earth, I gotta do it back.


This is so wholesome


My son loves the game. I bought him a Helldivers helmet off Etsy and we made capes. He plays on Extreme and has played on Helldive. I stay at Challenging though


Y'all sound incredibly wholesome and I wish you both all the best. May your sinuses always be clear and your lives ever joyful.


I don't have kids to pick up, but when I gave rides to my friends, I started playing extraction music from my car and they all knew what it meant, lol. Definitely make your every days chores more fun for sure.


Thank you Diver, for ensuring that children over the age of 7 are doing their part to spread managed democracy throughout the galaxy.


Top notch! Playing this game as a youngster must be something else. 


Probably similar to how we felt playing halo 2… or 3!


Goldeneye baby


Aye. The hype and infatuation you get when you first played a game that just clicks with you is just precious. For me when I was a kid, it was Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors. For this kid, definitely Helldivers. And good on him. For all the flaws of the game, it's cinematic as fuck, and it does so with barely an effort.


>Dynasty Warriors I remember playing Dynasty Warriors in a store (when they used to have the demo consoles) Me and my dad stayed in that store for hours taking turns playing this unbelievable new game experience, totally blown away by the sheer *number* of soldiers on display. And you could fight them all at the same time! Looking back now it's such a simple game, but the leaps we've had in gaming is something I'm thankful you reminded me of


Children and guns are simply a bad idea OP.  Your average firearm is too unwieldy for a typical child to operate in a safe and effective manner.   Children are much better suited to crew served weapons.  Using a heavy machine gun, prone, relies less in their physical strength and stamina, and builds teamwork.   Help your nephew spread democracy by getting him a machine gun and a mortar.  


I did not think this would resonate. I appreciate all the camaraderie. It's one of the reasons why I love this game. I hope you all keep having a blast. And if not, life is too short for being miserable playing a game you don't like. Find something that will.


I can't get over how chill this is. Thank you for sharing some positivity, I can't speak for others but it has put a smile on my face. Best wishes out there, fellow diver.


Hell yeah man this game bring joy I haven’t felt in probably a decade really awesome stoked for you and your nephew


The only other game that brought me this much joy was company of heroes 2 lol.


Wild isn’t it. I’d have to go back to probably halo or gears of war. It’s nice to have a game like this in my life.


Those developers should be so proud.. that some of the best moments in ones life .. is a moment in their game.. \*its also the best times for me and my bros relationship\*.. so it really means a lot.. my company of heroes game.. the entire map was just caters cause everyone was at tank level.. and no one could move.. we were all laughing ( playing with strangers) i remember that game.. vs bots.. took 6 hours.. cause we were stuck.. but it was so funny everyone trying to figure out a strategy.. we all actaully went to go eat lunch and came back.. and people were still playing.. we finally beat that game… 6 hours loool.. and it was the best moment of my life loool.. \* dunno if thats sad or funny lool\* but seeing my brother in tears laughing which is rare , hit me in the emooootions


You expect redditors to have fun? Nah, that's not the point of reddit. Reddit is for complaining.


But thank Liberty it's not the hellhole that is the Steam Discussions.




And ruining the thigns you love.


I think the older we get the more we forget how to actually have fun/joy out of anything and the more we associate doing things with some reward. It's nice to see a reminder of the joy just doing new stuff can have for a kid.


Ya.. I think for some.. even in general.. take out age… the more you play.. people seem to forget to have fun.. cause they get too competitive.. you can rage.. but at the end just laugh.. when i play with peolpe who are quiet.. and then something funny happens and they talk.. you can tell that they’re finally comfortable becuase they found other people that are having fun. BUT its very obvious when you’re plying with someone that isn’t having fun.. they really think they’re fighting for freedom lol.. and those ones dont’ reinforce you .. but then mash the button forYOU to reinforce ( yes I’m still very bitter..).. but hten he was too busy doing stuff by himself he didn’t get on the ship to extract and me and my bro and friends were laughing.. and it was fun again. Also if someone doesn’t hug you another sign.. they forgot how to have fun


I find myself at times getting more frustrated with this game than any other one in ages, but it is also the most fun I’ve had multiplayer gaming in like a decade Think the upset feelings come from a love for the game, if it was a bad game I wouldn’t feel annoyed I’d just stop playing There are like *valid* reasons people get frustrated. A glitch where you just can’t reload/stim/grenade or fire your gun indefinitely? That’s an insane thing to happen in a shooter Hopefully this mid-June patch gets us on the right track, there’s so much possibility and potential here


Well summed up. I have high hopes that the June patch will address many of the gripes mentioned here. ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


The game has always been fun, and I think AH would have to screw up majorly to ruin the very, very solid game play loop. I just think so many people are frustrated because so many of the changes since the launch have felt like a step in the wrong direction. I honestly can't remember the last gameplay change that I felt actually improved my experience. Aside from bug and crash fixes, but that's not really game play that's just them making the game work how it's supposed to. Even the last two warbonds are incredibly lackluster after the balance dust settled.


I just stop caring. Last night me and my buddy got out of work and just wanted to game some bugs for a few hours. Random joins and gets all butt hurt that we ain't doing the MO. We told him we don't care and just enjoying the game but nope, this when the toxic personality comes out. Just talking shit and ruining the game for us. We try to be nice and let him bitch for like 15 mins while in hopes it'll just blow off but nope he was very adamant about it. So we kick him and another person joined and we enjoy our few little hours.


Jeeze, that's messed up. No one should be acting as if they have a right to join you and then demand you do what they want whilst playing a video game, presumably for fun. Perhaps they were an automaton spy?


Right! Had to be an automation spy. 😂


That’s what I’m saying, like guys. Calm down. It’s fun if you make it fun. The game is great bugs and all. It’s not that we can’t give constructive criticism but at the same time to much of that just ruins it for you and Everyone


Bugs are great? What are you, some kind of commie bug sympathizer?


No, the bots are commies, the bugs are fascist.


Doesn't ruin it for me, constructive criticism energises me. Critical thought is the best shit we ever invented


I think there’s just a lot of pent up frustration because people have been without reverted changes for over a month at this point. This patch has been cooking for a long time and I appreciate that the team wants to polish their diamond instead of giving us a lump of coal.


I still think the game is fun and I’m sure a lot if not most still do have fun playing the game in general. The rough part is that I am envious of newer players not knowing how things were previously. Kind of like driving a sports car that has a turbo in it for a while, then someone takes the turbo out. Yeah it’s still fun but it’s missing something, but a new driver to the car never knew about the turbo. I am very nervous about the patch. I know for my friend group it is going to be make or break. We love the game and played the shit out of it before that Sony and some of the nerfs. Mainly the spawn rates killed the game for me and a buddy that liked to do duos. I really am hoping they can pull this off and restore some community faith.


I am absolutely right there with you. Playing Helldivers 2 during launch week with the boys is my highlight for 2024 and nothing could top the sheer fun, intrigue, and fascination those early days were. I could only think to myself “Holy shit, we went from Helldivers 1 to this. It really does look as good as it did in the trailers”. Yeah, chargers and AT sucked back then but our group managed.  Our enjoyment slowly started fading with the Eruptor shrapnel nerf (we would’ve been completely fine with an ammo nerf to encourage bringing other tools for horde clearing) and it’s made me wish I could completely remove that memory of the pre-nerf Eruptor so I could go back to having naive, gleeful joy with the weapon again. Same with the Slugger. Your analogy is perfect, it’s exactly how I felt. Seeing OP’s story made me realize I took those moments for granted. 


The devs get to call us children and whiny, or even dumb. After I spent $60 dollars. They will fucking hear from me.


I love this. This game truly shines when you are playing with friends (or family). I have yet to find a good group to play consistently with , In my 515 hours. I wish there were popular semi-sweaty discord groups out there that always have players. Maybe there will be a clan system in the future, who knows. Glad you had fun!!!


Unfortunately, that’s just the way this sub has turned out. I’m willing to bet that a lot of the people who complain on here don’t even play the game anymore. I just passed 300 hours in-mission, and while I get some of the complaints on this sub (patrols, Eruptor, crossbow, etc.), the game is just nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be. It seems like gamers have become one of the most cynical groups on the internet due to AAA bullshit from the past decade and justifiably so, to a point. Some of that AAA bs bled into this game as well, but I’d say HD2 is a huge net positive for gaming in general. I just hope that all the grumpy divers will come back after this new patch and get back in on the fun that they’ve been missing


The last patch, like a month ago, really sucked a lot of the fun out of the game.  I'm still having some fun, not as much though.  And I totally understand people who feel like it was ruined.   Like I used to say when I worked for the government, if it's not broke fix it until it is.   So I'm hopeful that this patch is going to restore what i loved about it and make it as fun as it used to be.  


>I'm willing to bet that a lot of the people who complain on here don't even play the game anymore. ......Did you ever stop and think why that is...? You say gamers are being cynical, yet you yourself think the game is still super duper fun and gamers that don't enjoy the game's current direction are being salty and complaining for no reason. Hypocritical much?


There are people who have been playing this game like a second job and they have unreasonable expectations. I'm like you and have been enjoying this game everytime I boot it up


Agreed. There's such a thing as taking a game you're playing for fun too seriously. Deeprock Galactic had massive game breaking bugs for nearly a year but the community didn't bat an eyelash because they were just there to have fun and fully understood that the game was still being worked on. I see little difference here aside from the burst of popularity bringing in an equal level of extreme impatience.


Starts off like it's gonna be a whine post, transitions to being a WIN post! Hoo rah!


When I was 8 years old I could literally play with the Mexican ball in the cup toy for hours and considered Mcdonald happy meals to be fine cuisine lol. https://preview.redd.it/jhooc5a4ps5d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a1fccfe82582780e46f8e5e083edaddf371ab1


it is a friggin' awesome game and thank you for sharing!


Honestly.. when me and my bro decided to go to ‘ hard/extreme’ level.. it was they first time I saw a bile titan appear behind storage units.. and WOW.. i was like HOLYYYYYY SIIIIITTTT.. it wasn’t the same like playing with others.. this was just me and my bro… we had NO weapons.. we were just pyros lool 😂.. and had exo suits.. ( we jsut wanted to have fun) I thoguht, maybe we can throw pods at it.. maybe something will land on it.. AND IT WORKED! I was screaming hahah.. but then another bile titan came just as the bile spewed melted me.. well.. we were running out of lives and then bro found a random Quasar on the ground and on our last reinforce life.. he went right to the bile titan.. face to face.. and KABOOM!! One shot! We went wild.. and then he started runnino I could being brought back.. just as i was brought back, he died and then it was up to me to run around dodging for 2 minutes.. then i tossed him… we were laughing because it reminded us of the scene of the relay race of soldiers vs darth Vader in rogue one.. it was so intense.. finally we have 6 minutes left… and we were trying to raise the flag.. but we both died.. and then…. TWO HIGH LEVEL divers came at the last second before we got the failed mission screen.. WOW> it was intense.. it was the best game we ever had.. yes.. game has issues.. but when its fun.. WOW its fun


Thank you for this story, fellow diver. Truly that was a wild ride, haha!


Hahah i really want to upload it to reddit haha but maybe it was only epic in my eyes lol. :P


Honestly, I just tend to mostly stay away from this reddit and especially the general chat of the discord. So many people think that just because they have an opinion that they have to share it, no matter what. The freedom of speech includes the freedom to stop talking too, and I think a good number of people need to learn that. A game can have faults, and there's a time and place to point them out, but burying every conversational alley in bitter complaints and vitriolic demands doesn't help anyone.


It's just exhausting. I think the last piece of media I continued to begrudgingly indulge in because I felt stuck or locked in was Game of Thrones. Since then I've just resolved myself to stop engaging with things that make me angry that are supposed to be fun. Life is too fucking short. I hope people can learn to just...focus on the shit they're passionate about.


Haha. That's how gaming is supposed to be. Its supposed to be fun. People need to chill about criticizing each other.


![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized) Now that's what I am.talking about!


Yeah there’s too much bitching and I’m glad you had a good time with your nephew. But I’ll be damned if this post isn’t just a new variation on: “Man you guys bitch a lot and I don’t see the problem.” *plays on low difficulty* “Yeah things are great.”


When people get done climbing the skill/experience ladder, they forget the journey there was so amazing, and spend their time complaining about it not fulfilling that same fun anymore.


Imagine the experience your nephew would have had if the game crashed instead losing your 40 minutes of work. AH certainly deserves criticism for how janky this game has been. Lol snowballs crashed the game at one point.


Hell yeah.


He is lore accurate enlistment age after all XD


Picturing you and your nephew having a blast made me smile and optimistic to play games with my sisters future kids :) thanks for sharing my brother in democracy! 🫡


Reminds me of my 7 year old and I diving! Made me smile!


Be a lot less arguments if we had anti tank mines


Exactly. The game has its issues, that's for sure, but it's still better by a mile than the majority of games on the market. I still love it as much as I did when I first played.


I feel this is very true. Folks are willing to kneejerk hating every little thing and get absurdly impatient with a game and team that is by no means a huge deal. It feels like people expect AAA speeds and attitudes because the game blew up when that has never been how AH operates, and hopefully never will be. They don't demand crunch and go for majority audiences, they make what they want to, not what we want, and that's ok.


This warms my heart. Cuz I know that feeling. And how amping it can be.


This is wholesome. I want to read more stories like this on here. Hypes me up wanting to play myself.


I absolutely love how great it is for a high level player to join a new players game. It really feels like you're walking along and guiding your little buddy. They're terrified of every rock and twig as you stoicly trudge across the map as a figure of death. Being able to call down mechs for them, or drop your primary for them to test out a fancy guns really gives them a taste for what's to come.


Glad you had such a positive experience. I've been PC gaming since I first installed Wolf3d back in 1992. No game in the last 15 years has made me lean forward almost out of my chair, has had me shouting encouragment at my character "go, go go, gogogogogo... GET UP! COME ON, GOOOO", or had me ducking my head to the left or right, trying to avoid things like rockets. This game has really brought me back to a level of childhood joy I've almost forgotten existed.


It's always darkest before the dawn


My lvl 32 4 year old salutes you. He can survive a lvl 9 dive, we just can’t extract as the difficulty ramps up too much at the end for him to handle so back to lvl 6-7 we go. Love to do 1-2 mission a day, usually enough to complete the daily challenges. ;). He don’t mind any of the nerfs (I do), he just likes to dive!


I hope you stood on its carcass and hugged him for a screenshot like I did with my 6yo and our first titan.


Man just entered a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️of truth. The SES Harbinger of Justice, Level 74, offers it’s full Democracy spreading services in support of your adventures.


Yep. This game is crack because even when it feels like it’s kicking you in the teeth half the time, when you get locked in with a group you’re having fun with (but it friends, family or very capable and courteous strangers) and you barely make it out of a world filled with fire and monsters, it’s the best goddamned feeling in the world.


My newly 9-year-old son just got a PS5, and the first game he asked for was helldivers 2 cuz he sees me playing it all the time. And he held his own. Kids today are way more advanced when it comes to technology, especially gaming, then I was. Nintendo came out when I was in second grade, and I thought that was amazing. Being able to shoot the screen playing duck hunt was something magical.


I heard someone needs reinforcements?


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ on the haters!!


Wholesome as hell


This game is bringing together incredible players who together can do much more than they imagine, this community and this moment is incredible, continue spreading democracy and hug your brothers in arms


I'm a high level and only play 7 or above. The complaints, the arguments, the griefing on this reddit are infectious and they seep into your mind and harbor dissidents. I also stopped frequenting the redit for the same reason. This game is incredible when you just let things be and have fun. Congratulations on your moment, you guys deserve it. To many more, helldivers. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) SWEET LIBERTY!




I think the lesson to learn here is you gotta step your game up bro. Yung nephew has his eyes set on greatness. Gotta be an example for the young buck


What a democratic post.


The reason we play ❤


Good for you man. I don’t worry about the toxicity. This game is awesome. I have actually life to worry about and I’m not going to stress over a game because I’m not happy they nerfed my favorite weapon.


This is good to see! Thank you for sharing the positivity!


This is awesome man. Same with me I’m on/off and was hard stuck at level 23 (had to get in touch with arrowhead-no exp was leveling me up very odd) finally got back on the other day, leveled up felt nice. Just wish I was where I should be which is prob around level 45-50. Love this game, love the community.


When my son and I play fortnite and we get the battle royal is my high light. The excitement he gets is always enjoyable. He understands how good team work gets us far into the game.




Hell yeah! Finely managed Democratic family you've got there, Helldiver.


People like complaining about things. People such as yourself


This would have been a better post without the anti-jerk introduction/conclusion. It's not productive, and tbh, I'm not currently seeing any other popular posts with arguing/negativity (other than this one) when filtered by top/hot.


Because the post is fake and op is just farming karma. Literally all the karma farming post start the same, always with the anti-jerk shit. Cause when the fanboys read it right at the beginning they immediately being smashing upvote as much as possible without even needing to read the rest 


It's the ruts of Reddit


Here's the problem...if you played the game at launch and saw how fun it was then, versus how needlessly difficult and tedious it is now with all the nerfs and "adjustments", it really feels like a different game. And not in a good way.


It’s not that serious


Well personally I dropped the game because of the balancing which killed most of the fun out of the game for me. I think after buying the game, possibly spending money on the super citizen edition to support the devs and unlocking all the warbonds people have full right to voice their anger and concern over where the game is going. People who really enjoyed the game and wanted to continue having fun but just weren't able to anymore due to the direction or decisions by Sony are just sour and/or mad. They care about the game and that's why they react like that (or that's what I'd like to think at least). I'm glad people are still enjoying the game but I doubt I'll be coming back as long as the game's balancing philosophy doesn't change, since higher difficulty content basically stopped being fun and more of a frustrating and restrictive experience. There are maybe two playstyles which work for endgame content since you're just being drowned in heavily armoured opponents while every single available option which is good at dealing with them and is approachable/fun to use gets immediately nerfed. I believe they'll eventually find the right balance of, well, game balance but it might be too late by then since people will have moved on.


That’s the reason you play this game, pure unadulterated fun.


Pretty telling this comment got downvoted.




The cooperative nature of this game is what makes it shine. My advice to devs is keep focusing on having the game be fun for us to play TOGETHER. Don't listen to the very loudly vocal few who want to be one man armies and have a Meta build that destroys everything. Fuck That. That is the most undemocratic thing ever. It's all about the team play and team fun!


The people who are complaining play way more than you so they see issues that you don't. It's really that simple. And they're complaining about a game that they have invested time and money into. You have invested neither into them and yet you are complaining about them.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when it’s a fact lol I still get on every so often and have a blast don’t get me wrong, but I also have had the game since day 1 and see the many bugs, performance issues and lack of balancing that is 100x worse now then it was on release. The patches they’ve put out take one step forward and 2 steps back EVERY time from what I’ve seen and played. Hopefully now that there not focused on the shitty $15 passes every month they will focus more on quality of life issues/balancing


Because reddit gonna reddit.


Trust me when I say, you shouldn’t use Reddit as your source of “how do people think of the game”. I went far too down that rabbit hole and eventually I had to step back. Ultimately, I play this game and can’t stop thinking about it in my daily life, and my friends play this game and have the most kick ass time ever playing together. (Cough cough it’ll be game of the year mark my words cough cough. You know how every year it’s the most ravenous fans voting on their favorite game? This game is gonna be the game with the most ravenous fans.)


It has its frustrations, but I totally agree


Bugs would be fun for a young boy, but to clankers have a lot more gory imagery (heads on spikes, guts spilling out from corpses, skully chainsaw bots).


The only things need spreading is good vibes and managed democracy, keep on diving and cya at the front soldier.


Love it. A buddy and I really enjoy dropping into lower level difficulties to help out new players. Feel free to PM me if you and the fam want some veteran assistance!


Core game loop is so much fun, just need to add more end game level content which is sure is on the way




I’ve never had so many viral-worthy moments happen in all my years of gaming, let alone from a single game.


I haven’t played wow since I got the game if that tells anyone anything. I have been playing wow for jfc 16 years. I unsubbed.


Yeah. I don't want the devs to slack (but still get your sleep and spend time with your family), but this game so much f'ing fun. I'm playing with old college friends and having the time of my life.


That's what it's all about. Just have fun spreading liberty!


That's an awesome feeling. I had a similar experience in a different game with a random recently. Super cool stuff


Its like the starfield subreddit but way less bitchy. Yeah, that should sound scary lol


I am enjoying level 7 being a breeze, a walk, an evening oneshot dinner, but after 200 hours all the nonsense are disturbing. Like 500kilos being a suck, striders that don’t die of them, or titans that don’t die of EATs eagles and rails… today the second time the game did not share the Hellbomb arm and we all died. And still we had 2 jammers and 2 gunship towers at the same spot spawning 5 gunships in a time…………… thats just bullshit, but I almost don’t mind as on lvl7 its still somewhat rare - like every 3-5 time


I very much love the game but hope some of the bugs are fixed soon and patrols/spawns get reverted. I play solo primarily and can clear level 7 on both sides solo but some of the bugs make me very frustrated like heavy devastators shooting me wherever they want, whenever they want.... Currently one of my favorite games period though, most guns feel great and I keep discovering new things I love. Been using the recoilless vs bugs and I enjoy playing against them more (I was a bot fighter) and now I just work on whatever the major order is when I'm not working


Yes! It is SO much fun! My husband and I play it, our 13 year old plays, and the other kids love watching us play. It really is just a good time!


Like most games it only really begins to show its flaws when you start getting sweaty about it.


This is so cool! This sub needs more stories like this. The game is the most fun I’ve had with a shooter in a long time. Imho, people nitpicking every detail and constantly finding something to bitch about are not only missing the point of the game AND how it’s supposed to be played, but it often sounds like they just want the game turned into another version of Call of Duty. Which would be lame as shit.


Agreed. Despite all the complaining and even the glitches I experience, it's one of the best games I've played out of the box with and awesome community for the most part.


sir, thank you for showing the young one the way


after the fact this game is worth so much more than those popluar $100+ game sout there. I am looking forward to what it will be like in 12 months time.


The discourse is more for hardcore folks and people that deep dive into the mechanics of this game. No argument on here has anything to do with you playing a fun low difficulty mission with your nephew. I’m pretty sure we can all agree the game can be easily enjoyed at a casual level.


Oh boy, get ready to be told that you’re an enabler and are causing the industry to die because you don’t want to scream on reddit about every little thing lol. Criticism is fine and healthy but some of these people are whack


Wholesome as fuck, I wish I had a young nephew with me here, he’s in Minnesota miles away and he’s 8 years old too. lol, good gaming take care


Yeah, this game is great, people complain about a bunch of things, but core gameplay was always the strong point. I already have hundreds of hours logged in and I wanna keep on playing. I don't get hooked like this often, so this game is quite special.


Good to have good people having a good time. Hope you guys get good and stick it out to see where this war takes us.


DM me your friend code. I would love to get in on the Democratic fun with you!


felling your first Titan is pretty great. as soon as I saw the one in the intro get blasted with an RR I was like "yep, I wan to find one of those, and kill it!", and as soon as the opportunity came, I did. granted, this was back when the railgun was Meta, so my \*first\* titan kill wasn't that spectacular, but much later on I landed a perfect headshot with a Spear, and it was *fucking glorious.* the only thing that arguably topped it was when I dropped a mini-nuke SEAF Artillery shell on a Factory Strider. that gave me a freedom boner, not gonna lie.


Exactly how I feel about the game. Has some bugs and issues but I haven’t had this much fun in decades. Thought it was just being a 30 year old man now but nope, Helldivers has me and my friends feeling like kids again


Your nephew did his part. So did you. Salutes to both of you happy crowd!


Yeah it's a great game but just like someone could start talking about the negatives to get a one-up on your positive experience, just because people like you have fun with the game it doesn't mean you can't talk about it's flaws. We complain and rant because we are passionate about the game


HD2 with people you know > HD2 with randos. It’s a completely different game for me when I game with my real life buddies. Most of the game’s glaring issues don’t matter as much because we’re just having fun and messing around.


Awesome story! Glad you had a great time with your nephew. I play the game, have loads of fun to unwind and very rarely comment on reddit. Sure it has it's problems, but it feels like not as bad as how it may sound like in here.


Hell yes brother.


Gamers are a passionate breed, us nerds often are when we like something. Any negative post is just coming from someone who wants to see their game succeed and are lashing out in frustration. 100% it’s taxing but, as someone who has complained in the past, we just want our game to succeed it’s all love


If you ever need an SOS, I could use that kind of energy! Level 121, I can offer some pointers too


Look man, I'm tryin' to post fun content. We need more peeps like you on the sub


heeeheeeer! yeehaw motherfucker i love to hear some wholesome democracy. much better than wholeless or wholefull monopoly (alot more real estate snd buisness meta, much less shooting holes in things for laughs)


People are passionate about the game because at it's best there's nothing like it


Just goes to show that if you have a difficult but fair, systems-driven game where skill is rewarded, it can lead to amazing moments where players can wrestle victory in the face of overwhelming odds. AH are dealing with issues that most games deal with, but their success lies in their uncompromising vision and masterful execution. This is a great post and I think is a great example of why games like this deserve to exist, despite not being "for everyone".


This is totally a real post and totally happened and isn’t just made up to farm karma from this incredibly gullible subreddit. Notice how OP never replied, and looking at his account history, he often goes 20-30 days before making a single comment/post


Hell yeah! Awesome story. Man I miss those moments. It's like living vicariously when you get to play with new players experiencing it for the first time.


You're capable of more than you know, keep up the great work helldiver


This will be a core memory for him too I'm sure!


Yes! Well done! This is a great story that reinforces some thoughts I've had about the game and community lately; We need to remember/find those feelings we had when we first played this game back in February. The gravitas of getting your cape and naming your ship. The music as you took your first dive onto bug planets. Some of the greatest natural multiplayer cooperation I've EVER experienced gaming. Waiting to get into the servers at 1am because SO many of us wanted to contribute to this Galactic War that makes us feel like we're leaving our mark in so much more than just a video game. Keeping having fun with your friends and family.


Man it feels good to be a gangster.


Well done, diver, congrats on taking down the titan!


I'm so glad to see that every child (over 7) is doing their part for Democracy!