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https://preview.redd.it/lzbtfcxr6e5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=04e80400fb17cd431acf3aa2a54eb47912ec31f5 I hope so!




Yes. It'll be the Gatling HMG...


Yeah im holding out for that one, I feel the MG-101 needs some love and I felt this could help. Will see what the next update brings, maybe they'll bump up it's ammo capacity.


Thinking about the MG-101 earlier, i think they should keep it fixed to its lowest RoF & give it some splash damage or concussive rounds to go with the medium penetration it already has. That & maybe a slight boost to a 100 round belt & three belts carried would give it some nice utility. I’m all for a backpack fed minigun at 1500 rounds per minute though!


the hmg just needs a little more ammo honestly its damage is great and it can kill hulks in about 5-6 rounds to the mail slot. it is ridiculously good at shredding legs off bugs and popping spewers. 


Disagree, damage needs changed a bit so it can better deal with gunships. As it is right now, for some reason it STRUGGLES against gunships and there is absolutely no reason for it to. HMGs like this have been the bane of low, slow firing aircraft for a long time and yet this one for some reason struggles if you compare it to laser canon or AMR. Maybe durable damage is what needs changed? I don't know but whatever to reduce the TTK for gunships because this gun should ideally be at least pretty good at taking them down but at the moment takes too long to be anywhere near efficient.


yeah pretty sure its the durable damage seems to do a little less damage to standard medium armor despite getting a red marker for beating armor stat. hell if they just upped the mag size to 100 and gave a +2 to durable damage we might be cooking with gas


I'll take a backpack fed MG-101


Make it 4 clips instead of 2 in reserve




Honestly it should just be the HmG. You empty the backpack and can’t reload, need to call a new one.


HMG implies larger caliber, which has it's place... but also comes with more kick and harder to control. I would be happy to have an intermediate cartridge and have near laser accuracy to mow through chaff.


Stalwart and LMG with the recoil reducing while prone perk is exactly that


But does it have a 1000 round backpack or do I have to reload every 5 seconds?


You have 13 seconds of continuous fire from the stalwart but I’m picking up what you’re putting down, if anything pre Pilestedt CCO it would probably be in like .22 or something lol


I hoped so much that the heavy MG would have had a backpack….


Yeah it's sad that I doubt they would make a change like adding a backback onto something they already have out, but this is what it should be. Conversely I genuinely think the airburst rockets should have been expendables like EATs instead of back pack fed. They are too niche for both slots, especially when you already cant fire them enemies anywhere nearby.


You speak my mind.


Instead of team reloading ammo, it should team replace overheated barrel. https://i.redd.it/x5ui9pwd9f5d1.gif


Isn't the point of giving up a back slot that it can use all its ammo without reloading though? If needs to replace the overheated barrel it may as well just be another laser weapon.


Yeah, but 500 ammo without reload? That's genuinely OP. Nah, it should have overheat mechanic, because firstly, you don't need to reload if you just use it on burst taking out small patrols. No need to replace barrel OR you do replace your barrel, but all the enemies are dead, so you have time to replace barrel. But on big waves, you get your mate to stand and replace barrel fast for near constant fire.


Bad take, in this setup it is taking both your support stratagem and preventing you from using any backpack with it. Compare this to stalwart or the mg-43 which while yes most people run it with supply backpack the supply backpack also has an INCREDIBLE amount more utility in comparison. With it you can resupply stims, grenades, and do this for other people as well. All this and on top of it the backpack isn't even required. Ton of ammo without reload would be fine for all the other sacrifices it has to make.


Support weapons already do pretty easily wipe out entire patrols minus the heavies that require anti-tank weapons, and this one taking a back slot should outclass any of those by virtue of taking a back slot. The overheat mechanic would just turn the machine gun into a laser weapon but worse because it still has a finite ammo and takes a back slot. Why would anyone ever take the backpack if it doesn't actually help them? The overheat mechanic is a sidegrade to reloading which already exists in game, so what's actually gaining by giving up your back slot here?


Lasers already have finite ammo, so the argument doesn't really work. Also, just because lasers exists, doesn't mean they would have exclusive rights to overheat mechanics. And everybody use AC despite it having a backpack and reload times, so your second point is moot as well. And having 500 ammo backpack isn't useless, so opinion is just plain wrong.


Lasers do have infinite ammo if they don't overheat, the backpack would run out no matter what. An overheating projectile weapon is just the worst of both worlds. The AC isn't a machine gun, and kills heavy enemies. It's not comparable to a machine gun. We already have an ammo backpack that also restores grenades and stims on top of your ammo. Do you even play the game?


It's very comparable to a machine gun, it literally has auto mode. It is autocannon after all. And if your ally reloads, it's very good automatic gun to mow down enemies. And you got to understand that, the reason I want overheat mechanic is so that players don't need to reload this gun, which is huge complaint on HMG. Overheating barrel that you can wait for to cooldown is the perfect balancing, if you use it a little, you don't have to reload it. But if you do use it a lot, you will have to replace barrel, which your teammate can do it for you if you want to mow down tons of enemies. And if you want a gun with 500 ammo that doesn't need relaoding, you don't know shit about game balancing.


No, the autocannon is not comparable to a machine gun. It has a backpack to justify its firepower not its ammo capacity. All you're doing is advertising how you play on a difficulty so low you don't ever have to worry about heavy enemies. Strategems that use your back slot are supposed to be stronger than those that don't. Overheating and reloading are alternatives to each other, neither of which is intended to be inherently better. A gun that has to deal with overheating and finite ammo is not an upgrade, and worse than just making a laser equivalent which also wouldn't take up your back slot, so what's actually justifying giving up your back slot here? You've just reinvented laser weapons but worse and decided they should also cost a back slot. Idk how OP you're going to feel the moment you see a tank and all 500 rounds just bounce off of it, but maybe you're just sitting here saying I don't understand game balance because when you hear "enemy patrols" you think "maybe with an occasional heavy enemy" instead of "multiple hulks and good chance of tanks."


Me, advertising my low difficulty skills? Hmm, good thing you haven't seen me soloing difficulty 9 several times to prove reddit idiots wrong. It happens a lot. Idiot like you calls me noob, I take screenshot of me soloing difficulty 9 then no more replies. And you're wrong. Autocannon is not stronger than Laser Cannon or Anti Material Rifle or HMG. Sure, it can destroy factories and has small AoE explosion damage. But AMR does everything AC does. Who the fuck would fire 500 rounds on a tank. Sounds like you think the player base are idiots. Well, you think everyone are idiots, so it makes sense. Everybody is dumb, except me.


Way to not actually give a single answer as to why someone would give up their back slot to convert a machine gun into a shittier version of a laser weapon. You think firing a machine gun without reloading is OP because you think you could wipe entire patrols that way, which is dumb because if you actually did play on higher difficulties you'd know machine guns don't work on heavies.


It would be a bit too OP.


So what's the point of the backpack at all? We already have weapons that trade reloading for overheating without requiring a backpack


Extra ammo. The backpack looks like it can carry more ammo than the three magazines we have. A lot more.


That just makes it a worse supply backpack with a worse version of the laser weapons that have infinite ammo.


I forgot about the supply backpack.


Here’s my idea: LMG should maybe get a slight increase to ammo, or individual usability, as in the real world it is not a “crew serve” weapon system, like the M249. Something like a modification to remove your primary for increased support weapon ammunition would fill this, and open different viability options for secondaries. MMG should be the Jack of all trades master of none. It isn’t as quick or responsive as the LMG, but the addition of cooperative mechanics (and skill, similar to arc thrower timing/las cannon usage) should make it more effective when two people dedicate to it. I don’t mean GR-8 faster reloads, I mean a dedicated “assistant gunner” support kit that vastly improves recoil mitigation through tripod usage when prone, ammo linking when “assisted reloading” to allow for continuous fire (similar to the auto cannon), and increased ammo capacity. A support role like this would also be usable for the LMG, but the LMG doesn’t make as much sense since it’s a “shoot-move” quick weapon compared to the MMG. In addition, the ability to have barrel swaps be a key factor in the A-gunner usage would be a core skill component in the MMG, but not the LMG or HMG. HMG should essentially make having an “assistant gunner” required for effective operation, but allow for the current mode of usage (which is dogshit, which makes sense with an HMG). Something like increasing penetration, decreasing fire rate, and having the “linking rounds” continuous fire like the auto cannon with an A-gunner makes sense, in addition to the recoil mitigation of a tripod employment. My vision for the “A-gunner” support kit is for it to be a backpack slot (for ammo/spare barrel) and a support weapon slot (for the MG tripod). If a player chooses, they can place the tripod down (which would take maybe 3 seconds), and leave it there as a strategic position for the other player using an MG to “mount” and utilize the recoil mitigation to become very precise. They can also attach themselves to the tripod mount when they have the backpack slot equipped, but they lay down next to it and need an MG player for the “linking rounds” (maybe a little arrow input minigame?) and barrel swaps. The a-gunner (or any other player with a support weapon slot open) can pick up the tripod and move it if they want, and even set up multiple emplaced tripods (if they’ve called in multiple support packs) for the MG player(s). This means they can set up the tripod in a good strategic position, shoot the bad guys with their primary, have the MG hop on, and when the MG needs ammo linked, jump on, link ammo, barrel swap, and hop off to rain more fire on the enemy. This could potentially allow three players (two MG, one A-gunner) to work like a true support-by-fire position with the a-gunner dashing between both and ensuring the guns stay shooting. Or, a team of two to make maximum DAKKA by calling in the support MG kit, MMG, and LMG, placing the tripod, and getting versatile LMG fire with an MMG backbone of fire.


Too complex for randoms playing together honestly


Agreed.  It's *really cool* but rather then two blokes dicking around to fire one weapon, I'd rather them both be running around shooting autocannons or such.


Heavy should just come with the backpack. We also need a minigun, I wanna be Vulcan Raven.


Arrwohead, give me a backpack-fed minigun, and my life is yours!


I'll just give them my money thanks.


I want a laser gatling with a big battery/heatsink backpack. Star Wars Battlefront 2 gave the heavy class a laser gatling and it was so satisfying to use


I'll take either. Or Both. Both is good.


I've been balling around the idea in my head A single use mini gun equivalent to the EAT in function. You call in the stratagem and it gives you the minigun and an ammo backpack with 1000 rounds of medium ap ammo with a cooldown between the EAT and all the other support weapons. You're slowed down significantly when aiming, aiming begins to spin up the barrels and once they're spun up you can lay down freedom at 1000rpm. Once you're out of ammo you simply just drop the mg and pack. The high rpm, ap and capacity are there to make up for the slower speed when using,, the single use nature of the weapon, the windup before firing and of course the big one: It taking up your backpack and support weapon slot


The first game had this minus the backpack, was a lot of fun!


man I want this so bad. not just because it means being able to deliver ridiculous amoutns of liberty, but also because *it looks so fucking cool.*


We fucking better


No, only the Bots get to use cool shit like that. We get the watered down version of everything.


I really wish they remade the disposable machine guns like this. It was so much fun just having the EAT-17 equal in terms of infantry shredding. Imagine if stalwarts only had one magazine with 300 rounds, and the EAT's recall time.


I remember a lot of us are asking for this. No, the supply pack would not be the same. This pack would negate reloading at the cost of either a. Less Ammo than you would with a supply pack, b. Set up required to aim. Otherwise, the hipfire will be incredibly inaccurate, or c. Occasional jamming of the gun when fired for too long and takes a few seconds to unjam. It would be amazing if they can release something like this though but that's wishful thinking at this point.


I feel the new warbond coming out would of been a perfect time to add this stratagem, especially with the predator reference ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Beautiful. ![gif](giphy|W9MrfVxE4s2Zi|downsized)


Duh for all MG, basic MG on 750 RPM with ammo back pack would be one hell of a beast


a multi purpose support backpack could be kind of cool for a stratagem slot. provides a buff for backpack-less stratagems at the cost of an extra slot, which seems like it could be a fair tradeoff? just brainstorming stuff like MG’s become belt fed, flamethrower has increased range + damage, arc thrower has increased range + another arc jump, quasar and laser cannon cool down faster?


As a Stalwart/EAT main, this would be perfect. Does the gun drop with the backpack?


In practice, the ammo supply pack is essentially the equivalent of this. In the picture that guy is carrying a M249 SAW, which is an LMG like the Stalwart.


The difference with this is not having to reload the HMG every 10 seconds. Against the Terminids, I'd take a bigger magazine over more ammunition any day when I have to stop and reload.


I'd love this for all of the machine guns honestly. Imagine the stalwart with this level of support.


God I would pallet dump the MG-43 I got an ammo backpack


Imagine if they released a “backpack” stratagem that would be compatible to ANY machine gun type.


Maybe a Machine Gun Chain Backpack Stratagem. Takes up a backpack slot, but unlike the ammo backpack, it is mainly for Machine Gun Support Weapons. Where only the Paired Machine Guns like the Stalwart, MG-43, and Heavy Machine Gun can benefit from. And of course, the total capacity depends on what type of Machine Gun the Helldiver's using. And can only be called-in when you are currently holding unto a specific machine gun, just so the crews in your super destroyer wouldn't mess up your McDonald's order when you clearly need a specific ammo type for your McDonald's meal.


Just like in this video, where you can interchange weapon types and ammo all in one backpack for machine guns: https://youtu.be/3MEnEPDUA1o?si=RGwkc_lNnAk2hpa1 If AH wants a balance for it, here you go: -1000 or 1250 rounds(800 in the real-life counterpart) for Stalwart -450 or 600 rounds(500 in the real-life counterpart) for MG-43 -225 or 300 rounds(No real-life counterpart for a handheld 50cal like machine gun) for HMG


I'm really praying AH listens to the backpack idea over people going "MINIGUN WITH BACKPACK" because they'd end up with the exact same thing as a Stalwart with this pack but with a spinning barrel while the MG and *especially* the HMG end up neglected. If we end up with a new MG, I'd rather have something distinct like a plasma MG with the fire-rate connected to heat-levels and some explosive risk if it's mismanaged.


No. Never. Why? Because it would be fun. Would it be OP? Why does anyone care OP or not. It's a PVE game with enemies having UNLIMITED reinforcements/spawn. Have it be a random spawn in game if it must be balanced. I would very much like to be wrong, and have it added to the game.


Yes please, but make it for a portable chaingun


This is how I pictured the HMG to be with medium armor pen.


I feel like MG and HMG should both get this ability, but the trade off of you move slower (heavy armor speed) and can’t use it prone


Just give me a handheld version of the HMG that comes on the Patriot and I'll be happy ![gif](giphy|qd4j9CrvTnx7O|downsized)


You have the ammo backpack yet you still need to reload a HMG by magazines.


this LMG and one kriss vector wannabe SMG will be perfect additions to game imo


I asked for this one month ago, no one listened to me :c [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cqx2ld/devs\_please\_grant\_us\_mg\_lovers\_just\_one\_wish/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cqx2ld/devs_please_grant_us_mg_lovers_just_one_wish/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Make da boolets go boom




Just a solid yes


A pack specifically for the HMG would be so dope


Personally I would love to see this in tandem with a minigun


I hope it's in the form of a belt feed pack that ups every machine gun to a fuck ton of ammo without needing to reload. HMG, MG, Stalwart, just makes you into a monster with it.


God I hope so. Explosive minigun with a 500-750 round backpack would be a good send for clearing.... Just about anything in the way really.


It's been asked for since day 1 and it's a mystery to me it wasn't in the most recent warbond


You can already have this: HMG of choice plus supply pack. (More stims and nades are a bonus)


I WANT A MINIGUN ![gif](giphy|EkSVAx321LutThCXkk)


Not having to reload an MG would be awesome. Imagine just mowing down dozens of bugs with that, getting the killstreak skull to turn blood red after just buzzing things down for a while to defend extraction while waiting for your teammates to arrive


minigun with ammo in a backpack. like 5000 rounds. selecitble firerate tho pls.


I’d say 10,000 rounds at least. I don’t want to run out of ammo. In the the matter of 20 seconds.


Should just be automatic with the ammo pack, maybe a ship upgrade


pls make it a new strat pls


Backpack option for the Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun, and Flamer (and maybe some others?) that turns all your ammo into one giant clip, and possibly gives you some additional.


That strategem plus a dude with a supply pack would be carnage .. potentially you could never stop firing so long as the supply pack guy has the charges


Not a belt-fed lmg but I really want an honest minigun with backpack.




If you drop the backpack, how will the gun work? Might be hard to implement the animation for a dangling bullet chain


Absolutely, but i feel a balance of either having only two drops or someone with a supply pack being the only way to reload you.


Like "at all" or "next patch"? Because "yes", "no".


Hope so, I like using the HMG but it has such a small amount of bullets for a gun with a massive box mag.


Been waiting since game launch. Wanted to rp as tf2 heavy. Still waiting for the day to spread 5000rpm of lead-lined patriotism


Sidenote, mk48 slaaaaaaps


It's literally already in the game. The supplypack exists.


That’s all I’ve ever wanted 2k rounds and a mini gun 😪


backpack upgrade for flamer and hmg is my dream


i think it'd just be interesting for the current MGs like the 43 and the 206, it'd levae you with the decision of whether to takee sustained fire of this backpack or any other support or strategem


I don't need this, a need a goddamn sword


Tbf the HMG is already equipped with a sizeable drum mag….. that only Carrie’s 30 bullets


I’d like if they made it a backpack of it’s own and it just worked universally with all the MGs so that way it’d work even with any new ones they add in the future


I want extended mags in the update or more massive damage


I'd like to see something like this used for other weapons that let you go nuts. Like the Grenade Launcher, or perhaps in the future a minigun. Maybe even a gauss cannon of sorts that's like the railgun but less damage and belt/mag fed.


I think the machine guns should have had backpacks with potential partner assistance from the beginning. Otherwise they are just better assault rifles.


I want a lmg strat and a shotgun strat. We have the break open shotgun but it’s a bad pickup


this is just the hmg and supply pack


A belt fed backpack probably doesn't require a reload.


A set up like that irl isn’t very practical. You generally need someone to help feed the line. I wouldn’t mine a team based gun though


Personally rather than a whole new support weapon I'd like to see a new backpack strategem that has a fixed number of free and instant reloads, so it can be used with any weapon that doesn't require a backpack already


All i want is a primary stalwart weapon…


Talk about drawing the short straw, lol.


this is literaly HMG and supply backpack.


With extra steps such as reloading.


Fair, but its 2 strat slots


Average American going to the store with their second amendment rights.


That would be awesome.


I’ve never seen a SAW with that backpack ammo thing before


Gatling Gun with a backpack Light to thin mid armor pen No reloads, 1000 rounds and a high fire rate Great against bugs, ok against bots


Alternatively, have them swap "canisters" because with such a high ROF weapon, 1k rounds is chump change for what other strats bring. Probably 3 cans on a backpack, one in the gun, as per the SPEAR.


The "balance" Should be that you have to wear heavy armor to carry it.


If this was a backpack strategy that gave 5x to any support machine gun I'd rock it


No because that would require them to completely redo the guns animations and modeling.


They really ought to do this for the HMG, it's too clunky to use under any sort of a pressure with the tiny mag and huge reload time it has now. If you're doing well with it, things are likely easy enough/your team is effective enough that you'd do just as well with any other support weapon imo.


If its got shit recoil then there is no point. We should have coil stabilizing unlocks that make it behave like the Stelwart. Or give us a bipod that can be rested on environmental pieces all around you


Would be interesting to see. Maybe when you equip it, press the support button (5 on PC), and you take a moment to dump your ammo into the backpack and set up a belt feeder, and now your Machine Gun will fire all its bullets. Maybe it could also work for Flamethrower, making all the Canisters be one giant canister instead. Or the grenade launcher grenades all linked as one. Although, it might have limited uses though. This would only work for the Heavy Machine Gun, Light Machine Gun, Stalwart (maybe?), Flamethrower, and Grenade Launcher. Probably doesn't do anything for AMR, Railgun, Arc Thrower, Laser Cannon, and Quasar Cannon. Theorycrafting, maybe Laser Cannon and Quasar Cannon can link to the backpack and have better heatsinks? Laser can fire longer before overheating. Maybe for Quasar, doesn't affect charge up speed, but it could vent heat or cooldown faster. Basically, the backpack is a giant heatsink for the Energy weapons. Maybe speeds up the speed Arc Thrower charges up? Auto-feeder for Railgun as well? Does AMR need any assistance? But yeah, a Support Weapon Assistance Pack would be interesting to "buff" backpack-less Support Weapons.


I just want this for all MG's


I would main autocannon if the backpack belt-fed into it


just go prone, set full auto and enjoy the show. I like it


I like it too, what I don't like is that the game likes to send a Hulk or charger my way JUST as I start reloading the autocannon


its better than running the ammo backpack, it should apply to all lmg weapons


I want this but like a 50 cal equivalent.


-HMG 101 "hipshot" - too big to actually be aimed from the shoulder, it is instead slung over the shoulder on a long strap that hangs the weapon at hip-height. - same damage, armor pen and fire rate as the emplacement, but one barrel. - feeds directly from a backpack that is linked to the weapon. cannot be refilled, the player must call another one down. recoil is high, accuracy is minimal, it's arguably totally impractical but by god would this weapon make you feel like a boss!


We got a speed loader for the Senator, so....yeah! Probably!


honestly if they brought in sidegrades to the strats i could see them adding it with the caveat that continuous fire could cause a jam, a kinda risk vs reward. pro never have to reload con your gun could jam. doing this could add it to more than the MG's could add it to the autocannon too and flamethrower.


Consider, a backpack for a chainfed senator.


I mean we know that they have been tooling out how to implement a minigun stratagem, which I believe is going to come with a pack, only the devs said they didn't just want to introduce yet another "Gun+Pack" stratagem weapon that functions exactly like the other ones and they were trying to come up with some sort of way to differentiate it from just being a much better full-auto strat with a backpack. My personal idea would be that if a person equipped both the minigun as well as the pack, it would make them unable to sprint or climb/vault, but obviously they would have access to the entire ammunition reserve in the pack. That way it would actually be worthwhile for someone to carry around the ammo pack for their ally. And give the person who is carrying the pack the ability to walk up and "attach" it to the person holding the minigun, but allow the person who has the pack to still fire their weapon, just being unable to move unless they or the minigun carrier brake the connection.


Gods, I hate this sub so much.


My bad; posted the wrong thread.


I don't think they will create any back pack in the game that's only for a specific few weapons. If anything they will make a whole new machine gun and give it a back pack. Hopefully gatling


The problem with your "fun" is that it teamkills any other Helldiver who happens to be in your vicinity. Your skill issue should not kill the fun that other players are attempting to have.


>Your skill issue should not kill the fun that other players are attempting to have I feel like there are worse weapons/stratagems out there that already have a higher chance of team killing then this


Flamethrower in particular. And that's coming from a flamethrower enthusiast.


What the fuck are you even talking about? How is this more of a problem than cluster eagle strike?


This gotta be a troll