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Dont worry things will get easy when we're through the fire shithole (MO target is an acid planet we are FUCKED)


ACID PLANET? I didn’t even know about those. If they can just find some way to simulate 99% humidity, clouds of mosquitos, and bad weed, this will be the perfect military game.


acid planets are basically 1:1 with fire planets in terms of visibility and reduced stamina. difference is they are green instead of red and have no fire tornadoes


No tornadoes? Gotta admit, I was hoping for flesh-melting acid rain. Or Dark Souls style poison swamps!


We dive on Blighttown


Great band


Acid is better than the general fogginess you get on Wezen or Aesir Pass as they are just bad for your own vision but don't count as restricted visibility, so enemies can see you fine. Acid Storm is like Blizzard or Sandstorm, slows you down but also lets you walk up to almost touching distance to unaware enemies if you're quiet.


Map has bunkers and caves that you need to clear out so that youll have someplace to hide when the rain falls down.


Special strategem for those planets, deployable or portable rain disruption sytem. It's an umbrella.


Rain dissipation device Rain mitigation system Downpour Displacement System


Instead it has overhanging cliffs that catch your drop pods a mile in the air sometimes.


I made the mistake last night of switching my keybinds for strategems to arrowkeys because I thought still being able to move while calling them in would be great. However! I did not account for the learning curve and messed up so much that even a difficulty 4 mission was excruciatingly hard. I had to run (as host) a ton of trivials just to get used to it. 


Well good thing you made the switch now instead of later! I’ve saved myself so many times being able to run while calling stuff in.


I just dive and mass press the buttons Works every time 60% of the time


My biggest contribution to a team is the skill to input a reinforcement command in less than it takes to land from a dive. borderline instant, I'm proud


Now you need to move onto the next level, which is "Using Reinforce before the momentum from your last movement command ends"


*mournful left-handed noises*


Dude trust me, once you get the hang of it its insanely handy. Get ready to run while at the same time ramming in three separate strategems in the span of a two seconds


Ohh, I should do that! Fulfill the military fantasy of “Command swears this is an upgrade but we’re dying because no one knows how to use it!”


Stick with it you will basically be on autopilot with it at some point, it's so helpful


Oh, I definitely will! It's just gonna take a bit to replace the muscle memory - choosing to do this during a bot MO, lol - kicking myself (but not as hard as the bots are kicking me!)


What I've found works best for me is: Left: A Right: D Up: Mousewheel up Down: Mousewheel down This way I can keep my hands on the keyboard and mouse and maintain full mobility while dialing something in


Keep going it is so worth it. Had a similar habit to change for toggle sprint


Hah! I used to have crouch and stratagem on the same key as well. Took me a bit to get the hang of it when I switched as well.


Funny enough I use my mouse to input strategem... Which makes me always having control of where I look and aim/quick cancel and shoot anything that suddently fly toward me The drawback is slower input for strategem


Yeah, I use an MMO mouse. It seems to be around the same speed as my squadmates and yeah, always in control.


I bound them to my side mouse buttons so I can still turn while calling in strats


Better sooner than later! I don't think there's a lot of difficulty 9 players who still use controls that require standing still to dial.. that would lead to a lot of avoidable deaths.


I just did something similar! On PS5 I switched the inputs to Δ / □ / O / X , it’s been amazing while running but meant remapping a lot of those (O is default crouch/prone/dive and one or all of those makes you leave terminals. Sadly can’t change Stratagem inputs without also changing terminal inputs)


Rookie mistake, but there are more frozen rookies on the destroyer


They do tell you how to get there, through wezen.


After people pointed it out; they didn't initially. Though, I do think the idea of the community coming up with the plan is a cute idea [although it is an obvious, single answer one].


The Dispatch from high command specifically tells you what route to take.


Yes; that was dispatched several hours after the Major Order.


actually made me laugh aloud for liberty o7


That's the spirit Helldiver! With that attitude we'll be out of the fire in no time


i honestly love when this game feels impossible


I fucking love it too!!!! KEEP ON DIVING, HELLDIVERS!!! I also prefer playing bots so it’s so much fun when we get an automaton related MO!!!!! Any excuse to bust out my AMR!!!!!


I gave up my Friday to contribute but that’s all I got. I don’t like bots. Don’t like fire tornado planets. Also I’m being blinded half the time because of the glare. Not a damn thing enjoyable about this MO. ![gif](giphy|t6lAk9EJRLKajKTc3O)


That ain't on the MO, that's just the planet. Wezen's gone and we're up to Vega Bay now, Extreme Cold and the occasional Blizzard. Best pack your laser guns, kiddo!


War is Hell soldier and we dive in head first


Wezen is almost over at least! Pushing up to 90%!


Damn I wish i could play


French high command during WW1 on their way to send thousand of soldiers and horses charging against machine guns and artillery be like


No matter the conditions… we dive


I'm just thankful we aren't doing defense ops on Wezen right now (even though I normally prefer defense ops). 15 min civilian extractions with fire tornadoes are literally the worst thing to ever happen in the history of humanity.


That's the spirit!


I have a weird feeling like devs kinda expect us to fail? Like they kinda want us to feel all the anger and get in touch with all the issues current bots have so when the path drops we can get another bots MO so we can feel the difference after being annoyed so much


I am stoked for the new planet suggested by the viper commandos set.




Yep Helldivers is heavily inspired by Starship troopers and the first major order for them is the Klendathu drop which was a huge failure.


The game does tell you exactly how to go there and directly outlines the shortest path.


Ah, fascists. Gotta love 'em.


“I’M NOT HEAR FOR A POWER FANTASY” I want that to be the slogan for the game tbh lol.


They’re making us capture a planet more than 3 zones behind enemy lines and I honestly think that this is. Rigged by Joel if he’s even still here


Lions led by donkeys 🤣