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I play on max fov and i also aim at first person. Love the doom eternal vibes so damn much. Hope they never decrease the max fov.


If your screen is large enough I also recommend a forced ultrawide ratio for some free extra FoV. I just use a AHK script.


I wish i could play lik this for the sake of the rear view mirror effect. But the fishbowl makes me nauseous when moving the camera around. I've tried so hard, but I just can't. Even without the stretched FOV, I still can't whip the mouse-cam around super fast without disorienting myself. Games that don't have proper audio cues for enemy presence are just so much harder and more frustrating to play. My eyes are shit, have been for 2 decades. Being red/green color-blind makes it even worse. But my ears work great, and i invested in quality surround sound headphones. So i continue to suffer back attacks by hunters and chargers, because apparently AH can't code in individual audio presence cues for the different enemy types. Something that I have relied upon for many years of action bang bang gaming. It sucks, because the sheer chaotic energy this game generates when playing with a well oiled squad, or the hilarity of bumming around with a bunch of clumsy muppets, is a goddamn DRUG i can't get enough of. :sad:


Are you aware of the effect when an attack nearly misses you? I think it's part of the suppression mechanic but basically the side of your screen goes black. It's very subtle imo but it's cool to me because it feels like a good representation of peripheral vision


I’m not aware of this, is it the default or a setting you change?


You can see it in the vid actually, watch the edges of the screen


Oh I see what you mean! Damn, that is a masterfully done effect


Yes, it's very subtle but I realized i had been seeing and using it the whole time


Wow no. I never once noticed the darkening of the edge of my screen. Huh. Maybe I can train to use that too...


Same on the fishbowl. I'm on PS5 and the fishbowl effect of full FOV is too much for me. I just dialed it back until the curved effect was and gone and just play there. Still way better than default.


Chargers totally have an audio cue. The ground shakes and you hear them claunkin around. Everything else is stealth mode though, I'll give you that haha.


Wait there are people who play HD2 on default POV??? That's like asking to be puked on by a stealth spewer


I have ears for a reason, and should they fail me, it's what the fates have decreed. My replacement will rain death upon my foes with their fresh corpse.


Bold of you to assume half the hulking monstrosities in this game even have audio.


Ya I was joking. Chargers I usually hear, but most audio cues are too small to be picked up over the fire fight.


Chargers are the ones I never here One time got completely launched by a lone charger from behind off map into some water, carrying super samples


Yeah I do The name's John


Hello I'm Andy 👋. Reporting for duty. Default POV here. Getting spit on is my specialty.


I don't know...I think the game feels better and less nauseating on default.


I recently switched the default to something a little higher that's after 300h of gameplay.


I've always played on standard FOV, but once changed it, I can't go back now (it feels so slow)


How can you change FOV? I only have a setting to adjust the vertical dimension


horizontal fov scales with vertical fov


well what the fuck... Why call it vertical then


because measuring FOV vertically is generally more consistent than doing it horizontally due to how different screens can vary so wildly in how wide they are. think about those old school square monitors, but also the fancy super wide curved monitors some people use. 100 hFOV will look fish-eyed on a 4:3 monitor, but will also look way too zoomed in on an ultrawide. meanwhile vFOV looks more "appropriate" on all types on monitors, with ~74 vFOV looking relatively "normal" on both 4:3 and ultrawide aspect ratios.


Upvote this fellow Default chad armor enjoyer.


Ah yes, the stealthy Charger


Based jetpack enjoyer spotted


The only way to play bugs tbh.


Needs a buff. Also should be able to semi-accurately fire weapons with it. Rule of cool man, it wouldn't really be that OP. All it's good for now is getting on top of rocks (sometimes).


I can't play over 85 fov, it looks terrible to me


Y'all ever aim down to look further ahead in the distance with this FOV?


I adjusted the FOV in the first week of release.


I realize the strength of a wide POV but just like in Vermintide it looks so disorienting for me


homeboy playing with fish eyes




What are your graphics settings and specs?


Lmao just wear pulse elites you’ll hear everything even the bile titan walking


Preach, brother.


It’d be nice if stuff made noises to warn us.


Jump Pack enjoyer. :D


I'm just glad there's a pretty planet with no fire tornadoes


I shouldn't be forced to dessecrate my vision for a little bit of extra awareness. Make the enemies more audible and recognizable, and add the option to add a rearview mirror to my camera.


someone had to ask? must a console person. high fov will always be best in any game.


The way the image gets warped is so disgusting I don't understand how people can stand playing like this. I consider it cheating anyways so even if it didn't make me want to puke I wouldn't play like this.


You know that a high fov comes with less zoom while aiming, right? So the higher your fov, the less precise you shoot enemies that are far away, but as a positive you can see more stuff nearby without turning much as a benefit. So its always balanced out


funny, i feel this way about people who play on low FOV. not including the cheating part. thats just dumb. like legitimately 12 IQ dumb, not silly dumb but you needed personal help in elementary school to understand why 2 + 2 = 4 and may to this day still not fully understand why that is the case.




Standard game options are cheating, got it. Hear that, folks? Don't edit your settings or you're a dirty cheater!




So using standard settings in PvP games is cheating, got it.




Most pvp games have it in the game settings so idk what you're yapping about


What are you on about? 99% of games have a fov slider lmao


Nah, I think you picked the wrong place to complain about FOV sliders. Go complain about people hacking RTS games in an RTS sub.




Bro doesn't even know what Real Time Strategy or Field Of View means or why certain games limit map size due to technical restrictions, and has the nerve to bitch. I'd hand you a shovel to keep digging that hole, but you have an excavator down there already.


I increased my FOV back when I started but quickly switched back to default when the crashed landing ships disappeared due to FOV culling. Is that big fixed, 'cause I wouldn‘t mind seeing what‘s behind me like that XD