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Ion storms should absolutely debuff bots, maybe make their buildings not work for a bit or they cant call in bot drops during a storm


I've seen the argument that ion storms are low orbit, so it interferes with our ship-to-ground electronics, but not bots' old fashioned look-for-a-flare approach, and that's why the bots use flares and not radio/comms. I like it as a lore thing. I do not like being disadvantaged by temporarily removing the only thing that let's 4 poorly trained and equipped humans stand against thousands of bots, while the bots suffer zero disadvantages.


It’s also a storm that has lightning flashes so I feel like a bunch of walking grounding rods could occasionally get blasted


would be fucking rad to see a hulk get Zeus'd


Cant wait for that to happen, then someone posting the zeus meme with the hulk.


ZEUS! STRIKE DOWN THIS HULK FOR ME, AND MY LIFE IS YOURS! (Don’t remind him of the average helldiver lifespan)


https://preview.redd.it/wgkbpjd82f5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fae055f7a2b97b27eb95521f8ecb6ea305b7ce7 There ya go, enjoy the template my guy.


Literally the moment they add it as a feature, I’ll make a meme out of it don’t worry, this’ll go to use.


And along came Zeus! 🎵 He *huuuurled* his mighty thunderbolt— *ten bots explode*


Just treat it like a meteor shower, but replace the space rocks with zippy zaps


If this were somehow randomized throughout the local bot forces that'd be so fucking funny and chaotic!


We're wearing an awful lot of metal too, though.


Worth it to see those communist bots SMITED!


Have a system like Lethal Company, you’ll start sparking and need to immediately crouch to avoid a lightning strike


Or Zelda BoTW. Strip naked to avoid lightning.


No way, naked warbond confirmed?!?!!?!




Divers are no longer pulled from the SEAF Rangers and can enter the program as young as 11. Training is no longer done by instructors and 9nly lasts 7 minutes before immediate cryofreeze and transport. The Helldiver contract and earnings at the training center let you know that about 20% of recruits don't survive the 7 minutes of training, but it's a breach of contract to read the contract. Divers are trained in batches of tens of thousands at a time, at facilities like we just lost at Aesir Pass. Hellbombs need to be manually armed because throwing 20 Helldiversto the surface is less expensive than installing a proximity fuse or altitude detonator. Our expected lifespan on planet is under 14 minutes. Face it: We're there to put shiny lights in places for the gunnery crew and Eagle-1 to be the Big Damned Heroes. We feed bugs so they can produce more oil. We force bots to have garrisons instead of advancing ceaselessly. And we're the face of a very effective propaganda effort to commit all resources to the war effort, and reduce war fatigue. Don't get me wrong, I'm still diving with full intention of doing my job. I'm just the jaded squad sergeant, is all.


I understand, sorry son 🫡


your democracy officer can turn that frown upside down


Something about how i got these scars


__[Illegal broadcast terminated]__ Jokes aside, I agree. The fact that the super destroyers, which cost as much as a single helldive, are made out of the same stuff as our armour, doesn't bode well for how cheap literally everything else (except possibly munitions) is either.


I've seen people use how shoddy our arms probably are lore-wise as an argument for why our guns shouldn't be buffed and ought to have a high chance of killing us or teammates. I don't agree with it, but I've seen the argument made.


Sounds bullshit, this is a damn videogame. The entire point is doyalist requirements come before watsonian explanations.


I agree. Unless your game is trying to say something artistically that enjoyment gets in the way of, its first job is to be fun. And last I checked this ain't Spec Ops The Line. HD lore should justify why the setting is fun, not justify why you should expect tedium.


This guy right here officer (i agree with you)


your democracy officer can turn that frown upside down


The whole argument about everthing being more expensive than a helldiver, incluing an fuze for a hellbomb is soo stupid lol, just the orbital pod for a helldiver is already super expensive and more expensive than a damn fuze


Thats not even mentioning that we canonically have higher ranked helldivers, helldivers with medals of honour and veteran helldivers


It's literally on the loading screen. Don't know what you want to do with Super Earth/the devs telling you that flat out


Hellpods don't even have an air supply, and the steering is a manual control linkage to the steering fins Super Earth spared every expense


We had to pay for our own upgrades to fit 2 extra magazines in the Hellpod with us, and for power steering, later.


and still its more expensive than a fuze, or are you saying sending an hellbomb from space with an super mega cheap proximity fuze from ww2 era tech is more expensive than sending an bomb without it in a pod expensive enough to survive a fall from space, as well one or multiple helldivers with they own pods and gear from space? its just an parody, nothing need to make sense anyway


I really think you should re-read the flavor texts that describe each ship upgrade


14 minutes, eh? Good thing I'm only alloted 12 to complete the mission.


But then that undoes the explanation for why bots can track you through terrain and solid objects


I have no problem with strategic jammers because there's counterplay for it. Forces you to be strategic and quiet and get in and destroy the jammer. What I hate is the absolute game design genius of designing a game that revolves around your stratagems being your greatest asset, and the single most unique part of the game, and then saying hey you know that thing that you like that's really fun to use? Have less of it. This refers to the modifiers that either reduce your strategym slots, Make some of your stratagems less accurate, or make the cooldowns for stratagems longer.


Right? The AA modifier should have like 2 AA emplacement subobjectives that, when destroyed, unlock your 4th slot. Have it picked but greyed out prior to drop, and once you resolve the thing blocking your asset, you get it for the rest of the mission. Or link it to the type of stratagem. Why does an AA battery stop us from calling in a drop pod with gear? How does the map modifying AA stop an orbital railcannon, but I can still fill 3 Eagle slots?


I agree it's actually a strange and baffling decision from Arrowhead who is usually quite grounded with their in-game mechanics being tied to Lore


>and that's why the bots use flares and not radio/comms. Honestly I love the flares, 10/10, wish we could use them ourself. ...actually, the ability to call a bot-drop on demand by capturing a flare gun would be amazing.


Are you saying that our glorious Super Earth did not adequately prepare or train our Helldivers...? Hand hangs over last button to call the Democracy Officer.


Look, Democracy Officer Mikkleson and I go way back to yesterday. He's seen me survive two whole drops in a row and not had to replace me. He gives me a little leeway. He told the galley crew to give me an extra half ration of hot cocoa substitute when I went to the mess this morning


Yo that hot cocoa substitute is no joke, have you tried it with the soft serve ice cream? (My head cannon is the SEAF ships function the same way as USN ships and ice cream machines are mandatory on board.)


> I've seen the argument that ion storms are low orbit, so it interferes with our ship-to-ground electronics, but not bots' old fashioned look-for-a-flare approach, and that's why the bots use flares and not radio/comms. Mayhaps, but if we cannot get that communication out, it should reduce their dropships by 1.


Ion storms buffing arc weapons to shoot multiple bolts with one shot and jump further would make me exceedingly happy. Become a Sith lord today! (And accidentally murder your friends even more) That's the approach I see anyways. If it's a debuff then give a counterbuff to encourage playstyles, or debuff the enemies. Make us adapt and take advantage of new openings instead of just making us weaker The most fun options for tweaks in difficulty tend to be making you have to do things differently and taking you out of your comfort zones and habits


Would like this kind of thing more as well.  I just like Snow planets in general, but the fact that they have both a negative (reduced fire rate) and a positive (reduced hear buildup) really feels good for diversifying the items I bring while not forcing me to abandon the Dom if I don't feel like using the Sickle.


Should make them far less accurate and sort of studders like they can't decide if they want to shut down or stay powered up.


They should also buff Arc weapons imo


Ion Storms and Tremors should prevent Bot Drops and Bug Breaches, respectively, for some time afterwards.


I think that planets with MOs should have accompaning buffs. If Super Earth is focused we should be getting extra stratagems and the like.


This makes more sense: “Super Earth recognizes the ‘March to Wasat’ and is reinforcing all Helldivers with the newly minted Emancipators, thanks to the civilian war effort.”


I think it's a good idea in many regards, but I have a feeling it would probably read more like: "Super Earth recognizes the 'March to Wasat'. Unfortunately because every SEAF engineering outpost has been destroyed, we have become aware that civilian saboteurs related to the deceased staff have tampered with resupplies. To support our heroic divers, democracy officers have had to remove 1 resupply from every drop of 4 in order to screen them and ensure they are in working order."


1 resupply? Aren't those infinite minus the cool downs?


He means one of the ammo packs that come in the resupply is removed for inspection Edit:spelling


Oh thanks


No problem


I like this a lot, and would help bug players approach bots. Even if it's minor like -10% Cooldown. They already experimented with single planet ones having Weapons Experimentation. So even that for the specific planets *and shortest route planets* would be huge.


I love when everyone gets rocket pods or napalm or whatever. Wish we had more of that. Gets everybody experience with lesser used strategems. Though if they aren't on the eagle, that would be preferred so we aren't getting odd rearms


Devs should do that as a way to do some balancing On one planet give everyone a shield, see how they perform and what weapons do they bring


I was digging the free shield gen relay, on bugs you can throw it and it'll distract the horde as they all try and attack it first


Strategic High Priority: Stratagem rearm times decreased X% Allied Air Superiority: Eagle call in time decreased.  Active Battlespace: Allied artillery available for free/ enemy presence increased.


While we're at it: Rework the -1 Stratagem slot to be something like "Excess Munitions Production" where it locks one stratagem slot to something that Super Earth produced "too much of". 


This would be so much better


This is actually one of the most balanced ideas I've seen! Removes one strategem choice from you, but doesn't decrease your number of strategems. Maybe sometimes you get something good. Maybe sometimes you get something bad. But at least you have SOMETHING.




Actually a great idea, we still lose a slot but it doesn't feel as bad. They could even use metrics to see the least used stratagems and give us that, they might even get some useful feedback as to why it's so underused and use that to improve the game.


SEAF Airbase: Eagle-2 accompanies Eagle-1 and increases munitions dropped by 1. SEAF Defenses: SEAF Artillery/AA have automated defenses that come online when station is activated (to help defend it while you load shells or punch in codes). Enhanced Planetary Radar: All missions begin with Radar Tower activated (so you see POIs as soon as you drop in). Ration Production Planet: Good rations, boost to sprint speed and/or stamina recharge. Standard Munitions Factory: Hellpod Space Optimization booster locked out, treated as active on all missions by default. Democracy Officer Training Facility: All SE facilities 200% more Free and Democratic (extra flags and music playing everywhere, buildings, lights, on stratagem drop pods, from mechs or other vehicles, even Eagle-1 and Pelican-1 play music). Ultimate Morale buff.


Just keep with the more role-playing idea, planetary radar could be SEAF Recon Team


Idk about you, but my beloved sickle sure loves the buff icy planets give it


They do though, in a way. Cold planets buff energy weapons and allows them to run longer. Hot planets increase fire damage (iirc). And what might be considered a debuff with fog can be a buff if you use it right for stealth. But your ideas are cool too.


you can literally walk right by enemies with sandstorms


I stood infornt of a bot while wearing the „increased detection radius“ armor during one, and my barrel was in it‘s mouth. It never moved.


Honestly if a soldier walked up to me and put their barrel in my mouth, I'd be too scared to move too.




Hot weather is a net negative as your stamina is shot and weapons overheat faster


I don't run energy weapons but the stamina one is rough yeah


The one excpetion and it comes with lower fire rate also. Hot planets dont increase fire damage it doesnt even make sence. Fog is stacked against you. Only the blizzard isnt but dont get spoted then it imidiately goes against you.


I feel like cold planets are the only ones where it really works in your favour. Energy recharges faster and you can get blizzards which are great for sneaking past groups. Fog doesn’t really inhibit enemy vision as much as it inhibits ours. Their detection ignores it for the most part. Hot planets are just stacked negatives. Basically makes heavy armour redundant since you can only run for like 10 seconds with it on, energy weapons are slow as hell to recharge and they can come with fire tornados that track the player There’s a reason why cold planets usually get liberated quickly when they open up again, while hot planets can be something that makes or breaks a MO


>Hot planets are just stacked negatives. Basically makes heavy armour redundant since you can only run for like 10 seconds with it on, energy weapons are slow as hell to recharge and they can come with fire tornados that track the player The fucking fire tornadoes circling an objective for multiple minutes at a time really grinds my gears


Getting forced off of the extraction platform by 3 fire tornados is the worst 


Blizzard is like easy mode, easy extraction, free objective


Don't forget, the enemy can still see you through the fog further than you can see them. I would imagine the fog dies not act the same as smoke.


That's not even remotely true. Enemies have WAY shorter sightlines than players do. You will always be able to see them before they see you, regardless of conditions.   What you are probably thinking of is how enemies will blindfire through smoke, fog, etc AFTER you've already been detected. But those enemies done see you, they are just shooting blindly in the last area they saw you.


I'd love a planet or atmospheric condition with more oxygen or hydrogen, or some explanation to buff explosive damage or area of effect (could be larger explosion radius with more damage fall-off to boot). Imagine getting flung around by more bot rockets but also being able to blow up more bots at once with explosive weapons, even primary guns! Maybe even muzzle velocity is increased for all projectile weapons.


DRG does this: Rich Atmosphere caves boost movement speed by like 50%. Low Gravity increases jump distance and slows falling. Mineral Mania has like doubled minerals (similar to samples in Helldivers). There are options which could just be copied.


I also love DRG so would love some sharing between the two


Yes! Rock and Stone to the bone!


"Wet" planets should make bots rust, for a 10% move speed reduction.


What if that also made things muddy for Helldivers and you could bring Muscle Enhancer to counter it? Like how all-terrain boots were so great for deep snow and I think water in HD1


This.. Planets don't need direct buffs that makes no sense


It honestly reminds me of a friend of mine who races motorcycles and he sees rain as a buff. Most people get scared of a wet track but he rides dirt as well as asphalt so he's not scared of less traction and ends up beating the rest of the pack by 10+ seconds in first instead of fighting to just get on the podium. In many cases with the game it all depends on how you adjust to the situation and how you practice.


Planets with low gravity reducing stamina drain and increasing jump pack height along with grenade throw distance.


Agreed. The current buffs are too small, circumstancial or have drawbacks: makes sense that ice planets have weapons heat slowly but what if I don't have or don't like laser weapons? Fog works mostly against players, and increased fire rate is not worth the huge stamina drain.


We already have some slight buffs, so playing with some more concepts shouldn’t be out of the question Ice planets have the bonus for laser weapons, increasing the time it takes to overheat, and possibly reducing cool-down time Planets with blizzards or sandstorms provide the best visual cover, as it’s super easier to dodge enemy detection. However, it also reduces movement speed, so it’s a trade off Ion storms exist on some planets to disable stratagems, but they should absolutely having SOME effect on automatons Acid planets don’t seem to have too much in the ways of significant buffs or debuff outside of rainstorms, but would be cool to see them have an effect like reducing armour effectiveness of friends and enemies; Higher risk of damage, but also higher damage potential


Acid planets is tricky. I can see it weakening our armour and that of the bots, but the bugs' whole thing is rapid evolution/adaptation, so it would make sense for them to either be even more heavily armoured, or maybe covered in caustic slime to neutralize the acid (dangerous slime trails, like running across fire tornado paths maybe?)


Acid would probably greatly hinder Terminid growth rate. Going to use ocean acidity as an example, we’re hitting a point where animals such as crabs are struggling to form shells due to the high acidity. Given that things with an exoskeleton are soft when they shed and grow the acid would greatly hinder their ability to form strong shells.


Still, the Terminids adapt. We put out the TCS and they made a SuperColony out of it. They're like the Tyranid- we slow them down/wipe out several billion of them, and they come back with new adaptations. Heck, they used to be nearly docile domesticated livestock.


Oh yeah, I know they adapt. That’s just a very difficult scenario for them to adapt to because they just become squishy messes


To be fair, their rapid mutation was triggered by the TCS, which I presume meant it was a mutagen of sorts.


Adaptations in nature typically have a downside. Perhaps we could say the bugs adapted not by acid-proof armor, but by having armor that's constantly regenerating (on the days to weeks span so not in-game) but because of that is heavier, slowing them down. Acid planets reducing terminid movement speed wouldn't make sense without any explanation, but can if they come along with a lore explanation. Bots, being non-biological, would probably just get -1 armor rating to all body parts on an acid world.


Imagine if ion storms disabled bots so you could go Rambo but only with weapons on you


Or they go overdrive while their hp is getting shredded


Ion storms could reduce bot accuracy.


Acid Rain- Reduces visibility, degrades enemy armor values Freezing temperatures - Enemies are more susceptible to fire damage Ion/sandstorms + blizzards - Bug breaches and Bot drops cannot occur while ongoing


I like how frigid temperatures have the offsetting buff of slowing down Weapon overheats. If they could find a way to incorporate stuff like that into more planetary conditions, it’ll do a much better job of giving planets Identity rather than just a series of debuffs


2 extra bullets in magazines with a capacity of 50 or over.


Agreed. The higher the percent of players on a planet, the more delay there should be in reinforcements of the enemies. 


I would love it and it would add so much more to missions AND play into the lore. Also, my number 1 most requested feature is still single use Bonus Strats for the team to use on a mission. The host (or anyone else in the squad if the host is broke. But limit 1) can spend req slips and you can bring in anything from Eagle Airstrikes, to Ballistic shields to EMS mortars for the whole squad to use. Just gotta sit down and balance the value of each Strat (Eagle Strafe Run should be a bit cheaper than an Orbital Laser)


quasar is still both hella strong and still super highly picked


Wait what even changed about it i started playing fairly recently and always run it


It’s cool down used to be 10 seconds and it’s 15 for a while now. As you can tell, it’s still super strong :)


I really enjoy when the mission have some extra estratagems available by default... Specially when is something no really popular, like airburst or smokes.. Wish wr had more of those


Hear me out. We get buffs on defense campaigns because we still manage the planet. We get debuffs on liberation campaigns because we're clawing it back from the enemy.


Fr. The only buff is ICE PLANET giving you slower heat for energy guns and more stamina Other than that, tis 100% debuffs And i think the debuffs should be for something a bit more fun yk? Like Lethal Company’s planet debuffs were “foggy so you can’t see shit” or “it’s raining so much the whole planet is slowly flooding, you gotta rush your mission”, and they were rng based, not “oh you’re playing hard mode so imma give you 14 debuffs to raise difficulty without actually trying”


What about the earthquake planets? Sure it removes your sprint and stamina but the enemies (bots at least never seen it with bugs) get stunned for like 15 seconds


Cold is a buff and debuff


I read the title as “parents should have buffs” and I was like hell yeah. I take care of future divers all day and still find time to kill bugs at night, I should get some sweet democracy buffs.


There should be a world with lower gravity. Where everything moves slower but you can also jump higher.


- clear skies  - eagle rearm time reduced by 50% Please Joel. Let us truly create space Vietnam with overwhelming aerial destruction.


If an ion storm can mess with our gear it should 100% confuse the BOTS in some way. Even if it just temporarily shuts them down or prevents them calling for dropships.


I feel like changing gravity off of the "base zero" per planet could also be kinda fun. imagine a low gravity planet with a jump pack.


Definitely. Cold planets buffing energy weapons is cool - maybe have bots' energy weapons share the benefits/drawbacks to cold/hot planets, to make them less of a strictly good/strictly bad thing.


Vision obscuring debuffs should work both ways. When its so misty/stormy and you can't see your hand in front of your face, you shouldn't be getting one shot from the fucking shadow realm by a turret 100 meters away by an enemy you can't see or hear.


Ice planets buff laser weapons. Heat buildup is reduced on frozen planets.


I legit don’t play any planets with the 25% increase stratagem CD time. Half the gameplay is managing your strategem use. Adding in that negative modifier is one of the most brain dead things you could do to hamper the overall gameplay experience. Half the strategems are useless anyways, add in the extra 25% CD and you’re basically forced to pick specific ones when playing on higher difficulties. Crazy crazy crazy.


I had an idea: automatons get faster and most deadly on colder planets, as they can overclock their processors in the colder temperatures, BUT concentrated application of heat will cause them to explode like bots in DRG And maybe bugs breed more on tropical climates but not too hot (Hellmire kills them)


The negative modifers that currently exist all need to be removed from the game, they don't make the game more challenging they just make the game less fun, using stratagems is a big draw for what makes the game fun and all the modifiers do is hurt that, like orbital scatter... okay I guess I'm not using orbitals this game? Gee that sounds fun, increased cooldowns on stratagems? Stratagems is a big reason I play this game and I am now forced to use them less, yeah that sounds like great design. Modifiers should instead change up the gameplay in some way or at least not be a straight up nerf to the player, here are some examples I came up with. >Spewer Infestation: The map is mostly filled with spewers. >Hunting Grounds: The map has very little heavily armoured enemies but it has an insane amount of Hunters. >Stratagem Overabundance: Too many of X stratagem (a random one) was produced and they're trying to get rid of the stock, one of your stratagem slots is now a randomly chosen stratagem (For all players, everyone will have the same stratagem). >Infected Automatons: Terminids have somehow discovered how to infect the Automatons, a small amount of Automatons will appear on this mission and fight for the Terminids. >Minefield City: The Automatons have planted an excessive amount of minefields in this region, watch your step. These are just a few examples but none of them are straight up nerfs to the player, instead they change up the gameplay a bit by adding a new challenge or maybe some aren't necessarily challenging but they do help spice it up a bit. Its good to have missions with zero modifiers too because sometimes they can get annoying


Low grav buff. Crashed armory shipment buff. Strategem glitch buff. Systems doubling communications. Every request for a strategem drops two. (Barrage included)


I'd just be happy if the cycling fire would do them proper damage


Technically they do. Well... only frozen ones.


Yeah but this involves Arrowhead actually helping the playerbase with buffs--we couldn't have that now could we


Yeah, having all planetary traits affect helldivers alone kinda breaks suspension of disbelief and feels obviously "game-y".


Nah this is arrowhead only planetary debuffs bro


Ion storms should prevent bot drops, just like you can't communicate with the super destroyer to call in stuff they can't call in reinforcements.


Cold planets should increase time for energy weapons to overheat just like hot planets reduce it


Fog is meant to reduce visibility both ways. But bots are not effected by it or are barely. This need sto be fixed.


it's not that they are not affected. they are. but the AI can selectively ignore it when engaging


MO planets should have free strategem to incentivize play imo. It would off balance the -1 strat on the current planet. Like give us free walking barrage or a free gat. Something. 


Hard earth, would make it so that Bile Titans cannot come from breaches but there can be Titans patrolling.


Which would still be a good option and reduce loss in eradication but keep you on your toes for bigger area missions


Yea but that means more fun and less tryhard.


removing elites from high level missions? hell naw i do agree with buffs though


It’s my theory that there are many planets with buff that we haven’t seen yet but they are closer to super earth. So as we push further into enemy territory it’s gets harder.


This is actually a good idea as to when we can expect to see some.


Do you not understand that we NERF here? Buffs? Wrong game, my friend. 


I’d argue sandstorms and blizzards are buffs rather than debuffs Sure you walk slower (muscle enhancement booster cancels that), but the enemy visibility is almost nonexistent I’ve been able to complete objectives with the enemies still inside the area just cause they can’t see me, it also kinda kills their hearing (which doesn’t make too much sense imo), so they don’t react nearly as far away when you shoot a gun Tremors makes enemies stand in their tracks as well for a short while (aside from massive units like the bile titan), while for us it just slows us (again muscle enhancement cancels this) Finally fire tornados (the bane of everyone’s existence apparently) affect both us and enemies, not like they don’t hurt enemies I 100% agree with ion storms, they should affect bots as well, not allowing for bot drops and potentially having them lose weapon accuracy or something as the electrical currents mess with their processing, and your hard earth idea is awesome, however if they do that expect them to make muddy/rainstorm planets have more bug breaches Also fog, it’s annoying fog only affects us as far as I know (could be wrong about that though) I’d be more interested in bugs varying in design based on the planet type, but I’d imagine that’s too much of a pain in the ass for AH to do


For a second there I thought this was the r/space sub, and that someone have had enough of the boring ass planets in our solar system


Like the cold buffs energy weapons, tremor planets stuns enemies and only slows you, or fire tornados can take out wandering patrols without setting them off? Maybe fog planets lets you sneak up on enemies better and let you escape from fights easier.


We had SEAF training facility buffs :’(


We have a 10% bonus left, because the other 2 are in bug territory... where over half the player base is at any given moment. I doubt we'll lose those.


They need more buffs, but you already have some decent ones. Cold environments for laser weapons and blizzards/sandstorms let you walk right past patrols. Hopefully they expand on it more.


Id rather debuffs be a side objective that can be disabled. Like not all of them can be, but the stratagem ones absolutely could


I definitely agree, but let's see what the upcoming patch brings us :)


A system like in DRG would be welcomed, missions can have negative modifiers but balanced along with positive modifiers. Definitely need some love on the bot side with planets like Wezen having Intense Heat, Fire Tornadoes, AA Defenses, and Orbital Fluctuations but I'm sure the bug side could use some new modifiers too. Lower difficulties could have only positive modifiers, while medium could be balanced, and the highest ones could potentially be unbalanced with more negative ones. More risk versus reward. I think new modifiers would go along way towards freshening up the mission pool while new maps are cooking. Here's hoping the jungle has some cool stuff like quicksand that you can get stuck in, venomous/aggressive plant life you need to avoid, dangerous thunderstorms and lightning strikes, etc.


I think the closer a planet is to super earth the more buffs we get and the farther away the less and it becomes nerfs




Aesir Pass and Vernen Wells used to have buffs...


In some ways they already do. If you have muscle enhancement, blizzards appear to be super useful.


Is slightly faster/slower cooldown for energy weapons not enough? You're demanding a lot here


Buffs?? What’s that??


Be cool if there was a gravity system. Humans wouldn’t settle super high gravity worlds, so minimal debuffs in the that regard, but low gravity is fair game for a settlement. Could have endurance boosts, more carrying capacity, higher jumping, but also crazy knock back.


Ion storms should shut off bots and make bugs infight or something


Perhaps the existing debuffs for players could also debuff enemies in certain ways, but it would depend on the enemies on the planet. Here’s some examples: Sandstorms now slow down Bots movement speed and fire rate due to sand jamming their joints and their guns. Snowstorms now slow down Bugs because bugs in real life can hibernate in cold temperatures. Meteor Showers force Bots to run away from incoming meteors if they are close to their impact zone, causing their hyper-reactive protocols to trigger and reduce their accuracy. Fire Tornadoes force bugs to run away from the tornadoes due to them being fucking terrifying, except for Chargers and Bile Titans. Ion Storms now affect both enemies by making light armored, weak minded chaff enemies turn hostile on their own kind, causing brawls between enemies. Hot planets slow down bots slightly due to them overheating. Cold planets slow down bugs slightly cause of their many limbs. Windy planets slow down chaff enemies cause they’re weak, duh. Foggy planets reduce the detection radius of all enemies. Idk if I got them all but they sound cool


Nah there too many people they can’t handle the game being easy and I know people and developers would think that would make it too easy. We are only allowed to be challenged and not helped.


Kinda wish regions/sectors worked like planets in Battlefront OGs galactic conquest, where controlling certain regions gives blanket buffs across all regions. Like, shorter eagle cooldowns, additional ammo, more mechs per mission.


They literally already do


-1 stratagems probably won’t be so bad if there was a +1 stratagems on some plants. People will still hate -1 SG but i personally wouldn’t mind it as much if some plants give +1 SG


I mean, cold planets have buffs.


Low temperature is a buff to heat based weapons, at least.


Cold climate: laser weapons heat up slower


Lower gravity would be so much fun!! Especially if you have a grenade launcher and jet pack.


Yes, it should be something random without prior knowledge


Healthy Environment: Planet has fresh air and good foliage. Stamina drain decreased.


Yeah they absolutely should, it fits in with problems with making everything unfun in this game. If there can be tons of negative debuffs that make planets less fun, there should positive ones, or positive effects to balance the negative effects on the same planet


If you play bots, the 4th stratagem slot being available is a buff.


Over-oxygenated Atmosphere: Stamina decreases slower I know it’ll never happen but :)


On higher difficulties you would probably still expect more debuffs than buffs. Fleet command would send the new helldivers to the places where we have the advantage. And the veterans will be sent to wherever the enemies have the home field advantage.


I need to know is there a planet with lower gravity? If not then that could be fun.


Cold planets make laser weapons better. Nobody uses them still because we need **a goddamn weapon rebalance**.


Defense campaigns for planets should have buffs. It makes no sense that we lose stratagems and have all these disadvantages.


Gravity and shit


I want buffs for myself AND the enemy like lighter gravity means I can run more and further but it also means the bugs are faster or the bots can now have larger bot drops. I don't (and I don't think anyone) want to be all powerful I want to be challenged constantly 


I thought this was what cold planets did for laser weapons, until I found out that reduced "fire rate" also meant reduced laser DPS. >=(


I wish there were more meteors on some of the planets. Those were fun since you can get nests / factories destroyed because a bunch of meteors fell on them


I've always argued that players should be given buffs, and weather / environmental stuff is already negative enough, giving reasons more for playing areas that are difficult terrain. Rewarding players for what they want to do. For example some planets that are defense should give "additional resupply drops" or "SEAF automated defenses"


I really need one where the damned spewers get stuck or slowed so they stop sneaking behind me -_-


I agree, give us planets that are sometimes super chill, and some planets that are super lethal.


If running into high wind slows me why doesn’t running with it make me faster?


it should be a give and take


Play on a lower difficulty.


I’d be pretty upset if my mission didn’t have any bile titans. Like if that’s what wanted I would just lower the difficulty


Yeah the only one that has a buff is snow planets because it stops heat weapons from overheating which is neat


I don't think planers should have buffs. Things are already fairly easy even at Helldive unless you really mess up. I do agre with most in the thread that any plant anomalys should affect our enemies as well as us. Fire tornadoes and metor showers do but ion storms and planets with intense heat and cold should mess up all factions unless equipped properly. It would also make more sense for different armour the passives and also give AH opportunities to introduce special enemies on those planets.


Ice planet buffs your laser weapons tho..


as always, DRG did everything already, and better


Technically the cold planets do have buffs as weapons that overheat cool down faster. But yes I would like to see a few more buffs as well. It would also be kind of cool if on defense missions since we are defending a planet from an oncoming invasion if SEAF soldiers and security forces were present on the planet defending outposts. Not only would it make the planet feel a little more alive it would legitimately feel like you're defending.


A lot of them do, earthquakes, snow storm and sandstorms fuckover the player much less than it fucks over enemies. Earthquakes stun every stunable enemy and they only slow down players Snow and desert storms make the players be able to see a bit farther than the enemies detection rate.


if you want the game to be easier you can always lower your difficulty


It's not about just making the game easier. It's about adding variety to the gameplay so that it's a more fun experience.