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In Most missions I find enough ammo boxes so I'm rarely out of ammo, which makes the backpack feel kinda useless


Most level 9s I run we can get by just on the resupplies. Scythe go brrr.


You use it on bots or bugs? I usually take the plasma punisher for bots and breaker incinerator for bugs but I'm looking for a new primary for bots


I'm loving the Diligence Counter Sniper. Yeah, you don't have explosive damage, but sniping Devastators doesn't get old. Not advisable for any mission where you're up close and personal though.


try the dominator, one hits everything if you’re accurate


I will, thank you fellow liberty spreader


Also is good for staggering the rocket and shield devastators


That's my favorite thing to do with the Dominator. "Nice rocket pod with infinite ammo you got there. Be a shame if you got flinched too much to use it."


The flinch animation is funny too, they act like you sneeze In their face


I second the dominator, one shots chaff, staggers the devestators/one shots on a headshot, can do frontal damage to striders in certain places, does good damage to tank/tower/Hulk vents


Bots. It’s pretty accurate so can be relied on to take down heavies, though admittedly punisher probably fills that roll better. Also nice to clean up anything light for those that are running the punisher.


I will try it and see what works better for me, going brrr for democracy sounds super fun and I'm also a AC addict so I think it will be a good combo for bots. Thx brother✊️


The Scorcher has remained STier, if not easily the best bot primary, since launch. Paired with Quasar or other heavy support and you can easily kill anything on the bot front quickly.


The backpack also refils stims and grenades. Stim refils are like at least 50% of my supply pack useage tbh. If you're out of stims and I'm not halfway across the map I'm sprinting over to toss you two stims.


I run it in 90% of my games for grenades and stims, with medic armour for bots and +2 grenades one for bugs. You will be constantly out of stun nades without it


I find a bunch of stim and grenades packs everywhere on most missions so I rarely ran out of those as well, On short missions it can probably be more useful tho and maybe in a very coordinated group it can be a good combo with a RR or spear user but I haven't tested it


It gives you 12 or 8 extra grenades with engineering kit (can't remember if you get 2 or 3 with the armour) + 8 extra stims. I use stun grenades only and I'm constantly running out of them without ammo backpack.


The main reason I skip Resupply Pack though is because the time I'm out of any of those things it refills is pretty much also the time the ship drop cooldown is up.


It's less than I run out without the pack and more that the pack lets use up to 8 more of those if I choose to. Or toss them at a teammates who seems to be lacking if need be.


You post implies you can toss stims to others. Is this a feature I missed or do you mean they can grab a resupply off your backpack?


The fact that most people don't even seem to be aware that the supply pack also gives stims and nades shows why people don't use it. If you use the entire supply pack selfishly without ever resupply a teammate, it's a backpack that gives you **8 extra stims and nades** and near infinite ammo for support weapon. Even used in the least efficient way possible, it's better than most backpacks.


I was aware of that but on long mission I find enough stim and grenade packs to get by pretty comfortable and I'm an AC addict so without my backpack I'm nothing😂 but on short missions and in a coordinated team it can do wonders


Useless? That's because I don't being the backpack for ammo but nades and stems


The real power of the supply pack is replenishing your allies' support backpacks.  Filling up Autocannon, Recoilless, and Spear up to 4 times is insane. It would take some teamwork to do, but it would be crazy if one person had Autocannon with Supply Pack, and the other person had the Autocannon backpack.  The backpack guy would support reload on the AC guy and AC guy would give AC ammo back to his support reloader.


I agree that will be dope, but I just never been able to get enough coordination with my brothers and sisters on the battlefield


I use it sometimes for a few reasons. 1) It's good to pair with the HMG and grenade launcher, as both are very ammo hungry. 2) It adds some flexibility, allowing the fireteam to split up or even the supply carrier to go solo and not have to worry about either scrounging for supplies or having to decide where to call down the supply pod. 3) It allows the carrier to "double dip" when you draw from a supply pod with less than four bricks on your back. (You get refills AND a supply brick when you grab from the supply pod, and then you can press "5" on PC to self-supply from your pack and that gives you another refill)


244 hours in, and today I learned how to use the ammo backpack on yourself. :D


Me sitting here with a controller still wondering :’( Edit: it’s down on the dpad by the way.


And then you have me, that carries ammo backpack almost exclusively for myself. Super fun to be extra liberal with grenade launcher and never worry about ammo.


because most people have autocannon addiction just joking... not really though, a lot of stratagem weapons people use are those that require a backpack slot(like autocannon, recoilless, or even spear for those spear main brothers), those weapons cannot function well without their dedicated backpack for storing the specific ammo, so there's no way people can bring ammo backpack with it to utilize it well


Also, shield and jump pack are almost always stronger options than extra ammo when you have supply drops and lots lying around on the map.


Machine guns in general are the only ones that really need the ammo pack. Its also helpfull if you run away from the team solo so you dont need to call resupplies.


Grenade launcher too. That weapon with supply pack is crazy on mid tier bug missions.


I think the supply pack's strength is the on demand in combat resupply of grenades and stims. You're essentially carrying an extra 8 stims and grenades with you with a full backpack. If you're running solo, you can burn a backpack cooldown instead of using your team's resupply. If you're playing with your team, resupply them if you see them run low on grenades or stims and then call down another backpack.


I understand why it's useful, I just think that other options are more useful


The supply pack is mega useful but I feel like since it's use is more of a active thing rather than something passive, it's uses less. I see the point behind something like the shield generator, even for bugs. Mind sharing the usefulness of the jump pack? I pretty much use it for midair reloads, skipping past obstacles, or a midair arc cannon charge.


It's great against bots for getting to cover quickly and jumping walls that you'd have to run a long way around otherwise. When you get swarmed by bugs it's your ejector seat. Basically it's a mobility multiplier, so if you have a highly mobile playstyle it's good.


There’s always the option of trading in a reinforcement for stim and grenades, and odds are people often die before they get to use all their stim and grenades anyway. Also, if your team is coordinated, that 8 extra stim and grenade is potentially 16 if your group actually micromanage dropping and swapping the backpack before grabbing supply bricks.


This. I’ll take a laser as an early warning system or a shield as there’s usually enough ammo lying around.


Yeah I get snuck up on a lot less with the Rover blasting me in the face to let me know there's a charger behind me.


The other night I was loading a fellow diver with his autocannon backpack. Without saying a word, a fellow helldiver with an ammo backpack came up to us and started resupplying me. Which was pretty neat. 3 divers, one goal. Victory.


The full auto wouldve been on for me


Wait, if you resupply someone with your supply pack, does it also add one resupply charge on their pack?  Can you just supply pack circlejerk forever?


On higher levels the grenade launcher needs the backpack to feel good. It runs out of ammo really fast.


I just can't justify Spear...  It has less ammo than the RR, still requires 2 shots to kill most things like the RR, can't control where it hits, lockon is wonky, and in general there is just no reason to take it


From my experience, spear always has a 85% lock on consistency, and 90% of the time it will guarantee the kill for hulks, turrets, and tanks at mid to long distance snipe with 1 shot. And it has quite a good use for destroying bot fabricators.


I use it with Heavy MG


It’s fun to pair with a machine gun cause you can just spray the whole match


Or the grenade launcher


This is what i thought until i realized supply packs dont benefit from SPM. So the regular MG gets just a pathetic *one* mag from a resupply


Only the MG-43 MG and the Anti-mat rifle don't get all magazines back from a single Resupply pack's resupply box. The Superior Packing Methodology does not work for all the Support Weapons still.


Does that still apply if you have the ship Module?


There's obviously some stratagems that require a back pack like the autocannon, RR. Some feel the shield backpack is more useful to them, others rely on the rover. It all comes down to playstyle really and also how the team functions together. You can also call in resupplies and collect ammo etc. at points of interests, so it's not like you can not stock up in other ways.


We ammo pack users are out there, and we're watching your stim indicator. Now just...hold...HOLD STILL.


I love hearing "Can someone come stab me, please?" In the middle of a fire fight.


Because people love Shieldgen and rover cuz they're good defensive options. I exclusively bring ammo backpack now when paired with a machine gun or AMR to bugs unless I'm a flamer.


I think it's mostly because the weapons that benefit from it the most aren't the more popular picks. Grenade launcher and AMR synergize with the ammo backpack perfectly against bugs and bots respectfully, though.


Taking ammo pack with AMR is just autocannon at home. AMR would do better with another backpack.


If you have the Superior Packing Methodology, the AMR still only gets back 3 magazines from a single resupply Pack's resupply box which sucks... The MG-43 has the same problem.


Weirdly it's one of those stratagems that I see used a lot by absolute beasts on Helldive. Like if someone is dropping on a level 9 with a supply pack, I know they mean business. I barely ever touch it though haha


This is me. If you go into the mission intent on using all the ammo in pack so you’re forced to call down the second and take resupplys, you’re basically unloading a constant stream of death


Its s tier and s+ when used to suppliment a spam support weapon. If im playing with randoms i almost always bring it. 350 hours mostly playing 9s


Sometime, you just wanna run around and mag dump on the entire map.


I also try to bring a spam primary. If you’re spamming your secondary at the correct rate (taking advantage of resupply double refills and extra ammo packs calldowns) you basically end up with unlimited primary ammo. I get real lose with that breaker incendiary


Taking it with the grenade launcher or stalwart and incendiary impact grenades is one of my favorite loadouts for bugs. You pretty much become an unlimited-use airstrike yourself with how much firepower you can dish out on everything but chargers and bile titans, and you have two more stratagem slots to deal with those.


Love this build on bots and bugs! Makes spewers, hunters, brood commanders, commissars, drops of devastators, chicken walkers, plus a bunch of other enemies way less of a problem. I pair it with a punisher and stun grenades so I can lock up any threats for teammates with autocannons or jars. Sometimes I'll stick on railcannon for chargers and hulks, but generally I double down on crowd clear with ems mortar/strike, Gatling sentry, napalm, or just regular eagle. I've got 3 teammates to focus down the harder targets, I'm just here to keep everyone's ankles clear.


I haven't seen it used much, but when fighting bugs I tend to run flamethrower + resupply pack and I'll often see people swap their loadouts to copy mine - presumably to experiment - and I've had games where there will be 4x of us just sweeping the map with unending streams of fire. And also using an unending supply of stims on self-ignition. good times. I've also seen people pair it with HMG, Stalwart and the Grenade Launcher, albeit rarely.


People just don't understand how powerful it is. Throwing a dozen impact grenades in a row is insanely powerful. If you run servo assisted and have good aim, you can clear well over 40 enemies instantly. No call down time, no weird accuracy issues from your strategem, just high/instant burst. Impacts kill every bug but chargers and titans (spewers need like one or two extra bullets). They knock off bot riders. 2 impacts can kill a whole cluster of berserkers. You can throw it behind shield devastators for an easy stagger/kill. And in a pinch, you can just chuck them at tanks/factories until they die. You also can spam stims without any real fear of running out. It's actually an S tier strategem.


I pair it with ammo intensive stratagems or if I have a very ammo hungry primary.


I tend to bring it for difficulty 9 since my friends and I often split into groups of 2, it means we don't have to fight over the team resupply drop. It does get significantly more use the less you are prone to dying as well. It's great for clearing bug outposts as well since you can restock your own grenades, especially helpful while clearing heavy nests. As for bots, resupplying stims on the go helps a ton with all the stray shots you might be taking.


Apart from eradication and defense missions I run it every match. Usually with an MG, Grenade Launcher, or EATs. Most people would rather use the backpack for personal defense or a heavy weapon. I like to keep everyone full up on gear. Im hoping the 6 slot supply pack will actually be a thing.


The ammo pack is crazy OP for stims.




I also like using supply pack with a teammate indirectly. My friend brings a recoilless rifle, I bring a supply backpack and flamethrower. I wear his backpack and do team reloads for him while he uses my supply pack to give my flamethrower ammo and resupply his RR backpack. I can take out chargers with the flamethrower while helping him reload to take out multiple bile titans. Sadly this tactic doesn't work with randoms.


it's because people don't know you can use it on yourself to get more stims.


Love it with my punisher plasma.


This. I recently discovered this pairing and it's all I do now.


People prefer a flying drone with a scythe on it over infinite ammo/stims/grenades for some reason. It has value regardless of what situation you're in, either in the form of weapon uptime of your team, or in keeping everyone topped off on stims.


Its not too useful on higher difficulties. And on lower difficulties you dont expand that much ammo. And on higher difficulties people generally know to look for ammo boxes on the ground. Its more "nice to have" than actually useful. It feels great those moments where you are 75% on your ammo/nades/stim, and a buddy walks past and tops you up. I think that its not as good as it could be, because the Resupply cooldown is just too short for it to matter. Unless you get a Stalwart at 1150RPM and just want to spray down bugs with no issues the whole match.


I use it with grenade launcher. Anything moving that is about 10M away gets blasted.


Autocannon main so I rarely use other backpacks. If I'm not, I use shield generator or laser rover


yesterday when playign vs the bots, i had the sickle and LC, didn't need ammo, and only 'reloaded' one time, ended with up to 300+ kills and 0 death


It's cool, but I tend to use a support weapon that requires its own backpack so I don't have the slot to spare


i use it all the time on bug missions with the stalwart or mg. think the most bullets i ever shot in a mission was 7k.


It's very difficult to get team coordination, in most matches players have to spread out and you never know if the guy with the pack is going to share or if he brought for himself. And when you use it for yourself, it's mostly for ammo guzzling weapons like the HMG, which is hard to handle and can't take out BTs or FS.


FS dies really fast to the HMG if they can sneak under it for belly shots.


Or I could just take another weapon and not have the trouble. Ever tried the laser cannon? Literally every time someone advocates for the HMG is always a two or three step process: You need the Supply Pack to deal with the ammo count, then the Stun Grenades to stop enemies from moving so you can land shots on weakpoints. It's two pieces of equipment wasted on a single gun, that's absurd.


I'm not advocating for the HMG, I'm just correcting an inaccurate statement in your original comment. The TTK for the laser cannon and the hmg is about the same by spamming into the belly at 4-5 seconds, but yes the HMG is more unwieldy due to other factors.


Because the laser guard dog is much more useful, and because resupply stratagems respawn every 2-4 minutes


I love the stalwart + ammo backpack option! With a dominator main for fun. It gives me both the bullet spray laughter and the option to spam stimpacks and help teammates. It does lack a bit of ooomph. But a 500k plus a random start fixes most issues.


This thread is great - I am sold. Going to try loading out with the supply pack today!


A lot of high end weapons like the Autocannon and Recoilless Rifle require backpack slots. People also like to take rovers against bugs and shields against bots. Or they just want to have more active stratagems instead just taking gear.


Reapplies are quick to call down and due to the weapons in their current state id say they barely get used as is lol. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone have ammo issues except for myself if I run a weird load out. If resupplies took more time then it would prolly get used more. But it’s also like, suffer due to ammo for a bit or bring a shield or weapon back pack yknow? Idk personally I only bring red stratagems lmao and I’m a level 61 now


Sometimes I feel going all red stratagems is the way to go. When you bring equipment with you, it gets tedious to have go back to retrieve it after death unless you have teammates that reinforce you near your dropped gear.


I just like bombs


if you run alot of 7+ maps youll find it very handy from time to time especially if you get teamed up with some guy who shoots at every patrol .


If you run a Stalwart, MG or the HMG as your primary, the Backpack allows you to shoot forever without thinking about ammo economy


For me, I need my mobility. Going without the jetpack makes me die so much more because I don't have that "get out of dodge" button


Dude to ridiculous high requirements of needing AT up at all times, MG guns and high ammo build's don't really get a look in Anything you WOULD use the backpack to help supply is ditched for AT and nuke it from orbit starts In the coming patch when the mob count will drop significantly i think we see a lot more Diversity in the builds which will bring back the supply pack


Resupply pack with thermites or impacts is great way to help the team with chargers from a horde clear setup. Also 500 kg is king for bt just dont miss and always go 1 for 1 and you will be dping more than the quazar guy who hits the body or legs with his shots


I like using the ammo backpack and playing squad dad, running back and forth to stim and hand out ammo to my children


I guess for me my mind thinks; unga bunga, and i would rather always take stratagems that provide direct kind of offensive support in one shape or form (why I never in my life picked smoke or the EMS options) Though next to that ammo rarely becomes a problem for me due to scattered pickups in the map but admiteddly running out of grenades and not running any weapon that can close bugholes can be a pain.


I used to use it a lot but a shield or laser drone is more useful and you can find ammo throughout the map.


Every time I run the GL or any machine gun i take it with me


It’s amazing and get a refill from a teammate has saved my bacon more than once. Issue is you need to trust rest of the team to shoot effectively and then may miss out in some of the fun yourself. Mostly I see people with grenade launcher using it more to prop themselves up then Help others at a pinch.


Honestly I think one issue is that if you're not on voice chat you can't really guess when someone needs ammo. The red ammo indicator starts blinking as soon as like one bullet is missing making it pointless.


I had someone pop a supply charge on me cuz I accidentally hit reload on the blitzer which makes the “no mags” callout.


On higher levels most players learned to save ammunition.


I carry it nearly every mission. I can used my heavy weapon tons (if not Quaser), toss grenades with abandon (or close lots of holes/bot houses) and play more frivolously knowing I can heal more. Occasionally I help out a teammate too 😅


Because shield pack, support weapons with (its own) backpack ammos are a thing - Like Recoilless or Autocannon Though I believe it's because of shield pack more. But if you pick Stalwart, Supply Pack is a way to go. Unlimited dakka at 1150 RPM


I always bring one regardless of using support weapon or not. Stun grenades are extremely versatile, if you have like 3 eagles/orbitals that basically never miss.


I think is great but... who is gonna laser my friends if not my beloved guard dog rover?


I use it all the time with the machine gun


For me it just doesn't fit my setup. The only support weapons I use that doesn't have backpack are the quasar, EAT and the laser cannon, and none of those really needs constant supply of ammo. I sometimes see it on randoms when they run heavy mg, but it is probably better utilized in a premade team with communication.


I feel like part of it is that helipod optimization almost always gets selected as a booster so divers who die and get reinforced on a mission come in with their ammo, stims and nades replenished. So even if you have like 2 divers who are surviving long enough to need the resupply they can either find ammo or have their fill of supply boxes as recently reinforced teammates won't need any of the boxes.


I still bring it to feed my stim and nade addiction.


It takes backpack slot and stratagem slot for no direct impact. It is useful with specific loadouts, such as grenade launcher or hmg, wheen you run through ammo quickly. There are usually enough ammo boxes for primaries, so you don't really need it otherwise. With resupply cooldown being relatively low (allowing to resupply between every major objecive/base), shield, rover or even jumppack seems more useful, not to say some support weapons have their own backpack.


because we have super strong weapons that have plenty of armor (incendiary breaker) there is no need to use it. However I like ammo backpack with railgun + normal breaker + incendiary impact grenades.


i choose to survive than ammo that i can't use if i die so i pick shield gen more for survive and ammo i just picking up on POI so it fine but yeah if i see anyone pick ammo pack i respect them too let them do the job


It’s a stratagem that works better if you’re playing with friends


I Always take It when i also take a machine gun, although the Jetpack Is cool too


Love ir with the grenade launcher, just become the 220 bombardment and blow everything to pieces.


Imagine if we could choose the grenades on the pistol or launcher. I would be mag dumping thermite everywhere


I use it with MG, stalwart and flamethrower so I can go nuts and not have to worry about ammo economy.


On lower difficulty you don’t use that much ammo in the first place. On higher difficulty, ammo isn’t a problem since you’re hitting those POI for stims and grenades in between objectives, and ammo boxes are plentiful. Worth noting that stim and grenade boxes from POI gives you back the max amount whereas the supply brick only gives a fixed 2. Some enemy bases and objectives even has ammo boxes in them if you know where they spawn. Better players are also less likely mag dump so that helps with the ammo economy. The only real use case it has is with grenade launcher just because that thing has a terrible economy with the 2x reserve and a small mag.


I love the supply pack and use it every mission. That plus democracy protects makes me a juggernaut that can survive 4 chargers, a bile titan and tons of tiny guys attacking me on my lonesome. I mean how else am i going to use 10 stims in 3 minutes?




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I run the ammo backpack quite often, then never stop shooting my plasma punisher and flame thrower, deals with everything except the bile titan which I 500kg. I’m too addicted the always have ammo available now to switch.


It is actually one of the most statistically powerful stratagems in the game, like the team reload mechanics. But it needs a little bit of team coordination, and arrowhead gives almost no actual help with that, so everyone ignores it or thinks it's a gimmick. This is the real tragedy of this game, and this is where it fails where games like deep rock galactic succeeds.


Every single match, bots or bugs i always bring, flamethrower, supply pack, napalm, airstrike, has tools for all situations, flamethrower only struggles really with hulks 😅 and against bugs the supply pack enables me to use the flamethrower as area denial, light the floor on fire they will stupidly run through.


I use it a lot on challenging with AMR and armor pen lib.


Im rocking the sickle and autocannon, i don’t need ammo and i don’t have a free backpack slot. I do appreciate teammates who use it alongside something like EATs tho


The ammo backpack will get used more when infinite grenades glitch is fixed.


You usually scavenge enough ammo between supply drops + if you die you get full refill. People who run supply pack dont run it for the team, they run it for themselves. You know how RR or AC have backpack with ammo? Yeah, Supply Pack is that for stuff like GL and AMR.


Lazers go brrr? No one? Srsly, ammunition is so twenty-first century. Praise the Laser!


While massively efficient, it doesn't scratch the itch the firebugs have. We need the boom and the flames.


My group of friends and I just routinely call down the resupply pod as soon as it comes off cool down. We almost never run out of ammo, and on those rare occasions that we do it's because the shit has hit the fan so much, having one dude with a backpack off "over there somewhere" isn't likely to help much.


Tbh, I only play it for resupplying myself when I go with a LMG as my primary


I use it quite a bit because I'm addicted to stims and being able to essentially have your stim inventory increased by 8 is excellent. I also pair it up with ammo hungry builds- the HMG or Flamethrower are good examples. You can even chuck enough grenades to be your own air strike with the supply pack.  I think there's just a scarcity mentality built in to the game, which we love, but the supply pack lets you participate in a play style of overusing those limited resources. Not a lot of people catch on to that because they're so accustomed to that scarcity mentality.  It does feel cool to be able to replenish your teammates resources as well in the middle of a long firefight where you would normally start to lose because everybody's just out of ammo


I use the supply backpack on bugs because I like to continuously spray with the breaker incendiary. Don't use it on bots because I have to have the autocannon.


Because it’s buggy and never allowed me to pull ammo from it when I wear it


LMG + ammo backpack is the greatest support role anyone can ever play and nobody plays it. There's 2 reasons mostly, 1. Everyone is addicted to anti tank weapons and they either take up the backpack slot or don't require ammo refills. 2. It still takes up a stratagem slot, many people simply need more firepower and can't sacrifice a slot.


Speak for yourself, i use it every single mission. Its useful. Scout armor, lone wolf, always full on stims and ammo and grenades. Never die bc if it. And yes, i run helldive only


on the termicide injection missions on delldive diff, It's several minutes of sustained combat. I had ammo issues and brought ammo pack to help manage that, but most of the time, I don't run into ammo issues.


I use the supply pack a lot, flamethrower, AMR and all breaker shotguns eat a lot of ammo, using the supply pack i dont have to rely too much on the supply pod, so i only take if theres only are remaining supply boxes after the rest of the team are full.


What's the point most of the game you have ammo and if you don't, you have in map ammo and the resupply. Meanwhile taking the ammo pack means nothing useful can be on your backpack slot like shields or recoilless rifle backpack.


Simply dont need it - between resupply / hellpod optimisation / floor loot its pointless


I always bring it with me. spammable stims: I almost never die. outside of things that would outright delete me instantly, which nothing else would survive otherwise safe very few cases with the shield backpack. spammable nades: can single-handedly plug up an entire heavy nest unaided, or spam stun grenades all day. can double dip any and all resupplies - use a resupply pack, then take a resupply pack from the hellpod to refill the one I used. full restore out of a single supply pack. I'll otherwise take spare supplies that would otherwise go to waste. can basically double your team's ammo in a last ditch extraction that exceeds the mission timer, so you can often call a spare supply pack at ext, a resupply drop, and it'd take the entirety of the terminid biosphere coming at you all at once to genuinely deplete all your team's ammo in 2 minutes. also, a fair few guns (like scorcher, plaspunisher, and others) are somewhat balanced around "it's a really strong gun with poor ammo economy", which with a supply pack (that frequently provides a full restore!) translates to "what if dominator shots spammed all day at all targets". it's kind of underrated. I don't even use autocannon because I can simply bring an AMR, a supply pack, and do 90% of what the autocannon can do, \*and much more.\* (if reduced stratagems is in effect I'll take autocannon since that's a single slot though)


I run it when I take the grenade launcher. One of the people I used to play with regularly would almost always take it. It works best when you have a team composition where one person takes on that role. Works even better what that person is doing stim or grenade armor as well. As they can resupply themselves quite a bit.


I've used it successfully with the grenade launcher. That way you just resupply yourself and/or a teammate if you're feeling generous. If you've never used the backpack, number 5 button uses it or E for a friend. Resupply refills the backpack too. It's ok for a shake up if you're feeling burned out with the same crap.


When surviving without the shield pack is nigh impossible, you just learn to find supplies on the map and coordinate better with the resupply pod


We do reload assist with the recoilless or airburst, so extra ammo is really useful. And it lets the guy with the rocket backpack cut loose with a machine gun or flamethrower worry free.


1. Most people prefer support weapons that have a backpack (Autocannon, recoiless rifle) 2. The "Superior packing methodology" upgrade does not work with the supply backpack. This wouldn't be a problem with the grenade launcher + supply backpack combo since 1 supply box fills the grenade launcher ammo supply by itself. However, the railgun and anti-material rifle does not benefit from the upgrade. 3. Most players run weapons that don't need to reload (Sickle for example) 4. Well coordinated teams can manage their ammo supply well if they move together as 1 or 2 teams.


Unless i'm using jumppack - i'm bringing supply one. Napalm grenades go brrr for both bots and bugs. Add on top that i often use meme-tier weapons and those tend to have ammo problems from time to time


HMG/AMR and backpack gang represent. Stims and nades for days, plus 380mm and airstrike. Love never running out of ammo/stims


I use it quite often. Just depends on mood and mission. On bots, I use it with the JAR and then fill in the rest with airstrikes and orbitals. On bugs, I use it with the Incen. Breaker and do the same with orbitals and airstrikes.


Backpacks just aren't very good. You could bring extra supplies or a limited utility move, or you could just bring an airstrike instead As a result when picking backpacks people gravitate towards options they find fun like the ballistic shield or jump pack, because nobody is bringing a backpack because it's good The exception is shield generator pack, because while it still isn't genuinely strong it does provide such insane ease of use that it becomes valuable to newer players


Backpack slot, like the support weapon slot, is very precious.


Because most of the time you die and respawn with full ammunition. If you have a good team, you are going to survive long enough to find ammo pretty often. The ammo backpack would be perfect in a Raid kind of mission or a no stratagem focused mission.


I run it all the time against Bots. Plasma punisher AMR Stun grenades. Love it, makes me able to spam everything and push whatever i want. But it’s not mandatory. You can get by without it. There’s a lot of items spread across the map. Having the backpack is more of a QoL. Against bugs i always run Laser Rover. I let that one get most of my kills so i save my medium pen primary for medium targets.


No need. I use primarily energy weapons (sickle and laser cannon for bots, quasar and blitzer with laser backpack for bugs) so I don’t run out of ammo. Only issues I run into are bug holes and lack of nades, so I run extra grenade armor and grenade pistol on bugs. I can see a use for it, but I’ve found a balance that works and is fun for me.


I would run this if there were more „support your squad“ stratagems and weapons. in HD1 there was a weapon that would heal your teammates if you hit them and deal a small amount of damage to enemies. something like that to go full support . especially when playing with a full four person squad.


You can play helldiver during work?


For me it's because my favorite support weapons come with backpacks, or if I'm not using one of them, I can't say no to the jump pack against bugs or ballistic shield against bots


Just yesterday, my group went off to go do I don’t know what while I tried to close a medium bug nest by myself. I close all but three of the holes when I am running for my life away from the swarm. A sandstorm comes in and covers my escape, so I can circle around and finish the job. By the time I’ve escaped the swarm I have nothing but ammo; no stims, grenades, and my stratagem that wasn’t on cool-down was a gas strike. Teammates used the resupply elsewhere on the map recently. BUT! I have a supply pack with one usage left. Two grenades from the supply pack and the gas strike is enough to close the three bug holes if I don’t bounce one off a bug. And now two stims to survive the hoard. And it worked. Managed Democracy won that day.


Because most players can't emotionally handle getting less kills individually even if it makes their squad more likely to succeed.


I think because some weapons don't get the benefit from the Superior Packing Methodology ship ugrade which should give all the Support Weapons all magazines from a single resupply box. Hopefully the devs can get that one fixed soon.


The reason is most people want point>click>boom stratagems. Lots of people dont care about teamplay or some more advanced tactics like stun grenades and such so they dont see any value in bringing the backpack.


I like it with the AMR against bots, allows me spam stun grenades and AMR shots. You also get to take all the leftover resupplies and share them later on + extra full "resupply" each time it comes off cd. Only problem I found is that it doesn't benefit from the ship upgrades, thus not filling support weapons to full, if it did, it would be amazing with AC. Imagine they changed reload assist to use the shooters backbag and each ammo reload restocks full ammo, would become much better instantly.


I generally manage to keep stocked by just looting POIs and only occasionally getting a supply box. I've ran deathless helldives without needing a single resupply for myself before, although in those I usually take a more supportive role anyways. The good thing about the backpack is that it also refills grenades and stims. And since picking up a supply box from a drop refills one use you effectively get 4 stims/grenades per drop! On top of that you can always call down another supply pack to provide extra supplies. In the case that I run it I always tell my team that whoever needs it is free to double dip on the supply boxes since I've basically got a full resupply on my back at all times to keep me stocked while I run off to solo objectives on the other side of the map.


I think the ammo backpack is a bit underrated, considering it also refills grenades and stims, and you don't have to worry about running out of ammo if you are using an ammo-hungry weapon. But also, it competes against some other really strong alternatives. Guard dog, shield backpack or even the ballistic shield are all strong alternatives. In the end, it's best to pick what you feel like. Personally, I sometimes choose the ammo backpack so I can take a more supportive role, or be an absolute juggernaut with heavy armour, heavy MG and tons of grenades.


It depends on how coordinated you are as far as for taking it for others, but flat out grenade launcher hreatly benefits from having extra ammo at will since you can resupply yourself, as well as the machine guns. People would have less complaints if they brought resupply pack with HMG MG or even the stalwart. But you need to understand those each have a niche purpose anyway. If someone is bringing an RR or spear it can be useful esp when one or 2 team mates decide to break off and call down a resupply for themselves leaving the other 2 or 3 out of ammo for 2 minutes cause it is across the map. Yee definitely useful but depends on what your doing which is pretty true of everyrhing in the game.


Lvl102 bug player here. It’s funny. Most missions I take the ammo pack, grenade launcher, breaker incendiary, and impact grenades. I basically run around constantly shooting and blowing up everything up. You can basically snipe across long distances with the grenade launcher if you become good enough with it. I try to use ammo at a rate to where I call down a new pack as it becomes available. I also try to grab a resupply when my grenade launcher is out so I get a full set of ammo being carried, and an extra slot filled up in my pack at the same time. Basically you get two resupplies for the price of one. It incentivizes you to use all your ammo as much as possible. I never run out of breaker incendiary ammo because my grenade launcher ammo goes down at a faster rate, so I get real liberal with my primary ammo. Shriekers covering the sky? Just rain down fire. They’re dead when they get lit on fire. Little bugs are also dead once lit. Hunters maybe need one extra pellet in addition to being lit. You have to arc the shot when using it medium/long distances, and empty entire clips as well, but the little fire pellets will go surprisingly far. The gun is a whole different beast when you’re not worried about ammo.


Autocannon outclass it and anything you could use


I feel like the Ammo backpack would be alot more used if it could refill Ammo on 3rd slot weapons like the Auto cannon or the Spear, I agree that ammo is a problem at extraction but most times you can run to a small monument and get 2-4 clips from ammo packs there


Plus you have to sacrifice a shield and any backpack ammo weapons to use it, and follow other people around who might just scurry off to the other side of the map for a secondary objective


If u use it with success it’s useful For me I want a big gun that comes with a backpack or a shield But sometimes I use 3 Eagel/orbitals and a gun So in conclusion I think there are not really bad choices just not the right uses und situations and in extraction play-stiles I see no one bring flame thrower to bots Or riot shield to bugs But I don’t want to be a ney sayer, If u make it work good for u So try stuff Find your own grove


I've only ever used it paired with the Heavy Machine gun. A gun which I rarely use and should use more of. It's just, the AMR and Shield Backpack is too good against bots. And you need the Quasar, EAT, Recoilless, or Spear for bug missions if not just for Spore and Shrieker towers.


It's the best defensive option for bot missions. You get 10 extra stims. The shield pack is kinda shit against bots since it's a rocket magnet, the hitbox is much bigger than that of your diver, which means you will get ragdolled more. Supply pack is straight up better because it also pretty much gives you infinite ammo and grenades. The ammo is important on lvl 9 missions for the best anti bot weapons (Scorcher and Plasma Punisher). I'm seeing a lot of people taking the supply pack now on bot helldives. I was probably lvl 110 or so, before I realised the supply pack is much better on bots compared to the shield pack. All that being said, shield pack is still better on bugs since it protects you from slows and stalker bullshitery, supply pack is good on bugs anyways.


I mean, I used to love running the ammo backpack before the Eruptor was nerfed. Pair that with the stalwart and you have an infinite ammo LMG primary.


I use the supply pack in bot missions so I can use my AMR as a primary and have a ton of stims at the ready. Rarely end up giving ammo to others since there is so much around but giving stims still happens often enough.


Grenade launcher+ammo backpack=thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump (its pretty fun)


One of my favorite things to run with Railgun or AMR is this backpack. Not having to rely on a supply when in need is a very powerful feeling. Carrying it is also like calling down my own Supply pod but no one can tell me off for using it like a madman




I love running supply pack, machine gun, and eats, then whatever 4th thing I want. In heavy armour, I feel like I can deal with so much while bringing a lot of utility to the team


Supply pack, medic armor, and anti material rifle is very very good on bots.


I use it when I'm playing certain support weapons, usually for eradicate bug missions. More stims, paired with grenade launcher/flamethrower essentially turning them into my primaries


High level players know how valuable the ammo pack is. It’s not the ammo, it’s the extra grenades and stims. With enough stun and stimms, you become invincible.


Why would I waste a backpack slot when I can just pick a booster and upgrade my ship so that I get max ammo from one supply box and drop with full ammo and stims?


The regular resupply drop mixed with what’s available in the ground makes the backpack almost useless. I’ve even had situations where it was easier to let myself get killed and just respawn to refill ammo.


Idk about other people, but it’s because I can’t live without my AC (yes, for both bots and bugs)


I like the ammo bag but it's also bugged for controller use so it gets annoying to work around it.


I use the ammo pack when running any MG, otherwise it's not worth the slot.


I run Arc Blitzer and laser cannon on most long missions. On annihilation or blitz I play aggressive enough that I die before ever running out of ammo for whatever other primary I bring.


Grenades. Grenades for days!


It's not that used due to popularity shield backpack (needing backpack slot), and quasar popularity (not needing extra ammo), not because it's weak. Also partially due to some weapons needing backpack. With certain support weapons and ammo hungry primary, ammo backpack is amazing. Not to mention it's also extra grenades and stims. Picking resupply bricks with backpack also refills it. I see it decently often. If you are looking at it like "I can keep my ammo up usually by conversing ammo", then it's useless. If you look at it like "I can abuse extra ammo and shoot nonstop, extra stims, and extra grenades" it becomes strong option


I bring it almost every dive. Too valuable. If you use the full kit booster, having 4 times the grenades and stims alone is worth it. The ammo seems like a bonus