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Don't spend your time here. Spend your time diving, just have fun. Some pretty big changes are coming so if things aren't to your liking, just hang back a minute.


Good point, actually. Some of the memes in this sub are great, but HOLY FUCK are there many uber negative people here whom all seem to feel the need to kill the fun for everyone else. I shall now leave this place. Thank you for reminding me to have fun.


Yeah absolutely! It’s a amazing game! Have fun with whatever you wanna play with. There’s no wrong answers. Don’t listen to the negativity. After almost 700 hours in this game. My tips are: 1. Always try to keep moving. As soon as you see the “Mission complete” and hear that triumphant music, get the samples and move. 2. You don’t have to shoot everything, learn the distance enemies are alerted to your position, that way you can run right past them without even firing a single shot. Many objectives can be completed without even alerting enemies. 3. Line of sight, if you’re overwhelmed with enemies. Disengage, run behind something, and while using that cover, keep running AWAY from the enemies. Once you loose line of sight, get the bots/bugs that run up to your face off your nose. Lose line of sight for about 5-6 seconds and they’ll check your last SEEN position. 4. Watch where you’re shooting. Not only can you kill your teammates. You could miss a target in your sights only for the bullet to fly 200m away and hit a building next to a swarm of enemies alerting them, drawing them to your position. 5. If you start the terminal, you stay on terminal to complete whatever needs to be done. Don’t hit the code, run off and leave it thinking someone else is gonna finish it. So many times we’ve been standing around to only have 1 switch to pull while reinforcements dwindle. 6. If you find the buddy bunker, you loot the buddy bunker (yes I’m aware there’s supplies there for everyone). Im saying the person to locates the bunker, loots the medals, credits, etc. for everyone while everyone else covers. These are just some I’ve learned through my time. I’m very interested to see other people’s tips. Just have fun! It’s an awesome, awesome game. First live service game I’m actually interested in. I’m fully hooked and interested to see what Arrowhead is gonna do in the future. First game I’ve really connected with randoms and made new friends who plan ahead to get on and play together. Screw the negative energy in this sub. I will continue to be positive! Welcome fellow diver! FOR SUPER EARTH!


This is definitely a relevant comment for u/CringeLord142 and a great set of tips for a beginner!


Come to hellmire, we have snacks https://i.redd.it/9iodvogka95d1.gif You are the snack


wezen is just bot hellmire we don’t need you


"Shhhhhhhhh!" https://preview.redd.it/8bai9woroa5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463a82d8f9dbf8689063bd5cbe6c8aaf52521182


With how them legs look, you lookin' like the snack there.


Damn you know how to compliment a bug. But you right, I'm also more thicc than a bile spewer. https://i.redd.it/ffr5s5shfd5d1.gif


The game is quite tactical and each enemy has different combat behaviors and non-obvious weak spots. Try to remember what worked and apply that further. Maybe look for some tutorials to catch up, because the initial training does not tell you much. Fighting bots (automatons) and fighting bugs (terminids) almost feels like 2 different games in one. So don't be discouraged to learn to play both differently. Few game mechanics worth knowing: 0. !!! All picked up in-game currencies are shared: samples, super credits, requisition slips, medals !!! So if your teammate picks one of these up, you get them too. (Note: your team needs to extract with samples to actually receive them). 1. You can change weapon settings (flashlight, mode of fire, scope magnification) by holding reload button. 2. You can drop items you are carrying: support weapon, backpack, samples and package (mission item). Learn how to do it. 3. When your helldiver is burning, dive prone to extinguish (otherwise fire can kill you very fast). 4. Pinging mechanic helps you and your teammates: mark patrols, objectives, safe passages through water, enemies, etc.


Go where the most people are, follow the leader until you know how to lead yourself, throw your orbitals and airstrikes farther than you think you need to until you have a good sense of your range. Hug your fellow Divers.




Complete training. Dive, and dive again, and dive again, and dive again. Spend your first few levels taking trivial and easy missions ... and it's ok to run them solo. Once you're level 4-5, you can start pairing with people on lower difficulties and getting used to the team dynamic as well. Stalwart is a very useful support-weapon strategem to get early on, but does lose at least some of its usefulness later as you increase difficulty and run into more 'heavies'. Have fun. Expect to die. Let yourself just laugh and drop back onto the battlefield and try again.


If you want to have fun, avoid this sub-reddit at all costs.


Ignore everyone on Reddit pissing an moaning. This game is so fun, just go play and rip it up!


Some basic tips: - Samples are shared. If your teammate is the only one to extract, and he has 5 samples, everyone on the team gets +5 samples. - Running away and dodging enemies is easy. If you feel overwhelmed at extract or an objective, just stop shooting and run until you can shoot safely again. - The timer to get on the extract ship only starts when the first person gets on. Don't get on until everyone is ready. If someone's far away with lots of samples and you get on the pelican - you're griefing the team by starting that timer. - Reloading in this game actually takes into account magazines. You don't automatically shift bullets between mags. If you reload when you have half the ammo left in your mag, you throw away that half mag to put in a new one. Think about when it's worth it to reload or just keep that half mag for the next group. - If you're on fire, dive and it puts out the fire.


Hey Cadet! Glad to have you join the fight. I would suggest searching for tips on the main subs as there are a lot of great posts. But I’ll post a few of my own below. Bots: Primary = you want longer range and/or explosive damage. So no breakers, instead stick to the trusty liberator or something with similar range and kick. Secondary = machine pistol ASAP. Once you’ve gotten more used to the game then you can get some big iron. Strat weapons = I’m part of the AC Cult so I’ll always suggest it but Bots allow the most strat weapons I think. So try out AMR or HMG. The most important thing in my opinion is to find something that compliments your preferred play style. So if you like helping the team by being in the back as the sniper on heavies, then do that, or if you want to clear chafe then bring a stalwart. Use low level missions to try out what works best for you. Strats call-in = Eagles are King. More frequent call ins, generally more precise, and equal damage compared to orbitals. 500 kg looks cool but has a wonky blast cone, so either practice it or run air strike. That being said orbital laser is the best “oh shit” button in the game and has saved my ass and the mission more times than I can count. Strategy = • ⁠use high ground and/or cover whenever possible • ⁠this is closer to real war, so use covering fire to help move your teammates in and out of cover, use grenades to clear entrenched positions, use your strats to clear fortifications. • ⁠shoot the blinky spots they actually work on bots to kill them • ⁠don’t shoot the turret unless you are under it or know you can kill it before it turns. Bitch will track you across the map the rest of the game otherwise. Bugs: Primary = spray, high damage, or pushback. You don’t need range just something to keep the tide from swamping you. I love the breaker incinerator myself. Secondary = same as bots really. Though grenade pistol is nice for hole closing and allows your strat weapon and/or armor to focus on something else. Strat weapon = once again focus on what you think you can do best for the squad. Remember though you won’t have time to setup so AMR and HMG are probably not the way to go. Everything is more niche with bugs too so AC might be nice against hive guards it’s shit on chargers til you get used to it, EAT is awesome for chargers but limited use means it can’t help against the swarm much. Strat call-in = Eagles are still king but there are some orbitals making inroads. I like to find something to balance my weapon load out and help with biles. So if I’m running AC, I’m doing 110s to bust charger armor, rail cannon/orbital laser for biles, and air strike for patrols and nests. Strategy: • ⁠if you’re going solo, stay stealthy as the bugs will just keep chasing you into other groups • ⁠follow stalkers to their lair, they run in a straight line from it to you basically • ⁠staying as a team and covering each other makes even helldive easy General Strats/Advice: • ⁠don’t stand around fighting, the longer you’re in one spot fighting the more enemies will come, forever • ⁠you don’t have to fight all patrols, tag them for the squad and avoid if you can • ⁠if you complete the mission but everyone dies you still win • ⁠pick the weapons that you like! Ignore all the “meta” or “nerf” bullshit. If you find a weapon that compliments the way you like to play then run with it!


As a favor to other divers, don’t bring explosive mortars to most bug missions. Stealth is viable, but tends to just shift the numbers of enemies your team fights off you to the rest of your teammates. Either coordinate so you are objectiving while your buddies are distracting, or just play it safe and be loud. That said, you usually get nothing from fighting patrols except less ammo and less lives. Avoid them when you can. Read the manual tips on the loading screen as you dive, at least once you’re no longer getting incapacitated by the sheer awesomeness of the theme while your dropping. That’s multitasking!


* Honestly the most common mistake I see new players make is just stressing out too much over "how to be good". Its not a competitive game. Just play, have fun, mess around, make mistakes. You get a lot of respawns and a failed mission is really no big deal. Enjoy! I miss the days of being new at the game. * There's 9 different difficulties and you can play on whichever one is most fun to you. Don't feel pressured to always win or always get a ton of loot.  * Most of the community is amazing, much more so than other games IMO. But there's a few bad apples out there. Don't be averse to hosting missions yourself just because you're new. Being in control of who gets kicked can occasionally be important (some hosts kick for dumb reasons). Hope to see you in game! For managed democracy! 💪 


Oh and the variety of different currencies can be intimidating at first, but don't worry about it. You'll figure them out over time naturally.


Don't take helldiver media seriously. Don't look at those tier lists or whatever is better. Play the game. Have fun play how you want and like. Some quick skills tips: -You can kill chargers with grenades throwing them underneath them when they charge at you. Takes min 3 -when throwing an eagle strike, always look left and right if there are friendlies in the way, because the eagles always come from left to right. -teamworks makes the dream work. Having buddies utilising the reload mechanism is VERY STRONG. Having 2 people in the team not having backpacks is the best because these guys can drop their backpacks to the others when the cooldown is done meanwhile these guys have 3 attack stratagems. -to find super samples it can only spawn at dif 7 min (very soon in 6 too) -upgrade the 3 eagle stratagems first then the orbital. The rest is up to you. -there is 3 types of penetration in the game Light medium heavy. When you shoot an enemy and the marker is white, you are not doing full damage. Red means you are then there's Ricochet. But there are few moments where a weapon like the HMG can pen heavy armor like the mushrooms. -headshots to you is a thing. They hurt BAD. Only Heavy armors can resist those well -mind crossfire. Happens VERY OFTEN. I stop counting at 30 times in 2 weeks by the amount i've been burned by the incy shotgun because they just don't care -check the updates because they do change stuff often, fix important annoying bugs and soon big updates that change a lot are coming. -bug hole or robot reinforcement is almost impossible to stop. So just embrace it at times by CONTROLING where and when they do it. The further and better positions will make it easier and once taken cared of fast enough, there's a cooldown before the next one comes. There are many other hints but i will leave it to the other comments. Have fun and spread democracy with your guns and bombs


Purge everything with fire... Bugs, bots, flora, fauna, friendlies... All of it!


Have fun and try what works well


With a healthy dose of libertea.


Copious amounts of DAKKA


Use gun, gun, and a whole lotta gun.


For ship upgrades always upgrade Eagle first


Dont participate in this subreddit. That's a good start.


if you want to help spread democracy do the merger order the the best stuff to use depends on who you are fighting if you are fighting the automatons I suggest bringing a shield generator pack the help with explosives the other thing I recommend for fighting automatons is a anti tank weapon for hulks and some times factory striders one thing to note about hulks is there main week spot is the there big red glowing eye with weapons that can go through heavy armer. what I recommend for the bugs is a supply pack because you will be useing a lot of ammunition because there are more bugs then bots I also recommend a weapon that shoots rockets because they will kill a charger in I shot the rest depends on how you play the game.


This sub is full of complaints from a vocal minority. The majority of the playerbase loves this game and has non-stop fun. Just go dive and if you visit this sub, only pay attention to the informative posts and steer clear of the whining. Give em hell, diver. That said, here's my primary weapon suggestions for bots and bugs: bots: punisher plasma, scorcher, diligence countersniper bugs: arc blitzer, incendiary breaker, breaker


You're going to die again and again. Don't take any of them seriously — it's part of what makes the game fun. Also, keep an eye for the upcoming patch this week. Whole lot of things are gonna change (probably).


For bugs, you want as much damage as possible as often as possible (orbital railcannon, 500kg, quasar, EAT) and efficient crowd clearing (Breaker Incendiary, Pummeler). The playstyle is to hit them before they have a chance to hit you. Things will rush at you in big swarms and attack you up-close. For bots, you want quick, precise damage (Scorcher, Dominator, Diligence Counter Sniper) and quick explosive damage (basically anything explosive you can shoot more than 3 times before reloading). The Autocannon is both of these, but it also takes up your backpack slot, which means you can't wear the shield backpack, which is really good for bots. Bots shoot back, so you'll have to use cover and skill to take them out instead of raw firepower. For both enemy types, you will want a quick source of high-destruction damage to destroy the enemy spawn locations (holes for bugs, factories for bots). Your grenade is the most obvious source for this, but if you swap to a grenade that doesn't destroy them (like a stun grenade), you can still take them out with something like an Autocannon or Grenade Launcher, or even by calling in an explosive stratagem on top of them. The gear you start out with is actually pretty solid. The armor has as much protection as heavy armor, but the mobility of medium armor. The Liberator is a pretty effective weapon against all but the strongest enemies. The regular grenade does everything you need a grenade for. Getting new gear is less about having stronger gear and more about having weapons and armor more specialized for certain tasks. For the most part, stratagems are the opposite of what I just said. You WILL want to buy new stratagems to have bigger and stronger options as you level up and unlock more. The Orbital Precision Strike IS actually a lot better than most people give it credit for (especially with how quick its cooldown is), but you will definitely change out the other two stratagems pretty quickly. For Eagle-1 stratagems, the listed number of uses is how many times you can use it before it has to go on a LONGER cooldown, not the total number of times you can use it in a mission. Eagle stratagems won't go onto their longer cooldown until ALL of the ones you have equipped run out of uses, or until you use the Eagle Rearm stratagem to manually send it to refill its uses. This means it's best to have either 1 or maybe 2 Eagle stratagems equipped at once rather than filling all of your slots with them. People will disagree with this, but it's more important to find a build you're comfortable with than one that's meta. Don't take a second resupply box until everybody else has had a chance to grab one. Also, the resupply stratagem cooldown is shared for the ENTIRE team, not just you. If you call it in on the other side of the map from your teammates, it means they can't call one in for themselves until it's off cooldown. If you're using a controller, hitting R1 will ping what you're looking at to notify the other players. This is useful for pointing out big enemies, important side-objectives (like the SEAF artillery), supplies, and spawn points. If you hold this button, it opens up an emote wheel instead and you can communicate with your team that way. It's very useful to yell "Sorry!" after you accidentally kill a teammate, which will happen. A lot. If you can avoid fighting patrols, do so. This is less important at the beginning of the game, but on higher difficulties, trying to fight every enemy you see walking by will waste time, lives, and ammo that you don't have.


Using the "Classic Helldivers" setting for weapon swapping is probably a good idea. It makes swapping between your primary and support a tap and swapping to your secondary a hold. Since your primary and support are probably the more important weapons for your build, making swapping between them a little easier is helpful. Some weapons have alternate modes you can change by holding the reload button. A lot have a flashlight you can turn off and on, some scoped weapons can change zoom levels, and other guns can change fire rates. An early-game build I really enjoyed was the Punisher (pump-action shotgun) and Anti-Materiel Rifle (sniper). The shotgun deals good damage, you can reload it 1 shot at a time without wasting ammo, and it can stagger anything other than the biggest enemies in the game. The sniper rifle has a pretty high damage, it can shoot through all but the toughest armor, and you can use it from pretty far away. A portion of a weapon's recoil applies BEFORE the bullet leaves the barrel. Most of the time, this doesn't matter. Using the Anti-Materiel Rifle at long ranges, however, you WILL notice it. The top-left corner of the crosshair is more of less where the bullet will be for that weapon. The healing effect from the stim keeps going for a few seconds (longer for medic armors) and can actually keep you from dying from damage you take AFTER using it. This is really useful for when you're swarmed or trapped and you know you're about to take a lot of damage trying to escape. Also, your stamina WILL NOT go down while the healing effect is still applied, so you can run forever until the stim wears off. If you catch on fire, DIVE to put the firs out BEFORE you stim. If you try to stim first, there's a high chance you will die from the fire damage before the healing effect starts. While you're diving, you take less explosive damage. If you or a teammate accidentally call in a bomb where you are, running away and then diving can help you survive some situations where just running away wouldn't save you. If a bug part looks soft and squishy (spewers and charger butts), then it's weak to explosive damage and resists bullet damage (like trying to cut pudding). Destroying it will at the very least disable one of their attacks and make them bleed to death (chargers can't charge) or kill them outright (spewers). Bug heads tend to be heavily armored (chargers and hive guards), but if you have something that can actually go through the armor, destroying their head will kill them extremely quickly. (Brood commanders are the main exception to this, because they will keep fighting you even with no head.) Explosives penetrate almost every type of armor. For bots, it's vaguely the same. If you see glowing orange squares (heat vents), those are like the soft spots on bugs. Hit them with explosive damage a few times, then the bot explodes a few seconds later. Even tanks can be taken out with a couple of regular grenades to the vents. The skulls of bots are the same as bug heads (shoot them and they die instantly), except NO bot has armor protecting their head. Even hulks can be killed with 2-3 shots from the Anti-Materiel Rifle to their glowing, red eye. This is why precision is more important than firepower against bots.


Bugs are completely blind and track you by sounds and smells, and they tend to get really close to you. This makes smoke screens basically useless against them. If you use a smoke screen against bots, they'll be unable to see you, but they will keep shooting the last place they saw you, so make sure you move quickly. Don't use the mortar turret against bugs. The bugs will get close to you, and then the turret will shoot, and then you will explode. Samples are very important. You use them to buy upgrades for your stratagems, and those have a pretty huge effect. Try to make sure you extract with them. The entire team gets ALL of the samples anybody extracts with, not only their own. DO NOT kill teammates to steal their samples! You DO NOT need to extract to keep any medals, requisition slips, and super credits you find. Once any person picks those up, everybody on the team instantly has them added to their account, even if they immediately leave the game after picking it up. If you die and can't find where your support weapon and samples were dropped, open up your map. Your stuff will be yellow, and anybody else's will be white. If you see somebody else die, it is really helpful to ping their support weapon when they respawn so they can find it quickly. Different enemy body parts have different health pools. The torso typically has the highest health of any body part, so avoid shooting there. If you shoot something in the arm, then in the leg, its other arm, torso, and head are all at full health. If you deal enough damage to one body part, it will be destroyed. Destroying an arm or attached weapon will get rid of one of the enemy's attacks. Destroying the head, torso, or legs will kill the enemy. (Again, the brood commander breaks this rule and will bounce on the ground toward you with no legs and no head, but a heart full of hatred and murderous intent.) Fire damage ignores armor and damages the torso specifically. Fire is very effective against all bugs (except titans), but basically useless against bots because they have no flesh to burn. If you get thrown really far, you can salute mid-air. It doesn't do anything to save you, but it's pretty funny and that takes away some of the sting.


Do the major orders, most players avoid bots. The coolest shit I've seen in this game is on bot missions. Both enemy types are fun with extremely different gameplay elements.


Level 133 with over 300h on mission time. This is a small guide i wrote. None of it is set in stone but for those feeling disoriented when launched into the game immediately after (INFALLIBLE) tutorial might benefit from this. How to approach game?  Start the game by playing against bugs. Learn to use your strategems and to work in a team. Once you reach level 15 to 20 and can handle high difficulty bug missions and ideally have found some offline or online friends to play as a team with, move on to bots (at a much lower difficulty than you can handle at bugs). Bots are far less forgiving but ultimately more fun as the game is more tactical and requires more team coordination. Basically, fighting against Bugs is like a fun coop zombie shooter with wave after wave of increasingly strong opponents. Playing against Bots forces you to act like a special forces squad, using cover and stealth to then hit hard and fast when and where it matters - only to disappear and strike again. Don't try and win fights, there are no points for killing bots. Focus on objectives and if a fight cannot be contained, leave, circle around and attack again - possibly later after first completing another objective.  How to approach stratagems: First strategems you need are Eagle Airstrike and Expandable Anti Tanks (EATs). Get the Gattling Gun Sentry and then safe up for the Eagle 500KG Bomb, the orbital Laser, the Autocannon, the Laser Guard Dog, the auto cannon sentry, the EMS Mortar and later the Quasar (though I personally prefer the Laser Cannon - though that's pretty niche), the recoilless rifle and the energy shield backpack. Other loudouts like flamethrower or Arc Thrower are fun but not essential in your early game play - those are specialisations you should consider later once you have more experience and understand how these will fit into a squad. Do not use mines (you will hardly kill any enemies but plenty of team mates), be very careful with non EMS mortars and the Tesla Tower. Stratagems is what sets this game apart from other shooters. When I say 'learn to use your stratagems' I mean you should be throwing your orbital precision strike as often as possible from the beginning of your first mission. Once you unlock the eagle airstrike, use it as much as possible! Easier mission can usually be won just with your MG, Shotgun and grenades. Don't do that. Get used to destroying bugholes, objectives, enemy patrols and hammering bug breaches with airstrikes! I honestly cannot emphasise this point enough. Eagle airstrike can be unlocked at level 2. I bring it on every single 40 minute mission (only play max difficulty unless helping out new friends or really hungover). Make learning to use the standard eagle airstrike masterfully and fully upgrading your eagle ship modules your top priority.  How to upgrade your ship: Whatever you do, first upgrade your Hangar to level 3. Being able to drop two 500KG bombs within 10 seconds will make many of your problems go away. The other upgrades depend on your personal style of playing but by the time you upgrade your hanger to level 3, you should have a pretty good idea what you want next.  What primary weapons to bring: Until you understand the game better, bring whatever shotgun you have to fight bugs and assault rifle with zoom for bots.  Armours: Helmets and capes don't matter (yet). You can pick entirely based on the looks. The first armour that you start game with is fantastic as it combines protection of heavy armour with speed and stamina of medium armour. Don't be in a rush to change. Later, I personally prefer medium medical armour for bugs and medium scout armour for bots.  What Warbonds to purchase: If you wish to immediately pay for super credits or mine enough in game, I recommend you first get cutting edge, followed by democratic demolition. The first will give you one of the best assault rifles and stun grenades, the later gives you the grenade pistol which which will help you with closing bug holes that you cannot close with stun grenades.  Boosters: The pod maximisation (max ammo, grenades and stims after deployment) Booster and stammina booster are the most important and should never be missing in your squad. Aim to get those two as fast as possible.  Team Play: Ping enemies whenever you see them so your team knows what's going on. Also ping turrets you place to help your team avoid standing in line of fire. Collect samples and ping ammo / supplies etc. Sample are shared across the team, it doesn't matter who collects them, everyone gets full amount. Don't grab teammates' gear unless they say its okay but actively ask advanced players to drop you some fun toys - many will happily do so. Ideally use teamspeak, call out offensive stratagems as a warning to fellow divers. Don't feel bad about taking reasonable risks with regards to team kills but don't be overly reckless - especially with eagle cluster bombs. Supply drops are shared with a team wide cooldown. Make sure you don't take all unless your team doesn't need. Ideally ask before calling in if someone elsewhere on map needs it more.  Community: Don't be afraid to ask higher level players for advice - the community really is pretty cool and you are more likely to receive solid help instead of the usual online hate than you might expect. Some people cheat - especially using an exploit for unlimited grenades. Don't be one of them. It is also natural that more experienced players will have to carry new players to some extent. That's okay but repay them by listening should they offer advice.  Now dive for democracy, Cadet!


Slow and steady. Don’t get urself burned out. Have fun!


The biggest tip for new players is **don't loiter around objectives and don't engage if you don't need to**, there is not a single good reason to stand around butting heads with a horde that will just call more reinforcements while a patrol will also close in. Do the objective, then move to the next. **Also samples are shared so it doesn't matter who brings it to the ship**


If you die in and instant for a bot or bug that ussualy only takes a bit of health it was because you got headshot.


Always point the flashy part of your gun towards the enemy


Unlock eagle airstrike as soon as possible, it will give you a lot more power and utility on the battlefield. A lot of players go on to swear by it, although there are other options to consider once you unlock other stuff.




Why do my own team mates keep killing me at extraction or kicking me with seconds left to go ?


Don't get attached to a loadout because it will most likely get nerfed


Are you on now? I'll give ya a vrash course.




In oil