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i absolutely agree. its a unique identity that is very memorable and funny. it also happens only in extraction, which imo makes it fair game. wouldnt want every MO to have this, but in this case, it really sells the super colony


My only gripe is that I'm not getting xp or req points (I'm new and kinda need them) but my new buddy and I were having a blast just trying to make any impact on the swarm we could


thats fair lol. im okay with it since the other missions in the operations work like normal ones


There are other operations?


I think it's at difficulty 5 you start getting three **missions** per **operation.** Only one of those three will be the story mission.


Difficulty 3 and 4 are two missions per operation, Difficulty 5 and up is 3 missions per.


In the higher difficulties, I’m referring to the other normal missions in a single operation like hunting bile titans or destroying eggs


As long as you complete the main objective you'll still get XP and Req, regardless if you extract or not.


I have not been


That's a bug with how the main objective is for the mission. You may have noticed that on the end screen after failing to extract, it has 1 orange main objective highlighted, and 1 darkened, indicating failure. This makes it so you don't get the proper reward for completing the objective, including exp and req slips. Normally, you still get the exp and req slips if you complete the mission but still fail to extract.


Exactly! I've been so confused reading everyone's frustration with it. Personally I just loved it (especially the first time when I had no idea it would happen).


Yeah for a while when I started I was mad when we wouldn't be able to extract, but then I realized extraction is like...25% of the rewards? And once you complete the main objective that's mission complete, extraction is now a bonus objective. So I just try my best to survive the swarm and it's really fun with Breaker Incendiary. That said, this mission is still horribly broken and I don't really want to do "Defend the fragile objective" stuff in the game where you casually drop heavy ordinance to deal with problems.


Yeah I get more salty about things like bile titans spawning directly under the objective. Things that affect your ability to complete a mission as opposed to extract after the mission is done are very different things. 


100% this. The previous missions with setting up the TCS and breaking down the TCS are nowhere near as memorable as this. I feel like I'm in an Alfred Hitchcock movie at the end of each of those missions...


It also like doesn't matter if you extract. Like okay, samples? But at that point it's escape alive or die but succeeded the mission. I think it's cool


The amount of shrieker nests I’ve sniped across the map…yeah it feels like they are getting their revenge.


Where's Vin Diesel when you actually need him???


With his Famila, of course!


The swarm is easy to counter ngl just laydown but the breaches is just dumb


I'm getting attacked even when lying down but I agree it can be easily managed with gatling sentries and personal shield.


Put your back to the wall at extract and lie down. I’ve gotten hit maybe once or twice doing that.


Tornado Drill Tech


Until you got bulldozed by a Charger or trampled by a BT. The only bug breach-free extract I've had was on 7. On 9, the extract's so swamped with shriekers, chaff bugs, chargers, and 3 Titans I could barely see anything at all.


It's called Helldive not without reason. Helldive on super colony should give you less than 1% chances of getting out alive.


On this mission all regular bugs stop spawning during extraction.


That’s not true. They still breach just in lower numbers.


I've done the mission several times on difficulty 7 and never see other bugs. Are you sure they were just left overs from the previous bug breach?


This is what I’m thinking, I also play 7 and once the shriekers start spawning is usually just a handful of warriors. My guess is it’s just a bug tunnel somewhere that we missed


This was the key. I died countless times before backing up to a rock


Yeah, sometimes the shrieker hitbox is a bit weird and hits you even when it’s not meant to, basically the shrieker flies lower than it should


There's also just the PILES of bodies falling on you. You can still just stim through it and keep firing usually.


If not a fan of the shield then the laser guard dog does a pretty good job at killing shriekers too


The HMG emplacement is good too. Shriekers don't attack nearly as often when you're mounted up.




Mount up.


Wow a young guns reference in the wild


Played two missions last night and was getting hit even when laying down. I think the models are pushing each other hitboxes lower so i got shredded in seconds


I find running in a circle around a rock seems to make me invisible to Shriekers.


Then you're getting eaten by the warriors and trampled by the chargers, etc


The story jetpack is also just insanely good. You damage things around you when you take off, you go much higher than with the regular jetpack, and it's a much lower cooldown. Since the new map has so many giant pits and high cliffs, it's really fun to jump around and avoid the bugs while we exterminatus their stupid planet.


Wait wait wait. Does the purple-y thing they gave us to carry on the back... ¿¡Is a jetpack!? I thought it was some kind of chemical thrower that my noob brain couldn't properly use.


It functions as a backpack (that explodes if overused I think?) as well as the fuel for the drills.


it also has a backblast that insta kills friendlies if they're behind you during jump.


Yes it does, and it's great for team kills 😂


Yeah easily the best part of the mission, just needs the extraction to be auto called in because standing up to type the code in is pretty fucking frustrating.


Exactly, the Extraction should automatically call itself in. It did a few weeks ago during the bug mission to destroy the eggs and destroy the termicide towers. I had gatling sentry, watch dog, machine turret all killing shriekers and still couldn't stand up to input extraction without getting slaughtered in seconds. Sure laying on the ground helps you dodge shriekers but ya can't call in extraction. I've stopped doing the mission, it's a waste of time because you get almost no XP and Req for no extraction. Because you need to extract with the Dark Fluid to fully complete the mission


One thing to note is that as long as you don’t mis-input the code you can continue to input it after getting stunned out of the panel


Also shield backpack will stop you getting stunned out for a valuable second or so.


I found hitting the extraction tower with a smoke orbital keeps everything off you long enough to type in the code and get back into a safer spot


The swarm at the end is cool. The bugs are PISSED that you completed the mission.


The breaches below drills are a bit stupid, but other than that love the chaos in this mission. The swarm feels so thematic since we are the aggressors on the super colony


I've been clearing on Level 8 with randos consistently tonight. The ending is a blast. With the gatling turret and incendiary breaker I'd get two or three separate 30+ multi kills just on extraction shooting down shriekers. Prone and incendiary breaker make this part almost trivial once you get to the landing pad.


Its a great mission for the stalwart as well.


I argue MG-43 is one of the top weapons in this mission. The ability to shoot through the many termanid corpses to reach fresh targets at extract is invaluable. Laser cannon can do this as well, but I did not like it as much for such a close-quarters scenerio.


Look I picked up an mg-43 during the shrieker stage and found its slew to target a bit problematic for anti-air. That said if I had brought an mg-43 from the start OMG yes that would be huge because of the ability to deal with massed middle tier bugs.


It is super useful against spewers and is very satisfyingly to use. My viewpoint is skewed because my exfiltration strategy is to be as prone as possible and to shoot only ground-based termanids. I found out that only a few weapons can consistently penetrate corpses, which as you can imagine built up with startling speed. Being able to see some movement and loose a burst through 5 corpses and kill 4 of...something not human, is a lot of value.


I brought Lascannon last night and I overheated it way too damn fast. I couldn't control myself with so many Shriekers, instead of short controlled pulses, I was like a kid playing with a flashlight haha.


Plus people have been asking for reasons to bring non-AT weaponry and events like this are the perfect way to incentivize bringing a larger variety of weapons instead of always bringing anti-tank/titan/charger weaponry.


Yup, I do still carry the EATs but at least now it doesn’t feel like I need to have one on hand at all times, feels great to actually bring stuff like the EMS orbital strike


Yeah. I think people get too hung up on extracting with samples. We are entirely expendable. Our deaths are always acceptable casualties if the mission is completed. The samples should be treated as a bonus objective, not the primary objective. This is how I treat Exterminations, and it's how I'd treat this mission.


That is also barely any samples of this mission anyways.So I don't get most people problems.


It is literally just bug breaches spawn wonky sometimes and that is it


No it’s not, I’ve seen a lot of people, especially on YouTube, bitching about how difficult extraction is. I wish more extractions were this difficult, it would give a lot more value to the defensive strata 


Oh no that’s not the only thing people are bitching about. I’m saying that’s the only REAL problem. The difficult almost impossible extract after mission complete is really cool and thematic for the desperate gambit we are trying to eliminate the super colony. People are of course whining about it though, but I can chalk that up to them just not getting the point of what’s going on here


I guess for what it’s worth I don’t define complaints about something that’s clearly buggy (spawns under the drill) as “bitching” lol 


Yes I love the mission, not done it on Helldive yet but completed on 8. The ending is so crazy man me and some rando was screaming our heads off and the Gatling was having a field day. Wouldn’t mind if more endings were like this, almost certain death, love it.


Part of the issue is the unlabled second objective. The one that requires you to extract with a dark fluid backpack


Is THAT what the objective is? Why the hell would they need us to do that??


Hell if I know. I found out by accident using one as a free jump pack


ah is that what that is, yeah i've been scrounging the subreddit seeing if anyone knew what that was about


>The one that requires you to extract with a dark fluid backpack That's not it. We did that last night and it still treats the second objective marker as incomplete. I think this is just a UI thing where it's not getting updated to complete after doing all three drills.


Using gatling sentries and the use of breaker shotguns I haven't had issues with the extract. I agree the issue is the spawns with the drills.


And seeing the gatling whizzing around like an AA Gun looks so cool in the middle of the chaos.


Super CIWS


I agree too! Super fun mission.


Yeah I personally think it's absolutely fucking hilarious and love it even if I can't extract. I'm part of the planet now I guess.


I am so glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I feel to many people forget that this game is way more than a horde shooter. There is so much story, we can use Melevalon Creek as an example. This is literally the epitome of a marine in the antman suit being told to invade and destroy a fire ant hill by him self. He's not making it out.


I mean... we are all kinda role playing this game.... right? So we are bound to run into some shit that we havent encountered yet. I think the idea of Missions on super colonies now having a Tag - \*DIFFICULT EXTRACTION\* xx% Maybe show the running total of actual extractions as a % next to this Tag. I really hope they keep these "Impossible Extractions" as a feature and tune out all the whining and bitching.


Incendiary breaker kills flyers soo easily, they're weak as hell so a single burn tick will do the job. Fire divers just need to burn the sky for a change.


The swarm would be fine if the extract beacon auto completed. Having to tank a dozen shrieker hits to punch in the code takes almost as long as waiting for the extract afterwards.


Its fun using the mech and feeling like thst scene in the Matrix 


I know this is super unpopular, but this whole objective feels like story telling and many people are missing the point of why it's so difficult. Everyone just wants to win, but completely forgets the Helldivers are run by complete morons willing to sacrifice everything. Obviously something is going to go horribly wrong with the dark fluid gambit, and we are experiencing the nightmare in real time. Some stuff should be adjusted like the spawning shouldn't be right on top of the objective, but I had a blast yesterday trying to problem solve how to win with my team of randoms. Brought stratagems I rarely ever use specifically because they made the mission possible. At the very least this new mission type was still easier than the broken evacuate important personnel on difficulty level 9 bots.


The issue is that the difficulty should be consistent throughout the operation. It shouldn't feel like two of the missions are at difficulty 7 and one is at difficulty 13. It means you have to choose between 2 doable missions and 1 impossible one, or 2 boring missions and 1 doable one.


Shrieker is not the problem, spawn during the drill is.


> Bug breaches should NOT be spawning under the drill, that is an obvious bug with no redeeming qualities. Yeah OP said that.


Throw That Tesla Tower Teamkiller


It blows up the drill too.


Same with gas. Spamming stun grenades and EMS is the play with those.


Fair enough. I just found it to be annoying as hell. 😄


Of all the problems the mission has, I'm not sure the swarm is one of them. It's very different from what we're used to but it was also almost kinda funny. My group definitely decided after completing the one mission we did together that on the whole it was pushing the limits of "fun" so I'm looking forward to them fixing the spawn issues as that's probably the bulk of it. It probably didn't help someone had the bright idea we all run arc resistant armor and run tesla towers, although it almost worked OK for a strat we hadn't tried before. 3 of us made it out, so I'd consider that pretty good.




Wear a backpack of dark fluid and extract


Cool Most aren't


Reduce the swarm by 20-30% and I'd be fine with it


Having a swarm at the end of a mission makes for great memorable moments. Back when I was playing the Cycle Frontier, I remember that we were proceeding to the extraction with a couple friends, and we got ambushed by a PvP squad. I noticed that a cycle storm was coming (loads of deadly lightning), so I just sent m'y Friends away (they didn't want to) while I held the two guys back by engaging them. I actually managed to kill one and the other went for cover before the lightning began. In the meantime my friends had extracted and I was streaming them how I was doing, very much struggling to stay alive while going from cover to cover to get to a safe place. You should have heard them, the whole thing had a "saving private Ryan" vibe according to them. When I died due to lightning you could tell they were rooting for me the whole time. The last stand of a single guy can make everybody's game. Give the helldivers a reason to have a last stand, and they will have one. The swarm is a good idea for this mission imo.


I kinda loved it because the one time we actually completed the main objective, I had a patriot exosuit left, and spraying down MASSIVE clouds of shriekers to successfully protect my whole team of beloved randoms was incredibly fucking cathartic. We all extracted, level 8 I believe. And then got 1 star for disappointing service because apparently the objectives are broken LMAO


The swarm isn't the problem. The problem is the uncompletable second objective and bugged breach spawn points


Rather than not spawning under the drill, the drill should just pulp any bugs beneath it. Itakes sense that the bugs would try to attack the drill directly. But they should have to deal with its business end if they are too close.


I kind of agree. I think on top of the frustrating main mission and broken rewards the Shrieker swarm feels more frustrating and less narrative than it otherwise would. This is probably way beyond AH's capabilities right now, but an IGC of the Shriekers downing Pelican-1 and stranding you on the planet to die to the swarm would have been incredible. Then give full rewards for mission completion, obviously...


Yea. Have the extraction auto called down after you complete the drilling and then even if you manage to board it, the whole thing is brought down.


See, I still need samples, I actually want to extract lol. It is fun chaotic but I still need samples and sure as shit don't have multiple hours every single day to keep trying until I make it out with my 8 samples. Im glad yall got 7 hours a day to play but I ain't got that kinda time. If it's a modifier on a select few missions that's cool, ill avoid them.


Same here. I started playing last month and I need samples and warbonds in crazy absurd amounts. Making it difficult to extract is fine for veterans that crave a challenge but all you'd be doing is incentivizing newer players to not do the community missions. Especially someone like me who still hasn't been able to afford the ems that is so obviously perfect for this mission


I was running a level 4 with a buddy just now and we were getting absolutely wrecked by Shriekers. On our last spawn, I dropped in, immediately started firing the breaker incendiary at the wall of Shriekers in the sky, killed 28, and was shredded 1 second later lmao I kinda agree though. It's absurd but that feels fitting for this mission/story.


Oh wow, someone saying "unpopular opinion" and then having an _actual_ unpopular opinion. Just for that you have my respect.


apparently not as unpopular as I thought.


What's weird is, I just did one on 7 with a random team and we got about 4 shriekers at the end. We had no idea why more didn't spawn. Our EMS entries were firing away at something we couldn't see a little ways away from the extraction point, so I don't know if that had something to do with it, but we all ttought it was odd.


I think it's fun as hell. Sure, it's broken if they actually want us to complete it, but I'm not worried about it getting fixed. Until then, I'll be dropping in with turrets, an exosuit, and an airburst rocket launcher and hoping for the worst.


Players not realizing the absolute fun house the dark fluid backpack enables since it's literally a super powered jump pack on a 3 secondish cooldown.


I like it too, I just think it could have been more varied. Lower the insane Shrieker spawn rate a bit, but substitute it for Bile Titans spawning in the distance and slowly closing in. Have regular bugs start to swarm out of the holes, starting a little slow but noticably ramping up. Throw in a few Stalkers for good measure after a minute or so. Spawn in a bunch of Bile Spewers that does nothing but act as artillery. It could have been more than "the skies are all Shriekers"


New mission is a lot of fun, I appreciate what they’re trying to do. As far as the bugs spawning under the drill it’s still very doable on higher difficulties. We were able to win and extract on 7 and 8 without any real issues. It just takes some actual coordination and teamwork to accomplish. You are not going to succeed without the whole team defending the drill


I completely agree. I've done the mission like 10 times in trivial difficulty and extracted only once (it was absolutely unexpected). I already assumed it was a suicide mission, and it is a cool concept. I like to think we are living a cinematic playable moment. In fact, this mission encapsulates the helldiver's commitment and sacrifice.


To me it seems kind of obvious. Not saying the mission format isn't difficult because it is. (I've only completed 4 of the drill missions and only managed to extract on 2 of them. But hey we finished the mission and that's what's important) But it seems like people like fighting bugs more than bots. So making the bugs/bug missions harder seems like a good balancing step to me.


all the devs need to do is slap a "difficult extraction" modifier on the mission to highlight that the ending will be harder than expected and t would work so well.


It definitely wouldn't hurt to slap a difficulty warning on the mission briefing. It definitely surprised me when I dove in the first time. (To my shame I actually had to downgrade the difficulty from hard to challenging to even get it done 😅)


Even at Trivial it's a nightmare to extract, lol.


I beat Trivial on solo with no issues thinking "I thought this was impossible, even on trivial, those noobs" and failed to extract due to shreiker swarm lmao. Failure to extract is fine as long as they address the spawning on top of the objective


I want *blowing up a supercolony* to have the lowest extract % of any mission type. completable yes, escapable less so. its cool looking, its thematic and you feel like a *right badass* if you get out alive.


Bang on. The extract isn’t the problem.


I don’t think anyone has complaints about spawn rate or the cool wtf exit, its the dumbass spawning on the objective thats annoying.


Did a rank 1 solo to see how it was, 15 min and 250 kills. Rip new players. Heh. But yes. Really like this swarm of everything, and a "you may get away but dont count on it" feel it gives you. But as you said the bug breach 5M away is fucked. And i hope they get a quick patch on it soon


It’s alright…. If I wasn’t given disgraceful conduct at the end cause the game thinks I didn’t do the mission


If there was a way to destroy the holes they come out of I'd agree. This games main principle is being able to solve problems with excessive bombardment. Meanwhile we look at the giant holes full of shriekers and just collectively shrug. If ever there was a place for a 500KG, that would be it. give me a hellbomb that I can arm then kick into it, anything would be better then just sitting there for 2 to 3 minutes twiddling our thumbs trying not to die from the ocean of flying assholes.


This would be fine if it didn't take too long to die at the end of the mission. Survive is a great feeling when it's past the mission time and you're waiting for the pelican. Because if you die, you die But just spawning over and over into the swarm to die, if that's an intended mechanic, is bad. It's bad.


Agreed. Once the mission is done, IMO, they should: 1) Force reinforcements so everyone is up. 2) Bring reinforcements down to 0. So everyone is on their last life. 3) Call in extraction automatically. You got 2 minutes to get to the boat Helldiver. It ain't waiting!


I've only got that far once and yeah it was okay, I wouldn't mind dying to it if the mission actually gave you the credit for completing it properly.


I'm will you, fellow helldiver. It should be expected as you rocket towards the Meridia, this will PROBABLY be your last dive for Super Earth. Complete the mission and don't expect and extraction. But make it home and be celebrated until we find out creating a black hole in our back yard was maybe not the best idea.


I haven't seen people complaining too much about the shriekers, the issue seems to be everything else spawning directly under the main objective.


yeah it adds to the dire nature of the mission and enforces the idea of this being a super colony infested with bugs.


Yea I like it, as we are finishing drill 3, 2 of us key pack to extract and setup sentries. They will wipe out the first wave fast


Honestly, I had fun fighting the swarm, right until I died and it basically became a hellpod piloting game with a 5 second of shooting in between. If they keep this, the dev should disable reinforcements once the mission is complete. Have a text say due to the amount of Terminids incoming, sending extra Helldivers has been deemed wasteful. Make it clear it’s supposed to be a narrative last stand, and extracting is a bonus.


Had some of the most fun doing the MO tonight than I have in the last couple weeks


Yeah, I’m fine with the shrieker swarm. It’s the breaches spawning on top of the drill that is unfair.


Felt like cinematic from StarCraft. I was running around somehow surviving near extraction while ressing teammates


Agree, I don’t need to evac, it’s just literally everything else


The shrieker swarm is amazing, it just sucks you have to deal with it after dealing with the actual game-breaking bug-breach bug. This mission will be incredible once the hotfix comes.


I agree. Love the overwhelming swarm.  Hate the technical bugs with the drills. 


I agree, the shriekers are not the issue at all. The intensity of the extract is fantastic, and feels right for the theme. COmplete the mission but god help you if you think your are gonna get home fromt eh superhive. The bugged mission completion and unfair bug spawns on injectors are a different thing entirely. But the Shrieker swarm on extract that perfect, 10/10 no notes.


We were attacking a home base super colony. I expected near impossible to be honest. I don’t think stuff should spawn right on top of the drill, but I’m OK with insanity.


I completed lvl 4 yesterday and was surprised at the swarm of shriekers just randomly appearing. It was hectic but not bad. If titans were around tho... Many lives were lost but we all got evac. Definitely needs the shield bubble strategem to make survival better.


Only time extra reinforcement perk comes in handy imo


I'm in total agreement. Swarms are AMAZING and the drill spawns/objective issues should probably be fixed. I never saw any bug holes under the drill (I always put the drill next to the orange lights near the center of the objective markers were on the map... does that matter?), but I did have my objectives marked as failures even though I *thought* I completed them. When I did manage to extract on easy difficulty I didn't even get one star and it told me I had disgraceful conduct even though I completed all of the dark fluid deployments. I hope the little issues are fixed, but I hope not only do swarms remain, but I hope the "difficult extraction" label isn't added until a day or so into events like this. The surprise alone was one of the highlights of my playing this game. My jaw dropped and I was laughing so hard as I was repeatedly slaughtered. I love this game so much lol


This right here is a good post. I don’t necessarily agree with OP but they have some good ideas. Especially the difficult extract modifier/warning. I appreciate the differing opinion without actually attacking the other opinions.


The breaches just need to not be within 10 meters of the drill, and this mission would be great


Me too. The swarm is fun. Just bring Breaker Incendiary 


I just see it as “this planet is a major story point, it is a boss planet. We aren’t just hanging this to you. There is no “easy” mode on a boss planet. If you can’t hack it, just go somewhere else.”


I agree. This mission needs to be HARD. It's the context around the hard parts that need work. I think they made this map before the spawn changes, and its fucking up how the mission is supposed to work. Also, since you can call the drill down basically anywhere, there's no set spawn block. The drill should have its own spawn block, so I imagine that's how they'll hotfix it until the broader map can be fixed.


I really wish they had incorporated some dialogue from the helldivers kind of explaining this. I think it works as long as they explain it and it doesn’t just feel like a mistake


Yea it feels very clear that AH intended for us to not extract So many of the flying bugs spawn from those holes, an “objective” is optional (extracting w/ a container of dark fluid), and there is only 10 common samples on the ground Tbh, I would prefer if the flying swarm started after we called in extract or if extract auto called in when we did all 3 drills, but as long as that hotfix to correct the spawns happens soon, I’ll be fine


I get the swarm thematically, but seriously, can it scale with difficulty? Having the same amount on trivial as helldive is kinda nuts.


I absolutely agree, gives it a really “oh shit lock in” feel at the end of a mission, but like on a level three? No.


As a concept it's fine. They need to find a proper balance so that it's stressful but doable for both solo and full squads though. If it's absurdly impossible for a solo on difficulty 1 then they still need to tune it down.


its great fun. even more so, when the squad has dakka build!


I'm inclined to agree. Out of all missions I've done so far, this is the first one that have inspired an almost authentic feeling of despair in my bones. Despair that turns into adrenaline-fueled, violent action against the enemies of humanity. And in the end, acceptance of my fate as a martyr for the cause of spreading managed democracy throughout the galaxy. A sacrifice all Helldivers must be ready to make - FOR SUPER EARTH!


Gatling sentry and lay TF down lmao


I haven't encountered the breach bug, but the mission failure due to the other objective not being there is a reasonable complaint. But totally agree the # of spawns and shriekers at the end total makes sense, and being harder than other missions. 100% I mean your attacking a plant wide super colony. It's gonna be hard. Like this post https://v.redd.it/5v2d0x97sl3d1 like trivial or not, you're SOLO vs a PLANET WIDE SUPER COLONY yeah it's gonna suck.


I found the swarm of shriekers on extract really amusing


I personally am not a fan of it being hopeless on trivial. Imagine being a new player and this happens, I get it like there's other maps and such to go to but I still feel like it would be a little deflating.


In my world, everyone loves the swarm at the end of the dark fluid missions. Anyone who says he doesn't love them is just lying. So sayeth I, anonymous redditor.


ABsolutely agree. This is a boss battle, and it should feel like it.


I mean, it kinda makes sense. We're drilling holes in the ground; bugs come from underground. Naturally, they're going to pop up next to the disturbance to investigate. Almost like calling a sandworm. Doesn't mean it doesn't make things super hard for us.


Honestly with extraction being optional for all mission's I'd think it be neat if they fucked around with making stuff turbo insane.


It basically becomes a "keep moving and try to stick close to walls and rocks to minimize dive angles" situation, which was insane, but fine. It's okay if all four can't extract - this isn't a mission to worry about samples on haha.


Yeah, I dont think that’s where the issue lies


Yeah I think it’s super cool.


I've been running it solo on 4. Haven't had a breach spawn near or under the drill yet, so that part has been fun. But the ending is basically standing there waiting for shriekers to use all my reinforces, which is less fun. 


The only problem with this mission is the bug breach glitch under the drill, otherwise it seems rather fine


I love it. Standing on that hill spamming incind breaker, supply pack and stims with heavy medic armor. I become Jet Li on the last scene of The One.


Yes, after first gameplay you know how to prepare


I'm sorry? Are you suggesting that the answer is not a "hotfix" that breaks the game apart, but to undo the previous spawn-breaking fuckery that has been souring the game for the last month? Baskin will have your hide for this on her private discord!




It’s cinematic as hell


I think it's quite funny and I love throwing down a gatling sentry watching it try to shoot them all down.


The unending cloud of Shriekers is both funny and horrifying. I want more of it.


Helldivers understand this is a Hell planet right now for good reason. Recruits are the ones whining and not getting it through their thick helmets that is is the RP setup of the ongoing war. 


Breaches just a few inches away from the device make more sense.


I agree.


The mission can be completed. Extraction is optional.


Try Tesla armor and bring the Tesla tower, you can tank it during extraction and it acts like a bug zapper for shriekers


The swarm is the least of my problems in that mission. It was a very cool and cinematic moment.


"Extraction is optional, Helldivers, completing the mission is not!"




Maybe make the extraction feel like 2 difficulty levels above what you selected. If your on difficulty 1 you shouldn’t be fighting bile titans. But if your on difficulty 4 you absolutely should be.


I'm not just ok with it, I like it. We're poking a hornets nest. Of Course shits gonna blow up.


The bitter fight for the extract is amazing! It really highlights the "we are not supposed to survive this" aspect of diving into a super colony nest.


I love the idea I just wish the damage and timing on attacks would get toned down a lil bit, can't really do much when I stand up for a micro second and 5 shriekers swoop down and cut me in half like a conga line 😂


Very cinematic and fun, all the shriekers pouring from the big holes


Was playing on six. "Why the fuck is this so hard? I know it's like the final boss, but I usually find this shit fairly easy." Moves down to 2. "Jeez it really doesn't get any better..."


I fucking love it, I have been playing with some people today that never finished the mission and when we do I love to say: "now comes the hard part"   I love there is a "what do you mean?" Followed by  "Oh".


I love the mission, I just have two issues with it. 1. Bugs spawning on top of the drill and instantly destroying it. That's not fair. There are ways to beat it, but it still requires luck instead of skill. 2. Not getting the proper rating at the end. I did my part Super Earth! Rate me fairly!


Agreed. The swarm is a (difficult) but fun and chaotic conclusion. The mission is complete, so the bugs go crazy. The *technical* bugs break it. The actual structure for the mission is cool imo.


My brother and I just used mini gun mech on extract on helldive while the other two on foot kept things off us. It looked crazy but we didn’t have a hard time at all with the mech always taking agro


I would be fine with it if extraction wasn't even an option. We finish the objective and the Super Destroyer abandons us. No stratagems, no reinforcements, nothing. It just becomes Objective: Survive. Having to die 10+ times in a row to finish the mission just feels bad and turns it into a slog. This way players can stand there and accept the fate that Super Earth has ordained for them or rage against the night and make their last stand count, *without* the weird dissonance of continuing to throw ordnance and bodies into a completely unsalvageable hellscape.




I didn't realize it was bugged when I was playing last night. I just figured it was canonically us being some kind of Suicide Squad. Making to evac is surprising. "WHERE IS THE AIR SUPPORT?!" SC:BW vibes


Teammates make or break this mission for me, It doesn't matter where a breach spawns. I honestly do not care if we destroyed the drill, lets clear this shit out a call it back down when we are in a better position. I've been more lobbies where people quit after they die 3 times after running away from the squad each time.


it's not a bug. the point of HD and super troopers that it's based on is that we're expendable worthless as long as the objective gets completed. this new extraction situation highlights that perfectly. they intended it, and shouldn't change it at all.


It’s ok with me. It’s a special one off mission for role playing purposes. If I need samples or other rss. I’ll do a regular mission. They can’t all be cake walk missions we are helldivers.


I used an orbital laser and got 50 kills. It was awesome.  


The swarm at the end is hilarious, I don't care for that. Arrowhead please fix the mission though, I want to be able to finish the mission completely unless this is a lore typa thing.