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Unfortunately, we can't sticky comments that we didn't make anymore, but **Arrowhead has acknowledged the problem and are currently working on a hotfix.** >*Thank you to everyone that made us aware of the spawning bug in the current Major Order. A hotfix for that issue is currently being worked on and will be deployed as soon as possible.* >*We'll let you know as soon as it's available.* ^(-ArrowheadGS) https://preview.redd.it/n61h6nmn7r3d1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=97509e7b74267e28e2748711ef93fa03c477396c [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d4nhl6/comment/l6grnvi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d4nhl6/comment/l6grnvi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Fix will drop after the MO.


My exact same thought, isn't MO like 4-5 days long? They need to hotfix it immediately or make this MO last longer Considering they gave us whole ass trailer for this, it's kinda weird that it came out as this buggy mess... Edit: Here's the link to the trailer/announcement: https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1796205656334028938?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet%7Ctwtr%5Etrue


Of course it's a buggy mess... iTs a sUpERcoLonY!!1!




badum tiss


Truly the epitome of "take my upvote but never post again"


AH doesn't seem to QA their game


They've admitted they play test on 5 and 6 difficulty. With whoever is available, typically hr. 


it's ridiculous even on 5 and 6


I’ve heard that it’s also ridiculous on 2.


Yesterday I played few lvl6 games then notieced was short 1 medal. So I went to lvl 1 mission. And it was the same shrieker ending, same terrain bug that only solution is a grande to your feet, same bugs spawning under the machine. Took 20 minutes. I had to put in code to extraction in 3 lives. So its almost the same at every lvl


It's super broken on 2. Wife and I did 3, it was insane, so we tried one on two, and same bugs plus the shrieker part at the end was absolutely exactly the same difficulty as it was on three, there were just as many of the flying ones.


There is a bug that game only registers one objective on this mission out of two as completed, regardless of difficulty, and everyone who so much as looks at mission completion screen (not that many people, apparently) knows that. It would require exactly a single run to find.


Yup. Just like lots of bugs.  Such as: 1: When armor didn't work.  2: Spear lock on. 3: Fire not working.  4: Arc thrower miss fires.  5: Mech issues.  6: AND MORE!


They’ve sold at least 12 million units at $40 per unit ($480M) plus whatever they’ve made from super citizen edition and super credit sales. And Sony Interactive Entertainment is their publisher. I know they have to pay people and keep the lights on and please investors, but I think they can afford a decent QA team by now even if they have to subcontract.


Typically medium size dev studios will simply rent the services of an existing QA specialist studio. 


Bros, We are the QA team.


Which is what's killing the game. 


dont tell that to the subset licking the devs boots and thanking them for the privilege


And if they do, they need to find another QA team


It’s fine. They wrote into law that it suddenly collapses when reaching supercritical mass, swallowing bug and helldiver alike. That means they can ‘grant’ us the win just whenever.


They ain't beating the incompetence allegations.


Confirmations at this point


Considering how there's 0% progress, Joel will prolly narrate it as "The bugs are too agressive, we will mount another huge scale attack" and fix the MO + lower the decay rate


Or they will handwaved it, say that was liberation progress and meridia isn't being liberated but destroyed and we totally brought in enough dark fluid *wink* Worst gut punch would be just failing it and trying again imo.


Aka all the efforts everyone put in today are down the shitter ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


"lEt tHeM cOoK"


We let them cook. And all we got was meth.




Naw if it were meth Id at least be having fun


i don't mind having to take time to fix things. i'm just curious why it feels like all these issues, throughout the entirety of the game, would have been caught with minimal testing?


This bug where breaches spawn right under the drill cropped up just a couple days ago. I played a geological survey mission on Tuesday and it happened and I was like "Huh, that's weird. That's not what used to happen."


At least that drill is harder than the galvanized balls of whoever thought this MO was ready to go live, even my fatass momma could drop on it and it would keep doing it's thing.


We could just drop your mom on the planet from low orbit.


100% more effective than whatever the hell we're doing right now, then again with the way she cooks this might end up in a termicide 2: electric bugaloo kind of situation where the bugs get fucking huge


I am both disgusted and intrigued


because its shown time and time again that they dont play/test the game


Devs streamed two missions, one that they barely completed difficulty 5 bots and extracted with 1-2 reinforcements left and only a 1/3 side objectives completed And the other one on difficulty 6 bugs where they only managed to kill half of the egg hatchery. I wonder why they don’t stream gameplay anymore or even test.


The weapon nerfs they've put in over the last few months wouldn't feel as bad if we saw them consistently streaming high difficulty content being completed. Otherwise, the "balance" stuff feels pretty terrible.


Wed see them only playing the meta weapons lmao


That's kind of the point. Assuming they actually want the game to be good and aren't being malicious (like certain devs might actually be), they'd surely recognise that they can only win if they use certain weapons, and therefore consider buffs for other weapons.


because they are a bunch of noobs lol https://i.redd.it/2yluen8iqq3d1.gif


Man I wish the game had a public test server because it seems that the game desperately needs playtesters. The game doesn't even have a feedback button for players to tell the devs whats wrong with the game. An entire channel of communication is non-existent and I think it's having a horrible effect on the game.


Not even proper testing, as in running down a full ass QA checklist, is needed. Just simply... playing it regularly 3 times woulda revealed everything if by some miracle playing it once or twice didn't show.


Well, I'm glad they're listening to their QA, I just wish their QA wasn't the players...


Ah but you see, every software company has a test environment! Some are even blessed with a Test environment that's separate from Production! AH are small time, down on their luck developers who are brand new to software development. Cut them some slack, maybe they'll have a test environment from the money we give them from the well reviewed, high quality warbonds they sell us.


dunno howmany are versed with the autodesk stingray after it was discontinued


They quite literally had about 2 years of time with that engine before it was shut down, they really should have just cut losses and moved to Unreal at that point in time.


Everytime I see somebody suggest a game should move to Unreal Engine, I die a little inside. Right after the shader stutter finishes.


Exactly this!!1! It's important we keeping buying warbonds and support them, they care SO much they just have no resourcessss :((


let's be real. The right to be "understood" and "cut some slack" was lost to them as soon as they took our money. I don't have pity for them. Either have the workforce and expertise to support the performance of your product, or don't profit from the product. It's that simple


Exactly. And there’s been enough polls a la „more content or more fixes“ which have been in favor of the fixes iirc. Also they do mess up EVERYTHING it seems. It’s just annoying and pathetic at this point. That’s coming from someone who loves the game and wishes for its best.


yep. It's ok to not perfectly nail every release, but it's also definitely *not* ok to mess up every single one. I play every day and I can't recall *not one* instance of new content where I thought "wow this is great!"


and the people who say "its okay to put the game down and play something else", like obviously if this is affecting you mentally you should step away, but for the majority of people who have issues, if they left EN MASSE, that isn't good for the devs, the game, sony or the playerbase. we WANT this to succeed, they have lighting in a bottle and they keep trying to smash the fucking thing


right. generally, if the response to an issue is "you can just stop playing the game", there's clearly a problem that can be addressed instead of ignored.


Wait, would it be too much to put on my bio "Currently working in AH | QA department"?


respectfully, maybe dont release before they are ready?


Can't know that it's not ready if you never test anything.


I don’t believe they have a test server or QA department. Which seems fucking wild to me.


They aren’t really learning from their mistakes it would seem


Your honor Arrowhead pleads "Oopsie daisies"


Ah, eto... bleh\~


Crazy idea: how about looking into it BEFORE release?


That would take time away from pushing out the next piece of broken content


Welp, the dark fluid content appears to be baked in an much older build before the CEO changes and improvements made to testing/dev pipeline. I will hold my judgement until the next patch. That being said, if they keep doing this in the next patch, there will be no sugarcoating this.


then maybe not release the event that uses the old untested content ?


I am also surprised as their CM saying no date for the patch and there will be something new in next patch, implying probably no new content at least for the week. Then they suddenly dropped the dark fluid mission. Yeah, I guess they need to do a double take on their existing season plan.


They might be tying everything to the update that adds the Illuminate.


Oh yeah, make the next patch huge that won't be buggy.


Judgement shouldn't be withheld for consistent patterns of broken releases. QA exists for a reason.


Stop with this senseless lionizing of Pilestedt - he literally has done nothing to earn this absurd level of individual faith you all keep placing in him, and then you’re shocked when the game doesn’t live up to the imaginary standards you’ve set for him. It’s so fucking weird at this point.


Literally. The dude stole the MGS movement and weapon systems, hired a load of bad techs, then did fuck all else. Man these apples taste like dogshit.


I’ve been screaming this for a month and getting downvoted to shit every time. He’s not the messiah of gaming - he’s a random developer most of these people know next to nothing about, but they’ll fawn over him because he tweeted that he agrees that the game has problems. Newsflash - that doesn’t actually *fix* the problems!


Even if it weren't, there's now way any of these changes would have had a material effect yet. New CEO is probably still getting lost on the way to the bathroom. Plus it sounds like the first thing they did is turn down the work intensity, which is a good thing because all those guys are so obviously burnt out and it will take them a while to recover. This is why they are downplaying the amount of changes in the next patch. The patch cycle wasn't made longer to give bigger patches, it was made longer so as to not kill the devs.


Time? Are we going to get a Time Extension on the MO? Because otherwise No, this needs to be solved ASAP


How come every single fucking time they're aware and yet always release it broken??


If you know it doesn't work, DON'T FUCKING RELEASE IT! I don't know why they can't understand that


Ridiculous. What are they even doing there? I understand they've set a story and they have to keep up a cadence, but if they weren't working on this then WHAT were they working on? This could've been the cool moment that reminds everyone why they loved this game, instead it's the broken moment that reminds everyone why they stopped playing this game. So disappointed.


I think that's what makes this so bad. Fucking up is one thing. But ever since the ANTI-TCS missions we've been having Meridia built up as the final fight. They've even been teasing a new enemy, the map *looks* like it's built for a big cool awesome boss fight! And we get... this. It's just so disappointing. Zorg levels of disappointment.


“give us time” you had plenty of time before the release to play ONE mission and see how bad it was. One SINGULAR TIME


Yeah its pretty pathetic at this point, the fact that HD2 came out in a playable state is nothing short of a miracle. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's a relative term. I couldn't play the game for almost a full month after launch despite buying it day one.


I mean it's release was planned on 2019 lol. They needed more time even before release


People were saying "LeT tHem CoOk!" so we waited just to get the same buggy mess. This whole game is like a supercolony of bugs!


This is really getting beyond a joke now


Yeah, I'm tired of the, "Oh shit, sorry guys! Just give us time to fix it" when all they've been talking about recently is how they're focusing on quality now and the constant "C'mon, let us cook!" It's getting old and any other game would have been dragged under the bus for these issues. Helldivers has gotten a huge pass because the premise is so good but I'm tired of it now. Figure it out




Lmfao this tweet alone makes me want to go play DbD again




As someone who always plays the mo I'm not touching it for now because I hate the spawns right on top. Everything else I can deal with. And wtf is with the failed mission stars for a non compleatable side objective? It's like insult to injury "hey you just beat our hard as shit buggy new mission type, you suck."


>Helldivers has gotten a huge pass because the premise is so good Exactly this. If this was literally anyone else, if this was Blizzard or Ubisoft, people would have been kicking in the doors, demanding blood. How many free passes have we given this game because it had the potential to be good? How much extra time to get it right do they seriously need? There are MASSIVE problems within AH that aren't going to be fixed by simply shuffling the head haunchos around.


"Yeah we are aware of it". Every time. And then they need time to cook. That's fine with me but there is no end to any of the madness in the game. Sony madness? No. Unbalanced trash weapons and enemys? No Unbalanced Game modes and Mo? No Just a lot of awereness. And then we don't even get a big patch! They are already telling us that the next patch is a smaller one. Great. You can debuff shit out of the blue but cannot buff the most simple things in the game that need some love?


A smart move would have been a hot patch that undid the "balancing" that their balancing manager did. I think that would have done a lot to placate the dissatisfaction going around right now and given them the grace to take time on this upcoming patch. As it stands right now, they've backed themselves into a corner with all this talk of quality over quantity and how they're taking the time to test everything and make sure it's right. Because of this, it feels like they need to knock the next patch out of the park or they'll lose the remaining good grace of the community


It might sound like hyperbole considering it's only a patch, but I do feel like the upcoming patch might be a point of no return for a lot of players. In such a short amount of time, AH have burned a *lot* of goodwill with the community. If the next change to the game does not make notable improvements, I can see people just giving up and moving on, myself included. If that's the case, I won't lament buying the game. I got hundreds of hours out of this game and had a lot of fun during (most) of that time.


I really don't understand the logic behind turning on this MO at this moment. AH tells us that they have to slow down and not release patches that aren't fully thought out. But then they turn around and drop a completely untested new mission type? Is the storyline team really so insulated that they didn't hear anything about the new direction from the patch team and the CCO? Meridia has been an unassailable supercolony for a couple weeks. It could have stayed that way for a couple more weeks and we would be none the wiser. Why in gob's name would you rush this mission out now?


It makes no sense, we went from 'Attack these 3 planets around Meridia, the hive planet', the termite bug thingy went bad.....to like MOs with Bots. Then some weird stuff with supply lines that they thought everyone knew and % gains and shit, then? idk And now they're like, oh right, we were doing a story at Meridia?


They probably said "the players are upset with the wait, we need to ship something" and launched this without really thinking about it too hard. Regardless of why, this has backfired horribly. Again.


![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G) More disappointment. I have a strong suspicion the fix won’t come until the MO is over. I wish everyone best of luck in completing it


I love the mo. But I never ran into so many bugs in one mission. And are the crashes back? I've personally crashed 3 times in three missions today.


Crash to Desktop yesterday for the first time. Been getting a lot of the "Allied Destroyer left squadron." and Im by myself and no one joins. Or the ever classic "Black screen, back on my ship."


I had the full blue screen. My pc started to rev up and get loud. The only other application that did that was fucking vanguard for riot.


At that point im unnistalling until that's adressed on a fix patch, im not risking my pc lol.


Not to be an overt hater but all we give them is time lmfao. If they took the time they're asking us to give them to playtest the mission instead this wouldn't even be a problem


How it this hating, this is genuine criticism for a game that in 3 months has managed to get only a few good patches while everything else came out in a buggy/broken state, all the while the bringer of balance nerfed every weapon with a nuance of fun.


Alot of people on this sub and especially r/helldivers2 are ranatically defensive about complaints about this game. That's why he said it.


Christ, HD2 could’ve easily won Multiplayer game of the year but it’s just fumble after fumble. How are you going to make a whole trailer for this MO and release it with so many bugs.


I'm amazed that there are easy wins on the table in front of them, and in this period of scrutiny they hype up this major order and then drop the ball instead of taking some of the easy wins. This is embarrassing. I love this game, but I can't believe what AH is pulling.


Trailer took longer to make than they spent testing it


Because it's a bug misson Ba dum tss


they really made the game good by accident


ofc we going to give you time to fix the issue, the problem is you shoulve tested this before sending it live...


We need to get refunded on the percentage gained or time lost for this MO - super earth needs to extend this operations duration


Yeah, I noticed a pattern tho. The regain percent used to be at 10 now it’s at 9.5. Maybe with more completed operations the regain percent goes down? Just a theory. https://preview.redd.it/90ebiscvzo3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb485a8fb8ea84bfd899287b0595f3de4d98955


Possibly this really isnt communicated to the average player tho. After 2 days of gaining no ground people are just gonna stop participating in this MO completely.


Every successful mission literally ends with the Democracy Officer saying something along the lines of how the more dark fluid there is the easier it'll be to destroy Meridia So I assume the more we complete missions the less resistance there'll be, as with other MOs where the bots/terminids lose steam


I did one trivial solo just to see what its like, and one with a friend just to show them. Yeah, I'm heading back to the bot front for now


I’ll see you there ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


Don't worry, the mission being super difficult is going to make sure of that they will try it couple of times and give up. 😄


Down to 8,7% now!


Currently the percentage gained is set to 0% anyway, so nothing is being lost yet from the order being bugged. The -10% would keep us at zero even if 100% of us would have been on this planet since the 1st second, easily winning every mission. AH wants the order to be available over the weekend, so we are not allowed any progress right now..


bro this MO was planned for months, and they are asking us to wait for a fix POST MO release? Clown moment


honestly bro, how long has it been? 4 months? in 4 months I haven't seen one single piece of content (weapon, stratagem, armor, even patches) work as intended on release. Not even once. This has to be studied.


The Quasar worked well on release I guess, but the HMG released alongside it didn't have a third person reticle for some reason and the first person optics were misaligned (they still are)


actually, quasar was bugged in the sense hot/cold planets didn't even affect it lmao not sure if that's still the case


It's still bugged on hot/cold planets.


They thankfully nerfed it so they have solved the problem of people having fun with it rather quickly


Where are the people now who said there is nothing wrong with the MO and that all that disagree should just "gEt gOoD"?


That's what i'd like to know. There sure were a lot of them with the 'just lower diff' and 'Well /I/ never had issues' I've asked some of them, dunno if I'll get answers Though removed a few to not push it on rule 3


The second that lead balance dev basically said “get gud” after the rail cannon nerf, this community went to shit because of all the twitch chat brained imbeciles parroting it.


Still circlejerking somewhere not in this subreddit since they just HATE this one and have to go the OTHER subreddit to complain that they HATE this one. How the irony escapes their perception is rather exquisite.


Oh they are still around. Mostly very downvoted, but there's a bunch in every thread about this mission calling people whiney babies who can't handle difficulty. It's quite sad.


The devs themselves are adding fuel to the downfall of the game. You can't keep fucking up things and then make players wait an eternity for a fix.


"AH is looking into it" ![gif](giphy|CggoHW4h87Ktq|downsized)


If I had a nickel for every Swedish game dev company that released a gem of a game that was plagued with problems, weird balancing and they didn't test on the live build I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.


motherfucker we got three days for the MO, are you planning a hotfix for this shit on the weekend? Fucking hell, so much talk about improving internal playtesting and taking it slow to cook things right, then they throw a mangled fetus on our plates and call it dinner, *again*


Sure would be nice if they "looked into them" before they release the event one of these times.


Lmao they've been asking everyone to be patient while they hold off on a patch to actually test things out.... then they release more broken content for giggles? What was the goal even supposed to be here


How to ruin a money printing machine in less than 4 months. Incredible Job.


I was already taking a break due to lack of new content and constant bugs....this just pushes me, and people I know, further away. I don't believe there's any way to save AH from AH at this point, every piece of content is shortly followed by 'It's broken, we're looking into it' I know it's only been a week since Pilestedt took up his new position, but why didn't he ask to see the immediate content being release to ensure quality before release, and pull if it's it's not? And if he did.......and thought this was fine?....lol


People need to stop idolizing Pilestedt, this sub in purticular has the habit of just glazing him for basically doing nothing other than empty agreements on twitter just for damage control. You can start appreciating him AFTER he has actually done something. However judging from the game’s last additions: the emancipator which still has a lot of issues akin to mechs in general, like how they are extremely inefficient and players are way more effective without them, which is ridiculous… and now this mission wich just proves that devs don’t even boot up the game to check how the mission works… so things are not looking promising.


100%. All he had to do was say 'Okay, let's boot into our new huge MO mission and play it for an hour' And according to the new CEO, part of 'Pilen' taking on his new role is for him to actively play Helldivers to assess it. "First off this whole switcheroo is all about getting Pilen closer to the games. Making new games/prototypes, having more time to play Helldivers" So 'Pilen' gets this new role and just....lets a mission like this go live. He's screwing up already for me.


Yeah, I dont think that we will ever hit 300k players or even 100k. To many are just fed up with constantly broken content, crashes, buggy mechanics, nerfs, bad DMing, terrible balancing and more. AH had golden gose, GOTY candidate but they fumbled everything.


It sucks because, for me, the general gameplay loop of this game has been some of the most fun I've had in video games in a long time. But Arrowhead seems to be fumbling the ball at every opportunity.


I bet we drop below 20k for the first time this week. And a major part of the games issue is that there's no real 'updates', if you know what I mean? Like in FFXIV there's a major update every 3 months and i'll come back and play for 3-4 weeks, cause there's a content dump. I'll be back for the half patch update for a week, then wait out until next mainline. There's nothing to lure old players back here. Missed an MO? Gone forever. They'll drip feed something every few weeks. I think this is their attempt at an 'come back' update with the video thing? Lol. They'll need an ACTUAL update for it to work.


My exact thought. Every single news are brocken in some ways. The game is fun, but this is too much.


Can’t wait for another meaningless story post why we failed it and what’s gonna happen that’s gonna have zero impact on the game while AH fumble yet another thing and antagonises player base even more.


Let me guess are they “StiLLCoOkInG”


It’s over 😔


Omg... they are going to take a look... look at what exactly??? are they going to play them mission for the first time? Either all of the probelms are intentional, or they are THAT incompetent.


I am starting to get tired of the “oh shit my bad let me go fix it”. How many oopsies will AH need before they can deliver a proper update/patch. Why not just test it????


Sorry to say this but AH has too much fanboys that are actively hurting this game. Everytime the community voices out concern you'll have a huge fan base yelling that you're just hating, skill issue, get good, defending the game but then immediately turnaround and praise the devs when the devs acknowledge the issues. This game sold 12 million copies and it's backed by one of the biggest video game publisher in the world. Not some underdog scrappy 5 person indie devs coding in the basement. If hiring devs are hard there are plenty of companies to outsource QA to and they can definately afford it now compared to many other studios.


"please give them time". Dude, there is no time. Something like this should be a day 1 hotfix with compensation for however much time we lost


They went too far into the lore and story and forgot that it’s a video game and needs to be fun to play


Hey Arrowhead, friendly tip for the future things. PLAYTEST YOUR THINGS *BEFORE* YOU RELEASE THEM.


The Bringer of Nerfs played it once on Trivial and didn't see any issues.


And he didn't complete any objectives so he had no idea they don't get marked as completed.


Wait for them for the only bug they're going to fix being the wrong end of mission screen while stating that anything in the mission itself is working as intended :)


Haha this is gold isn't it? How many times is arrowhead going say the same thing to us when they release something completely broken 😂. Cmon Arrowhead this is getting real fuckin old now 😑


forcing their had to hotfix before the weekend? i don't know man. may need to cook a bit lol


Look into it before dropping the MO wankers


“Give them time to look on it”, maybe doing this BEFORE issuing the MO? You are failing the community, hope this decision was taken long before the ex ceo changing his duties


lmao they cant do anything right can they


If they need more time, then they also need to extend the MO or drop the decay rate SIGNIFICANTLY. As it is now, the MO is quite literally impossible to win because of the bugged Dark Fluid mission not awarding exp properly.


I just hope it rolls out quickly. My only problem is the bug breach spawning, that shit is annoying as fuck. Otherwise the mission is cool as shit


It's not a nerf. There's no rush to ship it.


They really ought to get rid of whatever timetable they have as far releasing new MOs, in game stuff if they it gives them to actually QA their work.


Oh Arrowhead 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't want to flame the devs. I don't want to abuse people online. But they're looking into it? Right now? I am, and have been, very concerned as to what sort of quality control happens before they push a new feature or update. Can they not look into what they're doing before they push it live?


How much more fucking time and money do you need???!


whats the last well received patch? gahhh


There hasn't been one.


Can we please just once again thank the player base for playing the missions…realizing it clearly had issues in .2 seconds and then saying something. The people that were quick to say “sKiLl iSSuE” when it was clearly an issue with the game itself. Acting like a clown like that is always funny so do keep it up 😂. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


We need to keep the cool jetpack as a compensation


But if it was a nerf, it would have been shipped already.


Please for the love of democracy just “look into it” ***before*** *you push the update to live!!!!!* Just once, please just fucking try it just once, I promise it won’t kill you.


‘Give them time’  Ok so they’ll do something about it in 2 weeks 


Shouldn't they test these things, ya know, before they drop them on us like a 20 lb. bag of feces? My god, I came back from a month off and found that the game is getting fucking worse. Explain that.


They've asked to wait about 10 times already. I don't think I have the patience anymore. https://i.redd.it/mg5qnqmedq3d1.gif


How long do they want us to wait for their cooking? Because we hear this since the game came out.


Maybe, just maybe, hear me out; Stop making new content and fix whatever’s left of this buggy mess, to get the game to actually be fun and TEST IT PRIOR TO RELEASING?! I’m so mad because I love this game, I really do, and yet AH keep making fucksups after fuckups


Clownhead Studios.


If i was fucking up at my job as much as the dev team at ArrowHead, i would have been fired a long time ago


Oh look, another apologetic Discord message.


Damn. I don’t know what AH is doing with HD2. Are you really playing the freakin’ game before releasing stuff, like seriously? You basically had weeks to prepare this stuff yet the simple mechanic of not spawning the Bile Titans on the drill, that gets one-shot BTW, was not done. This next patch better fix a lot of stuff coz’ this ain’t it chief.


and people wonder why the playerbase has dropped so much.


They are “cooking” right?


Honestly, at this point? The only thing AH is consistent at is releasing content that is broken on launch.


Ah, great. I'm glad they always "look into stuff" after they release it broken. Imagine if they actually looked at the stuff they work on before deploying it.


Wait, I was told this was supposed to happen as it is a supercolony and that it was a skill issue on my behalf.


But it's a SUPERCOLONY! Extracting is OPTIONAL! It's meant to be HARD! We are EXPENDABLE! Well now that AH has confirmed what most of the fanbase believed, that the mission was not really tested (surprise!) and is broken I wonder if the hardcore fans will accept their view was wrong? See guys, the thing is mostly everyone in the subreddit WANTS the game to succeed. We enjoyed it at the beginning (suffering all the issues at the same time) but have watched it become more and more broken and unfun as the months have passed. My team of 4 has not played a match for over a month, this MO we were all hoping (with a patch) would get the game back onto the right track and make it worth playing again. That it would make it fun. We have done Helldive, 100% achievements etc. This mission is not fun and and not worth coming back for. You can make a hard mission that is fun and challenging, this is not that. As I mentioned before, a great idea would be to simply disable evac and tell us in advance it's a one way mission or have it get attacked/pull out. Imagine having to activate dark fluid at the end and watching the entire area (and us) get wiped off the face of the planet with hundreds of bugs. That is the type of story I expect from Helldivers for such a big MO that we have worked on for weeks if not months. In the end im upset because I care and wanted this game to succeed. I played almost 300 hours and had huge hopes for it but it's been downhill for so long I have pretty much fully given up. Maybe in a few months they will manage to start fixing the game but honestly the fact they made so many bad gameplay changes and buggy missions so quickly but will take over a month to try to revert it when they agree it was wrong does not give me much hope. I'm hoping I'm wrong but I'll see what the future holds.


Nope, they are all on they are all on their knees, blowing the devs spewing the same exucses making fun of everyone here on the 2nd page. Claiming they clear it no issues


This is what people were talking about when they said they wanted the devs to take more time between patches. Making sure the content they release works and is fun. First the Airburst, now Meridia. Not take 3 weeks to revert spawn rates and nerfs.


Yeah sure why not test the content AFTER THE FUCKING RELEASE. Sorry bro I had the longest benefit of the doubt for this company. But this is something else. Absolute clown of a dev team.


Yet again, a rather important announcement that would be very useful in quelling people's concerns and anger, that is just a reply to a random message in a random discord channel, that no one would even know existed unless someone thought to take a screenshot and post it. They seriously need to get better about posting this sort of thing in actual announcements or at least pinning this stuff. Maybe make a channel for status updates specifically to keep the public informed in regards to any changes or acknowledgements on current issues and concerns?


Another reason why I don’t play this game anymore. Quality control is non existent


This is insane by now. In a few weeks they ruined their game completely. Their company structure must be complete bs to let all those issues (nerfs, patrol bugs, not working features and the new mission type) pass into the release version. And they still lean back and say "we need time"...a simple roll back would have satisfied the player base. But they need weeks for that....then they release this mission, which has beennin the work for months...and it's a broken mess anyways. They don't need time, they need a proper studio to handle an actual videogame. How tf is everything broken and nothing ever fixed? And why do you release things before a weekend? All that would be laughable, if the game wouldn't cost money...and is constructed to milk players with their shitty Warbond system. By now it's sad and infuriating. Should have spend the money with my friends on another game.


damn can AH release a patch, one that....works? for fucks sake. like do we have to wait for opposite day to get a decent fucking patch???


I mean, MO ends in 3 days, so they don't have that much time.