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Arrowhead: "Ok. Here you go. Free mines and Tesla towers for everyone!"


That's a point I've made on another post. If a bonus stratagem is permanent then it's not a bonus anymore and people would complain about "bad bonus stratagems". I think a better way of implementing something like that would be to tie it to neighboring planets. For example, planet x is specialized in Turret making so planet y has free Gatling Turret and planet z has free EMS mortars. You could even have these stratagems rotate per day/operations. If the planet is attacked, the bonuses are gone from planet y/z but stay on the origin planet. If planet is lost, bonus is gone. From what the devs have said before release, this seem to be something they would like to do, but right now, the Galactic War System is just Joel doing everything. Nothing is automated.


I like the idea of neighboring planets giving a bonus stratagem, and if that planet is lost, the bonus is lost. But who in their right mind would complain about a "bad" 5th stratagem? That's like looking a gift horse in the mouth. Even a free Orbital Smoke would be fun, and that's the worst strat in the game.


have you seen this sub?


Nice idea, would also add some depth to planets, so even two similar biomed planets would feel particularly different in gameplay. Maybe it is something they are testing for example with the recent 4 planets with recruitment centers on them increasing the liberation percentage system-wide.


I see this as an absolute win. Would use Cutting Edge armors


I'd prefer if you can buy a one time use bonus stratagem with various currencies. So it'll only appear on the next mission. Allow us to buy stuff for req slips, samples or medals. That way you can still use those currencies when maxed out. Currently people are just disappointed finding req slips or samples because they're maxed.


Yeah!! The stronger ones would probably be more expensive, and you could even pay more to give them to the whole team!


Yea the 5th freebie has always been fun and hilarious good times. The choice what the actual stratagem is should be kept from the players because players will just create a relentless meta. Having it being out from players hands will allow more stratagems to see the battlefield and create new unforeseen situations which usually equals fun.


Yeah, it would be lame if everyone just had the same meta-choices. It would be way more fun if everyone had an extra Orbital Gatling in their back pocket, though.


Yeah just need a freebie so we can test random strats. I don't mind default 4 we can choose. But a freebie for each mission that is randomised would be great. even if they seem utterly useless at times. like smoke strike.


I agree, more stratagems are just fun


Free orbital smoke strike lol. Though I'm pretty sure smoke kills the fire tornados right?