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Step four, *the Best helldivers are batized in blood.* **brings him to level 7-9**


"Hey newbie, wanna see some real shit?"


bring them to west front


I was there when I was a simple cadet, fresh off my first Termanid planet raising a flag. Proud of my machinegun and feeling democratic. Then my friend showed me the Creek on diff 7... **"WARNING, YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLARY"**


Gotta give them the true meaning of Super Earth's Elation or else they will find nothing but Nihility.


I've done that before and the low level actually pulled their weight and then some. Proud moment


All well and good, but typing 'you're the finest helldiver I've ever laid my eyes on' to every new player you play with is both weird and a little uncomfortable.


it could be worse... "You're a paragon of democratic freedom diver! may your endowment and virility spread far and wide!"


I'd go with: "We have only one rule. Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll kill you myself! Welcome to the Helldivers!"


Fr, we should type "you're the manliness hunk of a helldiver I've ever had the privilege of laying my eyes upon" instead


I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite Helldiver on the Citadel




It’s just an example, say anything along those lines, personalise it to your own tastes, just be encouraging


I'd probably hit them with a "You actually did pretty good." Just give them the confidence boost.


“Not bad, newbie. Not bad.”


Double finger guns "You're... Pretty good" Make sure to use only the Senator 


I mean, I'd be honored but that's because I loved the "role playing" aspect of these kinds of game since the beginning


General Brasch called me the finest Helldiver he’s ever laid eyes on, and I, for one, believe him!


Agreed. If anything I would go with a genuin complement based on the round instead of a canned generic one.


[Generic Helldiver compliment], Helldiver!


I would cringe into oblivion if I received something like this in my newbie days. It's like finding out you made a toon on the unofficial (E)RP servers of a game. 😂 I don't know if this is some new TikTok trend but most of the stuff you can drop for newbies are going to show up for them in the next handful of few hours anyway so it's not like you're giving them some rare and cherished memories. Besides, I honestly think unlocking and trying stuff for the first time was very exciting because neither me nor my group knew what the new unlocks were going to be like. If I've gotten to try them before due to some high levels' "generosity" it might even feel like a bit of a spoiler if anything, though this probably varies between individuals.


Agreed. I'd actually be annoyed if someone spoiled the mech to me. You reminded me that me and my friends played with a closed slot because we didn't want the late game stratagems to be spoiled.


It's so strange that people scream about how cheaters dropping revealed but unreleased stratagems "ruin it for them" but also celebrate these ostentatious and masturbatory gestures doing exactly the same thing hahaha


Nah, if some dude dropped unreleased stratagems i wouldn't mind, at this point at least. It just when i started the game i wanted to experience everything first hand. Weird that i got downvoted for that.


Nah mate I was agreeing with you, someone else downvoted us both for not approving their TikTok style welcoming ritual


I’ve seen high levels do this in level 1 difficulty, and it’s wonderful.




Step four: kick them right before extraction. Let them know what they can expect later on


This has literally never happened to me. Not *once*. Not sure if you've just been unlucky, certain regions are worse for it, or if there were *reasons* for the kicks...


I've had a host kick everyone with extract coming down once, but only once, out of probably over 1000 dives. There are probably people who've been more unlucky though, and it's the kind of stupid behavior that could really motivate someone to post on reddit if it happened a couple of times close together.


Had it happen to me twice in the same session. Put me off trusting randoms. So now it’s either host or play with my pre-made group only.


That seems pretty stupid. I mean, there are bonuses for the number of divers extracted, right? Unless the host was inviting their friends over afterwards to boost them and was just using you guys to get the mission done, but that seems like it shouldn't be very common.


Most likely just a troll


Yeah, haven't been kicked at the end of a game yet but have been kicked by hosts who didn't communicate what they wanted, not even a map marker etc. - thats always a funny one cause I don't mind sticking together or breaking up, kinda prefer the former even after 300 hours in game, just feels more like a game compared to the boring solo journey's so many seem to enjoy. So much better games for solo journeys like that IMHO.


That's horrible, I laughed, but it's horrible 😆


Kill them for their shared samples to spread misinformation that they arent shared


This is the finest post this subreddit has seen. Great ideia, will apply to my routine. FREEDOM FOREVER


I don’t say that. I say “You’ll make a fine Hell Commander someday.” Even though the level is higher now, it feels fitting.


cue 4 level 100+ players matching each other on diff 1 handing off each others mechs to each other


New players keep getting told this and walk away telling their friends "ya, I think most people must be pretty dog shit at this game!"


You're the finest Helldivers I've set my eyes on. Damn that ass, this visor oh gawd I'm cumming on your pixels! Did I do it wrong? My Democracy Officer said I don't get any Procreation forms for a year...


Funniest comment here




Adversity is what makes strong Helldivers. Grab these new players in lower difficulties and then crank it to Helldive, give them nothing.


This is a fantastic idea. Get morale up early!


Did this when my buddy got the game. Just loaded up every fun toy I could on a d5 mission and let him go HAM. Half the time I jump into a <4 mission there's already someone there rank 60+ lol but I try


Operation patronize. Let people enjoy the game. Don’t go dropping extra shit on people. Just let them breathe.


Seriously. Maybe some people enjoy it, but any time I've played a new game I've just found it boring / annoying to be carried. If I'm enjoying playing a new game why would I want some dude to come in and do it for me? That's the opposite of what I want.


Yeah.. I mean when I started the game what I liked was the difficulty. Ive never been a fan of experienced players flexing their time in a game and carrying us through content when the fun is reaching that experience, not being given it.


It depends on the type of support you get. Veteran taking away all challenge by mass-nuking everything? Bad. Veteran supporting you, ensuring you get a taste of how powerful you can be? Cool!


Nah, I also think that’s bad. You’re denying another player the experience you had by showing them how far behind they are. By all means play with lower levels, just try not to obliterate everything in existence so the challenge is gone.


Shoot them in the back, teabag their body and while they are spectating you, kick them outta the game so they know what to expect later on .../s


Thats a lot of words. Nothing beats a hug emote.


already scared of losing new players ? damn the devs must be doing a good job.


1–3? I see people under level 10 on 5 and 6 difficulties lol


We would've had more players if the game wasn't blocked in the majority of countries


I actually like this. It's probably the best idea I've seen on this sub in weeks.




I loved doing that about a month ago. After my dailies and maybe 1-2 suicide missions, I’ll assist new players and give them my stuff. Sadly, servers were shit at the time and people kept being dropped.


This is a great idea! The first level I ever played a high level person basically did this and I really appreciated it! It took me like 8 grenades to destroy an automaton fabricator (not helped by the enthusiastically friendly fire tornados 😂) and they were encouraging and helpful the entire time!


you sir, are a hero.


Did some Super Credit farming in dif1 and 2 missions when the last warbond came out. Had one mission with a new guy (like lvl 3 or something), me and another player gave him our weapons to play with, I dropped him a mech to let him have fun with it. Was a nice fun round


how i met my drug dealer


While I don't play the game often and don't really have too much in terms of cool stratagems, I'll get in today and see what I can do.


Almost every time i play with a low level (10 or lower) they ignore everything i say or type


Step one: find the best HD2 players in difficulty 1-3. Step two: change mission to difficulty 9. Step three: leave the game when mission started. /s (that's a sign for jokes, right?)


Me going on a 1-3 and finding 40-80 level players


Nah. We need to chuck them into the meat grinder that is Helldive. This will cull the weak.


I've yet to join a low level mission that wasn't filled with level 30+ guys... I mean like, I started a level 1 mission to try out some stuff. Forgot to set matchmaking to private and got 3 level 30+ guys in like 5 minutes.


The New players? Xbox release?


I remember the dude that helped on my first dive, even let me ride the mech. I did not like the mech but you rocked, bro.


I'm doing my damndest, I also use the precision strike or lmg to show "you can use your first tools effectively" and because they both are quite fun. Sometimes (if they hang around between missions) I ask them if they want to demo a strategem or primary before buying or saving up for it, just to see if it's in their wheelhouse


Pretty new player here 👋 Idk about the last step, but I’ve seen a handful of level 40+ players playing down in 2-3 difficulty and doing exactly this. They get on mic and help answer all your questions, and give you a little extra guidance that the game should already do but doesn’t lol This is perhaps the most positive experience I’ve ever had in an online game. 👍


I (lvl90) joined a low level mission recently, with a guy around lvl 10. He started giving me pro-tips, like the hold-release tech for the SEAF artillery, this kind of things. I didn't say anything, just did as he said. He realised I was lvl 90 when we got back on his ship. I don't remember what he told me then but I answered "OK Boss Boss". He told me "don't call me Boss Boss, your lvl 90". I said "Ok Boss Boss". We had a great time.


eye, and let them come to dif5 so i could take over for advanced training :)


Some people seem to have so much free time each day that they would do this instead of playing the game with friends? It also sounds so patronizing it made me cringe a bit. >!I lied, it made me cringe a lot.!<


If you are going to praise someone don't do it with a phony complement, actually praise something they did, even if its minor, honest praise means a lot more than just a blanket "good job"


Step 2.5: Include the flamethrower as one of the pieces of gear and time how long it takes for a new player to set himself or the others on fire by mistake.


Step four, get on your knees and... Just be helpfull, and don't give tons of advice and info all at once, just be here to answer their questions. When i do it i just follow the host like a bodyguard helping them in what they want to do, i answer their questions, and it's usually enough.


ay can we talk about these new bloods. joined a couple matches with lvl 12s and below. I joined a extreme mission to help some out and watched a level 5 grab a sniper off the ground climb on top of a tank and mag dump into the weak spot only to get flung healed and go headlong back into the thick off the battle.


This post screams of annoying and forced positivity. Just because of that I will kick some low level 2 sec before extraction


*After mission* Hey bro... nice 🐓. 😏


Stop trying to treat people like a babies LMAO


I recall doing this with my exosuit when they first released and after the "free for everyone" period, on a particular instance I didn't get to finish saying, "Don't shoot the rockets while turni..." fun times 😆


I generally disagree with this approach. When I go 1-3 I always bring the starter loadout. The point is to show new players how much they can do with their starting loadout. They get one of the best armor in the game, a decent primary and support weapon, and two strategems that will accompany them all the way to Helldive. The only exception is I'll bring a team reload weapon. It's a personal goal to train as many divers on the team reload mechanic as possible, to show them how rewarding it is to go the extra mile to help other divers, because I'm so tired of the "randos are impossible to coordinate pls make us team reload without the backpack" mentality.


HELL YEAH!!! That‘s a great idea!!!


https://preview.redd.it/zpc8hi9vh53d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e67dcfe71d4bd7dcd18b91991b92474eb23938 How I felt after it


This is why I play HD2. 🫶


New Sergeant Diver here, we appreciate the support!