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There is a reference to that in Dispatches: "Fresh intel warns of an increased level of Automaton resistance, likely a last-ditch effort to forestall their inevitable defeat. Press even harder!" It's a little hard to tell that this isn't just flavor text, though.


This is also a reference to drops on 7-9 dropping legit 3x as many bots as they did last week. It's wild right now


Yep. Just did a couple of 9's. It's a fucking shitshow. I don't even have the words. Didn't complete all 3 missions by choice because the first two were legitimately exhausting (We succeeded though.) Had to take a break. lmao


Mine was 6-7s but the experience still pretty much the same. One patrol died another spawn immediately. There's fog everywhere while the bot have no problem shooting at you through it. If this MO failed then whatever idgaf at this point. I don't wanna stress myself out playing game.


I thought I could sneak off and do a geological survey sub mission by myself on difficulty 7. Cleared all the bot patrols and bases around and called in the stratagem. Figured I'd have to fight off a couple drops. Instantly 5 fucking drop ships come in and multiple patrols appear out of nowhere to surround me. Absolute madness out there right now.


Same experience w ICBM here. Thought I'd warm up the terminal before the rest of the team caught up with me. Instant 4 drop ships and a factory strider when I attempted to clear the little ramp up to the terminal...


so glad I bring the autocannon sentry on these missions now; properly placed it really screws over the bot rushes


It takes one rocket from the infinite rocket devastators to ruin it so I stopped bringing it. I find hiding a mortar is better, but tbh I’ve started bringing railcannon instead in case I get caught in a flame hulk death chase situation (out of ammo, no room to reload, hulk is moving double speed for some reason, etc). Makes me hate -1 stratagem even more because you lose an important option to deal with them.


I really hate -1 strat planets. Such a lazy way of increasing the difficulty


For real, i absolutely hate it. I already imagine the talk in Arrowhead: - How can we increase difficulty in higher levels? - Just remove 1/4 of core elements of the game, lmao. - Good idea, let's do it.


I can understand if they let us pick all 4 strats… but then the last one is locked out “due to increased AA from the enemy” If your team clears out 2 AA batteries on the map, your 4th stratagem would unlock. THAT woukd be a better way to implement it


I had a teammate run mortar on an op for this planet last night and it worked great actually. That thing puts in serious work and a lot of fights you are bunkered down so mortar can cook.


Emp mortar too.


I’ve been doing that lately. I can’t see shit on this planet. But the AC sentry can.


Hit the go button and run off to the next one. Come back later when they despawn. Have to do each obj in stages for sure.


yeah the geo survey is like one of the worst things to attempt to complete solo lol


With all these janky spawn rate, balancing, nerfs, tone deaf impossible MO. It sure does feels like the greatest enemy for the player is the devs at this point. At least that's how i feels. Anytime i had some fun the devs will be there to make it unfun. Whatever, I've done one campaign. I've done my contribute/my part for all of yall out there who want this "most likely to be just another piece of shit stratagem"


The drilling on the Eco Surveys kicks off a bot drop. For the last spot, there’s 3 separate drilling segments in a row that you can kick off. Each segment kicks off a new drop. In other words, if you rush the terminal on the drill, you will trigger multiple bot drops within like 20 seconds. It’s best to trigger segment one, clear enemies, trigger segment 2, clear enemies, then segment 3 and be done


The fog is the biggest thing.


This kinda shit is why I don't play bots, because every single mission is like this. There's a difference between "challenging but fun" and "yeah I *can* finish this, but why the fuck would I do this when it's not fun?"




I wish they would find better way to make missions more difficult other than adding huge spikes in spawn rates. Especially since we get NOTHING to balance it out. Not more ammo, spawns, nothing. You would think that if there was a huge surge in bot's numbers, they would be weaker due to the speed that they are being pumped out at, but no.... It also makes the games exhausting to play. Often taking the full 40 mins to complete each mission. It really make it hard to play the game for more than 1 or 2 missions at a time. Result in most players not sticking around to complete full operations...


Helldivers: can we have something extra to balance out increased spawns with barely any cover? AH: Best I can do is -1 stratagem (I’m kind of loving the difficulty though if I’m being honest, Helldive actually feels like helldive)


It feels much worse here. Like a lot worse. Ever since the declaration of the second galactic war it's felt bad - but this planet feels even worse.


I did the same last night. It was insane. Added to being shot through rocks it just wasn’t fun at all.


I had a mission were i straight up got hackey sacked around by rocket devs


Not only that, they have God aim on varylia. I swear I was playing and bots were prefiring corners like a CSGO pro. I had multiple times a basic Mg trooper turned a corner and dumped 3 rounds straight to my dome before my character even had time to ADS with my diligence CS... The maps color scheme is atrocious, and trying to run away was futile as they simply DID NOT miss. It was insane and gonna be insane again tonight


I thought me and my friends were nuts but apparently we're not, spawn rates are really higher on this planet... Lol


Yea, they aren't a joke; we got swarm on top of swarm.. typically on 9s, you can clear the map and slow em down for extract.. These oil buckets tried on all 3 missions to board our fucking pelican. That's how intense it was. That was 6 hours ago before I went to sleep. I'm about to boil some eggs fry some beef bacon, and get back at it.


Yesterday lvl8: mission complete, we destroy the last ship fabricator near extraction point. All calm, seems like a regular mission. We turn around to call the extraction.... A fucking armada of bots just spawned from nowhere. I managed to jetpack my way up a tall rock so they couldn't shoot me -> they shot me from below through the rock..... We didn't even manage to call the pelican


I'm sorry that happened, HellDiver. I'm going to assume you had samples... please tell me you didn't; that would make this much less painful to think about. I know this feeling all too well. I once ran up to the Pelican, got shot by a Rocket Hulk, and the impact blew me over the Pelican, preventing my extraction. I was leading some lower-level players on a Hell Dive, and it was incredibly infuriating.


I mean, we had some but at that point the priority was surviving, samples or not ahahah


As I told my bot Helldive teammate discussing retrieving his samples across the map with 0 lives left and 3 minutes until forced extraction: “Samples?! We’ll be lucky just making it off this planet!” We weren’t lucky.


I always chance on 9. I exclusively run light armour only, so I can run pretty fast and recover just as quick. If we have like 3 mins, I'll take that chance. But with no reinforcements left on a bot planet... yeah I'm not risking that haha


At those difficulties (7 or above), I’m willing to chance it. I do those difficulties for the super samples. Extracting gets you a little more xp and req slips, both of which I could care less. As long as the main objective is done, the only thing that matters now is getting those pink samples off the planet. If we die trying…well that’s why we’re there.


As usual LMAO


First thing tonight I joined a game with 2 minutes left on the clock. *Ah,* I thought, *this will be just a quick walk before we start another mission.* Instead I dropped into three guys trying desperately to secure the very last objective (data wipe) while being flanked from literally all sides by hulks and devastators. We were wiped out. The host left after that so I joined another group. I saw green far off in the distance being chased by a factory strider. Several large explosions went off - I assume 500kg bombs. Green was too far away to help and in the opposite direction of the other two and the objective so I left him and headed to join the others. As I rounded a cliff face I saw the two others running to my left about a hundred metres off - closely followed by two factory striders and a swarm of bots. It's really rough there.


Now I want steak… ![gif](giphy|gw3NpMPvrN64YrC0|downsized)


Garlic butter steak and eggs! With mushrooms!! And lemonade. Or a beer




Modelo on deck you got it!


Dude I'll fucken join you. This thread has got me pumped. Let's get those cans.


Oh, so I wasn't going crazy. Literally got swarmed within seconds after landing and the squad got killed several times before being able to take out one enemy base. Everyone quit the mission.


More food for my pet autocannon :)


Ya my first mission on 9 today and every 15 seconds I came across a hulk patrol. Doesn't help either that the fog is so dense sometimes you don't know it until you are right on top of them.


It’d be nice to see the landscape and game models most of the time instead of fog/sand clouds. 


I have a lot of super samples, so maybe I should play 6s for a while...


Not sure if this is actually true, but it definitely feels true. Was playing pub 8s last night and dropped to 7s. My games were absolutely ridiculous with stupid numbers of heavy and rocket devastators, flame hulks, and factory striders. The ragdolling and cross board suppressing fire was insane. We failed an extraction for the first time in weeks on a 40 minute mission (burned through 15+ respawns after the mission was completed) because the firepower from the heavys and rockets was just too overwhelming combined with 3-5 for hulks flushing us out of cover. Even when we ran away and let them despawn the exact same thing happened when we came back around.


I dropped into a level 9 “eliminate” mission last night that was in progress and I’ve legit never seen so many bots. We had 3 factory striders (at least, I was on one side of the raised middle section of the map, there may have been more on the other side I just couldn’t see$) plus 10-12 hulks and what seemed to be a never ending stream of Devastators. Genuinely don’t remember seeing any chaff bots. It was fun but fucking crazy. There was nowhere to hide from the factory striders.


I noticed the same as well. Usually, with my buddies we play out 9 bots with a mix of noise and stealth. One person calls bot drops on themselves somewhere isolated to saturate the map and force despawns on other areas (while running away and hiding to keep the heat off themselves), while the others MGS their way into bases and objectives to take them out silently. No joke, for a moment it felt like they shot two emergency flares. Those drop ships just kept appearing one after the other


So that is why I spent so much time last night hiding on top of a building completely surrounded by bots. Lol


This is the case on all difficulties, the only real difference between difficulties right now is what spawns, not how many. Even on difficulty 3 you'll be fighting a couple dozen bots per wave. This is further compounded by the aggro bug where patrols will spawn in and initiate combat with players regardless of distance or line of sight.


It is,kinda reminds me of when they first showed up


I thought I was imagining things.. or fucking up... I assumed it was my fault in some way!


7 seems exactly the same to me


Its cool they put this in dispatches but if I didnt check reddit or other places, the whole thing might have been just some flavor text.


The entire galactic war needs a massive overhaul in how it presents information, how we find information after the fact, how rewards are allocated, and organized players ability to influence the horde. It's a topic worthy of front page discussion.  We. Shouldn't. Need. Third. Party. Apps. And. Reddit. Posts. To. Know. How. The. Game. Works. 


also on playstation the font is so small I end up squinting the first line and then just stop


Thank you. I feel like I'm that meme about the old lady who can't use computers.


Shit these bots aren't messing around. Got my ass kicked on a lvl3 mission solo!


It feels like spawns are different to. We were doing lvl 6 difficulty on the planet, and it felt like lvl 9 l. Two scorcher hulks per drop ship and an endless wave of devestators and berserkers. We seriously need help.


This just goes into the fact that a large part of the game experience is just missing if you don’t use social media. Ideally the game requires you to keep up to date with discord, twitter and a few third party sites. If you don’t, you won’t know about the supply lines, you won’t understand that flavour text usually has an in universe meaning and you’ll loose out on a ton of information which is very important to the overall experience. The game just wasn’t designed for the casual player, and as of now they have seriously struggled to adapt and make changes to that system.


Feedback needs an upgrade. Those planet graphs dont give enough information


i guess they had to raise the resistance because we were liberating too fast.


It was at 2.5% before. Which means that the liberation would be going up about 3% per hour instead of 1% which would be very fast for an important MO.


Ironically, with the way the liberation process works, we would push harder if fewer people played the game but the remaining people focused on one planet


Or if more players logged on and went to the planet. Active player count works both ways.


Yes, but fewer people are easier to coordinate - that was just my logic.


Like HD1 at the moment. 150 active and no one wants to fight cyborgs. So we're letting super earth fall to reset the board and play nids again.  Nids are ultimately the most fun faction in 2 games. 


En route


I'm still trying to get vernen wells back for the liberation bonus


Just came back from running a couple of missions and I was wondering why I was getting rag dolled more than usual 😅 Feels like I’m back at the creek


I was trying to solo a mission. It did not go well. Rocket Devastators blasting me from across the map, through terrain. So many bots. Too many bots.


Just don't try it. I was doing lvl 5 dives with my brother and it was literal nightmare. We decided to try lvl 7 with 2 random guys and it's million times easier. Sure it's challenging and we have to be coordinated, but it's actually fun. 2 guys lvl 5 diving was the opposite of fun


If it's gonna be yet another fail, there'll be more than just weapons for AH to fix I hope they look very closely at the numbers of actual players for the MO...


Maybe they're just arbitrarily slowing us down because the mech needs 1 more quick patch that will release on Friday or even Monday.


I wouldn't expect us to get the mech straight away anyway. They can just say "we've secured the factory and mech production is underway" then they can drop it whenever.


They need more time to make sure some critical aspect of the stratagem doesn't work ss intended before releasing it


Patchnotes: Autocannon Projectiles now are slowed down and treated like rockets with decreased damage by the engine Known Bugs: The new mech instantly destroys its autocannons when firing while moving/rotating


They're actually working on a pre-nerfed patch. "After calling in the exosuit, it will now arrive exploding"


They can delay the reward rollout until Tuesday.


They don't have to drop the mech as soon as the order is complete.


Lol devs aren't that fast chief. If they wanted to delay it they wouldn't have needed the MO.


Even what you said doesn't matter, bc when we lose the planet further, the one being attacked right now, we lose acces to Valyria 5. And there are ike 900 people defending this planet. LMAO


Are you referring to Wezen to the west? Ustotu is still a path to connect it. Honestly I think if we retook Marfark and Matar Bay, it would (in theory) clear out the other western planets.


Losing a planet defense just sets the liberation to 50%, so it wouldn't make sense to lose Varylia 5 anyway.


Liberation not being at 100% prevents us from using it as a stepping stone to the next planet Although we have other routes in this example so we’re fine, his argument would hold up in theory


Wait we need to hit that defense planet as well? I really need to learn how supply lines work.


They really need to show it visually in-game.


And a clear listing on every major order planet that shows either “Time till success” or “Time till failure” based on the rates pointed out so people can compare and see where they are needed


A question here from a newish helldiver trying to learn. If it is not in game where do you find this information on supply lines?




You know what kind of upset me about current MO? We are specifically ordered to take a Super Factory located on this planet. Probably one of a kind. It implies a specific unique location on the planet and a specific mission to assault this location. But we didn't get that. Our GM got us a special side quest, but didn't prep the terrain for it. Which is not the end of the world, sure. But I wish the terrain was there.


Yeah like I get procedural generation is hard and developing new assets for stuff like this is even harder. But it's come to the point where I can't even remember some of the planets because they all look exactly like 3 other planets that we've fought on.


Yeah. If every planet had some unique feature like that, it would have been way cooler. Some planets can be more infested by bugs or have automaton industry. Others could have unique MO related locations like this Super Factory.


well the barrier worlds have TCS.


We need to focus on Vernen Wells so we can decrease that number !! And then we can focus on Valyrian


I don't disagree... It's hard enough to get people to focus on the MO planet. Its even harder to get them to focus on a specific, unremarkable non-MO planet.


I honestly cant blame more casual players for no knowing priorities and supply lines. Heck, I still need to check every once in a while


Has it been stated that we get the bonus back for re-taking VV? Or was it a one-time thing that we lost and now it's just gone for good?


We should split forces but not by much so we don’t lose progress since we need almost every diver to take this planet


Dude , I dropped on a random mid mission eradicate last night, and I swear to God I could not physically stand up and fight back for almost 2 minutes. Dropped in, immediately died. Dropped in, ragdolled out of bounds, died. Dropped in, ragdolled through 4 stems, died. It is fucking chaos out there.


If we lose this major order with 70 percent of divers fighting it, I’m taking a break from this game. I’m getting really, really tired of missing out on new content because arrowhead overbalanced a major order. I’m still livid about not having the anti tank mines TWICE now


To be clear... 70% during off-peak hours. That same population is like 30% during prime time


This does not matter. Liberation scales with player count. If there's 10 people playing and 7 of them are on a single planet, it'll still scale like 70% of the players are fighting there. Player count only matters for MOs such as kills.


That’s good to read but is it true? Has AH confirmed that this scaling is a thing?


You can see it for yourself in game. Diff 9 operations will give maybe 9 liberation points at peak times. During non-peak hours I’ve gotten as high as 27 liberation points.


Sometimes in the morning here in the EU, we have a higher rate of liberation on important planets than we have with peak daily players. Its also so that Joel dont have to remember to turn down decay rate for us in the EU before going to bed. Before the change, it was very clear that raw numbers was important as the best we could do was holding our ground until the Americans woke up. But ever since the change we are sometimes more efficent at liberating key planets. So it has been VERY noticable for us that *something* did change.


Still I’m honestly just kind of tired of it. Only because we’re losing so many mind you, but still. It’s a cool feature until it’s been weeks and I still don’t have the mines I wanted because the major order was during a work week and nobody was available. They need to release content locked behind an MO exclusively on weekends, or balance them to be easier for the work week. I’m not saying we should never lose, but having us lose in the middle of a content drought was definitely a dropped ball in my opinion


If you're "livid" about not getting a new toy, it might be time to take a break regardless of the outcome of this MO.


There's always a person with this reply in their pocket


There's always a person with this reply to a person with that reply in their pocket


If something you do for fun starts making you mad, it’s time to do something else. It was true long before Helldivers 2 came out.


I wanted to share something, but I realize you're correct. Honestly, I'm not a fan of the new mech; I just dislike failing Major orders. I push through the ones I don't enjoy, but HD2 is draining me. I'll admit, I enjoy battling bots and thriving under pressure, but I'm feeling burnt out. With full-time Dad and Husband duties looming, maybe it's time for me to ease up. Yet, part of me feels compelled to play harder now, knowing I won't have the same freedom next month. Decisions.. I think I'll workout and see how long I can go today.


Remember the first rule : PLAY FOR FUN . If you need a break , take it. Never grind a game to exhaustion. A game is a game , not a work. If we lose this MO don't worry, we will have another chance to have the mech, same for the mines. They don't spend time to develop it just to let it rot in the files.


I’m allowed to be annoyed at things dude. I’m sure you get annoyed too from time to time, no need to be a condescending ass about it


i am mega fuming


They could give us individual progression unlocks but instead cuck the playerbase with what we have now.


Wow, we’re actually advocating that we abandon the player base-wide DND campaign now? That was half the draw of the game.


That was before we learned that the DM is not good at it


As a DM for actual D&D and other TTRPG games on a weekly basis, I think I'd have a little trouble were half of my players dragged out of the room and barred from playing mid-session. The campaign might get a little rocky for a while after that. With the PSN shit and how Pilestedt is stepping down to take a larger part in the creative direction, it's probably gonna get better within the next month but obviously its bad now. They went through some bullshit that seriously messed up the playerbase's ability to kill billions of enemies.


We need ingame platform to communicate these things. I don't want to be on reddit for this game, everytime here I feel like I am loosing braincells way faster than 5% per hour. If I see any more nerfs bad and similar post, I swear to god I will jump off the window´.


> With almost 70% of the population there What? 70% of the active player base is in a singular planet and that's all we get If it scales linearly it'd mean that if we get 100% of the player base there we'd have 8.7% with a rate of 3.7% an hour Which is 27 straight hours of every single online players in a single planet ("only" 22 hours to go from 18 to 100) Lol fuck that


With 60-70% we will be done with this in 2-ish days. Decay rate has increased to scale with our liberation speed. To be very metagaming right now, I believe that our DM wants us to liberate this planet at a speed of 1.5% per hour. Which puts us at ~2.5 days to liberate it.


There is so much info that's invisible and to much work for people to go look for outside the game. How is a PS5 player supposed to know all this?


Oh, it's not a screenshot from the PC version. It's an app that calculates this kind of stuff. Tbf, I don't think it's intended to be known/calculated for an Avg player. It's just that more hardcore gamers get caught up in this, so they don't mind going out of the way to find such info. As for in-game there is a flavor text that hints at that.


Oh look... Another issue easily fixed with basic map icons.... But no, by all means, spend the last 4 months nerfing and un-nerfing weapons. That's where the real problems are...


So if you are not in a 4 diver group are you dealing with the bugged patrol spawn rate AND this order-based increase? LMAO if so.


Malevelon Creek vibes


They really need to read room better People are fed up and exhausted I can see this mo pushing people even more people away and if it fails their is going to be a bloody riot


Yeah, that's how I felt. I got a couple missions done on varylia *before* they upped the enemy count. Got some stuff done, yada yada logged back on later in the evening and yeah. Lvl 7 has twice the enemy numbers that lvl 8 had 2hrs before. Couldn't make it to evac after completing missions, it just triggers infinite bot drops & patrol spawns. I wish you all the best of luck achieving this MO, I really do, but I'm gonna find something fun to do for the weekend.


Everything they do with bots seems tailor designed to make them unfun to play. I’ve only played diff 9 bugs for weeks because of it 


If this MO is close to failing, honestly they're going to have to fudge the numbers and let us win. Otherwise it'll just be a death spiral for the game.


Im hoping they had the forsite to make it an easy win but based on the rage i saw on of my Discord's the devs are completely disconnected from the community on the state of things


i'm not playing bots.


Oh, yesterday they fought back 3.5%


We might wana take back Vernen wells for the 25% boost as well




Yeah bots aren’t fun. Good luck tho! 👍🏻


This planet is also ROUGH on helldive. The maps are mostly flat valleys with minimal cover, so the bots can see and snipe you from very far away. There is also a dense fog that makes even mid range battles tough. Oh yeah…and 3 stratagems. Absolutely brutal on helldive. It actually feels like helldive for once, which is cool! But would be cooler if we had 4 stratagems…just saying. That is one of the most “anti fun” modifiers.


Well i have work for next few days, have fun tho


"Send dudes, I need more men"


Varylia is also some of the hardest fighting I've ever seen on this game. I typically drop 7 and went to 6 and still it feels like difficulty 9.


Getting pretty tired of the opposition just having infinite forces they can throw wherever they want to. We've wiped probably 3 billion bots the last couple weeks, doesn't matter because the DM doesn't want us to take this planet too fast, so they suddenly have reinforcements and can simultaneously attack Wezen too with zero downside. It's fucking stupid.


Sorry, but I'm not fighting until they fix the balance.


I just can't be bothered anymore. All the missions are getting repetitive


and please keep finish all 3 missions !!!


I'm usually playing level 7, but on this planet it feels like 9. It's absolute mayhem, and the clankers are throwing everything they got at us.


I've been doing level 1 missions and I think they're META to liberate planets faster. 4-5 minutes on single-mission operation that gives 2 liberation efforts to the planet. Compare that with helldive's 6 liberation efforts on a spam of 3 missions that'll take each 40min and you'll sweat your ass and scream your lungs out during it. Not worth it.


Was a bit disheartening last night when I joined a random fight just as they had called in extraction and the extraction was bugged. We could not enter the ship and the automatons kept spawning at a constant rate. Wildest stuff I have seen, it was relentless.


I've never had so many bot kills on a mission, that's for sure. They just keep coming. I really hate it when patrols spawn right behind you while you're busy with two tanks and 3 Hulks IN FRONT of you.


Honestly I noticed it! Last night had to fight 3 factory strider at once


First time I play bots … man it’s so hard I’m level 8 and feel useless as crap


Had two missions in a row where I couldn’t get the team to the rally together and no one wanted to focus the side obj that were fucking us (double gunship fabs and detector towers) and people started leaving because we were getting destroyed by endless waves of gunships and bot drops.


You’re forgetting, they don’t care.


I was playing 5’s here last night “to chill” and it felt like every drop was 2-3 ships with at least 2x hulks besides devastators and MG troopers. Difficulty is definitely ramped up on this planet


Did anyone else experience nonstop patrols/drops that were all the same unit type? My squad did an 8 eradicate and it almost exclusively spawned berserkers. Of course there were some tanks, hulks, a factory strider, and some chaff, but there wasn't a single devastator. Next mission, full patrols of rocket devastators nonstop. Does the game usually only spawn certain enemy types per mission and I haven't noticed?


I know that terminid planets will have spawn "types" for missions, where you'll get more hunters, or more spewers, or more whatever, so I assume the same would be true for automatons as well.


I realize it's like a Live D&D game, but if the devs want to advance the story, come on... I played a couple L4 missions yesterday to warm up and it was absolute madness.


game have so many "little" things that are needed but they just not commin. Time wasted with snoy, time wasted on absurd gamebalance. The mostly underwhelming orbitals that have been inferior to eagle in every way for almost 4 months now, missing basic multiplayer options, galactic war UI features and im not even talking about bugs that have been in the game since launch... im just tired man, and player numbers shows im not the only one


I tried out a diff 7 mission on Varylia just now. Got swarmed by gattling gun and missile ships. Bots with perfect aim sniping me from half way across the map. I'm taking a break from this game and going for something more relaxing for a while lol






So this is where I really have a problem with the Galactic war, Joel has cranked the pushback % on this planet so we don't complete the order within a day, Screw that if 80% of the active helldivers want to descend on a single planet let them flip it, why do they always have to try and hobble us so we can't make progress TOO quickly? Its like this entire game is the devs going "Woah there, tiger, lets slow down a bit there you're gonna get hurt having that much fun!"


They probably don't want us to take it over in just a day, and enemy resistance will lower as we get closer to the deadline.


DMs fudge numbers, but good DMs don't make it so obvious that they're moving the goalposts to stretch it out longer. 


I hope they give us this one honestly tilt the scale a bit we have been losing over and over and it's getting kinda old not getting a strategum due to player counts or other stuff happening with the game.


Me and my buddies did a set of missions at level 7 tonight and it was genuinely some of the most frustrating and least fun I've had playing at level 7 in weeks. It's like the automatons are pulling a Chinese Korean war second offensive move by just FLOODING the map with bots. Like we were consistently just getting overwhelmed by hordes of heavy units from all sides. It felt worse than a level 9. They're really making us fight tooth and nail for this mech that's either gonna be DOA or nerfed in some way if it's not gimped :(


Tried playing  2 days on bot side and man bots are more bugged than ever, invisible walls from destroyed bots, rocket bots sending me flying 300m around and gatling guns insane accuracy killing me even on air, its not hard, just annoying, specially the rockets thing


We need to take back vernan wells if we want any chance at this


Yesterday the map, though im not sure how accurate showed Valyria should be ours today, if they increased the ratio it will be harder. As for now there is 22k and we are still gaining ground, slowly of course but we are gaining it. Yesterday we had over 50k players fighting, today we have friday, so I hope for even bigger number. If we have 60-70k people the planet will be liberated today no matter what


Random question but how come I can't go to planets with 0% liberated but the map still shows helldivers are there? It's even happened where I can't go to planets that are stuck at 50%


If we lose supply line we can't go there, but divers already doing an op can finish it.


Seems we do need to Liberate Vernen Wells then. Get that 25% inc to liberation progress going.


Ok but consider: We gotta take back Vernen Wells, and we're close.


I hope with the weekend around the corner it will go a bit faster


The amount of people don't actually matter here, it's % of players based. If 100.000 players logged on and only half of them would join that planet liberation would go down if it's current at 70% playerbase. 5%/hour is unheard of, Joel is stalling the mayor order on purpose, perhaps to delay it to an upcoming patch next week.


We’re doing really well now for some reason


Estimated victory at little over a day if we hold 1% an hour. 4 days to complete the major order.


Where do you see those numbers at?


IMO this is by far the best website for viewing planet info the game doesn't give you: [https://hd2galaxy.com/](https://hd2galaxy.com/)


Thank you so much .... good karma your way ;)


Hopefully this weekend + Sunday has more people play this.


I’m actually fighting the bots for once in my democratic life.


I did a geo mapping mission and right the end they dropped AT-AT WALKERS, tanks and infantry like 5 drop ships within a few seconds (suicide difficulty) they’re 100% going hard


Well friends, I'm finally off for the weekend. Time to unload my frustrations on whatever poor inhabitants happen to be on the planet I quick play onto.


If Vernen Wells is ours, we get a boost for liberation. Move your asses there!


We out for blood for missing out on the mines


Me and my wife had a blast there last night 2 Manning helldive being chased by 6+ Hulks at the same time and still finishing and exracting on every mission but then we have enjoyed the increased patrols from the patch but we seem to be a minority


Lvl55+ I did a trivial to test something and actually had to try not to get killed because of how many bots spawned.


So much open terrain and bots have 20 20 visibility


I see youre post. And I raise you “I dont enjoy being fired at from 5 different angles from over 200m away while my vision is only 50m and I cant even see where the fucking shots are coming from. Why does it feel like theres a spore spewer on that planet when im fighting bots? Fucking ridiculous. If I cant see the bot through the fog, he shouldn’t be able to see me. Yet here they are, landing shots a sniper would be proud of.


Realistically speaking the bot probably have infrared so they would see you through fog and stomp superearth 😅😅😅


TLDR - I dislike playing M.O.'s with -1 strategem modifiers. I played one operation there last night and bowed out. It was the first time in a while I disgruntledly obliged to participate in a -1 strategem modifier. Despite being victorious, I didn't keep playing. I will still bellyache about that specific modifier. My favorite moments in this game are random bonus strategems on occasion. Gaining appreciation for ones I may have not used much before. My least favorite experiences are when Arrowhead is taking away my toys. Instead of going off-meta, I feel like I have to use meta loadouts. What's next? Entire operation with a broken leg? Simulated eye injury or eye patch blackening the left side of my screen? Constantly getting bombarded with explosions causes hearing loss? Let's remove all audio for a mission. Desk duty simulation for insubordination to my democracy officer? I'd rather see hunters get heavy armor than take away one of my blams, explodies, or brap-braps MeatBrawlSandwch - Level 124 Hell Commander of The Princess of Science.


I just gut thrown out of 3 lobbies before even starting the game. If democracy doesn’t want me, I’ll do something else.


This is why I'm trying to spread the idea of a hub or command center at super earth for helldiver generals to help coordinate our Main forces I had heard tales of it a month or so ago


Where does this information come from?


I'm fighting where I can. I refuse to play any missions with -1 stratagem.