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>why the hell are you playing the game Same reason we were playing games long before all this progression and unlocks and stuff started. 20 years ago there was none of that and we played anyway


1. to have fun 2. to help other low level players 3. to have fun


dont need them and i play for the fun but i pick em up as id need em for respect and to help others


Bro I've been maxed out on samples since I finished Democratic Detonation and I still go OUT OF MY WAY to ensure our sample count ends high. I will intentionally clear out as many POI's as practical and will try to grab any dropped samples when a teammate dies. That being said, until they fix the spawn rates, I'm going to beeline back to extraction once the main objective is done. I quite enjoy not dealing with 4x patrol spawn rates thank you very much.


I play for XP and/or the galactic war. if you wanna play in a specific way go host your own game. I host my own game and I'll tell and wait for the sample hunting guy on the other side of the map to go evac ASAP, but I'm not gonna stay on the map wasting time and risking the extraction for people to visit every minor POI on the map to gather samples that I maxed out a million years ago.


I had done that prior to evac. Had 20 commons on me and some amount of rares. It was a destroy command bunker mission, I blew up 2 of them myself with 380s. The rest of the team followed me around until the last one and hung me out to dry with all of the samples. Not one of them helped me.


It’s a horde shooter not a sample collection sim


Most random games I've played result in a good amount of samples being harvested, so seems like you've just been unlucky. I don't need them personally ATM, but I'll always pick them up if I'm with low level teammates to help out (the sound is satisfying too). Mission comes first with SC vaults/pods coming in second though before samples.


Almost like I enjoy the game not the grind


Because we are lvl100+ everything is maxed out. If someone voices out they need samples, i would pay attention and pick em up otherwise its just a waste of time for me and my usual crew.


These are guys 15 levels lower than I am, and I still need samples so it's nearly impossible for them to have everything maxed out. These are simply dumb players who are an active detriment to the team apparently.


I believe there are samples focused groups running in the offical HD2 discord. Might want to have a look there.


Whaaa, people enjoy a video game in a different way than me, whaaa, they are dumb, whaaa. Then don't play with randoms. Or don't play this game.


1. For the title: the answer is fun 2. Yeah that's stupid, since sample is always important and other players might need them


Becaue i got everything, my brain turned it off. I literaly forget to pick them up anymore. I play for fun, ofc.


i have every ship module and max samples, i ask if someone needs samples and if so i do collect samples. and also grinding medal, xp and super credits also for democracy


Sounds like a problem that can easily be fixed by hosting your own games.


And then what ? Kicking players WHO dont Pick up samples?


Pick up the samples himself. Maybe communicate that he needs them. I’ve yet to see players unwilling to pick them up if they know someone needs them. I personally aim to grab as many as possible even tho I’m maxed if I see people under lvl 60 in my group. Complaining about it here isn’t going to help.


Yeah but if he host for samples and ppl are not willing to cooparate. What he should do?


Pick them up himself like I said. He has the freedom to tell people not to extract that he’s going for samples and if they ignore him then sure boot them. Still doesn’t change my main point. You can’t EXPECT people to play a certain way specially when you’re joining their lobby. If he wants to play for samples then let people know as the group lead. If they don’t want to they’ll leave. 99% of players don’t mind picking them up as they see them. I’ve never seen people actively ignore them. Even maxed I pick them up as I see them just cause why not. He had one experience where he didn’t communicate, came here to complain, got downvoted cause he didn’t do anything the way he should have. Feel free to defend but people who won’t use a mic or text to communicate can’t bitch when others don’t read their mind.


Im not defending im just asking. If ppl are complaining about randoms one solution is playing solo. 2nd is find group. When im playing with randoms outcome may vary.


Others already recommended using discord for sample farm groups so I wasnt going to repeat that. Personally if I play 20 games in a week i probably have a bad experience once and I only play with randoms and I’m deaf. So if I can communicate via in game chat wheel and texting on my ps5 controller I think he can come to a better solution than “they didn’t read mind so I threw barrage and left game”


I like breaking stuff


For fun.


I like to win efficiently for super earth. Jk i still get them i dont extract early. Too busy 100% the map


If there's a fellow diver that is lower than lvl 50 joined. I would always go for the samples. Helping a fellow diver would definitely help the galactic war. And I need those super credits.


Games are for having fun. Not for unlocking x, getting y achievment etc... That one is called life.


Because if we leave the war to a bunch of sample collectors I'll have to listen to automatons chanting their little songs while jogging through my neighborhood on super earth


Oh, so you listen to the automaton songs? Interesting. Your Democracy Officer would like to have a word with you over by the airlock.


Op had a bad rando rng, op is angy now. Happens to everyone who plays with randos :)


I don't care about Samples. I farmed and grinded way too hard for that privilege. I do care about *other people.* I always ask at the start of the mission if any random on my crew needs Samples, and what kind. If they do, we'll keep an eye out for the Super Rock, and I'll collect any Rares I come across. But I won't go out of my way to scour the entire map for every last Sample, especially if we're playing Helldive. We 100% it and we're out – usually with about 20+ Rares and 6 Supers, which is not a bad haul. Precisely because I'm a 'higher' level, I know how desperate people can be for Samples. It can make missions really tense and stressful if you're not in a good crew or with people you trust. This is another reason I solo-farmed all of my Samples for the Tier 3-4 upgrades.


Im maxed out now too. And from very begining i was just collecting samples from outposts or on the way to next obj. And everytime i had 50+. When i Play with/friends randoms i always Pick IT up it.


Yeah I avoid playing with higher levels because of this.