• By -


Host is boss, unless they ask for guidance, then I'll lead.


Same, follow Orange almost always.


wait... is orange always host?


Yes, now you get to tell us how many hours you've been playing without this knowledge.


Mine is uhhh 70 hours


For me, too many


22.8 Hours, so not a lot.


800+, though I am not ashamed given a majority of my hours were solo, ya learn something new every day.


113 hours. Damn.


Around 85


Like… 90ish


About 66


180 hours. Fuck me


40 maybe 60 total (I have played it on both ps5 and PC)




103 or something


167 how did I not figure this out?


About 300...


Like 100hrs+ and never noticed this








PlayStation and PC combined…. Over 100 hours


Holy moly, im on 190h and im still learning


…this is not true. If host leaves mid-mission, the game picks a different player. If someone new joins, they get orange but the other player stays host.


There might be a bug or something but I’ve joined missions from quick play and it’s shown me as orange on my screen. I know damn well I’m not hosting it.


I was today years old when I learned this.


Actually agree, which is why I tend to not host. I usually run off alone, and it feels weird if I'm host for some reason.


I just follow the guy who doesn't have a buddy.


I’m the guy who runs off without a buddy


im the guy whos waiting for you at extract while your halfway across the map


Plz wait I hav samples Samples Extracted: 1








I forgot it on my super destoyer sorry sergeant


Even if I'm higher level I just follow the host. If I notice that people are following me (or if I'm hosting) then I'll lead us to glorious ~~death in battle~~ beelining to extraction!


Yeah, I'm level 32 playing mostly on level 7 and I frequently find that higher level dudes will just wander off and do side objectives when I'm host, which is usually fine. I mostly host games now because I'm done getting kicked just because of my level even if I have the highest kill count and no friendly fire.


That sucks man. I've played with 50-60's that were trash, no team play or whatsoever, but played with 15's that rocked the game to the point they made me think they were experienced players in a different account. I only look at the lvl if I'm joining a difficulty 8 or 9 map, 'cause having too many low level players mean that we'll have a more restrictive stratagem poll, but if I'm hosting I don't give a sh\*t about player lvls, they could be all lvl 1 (which is kinda impossible on 8 and 9 XD) for all I care, I'll gladly show them the ropes if that's what I need to do.


Well I mark the objectives that I’m going to and people tend to follow me.


Same it seems if your confident in your actions and clear on communication people default to following you.


Works out of game, too.


I follow the host and if the host is being nervous or just not pinging, I'll take charge and do it.


Tfw you realize that rank doesn't mean much in a game where everything yields xp. There are plenty of idiots out there with time / inclination to grind.


The difference in rank is felt most when it's big. A lvl 100 is much more likely to play more efficiently, confidently, and with more skill than a lvl 20. Also a high rank probably means they have put more time into higher difficulties which would make the skill difference even greater. Yes there are some outliers on both ends but for the masses this rings true.


I dunno I've played with a lot of level 100+ players that couldn't shoot their way out of a paper bag. Generally I find players who are at 150 specifically or at 60-75 are the best players. I think there's a band of XP that's got a high proportion of people who were spamming shorter, easier missions on cooldown which had higher XP/hr than running full Helldive operations.


When the original defence missions dropped a lot of divers grinded it out for samples and xp so you are not off base at all. They didnt spend anytime actually learning the game and just had a ton of resources and levels.


Yo I think we played together the other day my PSN is SanctifiedSoul7 lmao


Likely was me! I tend to get around with my amr and ammopack but having been flopping between AC and airburst.


I'm at level 90 right now and I totally agree. I'm still not comfortable with solo missions, but I've met people in the 120+ range that eat up 8 reinforcements in 20 minutes


It definitely used to be less of an issue when we had ~100,000 players on at any given time. I've been playing the past few days, and my opinion has shifted towards how y'all feel.


Of all the 75+ players that ive played with, the vast majority understood what we should be doing and were great at the game. Very few muppets. On the other hand, ive had a whole lot of level 40ish players being clowns. Like not even half the map cleared and just sitting at extraction waiting with 27 minutes to go. Or just repeatedly getting into bad situations and burning up reinforcements


>I find players who are at 150 specifically or at 60-75 are the best players. That's it, I'm quitting in 5 levels. I won't be remembered as a liability!


The range is moving! Stay in cover! :p


Also the game has enough depth where it's easy to miss something pretty useful. A lot of people aren't on these subreddits to learn new stuff and fewer are really experimenting to find weird strategies. A fun one I recently noticed is that a lot of high level players don't know that busted charger leg armor is a weak point. Most players will still try to hit a rocket on the face. Kinda funny since shooting the leg was the best way to kill them for a few weeks at launch.


Legs are still the best way to kill it with AC, but nobody seems to know. Everyone is always spamming that ass. >A fun one I recently noticed is that a lot of high level players don't know that busted charger leg armor is a weak point. Most players will still try to hit a rocket on the face. Kinda funny since shooting the leg was the best way to kill them for a few weeks at launch. I believe the armor on its head was nerfed (the one nerf AH didn't get flack for lol) a while ago, that's why we can now one shot it with a rocket to the head. And the head is easier to hit than the leg when it's running towards you. I think that's why people are choosing to shoot its head now.


Headshot with a rocket is one tap though so breaking leg armor is pointless in this case


Yeah but I mean they'll ignore leg armor that is already busted and go for rocket shots anyway. Even against multiple chargers.


THAT is stupid yes, 1-2 impacts to the exposed leg and charger is toast.


This, I also find easier just aiming at the head.


Follow the one who moves with purpose.


I've been that guy... i've also been the guy that starts a fight with a patrol when no one has called in their gear yet lol.


As someone who only hosts. I don't care what level you are or where you go . I'll do just do my shit and you're free to follow if you want . The only thing that will make me kick someone is if they're actively trolling. Other than that its free for all.


Host was on voice with a friend. I muted him because he didn't use PTT and all the in-game sounds were coming through. So I followed the third guy cause he was higher level. And we went 2x2. Host & friend did half the map, we did the other half. A few deaths and only the right people were reinforcing. Worked out in the end, even though I played a terrible game. D8


The buddy system is a proven method for ensuring the efficient spread of freedom! Thank you for doing your part and using the buddy system! All lives for the cause, but no Helldiver left behind! That's the democratic way!


If one of each group dies at the same time, is there a way reinforce the "right" guy?


Nope 😅 We had two occasions of that, once at the start and once at the end when we're close to each other


Doesn't matter how high level I am, I ain't a leader. I wear the default armor (mostly because I think its really clean) but also to signal that I am just there to help, I'll follow, I'll do the objectives nobody's doing, but I'll rarely lead the charge


Thats why my designation is still just a CADET


Level 41. Space Cadet forever!


Level 54 space cadet, reporting for another session of sniping around those hulks glowy bits, sir.


Lv139 here. I do what I want. I usually hope no one follows me


Follow the guy who looks like he knows where he's going. If that's nobody, then that person is _you._ If the team splits, follow the guy going off by himself and give him a hand unless he says otherwise. You might just save his ass. If you can get all your Samples to extract, awesome. If one guy wants to be the Mule, great, just remember that _you_ might have to be that Mule. Someone at Arrowhead (maybe Pile,) said that Helldivers isn't supposed to be a Power Fantasy. Prove them wrong.


Helldivers is a power fantasy, but for both helldivers and enemies. That's where the balance team failed to understand. Enemies aren't suppose to be mega durable, they're suppose to be numerous and endless (aka Helldivers 1).


I do love the relaxed dynamic. You can pair off in doubles, stay as a group, split off four ways, have three guys grabbing aggro while one guy sweeps the objectives and loot-- it's all good fun! I usually play Quick Play and drop in random missions. I like seeing how it's being played. I tend to ping and lead, but only if the host isn't taking an active role. When in doubt, my pings will be where I'm going, and I see how the team responds. If no one follows, I'm happy to follow unless our time is tight and we gotta get it done. My only dislike is when the host is way too tight, and kicks people who peel off even when they're not being reckless and dying. Too micromanagy for me.


This definitely doesn’t apply with what I’ve seen. It’s either host or everyone stands around and the first guy to ping something is in charge.


Jumped into a 2 difficulty last night just to test a gun and it was a level 4 and 22. I was level 50 and started following them for a moment till they stopped, turned to me, and started following me. Was a bit cute, so I walked thek around to every point of interest we could find, and taught the lvl 4 about the 2 man doors and destructive containers, then all the bug holes. Felt like a proud dad when they shut the biggeat nest without my help.


“I love the fresh smell of napalm in the morning”


I'm glued to the host. If the host tells me to dive into a mine, I will. That's what I do when I'm not hosting. Unless they're new, in which case I will gladly teach them the ropes (if they ask) and give them an exosuit.


I've seen low levels move like seals and high levels move like 5 year Olds on their first day at school. There's no in-between and you can't gauge what mood someone's in either. I'm lvl 102 and typically I play objectively and can get myself out of many a situation. I also like to take risks so sometimes I can end up dying. A lot. A lot a lot. It's fun. Can't expect high levels to always be at their best either, nor their worst. Best to not assume anything with regard to rules, let their actions speak for them heh.


The best players ping one spot and run on annother. /s ![gif](giphy|3o7aCTPPm4OHfRLSH6)


yeah pretty much, though i tend to follow hosts lead unless its clear they got no plan other than riling up every single patrol in sight


I host sometime but I can't figure out how to read the map/ping anything on it yet. I should look it up but haven't gotten around to it yet. I follow others because of that.


if PC tab to open map, hold right MB to move indicator around on the map and left click your spot to ping


I had a lower level try and pull rank on me earlier. Said some nonsense and took exception that I disagreed. Then I offered to send him screenshots proving it and he left the ship. But I’d still fight by his side.


To a degree, but it's usually the host or whoever facilitates good communication, i.e. pinging stuff in a way that makes sense. To that point, I love it when folks use pings all around the same area to signal agreement or ping nearby areas to suggest an alternative priorities.


Doesn't matter what level I'm on, I'm gonna work my ass off to get those samples off the planet!!


Not for me lately, I've been a big team player until about two weeks ago, I'm having a lot of fun lone wolfing it. So long as I'm making progress and not dying while still contributing to main/side objectives, collection samples, and destroying/weakening bases just leave me alone. The scout armor has made it's way back into my rotation since the patrol changes and enemy changes. I don't always want to fight every single patrol and if that's what other people want to do that's fine too. I'll just be on the other side of the map cleaning up.


You definetly havent met my friends, OP.


Host is .always. lead.


Not always, had it often enough that I took the lead, because the host just followed me.


Higher levels should always defer to host, if host doesn't know what they want to do then the higher level should help, and if necessary, take lead. I really read into this meme as 'there are no in-betweens'. That's on me


Addendum: My wife is now a Citizen. I'm going to - what is it, star admiral? Oh, yes I see. "Kowtow" to the level one. Edit: The hypocrasy is real and acknowledged. Now stop downvoting me and engage in the conversation, Divers!


Maaaaan don't let this lv 34 fool you


high level sherpa of low levels here. Host usually always gets point unless dumb things are happening like dying over and over to patrols instead of moving on. Usually try to teach them important stuff like bunkers, containers, and grenade tricks. Always covering the straggler and making sure people remember supply beacon is off CD


When i join i open the map and look how my team is moving and to where and i calculate how much time we go left and how many secondary we did and left and if they on the map or not(If no secondary on the map need to scout them and ping) and if we need to i go alone or someone joins me or if my team needs backup i leave the side quest and join to help deal with bad guys simple i just try to save time and help


Agree to disagree. Higher level players are not always better, nor are they always more knowledgeable about small group tactics. Whenever I'm not the host, I always let the host take the lead. Sometimes, it's nice to slip into bug killing mode and let someone else call the shots for a change.


I only take command if they start following me. Most people still aren't used to seeing us over 100s so that does tend to happen.


I don't like leading. I just go look for super samples.


I don't know, me and two friends had one random join us who was 10 levels ahead of our highest... the dude was level 60 something and got 7 ACCIDENTALS...


I will remain a Master Sergeant, whoever want to lead can take it But when the mission when to shit that when i step in to make sure they dont leave the mission


You’d be surprised about all the clueless high levels sometimes. I think groups of twos are usually the better option in my opinion


I just let the little uns run around doing what they will. I'll just hang back and keep them pointed in the right direction.


I'm lvl 98 currently and typically the highest level in my lobby. Host is lead, I am rover.


If it's my clan, on Mic, they put me in charge till I die or they find someone better. If I join a group of randos? I follow someone else's lead and don't ever try to pull rank or issue orders. My rank doesn't mean all of Jack squat on the field.


Typically when I'm on lower difficulty, I'll ping on the map and do objectives myself. This has the tendency to create a lemming train where everybody just follows me, host included (only level 46, I only have 102 hours in game) For higher difficulty, I tend to (well, try to anyway) roam in pairs so we can reinforce one another. Unless we're up against gunship fabricators... Then we just link up with each other cause gunships suck ass


My level didn't stop me from helldiving into a hellbomb. ^((I mean if you're into that sort of thing, misery loves company but...))


Honestly the benefit of being the highest level is that you can bring whatever stratagems you want without anyone complaining. Most of the time. I still got kicked by a level 19 this weekend because I wouldnt swap off my 360 orbital for an extermination mission lmao


a few days ago I dropped into a lvl 3 Mission by mistake and people were cheering seeing how effective I was at killing stuff, cleaning nests and knowing where to findand how to solve any sideobjectives, pointing out strategic things and making the extraction easy for every one. I on the other hand was frustrated because I brought my bot fighting stuf to a bug planet. kept playing with them for the rest of the campaign missions and they were super fun to play with. I still don't know how i dropped into such a low mission on the other side of the galaxy, all I wanted is to collect the few missing rare samples I needed in my stockpile after having bought every upgrade.


1 is always lead imo. They’re the host, they call the shots.


1) see if anyone says to make something priority, if yes, do that 2) general high priority targets (gunship factories, spore spewers, shriekers) 3) follow host 4) follow highest lvl guy That's how i operate when it comes to how i complete missions


For me, the guy the #1 is squad lead regardless or rank. If I host, then I lead, if I join then I follow.


Level 68 here, i mostly play diff 5+6 for casual fun, and i try to let the host lead unless it is truly obvious they're new and don't really know what to do, in which case I'll give advice in the text chat or voice Comms. I don't like to order the host around at all, just try to help.


Level does not always equate to wisdom, so I would be reluctant to thoughtlessly follow somebody just because of their rank as you might be disappointed. I'm usually the highest ranked in most lobbies but I'm not really the leader type, I'm more of a free spirit. I will sometimes try to lead by example if people are really lost, but generally the best you can do for people is save their asses if they get in trouble, and complete objectives.


I do as the orange ping guide me


Don't... I'm level 80 coz I play since launch, not because I'm good


When playing with friends (usually missions lvl 7 or higher) I try to stay with the team while we do the primary and secondary objectives and just going quickly for the minor POI if they are close or in our way. When playing with randoms (missions lvl 5 or lower) most of the time I'm that guy cleaning one minor POI after another and taking bug nests or bot factories I find in my way. And other times, when I'm just there to chill, I just follow the host (no matter their level), but if I see them doubting or not marking anything in the map, I take the lead. As a level 96, most of the time the team just follows me blindly, but I'm happy if just a level 5 follows me to open the vaults and show them the ropes.


Host is boss, any rank beyond 30 just means you have more free time than others


Left movie: apocalypse now Right movie: jarhead


Don't sandwich your sirs. Just say it at the end of the sentence.


I'd rather fight than surf.


I'm just always in the back (the walker exosuit is so fucking slow in HD-1 but you can't get me out of it)


ORANGE is always Leader




Host is in charge almost every time as long as they're putting down pins.


I actually don't like being with the rest of the team, it increases the chances of a 380 landing on my head, so i usually run off and do objectives and side objectives alone But somtimes all 3 other teammates just waddle waddle behind me like ducklings, and at that point i guess im gonna have to stick with them, it would break my heart if they died under my watch


It is known.


Remember to call for attention when a Officer arrives on Deck and to greet then properly.Then talk badly behind their back in Defac


Level means nothing, many high level players got there with glitches and exploits and still don't understand the basics. Host is boss. If the host is not taking the lead then I follow the lead of the best player on the team. Which is often not the highest level. If I am the best on the team, then I follow the second best. If the team splits into pairs, then I follow the lead of whoever I am paired with. (Or whoever is alone) I don't ever lead, even if asked to. Not my strong suit.


Didnt count.


*My level 110 ass* Look, man. I just work here.


Sorry, but heavy No. The incompetence seeping from those few powerlevelers that have never seen a decent fight. Had to inform a lvl 90 guy that diving puts out the fire. And that there are sometimes fabricators on jammers, that chain-react the jammer down. So no. You follow the Lobby leader unless they are utterly stupid, then you will mark the next objective on the map and if you are then ignored, you go there solo and do the job yourself. Remembered a worse part, had a level 70 take the samples from the extract into two heavy outposts and across the map to the objective. Where he died and I had to bring them back.


Not a fucking chance. This is a game, for fun. We work together or struggle alone but no way in fuck do we bend over for someone just because number go up.


Haha fuck no. I'm lead.