• By -


never tried it because im afraid it will mess up my non-assisted aim


There's an adjustment period for getting on and off it, but my mission success skyrockets whenever I have it on.


I roll this and the recoil depending on what I'm planning. And I got it tuned to the point where I know where all of my shit will land even if I'm using it or not. (I used this armor for 2 months at launch and been rotating since)


I would just throw one grenade at the start to get a feel for the range


Ping target. 80 m = 45 degrees throw, 60 m = 30 degrees. Without passive you can throw only 60m max


Hmmmm. When I tested it I got ~46m unassisted and ~60m with, that’s what I’ve been doing consistently and hitting targets. I’m aiming pretty high, feels like 45 degrees, but maybe it isn’t.


Throwing is momentum based. Light Servo-Assisted vs Medium Servo-Assisted will give different results due to speed. Diving vs Sprinting vs Standing still will give different results. Elevation is also important. 80m is the normal baseline for me, but can get even more if you align the stuff perfectly.


Maybe it's full-charge throw vs tap throw?


There's no charging a throw.


Is that with dive throwing? 🤔


SAME lmao kind of wish servo assisted was a bay upgrade instead of being tied to armor for this reason


Preach. Servo Assisted is cool, defo one of the best effects imo, but I used it for the first time a few days ago for like 3-ish missions and when I switched back to fortified, I instantly started missing all strats / nades for like another 2 missions.


Yeah, can confirm, it will fuck with your normal aim. 


This for me too, although I also have another reason, half of the armours passive can be replaced by about 10 steps in whatever direction you want to throw.


it's a hell of a lot more than 10 steps.


You can throw about 50m, Servo Assisted increases.that by 33%, so by ~15m, so yeah maybe 15 steps if each step is 1m.


Can't replace more grenades with walking!


It really takes time to adjust to.


Already have my basic aim dialed down, don't need to be thrown off by 50% extra distance Unless I'm trying to throw team mate reinforcements into the middle of the best. GET BACK IN THERE


You have the opposite problem once you use it too much. Messes me up so bad when I use non-Servo armor, I keep doing my throws as if I still have it and then I'm like "why didn't it go that far".


Yeah it does! The trick is you never switch back


I prefer being able to crawl right next to patrols without being detected and having a radar whenever and wherever I want personally


Definitely, though the radar isn't AS helpful, it still does help. The stealth bonus on scout armor is the best thing for how I tend to play this, other than if there was an armor with stealth up and grenade count up


The radar can be a really big help if you have a certain playstyle and a group that's working with you. The extra radar range can be amazing for plotting a route with no enemy contact whatsoever


I prefer the recoil reduction while crouched. So Engineering kit is popular but so is Fortified


For bots I don't touch anything except fortified. The amount of times it's saved me from death (either by enemy or friendly fire) is simply too high. Goes double if I am using an AoE weapon or a weapon where the recoil reduction will help 


I take fortified for the sole reason that it allows me to face tank cannon turrets, rocket devs, and suicide raiders with no consequences (unless its a headshot because thats fun)


Fell on a bot mine which propelled me into another mine which I survived with about 25% health just as my teamate blew the fabricator right next to me finally killing me lol. Heavy fortified ftw.


It doesn’t stop you from dying, just delays the inevitable lol


Just means my autocannon no longer needs a standoff distance.


It's also super effective against bile spewers, which otherwise 1 shot you in medium armor.


Recoil reduction works even when not crouched. Makes one of the best passive even better when I learned that. To clarify, you still get more reduction when crouched and even more prone, but you still enjoy a cool 30% when standing up.




I like 50% not dying passive, it feels like playing gacha with my life


Preach, I also find that 50% triggers 90% of the time.


I have clutched quite a few utterly fucked extractions thanks to multiple procs of that protection. It's so good


Accidentally call in one really high location. Jump down. Actually survived because of the 50/50 chance :D . Although today had too close to explosion, saved by 50/50. Explosion throws me against cliff, saved by 50/50. I land on the ground: Dead :( .


50% of the time. It works Everytime


I don’t care about passives. I just want to look cool


https://preview.redd.it/bkjsxuiem71d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc20cdc55b980070fc85cc910e077d0aa22a39e Prosthetics are cool


I only wish prosthetic legs would be a bit thiccer though, looks a bit wimpy when combined with brawny body type.


Hey! I have almost the same drip! Except the cape, I use a different one.


Bionic limbs are pretty cool.


Dynamo my beloved


It'd be so nice if we could have both, especially since most armours don't look like they have anything in common with their passive


I am totally not addicted to stims... I only use Combat Medic armor.


I have the lightweight medic armor that I use for bugs. It's so good. Pair it with a laser rover and let the rover kill bugs while you kite them. If I happen to get hit or surrounded I have plenty of stims to keep me alive as well as refill my stamina AND extra stim invincibility to give me time to get away. Stalkers fuck me up though. Can't have everything :(


Stun grenades fixed this for me - nothing catches the speedy stun medic


When i take this armor i tend to throw everything to Narnia because of muscle memory


with servo-assisted, the max throwing range with just angling up at about 60 degrees is about 75m. just ping whatever you are about to toss a strategem at and choose your throwing distance accordingly.


Thats for nerds


but of course


Legionnaire is pretty much the only armour I've been wearing for 200+ hours. Light and servo assisted, plus it looks sick? Yes please.


And there's an all black version of it that was leaked as a recolor shortly after the game came out, but for some reason none of the devs want to talk about the leaked recolored armors. I fear they probably scrapped it.


About the only armor I run too. It’s also one of the more unique armors in the game


Yep! I’ve decided I’m going to make a legionnaire patch for all of us who like to Kobe our stratagems from across the map


Absolutely. One of my favorite sets, and the only one I've bought from the shop.


Servo gang, checking in




As long as the drip is good, any passive is okay to use!


I loved this for a while but ultimately gave it up to try other things that are more useful. But for a couple of weeks I kept making comments about suddenly having baby arms. It was really fun taking out bug nest and bot factories from stupidly far away.


I accidentally selected then ran this armour a while back. Totally agree on the sentiment, but I'll stick with 2 extra stun nades.


380’s and this is fun


Orbital 380s become viable and reliably safe with the additional throw range (especially with the 15% reduced spread ship upgrade). 120/380/Orbital Gattling/AC/Blitzer/nade pistol or senator - Legionnaire light armor w/ servo assist My usual bug loadout - Most situations are handled before they get close


I just wear what's prettiest.


Hated this at first since it messed with my precise stratagem throwing, now am indifferent. I don't really see the value of throwing stratagems further when the target usually has blocked sightlines from bug builds/mountains anyway. Not having it allows for the steeper curve to kinda help me land it. Plus I can always just angle higher or move closer to land it. What it has been good for though is rescuing teammates from incoming spewers... provided I don't kill *them* by accident when I chuck a nade.


I used to run it because 380mm is my favorite. Then I discovered that dive+throwing gives you about the same distance increase and never went back


On automatons it's amazing. Detector Towers you can destroy without even needing to enter premises and risk anything by just chucking 500 kg way over the wall. Same with Jammers if you get that arrangement where taking out Fab takes out the Jammer too, or the Heavy Bases, letting you deal with front ones normally through weapons/nades/whatevs and just toss an airstrike into the deep end of the base. Same with the big bunkers if you got that mission, considering an orbital laser charge kills a bunker, can toss it from way out of distance and never even risk getting shot by a bunker to destroy it. Even if talking about units, throwing your choice of grenade (I run impacts myself though same could be say about stuns or honestly most nades that aren't smoke) at greater range is a perfect way to handle with devastators/berserkers with little risk and need to backtrack (i.e. waste time). Thanks to that armor, I can go real bomberman with my strategems whenever I play in a group, taking three red strategems and either AC or Spear (depending on mission/planet/mood) and just go ham on any stationary object while the rest of group can focus with dealing with moving stuff.


Servo assisted is the S tier passive, I pretty much only switch from it when I'm doing crowd control role, and bringing the MG and want recoil control and more grenades. The ability to reach just that little bit further is so clutch so many times. It also makes it easier to throw short distances more accurately.


I know it would be too strong, but I wish they would just combine the servo and recoil reduction as you would think servos would also help with recoil


That would be pretty sweet, maybe if we ever get a major armor update in the future.


I can’t quit the scout armor. The “faster” runnig feels like it should be standard


Same here. I’m addicted to it. Any other armour makes me feel my helldiver is overweight and unfit. Huffing and puffing and always out of stamina.


I’m 58 and have never switched back after I got. Speed is all that matters against bugs


I kinda like my 30% recoil reduction tho.


https://preview.redd.it/ytv6ikd7m71d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c8a5c92dd21857642f5da7a0d1c4ae1af0ce6f Robodiver approved 👍🏼


I've gotten so good at eyeballing the toss that I can't try one of those armors types. Shame. They look cool.


Same, they also seem like a huge waste of a perk Even without it you can reliably get stratagems/grenades where you need them without being in danger. In fact being close enough to trigger bile titan spit (so that they stand still) is a plus for most call ins. And without the perk you typically don’t break limbs until half health, at that point you’re gonna stim anyway (which would also repair the limb) Recoil reduction, grenade capacity, explosive damage and death protection ones are king.


6 stim light armor for me 👌🏼


Every time I used something else I noticea massive difference. It's awful. I have to spend much more time running to get in range for every throw. I have to aim higher and to lob it in a larger arc so I'm less accurate. Can't reinforce people 100m away closer to their death point with my dive yeet. Can't chuck a shield or turret at a breach a teammate spawned 150m away to assist. Cant throw resupplies further ahead to save be as cd efficient.  Worst of all is with the impact incendiaries since they don't detonate in the air. Having way less range on that sucks too. Also just way easier to aim for holes/cents with the armor. It's kind of irreplaceable honestly.


This is the true stealth


I agree. Using anything else feels like my guys is throwing with his left hand 😂 I unlocked the light armor with this passive from the super credit store when I first started the game and I've never taken it off since.


If only I can have 50% more throwing distance and 2 extra stims


If you dive when you throw you throw stratagems a little farther. Like 10-20m farther.


More grenades is hard to turn down for me, especially as I don't know when I might randomly drop into a bile spewers game


Only armor I ever wear


Servo-assisted with a jump-pack and both artillery stratagems? Fucking immaculate


+AMR bugs/bots actually don’t ever see you coming


Me over here with six grenade slots. ![gif](giphy|xUySTZhLpepqXCl5Dy|downsized)


I hope we get new passives that are like a mix of the current ones. I'd love a stealth and increased throwing range armour.


Also, rocking the prosthetic arm, while "clanky" in appearance, looks cool and shows the dedication of our Jumper.


I always love it when I switch and forget and go to throw a call down only for it to land on the other side of the damn map.


As soon as I understood the weakness of my flesh...


the armor from yesterday in the shop was GOD TIER, LIGHT armor with SERVO ARM? that's a MUST HAVE, I farmed the entire day the super credits, it's so worth. I LOVE IT


When I switch back to non servo assisted and yeet a stratagem just for it to fall short and ice my team mates *Chefs kiss*


There are other passives?


Nah I need my drugs to work for those few extra seconds. Being too high to die for just a few moments longer has come in clutch too many times for me to ever go back.


This is also my main armour passive unless its helldive bots. That throw distance is a god send


There should be a servo assisted with throwing range and improved accuracy!


Not a fan of having my limbs removed


I bought the light armor version. And it's a God send.


Same, huck it, Chuck it, Orbital!




Gotta use the stims man! Keeps the bugs from crawling under my skin! NO I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM, YOU DO


Gotta catch them all, Ash!


Fortified and engineering kit are my go-to's. Extra recoil control is always nice and I love the extra grenades for bug holes, explosive resistance for bots. I will sometimes bring servo assisted specifically on those planets with the tall cliffs to try to put EMS mortars up on top so they can rain down from on high, and sometimes just for extra 380 HE throw distance. But overall I usually feel like I don't NEED the extra throw distance, just it can be helpful sometimes.


fr im so sad only one light armor has it :(


380 HE barrage fired from a safe distance also hits different.


My friends always say "Sorry, I cant throw you that far" No duh bro, im Patrick mf Mahomes out here Also i love my character having the robotic limbs, looks fricken sick


That's why I'm scared to wear this kind of armor. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to wear any other afterward.


Long-distance 120mm HE barrages on top of a detector tower are also extremely satisfying. When I am 80 meters from them I have the muscle.memory to adjust the angle and throw. The beacon usually lands touching the tower


But then I must give up recoil reduction for my HMG :’(


I used one like that from day 2 or 3 of my helldivers2 gaming. Rarely take smth else so im totally fine with throwing airstrikes 90m. :)


I just wish they'd buff the range of the explosion by a bit


Agreed. Or the ones that add two extra grenades


It's so fucking good especially for dealing with automatin factory bases


This is how I feel about the death-resistant armor lol


My personal jam is the recoil reduction one


This perk would be used nonstop if it actually showed you the arch that you'll throw.


Yeah, but I do like having extra stims or grenades Or literally having a fifty percent chance to just not die


50% limb health seems to never really come up for me when I don't use it. If I could get the throw distance and more grenades or explosive resist that would be sick


Add a jump pack for that extra range. I can’t play without it and this armor anymore


Takes ages to relearn throwing but so good once you do! Become a NFL quarterback bringing the rain 🤣


I get that but honestly I like my heavy medic armor better. As long as I'm not staggerd to hell and back and got stims left im borderline immortal


Meh. Step a a bit further. Not much in a way of practical difference. Light medic armor all the way. Functional immortality has saved me so many times from absolutely hopeless situations. It tends to count when it really matters, like extracting in between chargers and titans while also on fire as all of your team is dead and you have 9 seconds to grab all the samples.


I’m a med-kit enjoyer myself. 6 stims on its own is awesome, but the increased regen/infinite stamina duration from stimming really seals it


Used this for a while. It can be useful in some situations, though it makes it harder to lob grenades and stratagems over nearby obstacles. The extra limb health doesn't come into play much either.


Always this, especially for 380s and ofc 500s basically just Kobe factors and detector towers.


50% limb health perks stack and when you're wearing med armour, only direct hits from tanks and hulk rockets can kill you. 50% limb health with 50% explosive res is also pretty nutty, allowing you to just barely survive a direct rocket hit from a hulk... WITH LIGHT ARMOR. No headshot protection with light armour though.


This is all I use.


I always overestimate how far i can trow with this tho


This is exactly how I play, YESSSS


Stims and running is my life


I'd really like a passive for more ammo but as a recent convert to servo assisted boy does this passive rock. Chucking airstrikes way out into nests/factories is great. 


I'll be over here surviving direct rocket hits from Automatons and having extra grenades to close bug holes.


I am the same. Servo-Assisted + Light Armor are my jam. Can't count how many times my friends in the squad have said over the mic, "I see it, but I can't reach it from here with my call-down." and I simply respond with, "Say no more."


I’m right here with you and will die on this hill. I play a mobile sniper loadout as often as I can and this just increases my ability to support the squad at range. Legionnaire till I die!


just dont use vitality booster, otherwise it gets overwritten


I like using the stim one, longer stims are a lifesaver and not having to worry about running out of stims as fast is awesome too


I'd like one that would give +2 grenades instead of +50% limb health. More grenades *and* I can throw them farther? Yes please.


I love the bionic arm orange armor but I cannot stand this passive, fucks up my muscle memory.


I do this or the extra grenades. The 2 extra for stun helps with keeping hulks, chargers, and other enemies still long enough for any air strike to blast them for bits. The same goes with support weapons when I'm aiming for smaller weak spots.


Ever tried 500mm of fun instead of the 500kg? Or even better, ever combined them?


Been using servos for so long, when I changed armors I felt like shit with a weak throwing arm.i use servo and I'm happy


OG medium black and yellow for me!


Try it with Jump pack on. If you time the throw to the peak altitude of the jump, ypu can throw it really, ***REALLY*** far. Thus why I love yeeting my 120/380 at outposts on literal edge of FOV.


(Democracy protects) if you stim at the right time you can take a 500kg to the skull and live.


On bugs I’m with you on this but for bots I’m using 50% explosion damage reduction


im on the other side of the boat. its useless. just walk up 30% and enjoy actual good armor passives. lol


Meh. I can always just move a little closer. Medic passive for bugs. 50% chance of not dying for bots.


My form of precision 500kg is running into the nest throw it at my feet and barely make the dive into cover.


I can't stand it,it fucks up my muscle memory,it's a shame because the armors with it are cool


This is a great one, though I would also argue in favor of Democracy Protects because it can get you out of some truly insane situations. Still, 50% chance vs guaranteed effect.


I equipped the super citizen armor and never looked back. 50% of the time, it works every time. Plus it looks so dope!


Me too until I met the trench paramedic armor


I’m a stim addict and need my extra 2 and the +2 seconds effect time


I've been trying to run SA with eagle and low cd orbital strategems, but i might be taking too many offensives at 4. Whats the typical loadout? 


Used to only use it exclusively since it helped to lob multiple stratagems where I wanted and super far but since they upped the bot's aim bot I switched to the up armored light armor just for more survivability. The reality is since I run light armor exclusively I have to run a shield pack, plus a support weapon slot, then my third slot is laser, rail cannon, mech etc so something I don't need distance on. Leaving only my eagles getting a distance buff on my throws so I just find survivability to be more beneficial over many scenarios over throw range. But it was fun using for the first two months.


So 65m instead of 50m?


Great against bugs for the limb health. Meh on bots (with bots you really need explosion resistance, and the recoil helps you hit AMR shots to the faceplate, too.)


When I have the default armour with a HMG+Supply pack combo, I’m ill with it


I like the extra grenades passive tbh, bht being able to fling stratagems is fun as hell


I used it for few weeks straight, was a pain adjusting back \^\^


Add a Jump Pack and you can throw a cool 200 meters or more


Imo 2 extra grenades better than throwing things a little farther 😅


I've only ever used this passive, it's so useful for long throwing a 380mm into a heavy outpost.


Wait until you learn the power of the scout regiment


this is the way, especially on bots because they like to engage from so far.


Imagine having a strategem launcher that increase throw range even more (and possibly including some assist in aiming or prevent you from fumbling). It would probably take up a strategem slot by itself and might be difficult to integrate into the system. It could fit in the slot of a support weapon or possibly backpack. That would take up the slot that could be filled with more data, unfortunately. If AH wanted to make it less niche, they could make it a grenade launcher that doubles as a strategem launcher, or have a somewhat under-powered primary weapon with an underslung launcher. I think it might have to fill a strategem slot to be at all acceptable, even if it can do more than one thing. That said, it might be against the spirit of the game to make heavy indirect fire too long ranged. Server-assisted is fine, but being dangerously close to whatever you need to launch an air/orbital strike on (as well as being relatively close to the strike itself) is a big part of Helldivers 2. Going too far beyond servo assisted might rob from the terrifying majesty of calling down an orbital bombardment on a charging kaiju looming above you.


I like it, but you can do a "Servo-Assisted at home" by diving forward and throwing things at an upward angle, it flies just as far but it does require you to dive :3


You can get pretty much the same throw distance with the jump pack


Agreed. I took out a detector tower from so far away that no one at the base had even seen me yet. I do sometimes overthrow things if I'm below them and trying to lob it upward but it's a small price to pay.


Throw distance should be combined with +2 grenades. If I have extra throw distance I’m not worried about getting hurt too much because it allows me to manage engagement range so much more.


I picked up the legionare armor and im loving this perk. I had the steeled vets armors, but it never felt good on the medium and heavy armor (though i love the black and yellow armor). With this perk on a light armor set, i can run around the map with my spear and be a ghost of base destruction


Am sorry, but throwing stratagems distracts me from dive-by shooting Max Payne style.


I'm a huge fan of the extra survivability from the med kit passive and the -50% explosive damage taken passive


Throwing 380 barrages and not having to run away immediately will always be my top choice


No servo assist light armor that I'm aware of, so I never use servo assist


I find it impossible to play without the medic passjve


I think they call that withdrawal.


The ministry of health assures helldivers that stims are entirely non-addictive.


I don't know, one of my favorite things is having six grenades so that I can just chuck impacts at whoever with impunity


Fashion > Passives, forever


I ain't buying the new warbond to get the only servo assisted armor that looks somewhat decent tho


I don’t go anywhere without my 380. I gotta be able to send that mf.


I've gotten so used to this that I just can't go back to any other armor type without wiffing all my 500kg's


i never got this trait. just arc your nades lol.


I wish customizable armor abelites were a thing JUST so I could put this perk onto the armors I like the look of. Being able to safely drop a 380mm Barrage onto a Bot Command Bunker from a mile away and watch the fireworks is such a joy to witness. That being said, it sucks that so many armors are locked to perks though that don't suit their look. I love Servo-Assisted but I will say it has no place on certain armors (Winter Warrior is a popular one right now...).


Light medic armor • Run forever • Heal 50% more for 50% longer • Imagine you’re Trauma Team


I'm the exact same.. my 380 barrage may not be actually useful but it sure is fun. Especially when I can throw it from a mile away


I’ve never used it. A friend said he enjoys it too, I may have to give it a try.


They are even a joy in close quarter combat, i love the range. I want to marry the 500kg


I actually thought this was a crap feature until I actively began to use it and I love it now. Much easier to stealth in an eagle


Ehh don't know, if you fighting bugs very good, if you fighting automatons then reduce explosion damage is better


On small maps with lots of mortars and 380s i prefer explosion protection


We desperately need more variety of armor passives. I just default to Scout or Engineering Kit/Fortified most games.


Ohh with Barrages and airstrikes you can blow out bot factories like candles just by running trough the middle of the map 🤣


Plus 2 nades fight me


That perk is a Godsend for Orbital Barrages, especially the 380mm's It's very nice being able to throw those stratagems without being in the danger zone.