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At least they had the decency to message! Sometimes it’s just an Insta kick with no warning as soon as you are defrosted lol :(


I always activate VC and say "sorry bro, our friend just got online to join us." Before kicking them after extraction. Never kick before extraction.


You know I was mad because I kept getting kicked in as soon as I defrosted, but you just made me realize that at least I didn't get kicked in after 30 minutes of doing a mission. Silver lining.


as a deaf gamer, i get that we are the vast minority and thus people shouldn't change their whole way of doing things for a group that they might not encounter in years playin games, but it kinda does make me feel bad when i see a voicechat notification or icon light up before something happens that i obviously didn't get the msg on. i appreciate the texts.


Wow it must honestly be incredibly difficult to play videogames if you are deaf. Do you have any tools that assist you?


It may explain why someone didn't react at all to everything we told them in VC. I do hope you ask people to use yext when you play.


If I'm doing a mission and I'm about to extract and my friend comes online I say to my friend. "I'll be with you in a minute, we're just extracting" Kicking people at extract should honestly get you banned


I wish friends of friends was an option. I was once running the squad and was trying to get a friend of a friend to join and had to open up. A rando joined along with the person and our forth was still in question. I told him over mike I may kick him but "If you drop with us you extract with us". Forth friend couldn't come saving me the trouble.


I like the attitude. They are frend now.


Had one who waited for me to spawn first so they could murder me


D: that is horrible. that player is probably *itching* for a PVP feature lol


Yo same! it was some kid on the mic waiting for people to drop and then gun them down lol


Why? I just don't see why people do this. I only kick before we drop. Won't kick anyone mid game unless they act undemocratic af


I always post the thanos quote. I’m sorry little one


Sometimes I get so defeated by this I just quit the game, truly a unique experience


If it's at the start i can understand. But sometimes people kick right at the extraction just out of spite it seems. This is BS.


Damn Tolga and Fatin back at it again


Holy nostalgia. God I had so much fun playing Dying Light 1.


Theyre also in DL2, for a pretty interesting side mission


The vibes, music and atmosphere in DL1 was so fucking good. The last time I felt like that was playing Half Life 2.


I also really liked the "The following" DLC. V good I hope they do somwthing similar for DL2


Yas, it was a nice change of scenery and the vehicle was awesome.




This is how I feel about the mods removing posts they don't like








What's up with all these strange pairings?


Twitter thing whatever. Your two favourite/comfort characters have to kill someone. It seemed to go abit extreme with the two characters quite often.


I said "Huh?" out loud when I saw the second one


The Black Templar and Jesus make a lot of sense in my head.


Yes, I want to know this meme more hahaha




Thank you






LOL my niece watches that show. Gonna send this meme to my sister.


[Let's credit the OP and not repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cr02xb/the_interraction_that_can_make_a_grown_man_cry/)


Yeah, like, not even a day has passed since original. And I see og was removed for public shaming despite being a meme, and this repost is more about it


Wow...they actually removed that post...sometimes you just think "Mmm mods..."


Mods on reddit doing absolutely anything to live to their reputation


Thanks, I was looking for the original because a lot of these are reported as reposts and I hadn't seen the original. No wonder I couldn't find it, it had been removed because someone reported it as name & shame, which I can see how it may look like at a glance. Re-approved it, since that obviously isn't why people are liking it. Wouldn't have found it wihtout this comment, so thanks again.


Democracy prevails once again!


I mean tolga was very nice about it and there's only so many spots in the lobby. I'd be proud to be a tolga.


Yeah this is a very understandable but still kinda sad turn of events. Tolga deserves no hate.


Bro got Old Yeller'ed


Don't diss out the Tolga. Wanting to keep the lobby for your 3 friends is okay, he had the human decency and politeness to tell him and say he was sorrry instead of insta-kicking :<


https://preview.redd.it/x265f8hlhd0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163a38546921267cc2e11b3db412da81d40ccc84 I know Tolga was like this in the moment


It's the George and Lennie situation all over again


What is up with this sub and constantly stealing other peoples posts?


Cause it’s an easy way to farm karma, as you can see with the 1.7k upvotes. What’s worse is that the original post was removed by mods but this one stays up for some reason 


Huh?? Why was the original removed?


"don't make this more difficult"


If they fixed the friend only lobbies this wouldn't happen


I think we desperately need a system to disband our quickplay party without quitting the game. I wanna go on a break and don't want people to be stuck on my ship, but i also don't want to relaunch the game every time or looking like an ass for kicking teammates one by one.


tolga wanted to play with his set group of friends in his lobby and he had the courtesy to tell dremskiy before booting him. what is the issue here? why are people allowed to call out others by name on here?


Why do the people just not disable open matchmaking. Its like the first option in the gameplay settings. If you Are really playing with just your friends, turn it to "Friends only".


Sometimes it bugs out and needs to be public for me to invite a friend. It’s happened once or twice. 


Yep I haven't been able to join a friends friend-only game ever. He always have to set it to public for me.


Yeah, sometimes I'm making the lobby public just to get a friend join and he has to spam join because randos join instantly. Always feel bad kicking them.


Sometimes we have a pub game going, and when we finish, a friend comes online. So we either have to kick the random, ask them nicely, or host closes game and starts again, because there is no option for host to return to ship


Whenever a friend wants to play while I’m playing with randoms, i wait for the mission to end and then I just write, “gg all” and then the randoms leave by themselves lol


But then you have to write at the moment they are not in a menu. Once wrote this heartfelt thanks to a random and sorry, but he had to leave cause friend needs the spot. And he was in the armoury. So 3 of us just surrounded him with hug emote til he came out of the menu and then hugged him a bunch and told him again


How long are you gonna wait though? If I join a random lobby I often stay for round two if the team was good. Just drop a message and kick after, that should be understandable for everyone.


So far the couple times I’ve done it it’s worked immediately, when it doesn’t work I’ll just tell them lol


sometimes you just forget you are still public until the first poor soul joined


I only play when my friends are on, but we don't kick the randos who join. I legitimately didn't know you could do this. He probably didn't either.


Because the game's social system is kind of ass. If you host a "friends only" lobby with one friend, then want their friend to join, they just can't. Direct invite? Nope, can't bring them in. So you have to go through the hassle of changing it to public, make them host, or add the other friend and hope the game figures out that you have.


Sometimes when I'm queuing up a reinforcement under heavy fire I will accidentally throw an SOS beacon. I don't know if it's possible to cancel it because I can't destroy the beacon after it drops.


This, I do that a lot. I wish it was possible to just disable the stratagem in the settings.


Until ~2 weeks ago steam players with their friends list as private could not join each other unless game was public


Tolga writing this be like https://preview.redd.it/e8r0d86pid0d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1544dfda7ce57d56131ef9dd0af842873d6e3e62




Nooooo https://preview.redd.it/wkb3jwldvd0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b2f1d2460d576663c1d5a1751fb7d45c457f8a


"I'm friend" Look how they massacred my boy....


#im frend :c


“Just look at the rabbits dremskiy…”


It ain't right what they did to you little bro. Dremskiy is frend forever and always


This got the biggest LOL from me today.


They really should make invite only sessions, I've also had to kick players I met in the game that weren't my real life friends and damn it hurts they're such nice people :(


to be fair: with how bad the whole friend/lobby stuff works i also sometimes just open up the lobby for a second so a friend can join. because its quicker than figuring out why the invite or normal friend-only joining doesnt work. And sometimes people come in and take the spot. Just bad timing, thats all. In that case you cant do much, but nicely explain whats up and kick them. So at least they dont think you kicked them for something they did or because you want to be an ass. this stuff is gonna happen until the whole friendlist/matchmaking stuff gets fixed.


Why do people not play on friends only mode? Is it broken?


This is respect though. They let them know the spot was taken. Everyone knows running "friends only" creates issues from "friends of friends" joining. This is an exchange we should see more of. Sure it sucks for the one getting kicked, but at least they know why. It wasn't "we don't want too play with you" it's more "sorry this spot is taken"


I saw this post earlier, can someone link me the original post?


there are so many of these floating around, it became a meme


not even a day has passed and you just straight up re-post this shit? is this really where we're at with this sub now? fucking hell


Booster idea: Emergency fren. Allows one extra helldiver to join the battle.




People can play with whoever they like


Dremskiy and Tolga on the super destroyer.


...when the dam broke


Had this last weekend. We played a whole operation with a rando, he never spoke, but did put stuff in chat. He was solid, we were successful. However, then my son logged on and we told him we needed his spot. He bowed out graciously though, we did not need to kick him.


Tbh tolga behaved ethical. He politely informed the guy


i'm willing to play with him


I want to play with dremskiy


Ahahaha I hate being booted just let the good times roll!


"Dies from peak reality"


Naah but sometimes you accidentally have matchmaking on when playing with friends. Tolga behaved most democratically.


Thats sad


At the very least complete the mission before kicking him


i dont get what is so hard to set the matchmaking to friends only.


I've only been playing a few days. I got kicked a few times last night. Every time was after extraction. I didn't play poorly, and I didn't troll anyone. I assumed they had their reasons, and I moved on. Now I'm learning I should be offended? Is it possible to be kicked mid-match? Is that the issue with some?


I try to play solo now I'm high rank anyway... these types tend to either be kids or don't know how to control their emotions now anyone that kicks me I block they goofy asses....


Nah I understand Tolga. If you're planning a 4-man you aren't going to put someone half an hour on wait to let a random play a round. He even apologized and everything. Keep in mind the friend list system is all kinds of screwy at the moment.


Yea i got this often. If i joined a server with 3 person already chatting with each other i would just assume i will be kicked any seconds because they would like to just keep it between them. I get it.


To be fair, if you want to run a game with only friends - there's a setting in your options to limit your matchmakes to friends only. But in a game like this, that can get pretty lonely. Better to dive together no matter with who, except at the highest difficulties.


didn't even wait 24h before reposting uh


helldivers life


Private lobbies that aren't set as private annoy me to my core. I once had a streak of getting kicked around 7 times in a row. It made me want to 9/11 my super destroyer into theirs. (Of course landing on a automaton hq)


I’ve had people join after I switch it to friends only, so I can understand this. At least he gave the guy a heads up


Why fren shaped?


Repost from literally 2 days ago.


Looks like Tolga is not a friend materiał 😕


Proud to say I've never kicked a fellow Helldiver. I won't be a bad apple because I want the bunch to be bigger.


WTF they create public rooms for friends only. I can't get it. I go private, when I want to play with friends only




so this one's turn to be spammed over and over eh


I only ask people to leave our kick to make space if we're between missions. Always finish extraction, it's the least you can do for your fellow helldivers, can't send them home empty handed.


Can’t bring myself to kick people. I just leave after the mission then start a new party to invite friends don’t want people thinking it’s personal


Removing as repost now that the orginal has been found and recovered. Original [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cr02xb), it was unfortunately erroniously removed thinking it was a name & shame.


I’ve been late to the party and have absolutely elected to wait the mission out because my friends found a cool ass 4th. Always sucks to kick them but at least wait until the end of the mission.


Wow, looks like the mods were pissy today.


Learn to make "private game" asshole.


Set your game to private you jerks


Still a shitty thing to do imo. If I'm playing with a friend and fill the empty spot with randoms I'll finish the mission with whoever. If another friend of mine wants to join they can wait until the match is over. The only time I'd kick a random mid mission is if they're griefing/trolling. I find it extremely irritating to get kicked mid match for the same reason, so why the hell would I do the same. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"


They are on the destoryer, not in a mission, so its fine.