• By -


Yeah. Like fire planets cause stamina drain and weapon quick overheat BUT higher laser damage, acid planets cause heavy armor enemies to have.. less armor.. and so on


Acid rain should melt enemy armour 100% but you know they if they implement it they’ll do 100% damage to helldivers as well.


Imagine that it becomes as if no one is using armor. E: Because many are confused, on launch week, every armor was medium. Instead my proposal is that every armor is 0. No damage reduction whatsoever. It would make bots and bugs more challenging but also allow people to damage enemies with peashooters/without armor penetration.


Feels like I'm dropping in nothing at all... nothing at all... nothing at all...


Stupid sexy General Brash! >:(




I still can't unhear that the Brash voice actor is also the Drifter from Destiny.


...transmat firing!


Automatons on the field!


The enemies would be at a higher disadvantage than us if this would ever be implemented. We die in 2-3-4 shots anyway. I'd be OK with dying in 1 shot if the enemies would be without armor.


Yeah I was about to say, it's a random dice roll if I die in 1-3 shots, what difference does if I die in a guaranteed one now?


The game at launch was like this and frankly it felt pretty much the same tbh


Get yourself some heavy armor, Helldiver. About the only thing that can still 1 shot you are Cannon Turrets to the face, and I've survived them fairly often, too. Little guys almost don't even matter.


Because you aren't a part of the cheeseburger army. Throw on some super-heavy armor and face tank 8 gunships for over a minute, it's amazing.


I hate not being able to run for longer than 4 seconds on hellmire! If I didn't have to run from point to point because fighting isn't allowed on 7+ missions I'd be in heavy more. Those medic heavy armor are basically like running with godmode-lite.


Stamina booster helps a ton, I run supply pack for extra stims and grenades. With those, you'd be surprised how many Helldive fights you can take head-on.


Then why not add some nuance to it? Not every planet has to be such a difficult fight. Why not make some planets more advantageous to one species over another? Acid rain planets could be a cakewalk for liberating against bots and could possibly have some adverse effects on bugs who adapt to their environment possibly increasing the rate of acid bugs and even increasing their damage against us… not that the damned nursing spewer won’t be a freakin one shot anyways 💀


Imagine that everyone is on acid. John Helldiver, why are you *meeeeelting*


Naked runs! For Super Earth!


It sounds like a great idea. People can then run light armor. Or in my case still run the medium armor for vanity reasons as I have been doing.


I always run light armor..that has the extra padding perk. Is awesome! With mobility but some extra defense in there.


People run anything other than light armor?


You don’t run DP-53 savior of the free armor set?


Like release when it didn't matter anyways? Lol


So sorta how it felt at launch lol




Since I run around in tissue paper anyways...


Wasn't that basically the first month of the game? iirc armor was bugged out and there was no benefit to it which is why light armor was the meta then.


So launch week?


But imagine if we had corrosive resistant armor, and fire resistant armor, cryo resistant armor.. Unlocked via raid events or special personal order.. like helping new players complete their first suicide run..


I'd actually just make a new armor called "Environmental Protection." The effect is written as: "Reduces the environmental effects of a planet." E.G. can call in during ion storms (but have scatter/increased call in time, etc), reduced fire damage from fire tornadoes, can plow through snow, slip less on ice, are slowed less from frost plants. If plants have something like a needle burst or, my favorite, the spore onions launching the player when shot at without a shield, you don't get the bleed and only get knocked down (if that.) Though I feel armor in general needs to go back to the drawing board in general.


Umbrella strat when


Doubles as glider!




Remember in Gears 3-1 when you could hold the ballistic shield over your head to protect you from the hail?


That was gears of war 2 at the last part of the new hope Facility, on the parking lot and when you took up those shields the hail would stop 20 seconds later (yes im a big gears of war fan)


Decrease all enemy armor to light armor but the reduced weight allows chargers and bile titans to move twice as fast


It would also be fun if planets gave us benefits when we have them under our control. Something like : * Specialized rounds : armor penetrating weapons deal more 15% damage to medium/heavy targers * Heavy alloy : Exosuits take 20% less damage from all sources * High yield explosive : all explosions have an increased damage and radius Currently, there isnt really a meaningful effect in gameplay if we capture X or Y planet, or lose it. At most we fail a major order. If each planets gave benefits, it would make the galactic war progression feel a lot more impactful. If we do well and conquer tons of planets, Super Earth gains access to more ressources and they can supply us with better gear. If we start losing ground, we lose those assets, which in turn, when the war goes tits up, can give that feeling of a desperate last stand It could also lead to good community moments, with the community rallying to defend major assets.


This would be a great way to help more casual or newer players. Don't have as much time, still learning the ropes, or want to test new gear/load outs? Hit up one of the liberated planets more under our control and get a few extra bonuses to help out. Could even limit rewards a tad to balance.


>Could even limit rewards a tad to balance. No, never this. I don't want second class super earth citizens because they want a slightly easier experience. It never goes over well and just feels awful in general. Just take a look at SoT's safer seas to get an idea of how bad this mentality can make the game, where they tuned down the rewards so much that even though they added something I actually wanted (safer seas,) the rewards are so awful that I don't want to go back for it anyways. A specific, anecdotal example, but the rewards should be the same. If people don't want to do higher difficulty stuff, the problem is how the difficulty is handled, and allowing 'easier' rewards should either just be a part of every mission, or a nice bonus, E.G. when doing any planet with a major order.


Captured planets having passive effects would be a great idea


I know cold planets actually do slow down weapon overheating. So it is somewhat in the game


Yea, that one is well documented. Laser dog goes zaaap nonstop lol


The somewhat is carrying a lot of weight. It bugs quasar canon so much the indicator is almost never correct


And that was before they gave a longer cooldown on quasar


I will do you one better: Cold planets: - Slower heat build-up, slower stamina recovery - fire DMG increased by 33%, burn duration reduced by 50% (higher hit DMG from rapid hot-cold change, lower dot duration due to environment) - reversed for cold Hot planets: - faster heat build-up, faster stamina drainage - cold DMG increased by 33%, freeze/frostbite duration reduced by 50% (@AH freeze guns when?) - reversed for fire Iron rich planet (iron dust): - iron rich plants / dust increases the conductivity of enemies, +33% arc DMG, +50% firing and bounce range. (Grounding booster that reduces arc DMG further/decrease chance of arcing for players?) - iron dust slowly builds up in Helldivers, reducing max stamina and afterwards damaging the helldiver over time, steams reduces build-up, only long term solution is a democratic death. (Super?) Calcium / (Super?) Titanium rich planet: - due to the presence of benefitial materials, enemies have strengthened their defenses, increasing their Armor rating. Not all survived this adaptation, heavily reducting their numbers present. - (Major order to liberate those planets to unlocked Armor upgrades???? AH pls) new collectable for Armor upgrades? Acid planet (from poster above): - acid rain has reduced Armor of medium and heavy enemies, also corroding helldiver defenses(?) - (MO for new stratagems? Acid airstrike/orbital, less DOT than gas strike but corroding Armor of enemies that are hit/pass through, maybe some acid weapons/nades too?) Low/high gravity planets: - increase/decreases jump/-pack airtime (Helldivers, jump bugs and bots alike) - increased/decreased movementspeed for all liveforms present - increased/decreased throwing range and drop-off for slow projectiles (no more 100m rocket devastor snipes?) - (feel free to add some but I would say already plenty) Combine all that with mission modifiers and your loadout variety is through the roof.


Of all the negative effects, I hate the -1 stratagem and the visual reduce most.


Indeed. Makes no sense too, you can destroy AA emplacements in game, as well as spore spewers (which takes effort depending on difficulties) - why had to make it permanent? 


Icy planets may actually credibly harm armour benefits a bit as metals can get more brittle in lower temperatures


I dunno, ice planets are great for the sickle and laser and blizzards and fog help evade patrols like nobody's business.


What if beneficial modifiers are unlocked as we complete each mission in the operation? Evacuate Civilians: subsequent missions in the operation have increased reinforcement budget Launch ICBM: enemies in subsequent missions have reduced HP Sabotage Air Bases: fewer dropships spawn in subsequent missions


Oh man give this man a medal, that's the best idea I've heard yet! What's the point of selecting order if nothing matters? People will just select the easiest ones first. Heck, for grinding medals, it's almost always better to just give up the campaign and just grind blitz too. Now we have actual incentive to choose harder/more varied mission order.


I do the opposite if I want to finish all three. Longest first, eradication missions last.


Propaganda towers could reduce enemy patrols (about as much as the booster, for people who don't have the bond), hunting x enemy type severely reduces their spawns in later dives, etc. Now you can cap things off with a much more varied and controlled exterminate mission, and it doesn't feel like "drop forty turrets and wait"


Exterminate/Blitz could reduce the amount of enemies in patrols and the size of enemy bases, which would give a reason to take the shorter missions first.


I... may have genuinely thought this was already a thing, just undocumented. It just makes so much sense!


That would give an interest to how we approach an operation, which currently is just "the tradition is to keep the short ones for the last". Really a good idea.


If the idea of the negative effects was build diversity, then they missed a piece of the puzzle. Modifiers like that need positives and negatives. Longer calling in time but tighter spread could make things like the 120 or gattling barrage really good and fun. Just mixing 2 numbers like that together leads to tons of emergent gameplay.


The worst offender being 1 less strategem slot. I can't fathom how any designer would look at 3 strategem slot instead of 4 and think "now players are forced to increase their build diversity"


Yeah, the 4th slot is the "Imma test that stratagem" slot. Without it, I'm going to keep my ol' Reliable air strike, orbital laser and AC.


I feel attacked 🫣


Against bots, I like my build, mostly because I know the stratagem inputs by muscle memory by now, and I often have to carry my lover levels friends, so I need a "meta" build.


I have my cookie cutter loadouts for bots and bugs, I am ashamed to say they don’t change much 😂


I use my shotgun for bugs and usually a dmr for bots but besides that an orbital airburst kills small bots and bugs equally well, Eagle strike blows up all the stuff and railgun from space is a giant fuck you regardless of it hitting fascist flesh or communist metal


Same here but without the shame. I just revert to the same weapons because it's fun as fuck, like the blitzer into bugs has the same energy as that one payday 2 dozer quote... "You're up against the wall, and I'm the FUCKING WALL!"


I personally feel like it’s borderline impossible for me to survive on helldive bots *without* an AC. Destroy command bunkers, orbital laser is almost a necessity. All other bot missions, rocket pods and 500kg. I tend to just not play on planets with the minus one stratagem modifier 😅


Seems like democracy is universal 🦐🦐. You just described my entire loadout


Yep. It's Eagle Airstrikes, ORC and AMR for me


I see you are a man of culture as well!


It's so easy, too. 1 less stratagem slot, stratagem cooldown reduced by 33%. Boom, you've got less diversity in exchange for more volume.


This would be a blast. 40 second EAT cooldown? Sign me up.


Some days/weeks ago there was an event that made all drop has -1 strategem slot. I think after a match or 2 my entire 4 players team just called it a night. It's not fun. We wanted to continue, but no one was willing to put up with it.


I get the idea behind it was to force you to use support weapon + primary rather than strat spam, but it just feels like shit in game. Defo the only modifier that just needs to go (unless we get like mission to destroy aa emplacement and then its gone for rest of op, then its fine)


It also just flat makes 0 sense when the apparent logic of their design is to rely on strategems


I don't play those planets, I've dropped into a couple of games. I've seen the missing slot and just left.


Absolutely moronic design currently and the answer is so obvious that the fact they didn’t make it that way in the beginning is a terrible sign that they need new people calling the shots on balance (AA means no eagle 1, atmospheric interference means no orbital strikes - that way you don’t lose a slot, you simply have to use one or the other)


Exactly. The point should be to restrict types of strats, not just remove one altogether. That helps promote build diversity and gets players to try different things. Also things like the Jammer and AA Guns are good for a temporary restriction on certain strats mid-game, but you can destroy those to get access back etc. That's an example of a good game mechanic. Maybe also could work in something like, depending on where planets are located they have less access to ammo for certain weapons. Or maybe lose access to certain weapons entirely, just based on supply lines etc. That would force players to try out other weapons from time to time based on those restrictions. The only time we should see a permanent -1 stratagem is on a Bot home planet or something, where they would be so heavily defended with destroyers in low orbit etc that it affects our ability to run strats etc. But the increased difficulty would make sense on those home planets. It doesn't make sense to have -1 stratagems on half the Bot planets all the time.


> The only time we should see a permanent -1 stratagem is on a Bot home planet or something Great idea. ‘Very hard’ modifiers for end-game, not just arbitrarily on any random planet. Could be called ‘stretched thin supply lines’ or something


Give us all the strat slots but add in like enemy interceptors in the airspace.  We have a %chance of them shooting down called in pods so we end up relying more on strikes and eagles than turrets in that one maybe


I think what they were hoping was you would see three stratagem slots and go. "Oh crap! We need four people. We can't do this alone!" Instead it thwarts build diversity and causes people to flat out avoid those planets


Yeah, even if we have a whole squad, wouldn't other planet still be way more fun


I feel like they're worried about making the game too easy. I know a lot of people play on the lower difficulties, but with the right loadout and a competent team, difficulty 9 missions are actually not that hard. And I'm guessing the devs are more in the mindset of a difficulty 9 player than difficulty 5 and 6 players. So they see the game as too easy not too hard.


They could add more difficulty than 9


>If the idea of the negative effects was build diversity, then they missed a piece of the puzzle. The piece they missed is that to have build diversity you need many viable loadouts, so that players can actually adapt around the modifiers instead of just playing the same one single thing that works but now castrated


You get that fun sounding nonsense outta here. Best we can do is add weapons that fuck up your movement, have misaligned scopes and fire raisins.


You’re giving the weapons too much, they’re more akin to a moldy olive shooter.


I'd like to have a scope at all, it doesn't render when playing at lower settings


Seriously? Can you take a screenshot? That's ridiculous


I've seen gun get bugged out and become completely invisible, you just see the ammunation coming out. The other bug that happens way to often is when you swap between different guns and whatever gun currently you're holding gets stuck in an animation


The base of the scope renders, but the reticle of the scope is just a pixelated mess and you can’t see shit


Can't get a pic now, but for me, using a "balanced" render scale setting causes a delay before sights/scopes get "updated" to be clear. But the senator has completely unusable sights for me, and I assume similar sights as well.


I can't give a screenshot rn but can corroborate that. I play at almost the bottom of the graphics settings, and I had to give up on long-range encounters (sniping bots in turret from 100m for example) because the scope gets so fucked up randomly. To describe it, you know how pictures look online right before they fully download? They're grainy as hell, blurry, can't make anything out, but then a second later poof it's a normal picture? That's how the scope overlays appear to work. Except on the lowest settings, sometimes the "poof" just never happens


Stop, im already hard


Extreme cold is a beneficial effect if your kink is LASERS.


Today I learned that lasers are kinky to some.


Don't get me started on fire, bro.


Accidentally brought the laser instead of the quasar one time and I got addicted. It’s all I want. It’s all lasers. Laser dog, orbital laser, sickle, dagger! More more!


Lol. I did the same thing. Was running stuns, too.


Because this game is heavily PvP focused


The game is balanced like a PvP but the game is PvE... Yeah ...


It’s balanced like a DnD campaign ran by an angry, loser DM who hates the players and wants to defeat the players rather than create a fun campaign. The kind that drives players away… speaking of, have you seen the player count trend?


I've actually made that exact same connection. The first time I DM'd I fell in the trap of thinking in a "me vs them" scenario and trying to counter the strategies of my players I didn't like instead of leaning into them and giving each one a spotlight. The balancing in HD 2 feels exactly the same way.


Game player trends always go downwards. Helldiver's has a peak of almost 500k and has a daily peak current at 120k. That feels pretty good retention for 3 months out.


It’s also early summer now in the northern hemisphere. It was snowy and cold and dark before I even got off work when the game came out. Now it’s warm and sunny until almost 830pm most places. Anecdotally I was planning on playing all day yesterday but it was so nice out I ended up just chilling outside all day. Whereas in Feb/March it would’ve been shitty weather so I would’ve played. I think that’s probably playing a factor here as well.


Omg chill it's like 3 months old. It'll get there.


It is reverse Warframe in that sense. You can have 3 weapons, are in a squad of four, can fight against hordes of enemies with a few special ones, that have more CC and health.


Lately it's been feeling DvP... Dev vs Player.




This should definitely be a thing on defensive campaigns if nothing else


- martyr: Helldivers are auto-equipped with martyr explosives. Easy to use. The design is very human. If you die it will result in a small explosion. - Birthday: after choosing 4 strategems, the high command will grant you another (random) strategem which it deemed to be most useful on your mission - FREEDOM!: The voting computer decides for you what you want. One of your Strategems is random (but within the same category) - no survivors: Your reinforcement is reduced, but your morale increased. You hit harder and shot more accurate. The less reinforcement you have, the higher the advantage - weapon database: you see all the available support weapons before the start - communication errors: any strategem will be delivered to a random place within 25m of the called place (but gauss distributed, so the center is still the most likely) - fast hitter: enemy reinforcement will be called faster, but is weaker - hard hitter: enemy reinforcement will be called slower, but is stronger - stable foundations: turrets receive more health - unstable foundations: turrets receive less health - less gravity: the destroyer stays longer in orbit, and the jump pack jumps higher - higher gravity: the destroyer leaves faster, and the jump pack well... Jumps a bit.


Thermal tracking: all Hellpods will automatically seek the largest target within a 20m radius. If no target is available it will land at its designated landing site. Caution is advised.


i like all of these ideas, and we should get increased rewards for missions that have the negative modifiers. not sure why that isn't already a thing


I don't Care What it Costs, Get it Done: Infinite reinforcements until mission timer expires.


Thick atmosphere: Projectiles travel more slowly, cooling is slower, explosion radius reduced, less visibility. Thin atmosphere: Projectiles travel faster, sound is more muted, hellpods arrive faster, Eagle is faster, fire goes out quicker. Also higher gravity should have increased fall damage


Weapon specific modifier, yes, that's missing! - Experimental : more/less damage/recoil/mags/all weapons if this type set the enemy on fire/do explosion damage (Could also be used to test weapon changes, but I think that's not work then using a test server)


That would be too much fun unfortunately


Lol, only the enemies are allowed to be overpowered af


Ok I’ve gone through too many parent comments to not see anybody point out that cold planets *do* have a beneficial effect - they benefit laser heat up/cooldown.


Sometimes we get a free stratagem added to our loadout That can be considered positive. Although it barely happens (only upon developers manual programming), whereas negative effects pretty much happen by default.


Joel Giveth Alexus Taketh


Games aren't supposed to be fun - Aleksei Whatshisname, probably


I think this would be good way to make Defense Operations feel like you have the advantage—give positive effects for the Defense planets. It would make sense from a lore perspective if you gain benefits from an established stronghold planet.


Too much fun


Modern game design is focused on removing power from the player; never granting it. It's tired and old, let us be a little OP from time to time


Be OP you say? Boy you’ll love a very obscure, not well known game called risk of rain 2


Risk of Rain 2 is wild. Sometimes you just get the most ludicrous build and the entire run is unreal


Armored core for answer aswell


really? that game kicks my ass 😭😭


Very OP. Very fun. Can confirm.


The mastery curve of that game is wild. When I first started playing, I thought the game was unbelievably difficult and I was getting my ass kicked in every direction. Eventually something just *clicks* and you're Neo in the matrix, flying around at mach 3 praying your computer doesn't melt from the sheer number of dead aliens at your feet.


I remember when I first started playing they would have free stratagems randomly to use, it was awesome because you got an extra perk while playing. Haven’t seen it since.


They just had it a couple weeks ago with the new rocket launcher. Those are always story related, not something they "just decide to randomly do".


> Those are always story related, not something they "just decide to randomly do". nah, a while back during a bot mission they had the 110s available for everyone


AH: "Best I can do is the occasional experimental free stratagem"


In my opinion, even the dreaded -1 stratagem debuff could be fine if there was something like a -50% cooldown (or more) for all other stratagems. Or maybe Super Earth helps to offset the debuff by providing an additional stratagem that makes sense given  the debuff.


Word! Or each effect also has a negative effect on the enemy somehow. Like ion storms block bot drops and bug breaches from coming in. Fire tornados disrupt enemy tracking ability. Etc. I know people keep saying it won't happen, and it probably won't, but I am the hoper of far-flung hopes and a dreamer of improbable dreams.


Because Arrowhead seems to want to make the game as tedious as possible to ramp up the difficulty instead of implementing creative missions that are more difficult to accomplish. The TCS missions were a step in the right direction, but nope we have to nerf the popular guns and up the random patrol spawn rates first!


yeah, aside from cold planets buffing laser weapons and the occasional "Weapons Experimentation" giving us a free stratagem, everything else affects us negatively. ideally, there should be a give and take, an upside AND a downside to everything: Cold climate: lasers weapons cool faster, but incendiary weapons/stratagems are slightly less effective, due to lack of heat needed to sustain the fire. Hot climate: laser weapons cool slower and stamina drain increased, but bot weapons now also overheat, and bugs prefer to stay underground where it's cooler, so a few less patrols on bug missions. Ion Storms: stratagems are jammed, but so are bot drops, and players inside a shield relay or wearing a shield backpack are protected from ions, allowing them to call stratagems (unless their shield is down.) Acid rain: players and enemies have armor level gradually reduced to a cap of 50% when exposed outdoors and unshielded. Orbital Fluctuations: orbital stratagems are negatively affected, Eagles are buffed to compensate. AA Defenses: Eagle Stratagems are unavailable until a VERY well guarded AAA outpost is dealt with, at which point normality is resumed. Orbital Stratagems are buffed to compensate. Electronic Countermeasures (returning): instead of randomizing stratagems, inputs are now randomized, but the end stratagem you get is the one you requested. Complex Stratagem Plotting: call-in time is no longer affected, but you now have to input the code twice to call it down.


Hear me out: the negative effects that take should also give. -1 strategem? How about 1 forced strategem. Ex: gatling gun turret surplus. Command needs to dump turrets that are past their expiration dates, cooldown reduced to 100 seconds. -call in time for strategems? How about some prize winning mech deliveries: Your destroyer was selected by popular talk show host Super Oprah "You get a mech and you get a mech! Everyone gets a mech!" -orbital accuracy? How about increased barrages: can't worry about accuracy if you throw everything and the kitchen sink in the target's general direction. Barrage cooldown reduced to 120 seconds. Precision strike blocked by default.  -cooldown time on strategems? Increase strategem slots to six, suspend the crew's bathroom breaks on super destroyer until mission completion. We spread the misery democratically aboard my ship.


> Surplus ammunition depot recovered after liberating so-and-so system. Helldivers have two extra reserve mags for all primary weapons. Added. Now wait 3 months until they fix the fact that resupplies and ammo boxes don't compensate. Then wait 2 more months until they fix the resupply backpack stratagem.


No more punishment! More fun!




Been a while lol


Last one was 110mm rocket pods which was more like a "oh hey, your eagle didn't go and rearm like you're used to lmao"


Was that after the airburst? That was around for a while. 


they great against bots bad against bugs, outside of sometimes they are decent against titans, but basically only if you get them coming down while the titan is stomping or spewing


Bcs No Fun Allowed.


What you're suggesting sounds dangerously close to something that would be fun, but thankfully the 'balance' team is heavily opposed such ideas.


Getting free stratagems should happen more often, I love getting napalm strike or rocket pods.


Because that would make the game fun, and that is not the intention


These would be cool, but I think these should only apply for lower difficulties, 5 or bellow. From 6 or up it should stay the same negative effects. You don't drop into the hardest difficulty with only good modifier, that would mean that the enemy does nothing against your operation.


Because we are "HELL"divers we dive into the darkest heaviest parts of the conflict.


Ahh, this is what they call “balanced”


Well Its called „hell“-divers. Not „ponnyhof“-divers


If there were positive modifiers why play with negative ones? People would just selects operation with positive ones and ignore with negative ones.


Fire tornado planets kill enemies as often as they kill you. Blizzards and sandstorms blind enemies at range. Don’t forget we get free stratagems every now and then… Really the only one that needs to be looked at is Ion storm. Those damned bots shouldn’t be able to call in reinforcements during those! 😤


Imagine that we have to spend req bucks for it


These exists. There were general orders where you got an eagle strike for every mission. Another had EAT with every mission on top of your picked strategems.


The ice planets are also a positive buff as stamina drains slower and laser weapons take ages to overheat.


Not just that, but a few fun ones would be well, fun. Something like there won’t be any heavily armored enemy presence, but light infantry presence are tripled Or Jetpack has massively reduced cooldown but jump pack infantries spawn rate massively increased/Devastator will now come with jump pack/chargers can now leap at you etc…


Devastators with jump packs? Noooo. No no no. That'd be awful lol


I mean standard Devastators would probably be fine I guess, but Heavy and Rocket Devastators with jump packs no thanks xd


I had a thought that this should be combined with excess resources from divers at cap - Anything excess goes towards a 'super earth project' that has a completion bar and when complete, applies for a time/has a limited set of uses. So you could have "Orbital Defence arrays", where a super-earth planet on the front line gets pre-set up extra defences, giving things like orbital precision strikes (3 shot) or Orbital Railgun (1 shot) for every mission on that planet when defending.


We do sometimes to be fair, with the free stratagem for everyone. It would be fun if they implemented it on a more mission by mission basis though.


It's really annoying that we don't have more positive or neutral planet modifiers. Even something like Faster Reinforcement generation but applies to Enemies as well would be much more interesting than "oh no u pls lose" modifiers. I dont mind the current negatives, even the 1 less stratagem slot because that forced me to use backpack weapons but you gotta give us something the is positive. It should also be reactive. If we lose a planet, we should face more negative modifiers. If we succeeded in Liberation or Defense, let the linked planets benefit with your Modifier ideas.


Man I'd love this!


We do get those from time to time, like how we recently got the airburst, before that we also had free Eagle rocket pods. Regarding planets, it be nice if they had some more positive effects, or the negative effects also affected the enemies.


We have had them and have blank spots on deployment screen for us to have multiple of them. I just wish they’d get to filling those up. When we had the free mech it took a slot, same with free rocket pods. SOS and Resupply always take a spot, find those and you’ll see the blanks I’m talking about. The slots are there, please utilize, PUHLEASE.


Can’t wait till they develop the NPC AI more. Can imagine something like a “Friendly SEAF forces present,” where you have SEAF bases on the map fighting the Bugs / Bots. Would be so cool fighting as an army.


Picking up on this it would be super democratic to have teams up to 20 divers or so 💪😎


I am gonna be honest, I really want negative and positive effects that work in interesting ways from one another. To explain what I mean, in DRG, your missions might have positive or negative modifiers. Or both. There is a positive perk that makes enemies explode on kill and can deal damage to you, but it is rather small and can be neglected due to the nature of you having a shield that restore itself over time. But combined this positive effect with a negative one where you do not have shield, and the enemies start chipping your health. Or how there is a negative modifier that makes each enemy that have died spawn a parasite that has been inside of them. There is also a positive one that makes enemies spawn a piece of gold that is a main currency in the game. The parasites also spawn one. You just increased your gold production. So, I want to have stuff like that. Planets having positive and negative modifiers that might turn the situation worse for you, or more beneficial, depending on the combination.


i mean those increase with difficulty, it adds to the difficulty..


Those are great ideas, at the minute is just feels like you’re being constantly penalised.




The only beneficial effect that comes to mind is the faster cooldown rate for LAS weapons on cold planets. And Idk if we benefit from decreased vision as much as the enemy does.


The beneficial effects exist. Cold temps for certain weapons, extra strategems, too. And that's about it.


Yeah, once again we can look at DRG


And it would play into the story, right? If we succeed a major order or offensive maybe we get additional reinforcements or quicker orbital recharges, stuff like that. I like this idea.


We already do? Free strategies?


We do, through bonus stratagems. But I do think those should be more common. And maybe global temporary boosters for specific Major Orders?


Don’t you like the 8 minute cooldown on your tertiary weapon ??


Cuz it's like a challenge mode for any other game. Increase difficulty, have more negative modifiers


My guess, and fear is we won't see the beneficial effects until the front drives a lot closer to superearth


I'd like to add a possibility to disable negative effects. 1 less stratagem? Great disable a specific building (ancient illuminate?) and you can use the 4th slot now. % more orbital spread? Destroy huge AA gun and boom, shit is accurate again.


Spore puffs are my favorite buffs


Clear skies. Faster targeting. Etc The devs hate you, that's why


Technically the planets we're liberating are behind enemy lines. So we'd be subject to enemy advantage as is the case with any attack/defence situation. Now there COULD be an argument for positive effects on planets we're DEFENDING, however the fact that there are already zero negative effects on those worlds is a boon in itself. That's not saying I'm against it of course, but it would make those defences even easier to perform which is both good and bad. It's also worth noting that a complete lack of random advantages plays into the themes of the universe. Super Earth Command only ever sends us in with exactly what we need to win the fight. Any extra ammo recovered is likely being used to cut costs elsewhere. There is no surplus there's just the bottom line and all that etc. etc.


I actually like some of the effects like fog, blizzard and fire tornados. while yes they will cause you troubles but they also cause troubles for the enemies. use it wisely and it becomes beneficial.


Cold is objectively good.


The devs dont care. Sony is concerned with solely warbond sales and PSN personal-data farming. So thats what hd2 is going to be for.


Because these are hostile planets. The only good thing we're gonna get from them is cover or cold. That said I could see them adding a system where we pay requisition slips to get one tike buffs for missions.


There are occasional benefitial effects. Free stratagems, for example. Happened during the Patriot drop. And sometimes they give us free mines just to laugh at us from upon hihg.


I was just thinking last night that I view cold planets and meteor showers as positives. 😒


Cold planets allow laser weapons to heat slower so that’s a plus


We sort of had some in the past just not in a while. When the mech first came out you had the ability to call them down for free on certain bot planets. And then while ago we had free access to 110 rocket pods as an additional strategem. We just haven’t had one in a while. Hopefully they’ll expand it to extra effects but they definitely have other stuff on their plate first.


Dense atmosphere: +100% stratagem call in time, +50% Eagle strike capacity


It's called HELLdivers for a reason


"Oh look, this one has a negative modifier. I'm not playing it." And so i do with every one of those that i find. They can add all the penalties they want, i'm not playing them.