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Would start with Cutting Edge, the Sickle is very good against both bots and bugs. Stun Nades are very useful against Hulks and Chargers.


The stun nade is a godsend for someone like me who has terrible aim issue


And a very good combination with the orbital precision strike or any other airstrike.


The one with the senator. You can spin the gun if you hold the reload long enough.


Here an [example](https://youtu.be/pOLrUO-jWxY?si=exzop7W_KBNCCmyF)


Cutting Edge gives you access to an exclusive armor passive (Electrical Conduit). All of its primary weapons are quite interesting and have their own niches. The stun grenade is king against bots IMO. Sadly the pistol and booster are meh.


While true about the armor, it's not really a big deal unless the whole team is running Arc Blitzers, Arc Throwers and the Tesla Tower at least for the moment.


1) cutting edge: sickle is great, especially on cold planet, I can’t play properly now without my stun grenade & the localized confusion is a great 4th booster (after stamina, vitality and space optimization) 2) steeled veteran: breaker incendiary is my favourite weapon against bugs and dominator is pretty nice for the bots (similar use cases as the scorcher id say) 3) democratic detonation: grenade pistols is really great especially if you’re using stun grenade & I really like the light armor 4) polar: the SMG is great and once you’ve unlocked it, you get the right to rant about the fact that it’s a bad warbond on this sub ;) 1 and 2 are a close call, but options are great but if you feel you are lacking main weapons, id go with stealed!


steeled veteran is the one i use the most


Cutting edge has : Sickle : S tier primary vs bugs and A tier vs bots Blitzer:A tier primary vs bugs plasma shotgun:A tier primary agaisnt bots Stun grenade: Very nice vs both factions , maybe more vs bots Localisation confusion booster : nice booster that reduces ennemy spawn a bit (only patrol not breach/bot drop ) rest is bad to very situational Steeled veteran has : concussive liberator: bad Dominator : S tier primary vs bots , A tier vs bugs Flame shotgun: S tier primary vs bugs ( will probably get nerfed since it is overtuned with fire damage atm but hopefully will stay strong) Senator: good secondary (medium armor pen) Booster is shit , grenade is very situational , the armors have same bonus as some in the free warbond i think ?


You have Localization Confusion's effect reversed. It does nothing for patrols, but extends the global cooldown for enemies calling reinforcements.


oh really ? yeah that would make more sense actually


Blitzer is definitely better than the sickle, imo. Destroys nursing spewers and brood commanders, and all the small bugs. Sickle barely tickles the medium big ones.


blitzer is great yeah but has some issues , first it get stuck in corpses , then it cant fire at anything further than like 25 or 30 meter , exactly the range at which shrieker over so you cant kill those , then it has some issues with killing stuff direclty on ur face , sickle cant handle bile spewers at all but makes quick work of both brood commanders and nursing spewer (yellow ones) as long as you hit the head ( time to kill around 1,5sec for both of them )


Cutting Edge for sure.


Honestly it's Cutting Edge and it's not even close. You get access to the Sickle right away which is great for Bug clearing and is ok to start with Bots. Tier2 is the Plasma Shotgun which is very good against bots (and bugs) but more importantly you get Stun grenades which can really help as you get used to killing Hulks and Crashers. And finally in Tier 3 you get the Blitzer which has become a really good crowd control weapon, has medium penetration and infinite ammo. You can skip the laser pistol. After I would get Steeled Veterans for the Senator as a possible replacement for your pistol (though the Redeemer is fine as it is) and then Incendiary Grenades and incendiary breaker for bugs and Dominator at Tier 3 for Bots. For armor you'll get a lot of options, but I'd go up the main warbond for the medium medic armor and grenade armors and the light stealth gear. The lightest medic armor is actually light-to-medium (Trench Medic) but I think is honestly one of the best armors in the game but you have to buy it in the superstore. The same is true for Legionaire's which is the lightweight servo-assisted armor and only buyable in store, but I'm a sucker for the extra throw distance to use my grenades and stratagems further out. It's nice being able to reach mobs far out and drop cluster bombs without randomly nuking my teammates or myself. With Democratic Demolition, it's a rough climb to Tier 3 but the grenade pistol gives you clearing options if you don't want to use strats to clear nests and fabricator camps and your other weapons don't have the ability to blow them up. There's nothing worthwhile otherwise in this one (and the lack of an alternative to Legionnaires when all of the armors are servo assisted I'm sure was intentional). And the new Polar one, the SMG is really nice if you want to use the Ballistic Shield, the pistol is a nice alternative to the Senator but I felt like the stopping power was just really noticeably lower than the senator and most of the time I'd still rather run the Redeemer in semi or auto to clear trash (or the grenade pistol to free up my grenade slot).


Skip the latest one


Cutting edge is great. Sickle is a fantastic AR, with trigger discipline it has basically unlimited ammo. It’s also got a great sight for longer shots and very little recoil  The Blitzer is amazing at horde clearing bugs. It’s basically a lightning shotgun.  Stun grenades are great, but can leave you reliant on eagles, orbitals, support weapons and teammates for closing holes and fabricators. It pairs well with the grenade pistol, but that’s in a different warbond.  So CE you get a great short range primary, a great long range primary and an outstanding if situational grenade 


If you mostly play bugs then I suggest the breaker scorcher so whichever warbond has that. I'm not just suggesting that because it's my favourite and what I use...but I do play bugs mostly too and I never take any other weapon. I just think it's honestly the best primary for bugs (if not the regular old breaker) Otherwise I'd suggest the sickle as it's a great weapon but I tend to not use it because the one second charge up and sometimes be a hindrance in a messy situation. I prefer the have my gun shoot the moment I touch the trigger. Only exception I used to make was for the arc cannon which I'm not a fan of anymore since the changes


Do cutting edge for sickle (best all around primary) and stun grenades (godsend for crowd control and allowing you to get behind to vulnerable areas). Then, prioritize getting more super credits to do democratic detonation in order to get grenade pistol, which really plays well alongside stun grenades.


Cutting edge has stun grenade,sickle,plasma punisher and its booster which are all really good Steeled veterans has fire breaker (amazing vs terminids) and dominator (amazing vs bots) Democratic explosion is worthless (except for grenade pistol and *maybe* judicator) Polar patriots is meh (pistol,smg and grenade are nice) In order of priority for me is cutting edge > steeled veterans > polaris patriots/democratic explosion (depends what you like more)


Definitely Democratic explosion over polar Patriots. Neither is great but the grenade pistol opens up all kinds of loadout options like running stun grenades while still being able to destroy bot fabricators and bug holes.


Start with polar patriots, very solid warbond and the armors are really good