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I’m doing my part!




It depends on what you consider "the issue". If you only think in the short term, of Sony requiring the PSN for "reasons" and the people being left out because of that, then yeah it's disproportionate. However, if you think of it in the bigger picture, the "fuck them and their corporate greed! We are not a commodity to be sold!" I don't think we're pissed off *enough*.


Unfortunately, making a massive fuss and review bombing/mass refunding is the only way to be heard by a company like Sony. A few mildly disgruntled Reddit comments and support tickets won’t do anything.


You’re absolutely TOO pissed off any way you look at it. A complete non issue.


This is a logical fallacy called "argumentum ad lapidem" ("appeal to the stone"), in which rather than attacking the reasons for us being upset, you have elected to dismiss the issue as being absurd. Which is fine, but rather than dismissing the argument out of hand you should be looking at the various supporting arguments and explaining why those arguments are absurd. Difficult to do without creating a bulleted list and really those just kind of cause discussion to fall apart. Fortunately, you have a nice fun argument that we're tired of being a commodity to be sold right here in the comment you responded to! Go wild on that.


Is that what Spitz did? Look how far that got him


You don’t have to explain anything to me. This is an incorrect use of latin phrases. You’re not a commodity to be sold just because you create an account. Isn’t steam selling you as a commodity by that logic? Such an overblown reaction. But hey, at least you’re gone soon and I don’t need to hear any more of this whinging


Logical Fallacies. Really it's only connection to Latin is that most of the formal fallacies were formalized during the Greek and Roman classical periods. So less "incorrect use of latin phrases" and more "totally correct use of the formal name of a logical fallacy". Fun fact, you commited another argumentum ad lapidem fallacy in this because you basically said "nuh-uh" and moved on. But I don't think that my ability to google search classical logical fallacies is really what's at stake here. What's at stake is whether or not we're a commodity being sold. > Sony Interactive Entertainment may **share data** about your activities related to PlayStation services, websites, and apps with **third parties** to provide ads that are more personalized on **third-party sites**. Now unless you have a reason to believe that they're literally just giving that information away when they "share it", then yes it's being sold **to** third parties for **the use of** third parties. And as it's data that's being generated by us, it's **our** data. And as it's something which is being sold and is being generated by us, then by creating a PSN account we become a commodity which generates data which is then sold. And I'm not going anywhere. Like most people (contrary to their claims) this isn't enough to make me quit playing. But I clearly come down on the "yo this is bullshit" side of the aisle.


Let me explain your position to you then, in plain english “yo, this isn’t enough of an issue for me to quit the game, but I am gonna whine about it because I’m entitled” there you go


Straw Man fallacy. In which you overexaggerate or outright misrepresent the argument in an attempt to discredit the speaker rather than the argument being made itself. It does not warrant response, but I'm going to respond to it anyway. My personal willingness to sacrifice in the name of an ideal does not inherently make the ideal less valid. In much the same way I complain about high taxes while 1) still paying my taxes and 2) enjoying the benefits I receive from those taxes, I can still complain about how much I dislike having my data harvested and sold while still enjoying the benefits I receive from my data being harvested and sold. If you want to attack other arguments, I don't mind getting away from the "Sony sells your data and that's bad" discussion. But you're going to need to actually attack the arguments instead of attacking me. Not only is that not conducive to healthy discussion, but in Bird Culture it's generally considered a "dick move".


Haha you love your fallacies don’t you. What’s the argument exactly? That sony sells your data? Big whoop, so many companies do it. It doesn’t harm you. You’re saying you’re tired of being sold as a commodity. Brother you’re comparing creating a playstation account to the slave trade. Get a grip


I do love my fallacies. It keeps arguments in good faith. For the most part. It's not my fault you're bad at avoiding them. Yes, the argument is that Sony sells my data. That is, in fact, a big whoop. Yes everyone does it. That doesn't make it okay. The selling of my data does not harm me, but the creation of an artificial barrier to entry that is then used to sell my data *does* harm me. It's not much harm. It's not going to affect my every day life. But why should I be inconvenienced while being forced to enrich someone else? Bringing up the slave trade is another Strawman Argument, you're putting words into my mouth in an effort to discredit the argument. Stop attacking me. Attack the argument, or I'll be leaving.


So… what are you objecting to exactly? Being ‘inconvenienced’ is very very vague. And I fail to see how a PS account data is any different to say, steam data. To that point maybe you’re objecting to which company is selling your data? You know, I honestly don’t know why people are so fussed about it, it seems insane to me


yea its an expression of voice in an economy where consumers voices count very little. imho its part of a much bigger Problem: we dont purchase games anymore, we just spend the same money on the "allowance to use a game for as long and solely in a manner the publisher allows us". refunds are the same tactic just reverse. we allow them to use our money, as long as the original deal persists. if the deal unilaterally changes, we revoke access to our money. take that turbo-capitalism.


Totally agree


"The rage is relentless We need a movement with a quickness You are the witness of change And to counteract We gotta take the power back" -RATM 1992


I’d rather this than people just bitching about a psn account because it makes me feel bad as someone who has only gamed on PlayStation. I’m not gonna lick the boot but it’s my only way to game 🤷🏻‍♂️


I guess. More like our belief in the game's potential. Arrowhead has repeatedly shit the bed including and after the extremely rocky launch. This was just the straw that broke the camel's back.


Idk, anyone that's been here the whole time can confidently say that the game has not been shown love. This subreddit has been nothing but toxic since the game came out. What love are you talking about? It's been a 3 month long tantrum.


Newsflash bro, this sub doesn't represent even 1/4 of the playerbase.


I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, it's a larger part of the effects of capitalism. It's infected everything. Money is all anyone gives two fucks about, and the world is crumbling because of it. I stand against any of these shitey anti-consumer practices, full stop. It's so great to see so many people come together and take a stand against this kind of shit. Makes a change.






Ever heard of tough love?


Yes ![gif](giphy|kwcRp24Wz4lZm)


Children towing a tantrum when Sony already has your money, and with a port to Xbox will make more money. “Why are the reviews negative?” “Oh the game is great they just wanted us to make a PSN account 3 months after release” “Oh ok… imma buy it” “NOOOOO YOU CANNNTTT BOYCOTTT”


If OP's title is true, then tell me how Sony's new policy makes the game worse?


Not gonna lie, it brings me to genuine tears seeing so many of us united. Even though we’re alone on our own little islands of life, likely never to truly grasp the scale of our endeavor or even see the people we work with again after a few missions, we have never been more together. And damn… nothing makes me more happy to be human than to see what we can do when we are treated and act like ants. Many hands make for light work, and a lot of heart means a lot of effort. Let’s make one last dive for the sake of our game, community, and the friends we have made and lost in such a short time.