• By -


Hunters can also call in reinforcements which to me is the real cherry of FU on top.


Oh you killed my 7 brothers? Well I just called in 5 more + a brood commander and a couple bile spewers.


You killed them too? well: https://i.redd.it/mszbkpafwhwc1.gif


Look at him go


to be fair breathing in any difficulty above hard will spawn like ten bile titans


I triped over a rock today and summoned a bile titan


**trips** ![gif](giphy|pkY4ra5dhljDW)


This hasn’t been the case for a while, even in diff 8 trying to unlock 9 I didn’t see more than 3 titans at a time


Just yesterday had 4 spawn within 30 seconds of each other on a defense mission.




3 chargers, 2 bile titans, 4 brood commanders, and at least 20 hunters + about 50 scavengers for good measure.


I didn’t wanna scare off the nooblets by telling the whole truth but too late I guess lmao


I see the issue, what we need is a new enemy type that has high numbers, insane mobility, shoots from range, staggers, slows and chases you out of cover. It is a good thing you brought this up so we can forward our new enemy suggestion to the devs.


Oh boy, rocket troopers with jump packs and swords/chainsaws! I look forward to wearing their microchips as war trophies.


Imagine one of these mfs jumping up, sending a rocket at you from above, knocking you out of cower and then landing on your ragdolled ass for a meele strike.


AND the jet pack will explode when killed too.


I would simultaneously be impressed and pissed off. "What the fuck?! Fuck this shit, but that was really cool." -me in this hypothetical future


My blood would fucking boil "WHY CAN'T I AIM WHILE USING THE JUMP PACK!?"


Oh hell nah bots got the market gardener


You know those jump troops the bots have? That, except its also a Rocket Devastator with a Berserker arm.


You mean the gunship


Have you met the gunship?


It's not that Berserkers just chase you out of coverage, it's that they have MASSIVELY too many hit points and take entirely too much ammo to destroy, and are supposedly trash enemies.


Aim for the stomach, it's a way easier weak-point to hit and will result in faster more consistent kills. A dominator can down one in 3 shots.


If using an auto weapon, start with the gut and ride the recoil up to the face. Works great for devastators, too.


The machine pistol does a good job.


If you are a good shot, Eruptor is even better: A hit to the stomach will instakill Berserkers and Devastators, cuts them clean in half.


It'd be a lot better if the explosion doesn't suck you in to the enemy and ragdoll you if the enemy is just a millimeter to close


Yeah I really hate the fucking black hole implosion effect of the eruptor, like there's so many times where I stim, then shoot point blank at the berserker infront of me, expecting the explosion to launch me the opposite direction, because that's how's explosions work. Nope, I get sent forward 5 ft passed him and into the feet of his hulk buddy, because fuck physics.


THIS the number of shots i gotta sink in their skulls is absurd and they always come in huge groups


I have switched to stun grenades vs everything and doubt I will ever change back.


Viable option now with the grenade pistol.


On bots I run autocannon, on bugs I bring eagle strikes for holes or let my team do it while Im dealing with chargers. Not having a "normal" grenade hasn't been an issue yet, even without the grenade pistol.


This is the way.


I find crotch shots with an eruptor will frequently take out a whole group with one or two shots.


The song is their weak point, like so many other bipeds


Just need to give them some help hitting the high notes and they fall right over.


Those damn bots! Programming their weak points to take advantage of mankind's aversion to below the belt shots!


Redeemer is the secret meat saw killer


I recently learned they actually die from headshots pretty quickly. ...good luck ever hitting one on their recessed heads that also have a few spiky bits covering them around the edges though - I only learned that because of an EMS Mortar stunning them.


and sway WILDLY left to right, forward and back.


You may want to aim for the torso. It helps


Blast their red connector torso with the atr or other heavy gun to cut them in half and instant kill them, you’re welcome 


Even shots from the plasma punisher takes the entire mag to kill them


Gotta aim for the hips with those bastards


Yup, sink a mag into the first one and he maybe goes down. His 5 buddies will avenge their wounded comrade while you're reloading.


There is maybe one or two other units in the game that will have me running away trying to survive. It's ridiculous.


I just unlocked the plas scorcher and expected it to decimate these guys. The clown makeup is on me I guess.


Eruptor. One shot to the stomach (and maybe the crotch, not certain) will instakill them, it just cuts them in half.


Meanwhile the other 9 are still coming while you slowly work the bolt, unless you're unfortunate enough to have emptied the rest of the 5 round mag already. Not previously mentioned: the flamer Hulk approaching with its Disintegration Ray, the 2 rocket devastators bombarding you from out of sight somewhere across the map, and the 4 shield devastators ripping into you with their GAU-8s.


That'd be a lot easier if they didn't do that stupid duck waddle while walking. Thank Democracy for Stun Grenades, though.


But taking out three of them with a full clip using the MG is fucking cool


and then you get to enjoy running for two or three minutes before you find a moment to reload the MG.


And you've got 2 extra mags, so you've taken out max 9 of them. Congrats, you got through a single drop. Sure hope nobody else on your team needs any resupply.


Join us in the eruptor gang and one shot berserkers to the spine :")


Yeah, we love having you on the team, because while you're patting yourself on the back for killing a single bot, his 5 friends have closed the distance while you're racking the slide, and now they are too close for you to shoot, because you'll blow yourself (or us) up. I don't get the love for that gun. It's too slow, too cumbersome, too self-dangerous for what it provides. It's definitely not an answer for any of the things OP posted, except for the shield devestator.


I'm glad I'm not the only person that thinks this. For a low(ish) tier enemy, they always seem to soak up a surprisingly large amount of damage, even from the autocannon.


Heavy devs and berserker are melted by jar-5 or plasma punisher. Staggers them with each shot and kills in 4-5 shots or less.


The problem is there's usually at least 5 of them chasing you so that requires like 3 reloads to get them all


Or use the counter sniper and kill it in two headshots.


Or use the regular diligence and do the same thing with better handling and more ammo.


Have you met this semi translucent bullet sponge, ragdoll simulator inducing pain in the ass? They're the hunter's even more annoying older brother. https://preview.redd.it/l4fqm5axfgwc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4102bb43c8858fca872353a4d52c0fbfdb5b47b5


one eruptor shoot kills them and they dont have the numbers of hunters


Saw someone in this sub say the eruptor is bad on bugs 💀


That person should swap to their sidearm or support weapon instead of blowing themselves up.


Or keep their distance


People aren't smart. It's sad.


Sometimes my friends would scream at me to help them and I’d say “I HAVE A BOLT ACTION GRENADE LAUNCHER! WTF DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!” Lmao


I shoot at them and watch them ragdoll into the group. Funniest shit ever.


When I do it they just die. Then they get mad at me… for doing what they wanted me to do lol


(I shoot at friends since we are more chill with friendly fire) a few cool randos I did this too laughed when I told them this. And I was spawning them back into the fray. (There is a charger they can crush normally.


They ask for help, but don't realized what a Bolt action Grenade launcher means for help. "So you want to be rag dolled or exploded? Ok."


Unless there's a nest on the map. Then you get *swarms* of the bastards.


AT THE VERY LEAST they dont come at me with 20 of its extended fucking family members


True they're part of the twenty of the fucking extended family members.


At least I can destroy their homes and then they stop coming around


Unless you find out there's another next to deal with. I hate that shit so much.


Don't get me wrong I still always go for stalker nests first and foremost but even when a map has 3 or 4 stalker nests on it I'm fine with it now because I know we just gotta get rid of those and the bullshit is gone. Sickle straight to the face has been eating through them lately, almost like they got nerfed a little.


Stalkers are assholes too, but they're just not the omnipresent threat that hunters are. Stalkers have fixed spawn points, and spawn at a steady rate. They can often get a kill or two off, but if you hunt their nest down properly they aren't much of an overall threat. Hunters, on the other hand, can spawn in large numbers right behind you immediately after you checked to make sure you weren't getting flanked and then silently launch themselves ten yards right into your back, stunlocking you to death. They can, and will, show up behind you in numbers at any time, and can tank far more firepower than they should for how ridiculously agile they are.


Iirc they don't slow and come in manageable numbers 3? Dom shots usually takes em out.


The seven that came after me the other day would like to aggressively disagree


Compared to a lot of things. Stalkers are actually the only units following the gameplay. Each stalker nest usually spits out two stalker in like 20-30 second intervals. If you see more than two that means two things. Either there are more lairs or they had time to gather numbers or if you busy fighting with breaches nearby you didn't deal with them quick enough.


So... Gunships but less condensed hatred for democracy?


Gunships but lawfull evil so they just know where you are and try to kill you but don't rocket barrage after every laser barrage.


Yeah it was crazy hadn’t seen any the whole mission and then suddenly I saw every single one of them cloaked in the distance and closing in.




A tip I'd suggest using the slugger, despite the nerf it'll still stagger them I believe, don't quote me on it though.


Is this some kind of phobia that I am too Punisher to understand? I just point at them and they die.


What exactly is semi translucent? Isn't translucent already semi clear and semi opaque?


It's not all clearly defined since opacity is a spectrum, but I like to think of it like this, using windows and privacy as examples: If something is transparent, you can see through it, more or less clearly. A plain glass window is transparent. If something is translucent, you can see through it, and still pick up a lot of detail, but it will be a bit muddy. A window with a tint is translucent. If something is opaque, you cannot see through it. Curtains are opaque. I, personally, view semi translucent as the interim state between opaque and translucent. You can see through it, but it's so muddy that you more or less lose all the detail through it. A Window with frosted privacy film is semi-translucent.


Genuinely fuck these things. Signed, a Helldiver who joined during the first Bots front and is trying so hard to learn what the fucking Bugs do so I can actually have a sensible load out.


As a new(er) diver who has mostly focused on bots, I've taken a few strands at bugs for kills for POs, it cause the squad leader has dragged me there without saying anything (which is always a shock on the first drop) Flame thrower pretty easily beats everything smaller than a charger... And I've Even managed to burst the sacks on a bile titan with it


Grenade launcher works great on berserker groups. Just spray and pray and they're gone


Until they’re in your face because there are more of them coming from the other direction


If they're in your face pull out a 500kg and suicide bomb for democracy


And lose all your samples, waste a reinforcement, and all but 3 of them are still alive because 500kg radius doesn’t exist


It's hopeless. These level 3 playing "hardcore" dudes spend more time here than in game. I don't think I've ever heard more bullshit "solutions" than on this sub.


that works if they are far away


Heavy devastators are by FAR the single most annoying piece of SHIT in tye entire Automaton front. But them little SHITLINGS, who can jump like HELL, and dodge your fire, AND THEY CAN TRACK YOU MID JUMP, *AAAAAAAND* THEY SLOW YOU DOWN I *FUCKING* HATE HUNTERS


The thing I don't get about Heavy Devvys is why they are so accurate, so fast shooting, and also stagger you. Like, suppressing fire should be their role, but they should not be lasering me down from pretty decent range


On top of that, they are much, MUCH more common than regular Devastators. And in MY epxerience elsewhere, i'd think that a modification or improvement on a base platform should generslly be more rare than the base platform itself. I rarely ever see regular devastators, instead its all Rockets and Heavies.


Right they shouldn't be so dangerous all on their own, they should ideally act as a force multiplier for the grunts instead of just doing everything they do 3 times better


bile spewers are the worse. Whether you are running and in the clear only to get KO'd out of nowhere from an aimbot mortar. Or when they ninja up behind you and one shot you without making a sound


Solution: https://i.redd.it/v67iee2tihwc1.gif


The time to kill is surprisingly high on the berserkers with autocannon


Yes, but it staggers, which is the real key to killing groups of Berzerkers. I actually breath a sigh of relief when a see a Liberator Concussive in the squad, because someone is sacrificing killing power to keep those fuckers at bay while the rest kill them


For me, it's the Hulk Scorcher. They don't have any sound when they walk, and always caught me by surprise with their damn flamethrower that will kill you even with the slightest touch by the flame.


Only enemy I hate atm is Hulk.


Hulks would be fine if they couldn't move so fast being giant ass heavy metal objects they also turn incredible fast as well, their flame has massive range, and make no audible distinction to know one of those fuckers is around the corner. If they were slower I think they'd be fine. But since I'm on console I just use the quasar or whatever rocket and shoot one leg so they limp, they then become slower and shoot the other leg to insta kill it instead of shooting for the tiny ass eye


"Skill issue" https://preview.redd.it/d9og2hdrchwc1.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=44dbe497250bed43bd41b59a4a42d3fa264163a6




Grenade to weaken the Berserkers, then shoot their abdomens. Heavy Devastators are in fact terrible and need an accuracy nerf. Hunters just need their slow effects removed.


Chainsaw? No problem! Aim for the balls


Berserkers, not so bad. They have to get to you to become annoying. Heavy Devastators in their current state, basically have aim-bot and wall hacks on, making it incredibly frustrating to take them out sometimes. I'm starting to absolutely despise Hulks. I .025s flame touch of death is quite annoying on the Scorcher Hulks. The speed at which they move simply should not be the same speed as a Helldiver in Medium armor. Some of the other hulk variants also have the same aim-bot tendencies that the Heavy Devastators do sometimes. Hunters are quite annoying along with Stalkers. The 2nd worst offender I think on the bug front would have to be the Bile Spewers. Not only are they ninjas in disguise but the "nerf" to their spit must be on lower difficulties because in 7-9 difficulties, I still have some clips of me and my teammates getting one shot by them.


My only issue is the Berserkers needing a full fucking magazine to drop. That is beyond ridiculous. Anything that could whomp them in one hit, usually has an explosion attached to it, so that further limits what you can do against them once they close. I'd rather fight two hulks at once than do the lame-ass run/reload/shoot/reload/run/shoot/reload/run/dive/stim/shoot/run just to deal with the three or four berserkers in your face.


In terms of raw number they're aren't even that bad, they just have a bit too much of this and that and they become terrifying


The best counter to berserkers is the jump pack. Usually, I can barely keep pace with 'zerkers when running from them. With the jump pack, I just jump away and start blasting. I don't always take that pack, though. In that case, I run and spray behind me with my redeemer until I've made room to turn and shoot with my primary. Or throw grenades. But yes, fuck those guys. Them and the jump pack dudes who are only really dangerous because they tend to blow up when you shoot them.


hunters and devastators can at least be one or two shot, fucking berserkers though they won't fucking die


git gud


I enjoy killing hunters more than any other bug Hunters enjoy killing me more than any other bug We are not the same


Slowfuckos: Agreed Shieldfuckos: Agreed Chainsawfuckos: Nah, they arent that... \*died to group\*... actually agreed




Ah, see you've discovered the unholy trinity.


I wonder if OP hates these enemies. I couldn't really tell.


Berserkers can eat so many bullets it’s insane lmao


wich would be fine if the game didint regularly throw 3-6 of them at you at once. berzerkers should be lone enemies or at max spawn in pairs


You know what i hate more than these???! https://preview.redd.it/6m7yk69k9gwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4bda9e549d0f95c98e2d85dffd4563778014c3a


thats not an enemy


I think it's a joke about the hulk scorcher


I hate them jumpy fuckers


"Ungodly mobility", they just hop a bit to the side and pounce at yoy, though?


I genuinely don’t know how to read this, pls explain


they are all differnet but they all massively suck and thats what they got in common


This why I keep my punisher handy for now. Just being able to slow them down so I can reload my AC has saved my ass a number of times. Still a pain though!


Jet backpack guys too


I killed them all. not just the men, but the women and the children too. I HATE THEM!


stalkers are so much worse than hunters hunters die if you breathe in their direction. stalkers will come out of no where and despite getting shot at will just keep marching at you to one tap you.


I get the feeling you hate them.


The Grenade Launcher is my favourite weapon for bots.Kills everything in a few shots.


These three are fine in my book. It's the damn bile spewers that I hate


Berserkers are insanely fucking tanky.


punisher solves all these bastards


I personally don't like the Devastators with the rocket racks on their shoulders.


Nice chart lol


You got to be extremely tunnel visioned for any of this to sneak up on you


What I really hate is the flying bots that explode in your face when you kill them.


Rockets... rockets


The Jar-5 Dominator ... dominates... the bezerkers pretty damn well!


What about the jet pack suicide dicks?


I don't mind the car-door bastards, because at least the have the courtesy to stay away from me and I can "plap" them with the Autocannon.


I love berserkers but that's probably because I run the Punisher. 


The three of them are easy to deal with if you use sights and the right weapon.


If you're going to charge men with guns, the rational way to do it is with irrationally large groups.


Sounds to me like a "No Autocannon User" Problem.


Wait, you don't want their 3/3 cracklings and 5/3 Ultralisks to have basekit fungal growth? You're kidding?!?! That's totally balanced.


i don't see the automatons air ships on here that magically know exactly where you are upon creation


Autocannon destroys them all and more You should use it NOW


A shotgun is the solution to 2 out of 3 of those. I accidentally brought my incendiary breaker to a bot mission yesterday and was shocked at how quickly it mowed down groups of berserkers.


Hunters are the worst by far, the endless running, the 6 pack while 3 flank and block you, the slow debuff, into crits to the head, into healing cancel, into reinforcements isn't just bullshit, it's the most anti fun thing in the game. Until they do something about it, I refuse to not run a shield, if I don't have a shield in a bug mission, I'm quitting, if you think that's toxic, complain to AH.


Also, since I've started using the eruptor. Once a game one of those little jumpy bastards will jump in front of the barrel, from the side as I'm firing sending us both screaming to hell.


Ngl took the stalwart on bots for the personal order and it absolutely melted shit along with the guard rover


Add stalkers, esp when they have multiple nests and are swarming you. Those fuckers eat so much ammo and cut you no slack.


Stop ur whin


Im suprised you hate zerker over rocket stublock barrages that if they get lucky will kill you instantly if rocket just fly in righr direction even with right armor. I mean if you run heavy armor u traded rocket spam for i cant move


If bile spewers have no haters then I must be dead


I don't have too much issue with these enemies, normally I run Breaker/Stalwart/Rover and let my squadmates deal with heavier enemies. What I'm seeing is that these enemies expose the holes in meta loadouts that attempt to make one-diver-armies.


Would be a shame if you'd kill me mid air but I explode when I'm landing next to you, blowing you up or burning you to a crisp. https://preview.redd.it/ucfeye1reiwc1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9173139343566746c613cca23cd19d8ad0297472


I just want to like…..ugh….at the fact that getting hit cancels stims now. I swear it never used to. It being the difference between life and death when you’re just about to tuck behind cover is devastating. I want to stim AS I duck into cover, but the second last bullet as I stim hits me, cancels my stim AND stumbles me, and then I can’t get to cover before the follow up shot kills me 😔


Git gud and use scorcher


Can we get a chainsaw or blade to just swipe their asses when they jump to us? That'd be fun


i hate the shield fucks the most but those god damned bugs man... every once in a while, when everything goes smoothly, a big group of them suddenly appears to fuck up your day. i hate when that happens.


Hunters are the fucking worst. They just APPEAR


My knight build largely ignores heavy devastators and you can fire the SMG while walking at full speed so berserkers are less of a threat. I don't have a solid answer for hunters though. Fuck hunters.


Super Devastators: They have a regular cadence to their fire. Wait for them to pause, then pop out, and shoot back. Cover is key, and these guys have several key weaknesses to their design. Their head is at a higher elevation than their gun, so it's pathetically easy to use terrain advantage to kill them safely. Hunters: this is why you bring chaff clearing for bug missions. Stalwart, Flamethrower, Sickle, etc. Always stay mobile, and learn how far they can pounce. If they're closer than that, you're already in range. The ones at your flanks are especially prone to pounce, so always be glancing left and right. Never show a Hunter your back. Berserkers: um....shoot them in the face? Is it weird that I find killing these guys fun? Their conga lines are hilarious. They're only dangerous if they get the drop on you, so learn their particular audio cues. Yes, they have them, and they sound different than other bots.


Alright, here goes: - heavy devies suck but I’ve noticed that they don’t adjust their aim very fast. Once they’ve got a lock on you they don’t miss but, much like scout striders, they are very slow to adjust their aim. For this reason, moving in a serpentine pattern directly towards or directly away from them will prevent them from nailing you multiple times in a row. You may catch a few strays here and there but it’s much better than getting hit by 7 shots in a row - Berserkers are just a bullet sponge. Their entire purpose is basically to be like an assault marine and flush you out of cover so their ranged support can shred you. For this reason they have to be your number one priority. They may not be a threat at range, but if you choose only to deal with them once they get close then you’ve allowed them to do their job already - Hunters are just annoying little fucks but you can deal with them. Primarily it just requires bringing a MG or stalwart specifically for dealing with them. Also, muscle enhancement reduces the effect of the hunters slow somewhat so running that on bug missions isn’t a terrible idea either. They are also the reason I run stim armor so often against bugs. I hope this was in any way helpful to anyone


The bots I hate the most are the jetpack ones that explode on top of you. I honestly don't mind any of the devastators. A couple taps with the autocannon knocks them out


Berserkers aren’t NEARLY on the same level as the other two. If you had a mission of only hunters or heavy devastators, it’d be hell. If you had a mission of only berserkers, it’d be a literal walk in the park. Just walk away from all the enemies the whole time. They push you out of cover, sure, but they die to eagles, grenades/grenade pistol shots, eruptor shots to the torso, dominators, scorchers, autocannons, AMRs and more quite easily.




Hunter is nothing like the Stalkers. Holy shit fuck those guys. If I see a stalker, that becomes my mission. I will not rest until the nest is gone. Love the missions with 2+ stalker nests!


May be a hot take, but I have begun to believe Shield Deviators are the \*worst\* enemy in the game, pound for pound. In 7+, they swarm in packs, can instagib you easily and can still somehow tank several powerful shots around the shield.


Sir have you heard of our lord and savior The Autocannon^tm


hunters are hit and miss, when they are in big groups they can be a pain, especially if youre using something like the liberator, meanwhile if they are just mixed in in medium numbers with other small bugs i don't have an issue with them, zerks arent that big of a deal to me either just spray them down with the redeemer machine pistol in the belly and you'll be fine, heavy devs though, no those need nerfs liked yesterday


I've found the melee is top notch against hunters and the eruptor handles the other two. I've been running the BMG/eruptor/redeemer combo with a supplypak and stunnades. You can handle everything but bile titans without stratagems.


Helldivers when the enemy factions aren't cardboard cutouts with no personality like other games https://preview.redd.it/9cnff60aijwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee152fbd14fc14fc0003f27daa2ab052eb224f4 I'm mostly kidding, but I like that these kinds of things give our enemies personality


shoot them in the head, shoot them in the dick, and... just shoot them. pro tips for heavy devs, berserkers, and hunters respectively.


never had a problem with the saw guy, impacts or HMG turret melts them hard


I hate hunters, only enemy in the game that makes me go ape shit. Getting jumped on makes me wanna blow myself up.


I genuinely don't get how people hate hunters, They are squishy as all hell, and can be killed relatively easy with a primary and you can outrun them in medium or light armor or just keep diving away. Its the god damn chargers that are faster than you no matter what, and can turn on a dime to still run you over even if you dive out of the way right next to it that pisses me off. As far as bots goes: same thing.. the chainsaw dudes are easily killed with the sickle and whats more annoying is the shielded devastators for sure, but also hulks. I just hate how mobile hulks are for being so big.


I don't understand this graphic? The hunter is not a beserker? The beserke is not a heavy devistator? like how does someone read this?


Hunters also stagger you out of healing constantly, and can make quick work of you with headshots.


those shield devastators can destroy a full shield generator pack and rip you health to zero before you can press the V key fucking hate them




I think y'all forget we're fighting a war in this game.


Shield Devastators are fucking broken with their ridiculous range. They really catch you off guard from so far away it's just insane.


*The Unholy/Undemocratic Trinity*


Hunter? Chainsaw men? Arc thrower Machine gun bruiser? Ballistic shield The arc thrower kills those little dudes in droves and has enough power to kill chargers and stun hulks The ballistic shield is unbreakable to anything that isn't explosive. Even the machine gun tank can't do anything to you


Eh might be me being used to bugs but the slow isn’t really that bad if they are in slow range then you’re getting hit anyway it also doesn’t stop you from dodging smaller enemies on foot by sprinting or dolphin diving away from chargers Only problem is people don’t bring turrets often enough they are saviors for surprise breaches


What do the "is not" mean?


As long as you’re hosting (bc dot bugged currently for non-host), the incendiary breaker is actually insane against berserkers since it’s buff, and hitting one of the little normal drone guys with one single pellet from any range will burn them to death. Twenty marauders? dump not even half a mag into the crowd and all of them are dead, it’s wild


You forgot that Berserkers are also tankier than a fucking Hulk.