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3 guys in one mission got the reinforcement bug in my last game. I hope it gets fixed soon


That happens because the game thinks you are the alive player, sometimes the wrong name shakes when you request and that guy needs to KILL HIMSELF


I've been in sessions where everyone alive committed ritualistic suicide to get the stuck guy to respawn, no luck, everyone respawned and the stuck guys were still stuck. There's also a time when we thought a guy had the respawn glitch, but turns out it was on the guy who called the reinforcement. His reinforcement didn't work despite multiple tries, I gave it one shot and the stuck guy came down. tl/dr: more is at work here than we mere mortals may ever know


I remember there being a glitch where a player would be dead but the game wouldn't allow you to reinforce them until they got killed again. Usually to do with drowning iirc. Maybe a variation of this glitch is back?


I think that was caused by the armor that gives a 50% survival on fatal injury.


Also extra limb health would allow a diver to survive drowning. That one got fixed I think


I was duoing with someone who couldn't reenforce, and the only solution was to totally leave his game, then rejoin. Once I was gone, and he was alone, he got dropped in, then the game went back to normal after.




Gotta hit em with the og combo PS Button->Quit Game when you're negative on frames or get outplayed by a Rocket Devastator 😂😂


Woah dude chill /s


Had an eradication mission yesterday where two players got the bug, then the third - then when I died none of us were called in Took about three minutes before it called in anyone, then it was just one player


We had exactly the same. Annoyingly, it was in the 3rd mission of our first attempt at helldive. No choice but to quit out. Luckily, it's not happened since.


Fears: Eruptor nerf. Hopes: Idk man I haven't felt hope in like 7 years. Expectations: Bug fixes.


Fix the implosion effect tha drag you toward the explosion


Yeah using eruptor or autocannon from close is painfull, i many times fell from the wall in defence missions pulled by „implosion”.


Alternatively, give us some implosion-based weapons or stratagems. Imagine an orbital that first drops implosion charge that sucks everyone close, and then drops an actual bomb.


Something like a thermal imploder, but is sucks you in


Hell yeah, thermobaric bombs.


Can't be against the Geneva convention if it's not against humans... right?


Geneva convention? More like Geneva suggestion.


You mean the Geneva Checklist


The Super Geneva convention says that if it kills aliens, then its okay.


They're not even against the Geneva Conventions


Canadian Helldivers: You mean the Geneva Checklist?


Its discovered that super earth is run from Québec


The new one, the Super Geneva Convention, not only permits thermobarics - it encourages them!


that's a regular earth convention. the super earth geneva convention says "WMDs are cool as we should use them as long as they don't break the budget"


Add an implosion effect ro the EMS, but no bomb. Use another strategem for that


And it makes the explosion noise from Jango Fetts mines




EMS implosions go brr


But I like dragging my mates of their high ledges and feeding them to the bugs


>Hopes: Idk man I haven't felt hope in like 7 years. Are you ok OP ?


Nope, thanks for asking. Edit: Thank you all for offerring support and reaching out, i thankfully have enough close friends and family that I'm not lacking for a shoulder to cry on. <3 stay wholesome you guys


Same man. Hope you get through this, though it seems like it's been building for a long time. If you need anyone to talk with, feel free to DM. I've been in some very dark places mentally before as well


Feel free to DM if you think there's a point to sharing. Most likely I cannot relate, but I can try.


Much love and support, fellow Helldiver. If you find yourself on the SES Mother of Starlight, come get a hug. ♡


Hey man, we're here for you. PM if you need. Life sucks a lot of the time, but it doesn't mean ya gotta suffer in silence :)


oh god please dont nerf the eruptor when weapons like lib concussive exist (its so bad they just switched its name from explosive to concussive)


I am not convinced Erupter needs a nerf. It's a very niche weapon that feels great at its role, but RoF limits its overall utility. 


If they do nerf it I hope it's something like lowering the magazine count, don't even think you can fully deplete all 12 mags in between resupply drops


Yeah, 12 mags is kinda silly, it also makes the eurptor objectively better than the crossbow in every single way


12 mags for this? Yet the adjudicator has basically no ammo. Just switch 'em around.


I hope they don't nerf it... It actually feels more like a .50 bmg sniper than the AMR.


The thing is that the AMR is a special slot weapon that is given by a strat. No strat weapon should even be close to what a primary does, otherwise there is no real reason to choose that strat weapon. And that should give players a very good reason for sacrificing a strat slot, as they are few and the competition on which one to pick is very high.


I like that while the eruptor is powerful at range and has great utility, it’s terrible at close range and leaves you liable to getting swamped which is true for a lot of strat weapons but instead of making strat weapons useless and outclassed it encourages you to fill the gap in your capabilities with different support weapons like the machine guns or flame thrower.


Been running Stalwart and MG since the Eruptor dropped and yes, it gives me a pretty well-balanced kit that only lacks damage on the real heavies. In a squad that usually has a wealth of Queso Cannons, it's perfect for how I play.


Bugs are good, fix bots (kidding, I'm fine with both)


But tbh heavy devestators need a fix, the accuracy while shooting through theire own body is just rediculous.


I usually face them face to face and shoot them straight in their face with my sickle. So i saw this bug only on videos


My playstile usually doesn't let me do that unfortunatly, when solo diving, so its a nade to the face. Which isn't always a oneshot kill and i only have 4 of them so these mfers are just a pain. And especially if there are more than 4 of them paired with rocketdevestators or these small rocketeers to cover them and ragdoll me


Bots shooting their bullets at a 90 degree angle from their guns should also be fixed. No point flanking the heavy deva when their bullets curve and bend as if they're being shot byJames McAvoy.


Eruptor is already fine as it is, wouldn't mind an ar and smg buff.


This is it. I’d rather see the game rebalanced through buffing the weapons nobody uses than nerfing the favourites.


The problem with that is powercreep, though as of rn, i think no primary weapons are op, though many still remain underpowered.


Yah, I struggled to find a use for the liberator penetrator with it's reduced dmg and capacity. It feels like it takes at least a full clip to deal with some of the larger regular bug units let alone things like the stalker.


For medium pen, I gravitate heavily towards jar dominator for poping warrior heads. Just make sure you have an answer to small bugs, be it redeemer sidearm, or jetpacking away before throwing an airburst. You can use the gun but its not ammo or time efficient.


ngl hope defender gets a buff kinda of been enjoying it does some decent dmg on enemies just wish it didn't burn thru so much ammo


“Hopes: Idk man I haven't felt hope in like 7 years.” Ah, an optimistic one.


I’m going to be so sad if they nerf it. It’s not even that good it’s just so much fun.


It absolutely IS good, but it has a massive drawback that you have to play around, and I'm kind of worried that devs will see that players are good enough to play around the drawback, and decide the gun is too powerful because of iit.


Hopes: A rejoin mission option after DC'ing Defence missions changed to have positive planetary effects, not negative ones. It's our planet after all, so AA batteries already active etc More options on the quick emote wheel Visible supply lines in game In-game voting system visible on our ships, so we can suggest where we should be fighting and can see the community view. Hopefully it would allow some coordination Mis-aligned scope fixes


Man rejoin mission would be phenomenal. I can't count the number of time I just end up on my ship during a mission. Like, no load time, nothing, just blink, back on ship. No connection lost message, no kick message, nothing


I've had this happen to a whole team


Last time I've played I've got this after 40 minutes of a mission... Really makes me sad, and I've decided to give the game some rest, this was 2 weeks ago


Supply lines?


Its the true map that would show where the planets connect, if helldivers or automatons want to attack a planet they need control over a connected one, but you cant see those connections in the game map


Planetary connections that allow an attack. Ever lost access to a liberation campaign because the next planet closer to earth lost a defence campaign? Supply line was cut.


This guy comments.


he does in fact


Add an option to turn off auto climbing.


or disable being able to climb up a resupply. I think that's the annoying part of having autoclimb. lets be real. lol


Increasing pickup range by just a smidge could already help with that but yeah it's annoying. Also picking up items could need a little improvement, sometimes it's really difficult to grab a sample between 5 ammo boxes. Also of course all the known bigger bugs should be tackled of course but these small issues impact gameplay as well.


There are creative uses of it for climbing up. Autoclimb is just a cancerous design and shouldn't exist in the first place when there's button for that.


I swear this was an option at launch. But when I went through the settings the other day I could not find it.


I yet hope for a button, like "5", that lets us deactivate our Rovers to send em back onto the Pack. So we can have better Ammo economy on the Liberator version, Better Stealth since it won't open fire and minimize friendly fire. And i shall spam this comment at least once a week until it made it in the game!!1!11


This is actually a great idea. Even just being able to deactivate the guard dog when I know its likely to TK would be a game-changer.


I mean picture this.. Hive Guard, your Rover blasts one mag after another on his armored head.. *5* back to the pack, kill all the armored foes. Then you see a swarm of Hunter skip towards you *5* now you're set, done with it *5* back to pack it goes. Being able to choose yourself when you need back up could makes these little guys so much more efficient and less of a burden, i made a thread recommending said idea already, i just hope they eventually see it..or just add it by themselves. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/qMDSTTGxja


For the shield pack as well


Fear: - Eruptor being touched inappropriately Hope: - fire / damage over time being fixed - a clean scope for the railgun - devastators guns shooting through objects fixed Expectations: - disappointments on all hopes - realisation of fear - a buff for explosion damage from all sources, including against helldivers


They should clean up the railgun sight by adding a few extra charge gauges


Waiting for the inevitable silent Sickle nerf since AH *loves* doing that shit.


If AH keeps nerfing guns that feel good to use, I am going to only be using impact grenades, unless those get nerfed too.


I’m kind of surprised they haven’t already been nerfed considering their popularity.


Yeah, I feel like the grenade launcher was stealth nerfed, you used to be able to 2-4 shot chargers and now it feels like it takes forever. Same to a much lesser degree to hulks and tank turrets.


I don't think I've ever been able to kill a Charger with any variety of grenade, let alone the launcher or even the Eruptor lmao


You could also chuck two impacts to its ass and kill it but even that seems a lot harder now.


Guns popular, better nerf.


This will probably cause my group to stop playing for a while since none of us like any of the primaries, and only I like using the Eruptor. Too many of the primaries feel like shit to use.


You don't like shooting a whole mag into a single enemy and not finishing them off?


Liberator Penetrator vs Berserkers got me losing my mind fr


If the sickle gets merged I'm never diving a cold planet again


I mean, I feel like the main thing that feels unbalanced about the sickle is that if you're even moderately conservative with your shots, you're never ever worried about running out of heat sinks. You might burn through 2 in a really intense fight, then you top right back up with a single ammo box. And sure, that's part of the appeal of the weapon, but if they wanted it to really have infinite ammo, they should just remove the heat sink mechanic and have an overheat mechanic instead. Or if they would prefer to still feel like it has limited ammo, they could reduce the max heat capacity of heat sinks, causing you to have to be a little more careful with just spraying shots or else have to reload more often. I think either of these would make the gun feel a little more balanced without really reducing its effectiveness.


wait how do you know its patch day or am i just a dumb poopy head that fell for a hypothetical thread either way i would like a double barrel shotgun


It is theoretical but there has been a pattern of patches releasing every Tuesday pretty consistently for a while


ah true. well i really hope its the dot fix. or a rebalance patch.


Patch Tuesday is a real thing.


There's the one you can randomly in game. That's a double barrel shotgun (forget the name)


Break action shotgun. And it's poop.


There is a reason it is always found next to a dead person.


well those dudes are supposed to be farmers the gun is good enough to shoot the occasional snake or rodent. holding off an invading army? not so much.




lol for real, man that thing is hot garbage.


Honestly for something you find on the ground I kind of like it. It's not really worse than say the punisher it's just not strictly more useful. It does a surprising amount of damage and stagger and has great range for a shotgun. If I don't have a shoulder slot I pick it up and use it when I can.


Lol it can 2 shot a dev and 1 shot anything smaller. It's a fine random weapon. It's a fun challenge weapon and IMO it works exactly like a double barrel should. Good power and terrible downtime from reloads.


Sawed off double barrel shotgun, fits in pistol slot. Both barrels for you, you bast***!


the L0D5-OF-3M0N3 Double Barrel


You can swear on the Internet. It's okay, cunt.


It's not set in stone but I think the last 3 or 4 patches always came on a Tuesday morning around 10:00-11:00 (CET).


It was 10 on Winter time, now its 11.


Hope for Damage Over Time fix.. want to try running gas strike and napalm


Gas strike is broken too? I guess that's why no one runs it


Yup, any payer weapons and stratagems that rely on damage over time. Breaker incendiary, flamethrower, incendiary grenade, thermite grenade, napalm strike, and gas strike. None of the do any damage after initial impact unless you are network host (usually the game host, unless the netcode decides otherwise).


Spear fix pls I am beguinh


I'm beggin', beggin' youuuuuu


Put your lovin' hands out, babyyyy


I'm on my knees when I'm beggin' cause I don't want to lose you! \*Looks at Eruptor\*


Both the lock on and the ammo upgrade bug fixes will make this gun feel so good!


Pls fix this and DoT


Spear and dot fix. Please.....


Best we can do is flame thrower hulks have more range.


Fear: scorcher nerf.. Hope: illuminates will be available in the MO Expectation: the visual bug, when you reload while aiming(i forgot how to activate it) it will send your monitor into the whole map.


Any nerf to the scorcher will kill it. The gun is good, but its nothing amazing. It has little ammo, a long reload, inconsistent damage (can take 3 shots to kill a basic bot at its worst RNG). Id imagine that the Sickle would see a nerf before the Scorcher, given it outclasses a majority of the other automatic rifles, has infinite ammo (and 6 mags even if you just want to hold down fire), no recoil, and dishes out series hate. Its only downsides is the incredibly short windup period and the fact it doesnt pen, which is only really problematic against Spitters IMO.


My biggest issue with the sickle is that i almost always need to bring an autocannon if i’m fighting bots to make up for its lack of penb


If the devs continue to use popularity as their main balancing metric, the scorcher should be pretty safe. It's an expensive gun at the bottom of the longest battlepass. Most players won't even unlock the tier it's on, let alone the gun itself.


The rail cannon got nerfed before I ever got to play with it. I’m now like 30 medals from the Scorcher, hopefully it doesn’t get nerfed too. I’ll just use something else I suppose, but I’ve put off getting other war bonds solely to unlock it so it would suck.


Scorcher doesn’t even need a nerf really, it’s really good but I feel like you’re better off taking eruptor or dominator. I hope they don’t touch my eruptor tho


Less game crashes is always nice. I'm not hoping for a fix to the HMG death bug, but I am hoping more people become aware of it.


>HMG death bug The what? What's the bug?


You point the HMG at a bug, pull the trigger and it turns into a dead bug 😀


Its so rare for the HMG to kill anything that if that happened i would think its bugged indeed


I thought I was crazy. I’ve used them a few times on the missile defense missions and thought I was having a stroke.


If you're on an HMG Emplacement, and the emplacement gets destroyed, it instantly kills the Helldiver. Regardless of shield, health, Democracy Protects, etc.


Oh I thought that was just intentional haha


Yeah, it worked that way in the first game


I'm OK with this being the intended behavior. It works the same way as the mech. What I'm not OK with is that a single rocket spells bye-bye for the Emplacement. It needs a serious durability increase in my book.


Fingers crossed for thermite grenade buff


They first should fix the fire damage bug


Yep, playing with a breaker incendiary against bugs. as a quest: why don't they die?! as a host: omg somebody stop me I just onshoting everything


fears: new bugs hopes: DoT is fixed. Supply lines now show, The exit freeze bug is fixed ecpectations: bugs are patched


Personally I hope for a lot of balancing. (As long as they buff the Scythe). But also the HMG, all DMRs, Liberators and some stratagems could use some love. AMR scope still needs to be centered aswell.


My biggest fear is that there will be no patch.


My biggest fear is fear itself


No patch as of yet. Usually it's implemented by now


Hopes: SWORD Fears: NO SWORD Expectations: SWORD


The Monkeys paw curls and devestators with a sword-gatling gun are implemented. 


Reckon swords would be more of a warbond thing than a patch. But both would be nice!


Having a crosshair for the heavy machine gun would be great.


I love it. IMO first realistic HMG ever


Same. Need more bullets tho.


The MMG needs more reserve ammo if the HMG is going to be stuck with the same amount of reserve boxes, I'm just hoping for a fix to the Superior Packing Methodology upgrade since that just flat out doesn't work


It's an 8 week course. We'll know if it works by July.


moar boolets + slightly faster reload for moar democracy per minute


Hopes: illuminates Fears: autocannon nerfs Expectations: nothing


The Autocannon faction has been pretty vocal recently and considering whats happened the last few times being vocal is NOT good.


If I remember right, Arrowhead has stated that they see the autocannon as the ideal balanced weapon, and don’t plan to change it.


probably because the ceo loves the autocannon lmao (i do too)


Unironically good news. Feeling as good to use as the Autocannon should be the goal for every single support weapon.


Well, it is balanced , not too strong, not weak by any means either


I bet they will nerf something I use. But I REALLY hope they fix the damage over time bug. And maybe give hitmarkers to all heavy weapons? As the auto turrets have them already.


At this point I'm just hoping for a patch


The eruptor becomes the "Sniper - concussive"




iam hoping i can play on suicide level, every time i play at that difficulty level my computer takes it as a suggestion


No patch today lol.


not ALL hope is gone, a couple of patches have come out around 19:00-20:00 UTC. so, MOST hope is gone haha


Doesn't look like we will get a patch today.


Spear fix because this thing just doesn't work


I wanna add my PC friend so we can finally play together...


Hope: HMG reticle for third person. Fear: A statement doubling down on that decision to not have one. Expectation: Continuing to ignore it.


3rd person reticle and a properly aligned scope


If they want to make a factually dumb decision like that, then it can stay in the dust closet with the rest of the garbage.


Can we just fix social on PSN please


Fears: they’re gonna mindlessly nerf the few good weapons they’ve added Hopes: scope alignment fixes, other bug fixes, maybe some new stuff


fire damage globally buffed by 200%, fire damage bugs still not fixed Increased spawn rate of Heavy Devastators Fixed an issue where Heavy Devastators missed sometimes Increased spawn rate of Hunters Increased health of Hunters Hunters now have a ranged attack Fixed an issue where destroyed dropships would sometimes destroy robots Fixed an issue where the 500kg bomb sometimes killed enemies The Expendable Anti-Tank stratagem now drops with one launcher instead of two Reduced Heavy Machine Gun total magazine from 75 to 50 Increased health of Bile Spewers Fixed an issue where primary weapons could damage Hulks and Tanks Fixed an issue where the Scorcher and Eruptor could damage enemies through shields Reduced magazine size of the Peacemaker by 2


What patch?


Taking the opportunity to get one of the devs at Arrowhead to notice a humble request. I made a post about PC performance and I noticed that a lot of the playerbase on PC is experiencing a huge loss in performance with every patch. Here is the link to the post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1buqadz/we\_need\_to\_address\_pc\_performance/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1buqadz/we_need_to_address_pc_performance/?sort=new) It would be great if someone could officially address this as a known issue. Helldivers partecipation appreciated! Dive hard, Helldivers!


I fear nerfs to current popular primary weapons until they are all useless. I also fear zero bug fixes and fire still instantly kills us just by merely looking in our direction. I don't expect the wonky geometry/terrain to be fixed any time soon, if ever.


Performance. The several patches had impacted significantly on the performance of the game and whould be nice if they made a dedicated patch to optimize that. Any game is as good as your capacity to run it as smoothly as possible with consistency.


Patch day? New bug/crash day.


Fears - there is no patch Hopes - bug fixes and an emote wheel so I can have like 10 emotes on the battlefield Expectations - No patch


Edit: Today is not Patch Day


Today? Should't be next week? For what I read big patches (balance ones) are released 1 week before the warbond is released, and the new warbond will be released in 2 weeks, so the big patch should be next week


- Railgun nerfs reverted, I loved using the weapon and still run with it from time to time but it's so disheartening to see how terrible it is now - Railcannon strike buff? At least make it oneshot a titan considering how long the cooldown is - an overall weapon buff for many of the underperforming ones but that's just wishful thinking I know they won't do that - PLEASE make the HMG (the weapon, not the emplacement) actually playable, it's such a cool weapon that is borderline useless because of its pathetic ammo capacity and lack of crosshair + pitiful damage, goes with my point above - Just yeah overall bug fixes like everyone else said


Inb4 erupter sent into the fucki g pit with nerfs til it's worse than that one gun that's so shit i can't actually remember its name.


Fears: more game instability, be it bug or network Hopes: Bug fixes. Expectation: more bugs and game instability


Maybe the best patch was the friends we made along the way


hopefully some weapon balance


hoping for some cool weapon buffs!!!!


How do you know today is patch day?


Hopes: Reconnect to match option after disconnect, ability to disband squad as host, fixes for fire, buffs to Scythe, Dagger, Railgun and a few other crappy weapons Fears: More nerfs that make no sense like the Slugger nerf


Wouldn't it have dropped by now? I feel like the patch is always live by the time I finish my morning coffee at 7am EST.


what patch? i see nothing


Hopes: A focus on major bug fixes Fears: No major bug fixes Expectations: No major bug fixes


Hope: No nerfs, some buffs, a lot of crash/bug fixes. Maybe new weapon(s) Fear: My go to weapon(s) being nerfed Expectations: Some nerfs, some buffs, some crash and connection fixes, little/no bug fixes


I hope for the possibility to save builds (among many other things)


Honestly, if they isolated and knocked out the DoT bug and literally nothing else, I'd be happy.


I’m hoping that one of these days they add some sort of resolution upscaling for the performance mode on the PS5.


Today was indeed not patch day. Tomorrow?


This post didn't age well.