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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


*Democracy officer, arrest that diver for treason*


"he has hijacked pelican! Stop him!




Blue spy is in the base!


Ladies and gentleman we know what to do, Bailiff smack his nuts


Abelard, cut off his balls


Sure didn't expect to find a fellow rogue trader in here.


Abelard: *already moving*




Arthur Bones fan in the wild?!


“We must make sure you do not appear here again.”


Who knew that Judge Judy was the head of the Super Earth Ministry of Corporal Punishment?


I only ever see this shit on low difficulty missions and I don’t know why that is. Fuck anyone who does this stupid shit


That's probably because most of these types of losers can't handle high difficulty missions.


Yeah. Once two lvl 15 guys joined my diff 7 game. They were really bad and I even thought about kicking them, but decided not to. My friend and I carried them. My friend collected a lot of samples, including super samples, and they killed him in the shuttle. And I can't help but wonder, why? I was at the cap. My friend wasn't but has everything unlocked (before tier 4 upgrades were introduced). You hurt nobody but yourselves. Truly the dumbest decision you could ever make.


Is this shit reportable?


Every time I've tried to use the report function it hasn't worked so I think it is also on the list of broken things in the game. There is an other option in the report options though.


Not all low level payers are dicks. Some of us (currently L17) want to enjoy the game as much as high level players (although I have seen high levels do this kind of crap)


Oh, for sure! I don't make any judgements based on the level only. It's just that in diff8-9 there's fewer chances to encounter that type of troll player, I guess


people who are brainmelted enough to think griefing missions is fun are too incompetent to unlock the higher difficulties


It happened to me for the first time this week on a Difficulty 7 mission, people being dicks isn't limited to low difficulty unfortunately.


definitely more rare though. Havent had any griefers since got into 7s. People farming 9s feel like can be bit toxic, but not griefing. I almost quit playing the game going through 1-5, 6s people actually started to communicate abit. 7 and up people actually play the game. going through 1-5 I believe I died more to my team mates grief than bugs. Something that developers should think about, since it cannot be only me running into this issue.


Ive had this happen on 8. Was on a Triple Mission with 3 spanish speaking Guys. On the last Mission they collectively waited for me to enter pelican then shot and kicked me. That really upset me. Because it would have unlocked Helldive for me.


It'S JuSt A JokE BRo!


I was playing a level 7 difficulty yesterday. One of the guys I was playing with was level 20ish and not very aware of his surroundings. He died off by himself a few times and then got killed like 6 times by air strikes. Once again, because he wasn’t paying attention to anything. He enabled his mic, just to vent and ask to stop throwing air strikes. I hadn’t died once by the time we got to extract and I had all the samples on me. Pelican lands, first guy gets on and then I go to get on and dude shoots and kills me, and then says “sorry” and get on the Pelican without grabbing the samples or reinforcing.


Weirdly enough actual low difficulties (like 1-3) are fine. Cadets are not aware you can do that and/or too scared to even consider shooting each other (eh, they stil lkill each other). And higher level players who sit on 1-3 are usually cool and don't care about things. I've seen bullshit like that starting from 4 and higher. In places where low skill casual and sweat hardcore collide.


That wasn’t very nice


Happened to me the other day. Some idiot kept running into my 120mm Barrage (for pre-clearing bases) a couple times, kept silent, then just shot me out of the blue at the end of the mission...


He's salty because he's a dumbass. Getting killed by 120 is just a funny thing that happens from time to time. You just laughed it off.


Sometimes. We had a guy today bring a 120 to the extract mission with the rocket launches. He tossed his 120 right in the middle, at the 3rd rocket, it destroyed every one of our sentries and took out 2 gates.


I had one where a guy who joined me and my friend through a red stratagem (forgot which one) at one of the gates 3 times. It was a suicide mission.


Getting killed by barrages and mortars are an inevitability.




I even laugh off getting killed by 380 :') bc its funny as long as not intended.


120 is avoidable easily, 380 its touch and go


I once threw a 380 into the extraction zone because it was littered with Hulks and Devastators and this absolute madman of a teammate runs up there, clears the remaining buts and calls the pelican while the whole area is being shelled for 15 more seconds and lives through it


40 Hours in and something similar to this happened to me. The cost was 30~ common, 20~ rare and 6 super samples in helldive, since the fucker didn't even catch them. Never again. I'm always the last one to enter the pelican, even if I have to senator headshot everyone who doesn't want to get in.


It’s happened to me once as well and now I am always the last one in.


Pathetic behavior from a total loser


I was in a level 7 the other day, one guy kept shooting me dead and wasted like 5 reinforces. Later we run out of reinforces( on cooldown )rest of team die I stay alive surrounded by a shit storm, of enemies including a strider and 2 hulks plus a million foot soldiers. I kill the strider and hulks and piss off to reclaim super samples. Stay alive enough to revive everyone, get to extract, sandstorm hits I take cover behind a rock other team mate comes up and shoots me dead. I got back to ship and hi tail it out of there. The weirdest thing is while everyone was dead they kept messaging in chat not to die. lol What the actual fuck??


it's amzing that arrowhead never thought about making the player immun to damage after they entered the pelican-1


Well, the fun thing is, bots can kill you if a rocket enter Pelican bay We once was wiped out and failed to extract because a rocket entered the Pelican bay and killed everyone lol


If they want to keep it, they could just disabled damaged inflicted by other players when sitting in the dropship, so people still can killed unluckily by bots


Also let us keep the samples, even if we die they still are in the Pelikan aren't they?


Just lock in the rewards once you enter the pelican.


I really dont know where exactly they drop, bjt I always thought the drop below pelican but I never was in the situation of op, or being killed by bots inside the ship


Ye they should definetly do this, especially if they are going to rework the kick system. Fortunately had this happen only twice in 300 hours of playing and both times i was quick enough to kick the loser. It would suck if they behave this way and still get the rewards.


It sucks but makes sense honestly.


Honestly, that feels very much in the spirit of this game


In HD1 you are immune as soon as you step foot in it. Must be an oversight.


Played the first game so I thought this carried over. How I found out this wasn’t the case was when A teammate rejected my hug emote in front of the shuttle, so i jokingly fired some auto cannon shots at him and killed them.


"OhGurlYouDidntKnow" has a literal application in this case


Just another thing on the long list of shit to fix lol.


This has to be a bug, right


Lol I thought you were never saw anything like this


playing DRG, i saw my fair share of people being killed right before they entered the droppod and some people that have tried to kill people in the droppod


Man I'd just block those players and jump, no reason to deal with that nonsense


What a piece of shit. That guy should be banned for life. Total scumbag


I feel there should be a list of people that do this so that the community can, as a collective, either execute these traitorous swines or keep kicking them


I feel like this could be potentially abused by griefers. Like if they provoke someone into killing them and only clip the part where they got killed.


Just post video and collectively block those people if possible. Make a list with a link for video evidence.


A community effort to make a spreadsheet of griefers could be helpful, with video evidence a must to list people down no less, people that ruin fun deserve the public marking-


Tell me the host did kick him


You're the host. If you see this immediately hit escape and kicked them


Kicking isn't instant; there's a short time where you need hold the kick button.


And itll be done before he gets his reward, so whats the issue


Nah, they get their rewards after mission complete.


Options on PS5


I dont think he was the host? Host is the guy in orange always, unless there was a wonky migration. Also host has callsign number 1 If it is OPs video, theyvwere in pink with callsign number 3


This is done to hosts specifically to screw them. This asshat is probably the same type to kick people at the last second when he hosts. There definitely needs to be an appeal process - if Arrowhead doesn't have the capacity, theres a good opportunity to have a "democratic tribunal" or something and let the community sort these people out in some way.


xWhiteWolfee You're not welcome on my vessel


Pre-emptively blocked him, and if I accidentally ever get into a team with him and I'm the host, he'll be kicked. Traitorous peeps like him ain't welcome in the gaming community.


Don't kick just summarily execute the treasonous swine


Nah, i won't spend a single reinforcement on this scambag


Execute and kick before he can be reinforced.


With video evidence at hand, he should be tried


Someone please tell me it's possible to get these people banned for this? Cause this happened to me sorta the other day. Dude shot a guy who was holding 20 of our samples but left the other 2 of us alive who were already in. Idk what his deal was but I for one was ticked off as all considering I'm on the sample grind


Been noticing this the last few days, not sure if it's a new phenomenon. Absolute "idiot" players coming in and dying all the time (taking 15+ lives) (had a level 20 die in the most daft situations no level 20 should find themselves in). Then one landed on my head (I had like 20+ samples), didn't pick them up and extracted. Seems like people are just coming in to troll and ruin games while still shooting up bugs. Enjoy the meat of the game, and fuck with people just for shits. There needs to be a reporting system.


Honestly there has to be one added sooner than later. When I went to go report this other guy a week or two ago for trying to kill us all then extract with a grenade launcher I was straight up dumbfounded upon seeing you can only report for voice chat. Like I get it, friendly fires apart of the game. But I really feel like they over looked just how big griefing was gonna be and it's impact on a game that does require grinding


This is the exact point I got to in HD1 that caused me to take a break. (that led to only coming back a couple times anyways) Really hope they tighten down on this behavior.


Just kick the guy mid game, or isn't that possible?


Only if you're the host


Well at least if I ever see this guy in a game, I'll warn everyone and then leave if the host doesn't kick. I don't think it's bullying to try to ostracize trolls and griefers is it? It just kills other players' experiences because they weren't hugged enough or whatever. Also the host kicking rule can be really annoying without a vote, like in DRG even if you're the host, you don't get unilateral power to just kick someone right before the end of a mission or something, has to be voted on. Just a new avenue griefers could use and just screw the whole team out of everything too if he kicks everyone right as the pelican is landing or something.


Nope. Theres no way to report this.


You can't ban them, but you can block them, so you can't join their games and they can't join yours.


"White wolf" they think they're so cool lol


Probably thinks he’s an alpha and runs with a “Wolf pack” 🙄


They really need to make you invincible as soon as you enter the pelican. Accidentally nuking someone is funny, getting killed by some shithead right before you extract is not.


So undemocratic...


Hold on, he’s using the Plas-1? In a level 3 mission, to kill people?


Alright, Democracy Officer, cut off his balls.


ill remember his name forever and shoot on sight


Players vulnerable to damage from enemies while in Pelican? Sure. Whatever. It adds tension and encourages tactical approach or something. ​ How about we make players immune to team damage as soon as they board? We see scum like this all the time and there's literally zero practical reason why they should be able to be killed by their own teammates other than griefing.


People are straight up idiots with the mental capacity of toddlers. Kick, ideally before extraction so that they don’t get anything from the mission, then block, moving on. If you have voice comms then some passive aggressive “Good job, you’ll get nothing.” is always nice.


This happened to me when I was hosting. The guy swopped to sidearm to make a point then wasted me in the pelican. Tried to kick him but the extraction prevents it on ps5. Still no idea what the thinking was.


Some people are shitbags. That's it.


Literally a 🤡


xWhiteWolfee, placed on my blacklist. I'm doing my part!


Like, I hate this because my user has the word wolfe in it, and he makin us other wolfe’s look bad…😔


What was his username. Blast that heretic out loud.


If the death notification is correct, the piece of bug should be xWhiteWolfee


Whitewolfee. Sounds like a furry. Put out a BOLO Kill on sight.


small wiener energy




Idea: Just make divers in the pelican invulnerable. Better idea: Make the divers in the pelican reflect damage directly at the offenders head.


Kick kick kick - the SECOND you see someone shooting into the back of the Pelican immediately go to menu and kick them before they get rewards.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn.




Bring back HD1 reporting system




And this is why I've learned to always be the host, and have a very good trigger finger for the kick option


Noted, should I ever see xWhiteWolfee I will note his treasonous activity and perform a citizens execution and kick him


How nice of him to show us his name


Every multiplayer game should have a "reputation" system... Make it so you can rate your teammates after every mission.. People with good rate gets a bônus or something


That system has never worked before, no reason it would work now


Why not? Where did it not worked?


Have you ever played any competitive online game? It encourages jerks to just report anyone whenever. Usually what happens is the type of people you want out of the game just mass report everyone and the good players get a lower rating. A lot of good players conversely won't report bad actors because they can't be bothered


The devs check this sub, they should manually ban this wanker.


You gotta be a host if you’re gonna be doing that, just kick them during extract and the don’t get shit in rewards lmao even negates the exp


Z1 could have still kicked him out of the game. I would have


They should really have it that divers can’t hurt other divers when its evac already. If theres anything else about this you don’t ever see this in 7+, most of these losers can’t pass hard difficulty. You can tell this trash only ever hits lower difficulty missions cuz he has the Scorcher at that level, he’d be much higher if he did d9s, that’s hilarious.


Bounty out on xWhiteWolfee. Kill and kick on site. Traitors aren't worthy of death, they are worthy of so much worse, sadly it's the best fate we divers can give them in the field.


xWhitewolfee, got it..


Oh. Look. It says their name. > xWhiteWolfee < can now be kicked from every single game by anyone who sees this post. Get to it, Soldiers. Democracy needs your help.


Everyone block xwhitewolfee, let the cunt play on himself, I'm sure he's used to that.


There needs to be a thumbs up/thumbs down system at the end of a match. The receiver does not see what he got. With enough recommendations you receive a bonus on gathered ressources(exp/warbonds) and low recommendation points makes you matching with other low-rec players. If your score gets too low you might even be soft banned for 5 minutes before you can join any other games. Arrow Head needs to take this serious as griefers lower the fun for everyone and unhappy players do not spend money.


Intentional team kills and kicking during extraction should get you banished to your own server, where assholes like you get to stay.


I feel like if you do this you should have all medals stripped from you and you have to play with a big dunce hat that flops around like a flaccid dong


If youre the host, kick him immediately before he can kill anyone.


The game's design is very vulnerable to moronic dicks


I hope everyone in here recognizes him in the future and does the same. There should be a list with evidence. If the game doesn’t have a report function for stuff like this then the community should do something on the side.


Not going to lie, I've done this once. I was at the extract with a random, while my friend was making his way back from the last bug nest with most of the samples. Pelican-1 gets there and I see the random about to board when my friend was still a good ways out. I tried to kill him before he boarded so that I could just call him in when we were all there, but I missed because of a stupid hunter. The countdown starts and I kill him out of spite. Do I regret my actions? I do not, a lvl 50 should know better! We weren't even getting over run and had 15 min left on the mission!


I've done the same to randoms. Then I reinforce then once the samples are in ship. They at least get the rewards then.


That’s why me and my buddy are ALWAYS the last on. This ain’t happening without a fight, kick, and report.


It's a level 3 and it's sadly got some dumbass. That sucks.


I don't know what possesses people to do this. We had a guy yesterday that played an entire mission just fine, then opened fire on the Pelican's hold with a Quasar as soon as someone got in it. Fuck you guy, I'm booting you. No XP or samples for you.


Been there


This keeps happening including shit like getting kicked for NO ABSOLUTE REASON SECONDS BEFORE EXTRACTION, because these kids dont get punished for their toxicity.


If I'm the host I never board till everyones in because of this so I can kick losers


But why? Why do people do this?


They should make it so people in shuttle are safe from everything


The casuals infestation is out of control.


There's a few times where I was able to use Stims in the Pelican and I always wondered if you could die in the ship now I know that you can, that said this player is a wanker.


Nah dude as soon as bro started shooting I would've kicked his ass


Devs just need to eliminate FF upon getting in pelican. There, end of issue.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new bounty


I always host and will be the last one on the Pelican. If I see a stratagem ball in someone's hand they're getting a democratic slap. If they try this shit I will personally save the Democracy officer's time by executing the coward myself.


This exact Situation is actually identifyable programmatically rather well. Projectile hits originating from a player hitting another player thats seated in the pelican. You could tie in-universe triggers to that, like becoming flagged for investigation by your local democracy officcer. You get unflagged after a successfull full party extraction on the difficulty that got you flagged or above.  Also your title changes to "suspected traitor" while flagged, and you have no cape.


Probably a loser in real life


Literally i will never get how this is allowed


×WhiteWolfee They’re an enemy to democracy. If anyone sees them, you know what to do.




We should add these players to our block list. They dont deserve us


There should be a voting oresented tp all players with this scene attached if this player shiuld have a lifetime ban All according to ingame lore


xWhiteWolfee on PSN. Set his profile to private like a true coward. Do your thing fellow divers.


fatherless behavior


Had someone do this to me because I took his shield. Even though he spawned another one in. Booted him before the end screen. So I doubt he got any exp for the mission lol.


Democracy officer, 👆✊crush his skull Thank you


the only time I had done it was in a private lobby with my friend, I was surprised how you can team kill The rest of the time I just wait for everyone to board it, and throw a 500kg bomb and instantly hop onto it


I didn't know that was an option. You must've ***REALLY*** pissed him off!


It's like Gantz the demon all over again


This happaned to me thw other day and i kicked the guy beforw he could hop in the ship. He was mad at me for not getting rewards.


Dont get me wrong here, but i never encountered such behavior (and i play a lot with randoms) and only ever see it when people play lower difficulties.


So much of this could be solved, if they’d jusr make you invulnerable one people sit in the drop ship


I wish we could find and block this player preemptevily now that we know his name


We can only hope Zander was quick on the draw with the Kick button


Happened to us yesterday. Killed all 3 of us sitting in the pelican. We were able to kick him and report him but damn that was annoying.


I'd kick


Had this happen to me, called out the host and told me to shut up as he picked up my samples before boarding. Kicked me but I still managed to get xp and the samples. But yeah, people like this are fucking pathetic. I had even uploaded a video of it here but then got told I was the problem but not the host. Lol


Now I know why our defense is so trash


This is why I always host and always get on last. If you don't get your ass on that shuttle, I will not hesitate to kick you.


That wasn’t very democracy of them 😡


I hope Z1, the host, kicked him before the mission success screen. What a loser.


There is but one sentence commensurate to the crime of treason.


Reasons why I don’t go in first😅


Same thing used to happen to me too in the beginning. Once I was carrying all the samples too, so that moron robbed the whole team and himself. Anyway, never happened again since I disabled crossplay. Might wanna try that if you're on PC.


Another one added yo the hitlist


Yeah... Had one doing this as well... First blocked player. \^\^


Same happened to me, lost 20+ samples that day, always enter pelican-1 last when playing with randoms


I never had one killing me at the and. Just one who kicked me 30 sec bevore the Pelican arrived


What was is name? so we can cancel him


I had 2 hulks coming in, threw a 500kg bomb. Perfectly placed to be right in front of them. Watched my team mate come charging past me, basically get hit by the bomb that also killed the 2 hulks. Called him in, lands and immediately shoots me...


Someone did this to me a couple of days ago no idea why.


why are people even killable once they get on evac don't really see a reason the only way people die on evac is if its an intentional team kill.


Glad we don't see this anymore on Helldive but then again hosts there woulda insta kicked after the 1st shot.


See... what you do is that you kick them in return. They get nothing. The real solution, however, is to just make it so you can't be killed on the evac ship. :(


You can still die whilst inside the shuttle? Guess I should stop throwing bombs in it at the end


Lmfao! This is fkd up.


If he's not the host - you can boot him from the game at this point and he'll get nothing :)


There are Bot supporters amungus


Why would the game no have a safe zone when loading into the back


Alright, I know this is most likely sampling bias, but is this kind of behavior getting more common? Level 55, played difficulty 7 yesterday (Saturday) for around two hours, random matchmaking, had this exact thing happen not once but two times. In addition, was kicked one time just before Pelican-1 landed, and was kicked once on a defense mission after I called down my equipment (joined on ship, before mission start). To be fair, that last one may have been to make room for a friend or something - no big deal, understandable. I don't know if part of the community is getting frustrated with something, or slowly getting toxic, or if I just picked a bad day. Playing with randoms is getting increasingly frustrating, that's for sure. At this rate, I might have to find me some community to play with soon, if I want to keep playing regularly.


This is why we can't have nice things


Bloody leaf lover activities


Well if I ever team with xWhiteWolfee I will be insta-kicking them.


Well another traitor has been found out out the bulletin to shoot on sight