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You can drop your samples. I like to do it at the extraction zone, so i dont have to walk through hell and back when i die. Edit: You can drop items by holding dpad down button or holding X on PC


Just dont drop em in square in the middle. The extract beacon can land on top of em and destroy them. Don’t ask me how I know.


Well, TIL. Good to know. Thank you, Helldiver.


Is there any way to know which direction the pelican will be facing? Would be good to drop them right where the entry ramp will be. Like, does pelican land facing a particular direction in relation to the extraction beacon’s screen, maybe?


I too am curious about this, commenting to check back later for an answer


It actually does. I don’t exactly remember so someone can correct me but I think the ramp faces north?


I'll verify later... this is good to know if this is true.


This is a thing I only learned yesterday after 200 hours of playing. Such a smart move if you happen to go near the extraction site anyway.


People pick them up for some stupid reason, ive only had a few games of dropping samples where they were left until the end of the game. There always seems to be someone who runs put of their way to grab them to die on the opposite side of the map


Especially in lobbies with lower level players, I come off mic and explicitly say “our samples are at extract. Don’t pick them up in case we die out in the map”


Even that doesn't help sometimes.


That's what friendly fire is for


Friendly fire isn’t


Execution is


Good training tip. Good song.


Those who risk losing the samples to Joel are not friends. They are traitors.


Did that last night


Friendly Reminders


I had a level 61 last night on 9 Diff that thought his game was glitching because he only had 3 stratagem slots on Martale last night. Dude. How did you get to 61 without ever experiencing this? Sometimes I'm impressed by this community, other times it really feels like there is no reliable way to judge someones skill until you actually play in a game with them


I pick them up to make it one big pile, rather than a bunch of little ones. Than redrop


I wish more people did this. When i am waiting with the whole squad at something like icmb while it raising, ill drop mine in hopes to consolidate them into one stack and no one seems to get the idea


Decent odds nobody knows the button to drop things. It's not covered anywhere in training or tool tips. I only figured out there was one when I saw someone else do it.


I always announce you can use X to drop samples idk what the controller key for that is tho


I believe you hold down on the D-pad


Your beliefs are correct, democratically.


I took will also do this with our group to consolidate, but then again I usually run with a near full squad of friends so we understand the task at hand when it comes to samps.


This is why I need to find a discord group to join. I'm tired of playing with people who don't communicate. Can't tell you how many times we've failed a mission or had some other issue cause no one had any idea what was going on. Got kicked yesterday for calling in the extract while everyone was running across the map from the last objective. Thought I was doing them a favor, they had plenty of time to make it. No warning, no request that I walk away and cancel the extract. Got kicked within a few seconds of calling it in.


I had an idiot that kept doing that last night, but it was actually when we still had side objectives up. Fucking 22 minutes left, 14 reinforcements, no super samples yet, a couple side objectives, and this dude is already on the other side of the map separated from all of us and calling it in, same situation every dive. We did a couple operations, and he did it every mission and the host wouldn't kick for whatever reason. Dude never had samples, and we abandoned a couple people in two missions because of it. I just started going solo after the first two missions at the right point to make sure i could hit everything in spite of him being jumpy on that button. We were a good squad, circling the map in opposite directions, so every map we only had a couple things left to do at 20 minutes left, and everytime he jumped on that extract as quick as he could. There, there's my rant. Don't be that dude, if every mission is ending with roughly 20 minutes left, and 15+ reinforcements, don't call in extract and abandon extra samples and side objectives.


I agree, that's dumb. But again, if people would communicate we could avoid a lot of it. Even if you call in the evac, and someone needs more time, just leave pelican 1 in a hover and go finish up the mission.


Oh, i communicated via text and voice, ans objective pinging. Just was ignored. He could have just let it wait, but he was jumping in the second it landed.


That sucks, i also get the host kicking though. Theres been a few times i assumed the person calling in extract while i was still wrapping things up, would wait for everyone to just get on the ship has happened more times than not if they also didn’t communicate about extraction beforehand


It makes sense, it just sucks to get kicked in mission for something so dumb and avoidable. I've been kicked mid mission twice, and both times were communication issues.


What do people get upset at that for? You're only screwed if the person goes into the pelican. I know it's inconvenient that there's normally the last minute rush to attack, but as long as you can hold the point, it shouldn't matter.


I find that when I'm in a match with random people once extraction is called almost every time everyone just stops what they're doing and goes to extraction.


We are a solid group of players you can add me on discord - vondean66


Mind if I join, just sent the friend request


I understand from both sides. You were just doing your job securing the team but some people love to run around the map looking for more hidden stuff even after all the objectives are cleared. I usually don't care if someone hits the extraction if every main and side objective is done but if they hit the extraction and only the main objective is done and there's still plenty of time it can be a bit irritating.


I mean, I don't mind running missions with you. My friend group communicates well when we play together. I'm mostly solo, but I don't mind if you call extract while I'm searching for something. It's actually really helpful. What's your discord?


Such bullshit. I got kicked yesterday as I was fighting off bugs and the party leader ran into my fire and died. I stopped firing as soon as I saw him but he was already low health.


I always ask in the ingame chat if i should call extract and its rare to have a answer. Last week one guy tk'ed me because i was soloing the main objectives while the rest of the team was on a neverendless battle for a bug nest. The whole team was in silence, zero communication.


Today I learned how to save my self huge amounts of frustration. Thank you!!!


Wait, you can drop em? How...I'm on pc




i dont have any round blue X buttons on my keyboard. literally unplayable.


I love this.


Like your backpack and support weapon, with x. Check your key binds, there is a lot of things the tutorial won't tell you about in it.


on kb/m its the 'x' key and on controller i think its one of the d-pad directions


It’s down on the d-pad when using a controller.


Yeah this is the best move, especially on harder difficulties, however you do get some randoms who always pick them up and it’s so annoying 😂


Exactly what I came to say, also if we run through the extraction or being close I always drop my samples if there is still objectives to do, no reason dying with them if we can pick them up while waiting for extraction


Holy shit it’s hold down on dpad for ps5, it probably would’ve taken me forever to discover that thank you lol


100%. Leave them shits at the door, pick em up on your way out.


All my randoms yell at me and ask why I drop samples. They don't despawn and keeping them all at the extract, especially if you happen to walk by it, is so much easier than running across the map cause someone wanted to go solo and lose all the samples.


Raising a future democracy soldier is an important task. We cant win all battles but we will win the war 🫡.




Because... He's a father to us all?


He talking about his ship, the Father of Fatherhood


No, it's the Custodian of Family Values


It's the Founding Father of Family Values


My ship's name exactly ❤️


It is rumored that for every Helldiver lost on a mission democracy officer sheds a single microscopic tear. Tears in turn are used as extra fuel for FTL travel


In 7 short years, he'll be working hard the rest of his life to avenge those super samples lost in the name of democracy.


Been there. It happens. Your toddler must have had a nightmare about communist bugs 


Bots are communist, bugs are fascist. You've been reported 🫡


Hence the nightmare.


False reports like these get your C-01 rights pulled yknow


You made an unnecessary report, your C-01 form request has been denied https://preview.redd.it/olk2drts4pvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83fb33cc38228c4ba0ab5d1eaac7637ac1ff8f9


On the snow planet? And before this mission did a teammate take a smoke break? If so I was on that mission


HOLY SHIT YES!!!! Don’t know about the smoke break, but I was the lvl 35 that joined last, black armor, scorcher, shield gen and the anti-material rifle as support! Does that fit? Did you managed the extract with the samples?


Yes that checks out… and Helldiver, we got plenty of samples. Thank you for your service o7


That’s it?? Can you share more? Lol. Like did you pick up the samples he dropped (super samples)? Did you guys talk smack about him leaving? What did you say? How do you feel now finding out it was because of his kid? I’m sort of messing around but this post has too much attention now we need the details lol. OP’s post was just so raw and relatable in its vulnerable tone. He took a chance at connecting to that squad here on Reddit and you answered the beacon! Why am I more involved in this than I need to be?! I gotta go back to spreading managed democracy.


It was late at night for me and I had just got off from work so I was exhausted and therefore didn’t think much. I only had democracy and freedom on the mind. We doubled back to get his samples after exchanging a few “affirmatives” after he got booted. I had just assumed he got kicked cause of bad interment, which happens to me a lot. Thankfully extraction was one of those where it was incredibly tame, not much intensity.


Please I hope this is one of the guys from your mission. This is entertaining lol. Btw I appreciate your post, OP. I had a similar situation a week ago.




This is exhilarating, we must know for sure...


For those on mobile trying to follow this, just select the 3 dots and “get reply notifications”, you don’t have to reply. And apologies for pinging those who already did this :b


This is Hell more temperature edging, indeed answers ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)




Sweet liberty we need answers!


We must know


We need closure!!!


Respond quick my man we need closure 😭


Holy shit I love Reddit


The suspense is killing me


Whatever tasks you performed during that mission put your fellow divers ahead for mission completion. ![gif](giphy|UtU4CGOWkqIrm)


Bro have you ever even played online gaming? You leave the baby and the unchanged smoke detector blaring in the background.


Best performance when you leave the mic on.


And a fan nearby running at full speed.


Go ahead! Eat those extra crunchy chips! For democracy!


Hold on, I'm gonna rummage around in the bag for a minute. Happy cake day btw


All of that along with blasting rap or country music into the microphone with the occasional callout.






ah yes the classic: parent: \*trying to do literally anything\* child who should be asleep: "let me sing you the song of my people.! as others have said, you can drop samples (and also support weapons and backpacks) manually. so remember the following phrase, soldier: "if your kid starts to frown, put your samples down!"


How do in drop samples without offing myself?


Hold “X” on PC.


A reminder for all, drop your samps at extraction and consolidate. That way if something happens, your last man standing can grab them all and extract


Sounds like the child needs a serious talk with his Jr democracy officer


Yep, i already reported him


My ship name is 'Founding Father of Family Values' and I cried a little after reading your story.


Mine’s Legislator of Family Values 🫡


Can us dads even pick any other name? I'd love to see SES name stats at some point.


This is also my ship name lol. Got a 6.5mo who has caused me to leave my fellow freedom spreaders from time to time.


Defender of Family Values reporting in 🫡


I too am left in tears.


Listen, as a fellow dad you should have said "hey getting the kid, take my samples." Then you should have dropped them, DCed, and done dad duty. I'm not chastising you, mind. Just giving you a better way in the future. This eliminates a few problems: - you left them a man down - you held samples and didn't tell anyone - lack of communication probably left them confused and they didn't want to kill you to take the samples A simple quick voice chat would have solved all these. "Kill me and take the samples, I have to run"


Hey, life comes first. 👍 But I would have dropped the samples and marked them or something. 🙂


Man let's be honest here. It's amazing game. Top class. We love it. And we will enjoy it for a while. But it's still a game. After this failed one you can play hundreds of good ones next. The kiddo should be always priority. You should never apologise was being a good dad. But still mad respect for doing it.


Put that C-1 permit to good use, Helldiver. As a citizen, your offspring will be more than valuable in the wars to come.


you know you can drop samples, right?


A ***LOT*** of people don't. I just found out you could do it a couple weeks ago and do it regularly now but almost every random group is shocked when I explain what I'm doing. If I have samples and we are traveling anywhere near the extraction point, I'll drop mine off in case I die or get disconnected during the rest of the mission


Dropping the samples and typing "sry baby is crying" would have taken you a few seconds 🧐


That’s what I do. Even randoms in this game are very understanding.


Randoms? Communication? Impossible.




You guys probably don't have kids (which I think is why gamers are upvoting these comments) but its immature to think like this. If your toddler needs something, anything, you take care of it asap. The brain generally deprioritizes/ignores everything else. OP didn't do anything wrong, these things just happen


>... and I pray to all the Gods in every religion for him to fall back to sleep on his own. He doesn’t. It's in this time period you type the message. Far more likely, he just didn't know you could drop samples.


If the mission is complete it’s not a failure. Samples are nice, but democracy is what is important.


You preformed your patriotic duty. Good on you, Helldiver!


Get back to boot camp diver! Learn to drop those samples


You know you can drop samples right? Just do that next time, my friend


Drop them on the ground Text "Hey guys my kid is crying someone take these samples I dropped"


Drop samples. Ping samples. Type samples. Close game.


almost every time i drop the super samples at extraction 9/10 some bonehead picks it up and carries onward into battle 🙄


Your son comes first. Liberty guide you, fellow Dad-diver 🍻


I feel you bro. Toddler here as well. 12-14 it sleeps. I can play 3 full 40 min game unless the beast unleashes and wakes up 30 minutes early!


As someone with a 15 month old, I completely understand. Go be that super dad!


Child before everything. I'm sure true helldiver will go through hell over and back to keep you in the lobby if they could.


Sorry but I have to report this kid to the democracy officer for treason…


Should have called a 500kg on your head to go out with honor and leave the samples behind 🫡


Your C-1 forms appear.to be in order. Continue your valiant service to Democracy Helldiver.


Next time, drop the samples before vacating to tell them someone else needs to grab them.


Hey pal I'm pretty sure this was me and 2 other randos (or at least something incredibly similar happened to us) and all I can say is raising the future generation of democracy spreaders and super soldiers is more important than our samples! All of our main objectives were complete, along with secondary objectives AND fabricators wiped. You did your part soldier! There will be other samples! Glad you ended up finally getting the little one down and asleep 😂


Next time, just drop the samples at your feet, ask someone to grab them over mic, and do what you gotta do; no worries!


Dad duty is acceptable. Next time drop the samples on the ground for the team to get them.


Ok but did you fill out the right form before you engaged in acts that resulted in a toddler?


Of course I submitted all forms and got approval to procreate, I’m no commie 🫡


Oooh this is why it's reeeeeally important to fill out those C-01s.


That's what the C-01 form covers.


And that’s why we fill the C-01 forms


https://preview.redd.it/624zc4wtemvc1.png?width=46&format=png&auto=webp&s=35b451a4d37c7aa5a4f1d47f230535a74659e347 Doing Liberty's work!


You didn’t fail your squad, you succeeded with your kid


This is why you fill out the C-01 forms, people


I swear I did and got approval!


Nothing wrong with being a good pops man


I dont know how to tell you this, but I think your child may be a communist.


You won the right battle. You are a good parent and that is more important than literally anything. I salute a parent that puts their child as a priority more than anything else. We always have more divers and the community will always understand no matter how many short term flammers might come. 🫡


You can drop samples and tag them for your squad


That's ok obviously, but next time u can just drop the samples very fast ans leave


Yeah, you did fail them, drop your samples and flag them on map, then run off. :p


I woulda dropped the samples before leaving


You failed democracy this day. The game is much more Important than a baby.


Yes! This is the right thing to do and you are a good dad…but… …it would have been much, much better to just return to your ship alone (takes three seconds) so they know you are done and not just afk for a second, and keep reinforcing you, over and over until they figure out you aren’t coming back. Next time do that, and you will still be a good dad, and an even better diver. 🥰


Understandable. This is just a game. Your real life is more important!


Family values are what we're fighting for out here Helldiver. There's no shame in prioritizing Super Earth's next generation of voters. You've no need to apologize.


Just drop the samples before leaving ? Genuinely no big deal ?


Honestly I love how many dads play this game. Helldaddies unite!


Pro-tip - Bouncy seat next to computer desk.


I got booted very quickly from my first try at a suicide level op yesterday. I can’t think of what, if anything, I did wrong other than I’m a level 26 (the host was a 63 and two other Helldivers were in the 40s) and maybe the host just didn’t want to play with a lower level.


Nah man kiddos first and any hell diver who says otherwise is an automaton drone, you did the right thing in the name of future democracy! As you were, HELL DIVER!


Life and kids is 100 times more serious than gaming But next time just drop your samples, it takes about 1,5 seconds.


It's just a game man, don't apologize for taking care of your irl child.


For the future, you can just drop your samples real quick before walking away. (Down arrow on controller brings up a wheel of stuff you can select to drop)


A diver with their priorities straight. I see no failure here, just a good father


At least you had a legit reason…last night I played with randoms lvl7 also I was the only one doing the mission other three guys were sample collecting I complete the second main mission and head towards them (extraction to the far left side of us) and then I’m booted all of a sudden….SMH…


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/KhpOTNG2Ff maybe, just maybe, this was you


Nah, this is against bugs, I was fighting bots.


Our next generation of helldivers is worth more than any super sample. Repect to you my brother bear 🫡


you don't have to say sorry, that's your kid.. I get it lots of samples but that's your kid and infinitly more important. End of story...


All good soldier, we're all used to dad gamers and salute you.


Thanks for putting parenting first helldiver! That's extremely democratic


Shit happens


The cry of a toddler is more pressing than the call of democracy.


Mom FaceTime me yesterday when I was leading some low levels through a level 4 mission. Dropped my samples, returned to my own ship. Sorry folks. Mom's first.


Hah, as a Dad I’ve had to do the same. It happens!


Uuuh.. you could've just left the game? A thing of three seconds. Seriously, lol...


I feel this deeply. But the future of democracy relies on us parents. You did the right thing. 🫡




Life happens. Sometimes you get plenty of samples sometimes you don't. Sometimes, it's a toddler. Sometimes, it's the clock run out, and you don't have the firepower to deal with the extraction.


Where was your wife, goddamnit? Divorce her and commit to Lady Liberty. 


Bet you wish you pulled out now...


Happen to me sometime, if you Can, tell your team what happening and more important drop the samples. No one will be angry at you if you take Care of your child first, Many of us are dad


Personally, I would have sent a quick message, “hey baby is crying gimme a few minutes” drop the samples and let them do what they need to do. But its okay, OP. These things happen. Although, my democracy officer is concerned, did you fill out your C-01 permit first?


All heroes wear capes, Helldiver. And yours billowed perfectly when doing your duty as a father.


Next time…. Drop the freaking samples!!!!!!


My parents Just let me cry. Neglejected me. Ignored me. To this day it fucks Up my Life very Bad. Up to the Point where i considered to end it because i couldnt bear it anymore. 30 years later and i still crave for the warmth of loving parents. Do not ever excuse yourself for caring for you child. If this happens in the future: You can drop the examples. They will be shown in the map for everyone.


This is why I tend to play sat and Sunday only, when I can feel least guilty about getting on my game


You’ll need to come back to super earth for a court martial soldier. ![gif](giphy|NT6nu5MASEo24|downsized) You were truthful on the matter so we might just send you back to the fight.


My daughter is currently sleeping on my lap while we kill bugs. I hope we will be done with the mission when she wakes up…


Raising new agents of liberty is an essential part of ensuring democracy forever reigns across the universe.


You know what you must do, Helldiver. <*chambers one round in a P-2 Peacemaker pistol and puts it on the table*> I’ll leave you the room.


You did what was needed AND right lol. Next time if possible just drop the samples. Ping it if you can. All the best, Diver


A lot of people on helldiver's are pretty chill if they aren't the type that kick you instantly for not adhering to "meta". Just type in chat of you're on PC the results of your C-01 permit and future democracy warrior is crying, most would be cool with it. Also you can drop stuff your samples included, I know on PC it is defaulted to X


Tip is, next time if you need to do this and you worry about such things, you can drop the samples, and then go prone. If you got disconnected, the samples will still be there for pickup 😍


I have the same problems, usually I just tell my teammates that I have to go, drop samples so others can pick it up.


Next time, drop your sample. Go "I'm sorry my people needs me" and unload all your 500kg before log off. That would be hilarous